HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232930_FRO Submitted_20230927 if-V7P -c26 '-1 -1%10
No person may initiate any land-disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by the Act before this form
and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved by the Land
Quality Section, N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. Submit the completed form to the appropriate
Regional Office. (Please type or print and, if the question is not applicable or the e-mail address or phone
number is unavailable, place N/A in the blank.)
Part A.
1. Project Name PARTRIDGE VILLAGE- PH2- LOTS 6, 7, 19, 20, 21, 22
2. Location of land-disturbing activity: County HARNETT City or Township LILLINGTON
Highway/Street 4391 NC H WY 210 Latitude(decimal degrees) N35.457121 Longitude(decimal degrees)W-78.791691
3. Approximate date land-disturbing activity will commence: 1 0-9-2023
4. Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.): RESIDENTIAL
5. Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off-site borrow and waste areas): 1 .12 AC
6. Amount of fee enclosed $700 . The Express Permitting application fee is a dual charge.
The normal fee of$100.00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is assessed without a ceiling amount.
In addition,the Express Permitting supplement is$250 per acre up to eight acres,after which the Express
Permitting supplemental fee is a fixed$2,000.00 (Example: 8.10-acre application fee is$2,900). Checks
should be addressed to NCDEQ.
7. Has an erosion and sediment control plan been filed? Yes ❑ Enclosed V No ❑
8. Person to contact should erosion and sediment control issues arise during land-disturbing activity:
Name BRIAN ROMANCHOK E-mail Address bromanch@nvrinc.com
Phone: Office# 919-987-1930 Mobile# 919-634-2345
9. Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners):
Name Phone: Office# Mobile#
10305 PENNY RD. 10305 PENNY RD.
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
City State Zip City State Zip
10. Deed Book No.4153 Page No.928-930 Provide a copy of the most current deed.
SFP 1 4 2023
Fayetteville Regional Office
Part B.
1. Company(ies)who are financially responsible for the land-disturbing activity(Provide a comprehensive list
of all responsible parties on accompanied page.) If the company is a sole proprietorship or if the landowner(s)is
an individual(s), the name(s)of the owner(s)may be listed as the financially responsible party(ies).
NVR, INC. jschmidt@nvrinc.com/ msweitze@nvrinc.com
Company Name E-mail Address
5734 TRINITY RD. STE 200 11700 PLAZA AMERICA DR #500
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
RALEIGH NC 27606 RESTON VA 20190-4792
City State Zip City State Zip
Phone: Office# 919-987-1930 Mobile# 919-987-1970
Note: If the Financially Responsible Party is not the owner of the land to be disturbed, include with this form
the landowner's signed and dated written consent for the applicant to submit a draft erosion and sedimentation
control plan and to conduct the anticipated land disturbing activity.
2. (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is a domestic company registered on the NC Secretary of State
business registry, give name and street address of the Registered Agent:
CORPORATE SERVICE COMPANY compliancemail@cscglobal.com
Name of Registered Agent E-mail Address
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
City State Zip City State Zip
Phone: Office# 800-927-9800 Mobile# 3 D 2—(! 3 — S 00
5 .�-Fak Karr-ter
Name of Individual to Contact(if Registered Agent is a company)
(b) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address
of the designated North Carolina agent who is registered on the NC Secretary of State business registry:
JOE SCHMIDTKE (NVR, INC.) jschmidt@nvrinc.com
Name of Registered Agent E-mail Address
5734 TRINITY RD. STE 200 11700 PLAZA AMERICA DR #500
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
RALEIGH NC 27606 RESTON VA 20190-4792
City State Zip City State Zip
Phone: Office# 919-987-1930 Mobile# 191-987-1970
Name of Individual to Contact(if Registered Agent is a company)
Partnership, or other company not registered and doing business under an assumed name, attach a copy
of the Certificate of Assumed Name.
Company DBA Name
(d) If order to facilitate Express Permitting, it is necessary to be able to contact the engineer or other
consultant who can assist in providing any necessary information regarding the plan and its preparation:
MORRIS AND RITCHIE JGuerrero@mragta.com /
ASSOCIATES OF NC, PC Daryn.Allgeier@mragta.com
Engineering firm or other consultant E-mail Address
DARYN ALLGEIER 410-515-9000 919-618-1932
Individual contact person (type or print) Phone: Office# Mobile#
The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided
by me under oath. (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual(s)
or his attorney-in-fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with
the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Party). I agree to provide
corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein.
T rint name Title or Authority
S' nature Date
I, M i Oil i e W b6 6( I , a Notary Public of the County of W(_11f,
State of North Carolina, hereby certify that JOE SCHMIDTKE appeared personally
before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him/her.
Witness my hand and notarial seal, this 1st day of SEPTEMBER , 20 23
414,/tuie r-ideceig .
Seal My commission expires 91 2.5/i 2.0` Jr/
Wake County
North Carolina
My Commission Expires Sept.25,2024
SFP 14 2023
INCUMBENCY ccRTI:FICATE Fayetteville Regional Office
The undersigned hereby certifies that she is Assistant Secretary of NVR,Inc.,a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,and that:
The following serve as officers appointed by the Board of Directors of NVR,Inc.as of the
date of this certification:
Paul C.Saville Chief Executive Officer and President
Eugene J.Bredow President Financial Services
Daniel D.Malzahn Senior Vice President,Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Gary F.Brown Senior Vice President of Human Resources
T.Kent LaMotta Senior Vice President,Chief Operating Officer
Jason Schlosser Senior Vice President of Marketing
Matthew Kelpy Vice President,Chief Accounting Officer and Controller
James M.Sack Vice President,General Counsel and Secretary
Appointed Senior Vice Presidents
John E.Harper Brian Moyer Keith W.Tomlinson
Brett Hetrick Keith Neiman
Kirk Kubista Paul Praylo
Appointed Vice Presidents * S.te. Ai-c-c# Pa,J-2 lk-
Jeffrey C.Ambrose Scott Eckley Scott Kalman
Ryan Arnold t Anne Emison William Kane
Matthew T.Amoldy Scott Faber Thomas King IV
G.Louis Baker,III Jesse Faisant Greg Knapp
James Bales,Jr. Tiffany Fern Michael Kohowski
Joseph Battaglia James R.Forsyth Michael Kohowski
Ryan Borleis • Seth Foster Robert E.Lattanzi
Brian Bowe Stephen Gallo Joshua Lemoi _
David Branch Nick J.Gargasz Kris Lightcap
Jason Brant Chris M.Gamer Jon Long
Kelly Brod Richard S.Goldberg Ryan C.MacCauley
Seth Brohawn David Greminger Mark Maier
Katherine Burke Robert Grotlimann Misty Mashburn
Jon Cherry Charles Hart John McConnell
Michael Ciabattoni John Hedden Robert W.McCracken
Sean Clancy Douglass Hensel Lisa McCulley
Kevin Connery Jonathan Hess Patrick McGivem
Michael Scott Daniel Todd Hickman Matthew McHale
Desiree Davis David Hilton Curtis McKay
David Deal Nathan T.Holston Patrick McNeally
Tom Delaney Brian Huewe Jason McNee
Eugene DiMenna Gregory James Dan Meador
Patrick Donahue Henry Johnsen Brad Messenger
James Duszyuski Ryan Johnson Peter A.Mielnik
Thomas Eckhoff Douglas Jones Jon Moats
Appointed Vice Presidents(cont)
Paul Mock Stephen Power Gregory Staufer
John Monacci Christian Riesch Steven Stauffer
Marty Moore Peter Robertson Kevin Summerville
Joshua Mowrey Matthew W.Rost Michael Urian
Danielle Mullins Evan Ruggiero Justin Valdez
Stephen Neuberger Michael Schaeffer Aaron VanDyke
Richard Ohmann Joseph Schmidtke Nicholas Wade
Ronald C. Orie,Jr. Patrick Schulz David J.Whitaker
Josh Pardue Thomas C. Sear Benjamin A.Wilson
Giles P.Patterson Brett Sechler Courtney Wilt
Christopher Pearson Eric Shirey Matthew Winkler
David Peterson Tim Sievers Paul Wishnok
S. Scott Pjesky Dylan Sinclair Nadia Wong Sang
Catherine Pollack David H. Smithgall Aaron York
Cameron Powell
Appointed Assistant Vice Presidents
Justin Brod Rick Coscia Mark Madigan
David F.Bruckner Eva Melissa Daniels John McAfee
Brett Cameron Thomas Frazier III Jerry Smith
Jimmy Shawn Colvin
Appointed Assistant Secretaries
Denise Amspacher Brittany Fraser Dayna Mitchell
Dana Andrews Melissa Gallagher Stephanie Moore
Barbara Bailey Jessica Geisler Tibia Morgan
Kelani Bailey Alexandra Gil _ Deborah Mueller
Lisa Baldwin Jessica Gonzalez-Vega Victoria A.Nelson
Lisa Berman Sally Claire Griffith Ellen Ormsby
Emily Bianca Katelyn Hertenstein Nancy Patti
Brittany Binnie Drusilla Holm Jennifer Pfister
Robert J.Busch Diane Holt Sherry Rehage
Carol Caramanico • Matthew A.Horsley Lynette Reilly
Kathleen Lilly Cleary Wendy Hughes Nicole Richardson
Annemarie Cousin Belinda Jarrell Greg D. Sarver
Lan ren Crain Kimberly S.Kearns Elizabeth Selvage
Julie Davis • Gina Kerstetter Danielle Shelton
Lisa Day Julie Koch Jeremie Smith
Samantha Dionne Jennifer Kuse Teresa Taylor-Johnson
Amy Dolbow Suzanne B.Lemley Aimee TeIegraphis
Karen Dombrauskas Dennis W_Littell Laura Thornton
Sara Dunn Lori Martin Rebecca Weiss
Hilda Duran Stephanie D.McCraw Patricia Wieman
Karen Eichinger Angela Mejias Deborah J.Wisniewski
Christina Engel Jill E.Meyer Minnie Woodley
Lora Enwright Patricia English Mirabelli Kelly Wroten
Melissa Evans
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have signed this Incumbency Certificate and affixed the seal of the
Corporation as of March 21,2022.
A, r?
Alexandra Gil
Assistant Secretary
SEP 14 2023
Business Corporation ® MLR
nal Office
1---ayettevilgAE Regio
Legal Name
Status:Current-Active 0
Date Formed:7/1/1998
State of Incorporation:VA
Fiscal Month:December
Annual Report Due Date:April 15th
Annual Report Status:Current
Registered Agent:Corporation Service Contnam
11700 Plaza America Dr#500 Attn:Tax Dept
Reston, VA 20190-4792
Principal Office
11700 Plaza America Dr#500 Attn:Tax Dept
Reston, VA 20190-4792
Reg Office
2626 Glenwood Ave Ste 550
Raleigh, NC 27608
Reg Mailing
2626 Glenwood Ave Ste 550
Raleigh, NC 27608
All Notice of Violations,Tax notices,and all other communications from the State or local agency can be
sent to NVR,INCs registered agent(Corporate Service Company). NVR,INCs account with Corporate
Service Company is under the Sack Law Firm P.C.which is NVR, INCs designated Law firm.
All correspondence sent to Corporate Service Company will be shared with NVR, INC.and any Notice of
Violations will be addressed as soon as possible.