HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200034 Ver 1_Pierce Terrace IRT As-Built Site Visit NotesCAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home
Good deal thanks everyone. Attached are final site visit notes, we will pass along the info to Axiom and make sure those items identified will be captured in the MY1 report.
From: Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 10:56 AM
To: Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil>; Baldwin, Alex <Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com>; Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>
Cc: Dow, Jeremiah J <jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov>; Holz, Raymond <Raymond.Holz@davey.com>
Subject: Re: [External] RE: Pierce Terrace IRT As-built Site Visit Notes
I also have nothing else to add. Thanks again for your flexibility and meeting with us on short notice.
Maria Polizzi
Stream and Wetland Mitigation Coordinator
401 & Buffer Permitting Branch
Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ
Office: (919)-707-9083 Cell: (919)-815-4586
Email: maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov <mailto:maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>
Address: 512 N. Salisbury St., Archdale Building 942-H, Raleigh, NC
US Mail: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
From: Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil <mailto:Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil> >
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 10:52 AM
To: Baldwin, Alex <Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com <mailto:Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com> >; Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil <mailto:Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>
>; Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov <mailto:maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov> >
Cc: Dow, Jeremiah J <jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov <mailto:jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov> >; Holz, Raymond <Raymond.Holz@davey.com <mailto:Raymond.Holz@davey.com> >
Subject: [External] RE: Pierce Terrace IRT As-built Site Visit Notes
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home
Hi Alex,
Thank you for providing the notes from the site visit. I don’t have anything else to add.
Thanks again,
From: Baldwin, Alex <Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com <mailto:Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com> >
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 10:36 AM
To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil <mailto:Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil> >; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil
<mailto:Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil> >; maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov <mailto:maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>
Cc: Dow, Jeremiah J <jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov <mailto:jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov> >; Holz, Raymond <Raymond.Holz@davey.com <mailto:Raymond.Holz@davey.com> >
Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] RE: Pierce Terrace IRT As-built Site Visit Notes
Todd, thanks for reviewing and providing the additional information from the site visit and for the mitigation plan modification.
I’ve updated the notes with those additional comments but was going to wait and see if Maria and/or Casey had any additions before sending back out.
From: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil <mailto:Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil> >
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 1:20 PM
To: Baldwin, Alex <Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com <mailto:Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com> >; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil <mailto:Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil>
>; maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov <mailto:maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>
Cc: Dow, Jeremiah J <jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov <mailto:jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov> >; Holz, Raymond <Raymond.Holz@davey.com <mailto:Raymond.Holz@davey.com> >
Subject: RE: Pierce Terrace IRT As-built Site Visit Notes
Thanks Alex. I appreciate you taking the time to meet us on the site. Normally, we would respond to minutes once they are reviewed/received from DMS, but because Jeremiah was not
able to make the visit, I wanted to go ahead and provide a response. Below are a few additional things to note about the site visit:
1. When looking that the non-riverine swamp forest, we discussed our concerns with how low the areas are relative to the adjoining areas, which could promote standing water that may
further prevent vegetation growth. There is also the possibility that these low areas may result in some drainage effect to the immediately adjacent slopes that are all supposed to
be restored to wetland. These are definitely areas to watch.
2. Similarly, the borrow/creation area appeared to be very bowl-like with less herbaceous cover. You did note this in the minutes, but I just wanted to reiterate that this area needs
to be watched.
3. We noted some growth of cattails within the low areas that need to be monitored.
4. We noted that there were posts that have not yet been installed that are intended to prevent further scalloping along the boundary between the ag field and the easement. Please ensure
these are installed with markers, and continue to monitor for encroachments, noting the results in future monitoring reports.
5. We discussed the relocation of a gauge to a reference area in Merchants Millpond State Park, and you indicated that you are still trying to identify the location of a previously used
gauge. Once the reference gauge has been installed, please be sure to note the specific location of the gauge and provide photo points and a soil profile of the spot in next year’s
monitoring report.
Since the site visit, I was also able to review the as-built and proposed modification in more detail. We are still in the IRT review stage for the modification, but I wanted to provide
some initial comments. I will forward on any additional responses as we receive them, and will provide a response to DMS following the conclusion of the comment period, which ends
on Aug. 30th.
1. Some sheets on the as-built design sheets incorrectly label wet hardwood forest as non-riverine swamp forest (e.g., AB-12).
2. It would be helpful to have a clearer picture of the grading, particularly in the area of the creation and re-establishment additions, to demonstrate how much grading occurred in
areas that are proposed to be added as re-establishment. This is especially true around the reestablishment areas near the borrow zone to the northeast. As we noted during the site
review, we normally do not treat areas that have excessive grading/filling as re-establishment. We did not required that filled ditches be called out as creation during our review
of the mitigation plan and I’m not suggesting that these areas be revised now, but we would like to know if any areas that are now being proposed as re-establishment were graded during
3. The as-built submittal proposes additional wetland re-establishment areas that were not previously identified in the mitigation plan. Some of these areas (approx. 0.01 acre) were
due to errors in the survey of the conservation easement; however, other areas were due to either observed additional hydric soil conditions or observed roughened surfaces post-construction.
I understand that survey errors may result in changes at as-built, but we would typically expect that the final mitigation plan would identify all areas proposed to be restored to
wetland unless there were unanticipated changes that occurred during construction, which does not seem to be the case with the areas proposed to be added. I am concerned that some
of the areas identified as additional re-establishment many not be sufficiently monitored to demonstrate whether they are meeting performance standards. Additionally, the additional
area proposed for re-establishment along silver springs road are immediately adjacent to the roadside ditch, which will continue to have an effect on the site. If we concur that these
areas can be added to the wetland credit, additional information, such as soil borings, or monitoring may be required to demonstrate this.
Todd Tugwell
Chief, Mitigation Branch
Regulatory Division
Wilmington District, USACE
(919) 210-6265
From: Baldwin, Alex <Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com <mailto:Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com> >
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2023 3:48 PM
To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil <mailto:Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil> >; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil
<mailto:Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil> >; maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov <mailto:maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>
Cc: Dow, Jeremiah J <jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov <mailto:jeremiah.dow@deq.nc.gov> >; Holz, Raymond <Raymond.Holz@davey.com <mailto:Raymond.Holz@davey.com> >
Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Fw: Pierce Terrace IRT As-built Site Visit Notes
Todd, Casey, & Maria,
Hope everyone was able to dry out and had a safe trip back. Attached are the site visit notes for your review let me know if anything needs to be revised and/or added.
Alex Baldwin | Project Manager
Davey Mitigation
1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211
Raleigh, NC 27604
P: 919-274-2419
E: Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com <mailto:Alexander.Baldwin@davey.com>
Learn More About Davey Mitigation
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