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gu-)&/,Aced CUMBERLAND PARK STORM WATER CALCULATIONS {{{{11111111 j/ F.S . ,. EAL 027,452 = c0 ri F-NC,INCCRINC, LAND 6UP-\/CYINC, CON -5TZUCTION LAYOUT G'P5 SCRVIC�S LAND 0LVCL.0PM114T 409 CIIICAc'o DlZIVC SUITL 112 FAYCTTLVILLC INC 25306 POONC 910 426-6777 FAx 910 426-5777 SoLuTioNS, iNc. Cumberland Park Required Storm Volume Infiltration Basin Drainage Area: 3.6 acres Impervious Area: 56,112 sf (1.29 ac) 1/0 Impervious: 36% inch Storm Event: Rv = 0.05+0.009 1 Rv = runoff coefficient I= percent impervious Rv=0.05+0.009*36% = 0.374 For volume that must be controlled: Volume=3,630*Rd*Rv*A Volume = 3,630*(1 inch)*(0.374)*3.6 acres = 4,887 cf. Offline Bypass & Vegetated Filter Strip No bypass or vegetated filter strip is needed since the 10 year, 24 hour storm event is infiltrating the system without discharging the system and using an infiltration rate of one-half'of the infiltration rate reported in the soils report. Cumberland Part: Storm Water Control SCS curve number Hydraulic Soi Group : A Area SCS CN Building (s€) 19.100 98 Pavement (sl) 37.012 98 Open space (si) W778 39 Of]site -open space (sf) 65 Ofisite -impervious (si) 98 Total (sf) 154990 60 Total (ac) 3.56 Rational Coef€icient I'redevelopment Area C Impervious (s1) 0 0.95 Open space (sf) 154.890 0.30 Total (ae) 154890 0.30 Total (ac) 3.56 Postdevelopment A rea C Building (s€) 1 9, 100 0.95 Pavement (sf) 37,012 0.95 Open space (sf) 98,778 0.30 Offsite -open space (sl) 0.40 Offsite -impervious (sl) 0.95 Total (ac) 154890 0.54 Total(ac) 3.56 Cumberland Park runnoff coefficient calcs.zls Printed 3/26/2012 FW 12.00 10.00 IO 4.00 2.00 f 11 Cumberland Park Basin Routing Inflow 1 Outflow Hydrograph 1-yr Storm Event 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 840 880 920 960 10001040 Time (min) INFLOW OUTFLOW -f-OUTFLOW DES[(.N REQUIREMENTS: A. Contain the I inch storm Drainage Area, (DA) = 3.6 acres Intensity, (1) - 5.23 incheslhr Composite Runoll'Coellicient, (C)=> 0.30 Maximum Release Rate, (Qi) _> 5.65 cfs Cumberland Park - Detention Basin Posi-Development Runoff - I-N'r Drainage Area, (DA) = 3.6 acres Intensity, (1) = 5.23 incheslhr Composite RUnoffCoellicienl, (C)=> 0.54 Peak Release Nate, (Qi) _> 10.17 cfs Contour Contour Iner. Accum. Stage Elev, Area Storage Storage (S) (%) (it) (s1) (CO (ct) (R) In (S) In (Z) Z est 247.55 - - - - 247,65 4,258 213 213 0.10 5.36 -2.30 0.10 248.15 fi 270 2,632 2,845 0.60 ....................... 7.95 -0.51 0.61 249,65 8,327 3,649 6,494 1.10 8.78 ': 0.10 ': 1.07 249.15 10,426 4,699 11,192 1.60 9.32 0.47 1.56 249.65 12,565 5,748 16,930 2.10 9.74 0.74 2.08 250:15 14,749 6,829 23,759 2.60 10,08 0.96 2.02 250.65 17,646 8,(}99 31,857 3.10 10.37 1.13 ': 3.21 Regression Output: b= 1.45 (X Variable Coeff) Ks- 5.881 (e,.intercept) Stage - Storage Equation is of the form: S = (Ks)(%)b printed: 4YN2012346 PM Page 1 of 12 Infiltration rate— 3.75 in/hr 8.681�-05 ft/s SI, of Retention 12819 sf Outflow from infiltration= 1.11 cfs Width of Spillway (Approx.) = 10 feet Weir Coel7icient = 3.3 Crest Elevation = 249,65 feet Maximum Release Rate, (Qi) = 5.65 els Infiltration Rate, (Qi) = 1,1 1 cls Overflow Rate, (Qi) = 0.00 cls Water Surface Elev. rr Outlet (Qi) = 248,25 feet printed: 4rMO12 3:46 PM Page 2 of 12 Peak Inflow, (Qp) => I0.17 cfs Time to 11cak Calculation: CN= 60 P= 3.04 in Q'= 0.35 in. (depth of runoff) Vol= 4,546 cf (col. of runof) Time to Peak, (Tp) => 5.4 minutes (SCS "1'R-55) O (Q/ E t Q min cfa 0.00 0.000 0 0.00 0.37 0.306 2 3.11 0.75 0.849 4 9.63 1.12 0.965 6 9.81 1.49 0.624 8 6.34 1.87 0.384 10 3.90 2.24 0.236 12 2.40 2.61 0.146 14 1.49 2.98 0.090 16 0.91 3.36 0,055 18 0.56 3.73 0.034 20 0.35 4.10 0.021 22 0.21 4.48 0.013 24 0.13 4.85 0.008 26 0.08 5.22 0.005 28 0.05 5.60 0.003 30 0.03 5.97 0.002 32 0.02 6.34 0.001 34 0.01 6.72 0.001 36 0.01 7.09 0.000 38 0.00 7.46 0.000 40 0.00 7,83 0.000 42 0,00 8.21 0.000 44 0,00 8.58 0.000 46 0.00 8.95 0.000 48 0.00 S= 6.67 in. primed: 4r2=12 3 46 PM Page 3 of 12 9.33 0.000 50 0.00 MO 0.000 52 0.00 10.07 0,000 54 0,00 10.45 0.000 56 {},{}0 10.82 0.000 58 0.00 11.19 0.000 60 0.{}0 11.57 0.000 62 0.00 11.94 {1.f100 fi4 0.00 12.31 0.000 fife 0.00 12.69 0.000 68 0.00 13.06 0.000 70 0.00 13.43 0,000 72 0.00 13.80 0.000 74 0.00 14.18 0.000 70 0.00 14.55 0.000 78 0.00 14.92 0.000 80 0.00 15,30 0.000 82 0.00 15.67 0.000 84 0.00 16.04 0.000 86 0.00 16.41 0.000 88 0.00 16.79 0.000 90 0.00 17.16 0.000 92 0,00 17.53 0.000 94 0.00 17.91 0.000 96 0.00 18.28 0.000 98 0.00 19.65 0.000 100 0.00 19.03 0.000 102 0.00 19.40 0.000 104 0,00 19.77 0.000 106 0.00 20.15 0.000 108 0.00 20.52 0.000 110 0.00 20.89 0.000 112 0.00 21.26 0.000 114 0.00 21.64 0.000 116 0.00 22.01 0,000 118 0.00 22.38 0.000 120 0.00 22.76 0.000 122 0.00 23.13 0.000 124 0.00 23.50 0.000 126 0.00 23.88 0.000 128 0.00 24.25 0.000 130 0.00 24.62 0.000 132 0.00 25.00 0.000 134 0,00 25.37 0.000 136 0.00 25.74 0.000 138 0.00 26.11 0.000 140 0.00 26.49 0.000 142 0.00 26.86 0.000 144 0.00 27.23 0.000 146 0.00 27.61 0.000 148 0.00 27,99 0.000 150 0.00 28.35 0.000 152 0.00 28.73 0.000 154 0.00 29.10 0.000 156 0.00 29.47 0.000 158 0.00 29.85 0.000 160 0.01} 30.22 0.000 162 0.00 30.59 0.000 164 0.00 30.96 0.000 166 0.00 31.34 0.000 168 0.00 31.71 0.000 170 0.00 32.09 0,000 172 0.00 32.46 0.000 174 0.00 32.83 0.000 176 0.00 33.20 0.000 178 0.00 33.58 0.000 180 0.00 33.95 0.000 182 0 pnnletl: 12 3'A8 PM Page 4 of 12 1 Site Solutions, Inc. 34.32 0.000 184 0.00 34.70 0.000 186 0.00 35.07 0.000 188 0.00 35.44 0.000 190 0.00 35.81 0.000 192 0.00 36.19 0.000 194 0.00 36.56 0.000 196 0.00 36.93 0.000 198 0.00 37.31 0A00 200 0.00 37.68 0.000 202 0.00 38.05 0.000 204 0.00 38.43 0.000 200 0.00 38.80 0.000 208 0.00 39.17 0,000 210 0.00 39.55 0.000 212 0.00 39.92 0.000 214 (1.()0 40.29 0.000 216 0.00 40.66 0.000 219 0.00 41.04 0.000 220 0.00 41.41 0.000 222 0.00 41.78 0.000 224 0.00 42.16 0.000 226 0.00 42.53 0.000 228 0.00 42.90 0.000 230 0.00 43.28 0.000 232 0.00 43.65 0.000 234 0.00 44.02 0.000 236 0.00 44.39 0.000 238 0.00 44.77 0.000 240 0.00 45.14 0.000 242 0.00 45.51 0.000 244 0.00 45.89 0.000 246 0.00 46.26 0.000 248 0.00 46.63 0.000 250 0.00 47.01 0.000 252 O.O0 47.38 0.000 254 0.00 47.75 0.000 256 0.00 48.13 0.000 258 0,00 48.50 (1.000 260 0,00 48.87 0.000 262 0.00 49.24 0.000 264 0.00 49.62 0.000 266 0.00 49.99 0.000 268 0.00 50.36 0.000 270 0.00 50.74 0.000 272 0.00 51.11 0.000 274 0.00 51.48 0.000 276 0.00 51.86 0.000 279 U.UO 52.23 0.000 280 0.00 pnntea, 4rz12012 3.46 PM Page 5 of 12 52.60 0.000 282 0.00 52,98 0.000 284 0.00 53.35 0.000 286 0.00 53.72 0.000 288 0,00 54.09 0.000 290 0.00 54.47 0.000 292 0.00 54.94 0.000 294 0.00 55.21 0.000 296 0.00 55.59 0.000 298 0.00 55.96 0.000 300 0.00 56.33 0.000 302 0.00 56.71 0.000 304 0,00 57.08 0.000 306 0.00 57.45 0.000 308 0.00 57.83 0.000 310 0.00 58.20 0.000 312 0.00 58.57 0.000 314 0.00 58.94 0.000 316 0.00 59.32 0.000 318 0.00 59.69 0.000 320 0A0 60.06 0.000 322 0.00 60.44 0.000 324 0.00 60.81 0.000 326 0.00 61.18 0.000 328 0.00 61.56 0.000 330 0.00 61.93 0.000 332 0.00 62.30 0.000 334 O.UO 62.68 0.000 336 0.00 63.05 0.000 338 0.00 63.42 0.000 340 0.00 63.79 0.000 342 0.00 64.17 0.000 344 0.00 64.54 0.000 346 0.00 04.91 0.000 348 0.00 65.29 0.000 350 0.00 65.66 0.000 352 0.00 66.03 0.000 354 0.00 66.41 0A00 356 0.00 66.78 0A00 358 0.00 07.15 0.000 360 0.00 67.52 0.000 362 0.00 67.90 0.000 364 0.00 6 8.2 7 0.000 366 0.00 68.64 0.000 369 0.00 69.02 0.000 370 0.00 69.39 0.000 372 0.00 69.76 0.000 374 0.00 70.14 0.000 376 0.00 70.51 0.000 378 0.00 70.88 0.000 380 0.00 71_26 0.000 382 0.00 71.63 {},000 384 0.00 72.00 0.000 386 0.00 72.37 0.000 388 0.00 72.75 0.000 390 0.00 73.12 0.000 392 0.00 73.49 0.000 394 0.00 73.87 0.000 396 0,00 74.24 0.000 398 0.00 74.61 0.000 400 0.00 74.99 0.000 402 0.00 75.36 0.000 404 0.00 75.73 0.000 406 0.00 76.11 0.000 408 0,00 76.48 0.000 410 0.00 76.85 0.000 412 0.00 77.22 0.000 414 0.( pnMw1 1 f2 34fi PM Page 6 of 12 4D Site Solutions, Inc. 77.60 0.000 416 0.00 77.97 0A00 418 0.00 78.34 0.000 420 0.00 78.72 0.000 422 0.00 79.09 0.000 424 0.00 79.46 0.000 426 0.00 79.84 0.000 428 0.00 80.21 0.000 430 0.00 80.58 0,000 432 0.00 80.96 0.000 434 0.00 81.33 0.000 436 0.00 81.70 0.000 438 0.00 82.07 0.000 440 0.00 82.45 0.000 442 0.00 82.82 0.000 444 0.00 83.19 0.000 446 0,00 83.57 0,000 448 0.00 83.94 0.000 450 0.00 84.31 0.000 452 0.00 84.09 0.000 454 0.00 85.06 0.000 456 0.00 85.43 0.000 458 0.00 85.81 0.000 460 0.00 86.18 0.000 462 0.00 86.55 0.000 464 0.00 86.92 0.000 466 0.00 87.30 0.000 469 0.00 87.67 0.000 470 0.00 88.04 0.000 472 0.00 88.42 0.000 474 0.00 88.79 0.000 476 0.00 89.16 0.000 478 0.00 89.54 0.000 480 0.00 99,91 0.000 482 0.00 90.28 0.000 484 0.00 90,66 0.000 486 0.00 91.03 0.000 488 0.00 91.40 0.000 490 0.00 91.77 0.000 492 0.00 92.15 0.000 494 0.00 92.52 0.000 496 0.00 92.89 0.000 498 0.00 93.27 0.000 500 0.00 93.64 0.000 502 0.00 94.01 0.000 504 0.00 94.39 0.000 506 0.00 94.70 0,000 508 0,00 95.13 0.000 510 0.00 95.50 0.000 512 0.00 95.88 0.000 514 0.00 96.25 0.000 516 0.00 96.62 0.000 518 0.00 97.00 0.000 520 0.00 97.37 0.000 522 0.00 97.74 0.000 524 0.00 98.12 0.000 526 0.00 98.49 0.000 528 0.00 98.86 0,000 530 0.00 99.24 0.000 532 0.00 99.61 0.000 534 0.00 99.98 0.000 536 0.00 100.35 0.000 538 0.00 100.73 0.000 540 0.00 101.10 0.000 542 0.00 101.47 0.000 544 0.00 101.85 0.000 540 0.00 102.22 0.000 548 0 pnnted949&2 3:48 PM Page 7 of 12 102.59 0.000 550 0.00 102.97 0.000 552 0.00 103.34 0.000 554 0.00 103.71 0.000 556 0.00 104.09 0.000 559 0.00 104.46 0.000 560 0.00 104.83 0.000 562 0.00 105.20 0.000 564 0.00 105.58 0.000 566 0.00 105.95 0.000 568 0.00 106.32 0.000 570 0,00 106.70 0.000 572 0,00 107.07 0.000 574 0.00 107.44 0.000 576 0.00 107.82 0.000 578 0.00 108.19 0.000 580 0.00 108.56 0.000 582 0.00 108.94 0.000 594 0.00 109.31 0.000 586 0.00 109.68 0.000 599 0.00 110.05 0.000 590 0.00 110.43 0.000 592 0.00 110.80 0.000 594 0.00 1 1 1,17 0.000 596 0.00 111.55 0.000 598 0.00 111.92 0.000 600 0.00 112.29 0.000 602 0.00 112.67 0.000 604 0,00 113.04 0.000 606 0.00 113.41 0.000 608 0,00 113.79 0.000 610 0.00 114.16 0.000 612 0.00 114.53 0.000 614 0.00 114.90 0.000 616 0.00 115.28 0.000 618 0,00 115.65 0.000 620 0.00 116.02 0.000 622 0.00 116.40 0.000 624 0.00 116.77 0.000 626 0.00 117.14 0.000 629 0.00 117.52 0.000 630 0.00 117.89 0.000 632 0.00 118.26 0.000 634 0.00 118.64 0.000 636 0.00 119.01 0.000 638 0.00 119.38 0.000 640 0.00 119.75 0.000 642 0.00 120.13 0.000 644 0.00 120.50 0.000 646 0.00 120.87 0.000 648 0.00 121.25 0.000 650 0.00 121.62 0.000 652 0.00 121.99 0.000 654 0.00 122.37 0.000 656 0,00 122.74 0.000 658 0.00 123.11 0.000 660 0.00 123.48 0.000 662 0.00 123.86 0.000 664 0.00 124.23 0.000 666 0.00 124.60 0.000 668 0A0 124.98 0.000 670 0.00 125.35 0.000 672 0.00 125.72 0.000 674 0.00 126.10 0.000 676 0.00 126.47 0.000 678 0.00 126.84 0.000 680 0.00 127.22 0.000 682 f) pnnSe4. 12 3',46 PM Page 8 of 12 4D Site Solutions, Inc. 127.59 0.000 684 0.00 127.96 0.000 686 0.00 128.33 0.000 688 0.00 128.71 0.000 690 0.00 129.08 0.000 692 0.00 129.45 0.000 694 0.00 129.83 0.000 696 0.00 130.20 0.000 699 0.00 130.57 0.000 700 0.00 130.95 0.000 702 0.00 131.32 0.000 704 0.00 131.69 0.000 706 0.00 132.07 0.000 708 0.00 132.44 0.000 710 0.00 132.81 0.000 712 0.00 133.19 0.000 714 0.00 133.56 0.000 716 0.00 133.93 0.000 718 0.00 134.30 0.000 720 0.00 134.68 0.000 722 0.00 135.05 0.000 724 0.00 135.42 0.000 726 0.00 135.80 0.000 728 0.00 136.17 0.000 730 0.00 136.54 0.ON) 732 0.00 136.92 0.000 734 0.00 137.29 0.000 736 0.00 137.66 0.000 738 0.00 138.03 0.000 740 0.00 138.41 0.000 742 0.00 138.78 0.000 744 0.00 139.15 0.000 746 0.00 139.53 0.000 748 0.00 139.90 0.000 750 0.60 140.27 0.000 752 0.00 140.65 0.000 754 {}.00 141.02 0.000 756 0.00 141.39 0.000 758 0.00 141.77 0.000 760 0.00 142.14 0.000 762 0.00 142.51 0.000 764 0.00 142.88 0.000 766 0.00 143.26 0.000 768 0.00 143.63 0.000 770 0.00 144.00 0.000 772 0.00 144.38 0.000 774 0.00 144.75 0.000 776 0.00 145.12 0.000 779 0.00 145.50 0.000 780 0.00 145.87 0.000 782 0.00 146.24 0.000 784 0.00 146.61 0.000 786 0.00 146.99 0.000 798 0.00 147.36 0.000 790 0.00 147.73 0.000 792 0.00 148.11 0.000 794 0.00 148.48 0.000 796 0.00 148.85 0.000 798 0.00 149.23 0.000 800 0.00 149.60 0.000 902 0.00 149.97 0.000 804 0.00 150.35 0.000 806 0.00 150.72 0.000 808 0.00 151.09 0.000 810 0.00 151.46 0.000 812 0.00 151.84 0.000 814 0.00 152.21 0.000 816 pnntedY47 O123:45 PM Page 9 of 12 4D Site Solutions, Inc. 152.58 0.000 818 0.00 152.96 0.000 820 0.00 153.33 0.000 822 0.00 153.70 0.000 824 0.00 154.08 0.000 820 0.00 154.45 0.000 828 0.00 154.82 0.000 830 0.00 155.20 0.000 832 0.00 155.57 0.000 834 0.00 155.94 0.000 836 OAO 156.31 0.000 838 0.00 156.69 0.000 840 0.00 157.06 0.000 842 0.00 157.43 0.000 844 0.00 157.81 0.000 846 0.00 159.18 0.000 848 0.00 158.55 0.000 850 0.00 158.93 0.000 852 0.00 159.30 0.000 854 0.00 159,67 0.000 856 0.00 160.05 0.000 858 0.00 160.42 0.000 860 0.00 160.79 0.000 862 (00 161.16 0.000 964 0.00 161.54 0.000 866 0.00 161.91 0.000 868 0.00 162.28 0.000 870 0.00 162.66 0.000 872 0.00 163.03 0.000 874 0.00 163.40 0.000 876 0.00 163.78 0.000 878 0.00 164.15 0.000 880 0.00 164.52 0.000 882 0.00 164.90 0.000 884 0.00 165.27 0.000 886 0.00 165.64 0.000 888 0.00 166.01 0.000 890 0.00 166.39 0.000 892 0,00 166.76 0.000 894 0.00 167.13 0.000 896 0.00 167.51 0.000 898 0.00 167.88 0.000 900 0.00 168.25 0.000 902 0.00 168,63 0.000 904 0.00 169.00 0.000 906 0.00 169.37 0.000 908 0.00 169.75 0.000 910 0.00 170.12 0.000 912 0.00 170.49 0.000 914 0.00 170.86 0.000 916 0.00 171.24 0.000 918 0.00 171.61 0,000 920 0.00 171.98 0.000 922 0.00 172.36 0,000 924 0.00 172.73 0.000 926 0.00 173.10 0.000 928 0.00 173.48 0.000 930 0.00 173.85 0.000 932 0.00 174.22 0.000 934 0.00 174.59 0.000 936 0.00 174.97 0.000 938 0.00 175.34 0.000 940 0.00 175.71 0.000 942 0.00 176.09 0.000 944 0.00 176.46 0.000 946 0.00 176.83 0.000 948 0,00 177.21 0.000 950 p pnMetl 12316 PM Page 10 of 12 1 Site Solutions, Inc. 177.58 0.000 952 0.00 177.95 0.000 954 0.00 178.33 0.000 956 0.00 178.70 0.000 958 0.00 179.07 0.000 960 0.00 179.44 0.000 962 0.00 179.82 0.000 904 0.00 180.19 0.000 966 0.00 180.56 0.000 968 0,00 180.94 0.000 970 0.00 181.31 0.000 972 0.00 191.68 0.000 974 0.00 182.06 0.000 976 0.00 182.43 0.000 979 0.00 182.80 0.000 980 0.00 183.18 0.000 992 0.00 183.55 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INC. Cumberland Park Storm Water Narrative The Cumberland Park development is a 20 unit residential apartment complex with the associated infrastructure. It is located on the south side of Cumberland Avenue. The storm water generated from the development will be treated through the use of an infiltration basin located between the development and Cumberland Avenue. The infiltration basin is designed in accordance with the latest NCDENR BMP manual and the City of Raeford storm water ordinance. The storm water is transported from across the site through grassed swales located along the rear of the units. The storm water is released into the basin and infiltrates into the soil. The basin controls the one year storm and it incorporates an emergency spillway to control larger storms. The basin reduces the peak flow from the development to less than the predevelopment flows for the one year storm event. The basin is designed to waive both the offlinc bypass requirement and vegetated filter strip since the 10 year, 24 hour storm event is infiltrating the system without discharging the system and using an infiltration rate ofone-hall'ol'the infiltration rate reported in the soils report. The buildings are closer than the minimum 15' down gradient from the storm water system. The buildings are closer to the storm water structure in order to satisfy the minimum building setback lines which put the buildings at the current placement. Also the placement of the buildings allow for the minimum parking that must be available to each building.