HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072575_Report_19950214- 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director A0TYWA IT [D E 1--i N R February 14, 1995 Mr. Steven Woodruff CERTIFIED MAIL Golden Poultry, Inc. RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED P. O. Box 2210 Atlanta, Georgia 30301-2210 Subject: Diagnostic Report Proposed Special Order by Consent Golden Poultry, Inc. NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 Lee County Dear Mr. Woodruff: In your letter to me dated January 17, 1994, you transmitted Golden Poultry's response to our comments on the company's diagnostic report. While this response contained a great deal of valuable information, there are still areas which require additional clarification. 1. When the wastewater treatment system was originally designed, what was the number of days per week that the overland flow system was intended to be in service? If more than five days per week, what was the effect of reducing the number of days per week in service on the quality of the effluent? 2. What were the reasons for the reduced efficiency of the DAF unit during May, June and July of 1994? This is of special concern to us since there were also major permit violations for this same period of time. 3. There seems to be missing data on the effluent from the DAF unit for the month of July, 1994. Samples are normally collected and analyzed weekly but during this month the results for only one sample were provided. What was the reason for the missing data? 4. On page 3 of your report, you stated that "there has been a trend of increasing concentrations of BOD, TSS, and TKN in influent water to the DAF unit over the past 2-1/2 years". What is the reason for this increasing concentration? 5. On page 4 of the report you state "The NH3-N concentration in DAF effluent on July 14, 1993 was above the design level for NH3-N." What was the reason for this increased concentration? 6. On page 5 of the report you state the DAF performance has not been the major factor contributing to the noncompliance". We fail to see how such a matter of fact statement can be made considering the correlation between the poor performance of the DAF unit during the summer of 1994 and the effluent violations during these same months. How can taking a major part of your treatment system off line not have a significant effect on the quality of the effluent? Please explain. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-5293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 o% post -consumer paper 7. On page 7 of the report while discussing the effects of taking fields out of service you state "We do not attribute BOD noncompliance to this action". We do not understand how this conclusion was reached. Please explain. 8. On page 8 of the report you cite an EPA report which state "Studies with screened raw and primary effluent municipal wastewaters showed effluent BOD concentrations during rainfall events to be only slightly elevated above normal operations values, but well below the 30 mg/1 secondary treatment standard". We agree that your effluent values are below 30 mg/l, but the data in table 10 does not support the contention that the concentrations are only slightly elevated. You data show an average BOD of 4.1 mg/l with no rain increasing to 12.71 mg/1 with over 1.0 inch of rain. This would seem to indicate that either deposited materials are being washed off the field during rain events or the wastewater is receiving lower levels of treatment during rain events, or very possibly both. Please provide sufficient information to clarify this issue. 9. On page 14 of the report you state "The operating pressure issue with the DAF system was not a significant problem". What led you to that conclusion? What data is available to support that position? 10. On page 14 of the report you state "The ideal pH for the optimum treatment in DAF systems will vary from plant to plant as well as day to day". What is the optimum pH for this facility? 11. The effluent sampling for the months of June and July, 1994, deviate from the normal practice of Wednesday monitoring. Why was this done? This is of concern to us considering the facility's noncompliance during these months. 12. How often in the past two years has production taken place on weekends? When were these production periods? We look forward to working with you to resolve these remaining issues and to receiving your expeditious response. If we can be of any further assistance in this or any other matter please do not hesitate to contact me at 91gn33-5083, extension 528. Sincerely, Dennis R. Ramsey Assistant Chief for Operations Water Quality Section cc: Craig Bromby Jill Hickey Raleigh Regional Office SOC File GOLD KIST INC. P.O. Box 2210 • Atlanta, GA 30301.244 Perimeter ter Pkwy, N.E. tlanta, A 30346 • (404) 393.5000 January 17, 1995 tl � LIU Mr. Dennis R. Ramsey North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Re: Diagnostic Evaluation Report Golden Poultry Company, Inc. Sanford, North Carolina Dear Mr. Ramsey: This letter is in response to your letter dated November 8, 1994. The information presented herein addresses the seventeen (17) questions raised in your November 8, 1994 letter. We wish to note that much of the information listed below has been previously submitted to NCDEM. 1) Ouestion A detailed production history of the facility (number of birds processed) by month from start-up through the most current month. Is production a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week process? If the schedule of production has changed since system start-up, please explain. Response Production information for the facility since start-up (April 1989) through December 1994 is presented in the attached Table 1 "Production History". As this table shows, the average number of birds processed each month has remained relatively uniform since start-up in 1989. The facility was designed and permitted to operate two 91 bird per minute processing lines, 16 hours per day (two 8-hour shifts), 5-6 days per week, or a maximum processing capacity of approximately 175,000 birds per day. The actual number of birds processed each day is typically less than 175,000 due to down time and employee breaks. On the average, the facility processes 170,000 birds per day, five (5) days per week. However, market conditions, holidays, and processing difficulties some time require processing on Saturdays. As described above, the plant operates two 8-hour processing shifts per day. As required by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a third 8-hour shift is dedicated to plant clean-up each day. 2) Ouestion A complete evaluation of the hydraulic loading on the pretreatment units and the land application sites. Have these loadings increased since start-up of the facility? Are these loadings consistent with the design criteria for the facilities? Was the initial design based T Response Monitoring of flows through pretreatment units is not performed at the facility. The facility uses an average of approximately 1.0 million gallons per processing day. Typically, 90% of the water used in a poultry processing facility will be discharged to wastewater treatment systems. The remainder of the water is lost to moisture pick-up in the birds, evaporation, ice packaging, and moisture in by-products sent off -site for rendering. Using these factors, the average daily flow to wastewater treatment systems n1 is approximately 900,000 gallons (five day basis). This average daily flow is within the IIV' r" V v flow capacity of the dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit (i.e. the average retention time in s�s . the DAF is greater than 30 minutes, and the average surface loading in the DAF is less than 1.75 GPM/ft?, (design factors used in sizing DAF units for this type of service). ep Detailed monitoring logs on influent flows, effluent flows and rainfall data are maintained for the overland flow (OF) treatment system. Table 2 "Summary of Hydraulic Loading Z On Overland Flow Treatment System" and Figure 1 "Summary of Influent Hydraulic ` 0 1 Loading on Overland Flow Treatment System: 1989-1994" present summaries of the I (� monthly average daily influent hydraulic loadings on the OF system. Table 2 also presents a summary of the average effluent flows from the OF system and rainfall data for 1989 through 1994. Table 2 clearly illustrates the benefits of the OF treatment system over a direct discharge system (i.e. typically, in the critical summer months only ,y "1 a portion of the water applied is actually discharged to the river). �2 As Figure I and Table 2 indicate, the monthly average daily influent hydraulic loading j on the OF system has not significantly changed since start-up. The average daily flow II and maximum peak daily flow to the OF system in 1994 were approximately 0.621 MGD (or 0.18 in./day) and 1.943 MGD (0.55 in./day), respectively. The USEPA "Process X Design Manual For Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater" dated October 1981 lists the range for average hydraulic design loading rates for OF systems of 0.24 in/day to 2.64 in/day. The OF system at the Sanford facility is being operated at the low end of this listed design range. In order to minimize neighbor complaints, the facility primarily applies wastewater over 5 days (M-F). In addition, storage (and/or routing through) of significant volumes of processing water in the on -site surge and storage ponds appears to degrade effluent quality from the land application system. These issues are discussed in more detail in responses to questions 4, 6, 7, and 14. 3) Question Please provide influent data into the pretreatment facility. How has this varied since system start-up? 2 Response Detailed weekly sampling of influent to and effluent from the pretreatment systems (dissolved air flotation - DAF unit) has only been conducted from mid 1992 to the present. Sampling data associated with pretreatment systems is summarized in Table 3 "Summary of DAF Treatment Performance". Table 3 presents influent and effluent data for the DAF unit as well as removal/treatment efficiency. Since flows are not measured in pretreatment systems, it is most applicable to review concentration values rather than pound loadings values. A rough estimate of the pound loadings to and from pretreatment systems (DAF unit) is provided in Table 3. However, these values are based on the assumption that the water irrigated represents the flow through the pretreatment system. Since water is stored (and/or routed through) in the on -site surge pond and holding pond, this assumption is not always correct. It is difficult to collect representative influent samples to the pretreatment system due to the high levels of oil and grease in the influent water. Influent sampling consists of collecting grab samples from the wet well (samples are collected after screening operations). The levels of BOD, TSS, TKN, etc. in plant wastewater will widely vary throughout a typical day. A composite sample is collected from the effluent of the DAF unit. The levels of BOD, TSS, TKN, and NH3 N indicated in influent sampling are typical of screened wastewater from poultry processing operations. In general, there has been a trend of increasing concentrations of BOD, TSS, and TKN in influent water to the DAF unit over the past 2-1/2 years. Despite these increases in influent levels of BOD, TKN, and TSS, DAF effluent levels of these constituents have remained relatively consistent over the past several years. As indicated in Table 3, the average removal efficiency of the DAF unit for these constituents has also remained relatively constant. Dissolved air flotation is ineffective in removing NH3-N. 4) Question A complete evaluation over time of the efficiency of the pretreatment facilities prior to land application. This evaluation must include average effluent values for all permitted parameters. Of special interest is the quality of the effluent from the pretreatment facilities during the period of permit violations. Response As indicated previously, the facility has only been performing detailed weekly sampling of effluent from the DAF since mid 1992. Table 3 presents a summary of the performance of the DAF unit, including influent and effluent levels for BOD, TSS, TKN, and N113-N. A rough estimate of the pound loadings to and from pretreatment systems (DAF unit) is provided in Table 3. However, these values are based on the assumption that the water irrigated represents the flow through the pretreatment system. Since water is stored (and/or routed through) in the on -site surge pond and storage pond, this assumption is not always correct. 91 Figure 2 "DAF Effluent Characteristics" provides information on the BOD, TSS and TKN levels in DAF effluent for the period of October 1992 - November 1994. Average discharge values compared to typical industry averages were as follows: Parameter Actual Average Design Levels Industry Average BODE mg/I) 321 500 300 to 400 TSS (mg/1) 164 500 200 to 300 TKN (mg/1) 57.4 100 60 to 80 NH3-N (mg/1) 14.6 20 10 to 30 The average performance of the DAF unit has been excellent, and effluent levels are also significantly lower than the average design criteria indicated in the original NPDES permit application package submitted for the facility. Attached Table 8 "Summary of Overland Flow Treatment System Performance During Noncompliances" summarizes the DAF effluent performance during noncompliance periods. With respect to the OF system BOD noncompliances, 5 of the 6 noncompliances (March 24, 1993; May 5, 1993; May 4; 1994; June 8, 1994; and July 22, 1994) occurred on days when rainfall ranged from 0.6 to 1.8 inches. The only BOD noncompliance which would appear to have been impacted by DAF system performance occurred on July 13, 1994. While there was no DAF effluent sample taken on July 13, 1994, previous samples indicate the system was experiencing a decline in effluent quality which could have contributed to the specific noncompliance. With respect to the OF system effluent NH3-N noncompliances, three of the noncompliances (May 12, 1993, June 15, 1994, and August 2, 1994) occurred when the TKN and NH3 N loadings to the system were at or near the average, thus indicating that DAF performance was not the cause for the noncompliances. One NH; N noncompliance (July 28, 1994) occurred on a day that no TKN influent data was available. Two of the noncompliances (July 14, 1993 and June 29, 1994) occurred on days when the TKN and NH3-N loadings to the OF system were above the average DAF discharge levels, thus indicating that DAF performance may have contributed to these specific noncompliances. TKN concentrations in DAF effluent on July 14, 1993 and June 29, 1994 were below the design TKN level. The NH3-N concentration in DAF effluent on July 14, 1993 was above the design level for N113-N. As indicated on Table 5 "Summary of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Data for Overland Flow Treatment System", during May and part of June, 1994 effluent from the DAF was all being routed through the surge and storage ponds prior to application on the OF system. This operating strategy was being followed to prevent neighbor complaints. This operating strategy significantly reduced the BOD influent loadings to the OF system, but increased NH3-N loadings to the OF system (i.e. due to conversion of organic nitrogen to NH3-N in the ponds). Elevated levels of NH3-N were detected in effluent from the OF system while the above described operating strategy was being followed. Overall, while there have been infrequent fluctuations in the effluent quality from the DAF unit, the DAF performance has not been the major factor contributing to the noncompliances. Overland Flow treatment systems can inherently handle fairly significant loading fluctuations, and a review of operating data collected from the OF system at the Golden Poultry Company plant clearly display this benefit. The noncompliances have been primarily related to elevated effluent flows during rainfall events (wet weather) , and, to a lesser degree, to operational issues related to the control neighbor complaints and the necessity to periodically take fields out of service for routine maintenance. If maintenance (haying, ditch maintenance, etc.) of OF terraces is not performed, significant degradation of effluent quality will result and neighbor complaints will develop. 5) Question An explanation as to the deterioration of the quality of the wastewater being discharged to the Deep River from start-up of the facility until present. We are especially concerned with the deterioration of the effluent quality during the previous summers and particularly over the past six (6) months. Response Table 4 "Summary of Monitoring Data - Effluent from Overland Flow Fields", Table 5 "Summary of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Data For Overland Flow Treatment System", and Table 6 "Summary of Overland Flow Treatment System Performance" provide information on influent to and effluent from the OF system as well as treatment performance of the OF system. Based on a Notice of Violation (NOV) issued by NCDEM on December 18, 1991 and subsequent inspections of the facility by NCDEM representatives in 1992, the facility altered its effluent monitoring program in August 1992. The NOV and comments by NCDEM representatives during inspections indicated the facility was not conducting representative sampling of final effluent. Prior to August 1992, the facility was specifically not sampling during days when rainfall/wet weather was influencing effluent flows from the OF system. In August 1992, the facility shifted to performing sampling on the same day of every week in a month. This sampling strategy guaranteed the collection of effluent samples when flow volumes were being influenced by rainfall. The sampling strategy adhered to prior to August 1992 was discussed in several meetings with NCDEM officials prior to start-up of the system. Based on the change in the facility's effluent monitoring program discussed above, it is inappropriate to compare pound loadings of BOD and NH3-N in effluent from the OF system prior to August 1992 with loadings from the system after this date. As Tables 5 4, 5, and 6 indicate, with the exception of the summer of 1994, the levels of BOD and NH3-N in effluent from the OF system have been fairly consistent since 1992. Removal efficiencies for BOD, TSS, and total nitrogen have also been relatively consistent over this time period. There has not been a significant change in the average annual BOD concentrations in effluent from the OF system since start-up (See Table 4). The average annual NH3-N concentrations in effluent from the system have significantly decreased since system start-up. As indicated in Table 7 "Summary Of Storm Water Runoff Monitoring Data From Undeveloped Lands" the OF system is providing an effluent quality similar to storm water runoff from undeveloped/undisturbed lands (i.e. effluent quality comparable to background). The elevated levels of BOD and NH3 N detected in effluent from the OF system during May, June, July and August of 1994 are primarily related to elevated effluent flows caused by heavy rainfall during these months. As indicated in Table 2, the amount of rainfall in May, June, July, and August, 1994 (total of 19 in.) was significantly higher than any previous year the facility has been in operation. June was a particularly wet month, with more than 6.27 inches of rainfall. A discussion on each of the violations that occurred during the summer of 1994 is provided in the response to question 4. 6) Question In Section 3.2.3 of the Diagnostic Report, mention is made of the fact that wastewater was not being applied to the fields during the weekends. Please provide us with a schedule of the weekends on which wastewater was not being land applied. Response In June 1990 the facility discontinued applying water to the OF system on the weekends. The OF system is typically started at 0300 on Monday morning and is operated until late Friday afternoon to early Saturday morning, depending on the volume of water in the on - site surge pond and storage pond. Any water generated in the plant on the weekends is stored in the ponds until Monday. eit the sys m was operat on the weekends, the facility received significant complaints from neighbor uestion An evaluation of the impact of the higher hydraulic loading was having on the fields during the weekdays when wastewater was not being land applied during the weekends. How have these self-imposed restrictions affected the operation of the treatment system. Response Application of wastewater primarily over five days rather than seven has resulted in higher daily hydraulic loadings on the OF system. However, as indicated previously, spraying a majority of the water direct, rather than holding it in the on -site ponds for spraying on the weekends, seems to provide improved water quality, with respect to NH3-N levels in the effluent . Operators also indicate the clarity of the effluent from the OF system is improved when a majority of the DAF effluent is being sprayed directly. 11 The noncompliances that have occurred over the past several years have not occurred on days of peak monthly influent flows to the treatment system. This indicates that application of wastewater over five days rather than seven is not having a significant impact on OF system performance and final effluent quality. Additional discussion on hydraulic loadings on the system is provided in the response to question 2. As indicated previously, minimizing application during the weekends has minimized neighbor complaints. 8) Questio An evaluation of the problems which have resulted from taking fields out of operation due to harvesting of the crop. What factors determined when a field was taken out of service? What modifications have been made to improve this situation? Response As indicated in the response to question number 4, some of the noncompliances related to NH3-N may, in part, be attributable to the necessity to periodically take fields out of service. We do not attribute BOD noncompliances to this action. Fields are taken out of service to allow crop harvesting, tilling, liming, drying out for fly control, and spray system maintenance. If maintenance activities were not performed on the fields, treatment performance will be significantly degraded and neighbor complaints will occur. Crop harvesting is a particularly important maintenance activity. Excessive grass growth on the OF fields prevents sunlight and air currents from reaching soils on the fields, thereby inhibiting oxidation and nitrification processes. Beginning in April, or as early as weather conditions permit, approximately 15 % to 25 % of the fields are taken out of use. As fields are harvested, they are put back in use and others are taken out of service. This process continues until October, or as late as weather allows. It typically requires two weeks to hay, harvest, and put a field back into service. Due to weather conditions, this process has taken a minimum of seven (7) days to a maximum of 60 days. Fields are selected for harvesting based on the amount and height of grass on the fields. Based on conversations with OF system experts, when a field is taken out of service and dried out, the nitrifrer population go dormant and/or die back. When a field is brought back into service, it takes a period of time for the nitrifrer population to recover. This results in slightly higher short term ammonia concentrations in effluent off fields going through this process. Additional polishing in collection ditches and effluent flow off fully operational fields typically dampen out the influences of this condition. In order to minimize the impacts of the above described condition, facility personnel try to minimize the number of fields out of service at any one time. Also, fields are brought back into full service slowly to allow recovery of the nitrifier population (i.e. the duration of spraying on these fields is shortened). This action also minimizes the impacts of slightly higher NH3-N concentrations in runoff from these fields on final effluent 7 r quality. 9) Questiop The Diagnostic Report repeatedly states that the effluent violations are the direct result of rainfall on the site. The Report however gives no documentation to support that effect. In fact our review of the effluent quality data and the discharge flow data do not indicate that correlation. Figures 4 and 5 are supposed to correlate to rainfall causing non-compliance, however, the graphs do not show what the rainfall was over any period or give any specific date information. Please provide the information that lead the company to this conclusion. Response The company has concluded that rainfall affects effluent violations based on several lines of evidence which include: • Discussions on the impacts of rainfall on OF system flow volumes listed in USEPA's "Process Design Manual for Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater", 1981 and supplement "Process Design Manual for Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater. Supplement on Rapid Infiltration and Overland Flow", October, 1984, • An analysis of the non-compliance events associated with rainfall indicates that rainfall has a direct affect on violations. I. The USEPA recognizes that rainfall increases effluent flow off OF systems and increases mass loadings of constituents (BOD, TSS, etc.) due to contributions from background sources. There is little or no increase in constituent levels when measured in concentration units. Table 7 presents constituent levels in rainfall runoff (background loadings) from undeveloped lands around the plant. In Section 5.3.1., Rainfall Considerations: Impact on Effluent BOD Concentrations, page 91, the USEPA document (1984) states: "Experience has shown that rainfall of any intensity has little effect on effluent BOD concentrations. Studies with screened raw and primary effluent municipal wastewaters showed effluent BOD concentrations during rainfall events to be only slightly elevated above normal operations values, but well below the 30 mg/L secondary treatment standard. Similar results have been found at several industrial overland flow systems treating food processing, textile, and pulp and paste wastewaters. Most of the industrial experiences shows that the effluent BOD concentration increased slightly during moderate rainfall intensities and/or short duration storms, but actually decreased below normal operating values during high intensity an/or long duration rainfall events. This M decrease can most likely be attributed to dilution." In section 6.2.8, Effect of Rainfall, page 6-9, the USEPA document (1981) states: "In situations where discharge permits are based on mass discharge, discussions with regulatory officials should be held to determine if permits can be written to reflect background loadings occurring as a result of rainfall runoff from OF fields or to allow higher mass discharges during periods of high flow in receiving waters." In section 5.3.3, Rainfall Considerations: Mass Discharges, page 91, the USEPA document states: "Even though the effluent BOD and suspended solids concentrations during rainfall are similar to dry weather conditions, the mass discharge of these constituents obviously increases proportionally to both the intensity and duration of the rainfall event. For systems with discharge limitations which are specified in mass units, heavy rainfall events can cause a violation of the mass discharge limitations during the actual event. " In Section 5.3.4 Recommended Operating Practices, page 92, the USEPA document states: "While rainfall increases the mass of most pollutants discharged from an OF system, it also results in increased steam flow and minimal impact on receiving water quality. Therefore, the operating permits for OF systems need not prohibit application of wastewater during rainfall events. Recognizing this, some state regulatory agencies and EPA regions have written permits based on flow which increase the mass discharge limits during rainfall and/or replace them with a concentration limit. H. An analysis of non-compliance events associated with rainfall indicates that rainfall has a direct effect on violations. Data from the overland flow treatment system were examined from September 1989 to November 1994. These dates were chosen for evaluation because data were available for the variables rainfall, effluent quality, BOD and NH3-N. We examined the compliance monitoring data to determine the percent of measurements resulting in non-compliance, the volume of effluent, and the BOD (mass and concentration) and NH3-N (mass and concentration) associated with various quantities of rainfall. Rainfall was divided in intervals of 0 inches, 0.01 to 0.50 inches, 0.51 to 0.99 inches, and > 1.00 inch, and the various levels of constituents (BOD and NH3-N) of interest were determined for each interval. The results are given in Table 10, and a summary 0 of the descriptive statistics for each rainfall interval is given in Table 11. We examine rainfall in intervals because the quantity of discharge is not only a function of rain and irrigation on the day of measurement, but reflects conditions over a several day period prior to the day of discharge. The data are expressed in terms of median values (rather than means) for the measure of central tendency because the data are not normally distributed. They are skewed to the right (Table 11). Medians are most often used as measures of central tendency for distributions that do not conform to the standard probability models (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981, Biometry). Mean values are given for comparative purposes in Table 11. Rainfall and Effluent Discharge. Rainfall adds to the total effluent discharge, this is not unexpected (see USEPA document). The median effluent discharge for the period of analysis was 0.38 MGD when rainfall on that day was zero. The total effluent discharge increased as the quantity of rainfall over the overland flow system increased (Table 10, Figure 3). The phenomenon of increased surface water flow from watersheds under rain events is well established. As indicated in Section 5.3.4 Recommended Operating Practices, page 92, the USEPA document (1984) states: "While rainfall increases the mass of most pollutants discharged from an OF system, it also results in increased steam flow and minimal impact on receiving water quality. Therefore, the operating permits for OF systems need not prohibit application of wastewater during rainfall events. Recognizing this, some state regulatory agencies and EPA regions have written permits based on flow which increase the mass discharge limits during rainfall and/or replace them with a concentration limit." Rainfall and BODS and NH3-N concentrations. As indicated in the USEPA Overland Flow document (1984), during rainfall events BOD concentrations are only slightly elevated above normal operating conditions. Table 10 and Figure 5 give the median concentrations of BOD and NH3-N corresponding to the selected rainfall intervals. The BOD ranges from 4.1 to 12.7 mg/L and the NH3-N ranges from 0.66 to 0.93 mg/L. In both cases the increase in concentration associated with increasing rainfall volume are relatively small, and constituent levels in final effluent remain comparable with tertiary treatment levels. Rainfall and BOD5 and NH3-N mass units. As indicated in the USEPA Overland Flow document (1984), during rainfall events, the mass discharge of BOD obviously increases. Table 10 and Figures 3 and 4 give the median mass discharge associated with the rainfall intervals. The BOD ranges from 13 to 151 lb/day and the NH3-N ranges from 2.1 to 6.8 lb/day. When rainfall is zero the 10 L r median discharge of BODS is 13 lb/day and NH3-N is 2.1 lb/day. Rainfall events between 0.01 and 0.5 inches resulted in slight elevations in BOD (24.7 lb/day) and no significant change in NH3-N (1.8 lb/day). Rainfall events between 0.51 and 0.99 inches resulted in a BOD loading that was 2.7 times greater than zero rainfall, and NH3-N was 3.2 times greater than during zero rainfall. During rainfall events 1 inch or greater, BOD loading was 11.6 times greater than during zero rainfall. Ammonia could not be evaluated during this rainfall interval because only one measurement of NH3-N was made. Rainfall and the vercent of measurements that resulted in non-compliance. During zero rainfall events, 1 % of BODS and 8.3 % NH3-N measurements resulted in non-compliance. Table 10 and Figure 6 give the percent non -compliances for each rainfall interval. Rainfall events in the interval of 0.01 to 0.50 inches resulted in noncompliance, 3 and 12.5 % for BOD and NH3-N respectively. Rainfall events of _ .51 to 0.99 inches resulted in larger percentages of noncompliance, 30 % and 25 % for BOD and NH3-N3 respectively. Rainfall events greater than 1 inch resulted in noncompliance 50 % of the time for BOD. III. The effect of rainfall on the OF system was further evaluated by assessing the influence of the total volume of rain that fell on the day of sampling, 1 day prior to sampling, and 2 days prior to sampling. The amount of rainfall prior to sampling is examined because the terraces are influenced by conditions that existed prior to the day of discharge. Rainfall prior to the sampling day is an important factor because rainfall affects soil moisture which, in turn, affects the relative proportion of water that overland flow or infiltrate. The infiltration capacity, or ability to infiltrate rainfall, is usually great at the start of a rain that has been preceded by a dry spell, but drops rapidly as the rain continues to fall and to soak into the soil. After several hours the soil's infiltration capacity becomes almost constant. As rainfall continues, the soil reaches it field capacity. Field capacity is reached in no more than two or three days for most soils. Once field capacity is reached, infiltration is reduced and overland flow increases. Data have been examined from August 1992 through November 1994. This time period was chosen because sampling was random relative to rainfall (i.e., samples were taken on a given day of the week regardless of weather conditions). The total volume of rain that fell on the day of sampling (day 0), 1 day prior to sampling (day 1), and 2 days prior to sampling (day 2) were determined and cumulative totals were calculated. Cumulative totals were determined so that on a sampling day we knew the total amount of rain that fell. 11 1. on the day of sampling (day 0); 2. on the day plus the day before sampling (day 1); and 3. on day 0 plus the day before sampling plus 2 days before sampling (day 2)• The rainfall data were then divided into two groups based on compliance status. Sample events that resulted in non-compliance with either BOD or NH3-N are called non-compliance sample events and sample events that resulted in compliance with BOD and NH3-N are called compliance sample events. The total cumulative rainfall and averages on the day of sampling (day 0), 1 day prior to sampling (day 1), and for 2 days prior to sampling (day 2) are given for non-compliance sample events in Table 12 and Figure 7, and for compliance sample events in Figure 7. Total rainfall for 2 days prior to sampling was associated with 92% (11 of 12) of non-compliance events (Table 12). Also, cumulative rainfall on the day of sampling (day 0), 1 day prior to sampling (day 1), and for 2 days prior to sampling (day 2) was consistently greater for non- compliance events than for sample events that were in compliance (Figure 6). The cumulative rainfall for 2 days prior to sampling associated with non- compliance events was 3.5 times greater than the cumulative rainfall 2 days prior to sampling associated with compliance events. Likewise, the cumulative rainfall for 1 day prior to sampling associated with non-compliance events was 5.7 times greater than the cumulative rainfall 1 day prior to sampling associated with compliance events. Also, on the day of sampling, non-compliance events averaged 0.28 inches and events in compliance averaged 0.0 inches. Rainfall directly affects effluent flow volumes off the OF system, and thereby affects the mass loadings of constituents in the final effluent. 10) Question If rainfall is currently having a significant impact on the quality of the effluent from the system, why was this not anticipated during the design of the system and adequate steps taken to alleviate this problem. Response As indicated in responses to other questions, rainfall is having an impact on the mass of most constituents discharged from the OF system. The impact of rainfall on the OF system was addressed in the "Site Suitability Investigation And Concept Design For Land Treatment Of Wastewater For Golden Poultry Cumnock, NC" prepared for the facility, a letter from Mr. John Starkey to Mr. Paul Wilms with NCDEM dated February 22, 1988 (copy attached) and in several meetings held with NCDEM representatives concerning design and permitting issues related to the system. The above referenced report was submitted to NCDEM for review. The impacts of rainfall on OF treatment systems is also extensively discussed in USEPA's "Process Design Manual For Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater" and the supplement to this document "Process 12 Q Design Manual For Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater - Supplement On Rapid Infiltration And Overland Flow". These USEPA documents also discuss background loadings occurring as a result of rainfall runoff from OF fields. Correspondence from NCDEM indicate that the above referenced USEPA manuals were used in evaluating engineering reports and permit applications submitted for the facility/OF system. The method of addressing rainfall consisted of not collecting samples when effluent flows were being influenced by rainfall. This effluent monitoring program was discussed with NCDEM representatives in several meetings held with NCDEM representatives (see attached deposition from Mr. John Starkey, previous Environmental Manager with Gold Kist Inc./Golden Poultry Company, Inc.). The issue of unrepresentative sampling listed in the December 18, 1991 NOV forced a change in the facility's effluent monitoring program. This change guaranteed the collection of effluent samples when effluent flows are/were being impacted by rainfall. As indicated previously, certain rainfall events, which significantly increase effluent flows, will cause noncompliances. Golden Poultry Company, Inc. contested the new NPDES permit primarily for this reason. As indicated in the "Site Suitability Investigation And Concept Design For Treatment Of Wastewater For Golden Poultry Cumnock, NC", pollutant concentrations in effluent from OF systems are essentially no different during rainfall than they are in dry weather. Moreover, effluent pollutant concentrations tend to remain the same regardless of whether wastewater is being applied during a rainfall event or not, due to pollutant contributions from background sources. Thus, there is no value to discontinue the application of wastewater during rainfall because the receiving stream will receive no additional benefit. The above referenced USEPA manuals also indicate that there is no need to discontinue the application of wastewater during rainfall. Specifically, USEPA's "Process Design Manual For Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater - Supplement On Rapid Infiltration And Overland Flow" states that "While rainfall increases the mass of most pollutants discharged from an OF system, it also results in increased stream flow and minimal impact on receiving water quality. Therefore, the operating permits for an OF system need not prohibit application of wastewater during rainfall events." This issue was discussed with NCDEM representatives on several occasions during initial permitting of the treatment system. 11) uestion How significant was the effect of insufficient operational pressure in the Dissolved Air Flotation Unit. When was the piping redone to divert portions of the flow to feather flushing. Was the potential impact on the DAF Unit taken into account prior to implementation? 13 Response The operating pressure issue with the DAF system was not a significant problem. The DAF system had been operating at a lower pressure and was producing excellent effluent quality prior to the decline in DAF treatment performance experienced during this past summer. It was pointed out by the reviewing engineer that most systems operate at higher pressures than observed on the specific day of the visit. The piping which allowed a portion of the flow to be diverted for feather fluming had been in operation since plant start-up. As required under the draft SOC, a separate pump and associated piping for feather flush water was installed prior to December 1, 1994. 12) Question How significant were the pH problems associated with the pretreatment units? How long had the problem with pH existed? Response The pH issue with the DAF system was not a significant problem. It was pointed out -by e reviewing engineer as an observation that most systems operate at higher pH ges than the pH which was observed on the specific day of the visit. The pH issue occurred during the months of July and August, 1994. The ideal pH for optimum treatment in DAF systems will vary from plant to plant as well as day to day. 13) Question An explanation of how the polymers are used in the system. Also provide the details of the company's efforts to use polymers to prevent permit violation. Response Polymers are used in the DAF system at two points: • DAF Unit - Anionic polymers are used in conjunction with ferric sulfate to flocculate organic pollutants for subsequent flotation in the DAF. This is the traditional chemical pretreatment approach used by essentially all poultry processors. • Belt Filter Press - Cationic polymers are used to aid in flocculation of DAF skimmings prior to dewatering using a belt filter press. This is the traditional approach used for the operation of belt filter presses for municipal and industrial solids dewatering. Regarding the use of polymers to prevent permit violations, the company and the facility work very closely with chemical suppliers to assure that the best polymer(s) are used for the DAF and belt filter press applications. Other than the normal day to day operational activities as relates to the optimum use of the polymers, no other specific actions have been taken. 14 The solids from the DAF unit at the Golden Poultry Company plant in Sanford, North Carolina are rendered off -site and incorporated back into animal feed products. Since these solids are incorporated back into animal feed products, the polymers used in the DAF and belt press must be either approved by the FDA or be declared as "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS). CYTEC is the only polymer supplier that currently sells approved/GRAS polymers, and only several of their polymer lines are sold as GRAS (i.e. very limited choice of polymers for DAF and belt pressing applications). The decline in DAF effluent quality experienced in March, April and May, 1993 (see Table 3) were attributable to an off -spec batch of polymer sold by CYTEC during that time period. 14) Question An explanation on how are the surge pond and storage pond being used. How are these units utilized during rainfall events? When fields are re -started, are these units used to minimize the application rates and reduce the potential for wash off? Response During normal operation, wastewater from the processing plant is sprayed directly from the pump house wet well to the OF system. Plant wastewater is diverted into the surge/aeration and storage ponds under the following conditions: 1 _ _,, ,�fr • Freezing weather (no irrigation); ��ff °" • Weekends (no irrigation); • Significant number of fields out of service due to maintenance (no it/ ��/I irrigation, or portion of water irrigated and a portion held); • Potential neighbor complaints (water routed through ponds and irrigated and/or held); • Significant upset in DAF unit (water routed through ponds and irrigated and/or held); • Drying out of fields to prevent flies (water held); and • To minimize hydraulic loadings on fields being brought back into service after harvesting or other maintenance activities (portion of water irrigated and portion held). An overflow pipe between the pump house and the surge pond allows irrigation of water from the surge pgnd. When the water level in the pump house wet well is low, water from the surge pond automatically flows back into the wet well for irrigation. When the water level in the wet well is high, water automatically flows into the surge pond. A diverter mechanism allows plant wastewater to directly flow into the surge pond rather than into the wet well first. Several high speed aerators are installed in the surge pond. Water from the surge pond can also overflow into the storage pond. A drain valve is installed in the storage pond to allow water to flow back into the pump house wet well for irrigation. Routing water through the surge pond and storage pond during certain time periods minimizes potential neighbor complaints. Various pumping combinations are used from day to day to address actual site conditions. 15 Generally, the facility continues to apply wastewater during rainy weather. As indicated in the "Site Suitability Investigation And Concept Design For Treatment Of Wastewater For Golden Poultry Cumnock, NC" prepared for the facility, pollutant concentrations in effluent from OF systems are essentially no different during rainfall than they are in dry weather. Moreover, effluent pollutant concentrations tend to remain the same regardless of whether wastewater is being applied during a rainfall event or not, due to pollutant contributions from background sources. Thus, there is no value to discontinue the application of wastewater during rainfall because the receiving stream will receive no additional benefit. Table 9 "Comparison Of Effluent BOD And NH3-N Concentrations During Wet and Dry Weather" indicates there is no significant difference in the average BOD concentration in effluent from the system during wet and dry weather. The average NH3-N concentration was lower in system effluent during wet weather than during dry weather. As indicated above, USEPA's "Process Design Manual For Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater - Supplement On Rapid Infiltration And Overland Flow" dated October 1984 states that: "While rainfall increases the mass of most pollutants discharged from an OF system, it also results in increased stream flow and minimal impact on receiving water quality. Therefore, the operating permits for an OF system need not prohibit application of wastewater during rainfall events." Correspondence from NCDEM listed the above referenced USEPA manual as one of the documents used in reviewing preliminary engineering studies submitted for the facility/OF treatment system. 15) Question Indicators for direction of flow on all diagrams and a legend for units not labeled. Response Revised flow diagrams are attached. 16) Question An explanation as to why the system has achieved better nitrification in winter than summer. Response Crop harvesting and significant maintenance operations (i.e. liming, tilling, etc.) are not performed on the OF system during the winter months. We believe the system achieves enhanced nitrification in the winter months because of this factor. Due to depressed crop growth rates during the winter months, harvesting is not generally required. 16 Ik ' ..1 17) Question Please provide a description of the chlorinating system. Please explain the actions taken by the company to correct past problems that resulted in permit violations. Response Chlorine solution is added to effluent from the OF system near the effluent flow monitoring structure. Chlorine solution is added directly to the effluent flowing in the main effluent collection Swale. Contact time is provided in the culverts under OF system perimeter road and in a series of baffled channels just ahead of effluent flow monitoring structure. The effluent flow monitoring structure is more than 1000 feet from the point where the effluent discharges into the Deep River. A description of the chlorinating system and the upgrades that have been made to the system were provided in a letter to Mr. Kenneth Schuster with NCDEM dated September 8, 1993. A copy of this letter is attached. It is difficult to achieve disinfection during periods of elevated effluent flows caused by rainfall/wet weather. Please contact me at (404) 393-5203 if you have any additional questions concerning the above information. Sincerely, Steven R. Woodruff, P.E. Director, Environmental Engineering and Compliance Attachments cc: Mr. Craig Bromby (Hunton and Williams) Mr. Vernon Rowe (Rowe Environmental) Mr. Bud Smart (Smart and Associates) Mr. Glenn Berry Mr. Sidney Prince/Mr. Bruce Morgan File 17 . t ,- TABLE 1 Production History Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina Month/Year Birds Processed Head Million Month/Year Birds Processed Head Million 1/89 N/A 1 /92 4.022 2/89 N/A 2/92 3.067 3/89 N/A 3/92 3.009 4/89 2.774 4/92 3.725 5/89 2.473 5/92 3.351 6/89 3.572 6/92 3.400 7/89 3.948 7/92 3.858 8/89 3.045 8/92 3.247 9/89 3.179 9/92 3.256 10/89 4.170 10/92 3.971 11 /89 2.720 11 /92 2.678 12/89 2.797 12/92 2.830 Avg. Mil. Head/Mth 3.186 Avg. Mil. Head/Mth 3.368 1 /90 3.600 1 /93 4.135 2/90 3.119 2/93 3.045 3/90 3.130 3/93 3.280 4/90 3.825 4/93 3.785 5/90 3.302 5/93 3.234 6/90 3.377 6/93 3.181 7/90 3.796 7/93 3.907 8/90 3.248 8/93 3.218 9/90 2.933 9/93 3.288 10/90 4.011 10/93 3.840 11 /90 2.954 11 /93 2.821 12/90 3.009 12/93 2.948 Avg. Mil. Head/Mth 3.359 Avg. Mil. Head%Mth 3.390 1 /91 3.816 1 /94 3.958 2/91 3.092 2/94 3.027 3/91 2.798 3/94 2.868 4/91 4.131 4/94 4.062 5/91 3.236 5/94 3.287 6/91 3.323 6/94 3.181 7/91 3.914 7/94 3.911 8/91 3.342 8/94 3.281 9/91 3.040 9/94 3.327 10/91 4.005 10/94 3.975 11 /91 2.662 11 /94 2.623 12/91 2.837 12/94 3.180 Avg. Mil. Head/Mt h 3.350 i Avg. Mil. Head/Mth 3.390 ' Notes: 1) The facility was designed and permitted to operate two 91 bird per minute processing lines, 16 hours per day (two hour shifts), 5-6 days per week. SRW 1/16/95 '01 `% TABLE 2 Summary of Hydraulic Loading On Overland Flow Treatment System Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina 1989 Month Influent Flow to OF System Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Notes Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Sept. 0.860 1.270 24 0.680 2.350 21 3.2 Oct. 0.870 1.130 27 0.870 4.820 18 6.0 Eff. flow to high to read on several days of mth. Nov. 0.748 1.207 22 0.875 3.296 25 1.5 Eff. flow meter in -operative one day in mth. Dec. 0.603 1.890 19 0.705 1.985 18 2.8 Freezing wthr. no appl. 4 days, River backed u into outfall Average 0.770 - - 23 0.783 - - 21 - - Annual Totals - - - - 92 - - - - 82 13.50 1990 Month Influent Flow to OF System Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Notes Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Jan. 0.992 1.818 30 0.674 3.710 23 3.3 Feb. 0.750 1.230 21 0.895 1.890 25 2.9 Mar. 0.749 1.662 22 0.577 1.290 17 3.8 Apr. 0.698 1.118 21 0.436 1.400 13 1.8 May 0.803 1.541 25 1.018 4.160 32 6.4 June 0.795 1.764 24 0.370 1.000 11 1.1 --July 0.796 1.654 25 0.284 0.780 9 1.2 Aug. 0.679 1.523 21 0.319 1.800 10 1.4 Sept. 0.590 1.200 18 0.360 1.200 11 1.3 Oct. 0.655 0.9321 20 0.880 3.978 23 9.4 Outfall flooded 5 days, no flow effluent flow reading Nov. 0.560 1.416 17 0.259 0.776 8 0.6 Dec. 0.534 1.281 17 0.468 1.600 15 3.2 Average 0.717 - - 22 0.545 - - 16 - - Annual Totals - - - - 261 - - - - 197 36.40 Notes; 1) Actual daily flow information is presented in attached "Daily Operating Data" sheets. Z- off' y TABLE 2 Contd. Summary of Hydraulic Loading On Overland Flow Treatment System Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina 1991 Month Influent Flow to OF S stem Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Notes Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Jan. 0.685 1.611 21 2.048 8.729 64 5.4 Outfall flooded; Freezing temps., Manual flow readings Feb. 0.625 1.451 18 0.503 1.316 14 5.6 Mar. 0.524 1.206 16 0.608 2.468 19 3.9 Apr. 0.668 0.903 20 0.229 0.820 7 2.0 May 0.584 1.079 18 0.358 1.588 11 2.1 June 0.638 1.042 19 0.329 3.036 10 4.6 July 0.613 1.102 19 0.535 2.232 16 4.65 Aug. 0.670 1.176 20 0.544 2.300 17 2.95 Sept. 0.715 1.021 21 0.521 3.600 15 5.1 Oct. 0.751 1.099 23 0.735 3.012 23 2.1 Nov. 0.624 1.362 18 0.455 0.786 14 1.5 Dec. 0.586 1.047 18 0.684 2.338 21 3.3 Average 0.640 - - 19 0.629 - - 19 -- Annual Totals - - - 231 - - - - 231 43.20 1992 Month Influent Flow to OF System Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Notes Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Jan. 0.722 1.420 22 0.780 1.656 24 2.83 Feb. 0.597 1.266 17 0.694 3.222 19 2.1 Outfall flooded 1 day in mth. no flow value Mar. 0.456 1.153 10 0.534 2.068 17 3.5 Apr. 0.560 0.983 17 0.352 1.068 10 2.95 Outfall flooded 1 day in mth. no flow value) May 0.570 1.621 18 0.461 1.212 14 1.75 June 0.590 1.743 18 0.694 2.934 18 8.15 Could not get grass cut due to wet weather, Flow meter out 27-31 July 0.630 1.555 20 0.235 1.296 7 1.25 Aug. 0.607 2.078 19 0.422 3.944 13 4.55 Sept. 0.597 1.222 18 0.360 1.170 11 2.08 Oct. 0.558 0.989 17 0.578 1.338 18 4.45 Nov. 0.519 1.599 16 0.950 4.448 29 7.97 Dec. 0.575 1.205 18 0.712 2.580 22 3.03 Average 0.582 - - 18 0.564 - - 17 - - Annual Totals 1 - - - - 210 - - - - 202 44.61 Notes: 1) Actual daily flow information is presented in attached "Daily Operating Data" sheets. 3 c:T- y TABLE 2 Contd. Summary of Hydraulic Loading On Overland Flow Treatment System Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina 1993 Month Influent Flow to OF System Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Notes Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Jan. 0.627 1.749 19 0.937 2.864 29 5.07 Feb. 0.554 1.448 12 0.727 2.424 20 1.87 Mar. 0.710 1.855 21 0.917 3.290 20 8.02 Apr. 0.604 1.030 18 0.259 0.784 6 5.19 Outfall flooded 7 days of month no flow values May 0.555 1.061 17 0.379 1.326 12 2.23 June 0.644 1.862 19 0.216 0.412 6 2.14 July 0.587 1.203 18 0.214 0.656 7 2.20 Aug. 0.521 1.020 16 0.322 1.188 10 3.94 Sept. 0.658 1.099 20 6.346 0.825 10 2.21 Oct. 0.577 1.386 18 0.567 2.767 18 1.53 Nov. 0.499 1.047 15 0.712 2.767 21 4.57 Dec. 0.534 1.840 17 0.757 2.540 23 3.49 -Average 0.589 - - 18 0.529 - - 15 - - Annual Totals -- I -- 210 -- -- 182 42.46 1994 Month Influent Flow to OF System Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Notes Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Jan. 0.618 1.943 19 0.828 2.976 26 3.66 Feb. 0.583 1.245 21 0.734 3.520 21 3.22 Mar. 0.603 1.749 19 0.494 2.180 12 4.38 Outfall flooded 7 days of month no flow values Apr. 0.577 1.220 17 0.302 0.994 9 1.06 May 0.596 1.758 18 0.401 2.468 12 4.00 June 0.609 1.265 18 0.981 4.975 29 6.27 July 0.635 1.696 20 0.612 2.636 19 5.54 Aug. 0.666 1.252 21 0.512 1.684 16 3.19 Sept. 0.721 1.391 22 0.570 2.428 17 2.68 Oct. 0.608 1.420 19 0.641 1.940 20 4.12 Nov. 0.613 1.689 18 0.589 1.592 18 2.26 Dec. 0.623 1.776 19 0.627 2.904 19 1.17 Average 0.621 - - 19 0.608 - - 18 -- Annual Totals -- -- 212 -- -- 199 40.38 Notes: 1) Actual daily flow information is presented in attached "Daily Operating Data" sheets. W 4 V� w TABLE 2 Contd. Summary of Hydraulic Loading On Overland Flow Treatment System Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina Averages 1989 - 1994 Month Influent Flow to OF System Effluent from OF System Total Monthly Rainfall Inches Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Avg. Daily MGD Max. Daily MGD Total Mth. MG Jan. 0.729 1.708 22 1.053 3.987 33 4.05 Feb. 0.622 1.328 18 0.711 2.474 20 3.14 Mar. 0.608 1.525 18 0.626 2.259 17 4.72 Apr. 0.621 1.051 19 0.316 1.013 9 2.60 May 0.622 1.412 19 0.523 2.151 16 3.30 June 0.655 1.535 20 0.518 2.471 15 4.45 July 0.652 1.442 20 0.376 1.520 12 2.97 Aug. 0.629 1.410 19 0.424 2.183 13 3.21 Sept. 0.690 1.201 21 0.473 1.929 14 2.76 Oct. 0.670 1.159 21 0.712 2.976 20 4.60 Nov. 0.594 1.387 18 0.640 2.278 19 3.07 Dec. 1 0.5761 1.507 18 0.659 2.325 20 2.83 Average 1 0.639 - - 19 0.586 - - 5 - - Notes: 1) Actual daily flow information is presented in attached "Daily Operating Data" sheets. SRW 1/10/94 v a-k- :5 TM3 5.m d DAP TredmeM Pedarmerv:e Gd Poultry Caagerv/ Pouery Pracea" PW Sedad. North C dY Weser BOD TSS T" NRi N Dal. Pumped OD Idlwrl PM IM1.0 (lb/day)P Efiloord Bmm /doy em0:4I Ea. Idlued PM Id1umm A/de Efflrd PM Enlu /den Re 61 Ea. Id1ueM PMj_ IMIueM /de BI.M M EMIueM 19/d. RemovalI Ea. 11mrd /de0_ IIIWM Phl� alu /d! Remwel E8. % 6 IDJ12 1.733 2870.0 N480.7 x40.0 340a.a 91.6 2540.0 30711.2 e4,0 1214.1 06.7 129 Pt17.1 450 M.4 179.2 9.6 137.3 234 ua 188E Awre a 2870.0 414E0.7 240.0 3 .a 91.a 2540.0 56711.2 64.0 1214.1 9a7 129 167.1 4S0 650.4 170.E 0.5 IW 3 NA 7/14M 0.Rw 2200.0 17595.7 470.0 3759.1 78.6 1430.0 11437.2 290.0 2310A 79.7 111.4 891.0 48.9 391.1 50.1 w0 9.5 70.0 13.6 Ju119B2 Average :nOO.O 1]585.7 470.0 3750.1 Me 1430.0 IM7.2 290.0 2319A ]a7 111.4 891.0 4a9 301.1 Sal 6E.0 9.5 7E.0 f 9/02192 0.812 3410.0 230B2.B 520.0 3521.5 a4.8 2600.0 /7607.4 270.0 182a.5 89.8 124.7 844.5 51.9 351.6 55.4 110.5 A 9/16/82 0.814 34WO 23217.E 470.0 3190.7 86.3 2190.0 14667A 1B0.0 1289.9 91.3 128.7 073.7 54.9 372.7 57.3 132.4 ISO 101.8 0.1' S .199E Aw 3415.0 23155.2 425.0 3356.1 BSS 2305.0 IM7.4 230.0 1559.2 90.5 126.7 859.1 514 M.1 57.9 124.4 ISO 101.8 NA 10/070.81E 1360.0 9210M MOO 2167.1 76.5 1320.0 8939.1 120.0 812.E 90.9 118.2 800.5 52.4 354.9 551 907 9.7 05.) 271 1021ry2 0.892 1650.0 122748 560.0 4166.0 66.1 1247.0 2276.8 494.0 3675.0 604 130.7 972.3 72.8 WA 44.3 1056 0.7 722 31.7 Oct. 1022A I505.o 10742.4 440.0 31MS 71.3 1283.5 91oe.0 307.0 2243.8 756 124.5 MA eza 446.E Sn0 M2 9.7 E6Y NA 12/02/92 1.205 1814.0 10220.E 215.0 2160.7 86.7 1495.0 15024.3 96.0 864.E 93.E 138.9 1395.9 51.5 511.E 02.8 IOD.S 10.8 109.5 OA 12/23'02 0.804 2t10.0 t0626.8 290.0 1480.8 88.3 1440.0 7253.8 170.0 B56A 88.E 147.] 744.0 49.E 249.9 88.0 40.E 205.5 f0.9 54.D 73.3 Deo. 199E Awwage 1 1002.01 13424.51 467.5 11139.0 133.0 W10.51 Mal 143.3 lu'u.01 Sn01 OCri ZSWI 622 NA 7902 Am 2320.3 1921a1 385.a 20116.E 62i 17MO 15139.7 214.3 1620.1 M3 114.E 638.a 5 4 40.7 50.1 17.4 120.4 10.7 ee.2 NA Table 3 Contd. Z a'1- S Water SOD 75S TKN NHi_ N Dale Prunpod MGD} frdluerd PM Irdfuord Ib/da EHluerd PM Etfluerd Ib/da� Removal Etf. 96 trdluord PM Irdtuont Ib/da Efftuord PM Effluord /day) 807.7 Removal EH. 16) 97.9 95.6 Irdluord PM) Irdluort tb/day) 2812.8 1183.8 f luonl PM) 45.2 EHtuard Ib/dayl} Removal H. ) Wluord PM) fnftuent Ib/dad 1900. 07.0 _ Eftlueril PM Effluent /dad 1528 97.0 amoral Eff. 22.1 00 1106193 1/13/93 1.794 0.994 3004.0 2028.0 4494S.7 180.0 2393.9 94.7 2795.0 41818.7 60.0 188.0 142,E 676.3 76.0 13.1 10.2 11.7 16812.0 169.0 1401.0 91.7 1930.0 15999.6 27.0 223.8 43.7 362.3 336.4 69.4 11.7 1/20/93 0.923 2340.0 18012.9 240.0 1847.5 89.7 2540.0 19SS2.5 130.0 1000.7 94,9 192.4 1481.1 43.7 77.3 13.1 100.4 79.8 118.4 69.5 W.7 9.5 1t%S &0 82.4 69.6 100.4 47.S 120.0 16.3 12.8 1/27 3 1 0.878 1686.0 12345.8 23fJ29.1 176.0 1288.8 89.6 1450.0 10617.7 69.0 505.3 95.2 96.E 90.6 134.1 161.3 124.4 981.9 1611.9 40.8 431 298.8 418.4 69.8 10.9 Jan. 199Ci Aver a 2264.b 188.3 1732.8 91.4 2178.e 21997.1 7897.E 71.5 056.9 742.3 731 62.5 122 11.7 NA 31.6 2/10/93 b/43 0.712 1460.0 8010.2 240.0 1425.1 83.4 1330.0 12S.0 738.7 1 .8 46.6 276.7 1.448 1160.0 14008. 420. 3 . .8 6- /02$2.8 25d.0 3691 60.8 100.1 50.5 609.9 42.8 9.S 114'.7 10 0 2117/93 0.692 1 S00.0 8658.9 470.0 2712.S 65.7 1305.0 7531.5 347.0 2002.6 73.4 123.9 71 S.1 S9.8 345.1 51.7 13.1 75.8 77.E 84.3 135.0 99.1 9.6 56.6 26.2 2i24/93 0.710 2230.0 13204.7 460.0 2723.8 79.4 2010.0 11902.0 327.0 1938.3 83.7 142.8 845.0 53.4 316.2 62.6 5666 13.1 11.9 10.7 9.6 03.4 72.0 100.2 18.3 NA 25.1 Feb. 1993 Aver a 1SSS.0 11120.1 397.S 2953.41 73.8 1373.5 9396.01 263.8 1943.2 79.4 122.8 877.0 52-6 387.01 3/03/93 1 1.178 1970.0 19364.3 410.0 4028.1 79.2 2025.0 19894.7 329.0 3232.3 83.8 144.3 1417.7 52.5 515.8 63.6 13.8 la 2 3/10/93 1 1.016 3690.0 31267.0 310.0 2626.8 91.6 4140.0 35080.0 152.0 1288.0 95.3 223.7 1895.5 45.7 357.2 79.6 11.7 102 86.4 12.8 3/17/93 1.181 1842.0 18142.9 286.0 2817.0 84.5 1780.0 17532.2 120.0 1181.9 93.3 147.2 1449.9 49.6 488.5 66.3 13.1 129.0 1b76 107.4 15.8 Mar. 1993 A 2500.7 22921.4 336.3 31S7.3 85 1 2648.3 24169.0 200.3 1900.7 91.1 171.7 1587.7 49.3 463.9 69.e 52.1 12-9 13.8 121.2 1 i a. S 1CL4 14.4 9Q0 1240 NA 4/14/93 1.030 2330.0 2001 S.2 1060.0 9105.6 54.5 1944.0 18699.3 727.0 6246.1 62.6 169.8 1458.6 81.3 698.4 4/21/93 1 1.021 4410.0 37S51.81 420.0 3576.4 90.51 3210.0 27333.6 200.0 1703.01 93.8 189.6 1014.6 49.3 419.8 74.0 11.2 95.4 88.8 160.0 11.0 7.3 IOA 13.1 93.7 S59 1i1.2 1.8 37.1 4/28/93 1 0.918 3210.0 24676.1 470.0 3598.4 85.4 3150.0 24116.8 33S.0 2564.8 89.41 168.3 1288.5 62.4 477.7 62.9 63.0 11.E I i r. 1993 Aver 3316.7 27381.0 660.0 5428.8 78.8 2768.0 22716.6 430.7 3504.3 81.9 17S.0 1453.9 64.3 S32.0 NA 0.0 5/OS/93 0.848 1S2.4 1077.8 64.8 458.3 57.5 13.1 92.E 92.6 5/12/93 0.931 2180.0 16926.7 220.0 1708.2 89.9 1710.0 13277.4 83.0 644.5 95.1 153.8 1194.2 52.2 405.3 66.1 18.1 140.S 14.9 115.7 17.7 5/19/93 0.957 1S30.0 12211.5 200.0 1596.3 86.9 1450.0 11573.0 76.0 622.S 94.6 123.3 984.1 45.0 359.2 03.5 12.3 98.2 12.3 98.2 0.0 5/26/93 1.061 2329.0 20608.7 210.0 1858.2 91.0 1665.0 13848.3 36.0 318.6 97.7 150.9 1335.3 43.6 384.9 71.2 13.8 /4.3 122.1 113.4 12.0 1&1 106.2 103.2 13.0 NA May 1993 Aver 0 2013.0 18582.3 210.0 1720.9 69.31 157S.0 12899.5 65.7 528.S 95.8 /4S.1 1147.8 51.4 401.9 64.E 6/02/93 I 0.9S1 4220.0 33470.3 370.0 2934.6 91.2 1820.0 14435.0 124.0 983.5 93.2 140.7 111 S.9 62.9 490.9 55.3 14.5 115.0 18.7 132.5 6/09/93 1.862 1350.0 20964.3 350.0 6435.2 74.1 1000.0 15529.1 130.0 2018.8 87.0 116.1 1802.9 54.2 841.7 53.3 16.0 248.5 13.1 203.4 18.1 6/16,93 0.892 1370.0 10191.8 310.0 2306.2 77.4 1090.0 8108.8 130.0 907.1 88.1 123.3 917.3 61.4 456.8 50.2 14.5 107.9 14.9 110.8 6123,93 1 0.888 1830.0 13552.8 310.0 229S.8 83.1 1670.0 12367.9 130.0 962.8 92.2 138.6 1026.5 54.7 405.1 60.5 14.S 107.4 16.7 123.7 Jum 1993Aver a 2192.5 19644.8 335.01 3242.9 81.4 1395.0 12510.21 125.5 1233.0 90.1 120.7 1215.6 5e.3 550.6 54.8 14.9 144.7 1S.4 27.9 142.6 229.7 NA 14.4 7/14/93 1 0.987 3010.01 24777.1 430.0 3539.6 85.7 2440.0 20085.1 180.0 1481.7 92.6 183.6 1S11.3 71.1 585.3 61.3 32.6 268.3 7/28/93 1 1.203 7470.0 74946.7 170.0 170S.6 97.7 2870.0 28794.8 60.0 602.0 97.9 208.9 198.3 148.0 2095.9 49.3 494.6 76.4 16.0 160.S 12.3 123.4 I MS 117.4 23.1 NA Jul. 1993 Avera 5240.0 49561.9 300.0 2622.6 91.7 2655.0 24439.9 120.0 1041.8 1097.4 95.3 181)3.6 60.2 539.9 68.8 24.3 214.4 2Q 1 13.8 13.8 118 8/18/93 1 1.020 2590.0 22032.6 250.0 2126.7 90.3 2170.0 18459.8 129.0 94.1 1259.0 52.7 448.3 64.4 15.2 129.3 9.2 23.8 NA 8/25M3 1 1.014 3110.0 26300.5 310.0 2621.E 90.0 2590.0 21903.0 163.0 1378.S 93.7 18S.7 1570.4 59.0 498.9 68.2 18.1 ISM 1 MY 117.0 Aug.k5jP93 Aver 2850.0 24100.6 200.0 2374.1 9Q2 2380.0 20181.4 146.0 1237.9 93.9 100.9 1414.7 55.9 473.6 66.3 16.7 141.2 0.966 2150.0 17321.3 210.0 1691.9 90.2 1650.0 13293.1 79.0 636.5 95.2 127.0 1023.2 50.1 403.6 60.6 15.2 122.5 12.3 99.1 19.1 0.973 2120.0 17203.4 260.0 2109.9 87.7 1970.0 16986.2 116.0 941.3 94.1 137.8 1118.2 63.7 435.8 61.0 15.2 123.3 11.E 94.1 29.7 0.906 3630.0 27428.4 330.0 2493.5 90.9 3070.0 23197.0 110.0 831.2 96.4 181.4 1370.7 60.9 460.2 66.4 17.4 131.5 14.5 109.6 16.7 ver 2633.3 20651.1 265.7 2098.4 89.6 2230.0 17492.1 101.7 803.0 95.2 148.7 1170.7 54.9 433.2 627 15.9 125.E 1213 100.9 NA 0.974 2380.0 19333.1 260.0 2112.0 89.1 2440.0 19820.5 86.0 698.6 96.5 165.4 1343.6 53.2 432.2 67.8 13.1 106.4 11.6 94.2 11.S __ 10/13/93 1 0.949 2290.0 18124.61 320.0 2532.7 86.0 2065.0 16343.8 122.0 965.8 94.1 154.5 1222.8 55.1 436.1 64.3 1S.2 120.3 13.8 109.2 9.2 10/27 3 0.997 3150.0 28192.21 230.0 1912.4 92.7 2125.0 17669.3 81.0 673.5 96.2 161.1 1339.5 50.8 422.4 68.5 14.5 120.6 10.2 84.8 29.7 Oct. 1993 Aver a 2606.7 21210.6 270.0 2185.7 89.3 2210.0 17944.S 96.3 779.2 9ELGI 160.3 1302.0 53.0 430.2 68.9 14.3 115.8 11.9 96.1 NA 11/03/93 0.845 2860.0 20155.3 230.0 1620.9 92.0 2880.0 20296.2 66.0 465.1 97.7 190.9 1345.3 53.5 377.0 72.0 16.9 119.1 12.7 89.5 24.9 11/10/93 0.943 2440.0 19189.7 320.0 2S16.7 86.9 2630.0 20684.0 120.0 943.8 9SA 211.4 1662.6 90.9 714.9 57.0 22.5 177.0 16.9 132.9 24.9 11/17/93 1.097 1910.0 17474.6 240.0 2195.8 87.4 2205.0 20173.5 13S.0 1235.1 93.9 146.5 1340.3 48.8 446.5 66.7 12.7 116.2 9.2 84.2 27.6 11/24/93 0.835 4490.0 31267.9 430.0 2994.5 90.4 2720.0 18941.8 215.0 1497.2 92.1 201.S 1403.2 62.9 438.0 68.8 39.5 275A 30.6 213.1 22.5 Nov. 1993 Average 292S.0 22021.9 305.0 2331.9 89.2 2608.0 20023.91 134.0 1035.3 94.8 187.6 1437.9 64.0 494.1 88.1 22.9 171.8 17.4 129.9 NA 12/01/93 0.576 1580.0 7590.11 320.0 1537.2 79.7 1530.0 7349.9 12S.0 600.51 91.8 133.9 643.2 53.1 255.1 60.3 12.7 61.0 16.2 77.8 12/OS/93 1 0.551 2640.0 12351.9 240.0 1122.9 90.9 2570.0 12024.4 93.0 435.1 96.4 187.4 876.8 57.8 270.4 69.2 16.9 79.1 12.3 57.5 27.2 12/15/93 0.414 2910.0 10047.5 280.0 966.8 90.4 3010.0 10392.8 110.0 379.8 96.3 194.4 071.2 58.7 202.7 69.8 15.5 53.5 14.8 51.11 4.5 12/2W03 1.166 1670.0 16239.8 260.0 2528.4 84.4 1325.0 12884.9 86.0 836.3 93.5 152.8 1485.9 57.1 655.3 62.6 14.3 139.1 11.4 110.9 20.3 Dec. 1993 Average 1 2200.0 11557.3 275.0 1538.8 88.4 2108.8 10683.0 103.5 582.9 94.5 167.1 919.3 5&71 320.91 65.5 14,91 83.2 13.7 74.3 NA 1993 Annual Avers o 2SSS.51 21113.01 318.7 2591.8 85.7 2128.81 17273.51 153.61 12S2.1 91.81 159.11 1205.71 S5.0 447.4 G4.Sj 15.3 124.1 MIS 106.9 NA Table 3 Contd. Water BOD TSS TKN NH -N Ode Pumped MGO Influent PM Influert b/da Effluerd PM Effluerd Ib/de Removal Eff. % Irdluont P Irdluerd tb/da Effluerd PM Effluord Ib/da Removal Eff. Irdluerd PM Influerd Ib/da Effluent PM Effluort b/de Removal Eff. Irdluort PM Inffuerd Ib/deb ffluonl PM Effluent Ib/dad Removal Eff. 1/06/94 0.398 1450.0 4813.0 280.0 929.4 60.7 1440.0 4779.8 110.0 365.1 92.4 152.8 507.2 01.4 203.8 59.8 14.3 47.5 12.1 40.2 1SA 1/19/94 0.505 1780.0 7496.8 330.0 1389.9 81.S 1380.0 S612.1 116.0 484.3 91.7 139.2 565.3 61.9 260.7 55.5 15.0 633 2 9.8 40.4 36.0 0.743 10SO.0 6SO6.5 300.0 1659.0 71.4 640.0 5205.2 120.0 743.6 85.7 76.4 473.4 S9.3 367.S 277.3 22.4 45.9 7.9 /24 40.0 532 100 62.0 Aver a 1426.7 6272.1 303.3 1392.8 77.9 1220.0 S265.7 9107.3 115.0 531.0 89.9 122.8 522.3 6Q9 IO.6 47.S 63.1 NA 235 0.728 1S00.0 0107.3 260.0 1578.6 82.7 1500.0 130.0 789.3 91.3 122.8 745.6 56.6 343.6 53.9 13.E 11.4 826 101.2 10.4 L 1.064 2120.0 18812.4 260.0 2307.2 87.7 2060.0 18279.9 100.0 807.4 95.1 167.8 1489.0 56.2 498.7 86.5 8.6 76.3 24.6 0.952 2160.0 17149.7 250.0 1984.9 88.4 1880.0 15720.6 100.0 794.0 94.9 172.8 1372.0 47.6 377.9 72.5 13.6 108.0 10.0 79.4 26.5 1.042 2030.0 17641.3 300.0 2607.1 85.2 1750.0 15208.0 140.0 1216.6 92.0 ISIS 1334.0 57.6 500.6 62.S 13.0 118.2 10.4 90.4 23.5 Feb. 1904 Average 1952.5 15577.7 257.5 2119.4 86.0 1822.5 14678.9 117.S 921.8 93.4 1 S4.2 1235.1 54.5 430.2 63.8 1 K 11 102.5 9.9 77.3 NA 3 09/94 0.738 1720.0 10586.5 200.0 1231.0 88.4 1550.0 9724.81 9.5.0 590.9 93.91 143.S 883.2 53.3 320.1 472.3 62.9 11.4 702 10.0 61.5 12.3 3/16194 1.004 360.0 3014.4 140.0 1172.3 0.0 58.4 1 0.0 5.0 41.9 3/23194 0.965 2290.0 18430.1 310.0 2494.9 86.5 2010.0 16176.7 70.0 563.4 96.5 1S1.4 1218.5 56.2 452.3 62.9 12.9 103 a 27.1 11.4 91.7 11.6 3/30/94 0.269 1850.0 3701.7 270.0 605.7 83.6 1470.0 3297.9 110.0 246.8 92.5 129.9 291.4 S5.2 123.8 57.5 12.1 11.4 25.6 5.8 Mar. 1994 A 1866.7 1OMA 28S.0 1838.5 86.2 1686.7 9733.1 104.0 643.3 94.3 141.6 590.3 55.3 344.1 61.1 12.1 50.E 9.S SS.2 NA 4/06/94 1.082 2690.0 24274.2 410.0 3699.8 84.8 1930.0 17416.1 170.0 1 S34.1 91.2 135.7 1224.5 62.8 556.7 S3.7 12.9 116.4 11.1 100. 2 14.0 411 4t94 1 1.034 3710.0 31993.4 270.0 2328.4 92.7 2810.0 24232.2 110.0 948.6 96.1 174.2 1S02.2 58.11 SOLO 66.6 15.7 135.4 11.4 98.3 27.4 4/27,94 0.994 2340.0 19398.S 260.0 2155.4 88.9 2080.0 17243.1 100.0 829.0 95.2 139.9 1159.8 56.2 46S.9 S9.8 11.4 94.5 11.4 94.S 0.0 r. 1994 Aver 0 2913.3 25222.1 313.3 2727.8 88.8 2273.3 19630.S 125.7 1103.9 94.2 149.9 129S.S 60.0 511.2 00.1 1&3 115.4 109.2 11.3 97.7 NA 5/04/94 0.916 2430.0 18563.8 300.0 2291.8 87.7 1420.0 10848.0 110.0 840.3 92.3 130.0 993.1 68.5 S23.3 47.3 14.3 10.7 81.7 25.2 5/11/94 1.027 2860.0 24496.4 320.0 2740.9 88.8 1760.0 15246.0 59.0 606.3 96.7 171.4 1468.1 57.8 495.1 60.3 1S.3 131.0 12.5 107.1 18.3 5/18/94 0.667 2990.0 16632.7 450.0 2SO3.3 84.9 2040.0 11348.1 140.0 778.8 93.1 144.4 803.3 71.3 398.6 50.6 13.9 77.3 13.5 75.1 2.9 5/25/94 1.084 2460.0 22239.8 420.0 3797.0 82.91 1980.0 17900.3 190.0 1717.7 90.4 149.9 13SS.2 59.7 539.7 60.2 17.4 157.3 13.2 119.3 24.1 Mav 1994Avers a 2685.01 20483.2 377-Sl 2533.2 86.1 1805.0 13535.6 124.8 900.5 9&11 148.9 1154.9 64.3 488.7 S6.1 15.2 118.7 12.5 9566 NA 6/01/94 1 0.776 6630.0 42908.3 380.0 2469.3 94.3 4920.0 31841.5 140.0 908.1 97.2 211.0 1365.6 62.9 407.1 70.2 15.3 99.0 13.9 90.0 9.2 6/08/94 0.941 3470.0 27232.4 430.0 3374.6 87.6 2530.0 19855.3 130.0 1020.2 94.9 175.6 137a.1 68.0 533.7 81.3 23.6 185.2 20.8 163.2 11.9 6/1S/94 1.030 3030.0 26026.3 290.0 2491.2 90.4 2400.0 20016.5 75.0 644.3 96.9 169.3 1454.3 56.4 484.5 66.7 18.0 154.6 14.9 128.0 17.2 6/22/94 0.924 5220.0 40226.2 500.0 38S3.1 90.4 3660.0 28358.7 270.0 2050.7 92.7 192.9 1486.5 67.5 520.2 . 65.0 18.0 138.7 17.0 131.0 so 6/29 0.927 3830.0 29610.4 700.0 5411.8 81.7 2820.0 21801.9 470.0 3633.7 83.3 183.2 1416.4 80.5 622.4 56.1 20.11 155.4 14.2 109.8 29.4 Jun. 1994 Aver a 1 4436.0 33201.1 400.0 3518.0 8&91 3270.0 24494.8 217.01 16S7.0 93.0 180.41 1420.2 67.1 513.6 63.8 19.0 M.6 1&2' 124.4 NA 7/07/94 0.886 1920.0 14187.3 1124.0 8305.5 41.5 1760.0 13005.1 990.0 7315.3 43.8 143.4 1059.6 102.7 758.9 28.4 20.8 153.7 27.1 27.1 2002 _ Jul. 1994 A 0 1920.0 141a7.3 1124.0 8305.5 41.5 1760.0 13005.1 990.0 7315.3 43.8 143.4 1059.6 102.7 755.9 20.8 153.7 200.2 126.6 NA 8103/94 0.931 4720.0 36648.6 430.0 3338.8 90.9 3760.0 29194.7 180.0 1397.6 95.2 192.9 1497.8 62.0 481.4 67.9 21.5 166.9 16.3 24.2 8/10/94 0.796 4120.0 27351.2 S60.0 3717.6 86.4 3280.0 21774.7 270.0 1792.4 91.8 177.0 1175.0 65.2 432.6 63.2 16.7 110.9 14.9 98.9 10.8 8/16/94 0.915 6340.0 48381.2 430.0 3281.4 93.2 4810.0 36705.6 120.0 915.7 97.5 216.6 1652.1 60.6 462.4 72.0 15.3 116.8 18.0 137.4 6/24,94 0.820 2330.0 15934.41 290.0 1983.3 87.6 2110.01 14429.9 69.0 471.91 96.7 127.0 868.5 69.01 403.5 53.5 13.9 95.1 15.3 104.E 8/31 4 0.547 2810.0 19849.8 300.0 2119.2 69.3 2090.0 14763.7 130.0 918.3 93.8 124.9 882.3 56.9 401.9 54.4 18.0 127.2 16.0 113.0 11.1 Aug. 1994 Average 4064.0 29633.0 402.0 2888.0 89.5 3210.0 23373.7 153.8 1099.2 95.0 167.7 1215.2 60.7 435.4 62.2 17.1 123.4 16.1 116.1 NA 9/08/94 0.951 2560.0 20304.2 650.0 5155.4 74.6 1580.0 12531.5 380.0 3013.9 75.9 150.6 1194.5 75.0 594.9 50.2 15.3 121.3 11.1 88.0 27.5 9/14/94 0.997 5610.0 46647.0 4420.0 36752.2 231.8 1927.4 18.0 149.7 9%21#94 0.859 3980.0 28S13.0 200.0 1432.8 95.0 3380.0 24214.5 57.0 408.4 98.3 201.9 1446.4 50.7 363.2 74.9 19.8 141.8 12.4 85.8 37.4 9/28/94 0.90S 2380.0 17963.5 230.0 1735.0 90.3 2000.0 1509SA 73.0 551.0 96.4 160.9 1214.4 54.61 412.1 66.1 19.01 143.4 12.4 93.5 34.7 Sept. 1994 Average 3632.5 28356.9 300.0 2774.7 86.6 2845.0 22148.4 170.0 1324.4 1 90.2 185.3 1445.7 60.1 456.7 63.7 I&GI 139.1 12.0 90.2 NA 10/05/94 1 0.819 2040.0 13934.1 200.0 1366.1 90.2 1640.0 11202.0 57.0 389.3 95.5 122.9 839.5 47.3 323.1 61.5 13.2 90.2 11.7 79.9 11.4 10/12/94 1 0.836 4510.0 31444.8 220.0 1533.9 95.1 3530.0 24612.0 59.0 411.4 96.3 202.6 1412.6 50.7 353.5 75.0 14.6 101.8 14.6 101.8 0.0 10/19/94 1 0.836 1840.0 12828.9 200.0 1394.4 89.1 1630.0 11364.8 69.0 481.1 95.8 130.2 907.8 49.7 346.5 61.8 14.6 101.8 11.7 81.5 19.9 Oct. 1994 A e 2796.7 19402.6 206.7 1431.5 91.5 2256.7 1S728.2 61.7 427.3 96.9 151.9 1053.3 49.2 341.0 6&1 14.1 97.9 12.7 87.81 NA 11/O?J4 1 0.896 2320.0 17336.5 220.0 1644.0 90.5 2190.0 16365.1 77.0 575.4 96.5 168.2 12S6.9 50.7 378.9 69.9 12.4 92.7 12.1 90.4 2.4 1130194 1 0.854 3150.0 22435.4 270.0 1923.0 91.4 2750.0 19S06.5 71.0 505.7 97.4 120.0 854.7 54.11 385.3 54.9 13.2 94.0 14.6 104.0 NOW. 1994 Average 273S.0 19888.0 245.0 1783.5 91.0 2470.0 17975.8 74.01 S40.51 97.0 144.1 IOS5.8 SZ41 3a2.1 62.4 Me 93.3 13.4 97.2 NA 1994 Anrwal Avera 2974.1 21935.4 356.1 2595.7 86.0 2350.3 17341.0 156.7 1147.0 SZ2 150.3 1123.8 00.3 434.7 59.8 15.4 105.7 13.0 94.0 NA RGO 1111/95 I wpr- Q0, TABLE 4 Summery of Monitoring Data - Effluent from Overland Flow Fields Gold Kist Inc. Poultry Processing Plant Senferd_ Nnrth Cardim Date Rain On Da n. Rain Prev. Da n. Water Pumped . MGD Water Dischargec MGD BOD TSS NH -N TKN Total N O b t3 Fecal cddorm'" N 1tlOm� PM b da PM tb da PM lb da PM b da PM Ib de PM Ib de 5 89 0.02 13.0 2.2 13.0 2.2 a.0 1.0 18.0 3.0 10 5 189 - - 0.02 2.0 0.3 A for may 1069 7.50 1.25 13.00 2.17 6.00 1.00 18.00 3.00 10 61 69 - 0.72 17.0 102.1 15.0 90.1 11.0 66.1 9.0 54.0 6/26/69 - - - 0.13 29.0 31.4 8/27 89 - - - 0.14 3.0 3.5 34.0 39.7 7.0 8.2 9.0 10.5 22.0 25.7 2 Avera me for June 19M 10.00 52.79 26.00 53.74 9.00 37.11 9.00 10.51 15.50 30.87 2 7/5/89 - - - 0.04 6.0 2.0 24.0 8.0 3.0 1.0 7.0 2.3 7/11/89 - - - 0.0351 10.0 2.9 7/19189 - - 0.178 6.0 8.9 83.0 123.2 3.6 5.3 4.0 5.9 2 712 5/89 1 0.12 13.0 13.0 2 Awmae for July 1989 8.75 6.71 53.50 66.61 3.30 3.17 5.5o 4.14 2 B a9 - - 0.44 21.0 77.1 9.0 33.0 6 8 89 - - - 0.6 16.0 80.1 1.0 5.0 500 8 21 89 - - 0.02 2.0 0.3 9.0 1.5 0.7 0.1 2.0 0.3 5.0 0.8 2 8 69 - - 0.69 6.01 34.5 7.0 40.3 5.0 28.8 Avow a for August 19M 1125 48.00 8.00 20.89 4.90 20.64 2.00 0.33 3.00 2.92 32 9 5/89 0 0 0.70 0.104 3.0 2.6 24.0 20.8 0.7 0.6 < 1.0 0.9 9/13/89 0 0 0.921 0.33 8.0 22.0 3.0 8.3 6.0 16.5 9/27/89 0 0 1.006 0.916 1.0 7.6 22.0 168.1 1.0 7.8 900 9/30/89 0.1 0.8 1.01 1.502 1.0 12.5 2.0 25.1 Avemmaefor SqAerntw 19M 4.00 10.75 16.33 05.71 2.57 9.88 2.00 2S.05 1.00 4.25 900 1010/89 0 0 0.757 0.22 4.0 7.3 1.0 1.8 0.7 1.3 1.0 1.8 10/17/89 0 1.S 0.997 0.1 7.0 5.8 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 24.0 20.0 10 69 0 0 0.857 0.5 4.0 16.7 7.0 29.2 4.0 16.7 10 7 89 0 0 0.947 1.18 1.0 9.8 2 10 89 0 0 0.884 0.374 5.0 15.6 1.2 3.7 2 A for Odder 19M 5.00 11.36 3.00 10.62 1.80 6.18 1.20 3.74 8.67 10.56 2 11189 0 01 0.7151 0.1 2.0 1.7 7.0 5.8 1.9 1.6 2.9 2.4 1.0 0.8 / 1 /7/89 0 0 1207 0.948 2.0 15.6 2 11/14/89 0 01 0.884 0.174 6.0 8.7 6.0 8.7 1.4 2.0 2.9 4.2 1.0 1.4 50 11 /29/89 0 0.31 0.8151 0.633 6.0 31.7 Averatfle for November 1989 4.01 14.48 6.47 7.25 1.65 1.80 2.90 3.31 0.95 1.10 10 12/6r89 0 0 0.7951 0.38 4.0 12.7 2.0 6.3 9.0 28.5 2 12/19/89 01 01 0.5611 0.122 8.0 8.1 7.0 7.1 12.0 12.2 15.0 15.3 13.0 13.2 130 12/28/89 1 of 01 0.8741 0.184 100.0 153.4 Avers a for December 19M 37.31 58.07 4.48 6.70 11.99 1220 15.00 1526 10.98 20.85 16 Winter 1989 Average - mar. 1828 33.16 5.48 0.98 5.10 5.27 6.93 7.301 5.971 10.98 Summer 1969 Average V�W2 - Oct.)7.74 21.30 19.43 40.38 4.17 13.69 3.55 9.91 1 7.83 11.42 Annual Awnige for 1989 10.581 24.49 16.33 ffi.98 4.33 12.20 5.00 8.79 1 7.97 1 11.31 - (1) Fecal cdiforrn average is the geometric mean. RGD 1/10194 Table 4 Contd. Date Rain On Da n. Rain Prev. Da n. Water Pumped MGO Water Dischargec BOD TSS NH -N TKN Total N 03 G Fecal Coliform"" M/100rrt PM /da Jdn P /4M (PPhq MIOAPM b doV) (PPhq 1 /2/90 0 0 0.301 0.022 3.0 0.6 8.0 1.5 9.0 1.7 11.0 2.0 1.0 0.2 2 1 /90 0 1.3 1.087 0.32 6.0 16.0 1/17190 0 0 1.221 0.692 5.0 28.8 9.0 51.9 1.0 5.8 1/31 0 0.11 .8821 0.592 15.0 74.1 Average for January990 4.06 0.0 15.12 40.0 8.50 14.0 26.69 04.8 12.00 7.0 37.88 47.4 11.00 2.02 0.90 2.0 2.97 2 2 2 6g90 0 0 0.963 0.812 13.5 21 0 0 0.979 0.98 7.0 56.0 7.0 66.0 2 2 7 0 0 1.226 0.036 1.0 0.3 7.0 2.1 4.7 1.4 8.0 2.4 A for Feb 1990 4.66 32.30 10.50 48.45 5.83 24.40 8.00 2.40 4.40 34.76 2 3 5 0 01 0.7941 0.336 10.0 28.0 19.01 53.2 9.0 25.2 17.0 47.6 1.0 2.8 220 3/14f90 0 01 1.0141 0.38 24.0 76.0 24.0 76.0 30 3/26/90 0 01 0.7631 0.1 5.0 4.2 33.9 28.3 3.4 2.8 12.0 10.0 3/27 0 01 0.6551 0.2 4.0 6.7 Averw ie for Mardi 1990 10.76 28.73 25.63 52.50 6.18 14.00 17.00 47.64 6.49 0.40 81 4/4/90 0 0 0.8311 0.14 6.0 7.0 17.0 19.8 419190 0 0 0.8671 0.06 53.9 32.0 40.0 20.0 4.0 2.0 11.6 5.8 18.0 9.0 16M 4116190 0 0 0.6061 0.32 1.0 2.7 8.0 21.3 1.0 2.7 30 4/23/90 0 0 0.7821 0.08 15.0 10.0 A for April 1990 21 AQ 12.93 21.64 20.37 4.00 2.00 11.60 5.80 9.50 6.85 219 5/14W 01 01 0.792 0.6 5.0 25.0 24.0 120.1 2.0 10.0 1.0 5.0 5/15NO 01 01 0.777 0.5 10.0 41.7 11.0 45.9 2 51 90 01 01 0.875 0.62 10.0 51.7 13.0 67.2 300 5131 01 01 1.121 0.62 142 73.4 22.0 113.7 8.2 42.4 12.7 65.7 3.0 15.5 1200 A e for Ma 1990 9.80 47.05 17.50 86.73 5.10 2520 12.70 05.67 2.00 1025 90 6/4/90 01 of 1.328 0.03 24.0 6.0 38.8 9.7 8.8 2.2 15.5 3.9 4.0 1.0 16M 6/12/90 0 0 0.797 0.38 22.0 69.7 7.022.1 6/20M 0 0 0.91 0.62 8.0 41.3 1.0 5.2 2 6 25/90 0 0 1.7641 0.15 1.6 2.1 Awem me for June 1990 17.99 39.00 15.77 11.30 8.79 220 15.50 3.88 2.50 3.10 57 7/9/90 0 0.5 1.654 0.12 17.0 17.0 8.0 8.0 1.1 1.1 4.6 4.6 1.0 1.0 7 17 90 0 0.4 1.329 0.78 8.0 62.0 14.0 91.0 1.0 6.5 500 7 0 01 0.341 0.3 11.0 27.5 500 T 0 01 1.293 02 9.0 15.0 3.3 5.5 Avemne for Ju 1990 1124 27.88 10.99 49.50 2.20 3.30 4.00 4.60 1.00 3.75 500 81 0 01 0.921 0.04 9.0 3.0 12.9 4.3 3.3 1.1 0.9 0.3 110 8 1 %w 0 0 0.986 0.081 24.0 16.0 30.9 20.6 5.1 3.4 11.3 7.5 9.9 6.8 130 8/20/90 0 01 1.012 0.14 5.0 5.8 3.9 4.5 8 7/90 0 01 0.786 0.08 6.0 4.0 3.3 2.2 Averate for Au gust 1990 10.98 7.20 21.86 12.45 3.89 2.80 11.30 7.54 5.40 3.45 120 9/5/90 0 0 0.931 0.42 7.0 24.5 5.0 17.5 0.7 2.4 3.0 10.5 2.0 7.0 917/90 0 0 0.94 0.05 5.0 2.5 21.0 10.5 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.5 350 919/90 0 0 0.889 026 7.0 15.2 1.6 3.5 9 2 90 0 0 0.867 0.8 2.0 13.3 0.1 0.5 2 Avew==e for SqAember 1990 5.25 13.88 12.99 14.00 0.64 1.63 3A0 10.51 1.50 3.751 26 101 01 01 0.896 0.024 1.0 0.2 4.0 0.8 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.2 Igaw 01 0 L 0.778 0.356 4.0 11.9 7.0 20.7 2.0 5.9 1017 01 01 0.921 021 5.0 8.7 4.0 7.0 0.8 1 A 3.5 6.1 10 01 01 0.83 0.214 2.0 3.5 4.0 7.1 -C2 Avers for October 1990 2.98 6.08 4.74 8.90 0.50 0.72 3.50 6.13 1.49 3.05 2 1115/90 0 01 0.8151 0.014 0.9 0.1 6.9 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.1 2 11/14/90 0 0 0.8281 0.256 4.0 8.5 5.0 10.6 0.1 0.2 1.7 3.6 4.0 8.5 11/19/90 0 0 1.0161 0.072 1.0 0.6 30 11 0.1 0 0.8051 0.732 6.0 36.6 17 Avecane for November 1990 2.95 11.45 5.91 5.70 0.08 0.08 1.70 3.63 2.42 4.30 10 12/10/90 1 01 0 0.7951 0.062 1.9 1.0 20.0 10.8 02 0.1 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.5 14 12/12190 1 01 0 0.8731 0.368 4.0 12.2 6.0 15.3 12 17 90 1 01 0 0.7831 0.124 4.0 4.1 2.0 2.1 0.2 0.2 70 12 90 1 01 0 0.4341 0.272 6.0 13.6 7.0 15.6 Avers a for Deoetrber 1990 3.97 7.73 9.30 9.40 0.19 0.15 0.50 0.25 3.97 8.15 31 Winter 1990 Average Nov. - Mar. 5.48 118Z51 12.88 26.95 4.86 15.30 7.64 11.19 3.67 11.32 _ Summer 1990 Average . - Oct. 11.15 21.50 14.64 31.47 2.91 5.15 8.w 14.88 3.34 4.74 Annual Average far 1990 8.88 20.32 13MI 30.62 &001 9.051 8.37 13.34 3.48 7.48 IdUle 4 UOULde .r 4%- 040 Date Rain On Da n. Rain Prev. Da n. Water Pumped GD Water Dischargec GD BOO TSS NH -N TKN Total N O & G Fecal Coliforrd" M f00mQ (lb/day)P lb/da P(lb/day)P b da P da PM ode 1/2/91 0 0 0.87 0.5 3.0 12.5 6.0 25.0 0.3 1.2 1.0 4.1 2 1/M91 0 0 1.511 1.611 4.0 53.7 6.0 80.6 0.9 12.0 1.8 242 0.4 5.5 17 1/16/91 0.3 0 1.048 1.048 2.5 22.1 1128V91 1 0 01 0.7851 0.785 4.0 26.2 A fa jarwary 1991 3.38 28.63 6.00 52.80 0.59 6.00 1.80 24.18 0.70 4.80 6 2 4 l 01 01 0.159 0.41 6.0 20.5 8.0 27.4 7.0 23.9 10.3 35.2 6.01 20.5 4 2 6 91 0 01 1.451 0.456 5.0 19.0 211 1 01 01 0.834 0.264 6.0 132 6.0 13.2 0.5 1.1 2.8 0.2 1.0 22 11 2125J91 0.21 01 0.881 0.474 3.0 11.8 0.5 2.0 A for Feb 1991 4.99 18.13 7.00 20.30 2.67 9.00 6.56 20.60 3.50 11.35 7 3/7/91 0 01 1.2001 0.364 1.0 3.0 5.0 152 0.1 0.3 1.9 5.8 4.0 12.1 3/12/91 01 0 0.984 0.212 7.0 12.4 9.0 15.9 2.1 3.7 2.0 3.5 500 3/19/93 01 0.71 0AW1 1.104 2.0 18.4 3/26/91 01 0 0.6921 0.008 3.0 02 L 2 A far Mamh 1991 3.25 8.50 7.00 15.65 1.10 2.00 1.90 5.77 2.95 7.80 32 4/2/91 0 0 0.824 0.108 4.0 3.0 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 4 4/9/93 0.1 0 0.794 0.156 3.0 3.9 67.9 88.4 1.3 1.7 6.0 7.8 16M 4116MI 0 0.2 0.877 0224 8.0 14.9 1.4 2.6 4: 2 4 1 0 0.1 0.889 0.34 3.0 8.5 A for April1991 4.49 7.73 34.47 44.85 0.02 1.45 1.20 1.06 3.50 4.35 23 5 1 0 01 0.888 0.16 2.0 2.7 11.0 14.7 0.3 0.4 1.0 1.3 3.0 4.0 51 1 0 01 0.833 0.208 5.0 8.7 7.0 12.1 0.1 0.2 1.0 1.7 2 5/28/91 0.1 01 1.079 022 4.0 7.3 0.7 1.3 5/2"1 0 0.11 0.824 0200 3.0 52 13 A for 1991 3.50 5.98 9.00 13.40 0.37 OA2 1.00 1.33 1.99 2.85 5 614101 01 1.41 0.924 0.324 9.0 24.3 13.0 35.1 13.1 35.4 10.0 27.0 23 6/11/91 01 0 0.592 0.1 3.0 2.5 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.8 6/17/91 01 01 0.799 0.164 6.0 6.8 5.0 6.8 13 8/26�91 01 01 0.932 0.122 1.0 1.0 2.1 2.1 A for June 1991 4.49 8.6S 6.31 1423 1.45 1.40 13.10 35.40 5.48 13.90 17 71 1 0 01 0.881 0.036 2.0 0.6 11.0 3.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 6.7 2.0 240 7 9 1 0 0 0.965 0.116 4.0 3.9 11.0 10.6 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 300 71 1 0 01 0.795 0.088 2.0 1.5 0.2 0.1 23 7 1 0 01 0.637 0.132 6.01 6.6 1.1 1.2 A e for Ju 1991 3.50 3.14 10.99 6.97 0.67 0.64 0.20 0.05 3.85 1.50 lie 8/6/91 0 0.81 0.815 0.188 2.0 3.1 12.0 18.8 0.7 1.1 1.9 3.0 3.0 4.7 2 8/18J91 0 01 0.031 0.241 8.0 16.1 25.0 50.2 0.1 0.2 1.0 2.0 80 8/1 91 0 01 0.7421 0.104 0.0 5.2 0.1 0.1 16M 8/26/91 0 0 0.&551 0.596 7.0 34.8 Avemae for Aft"usnowst 1991 5.75 14.80 18.48 34.50 0.30 0.46 1.90 2.98 2.00 3.35 83 9/2191 0 0 0.943 0.076 3.0 1.9 3.0 1.9 0.5 0.3 2.8 1.8 0.9 0.61 900 9/9/91 0 0 0.981 0.036 3.0 0.9 0.3 0.1 2.0 0.6 50 9 17 91 0 0 0.995 0.43 5.0 17.9 0.1 0.4 30 9 1 0 0 0.92 0.084 2.0 1.4 Average for S eq0Aember 1991 3.25 5.52 3.00 1.90 0.31 0.27 2.80 1.77 1.47 0.60 111 10 1 0 0 0" 0.508 5.0 21.0 5.0 21.2 0.1 0.4 1.0 4.2 300 1015 1 0.3 0 0.967 0.386 1.9 6.0 0.1 0.3 2.0 6.4 23 10/22/91 r1 0 0 0.901 0.68 3.9 19.0 0.8 4.0 1.4 6.8 80 0 /91 1 0 0 0.962 0.788 5.0 33.0 A for October 1991 3.94 19.75 5.00 21.20 0.34 1.67 1.40 6.77 1.49 5.30 82 l l /5/91 0 0.01 0.939 0.204 16.3 26.0 3.0 5.1 9.3 15.8 2.0 3.4 1 11 /12191 0 1.5 0.905 0.532 29.1 129.0 1.5 6.7 8.0 35.5 1 1119/91 0 0 0.477 0.426 1.1 4.0 8.0 14.0 28.4 23.1 2.2 7.8 1 11 1 0 0 0.534 0.198 1.8 3.0 Averwe for November 1991 11.82 40.50 8.33 18.87 4.33 10.10 5.00 19.45 1 12 1 0.61 0 0.927 0.642 2.0 10.7 3.0 16.11 1.3 7.0 1.0 5.4 1 1210 1 0.5 0 0.905 0.808 2.0 13.5 8.0 63.9 0.1 0.7 1.0 6.7 220 1217 1 0 0.01 0.671 0.456 1.0 3.8 4.3 16.4 1 12 1 0 1.1 0.577 0.266 2.0 4.4 2.9 6.4 8ynge for December 1991 1.75 8.10 5.50 35.00 1.91 8.03 2.90 6.43 1.00 6.05 6 Water 1991 Average Mac - Lbr. 5.04 20.37 6.91 13.29 10.37 27.83 20.37 23.70 2.31 0.60 1.25 7.58 0.88 3.44 3.94 3.09 3.44 15.65 7.06 10.60 2.64 2.82 2.75 9.89 4.55 Summer 1901 Average . - Oct. 4.13 4.51 9.37 13AS Annual Average for 1991 'fable 4 Contd. 4 =V- C Date Rain On Da in. Rain Prev. Oa in. Water Pumped GD Water Discharged GD BOO TSS NH -N TKN Total N O 3 G Fecal Colitorrd') #/100m PM b da PM da PM Ib/da P b/da PM(lb/day) PM Ib da ] 1 UL92 0 0.5 1.151 0.672 3.0 17.0 13.0 73.0 0.6 4.5 0.9 5.0 50 1 /1 S/92 0 0.3 0.869 0.872 6.0 36.0 17.1 124.0 1.0 7.3 1 1122&2 0 0 1.145 0.36 3.0 9.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.2 1 1 /28 92 1 0.351 01 0.859 1.424 3.6 43.0 4 Average for Jan umrV1992 3.56 2625 15.04 98.50 0.45 2.40 0.40 120 0.95 0.15 4 1214/92 2 11 j2 0 0 0.964 0.278 2.0 4.0 3.0 0.9 0.1 0.22 0.5 1.2 1.0 2.3 145 120 0.1 0 .532 0.322 0.2 24.7 b.0 13.4 0.6 1.6 1.0 2.7 2/18/920.01 0.3 0.801 0.706 6.4 31.9 10 2 S 0.15 0.25 0.536 0.79 6.0 43.6 78 Aversa for Feb 1992 5.80 26.18 3" 10.15 0.34 0.90 0.50 1.15 1.00 2.50 61 3 0 0 0.7891 0.148 2.9 3.6 5.0 6.2 1.5 1.9 0.6 0.7 4.0 4.9 1 3/10/92 0 0 0.7451 0.186 6.1 9.5 2.0 3.1 1.5 2.3 1.0 1.6 1 3 17 92 0 0 0.593 0.458 7.2 27.6 18 3/24/92 0 0.5 0.0121 1.176 2.7 26.9 8.0 78.5 1.7 16.7 15.2 149.1 6 3 5 0 0 01 0.308 1.0 2.6 7.0 18.0 0.8 2.1 1.0 4.9 3 Avers ie for March 1992 4.00 14.04 5.51 26.45 1.39 5.75 5.90 51.57 2.50 325 3 4 2 0 1 0.884 0.358 10.1 30.1 1.0 3.0 0.6 1.8 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 485 4/21192 0.4 0.05 0.781 0.122 4.1 4.2 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0 95 4 8 0.2 0.05 0.807 0.802 8.7 58.2 560 4/29 92 0 0.2 0.829 0.82 5.8 39.7 12 Ave a for April 1992 7.18 33.05 029 2.00 0.60 1.20 0.10 0.30 0.99 2.00 133 5/5/92 0.01 01 0.886 0.164 11.1 152 6.0 8.2 1.4 1.9 3.9 5.3 1.0 1.4 2640 5/12/92 0 0 0.862 0.31 5.6 14.2 9.0 23.3 1.0 2.6 1065 5126/92 0.01 01 0.9691 0.5 6.7 27.9 0.7 2.9 1 5/27 0.01 0.011 1.6211 0.72 2.0 12.0 82 Avers a for Ma 1992 6.32 17.33 7.50 15.75 1.04 2.40 3.90 6.33 1.01 2.00 123 6/2/92 0 1.31 0.283 0.432 10.8 38.9 16.0 57.5 0.6 2.2 6.8 24.5 4.0 14.4 100 6/16/92 0.4 0.3 1.733 1.432 13.8 164.8 90 6/17/92 0 0.4 1.271 1.686 17.3 243.3 2.2 30.9 42.2 1 6/23 92 0 0.7 0.95 0.43 11.3 40.5 460 Avers a for June 1992 13.30 121.88 15.99 57.60 1.40 16.65 6.80 24.50 4.00 28.30 46 7/2/92 01 0 0.834 0.2721 2.0 4.5 27.0 612 2.9 6.6 4.9 11.1 1355 7/7/92 0 0.35 0.647 0276 22.2 51.1 1.5 3.5 1.01 2.3 1 7/14/92 0 0 0.959 0.064 7.1 3.8 1 7/28 92 0 0 0.926 0.06 3.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1 Average for J 1992 8.58 15.23 26.98 61.20 221 5.05 4.90 11.12 1.00 1.40 6 8/4192 0 0.11 0.703 0.058 3.9 1.9 5.0 2.4 2.7 1.3 2.9 1.4 2.1 1.0 10 8/11/92 0 01 2.078 0.066 2.0 1.1 18.0 9.9 2.0 1.11 1 8/18/92 0.1 0.51 1.421 0.712 4.0 24.0 8125/92 0 01 0.668 0.072 8.2 4.9 0.7 0.4 30 Averof a for August 1992 4.53 7.98 11.47 6.15 1.68 0.85 2.90 1.40 2.03 1.05 7 9/2/92 0 0 0.812 0.094 4.0 3.1 20.0 15.7 0.3 0.2 3.1 2.4 1 919/92 0 0.92 0.876 0.064 6.7 3.6 3.0 1.6 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.5 2 9/16/92 0 0 0.814 0.222 4.0 7.4 0.5 12.0 2 9123 0 0 0.771 0.36 3.5 10.5 995 Avera a for September 1992 4.55 6.15 11.51 8.65 022 0.15 6.50 12.03 2.00 1 AS 8 10/7/92 01 0.08 0.7131 0.812 2.5 16.9 3.0 20.3 0.3 2.0 1.6 10.8 3.4 23.0 2 1014 2 0 0 0.914 0.822 3.3 22.6 8.0 54.8 0.6 4.1 2.9 19.9 4.3 29.5 2400 10/2192 0 0 0.892 0.312 5.2 13.5 2 10 8 2 0.1 0 0.938 0.325 3.8 10.3 2 Aversa for October 1992 3.70 15.85 5.50 37-W 0.45 3.07 225 15.38 3.85 2625 12 114 01 0.811 0.857 1.348 2.7 30.0 2.7 30.4 0.5 5.6 8.2 922 5.0 56.2 300 11/11 0 0.559 0.63 2.1 11.0 8.0 42.0 0.5 2.6 14.4 75.7 2.8 14.7 2 11 18 2 0 JO 0.994 0.32 2.25.9 17200 11/25/92 0 0.464 0.702 2.0 11.7 2 Avers a for November 1992 225 14.66 5.35 3622 0.50 4.11 11.30 83.93 3.90 35.48 67 12/2/92 0 0.03 1.205f 0.724 2.3 13.9 2.0 12.1 1.1 6.6 7.3 44.1 18.7 112.9 2 12 92 0 0 0.7401 0.472 2.5 9.9 1.0 3.9 2.3 9.1 86.4 340.1 15.4 60.6 1290 12/16/92 0 0 0.7661 0.36 4.2 12.6 2 12/23L02 0 0.02 0.604 0.972 2.0 16.2 8 Average for December 1992 2.75 13.15 1.50 7.99 1.71 7.67 46.8S 192.10 17.05 86.78 14 Winter 1992 Average (Now. - Mar. 3.71 18.62 0.15 3429 0.96 4.46 3.72 31 Al 29.08 138.01 5.081 26.82 - Summer 1992 Average t. - Oct. 0.88 31.05 9.74 21.69 1.09 4.18 4.18 0.11 225 15.36 1.98 8.92 Annual Aywage for 1992 SA 25.73 7.95 27.94 1.03 4.31 3.97 19.25 20.13 97.13 3..W 16.38 Zs%FVb Date Rein On Da n I Rain Prev. Da n.) Water Pumped (MGD) Water Dis&sargec (MGD SOD TSS NH -N TKN P Ib/da Total N P Ib dayj 08 G PM lb/day) Fecal ColiforWil M/toomR PM 2.3 LIhday) 33.8 M Lys 14.7 PM Mday 1/0193 0 0.55 1.794 1.764 1.0 0.7 10.3 8.8 129.5 5.0 73.8 1 1/13(93 0.42 0.36 0.994 1.338 3.2 35.7 1.0 11.2 0.3 3.3 10.6 120.5 11.7 130.d 2 1/20/93 0 0 0.923 0.672 3.4 19.1 1 7/93 1 01 01 0.8781 0.628 3.7 19.4 26.99 12.94 F�2.4 2 Average for 1993 0 01 0.712 0.284 3.15 1.00 0.50 6.82 9.80 124.99 8.35 102.00 42.6 1 0.4 15.2 1.0 0.8 1.8 1.9 9.3 22.0 18.0 2 21 3 0 0.28 1.448 0.054 2.3 12.5 1.0 5.5 9.8 11.5 62.7 1.0 5.5 2 2 17 93 0.68 0.1 0.692 2.424 5.1 103.1 2 0 01 0.71 0.532 3.4 15.1 A for Febmmm 1903 4.30 30.47 1.00 3.91 1.30 5.80 10.40 42M 9.50 24.04 2 3/3/93 0 01 1.178 0.724 5.4 32.0 1.0 6.0 0.1 0.6 7.6 45.9 9.6 58.0 2 3/10/93 0 0 1.016 0.688 5.9 33.9 1.5 8.0 0.3 1.7 8.0 46.0 12.7 72.0 2 3/17 3 0.2 0 1.181 1.16 8.1 78.4 3/24193 1.35 0 0.497 3.29 9.2 252.4 A for MOM 1993 7.15 99.31 1.25 7.32 0.20 1.16 7.00 45.93 11.15 65.42 2 4/14M3 0 0 1.03 0.446 GA 23.8 1.0 3.7 0.9 3.3 3.8 14.1 4.9 18.2 2 4/2193 0 0 1.021 0.254 2.0 4.2 1.0 2.1 0.2 0.4 3.9 8.3 7.5 15.9 2 4/28/93 0 0.071 0.9181 0.205 2.0 3.4 Avernae for AprilI993 3.47 10.49 1.00 2.92 0.55 1.89 3.85 1120 0.20 17.06 2 5 5 93 0.92 0.021 0.848 1.326 11.0 121.7 11.5 127.2 0.6 6.6 7.2 79.6 10.4 115.0 5200 5/12193 0 01 0.931 0.308 20.0 51.4 5.7 14A 5.8 14.9 5.0 12.8 456 51 93 Q 01 0.957 0.392 4.3 14.1 5/2 93 0.66 01 1.061 0.404 16.3 55.0 1140 Average for May 1993 12.91 00.53 8.00 70.92 3.20 10.75 7.20 79.60 7.70 63.92 271 612/93 01 0.781 0.412 8.8 30.2 12.0 41.2 1.1 3.8 15.1 51.9 5.0 172 29M 6/9/93 1 0 0 1.862 0.364 13.8 41.9 6.0 18.2 0.7 2.1 16.2 49.2 5.0 152 492 611 W3 1 0 0 0.892 0.282 4.8 11.3 2 6/2 93 I Ol 0.121 0.888 0.178 6.8 10.1 30000 Avem ne for June 1993 8.55 23M 9.00 29.72 0.90 2.95 16.66 50.53 5A0 16.18 137 7R 0 0 0.496 0.102 2.0 < 1.7 1.5 1.3 0.3 0.3 6.9 5.91 5.0 4.3 2 -?'/14193 0 0.01 0.987 0.152 11.6 14.6 20.0 25.4 8.8 112 21.9 27.8 25200 7 1 0 0.18 0.978 0.256 2.9 6.2 4 7 93 0 0 1.203 0.312 4.0 10.41 22200 A forJu 1993 5.10 8.22 10.75 13.31 4.56 5.71 6.90 5.87 13.45 16.01 259 8/4193 1.1 01 0.694 1.188 4.0 39.6 23.5 219.1 0.3 2.8 3.8 35.4 5.0 46.0 300N 8/11 3 0 1.51 0.974 0.324 < 2.0 5.4 4.0 10.8 0.5 1.4 15.3 41.3 2 8/1af93 0 0 1.02 0.15 3.7 4.6 2 8/25/93 0 0 1.014 0.08 2.2 1.5 Averace for Au at 1993 2.98 12.78 13.75 114.96 0.40 2.07 3.80 35.43 10.15 43.98 49 9/8/93 0 0 0.9661 0.502 5.9 24.7 2.5 10.5 0.8 3.3 6.0 25.1 17.6 73.7 44.00 9/15/93 0.3 0 0.973 0.452 13.0 49.0 17.0 64.1 0.3 1.1 6.5 24.5 5.0 18.8 4,2.00 9/22/93 0 0.22 0.6171 0.214 2.7 4.8 S 3 0 0 0.9wl 0.274 5.9 13.5 Aveme fa September 1993 6.88 23.00 9.75 3729 0.55 2.22 6.25 24.80 11.30 4627 9 10 3 0 0 0.974 0268 8.7 19.4 5.0 11.2 02 0.4 6.4 14.3 5.0 112 -C 2 101 3 0 0.05 0.949 0.608 14.0 71.0 3.5 17.7 0.7 3.5 8.4 42.6 11.5 58.3 15 10 3 0 0 1.015 0.64 4.7 25.1 10/27/93 0.26 0.06 0.997 1.548 42 54.2 Averane for October 1993 7.90 42.43 4.25 14.45 0.45 2.0 7.40 28.45 8.25 34.75 8 113 0 01 0.845 0.68 9.8 56.6 3.3 18.7 1.7 9.6 4.0 22.7 4.9 28.0 C 2 11/10/93 0 01 0.943 0.666 25.0 138.9 14.8 82.0 1.4 7.8 5.0 28.0 8 11/17 3 0 01 1.097 0.588 5.9 13.2 11 /24/93 0 01 0.835 0.384 7.7 24.7 0.4 1.3 Averme for November 1993 12.10 56.10 9.05 5025 1.17 6.20 4.00 22.70 4.95 28.00 4 12/1 3 0 0 0.576 0.442 10.1 37.2 4.6 17.0 0.8 3.0 8.4 31.0 7.8 28.0 4 2 12 0 0 0.561 0.43 2.6 9.3 2.0 7.0 0.1 0.4 5.4 19.4 5.7 24.0 2 1215 0.9 0 0.414 0.414 19.7 68.0 12 22 3 0 0.58 0.428 0.428 7.5 26.9 12 28 93 0 0 1.166 0.232 2.1 4.1 Avers a for December 1993 Winter 1993 Average - fir• 8.40 29.10 3.30 12.00 0.45 1.70 6.90 2520 7.15 26.00 2 7.09 49.00 3.12 17.30 0.76 4.531 8.20 56.62 8.22 49.10 - Ssmmer 1993 Average VIM - Oct. 6.951 26.40 8.101 40.51 1.51 3.94 7.66 31.90 8.861 34.02 Arimsel Average for 1993 7.01 36291 6.06 30.84 1.18 4.20 1 7.90 42.53 8.60 40.31 - IdUld 4 UUl1LU Date Rain On Da n. Rain Prey. Da n. Water Pumped Water Discharge MGO SOD TSS NH -N TKN Total N O & O Fecal Coliforrn'') (01100m PM (lb/day)PM Ida PM ib/da P tb/da P de PM /daY)_ 16/94 0 0 0.398 0.4 22 8.2 1.1 4.0 0.8 3.0 9.0 33.5 7.6 29.0 4 2 1/12/94 0.7 0 0.294 1 2.0 < 16.2 1.5 12.0 0.4 3.2 119/94 0 0.6 0.505 0.5 3.8 15.6 1 �194 0 0 0.743 0.4 162 55.1 A fo Jams 1994 8.05 23.78 1.30 8.00 0.60 3.10 9.00 33.50 7.80 29.00 2 212M 0 0 0.726 0.7 t 2.0 12.3 4.5 28.0 0.7 4.3 1 7.0 43.2 13.4 83.0 2 2L9194 0 0.1 1.054 0.9 0.9 49.5 1.0 7.0 0.6 4.3 112 80.0 2 21 effl4 0 0 0.952 0.4 2.3 8.1 2 94 0.3 0 1.042 0.81 3.1 21.2 A for Feb 1994 3.58 22.78 2.75 17.50 0.65 4.30 7.00 4320 12.30 81.50 2 3 94 1.8 0 0 2 3.0 50.1 3/9/94 0 0 0.759 0.1 2.2 2.6 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.0 3.3 4.0 43.3 52.0 2 3/1 0 0 1.004 0.4 9.5 31.1 7.0 23.0 0.6 2.0 4.9 < 10.0 L 2 3/2 4 0 0.1 0.965 0.5 5.0 19.4 3 94 0 1.5 0.269 Flooded Averm ie for March 1994 4.93 25.80 3.90 12.00 1.15 2.00 3.30 4.00 24.10 34.00 2 4/6/94 0 01 1.0821 0.4 14.2 41.7 6.8 20.0 0.3 0.0 2.5 7.3 15.4 48.0 2 4113/94 0.2 01 1.0341 0.3 11.0 26.4 10.0 24.0 1.5 3.6 27.9 67.0 L 2 4W94 0 01 1.0091 0.1 15.0 16.0 4 7 4 0 01 0.9941 0.1 11.1 5.9 A e for April 1994 12.83 22.50 8.40 22.00 0.90 2.25 2.50 7.30 22.15 67.50 2 5 4 1.8 0 0.916 2.5 12.50 257.3 5/11 4 0 0 1.027 0.4 19.00 68.5 19.0 68.5 2.2 7.9 6.9 24.9 9.6 34.6 2 5/18/94 0 0 0.667 0.3 6.90 15.9 4.0 9.2 0.8 1.8 5.0 11.5 t 2 5/2 4 0 01 1.084 0.1 11.10 7.8 A e for k4ay 1994 12.38 87.38 11.50 38.85 1.50 4.85 6.90 24.90 7.30 23.05 2 6/1/94 0 0 0.776 0.1 12.3 9.4 12.6 9.7 3.6 2.7 4.6 3.5 7.3 5.6 < 2 6/8/94 0.7 0.5 0.105 0.7 25.9 146.9 6115194 0 0 1.03 0.7 6.3 34.7 5.71 31.4 2.2 12.1 32.11 176.7 22 6/22194 0 0 0.924 0.2 5.6 11.6 0.4 0.9 6 94 0.3 0.2 0.927 0.5 8.9 39.3 3.5 15.5 Avers a for June 1994 11.80 48.38 9.15 20.55 2.40 7.80 4.60 3.50 19.70 91.16 7 7f7194 0 0.2 0.88 0.306 21.1 53.8 10.2 26.0 32 8.2 12.6 32.2 16.8 43.0 71 3ffl4 <0.1 0.4 1.038 0.948 16.1 127.3 21.0 166.0 13.7 108.0 7/22194 0.6 1.8 0.974 1.956 7.1 115.8 4 7/2 94 0 1.3 0.891 1.084 2.1 19.0 1.6 14.5 900 A for Ju 1994 11.60 78.98 16.50 96.00 2.40 11.35 12.60 32.20 15251 75.50 60 8/2/94 0.3 0.6 0.931 0.74 5.4 33.3 13.3 82.0 1.6 9.9 1 5.5 33.9 9.1 56.0 26 8/10/94 0 0 0.796 0.172 3.5 5.0 9.1 13.0 G 0.1 L 0.1 7.0 10.0 A. 2 8/16194 0.2 0.2 0.915 0.308 4.4 11.3 8/24194 0 0 0.82 0.44 3.1 11.4 8/31 0 0.4 0.847 0.7 2.8 16.3 Averat e for Au at 1994 3.84 15.46 1120 47.50 0.85 5.00 5.50 33.90 8.05 33.00 7 9 0 0 0.951 0.36 4.2 12.6 5.3 15.9 0.6 1.8 4.3 12.9 G 5.0 < 15.0 4 91 V94 0 0 0.997 0.328 6.1 16.7 11.3 30.9 0 2.7 t 5.0 13.7 60 9 1 0 0 0.859 0.504 3.1 13.0 9 0 0 0.905 0.432 3.1 11.2 AveMe for S or 1994 4.13 13.38 8.30 23.40 0.80 ` , 2.25 4.30 12.90 5.00 14.35 15 01 0 0.819 0.584 4.1 20.0 2.4 11.7 ��.. 6.5 31.7 5.0 24.4 < 1 110/5/94 10/12/94 0 0 0.836 0.492 2.9 11.9 1.6 6.6 4 1.0 L 4.1 5.0 20.5 1 10/19 94 01 0 0.836 0.356 10.1 30.0 1.0 L 3.0 10/25/94 01 0 0.901 0.452 22 8.3 A for October 1994 4.83 17.55 2.00 9.15 1.00 3.55 6.50 31.70 5.00 22.45 1 11 /3/94 0 0 0.896 0.536 6.0 25.0 3.8 17.0 c 1.0 e- 4.5 4.7 21.0 < 5.0 e- 22.0 2 11/g194 0 0 0.856 0.362 2.1 6.3 5.6 17.01 1.0 L 3.0 G 5.0 t 15.0 C. 1 ll 16 4 0 0 0.915 0.904 5.8 43.7 11 94 0 0.15 0.999 0.620 4.0 20.7 11 30 4 0.15 0.12 0.854 1.020 4- 2.0 4 17.0 Average for November 1994 4.0 22.5 4.7 17.0 1.0 3.8 4.7 21.0 5.0 18.5 1.4 Winter 1994 Average Nov. - Mar. 4.59 23.65 3.19 13.63 0.85 3.29 6.00 25.43 12.94 42.43 - Summer 1994 Average - Oct.)8.71 39.94 9.45 38.78 1.53 6.61 6.13 20.91 11.78 4629 - Anrwal Averege far 1994 7.2 34.1 7.21 28.4 1.3 4.111 8.1 22.61 12.2 41.3 (1) Fecal conform average is the geometric mean. TABLE 6 Summary Of Influent and Ertwnt Monitor" Data For Overland Flow Treatment System Golden Poultry Company. Inc. SYSTEM INFLUENT MONITORING DATA RAIN DATA SYSTEM EFFLUENT MONITORING DATA Data Water Pumped MGD SOD TSS NH -N TKN Rain On Oa ln. Ratn Prev. De ln. Water Dischaty MGD SOD TSS NH -N Total N O & G Few CoYorrn i/100 PPM b/ds PPM b/ds PPM b/de PPM b/da PPM b/day PPM b/de�� (PPM bLY)_ _(PPAA� 18 b/dar 108 PPM b/de 1017/92 0.713 320.0 1902.9 120.0 713.6 0.7 57.7 52.4 311.6 0.0 0.1 0.812 2, 5 1 &0 3.0 80 20 3 510 0, 3 05 20 4 1 34 230 2 10/14/92 10121(02 0.822 33 226 20 199 43 295 2400 0.892 560.0 41000 494.0 3875.0 9.7 72.2 72.8 541.0 0.0 0.0 0.312 52 135 2 10 e/92 0 325 3.8 10.3 2 11 4 2 / 3"fi 2.7 30.0 2.7 304 05 5.0 2.6 02 14.4 922 1 75.7 50 56.2 300 11 11 2 0.559 200.0 932.4 69.0 321.7 8.7 40A 40.8 190.2 0.0 0.0 0.630 2.11 11.0 8.0 42.0 0 5 2.8 14.7 2 11/18/92 0.320 2.2 5,9 17200 11 /92 0 702 20 117 2 12/2/92 1.2051 2/5.0 2160.7 00.0 964.6 10.9 109.51 51.5 517.6 0.0 0.0 0.724 2.3 13.9 2.0 12.1 1.1 so 73 44.1 187 1129 2 1249192 0.472 2.5 9.9 1.0 3.9 2.3 9.1 66.4 340.1 15.4 500 1290 12/18/92 0 360 4.2 12.6 2 12/23/92 0.6041 290.0 1460.8 170.0 858.4 10.9 54.9 49.6 249.9 0 972 20, 18.2 8 Annual Average - - 317.0 2124A 189.8 1306.3 10.0 87.0 53.4 302.2 - - - - - - 2.9 14.6 4.1 27.3 0.9 5.0 20.1 07.1 83 49.5 - - Apr. -Oct. Aver a -- 440.0 3034.4 307.0 2194.31 9.71 414.91 62.8 426.6 - - - - - - 3.7 15.0 5.5 37.11 0.5 3.1 23. 15.4 39 20 3 - - Nov. -Mar. Average -- 235.0 1518.0 111.71 714.3 10.2 08.3 47.3 319.2 -- -- 2.5 139 3.4 22.1 1./ 6.0 - 29.1 138.0 10.5 811 - Z of 3 Trble 5 Contd. Golden Poultry Conpanr, Inc. Sanford. North Carohna SYSTEM INFLUENT MONITORING DATA RAIN DATA SYSTEM EFFLUENT MONITORING DATA Dale Water Pumped MGD BOD TSS N -N TKN Rain On 0 In. Rain Prev. Da In Water Ohchaq OD SOD TSS N -N Total N O A G Fecal CoMronn ♦/100 PPM b/d PPM PPM b da PPM b da PPM b/da PPM b/da PPM b a PPM b/d a» 1295 PPM _(b/ a7) 1/8193 1.794 160.0 2393.9 60.097.7 10.2 1520 45.2 5703 00 0.6 1.764 1.33E 0072 23 3 2 338 1.0 14.7 0.7 10388 5.0 /1.7 735 1306 1 2 1/13/93 0.994 169.0 1401.0 27.023.5 Pd 11.7 97.0 43.7 3823 04 04 35.7 101 1.0 11.2 0.3 33 10a 120.5 1 3 0.923 240.0 1647.5 130.000.7 10.7 82.4 43.7 330.4 00 0.0 34 37 1 7 3 0.878 178.0 1208.8 69.005.3 9.6 69.0 40.8 298.8 00 00 0 628 0 254 19.4 3 0.712 240.0 1425.1 125.0742.3 8.0 47.5 48.8 270.7 0.0 00 6.4 2.3 15.2 125 1.0 1.0 2.4 5.5 0.0 1.8 1.9 0.8 9 3 11.5 22.0 02.7 10 0 42.E 2 2/10/93 1.448 420.0 5072.1 258.0 3091.5 10.0 120.8 50.5 809.9 00 0.3 0 654 2 424 1.0 5.5 2 7417193 0.692 470.0 2712.5 347.0 2002.E 9.8 56.8 59.8 345.1 08 0.1 5.1 103.1 2/24t93 0.710 460.0 2723.8 327.0 1936.3 10.7 83.4 53.4 318.2 00 00 0 532 34 451 3/3/93 1.175 410.0 4028.1 329.0 3232.3 10.2 100.2 52.5 515.8 0.0 0.0 0 724 54 32.6 1.0 8.0 0.1 0.5 7.8 45.9 9.8 58-0 2 W10/93 1.016 310.0 2620.8 152.0 1283.0 10.2 66.4 45.7 387.2 0.0 0.0 0.50 59 339 1.5 8.6 0.3 1.7 5.0 46.0 12.7 72.9 2 17 3 1.181 286.0 2817.0 120.0 1181.9 10.0 107.4 49.E 488.5 0.2 0.0 1.180 8.1 78.1 3/24 3 0.497 1 660.0 2735.7 325.01 1347.1 12.0 49.71 56A 235.4 1.4 0.0 3.290 92 252.4 4 14/93 1.0301 1060.0 9105.8 727.0 8245.1 14.5 124.6 81.3 698.4 0.0 0.0 0.446 64 23.8 1.0 3.7 0.9 3.3 3.8 14.1 49 102 2 4/21/03 1.0211 420.0 3576.4 200.0 1703.0 11.0 93.7 49.3 419.8 0.0 0.0 0.254 2.0 4.2 1.0 2.1 0.2 0.4 3.9 8.3 7.5 ISO 2 4/28/93 0.918 470.0 3598.4 335.0 2564.8 7.3 55.9 82.4 477.7 0.0 0.1 0.208 2.0 3.4 S/5/93 0.848 13.1 92.0 64.8 458.3 0.9 0.0 1-326 11.0 121.7 11.5 127.2 0.8 6.8 7.2 79.6 10.4 1150 5200 5/12193 0.931 220.0 1705.2 83.0 844.5 14.9 115.7 52.2 405.3 0.0 0.0 0.308 20.0 51.4 5.7 14.6 5.8 14.91 5.0 C 12.8 450 5/19 3 0.957 200.0 1596.3 78.0 622.5 12.3 98.2 45.0 359.2 0.0 0.0 0.392 4.3 14.1 2 5/25/93 1.061 210.0 1858.2 38.01 318.6 12.0 106.2 43.5 384.9 0.7 0.0 0.404 16.3 550 1140 6/2/93 0.951 370.0 2934.8 124.0 983.5 16.7 132.5 62.9 498.9 0.0 0.5 0.412 8.8 30.2 12.0 41.2 1.1 3.8 15.1 51.9 G 5.0 17.2 29M 6/9/93 1.862 350.0 5435.2 130.0 2018.8 13.1 203.4 54.2 841.7 0.0 0.0 0.364 13.8 41.9 8.0 18.2 0.7 2.1 18.2 49.2 5.0 C 15.2 421 6/16/93 0.892 310.0 2306.2 130.0 967.1 14.9 110.8 61.4 458.8 0.0 0.0 0.282 4.8 11.31 2 6/23193 0.888 310.0 2295.8 130.0 962.8 10.7 123.7 54.7 405.1 0, 0 0.1 0.178 0.8 10.1 30000 7 3 0.495 0.0 0.0 0.102 e 2.0 e, 1.7 1.5 1.3 0.3 0.31 8.9 5.9 z 5.0 .3 C 2 7/14/93 0.087 430.0 3539.E 180.0 1481.7 27.9 229.7 71.1 585.3 0.01 0.0 0.152 11.5 14.5 20.01 25.4 8.8 11.21 21.9 27.8 25200 7/21/93 0.978 I 1 0.0 0.2 0.256 2.9 8.2 4 7128193 1.2031 170.0 1705.E 80.0 602.0 12.3 123.4 49.3 494.8 0.0 0.0 0.312 4.0 10.4 22200 8/4 3 0.694 1.1 0.0 1.118 4,01 39.6 23.5 219.1 0.3 2.8 3.31 35.4 5.0 G 49.5 30000 8111/93 0.974 00 1.5 0.324 L 2.0 5.4 4.0 10.6 0.5 1.4 15.3 41.3 2 8/18/93 1.020 250.0 2126.7 129.0 1097.4 13.8 117.4 52.7 448.3 0.0 0.0 0.150 3.7 4.8 2 8/25/93 1.014 310.0 2621.6 163.0 1378.5 13.8 110.7 59.0 499.0 0.0 0.0 0.080 2.2 1.5 9/8/93 0.96E 210.0 1691.9 79.0 638.5 12.31 99.1 50.1 403.61 0.0 0.0 0.502 5.9 24.7 2.51 10.5 0.8 3.3 6.0 25.1 17.0 73.7 44 9/1 W93 0.973 260.0 2109.9 116.0 041.3 11.6 94.11 53.7 435.8 0.3 0.0 0.452 13.0 49.0 17.0 64.1 0.3 1.1 6.5 24.5 5.0 189 2 9/22/93 0.6171 1 0.0 0.2 0.214 2.7 4.8 9/29 3 0.906 330.0 2493.5 110.0 631.2 14.5 109.6 60.9 460.2 0.0 0.0 0.274 5.9 13.5 10/6/93 0.974 260.0 2112.0 66.0 698.6 11.6 94.2 53.2 432.2 0.0 0.0 0.268 8.7 19.4 5.0 11.2 0.2 0.4 8.4 14.3 L 5.0 411.2 4C 2 1013/93 0.949 320.0 2532.7 122.0 965.0 13.8 109.2 55.1 436.1 0.0 0.1 0.608 14.0 71.0 3.5 17.7 0.7 3.5 8.4 42.0 11.5 58.3 10 10/20/93 1.015 0.01 0.0 0.640 4.7 25.1 10/27/93 0.997 230.0 1912.4 81.01 873.5 10.2 84.8 50.8 422.4 0.31 0.1 1.548 4.2 54.2 11/3193 0.845 230.0 1620.9 66.0 455.1 12.7 89.5 53.5 377.0 0.0 0.0 0.680 9.8 55.0 3.3 18.7 1.7 9.81 4.0 22.7 C 5.0 L 20.0 C 2 11 10/93 0.943 320.0 2516.7 120.0 943.8 16.9 132.91 90.9 714.9 0.0 0.0 0.668 } 25.0 ? 138.9 14.8 82.0 1.4 7.8 e- 5.0 4 20.0 8 1117/93 1.097 240.0 2195.8 135.0 1235.1 9.2 84.2 48.8 446.5 0.0 0.0 0.588 5.9 13.2 11/24/93 0.835 430.0 2994.5 215.0 1497.2 30.6 213.1 62.9 438.0 0.0 0.0 0.384 7.7 24.7 0.4 1.3 12/1193 0.578 320.0 1537.2 125.0 600.5 16.2 77.8 53.1 255.1 0.0 0.0 0.442 10.1 37.2 4.6 17.0 0.8 3.0 8.4 31.0 7.5 280 2 12/8/93 0.561 240.0 1122.9 93.0 435.1 12.3 57.5 57.8 270.4 0.0 0.0 0.430 2.6 9.3 2.01 7.0 Z 0.1 4C 0.4 5.4 19.4 6.7 24.0 < 2 12/15/93 0.414 280.0 906.8 110.01 379.8 14.8 51.1 58.7 202.7 0.9 0.0 0.414 19.7 68.0 1Z/2Y/93 0.428 0.0 0.6 0.428 7.5 26.9 12/28/93 1.16E 260.0 2528.4 86.0 835.3 11.4 110.9 57.1 555.3 0.0 0.0 0.2321 2.1 4.1 Annul Average 325.3 2595.4 157.9 1254.5 13.1 104.5 55.1 442.2 -- - - - - 7.01 36.3 6.1 30.8 1.2 4.2 7.0 42.5 8.0 40.4 - - Apr. -Oct. Average - 334.5 2863.0 155.0 1310.81 13.7 118.0 56.E 477.3 -- - - - 6.9 20.4 8.2 40.5 I.S.3.9 7.7 31.9 8.9 34.2 -- Nov. -Mat. Average 318.1 2327.E 160.9 1192.1 12.1 92.5 53.E 405.4 -- - 7.1 40.0 3.1 17.3 0.6 4.51 8.2 55.5 8.2 49A -- Table 5 Contd. Golden Poultry Company, Inc. Sanford, NorthCarollne 3 w-V- 3 SYSTEM INFLUENT MONITORING DATA RAIN DATA SYSTEM EFFLUENT MONITORING DATA Date Water Pumped MGO 130D TSS NH -N TKN Rain On Oa tn. Rain Prev. Da In. Water Discharged MGO BOO TBS NH -N Total N O 3 G Fecal Colmorm i1i00~mj PPM b/da PPM b da PPM b da PPM b/da PPM b ds PPM b/d• PPM b dey PPM b/dam PPM b/dad- 1/0/94 0.398 280.0 929.4 110.0 365.1 12.1 40.2 81.4 203.E 0.0 0.0 6446 22 8.2 1.1 4A 08 . 30 9.0 335 < 7 8 < 29 0 t 2 1/12104 0.294 0.7 0.0 0.972 Z 20 L 18.2 1.5 12.0 0A 3.2 12.8 104 0 76 1/10/94 0.505 300.0 1263.5 120.0 505.4 10.0 42.1 59.3 249A 0.0 0.8 0.492 3.6 15.0 1 0/94 0.743 330.0 2044.9 115.0 712.0 9.8 59.5 81.9 333.6 0, 0 0.0 0.408 10.2 55.1 0.728 260.0 1576.8 130.0 789.3 10A 03.1 50.6 343.8 0.0 0.0 0.740 e- 2.0 c 12.3 4.5 28.0 0.7 4.3 7.0 432 134 830 c 2 2/9/94 1.064 260.0 2307.2 100.01 887.4 8.6 78.3 58.2 496.7 0.0 0.1 0.860 8.9 49.5 1.0 7.0 1 0.6 4.3 1 11.2 800 .4 2 2118/94 0.952 250.0 1984.9 100.01 704.0 10.0 79.4 47.5 377.9 0.01 0.0 0.420 2.3 8.1 2/23/94 1.042 300.0 2607.1 140.0 1218.0 10.4 90.4 57.6 500.6 0.3 0.0 0.820 3.1 21.2 3 4 0.000 1.8 0.0 2.004 3.0 50.1 3/9/94 0.738 200.0 1231.0 90.0 590.9 10.0 81.5 53.3 328.1 0.0 0.0 0.144 2.2 2.8 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.0 33 40 433 520 L 2 3/18194 1.004 350.0 3014.4 140.0 1172.3 5.0 41.9 50.4 472.3 0.0 0.0 0.392 9.51 31.1 7.0 23.0 0.0 2.0 L 50 c 100 2 3/23 4 0.965 310.0 2494.9 70.0 503.4 11.4 01.71 56.2 452.3 0.0 0.1 0.464 5.0 19.4 30/94 0.269 270.0 605.7 110.0 246.8 11.4 25.0 55.2 123.8 0.0 1.5 Flooded 4/6/94 1.082 410.0 3699.E 170.0 1534.1 11.1 100.2 62.8 586.7 0.0 0.0 0.352 14.2 41.7 0.8 20.0 0.3 0.9 2.51 7.3 18.4 48.0 2 413/94 1.034 270.0 2328.4 110.0 048.8 11.4 98.3 58.1 501.0 0.2 0.01 0.288 11.0 26.4 10.0 24.0 1.5 3.6 27.9 87.0 L 2 4/20/94 1.009 0.6 0.0 0.12E 15.0 16.0 4/27 0.994 260.0 2155.4 100.0 629.0 11.4 94.5 50.2 465.9 523.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.054 2.468 11.1 12.51 5.9 257.3 5/4194 0.9161 300.0 2291.8 110.0 840.3 10.7 81.7 68.5 5/11 /94 1.0271 320.0 2740.9 59.0 505.3 12.5 107.1 57.8 495.1 0.0 0.0 0 432 19.01 68.5 19.0 88.5 2.2 7.9 6.9 24.9 go 348 t 2 5/16/94 0.067 150.0 834.4 200.01 1112.0 51.4 285.9 79.1 440.0 0.0 0.0 0.276 8.9 15.9 4.0 9.2 0.8 Ta 5.0 11.5 < 2 5/25/94 1.082 110.0 993.0 370.01 3340.1 48.4 436.9 68.0 813.9 404.5 0.0 0.01 0.71 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.084 0.092 0.680 11.1 12.3 25.9 78 9.4 146.9 12.8 0.7 3.5 2.7 4.81 3.5 73 501 4. 2 6/1 4 2 0.778 130.0 641.3 140.01 900.1 48.8 314.5 62.5 6/8/94 0.941 78.0 612.1 99.01 776.9 52.7 413.6 56.6 522.7 815194 1.030 290.0 2491.2 75.01 644.3 14.9 126.E 50.4 484.5 0.0 0.0 0.660 6.3 34.7 5.7 31.4 2.2 12.1 32.1 176.7 22 6/22/94 0.924 500.0 3853.1 270.0 2080.7 17.0 131.0 67.5 520.2 0.0 0.0 0.248 5.8 11.6 0.4 0.9 6/29/94 0 927 700.0 5411.E 470.0 3633.7 14.2 109.8 80.5 622.4 0.3 <0.1 0.530 6.9 39.3 3.5 15.5 7 4 0.880 1124.0 8249.3 990.0 7265.8 27.1 198.9 102.7 753.7 0.0 0.2 0.306 21.1 53.8 10.2 26.0 3.2 5.2 12.6 32.2 10.8 430 7/13/94 1.038 <0.1 0.4 0.948 18.1 127.3 21.0 186.0 13.7 108.0 7/22/94 0.974 0.6 1.8 1.956 7.1 1/5.8 1 7/28/94 0.891 62,0 481.4 0.0 0.3 1.3 0.6 1.084 0.740 2.1 5.4 19.0 33.3 13.3 82.0 1.0 1.0 14.5 9.9 5.5 33.9 9.1 560 900 20 8/2/94 0.931 430.0 3338.8 180.0 1397.0 18.3 126.8 8/10/94 0.790 560.0 3717.E 270.0 1792.4 14.9 98.9 65.2 432.6 0.0 0.0 0.172 3.5 5.0 9.1 13.0 C 0.1 c 0.1 7-0 10.0 < 2 all6/94 0.915 180.0 1373.6 220.0 1678.8 16.0 137.4 50.0 381.E 0.2 0.2 0.308 4.41 11.3 8/24/94 6.620 290.0 1983.3 69.0 471.9 15.3 104.6 59.0 403.5 0.0 0.0 0.440 3.11 11.4 8131/94 0.847 300.0 2119.2 130.0 918.3 16.0 113.0 56.9 401.9 0.0 0.4 0.700 2.8 16.3 9/7/94 0.951 650.0 5155.4 380.0 3013.9 11.1 88.0 75.0 594.9 0.0 0.0 0.360 4.2 12.0 5.31 15.9 0.6 1.8 4.31 12.9 L 5.0 4 1501 4 9/14 0.997 1 0.01 0.0 0.328 6.1 16.7 11.3 30.91 1.0 2.7 < 5.0 < 13-7 60 9/21/94 0.859 200.0 1432.8 57.0 408.4 12.4 88.8 50.7 363.2 412.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.504 0.432 3.1 3.1 13.0 11.2 9128/94 0.905 230.0 173&0 73.0 551.0 12.4 93.61 54.E 10/5/94 0.819 200.0 1366.1 57.0 389.3 11.7 79.91 47.3 323.1 0.0 0.0 0.584 4.1 20.0 2.4 11.7 6.5 31.7 5.0 24.4 L 1 10/12/94 0.83E 220.0 1533.9 59.0 411.4 14.6 101.8 50.7 353.5 0.0 0.0 0.492 2.91 11.9 1.6 6.8 L 1.0 4.1 5.0 < 205 1 10/19/94 0.836 200.0 1394.4 69.0 481.1 11.7 81.6 49.7 346.5 0.0 0.0 0.356 10.1 30.0 1.0 < 3.0 10/26/94 0.901 0.0 0.0 0.452 2.2 8.3 11/3/94 0.808 0.01 0.0 0.536 6.0 25.0 3.6 17.0 G 1.0 L 4.5 4.71 21.0 < 5.0 L 22.0 2 11 /9/94 0.858 0.0 0.0 0.362 2.1 6.3 5.6 17.0 1.0 G 3.0 < 5.0 < ISO 1 11/16/94 0.915 0.0 0.0 0.904 5.8 43.7 11/23/94 0.999 355.3 0.0 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.020 1.020 4.0 t 2.0 20.7 t 17.0 11 /30/94 0.854 270.0 1923.0 71.0 505.7 14.8 104.0 54.1 Annual Aver * -- 320.6 1 2334.7 170.2 1250.7 17.0 122.5 60.8 438.4 -- - - - - 7.2 34.1 7.2 20.4 1.3 4.8 6.1 22.0 12.2 47.0 - Apr. -Oct. Average - - 337.6 2508.9 197.01 1497.1 20.2 1 150.61 62.8 1 475.3 357.7 - - - - - - - al39.9 4.8 23.7 9.5 3.2 36.8 13.6 1.5 0.8 5.8 3.3 0.1 6.0 20.9 25.4 11.8 12.9 45.3 50.1 - - - Nov. - Mar. Average -- 283.8 1823.8 111.9 713.1 9.9 61.1 56.5 10/92 - 11/94 Average, - 322.7 2451.9 185.3 1250.1 14.8 110.0 57.5 435.8 -- - 8.6 32.9 0.3 29.4 1.2 4.6 9.3 45.4 10.1 44.3 (2) Effluent from the OAF was routed through the storage pond before release to the fields. RGO 12R6N4 o` 3 TABLE 6 Summary of Overland Flow Treatment System Performance Golden Poultry Company. Inc. e-4-d u...w6 Date Rain On Da in. Rain Prev. Oa in.) Water Pumped (MGD) Water Discharged (MGO -- BOD - - - - TSS Total NO To Fields b/da Effluent b/day) Removal Eff. % To Fields b/da(lb/day) Effluent Removal Eff. % To Fields Effluent b/da b/day) Removal Eff. "1 1 10/7/92 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.8 1902.9 16.9 99.1 713.6 20.3 97.2 311.E i. 10.8 96.5 10/14/92 0.8 22.6 54.8 l 19.9 i 10/21 /92 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 4166.0 13.6 99.7 3675.0 541.6 f 10/28/92 0.3 10.3 11 /4/92 1.3 30.0 3OA 92.2 11 /11 /92 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 932.4 11.0 98.8 321.7 42.0 86.9 1902 N 75.7 60.2 11/18/92 0.3 5.9 p 11 /25/92 0.7 11.7 1212/92 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.7 2160.7 13.9 99.4 964.8 12.1 98.7 517A f 44.1 91.5 12/9192 0.5 9.9 3.9 340.1 12/16/92 0.4 12.6 12/23/92 0.6 1.0 1460.8 16.2 98.9 856.4 2499 Apr.-OcL AveraE 3034.4 15.8 99.4 1 2194.3 37.6 97.2 426A ; 15.4 96.5 Nov.-Mw Avers -- -- -- -- 1518.0 13.9 99.0 714.3 22.1 92.8 3192 138.0 75.9 Annual Avers -- -- -- -- 2124.61 14.E 1 99.2 1305.3 27.31 94.3 362.2 97.1 82.7 2"q3 TABLE 6 Summary of Overland Flow Treatment System Performance Golden Poultry Company, Inc. Sanford, North Carolina Date Rain On Da m. Rain Prev. Day Qn.)GD Water Pumped Water Discharge GD BOD TSS Total N To Fields b/da Effluent b/day) Removal Eff. To Fields Qb1da Effluent b/day) Removal Eff. To Fields b/da Effluent b/day) Removal Eff. (') 1/6/93 0.0 0.6 1.8 1.8 2393.9 33.8 98.6 897.7 14.7 98.4 676.3 129.5 80.9 1 /13/93 0.4 0.4 1.0 1.3 1401.0 35.7 97.5 223.8 11.2 95.0 362.3 120.5 66.7 1/20/93 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.7 1847.5 19.1 99.0 1000.7 335.4 1/27/93 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.6 1288.81 19.4 98.5 605.3 298.8 213/93 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.3 1425.1 15.2 98.9 742.3 2.4 99.7 276.7 22.0 92.0 2/10/93 0.0 0.3 1.4 0.7 5072.1 12.5 99.8 3091.5 5.5 99.8 609.9 62.7 89.7 2/17/93 0.6 0.1 0.7 2.4 2712.5 103.1 96.2 2002.6 345.1 2/24/93 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.5 2723.8 15.1 99.4 1936.3 316.2 3/3/93 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.7 4028.1 32.6 99.2 3232.3 6.0 99.8 515.8 45.91 91.1 3/10193 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.7 2626.8 33.9 98.7 1288.0 8.6 99.3 367.2 46.01 98.1 3117/93 0.2 0.0 1.2 1.2 2817.0 78.4 97.2 1181.9 488.5 3/24/93 1.4 0.0 0.5 3.3 2735.7 252.4 90.8 1347.1 235.4 4/14/93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.4 9105.6 23.8 99.7 6245.1 3.7 99.9 098.4 14.1 98.0 4/21 /93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 3576.4 4.21 99.9 1703.0 2.1 99.9 419.8 8.3 98.0 4/28/93 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.2 3598.4 3.4 99.9 2564.8 477.7 5/5/93 0.9 0.0 0.8 1.3 121.7 127.2 458.3 79.6 82.6 5/12193 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 1708.2 51.4 97.0 644.5 14.6 97.7 405.3 5/19/93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.4 1596.3 14.1 99.1 822.5 359.2 5/26/93 0.7 0.0 1.1 OA 1858.2 21.6 1 98.8 318.6 384.9 6/2/93 0.0 0.81 1.0 0.4 2934.6 30.2 99.0 983.5 41.2 95.8 498.9 51.9 89.6 6/9/93 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.4 5435.2 41.9 99.2 2018.8 18.2 99.1 $41.7 49.2 94.2 6116193 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 2306.2 11.3 99.5 967.1 458.8 6/23/93 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.2 2295.8 10.1 99.6 962.8 405.1 7/7I93 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 1.7 1.3 5.9 7/14/93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 3539.6 14.6 1 99.6 1481.7 25.4 98.3 585.3 7/21/93 0.0 0.2 1.0 0.3 8.2 7/28/93 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.3 1705.6 10.4 99.4 602.0 494.6 8/4/93 1.1 0.0 0.7 1.1 37.3 219.1 35.4 8/11/93 0.0 1.5 1.0 0.3 5.4 10.8 8/18/93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 2126.7 4.6 99.8 1097A 448.3 8125/93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.1 2821.6 1.5 99.9 1378.5 499.0 9/8/93 0.01 0.0 1.0 0.5 1691.91 24.7 98.5 636.5 10.5 98.4 403.6 25.11 93.8 9/15/93 0.31 0.0 1.0 0.5 2109.9 49.0 97.7 941.3 64.1 93.2 425.8 24.5 94.4 9122193 0.01 0.2 0.6 0.2 4.8 9/29/93 0.01 0.01 0.9 0.3 2493.5 13.5 99.5 831.2 460•2 10/6193 0.0 0.01 1.0 0.3 2112.0 19.4 99.1 698.6 11.2 98.4 432.2 14.3 96.7 10/13/93 0.0 0.11 0.9 0.6 2532.7 71.0 97.2 965.6 17.7 98.2 438.1 42.6 90.2 10/20/93 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.6 25.1 10/27/93 0.3 0.11 1.0 1.5 1912.4 54.2 97.2 873.5 422.4 11/3193 0.0 0.01 0.8 0.7 1620.9 55.6 96.6 465.1 18.7 96.0 377.01 22.7 94.0 11 /10/93 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.7 2516.7 138.9 94.5 943.8 82.0 91.3 714.9 11/17/93 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.6 2195.8 13.2 99.4 1235.1 446.5 11/24/93 0.0 0.0 0.8 OA 2994.5 24.7 99.2 1497.2 438.0 12/1 /93 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.4 1537.2 37.2 97.6 600.5 17.0 97.2 255.1 31.0 87.8 12/8/93 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.4 1122.9 9.3 99.2 435.1 7.0 98.4 270.4 19.4 92.8 12/15/93 0.9 0.0 0.4 0.4 966.8 68.0 93.0 379.8 202.7 12/22/93 0.0 0.6 0.4 0.4 26.9 12/28/93 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.2 2528.41 4.1 99.8 836.3 555.3 Apr. -Oct. Avers -- -- -- -- 2863.0 25.1 99.0 1316.8 40.5 97.9 477.3 31.9 93.1 Nov.-Mw Averane 2327.8 49.01 97.6 1192.1 17.3 97.5 405.4 55.5 87.0 Anmud Average -- -- -- -- 2595A 1 35.5 98.31 1254.51 30.8 97.7 442.2 42.5 90.0 TABLE 6 Summary of Overland Flow Treatment System Performance Golden Poultry Company. Inc. Sanford, North Carolina Date 1 /6/94 1 /12194 Rain On Da m. 0.0 0.7 Rain Prev. Da in. 0.0 0.0 Water Pumped GD 0.398 0.294 Water Discharged GD 0.446 0.972 BOD TSS Total NUI To Fields b/da 929.4 Effluent b/da 8.2 16.2 Removal Eff. 99.1 To Fields b/da 365.1 Effluent b/da 4.0 12.0 Removal Eff. 98.9 To Fields lb/da 203.8 Effluent b/day) 33.5 Removal Eff. (') 83.6 1119/94 0.0 0.0 0.505 0.492 1263.5 15.61 98.8 505.4 249.8 1 /26/94 0.0 0.0 0.743 0.408 2044.9 55.1 97.3 712.6 383.E 2/2194 0.0 0.0 0.728 0.740 1578.6 12.3 99.2 789.3 28.0 96.5 343.6 43.2 87.4 219/94 1 0.0 0.1 1.064 0.860 2307.2 49.5 97.9 887.4 7.0 99.2 498.7 2116/94 0.0 0.0 0.952 0.420 1984.9 8.1 99.6 794.0 377.9 2/23/94 0.3 0.0 1.042 0.820 2607.1 21.2 99.2 1216.6 600.6 3/2/94 1.8 0.0 0.000 2.004 50.1 3/9/94 0.0 0.0 0.738 0.144 1231.0 2.6 99.8 590.9 1.0 99.8 328.1 4.0 98.8 3116/94 0.0 0.0 1.004 0.392 3014.4 31.1 99.0 1172.3 23.0 98.0 472.3 3/23/94 0.0 0.1 0.965 0.464 2494.9 19.4 99.2 563.4 452.3 3130194 0.0 1.5 0.269 Flooded 605.7 246.8 123.8 4/6/94 0.0 0.0 1.082 0.352 3699.8 41.7 98.9 1534.1 20.0 98.7 566.7 7.3 98.7 4/13/94 0.2 0.0 1.034 0.288 2328.4 26.4 98.9 946.6 24.0 97.5 501.0 4/20/94 0.0 0.0 1.009 0.128 16.0 4/27/94 0.0 0.0 0.994 0.084 2155.4 5.9 99.7 829.0 465.9 5/4/94 1.8 0.0 0.916 2.468 2291.8 257.3 88.81 840.3 523.3 5/11/94 0.0 0.0 1.027 0.432 2740.9 68.5 97.5 505.3 68.5 86.4 495.1 24.9 95.7 5/18/94 2 0.0 0.0 0.667 0.278 834.4 15.9 98.1 1112.6 9.2 99.2 440.0 5/25/94 2 0.0 0.0 1.082 0.084 993.0 7.8 99.2 3340.1 613.9 6/1 /94 2 0.0 0.0 0.776 0.092 841.3 9.4 98.9 906.1 9.7 98.9 404.5 3.5 99.1 6/8/94 2 0.7 0.5 0.941 0.680 612.1 146.9 76.0 776.9 522.7 6/15/94 0.0 0.0 1.030 0.660 2491.2 34.7 98.6 644.3 31.4 95.1 484.5 6/22/94 0.0 0.0 0.924 0.248 3853.1 11.6 99.7 2080.7 520.2 6/29/94 1 0.3 <0.1 0.927 0.530 6411.8 39.3 99.3 3633.7 622.4 7/7194 0.0 0.2 0.880 0.306 8249.3 53.8 99.3 7265.8 26.0 99.6 753.7 32.2 95.7 7/13/94 <0.1 0.4 1.038 0.948 127.3 166.0 7/22194 0.6 1.8 0.974 1.956 115.8 7/28/94 0.0 1.3 0.891 1.094 19.0 8/2/94 0.3 0.6 0.931 0.740 3333.8 33.3 99.0 1397.6 82.0 94.1 481.4 33.9 63.0 8/10/94 0.0 0.0 0.796 0.172 3717.6 5.0 99.9 1792.4 13.0 99.3 432.8 8/18/04 0.2 0.2 0.915 0.308 1373.6 11.3 99.2 1678.8 381.E 8/24/94 0.0 0.0 0.820 0.440 1983.3 11.4 99.4 471.9 403.5 8/31/94 0.0 0.4 0.847 0.700 2119.2 16.3 99.2 918.3 401.9 9/7/94 0.0 0.0 0.9511 0.360 5155.4 12.6 99.8 3013.9 15.9 99.5 594.91 12.9 97.8 9/14/94 0.0 0.0 0.997 0.328 16.7 1 30.9 9/21 /94 0.0 0.0 0.859 0.504 1432.8 13.0 99.1 408.4 363.2 9/28/94 0.0 0.0 0.905 0.432 1736.0 11.2 99.4 551.0 412.1 10/5/94 0.0 0.0 0.819 0.584 1366.1 20.0 98.5 389.3 11.7 97.0 323.1 31.7 90.2 10/12/94 0.0 0.0 0.836 0.492 1533.9 11.9 99.2 411.4 6.6 98.4 353.5 10/19/94 0.0 0.0 0.836 0.356 1394.4 30.0 97.8 481.1 346.5 10/26/94 0.0 0.0 0.901 0.452 8.3 11 /3/94 0 0 0.896 0.536 1644.0 25.0 98.5 575.4 17.0 97.0 378.9 21.0 94.5 11 /9/94 0 0 0.856 0.362 6.3 17 11 /16/04 0 0 0.915 0.904 43.7 11/23/04 0 0.15 0.909 0.62 20.7 11/30/94 0.15 0.12 0.854 1.02 1923.0 17 99.1 505.7 385.3 Apr. -Oct. Average -- -- -- -- 2568.7 39.9 97.8 1497.1 36.8 97.0 475.3 20.9 95.8 Nov. -Mar Average - - - - - - - - 1817.6 23.7 98.9 686.5 13.6 98.2 361.4 25.4 91.1 Annual Averace 2304.8 34.1 98.1 1212.3 28.4 97.4 435.3 22.6 94.0 Total Apr. -Oct. Average -- -- -- -- 2716.9 31.8 98.3 1449.1 38.6 97.4 474.2 26.4 94.4 Total Nov. -Mar Avers e -- -- -- -- 2076.1 33.5 98.2 969.7 16.8 97.2 382.4 87.8 86.6 Total Annual Avers e -- -- -- -- 2435.6 32.5 98.3 1238.8 29.4 97.3 434.3 45.4 90.7 (1) Analyzed from TKN data to fields and Total N data from fields effluent (i.e. assumed NOJNO,-N levels in influent = 0). (2) Effluent tram the DAF was routed through the storage pond before release to the fields. RGD 1/10/94 TAE SUMMARY OF STORM WATER RUNOFF MOI GOLDEN POI: SANFORD, N4 Sample Location Sample Dde 111503 10 4A4 1 3 vera • 2 11 5 3 9 / 6 3 Aver • 4 11 1 3 9 O43 aramA•r SOD m 4.6 3.0 3.5 2.9 42.0 3.2 4.7 12.0 8.8 10.4 11.2 6.5 OC m 17.41 7.41 7.61 13.8 12.5 11.7 14.2 4.22 -- 4.22 10.0 28.9 DO m -- 1 11.7 10.72 10.40 9.46 8.46 -- -- 9.3 9.3 7.15 7.3 TKN (mgM 3.91 2.1 3.2 3.7 1.6 2.9 2.7 41.0 2.1 21.6 28.1 8.3 NH -N m /1 0.2 0.5 1.1 0.5 1.3 0.7 0.3 1.7 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.1 Ng, -N 0.005 0.007 40.005 4 0.005 0.016 0.008 < 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.007 0.3 C 0.005 NO -N m 0.1 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 2.1 C 0.1 Total N m 4.01 2.61 4.01 4.5/ 2.721 3.55 46 3.01 41.11 2.31 21.71 30.50 4 8.41 Sample Location Description: Location 1: Runoff samplecollected from un develcped grass and pine area below Lee County Water Plant. Location 2: Runoff sample collected from major drainage feature receiving drainage from wooded area to the north of spray fields. Location 3: Runoff sample collected from area drained through oufall 001 (near number 4 spray field). This area is not under Irrigation. Location 4: Runoff sample collected from area dralned through outfall 001 (near number 5 spray field). This area Is also not under Irrigation. Location 5: Runoff samples collected from bean field Location 6: Runoff sample collected from thicket on southem side of site. Location 7: Runoff sample collected from slope near Lee County Water Plart. Notes: 1) Average constituent concentrations In treated effluent between the time frame of 10/92 - 11/94. Table 8 Summary of Overland Flow Treatment System Performance during Noncompfances Golden Poultry Company, Inc. Sanford, North Carolina Date Rain On Da in. er Pumped 14AG1] Water Discharged IIIIGD} NITROGEN TN To Fieldsi EM a nt NH3K � To Fields Iblday} 2735.7 mg j 660.0 Effluent' ]blda) ; _ rrxtl' 252.4 9.2 �llbrday} m4/1 _z _ �ibfday 3/24193 1.4 ; 0.5 3.3 _ 235 4 56.81 515i93 0.9. 0.8= 1.3 121.7 11.0 A583 64.8. 6.6 0.6 5/12193 0.0 0.91 0.3 1708.2 220.01 51.4+ 20.0 AC5.3 5_85.3 52.2 ?1.1 14.9 11.21 5.8 8.8 7114f93 0.0 1.01 0_4 a 3539.6 430-014.6 11.5 514194 618194 1.8 0.916 2.468 2291.8. 300.0 257.3 12.5 523.31 522.Y ` 484.5 68.5 66 s- 56 A 12.1 2.2 0.7 0.941 0.680 612.1: 78.0 146.9 25 9 4 0.0 1.030 0.660 2491.2 290.0 34.0 6.3 4 0.3 0.927 0.530 $411.8 700.0 39.3 8.9 622.4 8G 5 15.5 3.5 4 rJ28/94 0.0- 1.0381 0.948 127.3 16.1 4 0.6: 0.9741, 1.956 115.8 7.1 0.0': 0.891. 1.084 19.Q 2.1 14.5 1.5 0.3 0.931 ' 0.740 3333.8 429.4 33.3 5.4 481.41 62.0 9.9 �� 1.6 ff TABLE 9 COMPARISON OF EFFLUENT BOD AND NH3-N CONCENTRATIONS DURING WET AND DRY WEATHERM Golden Poultry Company, Inc. Sanford, North Carolina Wet Weather D rryWeathe -Sample Date Rainfall in. BOD(mg/1) NH,;- N(mg/1) Sample Date Rainfall in. BOD(mg/1) NH -N(mg/1) 1 /13/93 0.4 3.2 0.3 1 /20/93 0.0 3.4 2/17/93 0.6 5.1 2/24/93 0.0 3.4 3/17/93 0.2 8.1 3/10/93 0.0 5.9 0.3 3/24/93 1.4 9.2 4/14/93 0.0 8.1 5/5/93 0.9 11.0 0.6 5/12/93 0.0 20.0 5.8 5/26/93 0.7 16.3 6/2/93 0.0 8.8 1.1 8/4/93 1.1 4.0 0.3 8/11 /93 0.0 2.0 0.5 9/15/93 0.3 13 0.3 9/22/93 0.0 2.7 10/27/93 0.3 4.2 11 /3/93 0.0 9.8 1.7 12/15/93 0.9 19.7 12/22/93 0.0 7.5 1 /12/94 0.7 2.0 0.4 1 /6/94 0.0 2.2 0.8 2/23/94 0.3 3.1 2/16/94 0.0 2.3 3/2/94 1.8 3.0 3/9/94 0.0 2.2 1.7 4/13/94 0.2 11.0 1.5 4/20/94 0.0 15.0 5/4/94 1.8 12.5 5/11 /94 0.0 19.0 2.2 6/8/94 0.7 25.9 6/15/94 0.0 6.3 2.2 6/29/94 0.3 8.9 3.5 7/7/94 0.0 21.1 3.2 7/22/94 0.6 7.1 7/28/94 0.0 2.1 1.6 8/2/94 0.31 5.4 1.6 8/10/94 0.0 3.5 0.1 8/16/94 0.2 4.4 8/24/94 0.0 3.1 11 /30/94 0.15 2.0 11 /23/94 1 0.01 4.0 Average - -1 8.5 0.91 1-- -1 7.31 1.8 Notes: 1) A more accurate method of assessing the impact of rainfall on OF systems consists of collecting samples of runoff during rainfall from a field receiving irrigation and one not receiving irrigation. This sampling protocol was used in USEPA's evaluations of OF systems. (See USEPA's "Process Design Manual For Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater - Supplement On Rapid Infiltration And Overland Flow" October 1984). 2) Data from next sampling event following listed wet weather sampling event. If rain on next sampling event, data from event preceeding listed wet weather sample event. SRW 1/22/95 Table 10 Rainfall Intervals, Effluent (MGD), BODS (mg/L and lb/day), NH3-N (mg/L and lb/day), Percent of measurements resulting in non-compliance. Rain Interval Effluent: BODS inches MGD mg/L lb/day 0 0.38 4.10 13 0.01 - 0.50 0.52 5.69 24.7 0.51- 0.99 0.87 9.34 68 1.0 + 1.43 12.71 151 a One measurment of NH3-N NH3-N BODS, % of Measurements resulting in Noncompliance NH3-N, % of Measurements resulting in Noncompliance mg/L lb/day % % 0.66 2.1 0.98 8.3 0.42 1.8 3 12.5 0.93 6.8 30 25 -a - 50 - Table 11 Summary Statistics by Rainfall intervals for Effluent, BOD5, and NH3-N for Golden Poultry, Sanford, NC, September 1989 to November 1994, Summa Statistics for effluent, BOD5, and NH3-N when rain was 0 on measureament date. Effluent MGD BOD5 Ib/da NH3-N(Ib/da ) Mean 0.494295 Mean 20.58878 Mean 5.457213 Standard Error 0.015147 Standard Error 0.897573 Standard Error 0.317741 Median 0.38 Median 13 Median 2.1 Mode 0 Mode 0 Mode 0 Standard Deviation 0.469546 Standard Deviation 27.82477 Standard Deviation 9.849966 Kurtosis 16.7915 Kurtosis 86.21319 Kurtosis 165.5751 Skewness 3.115098 Skewness 7.70066 Skewness 11.28566 Range 4.8 Range 243.3 Range 74.1 Minimum 0 Minimum 0.1 Minimum 0.01 Maximum 4.8 Maximum 243.3 Maximum 74.1 Count 904 Count 205 Count 122 Summary statistics for effluent, rain, NH3-N, and BOD5 when rainfall was between 0.01 and 0.5 inches. Effluent MGD) Rain (inches) BOD5 LB/DA 10 NH3-N (LB/DA Mean 0.648149 Mean 0.187331 Mean 32.03581 Mean 3.310625 Standard Error 0.032432 Standard Error 0.009304 Standard Error 1.881437 Standard Error 0.247704 Median 0.52 Median 0.15 Median 24.7 Median 1.8 Mode 0 Mode 0.1 Mode 0 Mode 0 Standard Deviation 0.528957 Standard Deviation 0.151745 Standard Deviation 30.68531 Standard Deviation 4.039933 Kurtosis 3.435205 Kurtosis -0.74799 Kurtosis 60.25399 Kurtosis 101.7112 Skewness 1.687254 Skewness 0.662738 Skewness 6.670053 Skewness 9.420861 Range 2.944 Range 0.49 Range 164.8 Range 15.5 Minimum 0 Minimum 0.01 Minimum 3.9 Minimum 0.32 Maximum 2.944 Maximum 0.5 Maximum 164.8 Maximum 15.5 Count 255 Count 266 Count 31 Count 16 Summary of effluent, rain, BOD5, NH3-N when rain was between 0.51 to 0.99 inches on the da of measurement. E111uent MGD Rain inches BOD5 LB/DA NH3-N LB/DA Mean 1.139994 Mean 0.709688 Mean 64.01 Mean 7.315 Standard Error 0.106661 Standard Error 0.014114 Standard Error 6.702132 Standard Error 0.466814 Median 0.84 Median 0.7 Median 68 Median 6.78 Mode 0 Mode 0.7 Mode 0 Mode 0 Standard Deviation 0.853286 Standard Deviation 0.112912 Standard Deviation 55.2672 Standard Deviation 3.849446 Kurtosis 1.787595 Kurtosis -0.92026 Kurtosis 10.7326 Kurtosis 26.61206 Skewness 1.33295 Skewness 0.312659 Skewness 3.398768 Skewness 5.003336 Range 4.16 Range 0.4 Range 146.9 Range 12.5 Minimum 0.08 Minimum 0.52 Minimum 0 Minimum 3.2 Maximum 4.16 Maximum 0.92 Maximum 146.9 Maximum 12.5 Count 63 Count 64 1 Count 10 Count 4 Summary of effluent, rain, BOD5, and NH3-N when rain was greater than 1 inch the ay of measurement. Effluent (MGD) Rain (inches) BOD5 LB/DA NH3-N (LB/DAl� Mean 1.713547 Mean 1.760959 Mean 149.85 Mean 3 Standard Error 0.13395 Standard Error 0.102147 Standard Error 14.20128 Standard Error Median 1.425 Median 1.5 Median 151.25 Median 3 Mode 0 Mode 1.5 Mode 0 Mode 0 Standard Deviation 1.144471 Standard Deviation 0.872743 Standard Deviation 121.3358 Standard Deviation Kurtosis -0.08632 Kurtosis 8.911321 Kurtosis 31.68051 Kurtosis 73 Skewness 0.735994 Skewness 2.578591 Skewness 5.66 Skewness 8.544004 Range 4.975 Range 5.2 Range 257.3 Range 3 Minimum 0.07 Minimum 1 Minimum 39.6 Minimum 3 Maximum 4.9751 Maximum 6.2 Maximum 257.31 Maximum 3 1 Count 64 1 Count 73 Count 4 1 Count 1 Table 12 Cumulative rainfall on days 0, 1, and 2 prior to a con -compliance measurement. Noncom liance Cumulative rainfall prior to Measurement. BOD5 NH3-N 2 days 1 day 0 day (lb/day) (lb/day) Inches Inches Inches 03/24/93 252.4 1.35 1.35 1.35 05/05/93 121.7 0.94 0.94 0.92 05/12/93 14.9 0 0 0 07/14/93 11.2 0.48 0.01 0 05/04/94 257.3 2.24 1.76 1.76 06/08/94 146.9 1.21 1.18 0.7 O6/15/94 12.1 1.77 0 0 06/29/94 15.5 0.61 0.43 0.28 07/13/94 127.3 0.63 0.42 0 07/22/94 115.8 1.9 1.86 0.61 07/28/94 14.5 1.25 1.25 0 08/02/94 9.9 0.88 0.88 0.28 Median Rainfall 1.075 0.91 0.28 Mean Rainfall 1.105 0.840 0.492 1.000 0.900 0.800 0.700 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 FIGURE 1 Summary of Influent Hydraulic Loading on Overland Flow Treatment System: 1989-1994 Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina O O O O O r r r r r r r r r r r ar r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r C > M cc 3 > c c`a ego o, > c o. > c a o, > c 0 M 3 a> Z -`°i Cl) Z n 2 2 n �n Z-1 2 2 �n Z cn Z cn z° Figure 2 DAF Eff Characteristics Golden Poultry Company,, Ire , Sanfcfd, N.C. I ON woIi GCO 400 + no a lei pp Z RA # 40- *4 4t 10, LAI % lop IF AL jA A&L `MAAOA a& AN&O :AAgL AW jW A 0 low ism Date (Odobw 1922 thm Nwwbei, 19841 71" I g DAF Eff BOD, m9A * :KF El TSS, rn.:..l * OAF Eff TN, mq-q j r 160 140 120 �>s 100 to a_ 80 0 m 60 M 20 Figure 3 U UAD U./ Rainfall (inches) I .O —IN— Effluent (MGD) 13 BOD (lb/day) BOD5 (lb/day) and Effluent (MGD) at Rainfall intervals of 0, 0.1 - 0.5, 0.51 -0.99, 1+ inches at Golden Poultry, Sanford, NC, from September 1989 through November 1994. 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.2 re, 7 0 5 ct3 v .n z M =3 z 2 1 All Figure 4 u u.10 U. Rainfall (inches) 1.0 —III— Effluent (MGD) 0 NH3-N (lb/day) NH3 N (lb/day), Effluent (MGD) at Rainfall intervals of 0, 0.1 - 0.5, 0.51 -0.99, 1+ inches at Golden Poultry, Sanford, NC, from September 1989 through November 1994. 1.6 1.4 W 1 � 0.8 c 0.6 EF w IIIV 0.2 IC 30 25 rn 20 1 6 5 C Figure 5 0 0.15 0.7 1.5 Rainfall (inches) - A BOD —0 NH3-N Concentrations of BODS (mg/L) and NH3-N (mg/L) at Rainfall intervals of 0, 0.1 - 0.51 0.51 -0.999 1+ inches at Golden Poultry, Sanford, NC, from September 1989 through November 1994. 100 90 80 70 60 c 50 m a 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 6 0 0.15 0.7 1.5 Rainfall (inches) The percent of BOD5 and NH3-N measurements resulting in non-compliance at Rainfall intervals of 0, 0.1 -0.5, 0.51 - 0.99, and 1+ inches at Golden Poultry, Sanford, NC, September 1989 through November 1994. Figure 7 1.2 1 Cn iU J 0.8 c awe N 0.4 U 0.2 M d -------------------- -- 1i7�;.ki 4 U c 2 a � J 1 1 U Days prior to measurement Rain during non-compliance events c Rain during compliance events Cumulative rainfall on days 0, 1, and 2 prior to measurement for compliance at Golden Poultry, Sanford NC. TC FEATHER FLOWAWAY 3 AIR SKIWU ` GS SwJ' MMINGS TAW. m J 7u3 W .,.� w W z = w lu z z w w 2 = W P'.uwP s �V W IL ~LU 4� Q� a o vi 0 tu w i a�i PRESSURE 3 SANK ,+ VACLAN __66 PUMPS FERRIC SULFATE DAF FEED FEED PUMPS SYSTEM COAG AID k FEED BELT = FILTER o CAUS71C PRESS m FEED S" z SYSTEM o OAF •- m w m BELT PRESS m PO..Y%SR SYSTMI A VACUUM PUMP COOLING EE^- WATER '�N'ASH PUMPS • BUMF FYI NO. a r �■r� amr POULTMISMFOIMINIC. DAF POLfMER SYSTEM 3 RQWEavnRa>rMEmt EFF-IJE%T 70 OMERLAND FLC kY SYESTEM m TO FEATHEit %0WAWAY z z �. _rW JW =t u y tLi U e:i.0 ~� Qx N!.`w re.7��' Q ow LL W UU.. w flow Firms and Ike Caeee6e Screwed Feed Lire Wmftwater DAF FEED Ak-P UMPS FERRIC SULFATE, FEED SYSTEM Solt Aas Aftme CAUSTIC FEED SUMP SYSTEM Re�ocal�+d Fe Ic �Jfd I.fa�e Modifications Operating Reconunendatons 1. Complete Feather Pump Installation 1. Minimize flow to OAF when - 2. Reroute Ferric Feed Line to Sump lnfluerd Second Feed Pump is nvu*V 2. Add suffmien3 Caustic to force sufficient Fenric b produce cleareffiuent 3. Operate at PH of 5.2 to 5.5 to achieve optimun Polymer Floc Point 4. Operate Influent Pressure 13GURE NO. 3 to DAs= at 40 to 50 psi ScINEMATIC LAYOUT PRETRMTMENT SYSTEM (Modified) GOLDEN POULTRY SANFORD. N.C. ROWEMYIftOMM ENiTAL '°`I ` T S<mm NCS LU w PJMP = w OC 8de kL rp) Feed feed In Line 1VVbrw BELT FILTER PRESS liegdd Una 'JACUUM PUMPS paryow Lb* BELT PRESS PO'-V b=_R MTEP.4 baft line 4EL.T FOASH FUP.'IP SKIII- I IGS OAF 4OLDING Fete TArV tine PRESSURE TAN { Recyde coding Q it ww 'rA'%%oUUM PUMP COOLING :��'.ATER FUMPS OAF POLYMER SYSTEM EFFLUENT TO OVERLM-0 FLOW SYSTEM C i V { { gold Rml ine, 244 Perimeter Center Parkway.-N.E./ P.O. Box 2210 Atlanta. Ga. 30301 February 22, 1988 Mr. R. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Environmental Management Commission P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Wilms: Re: Proposed NPDES Permit Golden Poultry Sanford, NC This letter is to file comments on certain conditions of the referenced permit, as well as methodologies employed to determine permit conditions. We would like to review the following six areas: 1. Wastewater treatment plant classification 2. CBOD/BOD ratio for treated poultry wastewater 3. Impact of rainfall on discharge flow 4. Stream monitoring requirements 5. Ratio of carbonaceous to nitrogenous oxygen demand 6. Chronic toxicity testing Each of these items is discussed sequentially below: 1. Wastewater Treatment Plant Classification The monitoring frequency indicated in the permit indicates the plant has been classified as a Class III plant. Please inform us of the process by which this classification was made. The land treatment process we have chosen is a simple, yet efficient wastewater treatment system. It is neither equip- ment oriented nor energy intensive. It is a very stable treatment process not subject to frequent upsets. Granted, meeting the proposed permit limits by any other means would require a fairly sophisticated advanced wastewater treatment system. However, given the relative simplicity of our pro- posed system and our review of NCDEM's rating checklist, we feel the system should be rated as Class II. Therefore, we request consideration be given to changing this to a Class II facility. Mr. R. Paul Wilms February 22, 1988 Page 2 2. CBOD/BOD5'ratio for treated poultry Wastewater The draft Level B Desktop Modeling Procedure developed by NCDEM dated September 1987 states that "In the absence of wastewater specific CBOD/BOD5 data..." a ratio of 3.0 can be used for pure industrial wastewater. Chicken processing, by the very nature of the industry, produces a readily degradable food source for bacteria. There is no significant presence of refractory compounds or petroleum oils that would be difficult for a biological treatment system to break down. Consequently, we would anticipate the ratio to be closer to 1.5 to 2.0. Obviously, such a ratio would significantly alter the proposed BOD5 limits. We are currently in the process of analyzing effluents from two poultry plants and determining the actual CBOD/BODS ratio. These tests are being carried out in accordance with NCDEM's methodology for determining the ratio. In the event a lower ratio is confirmed with our submission of the data, Golden would expect higher BOD5 levels to be permitted. Golden would be willing to incorporate into its monitoring schedule, on a quarterly or monthly basis, performing the ultimate BOD test to insure conformance with the lower ratio. 3. Impact of rainfall on discharge flow In the overland flow system, precipitation falling on the terraces will be collected and discharged through the outfall In order to prevent these events from skewing discharge flow, from the facility, Golden proposes to measure rainfall, apply a runoff coefficient of 0.75 (for pastureland, Agricultural Engineers Handbook, 1961) and subtract the quantity of rain- fall from the recorded discharge flow. 4. Stream Monitoring Requirements The proposed facility will be analyzing its effluent prior to discharge for fecal coliform on a regular basis. As long as we meet the proposed permit limits, we should not have any significant impact on in -stream coliform counts. These in - stream counts, we would anticipate, would be highly erratic due to occurrence and conditions unrelated to the proposed discharge. Consequently, we request the upstream and down- stream monitoring for fecal coliform be deleted from the permit. YV 1 l Mr. R. Paul Wilms February 22, 1988 Page .3 Also, we request stream monitoring for conductance be deleted from permit monitoring requirements. Conductance is not normally a required monitoring parameter for treated poultry wastewater, and we question whether stream monitoring of conductance will yield any useful information. 5• Ratio of Carbonaceous and Nitrogenous Oxygen Based on our discussions with NCDEM personnel, the proposed BOD5 and ammonia limits are a reflection of the total oxygen demand being allocated for this facility. It is also our understanding that adjustment of one parameter at the expense of the other is allowable if the total oxygen demand allo- cated is not exceeded. For example, if the facility easily meets its BOD5 limits, but encounters difficulty in meeting ammonia limits, we could modify the permit for a lower BODS limit and higher ammonia limit, as long as the allotted total oxygen demand is not exceeded. If this is not correct, please let us know. 6. Chronic Toxicity Testing The draft permit states that the first toxicity test will be conducted within one month of permit issuance. We request this be modified to within one month of plant start-up. To address the above issues, we request a meeting with appropri- ate NCDEM personnel. We will be contacting the permitting office shortly to arrange this meeting. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please call. JES:er cc: Mr. Glenn Berry Mr. James Brown Mr. Don Deemer Mr. Arthur Mouberry Mr. Dale Overcash Sincerely, 0e., 5 L-- John E. Starkey, Mana er Environmental Engineering (404)393-5203 l`. ! .% J� s OLD KIST INC. P.O. Box 2210 - Atlanta, GA 30301. 244 Perimeter Center Pkwy., N.E. Atlanta, GA 30346 - (404) 393-5000 September 8, 1993 Mr. Kenneth Schuster State of North Carolina Department of Environment_, Health and Natural Resources 3800 Barnett Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Re: Minor Wastewater Treatment. System Modifications Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 Dear Mr. Schuster: We are in the process making several minor modifications to the wastewater treatment systenn at the referenced facility. These improvements, which are discussed below, will improve effluent disinfection and effluent flow monitoring. A brick wall has been installed across the concrete effluent flow channel (near flume) to retain a volume of water upstream of this structure. This improvement will enhance effluent disinfection by increasing chlorine contact time and minimizing short circuiting of effluent through the chlorination area. Mr. Cashion with NCDEM is familiar with this modification. We intend to replace the existing Stevens Model 61 R open channel effluent flow meter with a 3200 series ISCO open channel flow meter. Specifically, an ISCO model 3-30 bubbler type flow meter will be installed. This modification will improve effluent flow monitoring, particularly during low flow conditions (i.e. less than 100,000 gallons per day. This flow meter will also allow flow weighted composite effluent sampling. Please contact me at (404) 393-5203 if you have any additional questions concerning these improvements. Sincerely, Steven R. Woodruff Director of Environmental Engineering and Compliance cc: Mr. James Brown/Mr. Bruce Morgan, Mr. Craig Bromby (Hunton and Williams) Mr. Glenn Berry, File NOV-17-'93 10: 44 I D: H NTON AND WILL I AM. . _ TEL NO: 919-034-9903 _ . #361 P02 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF LEE GOLDEN POULTRY COMPANY, INC. } Petitioner } } v. } } NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTN3MRT } OF ENVIRONMENT # HEALTH, % } NATURAL RESOURCES � Respondent } I IN THE OFFICE or ADMINISTRATIVE HEARIVGS 93 ERR 0835 93 Rim 0603 93 UM 1099 AFFIDAVIT of JOHN EDVARD STARKEY I, John Edgard Starkey, under oath, testifies as follows: 1. That during the time appurtenant to this natter, I was employed by Gold Kist, Ina, as a Manager of Environmental Engineering at corporate headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia; 2. That during December 1987, a meeting was asllad during negotiations of the 1998 NPDES permit for Golden Poultry. Among the attendees at the meeting was Glenn Berry of Gold Kist, D9tle Overcash, Arthur Mouberry and Donald Safrit from the Division of Environmental Managenent with State of North Carolina, and myself. This meeting was held in the Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. • 3. Among the purpose of this meeting was to determfn$ sampling requireIaaenta for the NPDE9 permit. I understood that sampling needed to be representative and I questioned the above - referenced individuals as to testing durinq rain events. While Mr. Safrit seemed very knowledgable about this syotoxf the discussion was lead by Mr. Mouberry and Mr. Overaesh. Following the discussion, it was a general consensus that sampling would not be representative if it occurred during rain induced high flows. I left the meeting With the knowledge of all present that sampling should not occur during rain events which caused unduly high flows. This the 17th day of November, 1993. SO EDWARD STARKEY swORN To AND SUBSCRXBED EEIPORE 5 17th DAY OF NNavEMSER, 1993. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES w • —OFFICIAL SE[AALL DONNA C. BLACKWELL '='•'% NOTARY PUBUC - AR s,►. r.�► ���r BENTON COUNTY 01 Comm. BON ' �� �z Diagnostic EvIation Report Wastewater Treatment System Golden Poultry Sanford, North Carolina September 28, 1994 l i I ' RQWENVIRONMENTAL :1 15 Sun Hala . Pittsburg, Texas 75686 (903) 856-5133 FAX (903) 856-5134 i 1 ROWENVIRONMENTAI f Y1 1 � Diagnostic Evaluation Report Wastewater Treatment System Golden Poultry Sanford, North Carolina September 28, 1994 ROWENVIRONMENTAC 15 Sun Hala Pittsburg, Texas 75686 (903) 856-5133 FAX (903) 856-5134 ROWENVIRONMENTAI Table of Contents Section Description page 1 Background 1 2 Pretreatment System 4 3 Overland Flow Land 10 Application System 4 Saunasary of 17 Recommendations List of Figures Figure No. Description page 1 Schematic Layout - Wastewater 2 Treatment System 2 Schematic Layout - Existing S Pretreatment System 3 Schematic Layout - Modified 8 Pretreatment System 4 i Discharge now vs Effluent HOD 11 S Discharge now vs Effluent NH3N 12 6 Effluent HOD 13 Z 10luent KK3N 14 ROWENVIROMM EMTAI ecti'oon i a lkgrous�d i i i ROWENVIRONMEI(1At Sermon I Background) Golden Poultry currently operates a poultry processing facility near Sanford, North Carolina. The wastewater from the processing plant is treated using a system consisting of the following components: ■ Primary screening ■ Dissolved air flotation with ferric sulfate and polymer addition ■ Overland flow land application ■ Chlorination ■ Effluent monitoring Figure No. 1 provides a schematic layout of the system. Discharge from the treatment system is regulated under NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 issued by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. While the discharge from the treatment system has generally complied with permit limitations, violations have occurred, primarily related to high flows during rainfall periods. In order to address the noncompliance issues, Golden Poultry and the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management have entered into a Special Order of Consent_ One requirement of the Order is that Golden Poultry complete a diagnostic evaluation of the treatment system and submit a written report with recommendations for improved treatment to the Division of Environmental Management. Y ROWE/MRONMENTAI Skimmings to Renderer Caustic Soda Ferric Wash Water Polymer Sulfate 30 Screens Pump Process Sump Wastewater N Discharge to Deep River F Monitoring Station Chlorine Overland Flow Land Application System Feed Pumps Polym er Belt Skimmings Press Storage Dissolved Air Flotation Unit Recvcle Storage Lagoon Splitter Box Pump Station Land Application Pumps Surge Basin 'Figure No. 1 Schematic Layout Wastewater Treatment System Golden Poultry, Sanford, N. C. RUWENVIRONMENTAI I i This Diagnostic Evaluation Report fulfills this requirement of the Order. The scope of the report has been limited to immediate actions which can be taken to improve treatment efficiency. Other actions such as additional pretreatment and/or effluent storage will be evaluated in detail in a future requirement of the Order which will address overall wastewater treatment and discharge alternatives. 3 ROWEWiROMMErRAt Section 2 Pretreatment System ROWEnvin.... rv,A Se,ction 2 Pretreatment System 2.1 , iesc"ptlon of System The pretreatment system was visited on August 15, 1994 for the purpose of evaluating the operation and performance. Figure No. 2 provides a schematic layout of the pretreatment system. The system consists of the following components: ■ Three (3) feather screens and two (2) offal screens ■ Effluent sump and two (2) Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) System feed pumps ■ Dissolved air flotation unit with anionic polymer and ferric sulfate feed systems ■ Skimmings holding tank and skimmings pump ■ Skimmings beltifilter press with polymer feed system 2.2. Screens The existing screening is excellent for the type of wastewater being treated. No improvements to the screening system are believed to be necessary. 2.3 Effluent Sump and IDAF System Feed Pumps The effluent sump is adequate and provides sufficient volume and detention type for pumping and chemical reactions. 4 ROW[Kviaor-.e•rrAt FERRIC SULFATE FEED SYSTEM CAUSTIC FEED SYSTEM N TO FEATHER FLOWAWAY Z Qw i.L �w ww w =w w =w IIJ 0U) u- oC U. �� �0 �_ �0 J DAF FEED PUMPS COAG AID FEED BELT FILTER PRESS SUMP FIGURE NO. 2 SCHEMATIC LAYOUT EXISTING PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GOLDEN POULTRY, SANFORD, N.C. ROWENVIRONMENTAI AIR I SKIMMINGS PUMP SKIMMINGS HOLDING TANK VACUUM PUMPS DAF BELT PRESS POLYMER SYSTEM BELT WASH PUMP PRESSURE TANK VACUUM PUMP COOLING WATER PUMPS DAF POLYMER SYSTEM EFFLUENT TO OVERLAND FLOW SYSTEM At the time of the evaluation visit, the DAF System Feed pumps were piped so that a portion of the flow from the pumps was being recycled back to the plant for feather flushing. This arrangement was contributing to problems in maintaining an optimum operating pressure in the dissolved air flotation unit. Golden Poultry had already taken steps to install a new dedicated pump to provide recycled water for feather flushing. This new pump -vN ill allow the pumping of a more consistent volume and pressure of flow to the DAF System, which will improve the operating efficiency. With- the completion of the installation of the new feather flush pump, no other improvements are believed to be necessary. Flotation System At the time of the visit to the pretreatment system, the following observations were made related to the operation of the system: ■ Based on recommendations made by chemical suppliers, the system was being -----.operated at a pH of approximately 4.6 which is too low for a ferric sulfate based system such as used by Golden Poultry ■ Insufficient quantities of ferric sulfate were being added to provide optimum organics removal ■ Due to the limitations caused by the feed pump arrangement previously discussed, + the system was operating at a pressure of less than 20 psi entering the DAF which was not allowing optimum flotation of coagulated oils and greases and solids 0 ROWExvistopme rAt The following recommendations were made on site to improve the performance of the DAF system: ■ The caustic soda feed rate to the influent of the system was increased to raise the background pH and force the addition of a higher dosage of ferric sulfate ■ The operating pH was raised from 4.6 to 5.3 to provide operation in the best floc range of the anionic polymer being used The following additional recommendations which are shown on Figure No. 3 were made: ■ Complete the feather pump installation f ■ Reroute the ferric sulfate feed line to the pump sump influent ■ Minimize the flow to the DAF system when the second feed pump is running ■ Operate the influent pressure to the DAF system in the 40 to 50 psi range With the implementation. *of these recommendations, the Golden Poultry pretreatment system will provide optimum treatment upstream of the overland flow land application system. i f 2-5 Sk%zbegs Holding Tank and SMICEmmings Putmp The skimmings holding tank and skimmings pump are adequate for the quantity of skimmings being produced by the DAF System No improvements to the skimmings tank or pump are needed. 2.6 Sidmmings Belt Filter Press The Skimmings Belt Filter Press capacity and performance is more than adequate for the quantity of skimmings being generated. No improvements to the belt filter press operations are deemed necessary. 7 ROWERVIRommefdTAt TO FEATHER FLOWAWAY Z Zt Qw QW =w =w =M LLU LL(.) Q� Q� Qx Now Feather Ow 0U) �� u_� u_0 Flow Pump awd Line Caustic Screened _. Feed Line Wastewater DAF FEED PUMPS FERRIC SULFATE FEED SYSTEM CAUSTIC FEED SYSTEM 101 SUMP W mmmi Re,facated Ferric Aid Liae Modifications 1. Complete Feather Pump Installation 2. Reroute Ferric Feed Line to Sump Influent Recycle Belt Press Filtrate F Operating Recommendations 1. Minimize flow to DAF when Second Feed Pump is running 2. Add sufficient Caustic to force sufficient Ferric to produce clear effluent 3. Operate at pH of* 5.2 to 5.5 to achieve optimum Polymer Floc Point 4. Operate Influent Pressure to DAF at 40 to 50 psi FIGURE NO.3 SCHEMATIC LAYOUT PRETREATMENT SYSTEM (Modified) GOLDEN POULTRY SANFORID, N.C. RQWENViRONMENTAI r Water .� BELT FILTER PRESS AIR SKIMMINGS SKIMMINGS HOLDING PUMP TANK Belt Pross Feed Polymor Line Feed PUMPSM Polymor Line BELT PRESS POLYMER SYSTEM Bolt Wash Water Line BELT WASH PUMP DAF DAF Feed Line PRESSURE TANK Recycle Cooling Water VACUUM PUMP COOLING WATER PUMPS Roc) cle Line- i DAF POLYMER SYSTEM EFFLUENT TO OVERLAND FLOW SYSTEM 3 2.7 Summmmaury In summary, the existing pretreatment system at the Golden Poultry facility is more than adequate to provide excellent pretreatment upstream of the overland flow land application system. With the implementation of the recommendations discussed herein, the system will provide optimum performance. No significant structural improvements are deemed necessary for the pretreatment system. 9 ROWEIMROMIMEMTAI section 3 Overland Flow Land Application System ROWE.VIROR ENTA( Section 3 Overland Flow hand Application System 3.1 Sy of Performance A review of monitoring records was completed to determine the most probable cause(s) for the variations which have occurred in past performance. The two main causes for variations are: ' RaWftlll Runoff Increases in mass quantity discharges are caused by elevated flows during rainfall periods. Figures No. 4 and No. 5 show the relationship of effluent flow versus effluent BOD and effluent NH3N, respectively. ' fand Application held Re -Startup l 1 Short-term increases in constituent concentrations occur during land application field re -startup periods (when fields are placed back into operation following the cutting of hay)_ Figures No. 6 and No. 7 show monthly average and peak daily effluent BOD and -.effluent NH3N, respectively. 3.2 Stem Components The overland flow land application system was visited on August 15, 1994 for the purpose of evaluating the operation and performance. The overland flow system consists of the following components: ■ Pump station ■ Surge basin and storage lagoon io ROWEiw ROMAgFxrA[ Figure No. 4 - Discharge Flow vs Effluent BOD Ib s/day Overland Flow System, Golden Poultry, Sanford, N.C. ,)An 15 Discharge Flow, mgd ■ Effluent NH3N, lbs/day F+ W 120 100 80 0 m 60 c w 40 20 Figure No. 6 - Effluent 1300, Mg/l Overland Flow System, Golden Poultry, Sanford, N.C. � / ./ Overland Flow System, Golden Poultry, Sanford, KC, '| 20 ,— ' � 15 | "z E 10 co - ho Jam Jul Jam Jul Jam Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul ■ Land application fields Chlorination system ■ Effluent monitoring system 3.2.1 Pump Station The existing pump station is well designed and provides optimum flexibility in the operation of the overland flow system. No improvements to the pump station are deemed to be necessary. 3.2.2 Surge Basics and Storage Lagoon . Under normal operations the pretreated wastewater is applied directly to the land application fields. The surge basin and storage lagoon were provided in the original design to provide a limited amount of storage during extreme wet or cold weather conditions. The basin and lagoon have sewed well in this capacity and no significant modifications are suggested at this time. The use of the surge basin and storage lagoon are being evaluated as a part of the next report which will address overall treatment options as compared to the existing system. If it is determined that the basin and/or lagoon will be an integral component of a modified or new system and will be utilized on a continuous basis, the adequacy of the existing two 20 horsepower aerators installed in the surge basin will be evaluated. 3.2.3 Land Application Melds The land application fields are well designed and operated. Golden Poultry's management and operating personnel are operating the system to pr ovide optimum performance given the size of 1S ROWEIMRONMEKTAt the system and the loadings to the system. As indicated, fluctuations in the effluent quality and quantities from the system are caused by rainfall runoff impacts and the lag time .in re -activating fields after hay cuttings. Additionally, because of concerns about odors and insects, operational periods have been restricted so that water is not applied on the weekends. This self imposed restriction, while addressing the concerns of neighbors, has limited utilization of the system. 3.2.4 Chlorination and Effluent Monitoring Systems The chlorination and effluent monitoring system are adequate for the system and need no modifications. 3.3 Summary In summary, the overland flow system is well designed and operated. The system is providing i s overall excellent performance, with the major limitations being the impact that rainfall runoff has on discharge quantities and the increases in ammonia nitrogen concentrations during field startups. No specific structural improvements that can be implemented quickly would make significant improvements in the capability of the system. Structural improvements such as additional pretreatment upstream of the system and/or storage downstream of the system are being evaluated as a part of the next report which will address overall wastewater treatment options. In the meantime, efforts should be made to minimize the number of fields that are cut and taken out of service at any given time, to apply to active fields as much as possible, and to bring recently cut fields back on line as slowly as possible. 16 ROWEnvironmental ection 4 Summary of Reco en atlooloszs ROWEmviaommEmTo,l Section 4 Siam of Recommea`tiations 4.1 Pretreabnent System The fcglow'ing recommendations are made to enhance the performance of the pretreatment systern: Complete the installation of the new feather water pump and line to improve the I flow conditions and pressure in the DAF System t , ■ Reroute the ferric sulfate feed line to the pump sump influent to provide unproved mixing of ferric sulfate with the wastewater ` Minimize the flow to the DAF System when the second feed pump is running ■ Add sufficient caustic soda in the raw plant wastewater to force the addition of sufficient ferric sulfate into the wastewater to provide optimum organics i i removal ■ Operate the system at the optimum pH for the polymer in use, which is generally in the range of 5.2 to 5.5 ■ Operate the influent pressure to the DAF System in the 40 to 50 psi range 4.2 Overland Flow Land Application System The following recommendations are made to enhance the performance of the overland flow land applica ion system: IZ RQWErM;tow.sewrwt a " ■ Minimize the number of fields that are cut and taken out of service at any given time to provide maximum surface area for wastewater treatment ■ Maximize the time that wastewater is applied to the fields while minimizing other potential impacts ■ To the maxi -mum extent possible, bring recently cut fields back on line slowly 18 ROWEnviaonMurral