HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201095 Ver 1_As-Built Credit Release_Double Rock_SAW-2020-01532DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 September 27, 2023 Regulatory Division SUBJECT: As-built baseline monitoring report approval and credit release associated with the Wildlands Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Double Rock Mitigation Site Ms. Andrea Eckardt Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 Mint Street Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Dear Ms. Eckardt: This letter is to inform you that the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has reviewed the as-built baseline monitoring report for the Wildlands Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank (UMB), Double Rock mitigation site (Action ID SAW-2020- 01532), dated July 28, 2023. The Double Rock site is in the Catawba River Basin (Hydrologic Unit Code 03050101), east of Stikeleather Rd. and north of Mt. Wesley Church Rd., approximately six miles southwest of Taylorsville in Alexander County, NC. In accordance with Sec. 332.8(o)(9) of the Federal Mitigation Rule, the baseline monitoring report was provided to the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) for review and comment on August 3, 2023. A site meeting was also held on August 16, 2023, to assess the as-built site conditions. The attached minutes document the results of the meeting. NCIRT report review comments and site meeting action items outlined in the attached comment memo should be addressed and included in the Year 1 monitoring report. Pursuant to the UMB Instrument approved on July 25, 2022, and the site-specific Double Rock Final Mitigation Plan dated June 29, 2022, 15 percent of the mitigation site’s total restoration and enhancement credits shall be available for sale immediately after the completion of implementation of the mitigation plan and Corps approval of the baseline monitoring report and as-built survey. By copy of this correspondence, we confirm that you have satisfied the above requirements for the as-built credit release, and 669.690 stream mitigation units (SMUs) are now available for sale. With this -2- release, 1,444.880 SMUs (30 percent of the total restoration and enhancement credits and 100 percent of the total preservation credits) have been released for sale. Please note that this electronic copy provided to you via email is your official copy. Should you wish to receive a paper copy of this correspondence, please contact us. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the Project Manager, Steve Kichefski, by email at Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil or by phone at (828) 933-8032. Sincerely, Todd Tugwell Chief, Mitigation Branch Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List Project Name: Sponsor Name: USACE Action ID: NCDWQ Action ID: Non-Forested Wetland Credits Warm Water Cool Water Cold Water Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non-Riparian Coastal 4556.1 Scheduled Releases Warm Water Cool Water Cold Water Scheduled Releases Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non-Riparian Scheduled Releases Coastal 1 (Bank/Site Establishment)1, 2 15%778.19 15%15%Dec-22 10/20/2022 2 (Year 0/As-Built)3 15%666.69 15%15%Aug-23 3 (Year 1 Monitoring)10%444.46 10%10%Mar-24 4 (Year 2 Monitoring)10%444.46 10%15%Mar-25 5 (Year 3 Monitoring)10%444.46 15%20%Mar-26 6 (Year 4 Monitoring)5%222.23 5%10%Mar-27 7 (Year 5 Monitoring)10%444.46 15%15%Mar-28 8 (Year 6 Monitoring)5%222.23 5%NA NA Mar-29 9 (Year 7 Monitoring)10%444.46 10%NA NA Mar-30 Stream Bankfull Standard4 10%444.46 NA NA NA NA NA NA Varies4 Total Credits Release to Date 4,556.10 - Date 4 - A 10% reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfull event performance standard has been met. Contingencies (if any): Credit Release 1 is 15% R&EII and 100% Preservation Signature of Wilmington District Official Approving Credit Release 1 - The first credit release milestone is based on the potential credits stated in the approved mitigation plan. 2 - The first credit release shall occur upon establishment of the mitigation bank, which includes the following criteria: 1) Execution of the MBI or UMBI by the Sponsor and the USACE; 2) Approval of the final Mitigation Plan; 3) Mitigation bank site must be secured; 4) Delivery of the financial assurances described in the Mitigation Plan; 5) Recordation of the long-term protection mechanism and title opinion acceptable to the USACE; 6) 404 permit verification for construction of the site, if required. 3 - The second credit release is based on the credit totals from the as-built survey, and may differ slightly from the credit totals stated in the mitigation plan. Current and Future Credit Releases Credit Release Milestone Stream Credits Forested Wetland Credits Non-Forested Wetland Credits Projected Release Date Actual Release Date Potential Credits from As-Built Survey SAW-2020-01532 Year Project Instituted:2022 2020-1095v1 Date Prepared:10/21/2022 Total Potential Credits Credit Classification Stream Credits Forested Wetland Credits Potential Credits from Mitigation Plan Wilmington District Mitigation Bank Credit Release Schedule Double Rock Mitigation Site County:Alexander Wildlands Holdings VI, LLC 8-Digit HUC:03050101 27 Sep 2023 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 CESAW-RG/Kichefski September 27, 2023 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Action ID # SAW-2020-01532, NCIRT Review Comments on the Wildlands Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Double Rock Mitigation Site As-built & Baseline Monitoring Report Erin Davis/Steve Kichefski, USACE: As-built/MY0 Report Comments – 1.Redline Drawing Sheets 2.3 and 2.5 show additional wetland and buffer planting areas within the project conservation easement. Please include coverage of these areas in the random plot sampling over the duration of the monitoring period. 2.With site planting being completed after the standard IRT deadline of March 15th, please closely monitor stem stress and mortality during the MY1 veg survey. Assessment of supplemental planting needs is encouraged early in an effort to avoid an extension of the monitoring period. IRT Site Visit August 16, 2023, Wildlands Action Items – 1.Please provide updates on the Randall Tributary and Elk Shoals Creek bank erosion repairs, including adjacent access/staging area veg cover, in the MY1 report. 2.In the MY1 report please include a status update of the presence of Murdannia keisak onsite and any completed or planned treatments. Steve Kichefski Mitigation Project Manager Mitigation Branch MEETING MINUTES MEETING:  CATAWBA 01 UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK – DOUBLE ROCK MITIGATION SITE        MY0 IRT Credit Release Site Walk            Catawba River Basin 03050101; Alexander County, NC        USACE Action ID No. SAW‐2020‐01532        NCDWR # 2020‐1095 v1        Wildlands Project No. W45024     DATE:    Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 9:30 am  LOCATION:  Stikeleather Road   Hiddenite, NC    Attendees  Kirsten Gimbert, Wildlands  Noyes Harrigan, Wildlands  Brandon Romeo, Wildlands  Erin Davis, USACE  Steven Kichefski, USACE  Maria Polizzi, NCDWR  Dave McHenry, NCWRC                              Meeting Minutes  The meeting began at 9:40 am.  Brandon presented an overview of the site and the order in which the group  would walk each reach. The IRT then provided general feedback on the project and indicated areas they would  like to see during the site walk. To start, the group walked to the top of Randell Tributary. After getting to the  top of Randell the group walked down stream to the confluence and then walked up to the top of Elk Shoals  Creek. Then the group walked up to the top of Stikeleather Tributary. After getting to the top of Stikeleather the  group walked back down the reach and up Matheson Tributary and ended at Matheson Tributary A by the BMP.  The meeting concluded at 12:00 PM.  The following provides an overview of the discussions between Wildlands  and IRT members on the Double Rock Mitigation Site (project).  1.  Opening Remarks   Erin commented  about the structure material substitution (rock sills to log sills) on Stikeleather B  channel and asked whether Wildlands was concerned or took in consideration the type of materials  used since this is a steeper channel.  Noyes asked if the IRT was concerned about the stability of the  logs overtime and Erin replied that they want to make sure the grade is kept and that no piping will  occur in the future, which can be a problem on steep B streams. Steve also commented on this  material substitution.  DOUBLE ROCK Mitigation Site – IRT Meeting Minutes    Wildlands Engineering, Inc.    page 2  WILDLANDS CATAWBA 01 UMB – DOUBLE ROCK Mitigation Site  MY0 Credit Release IRT Site Walk  Steve commented on the planting timeline and questioned whether this may be a problem in the  future. Brandon replied that the plants looked healthy at the time of the as‐built vegetation install  and assessment and we will continue to monitor.    Erin and Steve both noted that they would like to see the repair area along Randell Tributary at  Station 211+65 and along Elk Shoals Reach 2 Station 126+55.   Maria commented on the fencing adjustment and asked why there was a shift in placement. Kirsten  replied that the original landowner had wanted the fence line further from the easement but had  passed away before the completion of the project and his son wanted to bring the pasture closer to  the easement line, so the fence location was moved. Kirsten added that large barrels were added to  the fence line at the stream crossing to help aid in keeping the cattle out of the easement.   Dave did not have any comments on the project.  2. Discussions Per Reach  Randell Tributary   Erin asked if we thought there may be an issue of scalloping in the future since the easement poles  are already shorter than the tall grass. Noyes replied that the site was walked with the landowner  after the easement signs were placed in the ground and the farmer knows where he can and cannot  mow. Wildlands will continue to monitor the site for easement encroachments.   Dave noticed some weeds growing on the sides and in some sections of the stream and asked if  anyone knew what it was. Wildlands later identified the species as Murdannia keisak or Asian  Spiderwort. Wildlands will continue to monitor these  areas to make sure they do not continue to  impact the streamflow and/or stability of the channel.   The group stopped at the repair section, station 211+65, where Noyes described the bank erosion  that was occurring on the right bank just downstream of the log in the angled log riffle. He further  discussed repairs made by Wildlands Construction; laid back the banks to create a mini pool and  armored the bank with a boulder to prevent further erosion.   o Steve asked if the boulder toe was along the entire log riffle. Noyes replied that there was just  one boulder in that area armoring the bank.   o Erin responded that she is glad Wildlands was proactive with this repair and everything looks  stable.   o Dave asked if there have been any log piping issues on site. Noyes replied that there has not  been any piping issues and that the logs that were used were long and tied in well.  o The team noted that the vegetation had already grown back in the area of the repair.  Elk Shoals Creek   The group stopped at Station 126+55 to look at the repair area that eroded after construction. Steve  asked what the repair entailed. Noyes explained design concerns and that, despite the use of a rock  hammer to remove bedrock, the upstream pool depth was limited and that the excess energy led to  erosion below one of the logs in the angled log riffle just downstream of this pool. He added that the  repair involved resetting the log and armoring the section of bank to prevent any additional erosion.  Noyes also explained that this repair approach was determined to have the least impact for a repair.   o Steve asked if the construction was done internally. Noyes responded that construction was  completed by Wildlands Construction.   DOUBLE ROCK Mitigation Site – IRT Meeting Minutes    Wildlands Engineering, Inc.    page 3  WILDLANDS CATAWBA 01 UMB – DOUBLE ROCK Mitigation Site  MY0 Credit Release IRT Site Walk o Steve mentioned that the use of a rock hammer goes under the same type of permit as an  percussive activities and in the future, they will need to be notified before this type of work is  done. Wildlands commented we will notified USACE before using a rock hammer on future  projects.  o Steve mentioned that one of the logs in the repair appeared a little high, but with consistent  flow, should be good to avoid dry rot and allow for aquatic passage. Both Steve and Erin asked if  the flow and drop on Elk Shoals is normal for this channel. Noyes and Brandon replied that yes  this is the flow we have been consistently observing along this reach.   o Erin and Maria commented on the small bare area along the floodplain adjacent to the repair.  Kirsten noted that this area was constructed about a month ago and will continue to be  monitored for vegetation growth by our monitoring team.   Erin asked if the internal crossing areas are clearly marked. Kirsten replied that yes, they are and  that the site was walked with the landowner and our land acquisition team to make sure the  landowner knows where all the signs are and what he can and cannot do. Kirsten also noted if  anything comes up in the future of the project regarding adding in a culvert or ford crossing in these  locations that Wildlands will be on site with the landowner to make sure he stays outside of the  easement.    Erin asked if the culvert at the top of Elk Shoals was backwatered to allow for aquatic passage.  Noyes replied that the culverts were backwatered as far as they could and Wildlands tried to back  up water to the upstream invert to allow for complete aquatic passage through the culvert.    Maria asked if Wildlands tried to lower the Division of Transportation culvert to help aid in aquatic  passage. Noyes replied that Wildlands does not touch, change, or modify DOT culverts in any way.    Steve asked what the drainage area for Elk Shoals Creek is. Kirsten replied that the drainage area for  Elk Shoals Creek is 2.15 sq. mi. at the downstream end of project and 0.93 sq. mi. at confluence with  Stikeleather tributary.   The group discussed the use of pollinator seed mises and the benefits of including this in early  successional years. IRT was pleased to see this was implemented on Double Rock.   The group discussed the HENA conservation efforts and the IRT was pleased with the overall project  efforts to work alongside USFWS and did not have any concerns regarding special permit conditions.  Stikeleather Tributary   Steve asked if the stream was raised. Noyes replied that the stream design approach implemented  was approximately a P1.5.   Erin and Steve commented again on their concern with the replacement of rock sills with log sills  due to logs lending themselves to piping and undercutting. Noyes replied that the logs used in the  log sills were large and keyed in well to the bank and matting.    Erin asked if we WL included a vegetation plot in the priority 2 floodplain per the Mitigation plan  comments. Brandon replied that yes, Wildlands included a vegetation plot within the priority 2  floodplain, and it is vegetation plot number 3.     DOUBLE ROCK Mitigation Site – IRT Meeting Minutes    Wildlands Engineering, Inc.    page 4  WILDLANDS CATAWBA 01 UMB – DOUBLE ROCK Mitigation Site  MY0 Credit Release IRT Site Walk Matheson Tributary, Matheson Tributary A, and Matheson Tributary B   The IRT did not have any comments on the BMP or the streams within this area.  3. Closing Remarks   Erin, Steve, David, and Maria remarked that the site looked good and that they did not have any  additional questions or concerns for Wildlands at this time and will review the meeting minutes  from this site walk.   These meeting minutes were prepared by Brandon Romeo and reviewed by Kirsten Gimbert and Noyes Harrigan on August  21, 2023, and represent the authors’ interpretation of events.  Please report any discrepancies or corrections within 5  business days of receipt of these minutes.