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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurry Pipe 2266 on Greenhill Rd_ north of Mt_ AiryWanucha, Dave
From: Hining, Kevin J
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:08 AM
To: Wanucha, Dave
Cc: Hiatt, Todd M
Subject: Surry Pipe 2266 on Greenhill Rd, north of Mt. Airy
Attachments: 401 permit - 20211570_Culvert Surry Co.docx.pdf
Hey Dave,
I wanted to let you know about a sediment loss that occurred late last night at our Surry pipe 2266 replacement (401
attached above). The crews have been working to remove the existing pipe, and had installed a temporary bypass pipe
to carry the stream around the work area. With the rain yesterday, the contractor visited the site last night before
10PM and indicated everything was in good shape. However, sometime after 10 PM last night, the project received 4.5"
of rain. I'm heading to the site tomorrow morning, but at this time, we know we lost some sediment but not sure how
much, and there doesn't appear to be any piles of sediment visible to pick up. In fact, the streambed where the old pipe
used to be is apparently scoured and now exposing clean cobble.
I've asked the contractor to do all they can to shed any runoff from the work area (sandbags on the roadway on each
side of the project, diverting runoff into existing ditch lines). Once the flows subside, the contractor will cleanup existing
SDO's, re -erect silt fence, etc., and do all we can to prepare the site for the possibility of rain later this week. Right now,
the surrounding ground is flooded and very mucky, so I'm afraid they would do more damage than repair if they moved
in now. Plus, the creek is apparently still very high. Despite the high flows, it sounds like the EC measures around our
temporary stockpile are working well.
While we had a good heavy rain in Ashe yesterday, I think we only got a 1" or so, but sounds like parts of Surry really got
hammered — see school post below.
Thanks and let me know if you need any additional information,
G` d 4
` Sorry County Schools is closely monitoring weather conditions today clue
to reports of heavy rain and flooding in areas of Surry County. The
district is working with Surry County Emergency Management Officials to
monitor conditions throughout the day. At this time, a power outage has
been reported at flat Rock Elementary School. The district is working with Duke
Energy on this issue. Duke Energy is estimating power to be restored to the school
by 9:15 a.m. We wifl continue to keep you updated as more information becomes
Kevin Hining
Division 11 Environmental Supervisor
North Carolina Department of Transportation
828-386-7202 cell
801 Statesville Rd.
PO Box 250
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
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