HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000048_Fact sheet binder_20230928 DEQ / DEMLR
Basic Information for Permit Issuance and Renewals:
Permit Writer/Date Brianna Young 9/27/2023
Permit Number NCS000048
Owner/Facility Name Chemol Company,Inc./Chemcol Company, Inc.
SIC(NAICS) Code/Category 2869 (325199)/All Other Basic Organic Chemical
Basin Name/Sub-basin number Cape Fear/03-06-02
Receiving Stream/HUC UT to Mile Run Creek/030300020104
Stream Classification/Stream Segment WS-V;NSW/ 16-11-14-2-4
Is the stream impaired [on 303 d list]? No
Any TMDLs? No
Any threatened and/or endangered species? No
Any compliance concerns? See Section 2 below
Any permit mods since lastpermit? No
New expiration date 10/31/2028
Comments on Draft Permit? See Section 6 below
Section 1. Facility Activities and Process:
Chemcol Company, Inc. uses renewable animal fats,vegetable oils, and fatty acid derivatives as the base
raw materials for the production of various chemicals, lubricants, coatings, etc. These are processed by
refining and bleaching, hydrogenation,blending esterfication and poly-condensation reactions. Various
alcohols are used in esterification. All water from secondary containment is processed by grease trap and
discharged to the POTW. No. 2 fuel oil can be stored within the main plant for water and hot oil boiler
fuel. Non-oil products (alcohol, water and water-based solutions) are also stored at the facility.
Per the 2016 DEMLR inspection report,the facility renders animal fats for the manufacture of esters and
amides of fatty acids. Transesterifications (mixing chemicals to react and form another compound) of esters.
The facility refines,bleaches, and hydrogenates fats and oils (triglycerides) and distillation of esters. It has
blending,packaging, and warehouse operations. Packaging includes flaking,prilling, drumming and loading
bulk containers. There is a laboratory that supports manufacturing.
Per the 2022 permit renewal application, no significant process changes have occurred,but the volume is
increasing and equipment as tanks and reactors are being replaced and added. All operations are within
secondary containment or monitored at the railroad.
Per information provided by the permittee via email on 7/27/2023 and 7/28/2023, the flow to the north
of outfalls 1 and 2 is sheet flow and area goes across the adjacent parking lot into a 150 feet permeable
buffer zone. The flow is visually monitored and contains only packaging materials that are clean and
empty. The plant is fully diked and all process water is treated and sent to Greensboro waste water
Outfall SWO01:
Drainage area consists of plant operations,pallet storage (some could be contaminated from production
area), loading/unloading dock, and bulk shipping.
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Outfall SW002:
Drainage area consists of rail car loading/unloading, tank farm, parking lot, waste dumpster, and storage
Why Industrial Sites with Stormwater are Subject to a Permit: Federal NPDES regulations define
stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in 40 CFR §122.26 (b)(14) as: "the discharge
from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to
manufacturing,processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not
include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under this part 122.
For the categories of industries identified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm
water [sic] discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled
by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or byproducts used or created by
the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process
waste waters (as defined at part 401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of
material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and
receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and
intermediate and final products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and
significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the purposes of this paragraph, material
handling activities include storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw
material, intermediate product, final product, byproduct or waste product. The term excludes areas
located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and
accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm
water [sic] drained from the above described areas."
Section 2. Monitoring Information and Compliance History:
• March 2017 to June 2023, benchmarks exceeded for:
o SW001: Total phosphorus Ix, BOD 5x, COD 4x, TSS 3x,pH min not reached 5x
o SW002: Total phosphorus 2x, BOD Ix, TSS 3x,
• ROS at SW001 removed in 2016 inspection report
• Per the December 2017 City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division inspection report:
o Product has been tracked out of the secondary containment near the railcar
o An area of soil disturbance (with recently added straw) adjacent to the secondary
containment wall not noted in the facility's SWPPP
• Per the October 2021 City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division inspection report:
o A leaking, decommissioned grease container was noted near the railroad spur.
o Grease noted on one of the berms located near the main plant. The grease was likely
deposited by continuous use of this berm section as ingress/egress to the diked area.
Should a rain event occur, the material located on the outer edge of the berm would flow
into the stormwater system.
• On 12/31/2017 a valve on one of the ASTs froze and busted. About 100 gallons of oil/grease
product made outside of the secondary containment Some product made it to the curb line of the
street,but it was cold enough to freeze and stop it from flowing any further.
• Per the July 2023 inspection report, Tier response not conducted for TSS, COS, and nitrogen
benchmark exceedances and water is bypassing trench drains that feed the wastewater treatment
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plant. Two outfalls were noted in the SPPP,but a potential third was observed during the
inspection that does not drain to the other outfalls. This outfall needs to be monitored as well.
o William Newlin (Chemol Company; via email 8/16/2023): The mentioned outfall three
area (as I understand the area to be), does not meet the definition of an outfall. I stated
this during the inspection. The flow to the north of outfalls 1 and 2 is a sheet flow area
that goes across the adjacent Darling International gravel parking lot into a 125+feet
wide buffer zone. There is no centralized collection point (Catchment Area) for sampling,
so outfall coordinates cannot be supplied. This area serves as a driveway/parking area and
is visually monitored. Concerning the water that was bypassing the trench drains: At
Outfall#1, Chemol is going to install a berm across the parking lot/driveway to divert
this water into a collection sump that goes to Chemol's wastewater system for processing.
o DEMLR response: Per phone call with Lily Kay (8/18/2023), a trench drain that collects
stormwater leads to a pipe that goes to large grassy area then then the road. Lily says they
need to make sure the stormwater does not leave the property (that it infiltrates)but if it
does then they need to sample it. Central Office has decided a permit condition will be
added to the permit requiring they monitor the drainage area during four(4) storm events
and require permit modification if discharge is observed to leave the property.
Threatened/Endangered Species:
There are no threatened/endangered species in the nearby vicinity of the facility, however there is one
(1) species of concern: Lowland Loosestrife (Steironema hybridum;NC status: SR-P).
Section 3. Proposed Monitoring for Stormwater Discharges:
The Division considered potential pollutants from past and present industrial activities and data was
submitted for March 2017 to June 2023. Quantitative sampling included pH, TSS, O&G, total nitrogen,
total phosphorus, COD, and BOD.
Parameters are based on potential pollutants in the drainage area, sampling results, and in some cases,
dependent upon future activities (e.g., ash removal through the drainage area). Below is a table of the
proposed monitoring for each outfall at the Chemcol Company, Inc. site.
Outfalls SWO01 and SWO02
Quarterly monitoring
Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness
(TSS) indicator.
Quarterly monitoring
pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM
targets petroleum-based O&G
Monthly Oil Usage Quarterl monitoring
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BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area
Quarterly monitoring
BOD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Nitrogen BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Phosphorus BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Stormwater Benchmarks and Tiered Response: Rather than limits,North Carolina NPDES
Stormwater permits contain benchmark concentrations. Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action
levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits, and benchmark exceedances are
not permit violations. Benchmarks provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in
stormwater discharges and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Benchmark
concentrations are intended as guidelines for the facility's development and implementation of the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
Benchmark exceedances require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions,
increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The permit establishes a
tiered approach to specify actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above
benchmark concentrations. The tiered structure of the permit provides the permittee and DEMLR wide
flexibility to address issues that may arise with one or more parameters and/or outfalls.
Metals benchmarks are calculated to mimic acute water quality standards and with the guidance of
DWR. NC DWR follows established federal procedures for calculating acute standards when developing
the benchmarks. Just like the acute standards, metals benchmarks normally reflect one half of the
calculated Final Acute Value (the "1/2 FAV"). In most cases, translation into total recoverable values is
based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/L and a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/L.
Acute standards protect aquatic life from negative impacts of short-term exposure to higher levels of
chemicals where the discharge enters a waterbody. The Stormwater Permitting Program applies this
approach because of the ephemeral nature of rainfall events.
The Division may evaluate results to determine if a smaller suite of parameters for some outfalls is
adequate to characterize potential pollution or BMP effectiveness. For example, one or more metals or
other parameters may serve as an adequate tracer for the presence of ash pollution during disturbance or
ash removal in specific drainage areas at this site. For parameters that do not have a stormwater
benchmark, the Division may develop a benchmark value if appropriate toxicity data become available
or if rising trends in concentrations suggest a persistent source.
A summary of the benchmarks in the draft permit, and their basis, is below:
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Parameter Benchmark Basis
Total Suspended 100 mg/L National Urban Runoff Program(NURP) Study, 1983
Solids TSS
H 6 s.u. —9 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard(Range)
Non-Polar Oil & Review of other state's daily maximum benchmark
Grease 15 mg/L concentration for this more targeted O&G;NC WQS that
EPA Method 1664 does not allow oil sheen in waters
BOD 30 mg/L BPJ; Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation(40 CFR
COD 120 mg/L BPJ; Generally found at levels 4x BOD5 in domestic
Total Nitrogen 30 mg/L TKN+Nitrate+Nitrite Benchmarks (Expressed in mg/L of
Total Phosphorus 2 m /L BPJ; Based on wastewater permit limits for NSW waters
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The proposed permit conditions reflect the EPA and NC's
pollution prevention approach to stormwater permitting. The Division's maintains that implementation
of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and traditional stormwater management practices that control the
source of pollutants meets the definition of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Conventional
Pollutant Control Technology(BCT). The permit conditions are not numeric effluent limitations but are
designed to be flexible requirements for implementing site-specific plans to minimize and control
pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the industrial activity. Title 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) §122.44(k)(2) authorizes the use of BMPs in lieu of numeric effluent limitations in
NPDES permits when the agency finds numeric effluent limitations to be infeasible. The agency may
also impose BMP requirements which are "reasonably necessary" to carry out the purposes of the Act
under the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The conditions proposed in this draft permit are included
under the authority of both of these regulatory provisions. In essence, the pollution prevention and BMP
requirements operate as limitations on effluent discharges that reflect the application of BATBCT.
Flexibility in Tier Responses: Tier Two actions provide an opportunity for the permittee to propose an
alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Region:
• Alternatively, in lieu of steps 2 and 3, the permittee may, after two consecutive exceedances,
exercise the option of contacting the DEMLR Regional Engineer as provided below in Tier
Three. The Regional Engineer may direct the response actions on the part of the permittee as
provided in Tier Three, including reduced or additional sampling parameters or frequency.
• If pursuing the alternative above after two consecutive exceedances, the permittee may propose
an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Regional Engineer.
The permit therefore allows the permittee to petition the Regional Office for monitoring changes sooner
than Tier Three (upon any four benchmark exceedances) and gives guidance on one option to take. For
example, the permittee may request that mercury only be monitored semi-annually under the tiers, or
that only parameters over the benchmark be monitored more frequently. In this way, changes to the
monitoring scheme for any outfall could be handled outside of a permit modification.
Other Proposed Requirements:
• It is standard for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) requirements to include an
annual certification that stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-
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stormwater discharges, and if any are identified, how those discharges are permitted or otherwise
• Requirement to submit a request for permit modification if the facility identifies or creates any
new outfalls, removes outfalls, or alters any drainage area that changes potential pollutants.
• The Division expects the permittee to apply best professional judgment and consider the safety
of its personnel in fulfilling sampling obligations under the permit.
• Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). If a
state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs
electronically to the EPA.
• Quarterly QualitativeNisual Monitoring to assure regular observation of outfalls throughout
Section 4. Changes from previous permit to draft:
• Monitoring increased from semi-annually to quarterly for all parameters (qualitative and
• "No discharge" clarifications made
• Feasibility study requirement removed per updated stormwater program requirements
• eDMR requirement added
• Boilerplate language moved into body of the permit; boilerplate no longer attached
• Outfall-specific monitoring been implemented to reflect industrial activity and potential
pollutants specific to each discharge area
• Permit condition added in Part D to evaluate potential third outfall location (per July 2023
DEMLR inspection report)
• Benchmarks updated for parameters per guidance from DWR Standards group on stormwater
Section 5. Changes from draft to final:
• None
Section 6. Discussions with the Facility and Regional Office:
• Initial contact with facility: 7/18/2023
• Initial contact with Regional Office: 7/18/2023
• Draft sent to CO peer review: N/A
• Draft sent to Regional Office: 8/23/2023
• Final permit sent for supervisor signature: N/A
Section 7. Comments received on draft permit:
• None
Page 6 of 6
Greensboro News Record �` out
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State of Virginia
County of Hanover Kimberly Kay Harris
My commission expires: P4m:,RY PUBLIC
Commonwealth of Virginia
Commission Exp.Jan.31,2025
The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to
issue NPDES stormwater discharge permits)to the person(s)listed be-
low.Public comment or objection to the draft permits is invited. Written
comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days
after the publish date of this notice and considered in the final determina-
tion regarding permit issuance and permit provisions.The Director of the
NC Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources(DEMLR)may hold a
public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest
Please mail comments and/or information requests to DEMLR at 1612
Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1612.
•Chemol Company,Inc.12300 Randolph Avenue,Greensboro,NC]has re-
quested renewal of permit NCS000048 for the Chemol Company,Inc.facili-
ty in Guilford County.This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary to
Mile Run Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin.
Interested persons may visit DEMLR at 512 N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh,
NC 27604 to review information on file.Additional information on NPDES
permits and this notice may be found on our website:https.//deq.nc.gov/
or by contacting Brianna Young at brianna.youngCdeq.nc.gov or 919-707-
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit:NCS000048 Effective: 08/01/17 Expiration: 07/31/22 Owner: Chemol Co Inc
SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Chemol Co Incorporated
County: Guilford 2300 Randolph Ave
Region: Winston-Salem
Greensboro NC 27402
Contact Person:William Newlin Title: Phone: 336-333-3055
Directions to Facility:
System Classifications: SWNC,
Primary ORC: Certification: Phone:
Secondary ORC(s):
On-Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 07/20/2023 Entry Time 11:30AM Exit Time: 12:30PM
Primary Inspector:Lily C Kay Phone: 704-663-1699
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual
Facility Status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
Storm Water
(See attachment summary)
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Permit: NCS000048 Owner-Facility:Chemol Co Inc
Inspection Date: 07/20/2023 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Inspection Summary:
The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and related documentation was complete except the annual
certification. The analytical monitoring was incomplete for the lack of Tier responses for benchmark exceedances. The
facility appeared well operated and maintained except where water is bypassing trench drains that feed the wastewater
treatment plant. Two outfalls were noted in the SPPP, but a potential third was observed during the inspection that does not
drain to the other outfalls. This outfall needs to be monitored as well. If you have questions, contact the Winston-Salem
regional office.
Page 2 of 3
Permit: NCS000048 Owner-Facility:Chemol Co Inc
Inspection Date: 07/20/2023 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a"Narrative Description of Practices"? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and related documentation was complete
except the annual certification.
Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: Qualitative monitoring records were available and complete.
Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: Analytical monitoring has been conducted, but Tier response for TSS, COD, and Nitrogen have
not been conducted.
Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE
# Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑
# If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑
#Has the facility evaluated all illicit(non stormwater)discharges? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑
Comment: The facility appeared well operated and maintained except where water is bypassing trench
drains that feed the wastewater treatment plant. Two outfalls were noted in the SPPP, but a
potential third was observed during the inspection that does not drain to the other outfalls.
This outfall needs to be monitored as well.
Page 3 of 3
Young, Brianna A
From: William Newlin <william@chemol.com>
Sent: Wednesday,August 16, 2023 3:43 PM
To: Young, Brianna A; Environmental
Cc: Eplin, Tamera; Jon Kline
Subject: [External] RE: NCS000048 questions
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
The mentioned outfall three area (as I understand the area to be), does not meet the definition of an outfall. I stated this
during the inspection. The flow to the north of outfalls 1 and 2 is a sheet flow area that goes across the adjacent Darling
International gravel parking lot into a @125+feet wide buffer zone. There is no centralized collection point(Catchment
Area)for sampling, so outfall coordinates cannot be supplied.This area serves as a driveway/parking area and is visually
Concerning the water that was bypassing the trench drains.
At Outfall#1, Chemol is going to install a berm across the parking lot/driveway to divert this water into a collection sump
that goes to Chemol's wastewater system for processing.
William Newlin
EHS Manager
An outfall is a point where the MS4 discharges from a pipe or other conveyance
(e.g. a ditch) directly into surface waters.
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov>
Sent:Wednesday,August 16, 2023 1:13 PM
To:William Newlin <william@chemol.com>; Environmental <environmental@chemol.com>
Cc: Eplin,Tamera <tamera.eplin@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: NCS000048 questions
EXTERNAL EMAIL:This email originated from outside of CHEMOL.Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Good afternoon,
After reviewing the inspection report from the site visit conducted on July 20, 2023, it is noted that there is a third
outfall onsite that needs monitoring requirements. Can you please provide an updated site map with the outfall
identified,the outfall coordinates, and a description of the industrial activity that occurs in the outfall area?Additionally,
it was noted that water was bypassing the trench drains that feed the wastewater treatment plant. Please provide more
information regarding this observation.This information is required in order to proceed with the permit renewal
review. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred)PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
**DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look
different, but email performance will not be impacted.
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address:512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
The Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
Young, Brianna A
From: William Newlin <william@chemol.com>
Sent: Thursday,July 20, 2023 5:51 PM
To: Young, Brianna A
Subject: [External] Historical data sheet07l92023.xlsx
Attachments: Historical data sheet07192023.x1sx; Completed Form 2F section 4.2 and 5.107192023.pdf
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Mailing Address: Street Address:
PO Box 16286 2300 Randolph Ave. Greensboro,NC 27406-
6286 Greensboro,NC 27406
Date: 7/19/2022
Brianna Young
Division of Energy,Mineral, and Land Resources(DEMLR)
1612 MSC
Raleigh,NC 27699-1612
Please find the copy of documents that you requested in your email dated 7/18/23 concerning needed documents for
renewal of storm water permit NCS000048 for Chemol Company Inc. There have been no operational changes since the
renewal application was submitted and the information on the renewal application is still complete and correct.
Chemol uses oils in the form of animal fats,vegetable oils, and fatty acid derivatives.No. 2 fuel oil can be stored within
the main plant for water and hot oil boiler fuel.Non-oil products (alcohol,water and waterbased solutions) are also stored
at the facility.
Chemol maintains secondary containment around all of its oil and chemical storage areas and has determined the use of
training,documented procedures for inspection of equipment, and maintaining readily available equipment to prevent
discharge of oil from reaching navigable waters is practical and effective for this facility.
Please confirm if we need to send a hard copy to you.
William Newlin
EHS Manager
EPA Form 2F
Section 4.2
Section 5.1
Electronic spreadsheet of Historical Monitoring data
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Apprdved 03105119
NCD003213311 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. OMB No.2040-0004
Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for e
coospecific guidance.)
n ® Yes ❑ No
4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below.
Outfall Impervious Surface Area; Totat Suifiace Area Drained.
Number (w'ithin amite radius'of the facility). (within a`mile radiusiif the facility)
specify units specify units
1 12000 ft sq 15000 ft sq
specify units specify units
2 5 acre 1 ac
specify units specify units
specify units: specify units
specify units specify units
specify units specify units
4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below.(See instructions for content
Chemol Company Inc. uses animal fats,vegetable oils and their dirivities as the primary
v : raw materials. These are processed by refining and bleaching,hydrogenation,blendin ,
o esterfication and poly-condensation reactions.Various alcohols are used in esterficait n.
4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in
stormwater runoff. See instructions forspecificguidance.)
$tormwater Treatment
Outfadl ' from
Number t Control Measures and Treatmen Exheb►t
2F 1
i. lst `
1 Plant Operations,Storage and bulk shipping is performed within secondary containment
2 Railcar and storage tanks
1&2 All water from secondary containment is process by grease trap and discharge to POTW.
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3.19) Page 2
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19
NCDO03213311 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. OMB No.2040-0004'
5.1 1 certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the
presence of non stormwater discharges. Moreover, 1 certify.that the outfalls identified as having non-stormwater
discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C,2D,or 2E application.
Name(print or type first and last name) Official title
Fred Wel Ions President
Signature Date signed
o� 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below,
N WWI Onstte.Dr. inage Points
c ; Number
Description of Testing Method Usetl Dates)of Testing Dvedtly,Observetl
buring Test`
1&2 Grab samples as permit outlines.
s >
6.1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years.
o ..
See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and,in turn,the tables you must
o com fete.Not all applicants need to complete.each table.
7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge?
❑ Yes 4 See instructions regarding submission of ❑ No 4 See instructions regarding submission of
estimated data. actual data.
Q' Table''
v .< 7..2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall?
A Cl Yes 0 No
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 3
Permit Number NCS 000048
FACILITY NAME- Chemol Company Inc. COUNTY Guilford
PHONE NO.(336)333-3050 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S)Meritech Labs:Lab#NC0047284
Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements
Outfall Sample
No. Collected Total Flow Total Oil& Total Total Nitrogen
pH TSS COD BOD-5 Phosphorous
(if pp.) Rainfall Grease ( (TN)
mo/dd/yr MG inches Mg/1 Std units Mg/1 Mg/l Mg/1 Mg/l Mg/1
1 5/6/2013 225 1.58 7.37 5.65 3 31 6.23 0.108 2.45
1 11/1/201 3 48.42 0.34<5 6.51 208 693 83.4 0.788 0.627
1 2/21/2014 29.93 0.21 <5 4.76 176 273 71.6 0.446 0.935
1 4/7/2014 233.74 1.64<5 6.55 13.5 47 16.2 0.152 1.15
1 8/1/2014 1.3 <5 5.42 24.5 56 15.8 0.244 0.396
1 3/5/2017 0.4<5 5.69 22.8 48 12.6 0.177 <1
1 9/25/2017 2.11 <5 6.00 21.6 70 13 0.225 <2
1 10/23/2017 1.1 <5 6.80 70 146 24.3 0.335 1.25
2 10/23/2017 1.1 <5 7.00 7 33 5.4 2.38 1.59
1 2/7/2018 1 11 6.00 198 273 32.9 0.187 1.29
2 2/7/2018 1 <5 6.80 3 27 4.5 0.515 1.51
1 3/6/2018 0.8 <5 5.90 18 48 4.7 <0.02 1.11
1 4/24/2018 0.5 <5 6.60 19 20 4.5 0.068 1.1
2 4/24/2018 0.5 <5 6.40 18.6 34 4.9 0.429 1.2
1 7/25/2018 1.8 <5 6.00 26.7 46 4.6 10 0.6
2 7/25/2023 1.8 <5 6.90 55.31 80 6.8 0.545 3.63
1 8/2/2018 1.9 <5 5.50 49 <15 9.6 0.042 0.5
1 10/11/2018 2.9 <5 6.07 6 <15 12.5 0.03 0.81
2 10/11/2018 2.9 <5 6.96 9 23 9.3 1.42 3.15
1 11/6/2018 1.3 <5 6.30 13 29 10.4 0.052 1.14
1 2/21/2019 0.5 5 6.05 32 33 20.1 0.122 2.95
2 2/21/2019 0.5 <5 6.31 20 33 3.6 0.523 1.86
1 6/18/2019 0.2 <5 6.30 13 71 17.3 0.248 1.11
2 6/20/2019 0.4 <5 6.81 49 24 13.1 0.882 2.01
1 8/12/2019 0.6 <5 6.00 6 19 12.6 0.413 0.95
1 10/30/2019 1.1 <5 6.00 6 36 4.3 0.058 1.02
2 10/30/2019 1.1 <5 6.20 12 53 12.8 1.11 4.09
1 2/6/2020 3.6 <5 6.24 7 <15 5.4 0.028 0.35
2 2/6/2020 3.6 <5 6.38 26 <15 3.7 0.554 0.85
1 5/19/2020 0.8 <5 6.00 8 <15 10.4 0.044 0.79
2 5/19/2020 0.8 <5 6.10 14 32 4.8 0.862 1.69
1 8/20/2020 0.2 <5 5.00 107 35 23 0.221 1.07
2 8/20/2020 0.2 <5 7.30 139 113 12.6 2.08 5.38
1 1/12/2020 2.96 <5 6.01 3 <15 12 <0.02 0.29
2 11/12/2020 2.96 <5 6.32 13 <15 10.5 0.62 1.19
1 3/16/2021 0.2 <5 6.00 98 375 35.9 0.195 0.96
2 3/18/2021 1.1 <5 6.00 141 118 10.5 0.944 2.48
1 6/22/2021 1.5 <5 6.03 13 52 15.2 0.091 1.09
2 6/22/2021 1.5 <5 6.24 12 21 4.6 0.725 1.81
1 9/8/2021 0.4 <5 6.03 6 69 20.6 0.268 1.2
2 9/21/2021 1.2 <5 6.70 37 30 31 1.33 2.32
1 no rainfall
2 no rainfall
1 1/3/2022 2.4 <5 6.04 8 <15 3.7 0.029 0.43
2 1/3/2022 2.4 <5 6.34 11 15 3.4 0.626 1.26
1 6/16/2022 1.1 <5 5.30 70 68 33.9 0.084 1.91
2 6/16/2022 1.1 <5 6.6 95 64 85.5 1.76 6.99
1 10/17/2022 0.49 <5 6 42 1.71 58.9 0.35 0.89
2 10/17/2022 0.49 <5 6.24 <2.5 20 4.8 0.672 1.34
1 1/25/2023 0.75 1.7 6.02 150 92 12.7 0.148 0.66
21 1/25/2023 0.75 <5 1 6.261 1231 581 13.21 0.4821 2.26
1 6/22/2023 0.46 <5 6 44 228 78.6 5 4.23
2 6/22/2023 0.46 <5 6 <3.1 30 1.87 0.94 4.67
Benchmarks 30 6-9 100 120 30 2 30
Permit Number NCS 000048
FACILITY NAME- Chemol Company Inc. COUNTY Guilford
PHONE NO.(336)333-3050 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S)Meritech Labs:Lab#NC0047284
Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements
Outfall Sample
No. Collected Total Flow Total Oil& Total Total Nitrogen
pH TSS COD BOD-5 Phosphorous
(if pp.) Rainfall Grease ( (TN)
mo/dd/yr MG inches Mg/1 Std units Mg/1 Mg/l Mg/1 Mg/l Mg/1
1 51612013 225 1.58 7.37 5.65 3 31 6.23 0.108 2.45
1 111112013 48.42 0.34 <5 6.51 208 03 83.4 0.788 0.627
1 212112014 29.93 0.21 <5 4.76 176 273 71.6 0.446 0.935
1 41712014 233.74 1.64 <5 6.55 13.5 47 16.2 0.152 1.15
1 81112014 1.3 <5 5.42 24.5 56 15.8 0.244 0.396
1 3/5/2017 0.4<5 5.69 22.8 48 12.6 0.177 <1
1 9/25/2017 2.11 <5 6.00 21.6 70 13 0.225 <2
1 10/23/2017 1.1 <5 6.80 70 146 24.3 0.335 1.25
1 2/7/2018 1 11 6.00 198 273 32.9 0.187 1.29
1 3/6/2018 0.8 <5 5.90 18 48 4.7 <0.02 1.11
1 4/24/2018 0.5 <5 6.60 19 20 4.5 0.068 1.1
1 7/25/2018 1.8 <5 6.00 26.7 46 4.6 10 0.6
1 8/2/2018 1.9 <5 5.50 49 <15 9.6 0.042 0.5
1 10/11/2018 2.9 <5 6.07 6 <15 12.5 0.03 0.81
1 11/6/2018 1.3 <5 6.30 13 29 10.4 0.052 1.14
1 2/21/2019 0.5 5 6.05 321 33 20.1 0.122 2.95
1 6/18/2019 0.2 <5 6.30 131 71 17.3 0.248 1.11
1 8/12/2019 0.6 <5 6.00 61 19 12.6 0.413 0.95
1 10/30/2019 1.1 <5 6.00 6 36 4.3 0.058 1.02
1 2/6/2020 3.6 <5 6.24 7 <15 5.4 0.028 0.35
1 5/19/2020 0.8 <5 6.00 8 <15 10.4 0.044 0.79
1 8/20/2020 0.2 <5 5.00 107 35 23 0.221 1.07
1 1/12/2020 2.96 <5 6.01 3 <15 12 <0.02 0.29
1 3/16/2021 0.2 <5 6.00 98 375 35.9 0.195 0.96
1 6/22/2021 1.5 <5 6.03 13 52 15.2 0.091 1.09
1 9/8/2021 0.4 <5 6.03 6 69 20.6 0.268 1.2
1 no rainfall
1 1/3/2022 2.4 <5 6.04 8 <15 3.7 0.029 0.43
1 6/16/2022 1.1 <5 5.30 70 68 33.9 0.084 1.91
1 10/17/2022 0.49 <5 6 42 1.71 58.9 0.35 0.89
1 1/25/2023 0.75 1.7 6.02 1501 92 12.7 0.148 0.66
1 6/22/2023 0.46 <5 6 44 228 78.6 5 4.23
2 10/23/2017 1.1 <5 7.00 7 33 5.4 2.38 1.59
2 2/7/2018 1 <5 6.80 3 27 4.5 0.515 1.51
2 4/24/2018 0.5 <5 6.40 18.6 34 4.9 0.429 1.2
2 7/25/2023 1.8 <5 6.90 55.3 80 6.8 0.545 3.63
2 10/11/2018 2.9 <5 6.96 9 23 9.3 1.42 3.15
2 2/21/2019 0.5 <5 6.31 20 33 3.6 0.523 1.86
2 6/20/2019 0.4 <5 6.81 49 24 13.1 0.882 2.01
2 10/30/2019 1.1 <5 6.20 12 53 12.8 1.11 4.09
2 2/6/2020 3.6 <5 6.38 26 <15 3.7 0.554 0.85
2 5/19/2020 0.8 <5 6.10 14 32 4.8 0.862 1.69
2 8/20/2020 0.2 <5 7.30 139 113 12.6 2.08 5.38
2 11/12/2020 2.96 <5 6.32 13 <15 10.5 0.62 1.19
2 3/18/2021 1.1 <5 6.00 141 118 10.5 0.944 2.48
2 6/22/2021 1.5 <5 6.24 12 21 4.6 0.725 1.81
2 9/21/2021 1.2 <5 6.70 37 30 31 1.33 2.32
2 no rainfall
2 1/3/2022 2.4 <5 6.34 11 15 3.4 0.626 1.26
2 6/16/2022 1.1 <5 6.6 95 64 85.5 1.76 6.99
21 10/17/2022 0.49 <5 1 6.24 <2.5 201 4.81 0.6721 1.34
21 1/25/2023 0.75 <5 1 6.261 581 13.21 0.4821 2.26
2 6/22/2023 0.46 <5 6 <3.1 30 1.87 0.94 4.67
Benchmarks 30 6-9 100 120 30 2 30
Young, Brianna A
From: Young, Brianna A
Sent: Thursday,July 20, 2023 8:28 AM
To: William Newlin; Environmental
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Chemol Company, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000048
Good morning,
Regarding your question,yes, if it is possible to provide monitoring data back to August 2017,which is when the current
permit became effective,that would be preferable. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred)PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
**DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look
different but email performance will not be impacted.
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
The Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.
From: William Newlin<william@chemol.com>
Sent:Wednesday,July 19, 2023 3:58 PM
To:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov>; Environmental <environmental@chemol.com>
Subject: [External] RE: Chemol Company, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000048
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Please see questions below in Red. Working on Form 2F.
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov>
Sent:Tuesday,July 18, 2023 11:01 AM
To: Environmental <environmental@chemol.com>
Subject: Chemol Company, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000048
EXTERNAL EMAIL:This email originated from outside of CHEMOL.Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Good morning,
I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for the Chemol Company, Inc. (NCS000048). I
need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct and 2)make sure the
permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following:
• EPA Form 2F is missing the following items:
o Section 4.2: The significant material section is blank.
o Section 5.1: Signature for certification of non-stormwater discharges is missing.
• Description of industrial activity occurring and chemicals stored onsite;
• Description of industrial activity in each drainage area;
• An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the
effective date of the current permit; Does this mean a list of all sample analysis since 2017?
• Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct; and
• An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted.
Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that
includes the address of the facility,contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s)for the
facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links
provided below,where applicable:
• Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form
• Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to
represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact
Update Request Form
• Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Facility address only: Email Bethany og ulias
• Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Georgoulias
• Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2.
• Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePgMent website
Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day
comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the
same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public
notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS (she/her)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred) PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
**DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look
different, but email performance will not be impacted.
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
The Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
7/17/23,4:33 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results
• File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online -
Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre-Populated Annual Report form • Print
an Amended a Annual Report form
Business Corporation
Legal Name
Chemol Company, Inc.
Sosld: 0409712
Status: Current-Active O
Date Formed: 11/19/2010
Citizenship: Foreign
State of Incorporation: GA
Fiscal Month: December
Annual Report Due Date: April 15th
Currentgnnual Report Status:
Registered Agent: CT Corporation System
Reg Office Reg Mailing Mailing
160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 2300 Randolph Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27615-6417 Raleigh, NC 27615-6417 Greensboro, NC 27406-2908
Principal Office
2300 Randolph Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27406-2908
https://www.sosnc.gov/onIine_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 1/2
7/17/23,4:33 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results
President Chief Operating Officer
Scott Seydel Fred Wellons
244 John B. Brooks Rd. 2300 Randolph Ave
Pendergrass GA 30567 Greensboro NC 27406
https://www.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 2/2
Young, Brianna A
From: Young, Brianna A
Sent: Wednesday,August 10, 2022 9:22 AM
To: environmental@chemol.com
Subject: Renewal application acknowledgement for NCS000048
Good morning,
The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Stormwater Permitting Program
acknowledges receipt of your renewal application for coverage under NPDES Permit Number NCS000048.
Please continue to comply with all conditions and monitoring requirements in your current NPDES stormwater
permit. As long as you have submitted a complete renewal request package and maintain compliance with those
permit conditions, stormwater discharges from this facility are authorized by that permit until the Division
issues a renewal permit or notifies you of an alternative action. Please note that due to the current backlog and
staff shortages, review of this permit renewal is not scheduled until 2024,however this schedule is subject to
change. Please let me know if you have any questions in the interim.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred)
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts.
Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices,as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We
appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time.
Alailing Address: Street Address:
PO Box 16786 7300 Randolph Ave.
Greensboro. NC 21"406-6286 Greensboro, NC 27-406
Date: 7/29/2022
Brianna Young
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources(DEMLR)
1612 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Please find the hard copy of"documents required for the renewal of individual storm water permit
NCS000048 Ior Chemol Company Inc.
William Newlin RECEI WED
EHS Manager .Lit,
336-333-3050 J2k,
s torrmvw.,program
EPA Form I
EPA Form 2F
SPPP Certification Form
Supplemental Information Form
Multiple attachments
Sales: 336-333-3056 Plant Office: 336-333-3050 Fax: 336-273-4645
EPA fdentificalion Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105119
NCS000048 Chemoi Company inc. OMS No.2040-0004
Form U.S.Environmental Protection Agency
t �_s�MA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater
1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1
Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned Is the facility a new or existing treatment works
1.1.1 treatment works? 1.1.2 treating domestic sewage?
If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Ej No If yes, STOP.Do NOT 0 No
Form 1.Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1. Complete
Form 2S.
1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1
1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing,
E operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that is
a production facility? currently discharging process wastewater?
QYes 4 Complete Form 1 ❑ No [( Yes 4 Complete Form No
and Form 213. 1 and Form 2C.
1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing,commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing,
mining,or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that
commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater?
Cr ❑ Yes i Complete Form 1 No Yes 4 Complete FormU No
ce and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E.
°' 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose
'— discharge is composed entirely of stormwater
a associated with industrial activity or whose C�
discharge is composed of both stormwater and RECEIVED
❑✓ Yes 3 Complete Form 1 No
and Farm 2F
unless exempted by
40 CFR IDWI R_StormwaterProgTam
b} 15 .
SECTIONrD- . • r
2.1 Facility Name
Chemol Company inc.
.R0 2.2 EPA Identification Number
0 NC5000048
m 2.3 Facility Contact
Name(first and last) Title Phone number
William Newlin EHS Manager (336)333-3061
0) Email address
- environmental@chemol.com
2.4 Facility Mailing Address
Street or P.O.box
PO Sox 16286
City or town State ZIP code
Greensboro NC 27416
EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3.19) Page 1
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19
NC5000048 Chemol Company inc. OMB No.2040-0004
2.5 Facility Location
a . Street,route number,or other specific identifier
Q o 2300 Randolph Ave.
o County name County code(if known)
E City or town State ZIP code
z @ Greensharo NC 27406
3.1 SIC Code(s) Description(optional)
3.2 NAICS Code(s) Description(optional)
4.1 Name of Operator
Chemol Company inc.
0 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner?
E ❑ Yes ❑✓ No
z 4.3 Operator Status
❑ Public—federal ❑ Public—state ❑ Other public(specify)
0 ❑✓ Private ❑ Other(specify)
4.4 Phone Number of Operator
C 4.5 Operator Address
Street or P.O. Box
E PO Box 16286
City or town State ZIP code
a v Greensboro NC 27416
Q Email address of operator
O environmentai@chemol.com
R 5.1 Is the facility located on Indian Land?
❑ Yes 0 No
EPA i orm 3510-1(revised 3.19) Page 2
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03i05119
NCS000048 Chemol Company inc. OMB No.2040-0004
6.1 Existing Environmental Permits(check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each)
❑ NPDES(discharges to surface ❑ RCRA(hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC(underground injection of
_ water) fluids)
a = NCS000048
a ❑ PSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CAA) ❑ NESHAPs(CAA)
❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section 404) ❑ Other(specify)
7A Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for
specific requirements.)
0 Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Nat Applicable(See requirements in Form 28.)
8.1 Describe the nature of your business.
Chemol Company Inc.uses naturally occuring raw materials aas animal fats and vegatable oils as the base raw
mateials to make lubricants,coatings,etc.
9.1 Does your facility use cooling water?
❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1.
19 .2v 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water.(Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at
�, = 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and 3 may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r).Consult with your
NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.)
�o City of Greensboro,NC water department.
10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)?(Check all that
N apply.Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and
❑ Fundamentally different factors(CWA [1 Water quality related effluent limitations(CWA Section
Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2))
❑ Non-conventional pollutants(CWA ❑ Thermal discharges(CWA Section 316(a))
Section 301(c)and(g))
❑✓ Not applicable
EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 3
EPA Identification Number NPIDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119
NCS000048 Chemo!Company inc. OMB No.2040.0004
11.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application.
For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority, Note
that not all applicants are required to provide attachments.
Column 1 Column 2
Section 1:Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ wl attachments
❑✓ Section 2:Name, Mailing Address,and Location ❑ wl attachments
❑✓ Section 3:SIC Codes ❑ wl attachments
0 Section 4:Operator Information ❑ wl attachments
✓❑ Section 5:Indian Land ❑ wl attachments
❑✓ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ wl attachments
E wl topographic
0 Section 7: Map ® map ❑ wl additional attachments
a ❑✓ Section 8: Nature of Business ❑ wl attachments
❑ Section 9:Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ wl attachments
`� ❑✓ Section 10:Variance Requests ❑ wl attachments
�, ✓❑ Section 11:Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ wl attachments
lu 11.2 Certification Statement
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision
in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the
information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons
directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and
belief,true,accurate,and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
Name(print or type first and last name) Official title
Fred Wellons President
Signature Date signed
6 �z
EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 4
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105119
NCDO03213317 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. OMB No.2040-0004
Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency
2F o,EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater
-SECTION • • • i
1.1 Provide information on each of the facilit 's ouffalls in the table below
Outfali Receiving Water Name Latitude longitude
1 We Run Creek 35 2' 37.45" N 79. 47+ 5.64" W
a 2 Mile Run Creek 36' 2+ 36.62" N 79° 47+ 10.7++ W
o r u o + ++
• ••• 1 +
2.1 Are you presently required by any federal,state,or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing,
upgrading,or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could
affect the discharges described in this application?
❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 3.
2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below.
Brief Identification and Affected Qutfalls Final Compliance Dates
Description of Project (fist outfall numbers) Source(s)of Discharge
Required Projected
2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs(or other environmental projects
that may affect your discharges)that you now have underway or planned?(Optional Item)
❑ Yes ❑ No
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 1
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19
NCDO03213311 NC5000048 Cheroot Company Inc. OMB No.2040-0004
ii;SECTION13.SITE DRAINAGE3.1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for
W cc CLspecific guidance.)
A 0 Yes ❑ No
4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below.
Outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained
Number (within a mile radius of the facility) (within a mile radius of the facility)
specify units specify units
1 12000 ft scl 15000 ft scl
specify units specify units
2 •5 acre 1 ac
specify units specify units
specify units specify units
specify units spedl unifs
specify units specify units
4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below.(See instructions for content
4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in
stormwater runoff. See instructions forspecificguidance.)
Stormwater Treatment
Outfall from
Number Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit
1 Plant Operations,Storage and bulk shipping is performed within secondary containment
2 Rail car and storage tanks
1&2 All water from secondary containment is process by grease trap and discharge to POTW.
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 2
EPA Identification Number NPIJES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19
NCDO03213311 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. OMB No.2040-0004
5.1 1 certify under penalty of law that the ouffall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the
presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, f certify that the outfalis identified as having non-stormwater
discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application.
Name(print or type first and last name) Official title
Fred Wellons President
Signature Date signed
5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below.
Qutfall Onsite Drainage Points
n Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s)of Testing Directly Observed
During Test
1&2 Grab samples as permit outlines.
• •' 1 /
6.1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years.
• 1 •' ATION 40
See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn,the tables you must
a col te. Not all applicants need to complete each table.
1O 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge?
❑ Yes 4 See instructions regarding submission of No 4 See instructions regarding submission of
estimated data. actual data.
Tahles A,B,C,and D
N 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall?
im ❑ Yes No
EPA Form 3510-21F(Revised 3-19) Page 3
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119
NCD003213311 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. OMB No.2040-0004
7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline(ELG)or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process
❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.5.
7.4 Have you completed Table B by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are(1)limited either directly or
indirectly in an ELG and/or(2)subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater?
❑ Yes ❑ No
7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge?
❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.7.
7.6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 217-2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and
provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C?
❑✓ Yes ❑ No
7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions?
❑ Yes 4SKIP to Item 7,18. ❑✓ No
7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge?
❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.10.
0 7.9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in
c' Table C?
G ❑ Yes ❑ No
0 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater?
❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.12.
5 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 217-3 that you expect to be discharged in
a, concentrations of 10 ppb or greater?
CM ElYes ElNo
7.12 Do you expect acrolein,acrylonitrile,2,4-dinitrophenol,or 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations
of 100 ppb or greater?
❑ Yes • ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.14.
7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be
discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater?
❑ Yes ❑ No
7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the
discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb(or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)?
❑✓ Yes ❑ No
7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 are present in the discharge?
❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.17.
7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an
explanation in Table C?
❑ Yes ❑ No
7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s)sampled in Table D?
❑ Yes ❑✓ No
EPA Form 3510-21F(Revised 3-19) Page 4
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19
NCDO03213311 NCS000049 Chemol Company Inc. Ol No.2040-0004
Used or Manufactured Toxics
7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 2l through 2l a substance or a component of a substance used or
manufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct?
❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8.
7.19 List the pollutants below,including TCDD if applicable.
1•Animal and vegetable fat 4, 7.
2. 5. B.
n 3. 6. 9.
• • • •
8.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on
.2 any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years?
❑ Yes ❑ No 3 SKIP to Section 9,
8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below.
Tests) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Date Submitted
x Permitting Authority?
ccElYes ElNo
ElYes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
9.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7(on Tables A through C)performed by a contract laboratory or
consulting firm?
❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 19.
9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below,
Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3
Name of laboratory/firm
Meritectt Inc.Cert.#165
Laboratory address
m 642 Tamco Rd.
Reidsville,NC 27320
o Phone number 336-342-4748
Pollutants)analyzed TSS;Oil and Grease;BOD
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 5
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119
NCDO03213311 NC5000048 Chemol Company Inc. OMB No.2040,0004
• i s
10.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application,For
each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not
all applicants are required to Complete all sections or provide attachments.
Column t Column 2
ID Section 1 ❑ wl attachments(e.g.,responses for additional outfalls)
❑✓ Section 2 ❑ wl attachments
0✓ Section 3 0 wl site drainage map
✓❑ Section 4 ❑ wl attachments
❑ Section 5 0 wl attachments
✓❑ Section 6 ❑ wl attachments
E ❑ Section 7 ❑✓ Table A ❑ wl small business exemption request
Table B ❑✓ wf analytical results as an attachment
w ❑� Table C 0 Table D
U 0 Section 8 ❑ wlattachments
0 Section 9 ❑ wiattachments(e.g.,responses for additional contact laboratories or firms)
s ❑✓ Section 10 ❑
Certification Statement
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and
complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine
and imprisonment for knowing violations.
Name(print or type first and last name) Official title
Fred Wellons President
Signature Date signed
EPA Form 3510-21'(Revised 3-19) Page 6
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Out#all Number Form Approved 03105/19
NCDO03213311 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. 1&2 OMB No.2040-0004
You must provide the results of at least one anal sis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall.See instructions for additional details and re uirements.
Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of
(specify units) (specify units) Number of Storm Information
Pollutant or Parameter Grab Sample Taken Grab Sample Taken (near sourcelnew
During First Flo Composite
Flow-Weighted During First Flow-Weighted Events Sampled dischargers only;use
30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite codes in instructions)
1. Oil and grease
2. Biochemical oxygen demand(BODs) See attached forms
3. Chemical oxygen demand(COD)
4. Total suspended solids(TSS)
5. Total phosphorus
6, Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN)
7. Total nitrogen(as N)
I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or
required under 40 CFR chapter 1,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3).
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 7
This page intentionally left blank.
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Oulfall Number Form Approved OM5119
NCDO03213311. NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. 1&2 OMB No.2040-0004
List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent limitation guideline(ELG)that the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater(if the
facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit).Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements,
Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of
s eci units (sped units Number of Storm Information
Pollutant and CAS Number(if available) Grab Sample Taken Grab Sample Taken (new source/new
During First Flow-Weighted ed During First Flo Composite
Events Sampled dischargers only;use
30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite codes in insbuctions)
Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or
required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3).
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3.19) Page 9
This page intentionally left blank.
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 030119
NCDO03213311. NC5000O48 Chemol Company Inc. 1&2 OMB No.2040-0004
List each pollutant shown in Exhibits 2F-2,2F-3,and 2F4 that you know or have reason to believe is present.Complete one table for each outfall.See the instructions for additional
details and requirements.
Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Source of
(sped units s eci units Number of Storm Information
Pollutant and CAS Number(if available) Grab Sample Taken Flow-Weighted Grab Sample Taken (new sourcelnew
C ite
During First During First Flow-Weighted )events Sampled dischargers only;use
30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes ompos codes in instructions)
Nitrogen,Total organic(as N) 30 mg/t_ Bench Mark
Oil and Grease 30 mg/L Bench Mark
Phosphorous(as P),Total 2 mg/L Bench Mark
Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or
required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3).
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 11
This page.intentionally left blank.
EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility name OutfaEl Number Form Approved 03105119
NCDO03213311 NCS000048 Chemol Company Inc. 1&2 OMB No.2040-0004
Provide data for the storm event(s)that resulted in the maximum daily discharges for the flow-weighted composite sample.
Number of Hours Between
Total Rainfall During Maximum Flow Rate Date of Storm Event Duration of Storm Event Storm Event Beginning of Storm Measured and During Rain Event Total Flow from Rain Event
(in hours) (in inches) End of Previous Measurable Rain (in gpm or specify units) (in gallons or specify units)
NA Operating on Benchmark
Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate.
EPA Form 3510-2F(Revised 3-19) Page 13
Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application
to be considered complete:
(Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan)
1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of
industrial activities(including storage of materials,disposal areas,process areas and
loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall,
building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted.
-41-41 2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit
(if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports.
The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters sampled, lab results,date sampled,and storm event data.
3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring
reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters surveyed, observations,and date monitoring conducted.
A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility.
Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at
the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include
information on these BMP's.
5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the A2--/
permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of
work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage
practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility.
,�A/✓— 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sign and return attached form).
If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed
prior to filing the renewal submittal,then the last years monitoring results should be submitted
within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal
waiting on lab results)
North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources ' Stormwater Program
Facility Name: Chemol Company Inc.
Permit Number: NCs00048
Location Address: 2300 Randolph Ave.
Greensboro,NC 27406
County: Guilford
"I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all
attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate and complete."
"I certify that the SPPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP
has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
stormwater discharge permit."
"I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and
imprisonment for knowing violations."
Sign(according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT
Signature ;:�� Ve� Date e/3a022
Fred Wellons President
Print or type name of person signing above Title
SPPP Certification 10/13
Mailing Address: Street Address:
PO Box 16286 2300 Randolph Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27406-6286 Greensboro, NC 27406
Date: 2/15/2022
NO. 5: Evaluation of Industrial Activities at Chemol Company Inc.
Chemol Company Inc. uses renewable animal fats, vegetable oils and their derivatives as
the base raw materials for the production of various chemicals. No significant changes
in processes have occurred over the last 5 years. Chemol Company's volume is
increasing and equipment as tanks and rectors are being replaced and added. All
operations are within secondary containment or monitored at the railroad.
Sales: 336-333-3056 Plant Office:336-333-3050 Fax: 336-273-4645
Best Management Practices
All of the processing areas,above ground storage tanks, loading/unloading areas,and the
Flammable Drum Storage sheds have secondary containment. The specifics of each containment area are
addressed below:
A.1. Main Plant Area
All of the above ground storage tanks in the main plant are located in a common secondary
containment area with the exception of Tank 5-28.The secondary containment for the main plant is
created through the use of concrete walls/curbs,concrete floors and asphalt/concrete aprons sloped toward
the interior of the main plant. These walls/curbs and sloped aprons provide containment for the entire,
main plant. Based on an instrument survey of the main plant,the containment volume is estimated to be
approximately 113,800 gallons.Note the largest single tank capacity in the main plant is 30,000 gallons
(Tank S-31).
Normally, any spilled liquid is collected in the trench drains located throughout the main plant
and conveyed by gravity to the sewer lift station located in the southeast quadrant of the main plant's
containment area. Rainwater that enters the secondary containment area is also collected in the trench
drains,and conveyed to the sewer lift station and the pretreatment system before entering the sanitary
sewer system. The majority of the rainwater that falls on the main plant is captured by roof drains and
discharged outside of the secondary containment area.
The only tank in the main plat area that is not contained in the common secondary containment
area is 5-28,which is a 5,000-gallon acid tank. Tank S-28 has a separate concrete secondary containment
area.This containment area is adequately sized to contain a release of the full contents of tank 5-28(plus
10%), plus precipitation. Storm water is released from this area via pumping into the main plant's process
sewer system.
A.2. Main Tank Farm Area
All of the tanks in the tank farm area are located in a common secondary containment area.The
secondary containment area is constructed of concrete floors and walls.This containment area is
adequately sized to contain a release of the full contents of the largest tank(Plus 10%),plus precipitation.
No drains are located in this secondary containment area.The secondary containment area for these tanks
is equipped with a sump and pump to remove rainwater and spilled materials. All spilled material or
rainwater is pumped to the Main Plant's process sewer system.
BMP's section revised 10,112111
Updated: February 2022
'°DC'UMENT TITLE] I ;Document subtitlei
A.3. Ester Tank Farm
All the tanks in the Ester Tank Farm are located in a common secondary containment area. The
secondary containment area is constructed of concrete floors and walls.This containment area is
adequately sized to contain a release of the largest tank(plus 10%),plus precipitation.The transfer
pump for the tanks in this area is located within the secondary containment structure.No drains are
located in the secondary containment structure. Rainwater and spilled materials are removed via a
sump pump that discharges into the Main Plant's process sewer system.
A.4. Rail Car Loading/Unloading Area
The rail car tank transfer station (next to the Main Tank Farm) is designed with a secondary
containment system to prevent leaks and drips from the rail cars from entering the environment,
However, the containment area is unable to control a major release that could occur from a faulty
valve or full tank car failure nor hold the contents of the largest capacity rail car(29,000 gallons
maximum) that services the area. The secondary containment pads, located partly beneath the rail
tank car being loaded or unloaded, is one concrete and the second is plastic with both sloping toward
a sumps located adjacent to the tracks. The transfer connection (valves)on the railcar is centered over
the concrete pad during transfer operations so that should a spill occur at the valve, it would drain to
the sump.The sump is provided with a pump to transfer the spilled material into the Main Plant's
process sewer system.
A.5. Alcohol Tank Farm
All the tanks in the Alcohol Tank Farm are located in a common secondary containment area.The
secondary containment area is constructed of concrete floors and walls.The containment area is
sufficiently sized to contain the required 110 percent of the largest tank located within it plus
precipitation. The transfer pumps for the tanks in this area are located within the secondary
containment structure. The secondary containment area is equipped with a sump and pump to remove
rainwater and spilled materials.No drains are located in the secondary containment area for the
tanks. All spilled material or rainwater is pumped to the Main Plant's process sewer system.
A.6. Flammable Drum Storage Area
The Flammable Drum Storage is in outdoor storage containers that hold 4 drums each with secondary
containment capacity to hold over 1 drums if leak occurs. The storage containers can be transported
by forklift to the plant if need arises.The drums are transferred to the plant as needed. Flammable
drums can also be stored in the lab storage area and the plant area. Both areas have secondary
containment sufficient to handle the capacity of the largest container.
A.7 N Tank Farm
All the tanks in the N Tank Farm are located within a common and concrete secondary
containment area that should prevent a release to the environment from a spill in this area. The
containment is constructed of concrete floors and walls with an area sufficiently sized to contain the
required 110 percent of the largest tank located within it plus precipitation. Storm water or spills from
inside this secondary containment area flow to a sump and are pumped to the Main Plant's process sewer
system. BMF's section revised 04 21/16
Updated: February 2022
DOC'UME"NT TITLE] I iDoCLjnient subtitle:
A.B. Inspection of Secondary Containment Systems
The facility's secondary containment systems are formally inspected weekly. The inspection
includes examination of the containment structure's integrity. Any potential failure points in the
containment strictures are repaired. The Environmental Manager or designee maintains completed forms.
Inventory levels of bulk tanks are generally taken three times per week. Personnel performing the
inventory examine the tanks and report any suspected leaks. Further,the inventory is compared with the
previous inventory and any abnormal changes are investigated.
All in-plant transfers are manned operations.All transfer pumps in the main plant are visible and
are monitored during transfer operations.The transfer pumps for the Main Tank Farm,Alcohol Tank
Farm,and Ester Tank Farm are located within the secondary containment area for the respective tank
farm,to determine if liquids can be transferred between tanks, personnel measure the receiving tank and
verify the transferred material will fit.
All transfer piping at the facility is either exposed(above ground)for visual inspection or is
contained in a steel plate fabricated pipe trench(top of trench is parallel with existing grade).Normal
vehicular traffic does not pose a direct threat to above ground piping.
Transfers of materials to and from outside sources(tank wagons and railcars)occur at two locations at the
Chemol facility;
1) Tank trucks load and unload to the west of the main plant and
2) Rail cars park in the rail car unloading area located west of the main tank farm.
D.1. Railcar Unloading
The rail car unloading area has a single connection point for unloading operations,which precludes the
opportunity for confusion in piping. The rail car unloading area services tanks in the tank farm area(TF-
1 through TF-12),which are equipped with local audible
high-level alarms. The rail unloading area is designed with a secondary containment system to
prevent leaks and drips from the rail cars from entering the environment; however,the containment
area is unable to control a major release occurring from a faulty valve or full tank car failure.
Currently, railcars are only used to receive nonhazardous raw materials that are typicaly solid at
ambient temperatures. They are only heated when the railcar is positioned over the containment
structure.This precludes the; possibility material could leak from a railcar not positioned over the
containment structure. See Section A.4 for additional information on the secondary containment at
this location. BMF's section revised 09121121
Updated: February 2022
[DOCUMENT TITLE 11 [Documer,t suhiitle]
D.2.Tank Truck Loading and Unloading
The tank truck loading/unloading area is located west of the main plant within the secondary
containment of the main plant. Like the tanks in the main plant, all of the leaks,drips and spills are
collected in the trench drains and processed within the wastewater pretreatment system. Piping
locations for loading and unloading operations in this area are labeled to indicate their respective
discharge locations.
The surface of the tank truck loading/unloading area is concrete. This surface is periodically washed
to minimize the tracking of chemicals outside of the containment structure by tank wagons or forklift
D.3. Monitoring of Transfer Operations and Equipment
All transfer operations are monitored by personnel throughout the transfer. Further,plant personnel
inspect any hoses,connection fittings, piping and pumps prior to starting the transfer and during the
Security is controlled by plant personnel being on-site 24 hours a day when the plant is operating.
When the plant is not operating, security personnel are on-site. Security personnel make rounds on a
continuous basis to ensure frequent visits to all tank storage areas. Part of the security personnel's
responsibilities includes at least bihourly visits to each of the monitoring panels. Monitoring panels
are located at each tank farm area and at multiple locations within the main plant.
Lighting is sufficient throughout the facility to allow detection of a spill at night.
BMP's section revised 10/11111
Updated: February2022 [D0CUMkN-TT11ii_EJ I iDocument,ubtidej
F.I. Spills Outside of Containment Structures
Employees are required to immediately clean up any spill or leaks outside of containment structures. Any
spill that occurs outside of a containment structure that cannot be controlled is immediately reported to
emergency agencies by dialing 911. Further, Chemol will contract the services of Shamrock
Environmental or other approved company to provide emergency remediation and response.
F.2.Spills Inside of Containment Structures
Spill of material inside of containment structures are either recovered for reuse or placed into the plant's
process sewer system. The actions taken are appropriate for the amount of material spilled and its hazard
All employees who work in the processing area are trained in the operation of equipment to prevent
discharges of process chemical into storm water. This training is held in conjunction with Spill
Prevention, Control and Countermeasure(SPCC)Training and includes a discussion of material transfer
and acceptance procedures,and applicable laws, rules and regulations. A knowledgeable person provides
this training with experience in spill response,containment and control. Training is conducted at least
once per year for these personnel.
During the training session,a briefing is held to assure adequate understanding of the SPCC Plan and
Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SPP) Plan. These briefings also highlight recent spill events,failures,
and precautionary measures. Records of employee training sessions are maintained with the SPCC Plan
and are kept for at least three years.
Additional annual training on uncontrolled spills occurs as part of the Emergency Action Plan Training
Program. Records of this training are maintained.
G. Waste Streams and Handling
G.1. Plant Process Sewer Liquid Waste
All rainwater and residual chemicals collected in any of the tank farms or production areas enter the
plants sewer system. The materials are acidified to separate any oil layer from the water layer.The water
layer is separated,neutralized and discharged to the City of Greensboro's Sanitary Sewer System.The
grease layer is sold as a non-hazardous by-product stream.
BMP's section revised 10112.41
Updated: February 2022 �D'OCUPOENVI TFIIIE] i (Document wbtitl
. r
G.2. Solid Waste from Production,Warehouse,Maintenance, Laboratory and Office
Chemol's operations generate non-hazardous solid wastes that are sent to a licensed landfill. The
solid wastes are placed in one of two "rolloff containers. One of these containers is within the plant's
containment structure. Any runoff of rainwater from this container would go into the main plant's
containment structure.
The second solid waste dumpster is placed over a collection sump which collects any rainwater
runoff. Any runoff is then pumped into the main plant's process sewer.
G.3. Laboratory Hazardous 'Waste
Chemol's laboratory operations generate small quantities of hazardous waste.
This waste is removed by licensed hazardous waste haulers and for documented disposal. Records of
waste generated and its associated disposal are maintained.
H. Preventive Maintenance
Chemol has a preventive maintenance program involving scheduled maintenance on all equipment.
This program is currently being updated to enhance its effectiveness and formal documentation.
Further, Chemol has a work order system to repair any unplanned equipment failures. Any
maintenance activity required to address potential or actual stormwater contamination is considered a
high priority relative to other maintenance activities.
I. Pallet Storage
Chemol stores a variety of wooden pallets in uncontained areas. The large majority of these pallets
are new and do not pose a potential to contaminate stormwater. A small number of pallets(averaging
below 50) have been used in the production area and could be contaminated with small quantities of
non-hazardous materials. Runoff from these pallets could potentially contaminate stormwater.
Currently, all used pallets are removed from the site by a pallet recycler. Chemol currently purchases
heat treated pallets which are clean or new.
BMP's section revised 10/12/1 l
Updated: February 2022 [DOCUMENT TITLEJ I [Document subtitle]
CHEMOL Co., Inc.
Pen-nit No. NCS000048 Supplemental Information
Visual Monitoring Results Outfall#1
Discharge 1111212020 3/16/2021 6/23/2021 9/8/2021 1/3/2022 00100122 00/00/00 00/00/00
Clarity Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear
Color None None None None None
Foam None None None None None
Odor None None None None None
Oil Sheen None None None None None
Other sign of None Few one None None
Rain Event Heavy Very. Medium Ver Heavy None None None
Rain Light Rain Rain Rain
*No stonnwater discharge was noted. Yet, no stain, discoloration or odor was noted at discharge point where
Chemol property meets City Street.
Visual Monitoring Results Outfall #2
Discharge 1111212020 3/18/2021 612312021 912112021 11312022 00100122 00/00/00 00/00/00
Clarity Clear dingy Clear Clear Clear
Color None Light None Light Slight
Beige beige Yellow
Foam None None None None None
Odor None None None None None
Oil Sheen None None None None None
Other sign of None None None None None
Heavy Light Light Light Heavy
Rain Event Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain None None None
*No Stormwater discharge was noted. Yet, no stain, discoloration or odor was noted at discharge point where
Chemol property meets railroad track
Updated: February 2022
i'XUN'tE l 1 LEI I [DocunZent subtitle
NCS_000048 YEAR:
(This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no
later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the
sampling results from the laboratory.)
FACILITY NAME: Chemol Company COUNTY: Guilford
PERSON COLLECTING William Newlin PHONE NO.: (336)333-
SAMPLE(S) 3050
CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S)_Meritech Labs, Inc. Lab# 165
Part A:Specific Monitoring Requirements
Outfall Date 50050
No. Sample Total Total Oil& pH TSS COD BOD-5 Total Tot
Collected Flow(if Rainfall Grease Phosph al
app.) orous Nitr
mo/dd/yr MG inches Mg/I Std Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/
unit I
1 3/16/2021 0.2 <5 6 98 375 35.9 0.195 0.96
2 3/18/2021 1.1 <5 6 141 118 10.5 0.944 2.48
1 6/22/2021 1.5 <5 6 13 52 15.2 0.091 1.09
2 6/22/2021 1.5 <5 6.3 12 21 4.6 0.725 1.81
1 9/8/2021 0.4 <5 6 6 69 20.6 0.268 1.2
2 9/21/2022 1.2 <5 6.7 37 30 31 1.33 2.32
1 1/3/2022 2.4 <5 6 8 <15 3.7 0.029 0.43
2 1/3/2022 2.4 <5 6.3 11 15 3.4 0.626 1.26
Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of
new motor oil per month?_yes x no (if yes, complete Part B)
Part B:Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements
Outfall I Date 50050 1 1 100556 1 1 00530 00400
Updated: February 2022
DOCUMENTTi-LE] I rD0CUnientsubtit1ej
No. Sample Total Total Oil&Grease Non-polar TSS pH New Motor Oil
Collected Flow Rainfall (if appl.) O&G/TPH Usage
(if (Method
applicabl 1664 SGT-
e) HEM), if
mo/dd/yr MG inches mg/I mg/I unit gal/m
Mail Original and one copy to:
Attn: Central Files
Date 1617 Mail Service Center
Total Event Precipitation (inches): Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-
Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable—see permit.)
(if more than one storm event was sampled)
Total Event Precipitation(inches):
Event Duration(hours): (only if applicable—see permit.)
"I certify, under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and
complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines
and imprisonment for knowing violations."
(Signature of Permittee) (Date)
Updated: February 2022
11 Ot-L7€LENT TIT€...i 1 i �DOC.lIMPnt ubJtie'l
Figure I Spill Prevention, Control
Site Location - Chemol Facility and Countermeasure Plan
Source: USGS Greensboro,North Carolina Quadrangle,1984 September 1998
HSAIM Environmental Division-Roanoke, VA Chemol Company,Inc.
Greensboro,North Carolina
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Figure 2 Spill Prevention,Control
Street Map -Chemol Facility and Countermeasure Plan
Source: Greensboro,NC Guilford County Roar!Map September 1998
HSMM Environmental Division -Roanoke, VA Chemol Company,Inc.
Greensboro, North Carolina
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JUNE 1999
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