HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3120102_Construction Details_20120208BMIP elemerrL Potential blear: How I will reate the p-L35m- The entire RMP Trash/debris is present Remove the trash/debris The pen io-retention cell Areas of tare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application Maintain vegetation at a height of approximately six inches. The inlet device: pipe, stone verge or Swale The pipe is clogged, Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged Erosion is occurring in the Regrode the swate W necessary swale. to smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or 6prap to avoid future problems with erosion. Stone verge is clogged or covered Remove sediment and clogged stone in sediment and replace with clean stone, The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing pretreatment area and/or gullies have formed Re -grade if necessary to route all flow to the pretreament area. Restabilize the area after grading. Sediments accumulated to a depth greater than three inches Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if possible. Remove the sediment and restabilize the pretreatment area. Erosion has Dccured Provideadditional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or rip -rap 9 needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. e bio-retention I: Vegetation Best professional practices show that pruning is needed Prune occur 'ng to best professional practices to maintain optimal punt health. Plants ore dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology. disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertiizer application to establish the ground cover ill a soil test indicates it is necessary. Tree stakes wires are present sic Remove tree stakes wires which can months after planting. kilt the tree if not removed The trio -retention cell: Mulch is breaking down or has Spot mulch if there are only random void soils and mulch floated away. areas. Replace whale mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining mulch and replace with triple shredded hard woad mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are clogged Determine the extend of the clogging. with sediment Remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed. Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off -site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if possible. An annual sail test shows that pH has Dolomitic lime shall be applied as dropped or heavy metals have accumulated recommended per the soil test and in the soil media toxic sails stall be removed, disposed of properly and replaced with new planting material. e underdrain system Clogging has occurred. Walk out the underdrain system The drop inlet Clogging has occured Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The drop inlet is damaged. Repair or replace the drop inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of damage have occurred at the outlet. Contact the local NC Division of Water Quality Regional Office, or the 401 Oversight Unit at 91-733-1786. BIO-RETENTION SOIL MIXTURE ITEM PERCENT E3Y WEIGHT MATERIAL SAND 87% CONSTRUCTION SAND FINES 8% SILT ORGANIC MATTER 5% COMPOST/PEAT MOSS PERMEABILITY 2 IN/HR PHOSPHOROUS INDEX RANGE BETWEEN 10 AND 30 (CONFIRM WITH SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT FROM NCDMA LAB) GRASS SOD NOTE: GRASS SOD SHALL BE EITHER HYBRID BERMUDIA MASS OR CENTIPEDE THAT WAS BEEN GROWN IN A SOIL THAT I5 FREE OF AN IMPERMEABLE LAYER (SUCH AS CLAY), BIO--RETENTION SOIL MIXTURE: Bio-retention Soil Mixture (BSM): shot be placed and graded using low ground--contoct pressure equipment or by excavators and/or bockhoes operating on the ground adjacent to the bio-retention facility. No heavy equipment shall be used within the perimeter of the bio-retention facility before, during, or after the placement of the BSM. The BSM shah be placed in horizontal layers not to exceed 12 inches for the entire area of the bio-retention facility. The 9SM shall be compacted by saturating the entire area of the bio-retention facility after each lift of BSM is placed until water flows from the under -drain. Water for saturation shall be applied by spraying or sprinkling. M appropriate sediment control device shall be used to treat any sediment -laden water discharged from the under -drain. V the BSM becomes contaminated during the constriction of the facility, the contaminated material shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated material at no additional cost to the Administration. Final grading of the BSM shall be performed after a 24-hour settling period. Final elevations shall be within 2 inches of elevations shown on the Contract Plans. The Bia-retention Sal Mixture (BSM) shall be a uniform mix, free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar objects larger than two inches. No other materials or substances shall be mixed or dumped within the bio-retention area that may be harmful to plant growth, or prove a hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. Prior to placing the under -drain and the BSM, the bottom of the excavation shall be roto-tilled to a minimum depth of 6 inches to alleviate any compaction of the facility bottom. Any substitute method for roto-tilling must be approved by the Engineer prior to use. Any ponded water shall be removed from the bottom of the facility and the sal shall be friable before rota -tiling. Once the BSM has been placed the entire bio-retention area shall be sodded with gross that has been grown in sandy soils or that has the roots washed clean of any day or other materials that could clog the function of the bio-retention system. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE North Carolina storm water rules require annual inspections by the regulating agency of trio -retention areas as a minimum. More frequent inspections by the land owner or system operator are strongly encouraged to ensure the proper operation of bio-retention areas. A. Rainfall Event 1. inspect the basin otter every runoff -producing rainfall event B. Monthly Inspection 1. Inspect the basin monthly 2. Check the bio-retention area side slopes; remove trash and repair eroded areas before the next rainfall event 3. Check the vegetative and rock filters for sediment accumulation, erosion and proper operation of the flow spreader mechanism and repair as necessary. C. Quarterly Inspection 1. Inspect the collection system (i.e. catch basin, pipes and grass swales) for proper functioning. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. Check piping for obstructions. 2. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting, replace rip -rap and repair broken pipes. 3. Reseed grossed swoles, including the vegetated fitter 4 applicable, twice a year as necessary. Repair eroded areas immediately. D. Six Month Inspection 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure or other areas where accumulated sediment is noted. 2. Inspect the embankment taking note of any wet areas where water may be seeping through the soil. E. General inspection 1. Maximum gross height is to be bin. 2. No woody vegetation shall be allowed to grow in the bio-retention area. 3. Debris shall be removed from blacking the inlet and outlet structures and from areas of potential clogging. 4. Periodic removal of dead vegetation shall be accomplished. 5. All components of the bio-retention system must be kept in good working order. e ogo CLEANOUT WITH THREADED LID (TOP TO BE 6' ABOVE MAXIMUM PONDING ELEVATION, AT 100 FELT MAX. HORTZ SPACING) A TOP OF EMBV#09X1REFEH TO CHART FOR ELE1rATKIN 6' DIAMETER SOLID WALL UNDERDRNN PIPE OUTLET- PVC (PER AASHTO M252) OR HOPE WITH SMOOTH INNER MULL, PROTECTED WITH FILTER fAW. PLAN VIED SPILLWAY CREST TOP OF EMBANKMENT ELEV = 631.0 ELEV.=630.0 1 I 3' I CLEANOUT W9H THREADED LID (TOP TO BE 6' ABOVE MAXIMUM PONDING ELLVATION, AT 1 DO FEET MAX. HORIZ. SPACING) 6' SCHEDULE 40 PVC, SDR35, OR SMOOTH WALL CORRUGATED PLASM PIPE WITH 3/8' PERFERATIONS @ 6' ON CEMER (4 HOLES PER ROW) OVERFLOW OUTLET SPILLWAY. REFER TO CW1RT & DETAIL FOR SPILLWAY ELEVATIONS & DIMENSIONS UNDERMAIN PIPE EXTENDS TO 114VERTED PIPE ELBOW. REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR LOCATION SPILLWAY A B BASIN 2 FT 1.0 FT 2'-4' CONCRETE SECTION 2' A 2' TOP OF EMBANKMENT ELEV=631.0 B SPILLWAY ELEV=630.0 - 2'-0' - 1 5' THICK 4000 PSI CONC. W/ 6X6, 10/14 WWF 2• FROM TOP 8" CLASS B RIP -RAP d 50 MEDIAN CONCRETE SPILLWAY DIA.=s• 4N FILTER FABRIC REMOVABLE COP 1300"1 Ina MIN LF,;iC2*1111XTJ;l w 6' SCHEDULE 40M. 3CY CLASS B RIP -RAP 8' GRAVEL LA 6' UNDER -DRAIN PIPE NOTES: 1. ALL B10-RETENTION SHALL HAVE AN ACCESS EASEMENT CONNECTING TO A DEDICATED PUBLIC WHY OF WAY. 2. ALL DRAINAGE AREAS TO A BOO -RETENTION FACILITY ARE TO BE STABILIZED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION Of SOILS OR GRASS SOD, 3. WRAP PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN WITH FILTER FABRIC PRIOR TO EIACKFI.LIWI 4. UNDU MIN PIPE SHOULD HAVE 3/8' PERFORATIONS SPACED AT 6' CEMERS, MIN. 4 HOLES PER ROW. MAX SPAM OF UNDERDRAIN PIPE IS 10 FEET ON CENTER. 5. UND13MAIN CLEA NOUTS MUST EXTIM A MIN. OF 6 INCHES ABOVE TOP SURFACE OF WASS IAYEK PREFERABLY TO THE TOP OF DESIGN MAXIMUM PONDING DEPTH IN THE BID -RETENTION BASIN. TION = 631.0 50 YEM STORM ELEVATION = 630.97 _ 10 YEAR STORM ELEVATION = 630.66 1 YEAR STORM ELEVATION = 630.10 SPILLMUY ELEVATION = 63D.0 1' STORM ELEVATION = 629.22 FILTER BLED ELEVATION = 529.0 WS LAYER ELEVATION = 627.0 BOTTOM OF SOIL MIXTURE = 626.0 BI0-RETENTION DETAILS BIO-RETENTION CONTROL STRUCTURE SEASO01AL HIGH WATER TARE > 31 FEET DEEP (596t) �. N.T.s. SOD ON SIDE SLOPES (REO'D FOR FIRST PLANTING YEAR) SCARIFY NATIVE SOIL NO COMPACTION OVERFLOW OUTLET SPILLWAY. REFER TO CHART FOR REFER TO CHART FOR TOP OF BERM ELEVATION SPILLWAY ELEVATIONS NY DINEN5M GRASS SOD (BERMUDA SOD) REFER TO CHART FOR 12' WON PONDING r BOTTOM ELEVATION - _ --- ---10' MIN - 3FT MINIMUM BIORETENTION SOIL DEPTH (GRASS BASIN) BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE �- FILTER FABRIC AROUND UNDE6' DIAMETER PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PIPE 8" UNDER -DRAIN GRAVEL (TOP, BOTTOM GRAVES BED - PVC (PER AASHTO M252) OR HOPE WITH BED (#57 WASHED ��, BOTTOM AND SIDES, SMOOTH INNER WALL, PROTECTED WITH FILTER SW) ) FABRIC. SECTION A-AVNOTE: 6' UNDERDRAIN PIPE EXTENDS TO OUTLET ELBOW. REFER TO GRADING PLAN dr DETAIL FOR LOCATION & ELEVATION. BI0-RETENTION CROSS-SECTION OU" EWOW OU`I'LE`I' CONTROL BIO-RETENTION PIM VIEW GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET F TOP OF EMBANKMENT ELEVATION = 631.0 FILTER BED ELEVATION=-629.0 INS LAYER ELEVATION = 627.0 (BOTTOM OF ELBOW) 2 CY CLASS 1 RIP -RAP SPLASH AREA OVER FILTER FABRIC 90' ELBOW INN=625.55 TRIANGLE SITE DESIGN CONSULTANT: TRIANGLE SITE DESIGN, PLLC 4006 BARRETT DR, STE 203 RALEIGH, NC 27609 (919) 553-6570 LICENSE JP-0619 m 01 C ES & .l • o� 1 SEA 1,23,12 '�. IL mail Z E U W Z d E-4 A OWNER/DEIIELOPER: AUTOZONE DEVELOPMENT CORP. ATTN. WADE DAMS 123 S. FRONT STREET 3RD FLOOR MEMPHIS, TN 38103-2107 PHONE: (901) 495-8701 FAX: (901) 495-8969 wade.davisfttozonexom For Md&V & Calttlractor In#alraAm Contact F.W. Dodge Plan Room Tel: (615) 884-1017 REVISIONS: girth :.'Aro1s�. 45 LAYOUT COORD: MEL PLANNING MGR. MEL DRAWING BY: MEL DATE: JANUARY 23, 2012 JOB NUMBER: 010028 TITLE: CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C1.5 r 7 7- .= ill STD ?, ?f j I