HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190044 Ver 2_Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel- MY4 Report_20230922Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   DWR ID# 2019‐0044v2  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC’s Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank      Monitoring Year 4 Report  September 2023                            PREPARED BY:  Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225  Raleigh, NC  27609  Phone: 919‐851‐9986              Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   Page 1   Monitoring Year 4 Report     MONITORING YEAR 4 REPORT  Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC    TABLE OF CONTENTS  1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 2  1.1     Project Description ................................................................................................................. 2  1.2     Bank Sponsor .......................................................................................................................... 2  1.3     Project History ........................................................................................................................ 2  1.4     Project Location ...................................................................................................................... 3  1.5     Project Design ......................................................................................................................... 3  2 VEGETATION MONITORING ..................................................................................................... 4  2.1     Success Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 4  2.2     Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol ................................................................... 4  2.3     Results of Vegetation Monitoring .......................................................................................... 4  2.4     Parcel Adaptive Management ................................................................................................ 5  2.5     Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 6  3 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 6    LIST OF TABLES  Table 1 Project Reporting History  Table 2 Tree Species Selected for Buffer Restoration  Table 3 Character/Existing Tree Species   Table 4 Monitoring Plot Summary – Planting (As‐Built)  Table 5 Monitoring Plot Summary – Year 4    APPENDICES  Appendix A: Figures   Figure 1 Project Location Map  Figure 2 Service Area Map  Figure 3 Credit Generation Map   Figure 4 Monitoring Components Map  Appendix B: Bank Credit Ledger  Appendix C: Vegetation Assessment Data  Table 6 Vegetation Plot Success Summary  Table 7 Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot  Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results  Appendix E: Overview Photos         Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   Page 2   Monitoring Year 4 Report     1.0        Introduction  1.1 Project Description  The Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel (Parcel) is part of Wildlands Holdings III, LLC, (Sponsor)  Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank (Bank). The project encompasses the headwaters of Thoroughfare  Swamp which flows into Falling Creek and eventually into the Neuse River approximately 20 miles  downstream from the Parcel. The Parcel location is depicted in Figure 1. The purpose of the Parcel is to  provide riparian buffer mitigation credits and nutrient offset credits to compensate for buffer impacts  according to the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015)  and development requiring nutrient offset payments according to 15A NCAC 02B .0703 within the Neuse  River Basin Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201 excluding the Falls Lake Watershed. The Bank may  also provide nutrient offset credits for stormwater requirements with new and existing development  requiring nutrient offsets within the 03020201 HUC outside the Falls Lake Watershed. The Bank service  area is depicted in Figure 2.  Prior to construction, the Parcel was an agricultural field used for crop production, primarily corn and  soybeans. The Parcel was restored to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse  River Basin by creating a functional riparian corridor. Approximately 23.55 acres have been protected  with a permanent conservation easement along Thoroughfare Swamp (A2), one unnamed tributary (B),  and one ephemeral channel (A1). Project features on the Parcel had little to no existing riparian buffer  except for three separate, individual rows of mature trees. A conservation easement was recorded on  the Parcel in January 2020.    1.2  Bank Sponsor  The Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Parcel is a part of the Bank. The Mitigation Banking Instrument  (MBI) for the Bank was signed in November 2019.  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC  1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104  Charlotte, NC 28203  Phone: 704‐332‐7754  Attn: Shawn Wilkerson  Email: swilkerson@wildlandseng.com    1.3  Project History   Project history is provided in Table 1.  Table 1.  Project Reporting History  Activity Completion Date  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC MBI November 2019  Bank Parcel Development Package Approved November 2019  Conservation Easement January 2020  Bare Root Planting February 2020  As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Document April 2020  Year 1 Monitoring Completed October 2020  Year 2 Monitoring Completed September 2021  Year 3 Monitoring Completed September 2022    Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   Page 3   Monitoring Year 4 Report     Activity Completion Date  Year 4 Monitoring Completed September 2023  1.4  Project Location   The Parcel is located in southwest Wayne County near the border of Sampson County and involved  riparian restoration on Thoroughfare Swamp (A2), one unnamed tributary (B) and one ephemeral  channel (A1) in accordance with the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0295). The  project is located within HUC 03020201170030 and North Carolina Division of Water Resources  (NCDWR) Subbasin 03‐04‐12 and was restored for riparian buffer mitigation credit and nutrient offset  credit in the Neuse River Basin HUC 03020201 (excluding Falls Lake).  From Raleigh take I‐40 E. Continue for 42.7 miles, then take exit 341 to merge onto NC 50 S/NC 55 E  towards Newton Grove. Follow NC 50 S for 1.3 miles, at the traffic circle take the third exit onto NC 50  S/NC 55 E/Mt. Olive, and continue this route for 6.7 miles. Turn left onto Dobbersville Road, the project  is located 0.4 miles down the road on the left (35° 14’ 9.70’’ N, 78° 15’ 4.44’’ W).  1.5  Project Design   Approximately 23.55 acres are protected in a conservation easement. The Parcel will generate 13.046  acres of Neuse riparian buffer credits. Additionally, the Parcel will generate 7.725 acres of nutrient  offset credits, which creates 17,559.07 pounds of nitrogen credits. Parcel credit generation is shown in  Figure 3. The revegetation plan for the Parcel included planting of bare root trees and controlling  invasive species growth. Bare root trees selected for the Parcel were native bottomland hardwood  species typical for Coastal Plain communities as defined by Schafale (2012). Adjacent forested areas  were also used as a reference for the Parcel. Tree species selected for planting on the Parcel as well as  size specifications, planting density, and plant composition are detailed in Table 2.    Table 2. Tree Species Selected for Buffer Restoration  Natural recruitment of desirable Character Tree species shall be counted towards the survival and  success rate of the restored site. “Character Trees” are defined as planted or volunteer species  identified from a survey of local vegetation on less degraded sections of the specified stream and from  reference literature that details native species. A list of Character Tree species (other than the planted  species) is included in Table 3.  Table 3. Character/Existing Tree Species   Scientific Name Common Name Wetland Indicator Status  Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC  Liquidambar styraciflua  Sweetgum FAC+  Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar FACU  Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak FACU  Scientific Name Common Name Size  (feet)  Planting Density  (Stems/Acre) Planting Composition  Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 2‐3 30 5%  Quercus phellos Willow Oak 2‐3 92 15%  Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 2‐3 152 25%  Betula nigra River Birch 2‐3 152 25%  Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 2‐3 121 20%  Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 2‐3 30 5%  Nyssa Sylvatica Black Gum 2‐3 30 5%  Totals 607 100%    Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   Page 4   Monitoring Year 4 Report     Scientific Name Common Name Wetland Indicator Status  Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar FAC‐  Notes:  *Source: Schafale & Weakley (1990)   2.0 Vegetation Monitoring  2.1  Success Criteria  Buffer vegetative success criteria are based upon the density and growth of species as defined in Tables  2 & 3. Vegetative success criteria is based upon guidelines set forth in the Consolidated Buffer  Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015), and is defined as a success rate  equivalent to 260 live stems per acre at the end of the 5‐year monitoring period.  If vegetative success criteria are not achieved based on acreage density calculations from combined  monitoring plots over the entire restoration area, or if an inspection of a buffer restoration site indicates  that portions of the Parcel do not have sufficient stem densities or are otherwise deficient,  supplemental planting shall be performed with tree species approved by NCDWR. Supplemental  planting shall be performed as needed until vegetative success criteria are met. No quantitative  measurements of herb assemblages will be required to meet the vegetative success criteria.   2.2  Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol  The quantity of monitoring plots was determined in accordance with the Carolina Vegetative Sampling  (CVS) Protocols (Levels II) such that at least 2 percent of the Parcel is encompassed in monitoring plots.  A total of 17 plots (10 meters by 10 meters) were established within the credit generation area. PVC  pipe was used to mark the four corners of the plots. Monitoring plot locations are shown in Figure 4.  GPS points were taken at each of the corners. A reference photo was taken from the southwest corner  of each plot (Appendix D). All planted stems within the plots were marked with flagging tape and  recorded. Total numbers of tree species planted within the monitoring plots as well as planting density  and plant composition are detailed in Table 4. Detailed results of the Monitoring Year 4 stem count are  summarized in Appendix C.  Table 4. Monitoring Plot Summary – Planting (As‐Built)  Scientific Name Total Stems  Flagged  Calculated Planting Density  (Stems/Acre) Planting Composition  Liriodendron tulipifera 12 30 5%  Quercus phellos 36 85 14%  Platanus occidentalis 64 152 25%  Betula nigra 65 158 26%  Quercus michauxii 52 121 20%  Fraxinus pennsylvanica 10 24 4%  Nyssa Sylvatica 16 37 6%  Totals 255 607 100%  2.3     Results of Vegetation Monitoring  The 17 vegetation plots were sampled in September 2023 at the end of the fourth growing season. A  reference photo was taken from the southwest corner of each plot, which can be found in Appendix D  along with the stem count raw data. Total numbers of tree species identified within the monitoring plots  as well as density and composition are summarized in Table 5. Vegetation result tables with planted  stem density, and stem count by plot and species are summarized in Appendix C.     Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   Page 5   Monitoring Year 4 Report     The 2023 vegetation monitoring resulted in an average stem density of 574 stems per acre, which well  exceeds the final requirement of 260 stems per acre. All vegetation plots individually exceed the final  steam density requirement by more than 10 percent; with planted stems per acre ranging from 405 to  607. When including volunteer species, the average stem density increases to 776 stems per acre with  individual plots ranging from 526 to 1,174 stems per acre. Vegetation plot 4 has 65 loblolly pine (Pinus  taeda) volunteers. Despite this, all planted stems increased in height and most have a vigor of excellent  (4). Wildlands plans to thin pine trees in this area in spring 2024 to ensure the continued success of  planted trees in and around vegetation plot 4. All plots have 4 or more character species and most  planted stems across plots have a vigor of excellent (4), as can be seen in Appendix D. Volunteer stems  include desirable species, such as black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), American sycamore (Platanus  occidentalis), and eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana).   Table 5. Monitoring Plot Summary – Year 4  Scientific Name Total Stems  Flagged  Calculated Live Stem Density  (Stems/Acre) Live Stem Composition  Liriodendron tulipifera 7 17 3%  Quercus phellos 32 76 14%  Platanus occidentalis 58 138 26%  Betula nigra 61 145 27%  Quercus michauxii 45 107 20%  Fraxinus pennsylvanica 11 26 5%  Nyssa sylvatica 10 24 5%  Totals 224 533 100%  2.4     Parcel Adaptive Management  Due to compaction, a portion of an old farm use road that crosses into the northeastern portion of the  Parcel had not established native vegetation like the remainder of the Parcel and still appeared to be a  passable road. To deter vehicular traffic through the Parcel, avoid potential future encroachments, and  ensure the success of vegetation in this area, a tiller was used to break up the top soil, additional trees  were planted, and the area was seeded with a native riparian seed mix in January 2023. Twenty trees  total of river birch (Betula nigra) and water oak (Quercus phellos) were planted across approximately  0.06 acres. Soil amendments were applied locally as tree boosters to encourage planted tree growth in  May and August 2023. Trees are surviving and herbaceous vegetation is well established.   In June 2023, materials were observed being stored near the southeastern extent of the Parcel  boundary and encroaching two feet into the Parcel. Polytape fencing had been temporarily put in place  to increase visibility of the Parcel boundary in 2021. Wildlands has spoken to the landowner about  storing materials in the conservation easement and the materials have been removed from the  conservation easement. Wildlands will continue to monitor and take action if the encroachment occurs  again in the future.   Small populations of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) were observed scattered through the forested  area in the southern extent of the Parcel during monitoring year 4. No adaptive management is  currently planned for this area as it is small. Wildlands will continue to monitor this area and remove the  Chinese privet if it begins to outcompete native vegetation.   Dense loblolly pine saplings were observed in the western extent of the Parcel in the vicinity of  vegetation plots 4 and 5 and extending west to the old farm road. Despite the density of pines in this  area, vegetation data suggests they have little effect on planted stem density and growth and most    Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel   Page 6   Monitoring Year 4 Report     planted stems were observed being taller than the pine trees. Wildlands is planning to thin pine trees in  this area in the spring of 2024 to ensure success of planted stems and desirable species in this area.   Throughout the remainder of the Parcel, adaptive measures will be developed, or appropriate remedial  actions will be implemented in the event the Parcel or a specific component of the Parcel fails to achieve  the success criteria outlined in the BPDP. Parcel maintenance will be performed to correct any identified  problems on the Parcel that have a high likelihood of affecting project success. Such items include but  are not limited to; excess tree mortality caused by fire, flooding, drought, or insects. Any actions  implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria and will include a work schedule and  updated monitoring criteria.   2.5 Conclusions  Overall vegetation is doing well across the Parcel and on track to exceed the final performance criteria.   All 17 vegetation plots exceed the vegetation success criteria of 260 stems per acre, with plots ranging  from 405 to 607 planted stems per acre. The 2023 vegetation monitoring data reflects that the Parcel  has an average density of 574 planted stems per acre. Supplemental stems planted within the old farm  path have shown good survival, and herbaceous vegetation is becoming established within the area.  While dense loblolly pines do not appear to have negatively impacted planted trees in vegetation plots 4  and 5, Wildlands plans to thin the pines in spring of 2024 to ensure success of planted species. The  Parcel is showing positive trends in vegetation establishment, which is expected to continue in  subsequent monitoring years.   3.0 References  Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources,  Ecosystem Enhancement Program. October 2004.  Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2006. CVS‐EEP Protocol for Recording  Vegetation Version 4.0. Retrieved from  http://www.nceep.net/business/monitoring/veg/datasheets.htm.  Peet, R.K., T.R. Wentworth and P.S. White. 1998. A flexible, multipurpose method for recording  vegetation composition and structure. Castanea 63:262‐274. http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm  Schafale, M.P. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth Approximation.  Schafale, M.P. and Weakley, A.S. 1990. A Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina,  Third Approximation.  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC (2019). Thoroughfare Swamp Nutrient and Buffer Banking Instrument.  NCDWR, Raleigh NC. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/nutrientbufferbanks    APPENDIX A. Figures ^_ ¹ Wayne County, NC Figure 1. Project Location Map Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin 0302020101.50.75 Miles Conservation Easement Boundary ^_Thoroughfare Swamp Bank Parcel Location 2021 Aerial Photography 0 500250 Feet ^_ 03020201 0 105 Miles ¹ County Boundaries HUC 03020201 Service Area - Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Credits ^_Thoroughfare Swamp Bank Parcel Location Figure 2. Service Area Map Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin 03020201 Wayne County, NC Riparian Buffer Preservation Area Riparian Buffer Preservation Area (101'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Area (0-100') No Credit Figure 3. Credit Generation Map Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin 03020201 Wayne County, NC Project Location ConservationEasement Riparian Restoration - Buffer Mitigation (0-100') Riparian Restoration - Nutrient Offset (101'-200') Riparian Preservation - Buffer Mitigation (0-100') Riparian Preservation - Buffer Mitigation (101'-200') No Credit Project Ditch (C) Proejct Ephemeral Channel (A1) Proejct Stream (A2 and B) Existing Access Easement Non-Project Streams 0 500250 Feet ¹ 2021 Aerial Photography Tho r o u g h f a r e S w a m p ( A 2 ) B A1 Riparian Buffer Preservation Area Riparian Buffer Preservation Area (101'-200') Riparian Buffer Preservation Area (0-100') No Credit 7 6 5 1 4 9 3 2 8 11 15 16 13 12 14 17 10 Figure 4. Monitoring Components Map Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin 03020201 Wayne County, NC 0 500250 Feet Project Location Conservation Easement Boundary Riparian Restoration - Buffer Mtigation (0-100') Riparian Restroation - Nutrient Offset (101'-200') Riparian Preservation - Buffer Mitigation (0-100') Riparian Preservation - Buffer Mitigation (101-200') No Credit Vegetation Plots MY4 Supplemental Planting (0.06 ac) Project Stream (A2 and B) Project Ditch (C) Proejct Ephemeral Channel (A1) Existing Access Easement Non-Project Streams 2021 Aerial Photography Tho r o u g h f a r e S w a m p ( A 2 ) B A1 APPENDIX B. Bank Credit Ledger Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name Gov't Requiring Pounds of Nitrogen Acres Pounds of Nitrogen Acres Pounds of Nitrogen Acres 1/20/2020 Shenandoah Homes LLC Arlington Heights THs (SPR-0103-2019, N-14-18) 406.85 0.18 3,982.58 1.75 City of Raleigh 2/27/2020 The Catholic Diocese of Raleigh Cathedral Parrish Hall (Trans #594259) 436.80 0.19 3,545.78 1.56 City of Raleigh 3/23/2020 Gontram Architecture, Inc.Andover Apartments Clubhouse Area Improvements (SPR-0011-2020) 85.70 0.04 3,460.08 1.52 City of Raleigh 3/27/2020 Circle K Stores, Inc.Circle K 42 Garner (JC# 19-142-P) 240.50 0.11 3,219.58 1.42 Johnston County 4/3/2020 Task 2: Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting & Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 20% 3,511.54 1.54 6,731.12 2.96 NCDWR 4/23/2020 USEF HCG Fenton Venture LLC Fenton Phase 1 (20-DP-1205) PARTIAL 2,860.42 1.26 3,870.70 1.70 Town of Cary 5/7/2020 Wake County Public Schools Carroll Middle School Modular Unit Renovations (N-0165-05, SPR-0010-2020) 262.56 0.12 3,608.14 1.59 City of Raleigh 5/27/2020 Allen Grading Company, Inc. JBA Properties, LLC (Allen Grading Co., Inc. office site) 335.79 0.15 3,272.35 1.44 City of Goldsboro 6/5/2020 Craig Davis Properties Renaissance Park Apartments (Trans #SPR-0065-2020) 1,217.00 0.54 2,055.35 0.90 City of Raleigh 7/2/2020 KB Home Raleigh Wildcat Branch Subdivision (Trans #SPR-0253-2019) PARTIAL 1,500.00 0.66 555.35 0.24 City of Raleigh 7/20/2020 Victory Church International Victory Church (Trans #SPR-0090-2020) PARTIAL 199.60 0.09 355.75 0.16 City of Raleigh 7/22/2020 Primax Properties, LLC Tractor Supply (20-013-P) 355.75 0.16 0.00 - Johnston County 8/19/2020 1,756.52 0.77 1,756.52 0.77 NCDWR 8/25/2020 Dr. Henry J. Vanpala Carthusiast (JC# 20-047-P) 67.80 0.03 1,688.72 0.74 Johnston County 8/26/2020 Ierne Enterprises, LLC Homestead Vet Clinic (19-DP-0175) 101.00 0.04 1,587.72 0.70 Town of Cary 8/28/2020 M/I Homes of Raleigh, LLC Wykoff Subdivision (Trans #SPR-0182-2019) 196.00 0.09 1,391.72 0.61 City of Raleigh 9/1/2020 Genesis United Methodist Church Genesis UMC Building Addition 403.00 0.18 988.72 0.43 Town of Cary 9/3/2020 Wake County Public School System Fuller Elementary School (N-0004-20, SPR-0157-2020) 488.40 0.21 500.32 0.22 City of Raleigh 9/4/2020 BDG Architects LLP Chase Bank - High House and Magness (20-DP-4896) 124.00 0.05 376.32 0.17 Town of Cary 9/9/2020 Towne Bank Towne Bank Drive Remote Drive Thru (N-0059-06, BLDNR-022015-2020) 43.45 0.02 332.87 0.15 City of Raleigh 9/16/2020 Jones Darton, LLC Animal Hospital & Office/Flex Buildings (N-0100-17, Trans. # 488762) PARTIAL 332.87 0.15 0.00 - City of Raleigh 1/15/2021 Task 4: Monitoring Report #1 Approved by the DWR & Financial Assurance Renewed 10% 1,755.91 0.77 1,755.91 0.77 NCDWR 2/3/2021 Oak Forest Pointe, LP Oak Forest Pointe (N-59-19) (SPR-0075-2020) 1,038.62 0.46 717.29 0.32 City of Raleigh 2/11/2021 Raleigh Piedmont Partners, LLC Raleigh Piedmont Apts (N-82-17) 92.66 0.04 624.63 0.27 City of Raleigh 2/12/2021 Lennar Corporation The Corners at Brier Creek Townhomes - North D1900337 377.54 0.17 247.09 0.11 City of Durham 2/12/2021 Lennar Corporation The Corners at Brier Creek Townhomes - North D1900337 (assigned to Durham) 18.88 0.01 228.21 0.10 City of Durham 2/16/2021 Timber Drive Associates, LP Timber Drive Townhomes (CUP-SB-20-04) PARTIAL 228.21 0.10 0.00 0.00 Town of Garner 2/15/2022 Task 5: Monitoring Report #2 (10%) 1,755.91 0.77 1,755.91 0.77 NCDWR 2/25/2022 CUSA NC Holdings LP Camden Village District Apartments (N-0006-22) (SPR-0008-2022) PARTIAL 363.10 0.16 1,392.81 0.61 City of Raleigh 3/1/2022 Samet Corporation Project XD / Amazon Fulfillment Center PARTIAL 1,392.81 0.61 - - Town of Smithfield 1/19/2023 Task 6: Monitoring Report #3 (10%) 1,755.91 0.77 1,755.91 0.77 NCDWR 3/29/2023 J&J Flowers Finch, Inc.Whitley Townes 821.99 0.36 933.92 0.41 Town of Smithfield 5/3/2023 Noah Wagner Pines at Peach Rd (N-0090-21) (SPR-0027-2023) 824.23 0.36 109.69 0.05 City of Raleigh Totals 14,925.22 6.57 14,815.53 6.52 109.69 0.05 Task 3: Monitoring Financial Assurance posted and Approval of AsBuilt Report 10% Task 1: Conservation Easement Recorded & Financial Assurance Task 7: Item B(1) of Section IX in the MBI completed and approved by NCDWR Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Nutrient Credit Balance 12/10/2019 4,389.43 1.93 4,389.43 1.93 NCDWR Thoroughfare Swamp Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Banking Instrument Thoroughfare Swamp Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Outside of the Falls Basin) Nitrogen Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 9-15-2023 DWR Project #: 2019-0044v2 Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name Gov't Requiring Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Task 1: Conservation Easement Recorded & Financial Assurance Task 7:Item B(1) of Section IX in the MBI completed and approved by NCDWR 2/13/2020 Lennar Corporation, LLC - Raleigh Divisions Ridgemoor (DWR #19-1377)77,625.00 1.78 64,155.50 1.47 NCDWR 2/17/2020 Mr. Gregory Covington Gregory and Deborah Covington Property Garage (DWR #19-0941)285.00 0.01 63,870.50 1.47 NCDWR 4/3/2020 Task 2: Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting & Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 20%113,424.40 2.60 177,294.90 4.07 NCDWR 5/28/2020 NC DEQ IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 177,294.90 4.07 - - NCDWR 8/19/2020 Task 3: Monitoring Financial Assurance posted and Approval of AsBuilt Report 10%57,341.40 1.32 57,341.40 1.32 NCDWR 8/25/2020 NC DEQ IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 57,341.40 1.32 - - NCDWR 1/15/2021 Task 4: Monitoring Report #1 Approved by the DWR & Financial Assurance Renewed 10%56,826.60 1.30 56,826.60 1.30 NCDWR 3/8/2021 NC DEQ IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 56,826.60 1.30 - - NCDWR 2/15/2022 Task 5: Monitoring Report #2 (10%)56,826.60 1.30 56,826.60 NCDWR 7/19/2022 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.PNG Line 142 Pipeline (DWR # 20210364) PARTIAL 44,434.68 1.02 12,391.92 0.28 NCDWR 7/21/2022 Toll Brothers Olde Town Master Plan Community (DWR # 20060447 v3) PARTIAL 12,391.92 0.28 - - NCDWR 1/19/2023 Task 6: Monitoring Report #3 (10%)56,826.60 1.30 56,826.60 1.30 NCDWR 4/11/2023 Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk Site Capacity Expansion (DWR #20150465v2) PARTIAL 56,826.60 1.30 - - NCDWR Totals 483,026.10 11.09 483,026.10 11.09 - - Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Buffer Credit Balance NCDWR Thoroughfare Swamp Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Banking Instrument Thoroughfare Swamp Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Outside of the Falls Basin) Buffer Restoration Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 9-15-2023 DWR Project #: 20190044v2 12/10/2019 141,780.50 3.25 141,780.50 3.25 Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name Gov't Requiring Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Task 1: Conservation Easement Recorded & Financial Assurance Task 7: Item B(1) of Section IX in the MBI completed and approved by NCDWR 4/3/2020 Task 2: Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting & Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 20%129.39 0.00 291.13 0.01 NCDWR 5/28/2020 NC DEQ IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 291.13 0.01 - - NCDWR 8/19/2020 Task 3: Monitoring Financial Assurance posted and Approval of AsBuilt Report 10%124.12 0.00 124.12 0.00 NCDWR 8/25/2020 NC DEQ IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 124.12 0.00 - - NCDWR 1/15/2021 Task 4: Monitoring Report #1 Approved by the DWR & Financial Assurance Renewed 10%75.50 0.00 75.50 0.00 NCDWR 3/8/2021 NC DEQ IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 75.50 0.00 - - NCDWR 2/15/2022 Task 5: Monitoring Report #2 (10%)75.50 0.00 75.50 0.00 NCDWR 12/8/2022 MBM Builders Inc 622 Wimbleton Drive (DWR #20221545)69.00 0.00 6.50 0.00 NCDWR 1/19/2023 Task 6: Monitoring Report #3 (10%)75.50 0.00 82.00 0.00 NCDWR 4/11/2023 Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk Site Capacity Expansion (DWR #20150465v2) PARTIAL 82.00 0.00 - - NCDWR Totals 641.75 0.01 641.75 0.01 - - NCDWR Thoroughfare Swamp Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) Thoroughfare Swamp Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Outside of the Falls Basin) Buffer Preservation Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 9-15-2023 DWR Project #: 2019-0044v2 Buffer Credit Balance 161.74 0.00 161.74 0.00 12/10/2019 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank APPENDIX C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 6.  Vegetation Plot Success Summary Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 4 ‐ 2023 1 4 541827 2223107 15 0 7 22 607 890 5 Yes 2 4 542039 2222943 15 0 0 15 607 607 6 Yes 3 4 542101 2223128 15 0 2 17 607 688 6 Yes 4 4 541601 2223752 14 0 70 84 567 769 6 Yes 5 4 541487 2223876 15 0 2 17 607 688 6 Yes 6 4 541266 2224138 14 1 4 18 567 728 6 Yes 7 4 541173 2224510 10 1 3 13 405 526 5 Yes 8 4 541039 2224705 13 0 5 18 526 728 3 Yes 9 4 540946 2224594 13 1 5 18 526 688 4 Yes 10 4 540491 2224901 14 1 15 29 567 1,174 6 Yes 11 4 540632 2225159 14 0 13 27 567 1,012 6 Yes 12 4 540709 2225200 15 0 8 23 607 931 4 Yes 13 4 540539 2225592 15 0 5 5 607 769 4 Yes 14 4 540461 2225494 15 0 6 21 607 850 6 Yes 15 4 540642 2225700 14 0 4 18 567 728 6 Yes 16 4 540611 2225927 14 1 3 17 567 647 7 Yes 17 4 540420 2225973 14 0 3 17 567 688 5Yes *Target density is a minimum of 260 planted trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period. Plot Year Northing Easting Planted Living Stems Missing Stems Volunteer  Stems Total Living  Stems Planted Living Stems  per ACRE Total Living Stems PER  ACRE # species Vegetation Threshold Met?* Table 7.  Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 4 ‐ 2023 PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree 7 2321 Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 666666333555555444 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 111222 Ilex opaca American Holly Shrub Tree Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Tree Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Exotic Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree 23 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 111111111 Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree 111111222111111111 Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree 65 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 444444333444444555 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 222222333111333222 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 222111222222111111 15 15 22 15 15 15 15 15 17 14 14 19 15 15 17 14 14 18 556666667669667668 607 607 890 607 607 607 607 607 688 567 567 769 607 607 688 567 567 728 Color for Density VP 3VP 4VP 5VP 6 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type VP 1VP 2 Stems per ACRE 1 0.02 1 0.02 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 Current Plot Data (MY4 2023) P‐all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total Table 7.  Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 4 ‐ 2023 Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree Ilex opaca American Holly Shrub Tree Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Tree Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Exotic Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree Color for Density Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Stems per ACRE Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count P‐all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T 34358 333555333333222444 111 222111 173 12 138 111 111 333333333333444666 222555444222333333 111 333333333222 10 10 13 13 13 18 13 13 17 14 14 29 14 14 25 15 15 23 556335447669669445 405 405 526 526 526 728 526 526 688 567 567 1,174 567 567 1,012 607 607 931 1 0.02 1 VP 7VP 8VP 9VP 10 VP 11 VP 12 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 Current Plot Data (MY4 2023) Table 7.  Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 4 ‐ 2023 Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree Ilex opaca American Holly Shrub Tree Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Tree Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Exotic Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree Color for Density Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Stems per ACRE Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count P‐all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T 43423 444333333333333 222 111111 2 111111111 1111111 11 555333222444333 555222666222333 111444111222444 15 15 19 15 15 21 14 14 18 14 14 16 14 14 17 446669667779556 607 607 769 607 607 850 567 567 728 567 567 647 567 567 688 VP 13 VP 14 VP 15 VP 16 VP 17 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 Current Plot Data (MY4 2023) 1 0.02 1 Table 7.  Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 4 ‐ 2023 Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel Tree Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree Ilex opaca American Holly Shrub Tree Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Tree Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Exotic Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Tree Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree Color for Density Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Stems per ACRE Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count P‐all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T 12 54 30 45 67 67 67 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 13 3 17 33 25 777888888101010121212 10 10 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 67 68 13 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 52 52 52 52 52 52 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 36 36 36 36 36 36 241 241 326 243 243 323 245 245 304 253 253 253 255 255 255 771277127712777777 574 574 776 578 578 769 583 583 724 602 602 602 607 607 607 Annual Means MY4 (2023) MY3 (2022) MY2 (2021) MY1 (2020) MY0 (2020) 17 0.42 17 0.42 17 0.42 17 0.42 17 0.42 APPENDIX D. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 1 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 1 Betula nigra 0.4 0.6 320 4 2 Platanus occidentalis 2.4 0.5 116 4 3 Quercus phellos 4.5 0.5 90 4 4 Betula nigra 9.9 0.5 380 4 5 Betula nigra 9.3 0.5 310 4 6 Platanus occidentalis 9.4 5.1 260 4 7 Betula nigra 7.2 5.1 70 4 8 Platanus occidentalis 4.8 5.0 290 4 9 Quercus michauxii 2.7 5.1 65 4 10 Quercus phellos 0.4 5.1 70 4 11 Betula nigra 0.5 9.7 420 4 12 Platanus occidentalis 2.4 9.6 230 4 13 Nyssa sylvatica 4.7 9.7 60 3 14 Betula nigra 7.2 9.8 310 4 15 Quercus michauxii 9.7 9.6 230 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 2 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 16 Quercus phellos 0.8 0.6 125 4 17 Betula nigra 2.4 0.5 280 4 18 Quercus michauxii 4.5 0.5 190 4 19 Platanus occidentalis 9.9 0.5 310 4 20 Betula nigra 9.3 0.5 260 4 21 Nyssa sylvatica 9.4 5.1 30 4 22 Quercus michauxii 7.2 5.1 90 4 23 Betula nigra 4.8 5.0 155 4 24 Platanus occidentalis 2.7 5.1 210 4 25 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0.4 5.1 75 4 26 Betula nigra 0.5 9.7 300 4 27 Platanus occidentalis 2.4 9.6 260 4 28 Betula nigra 4.7 9.7 60 4 29 Betula nigra 7.2 9.8 360 4 30 Platanus occidentalis 9.7 9.6 250 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 3 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 31 Betula nigra 0.8 0.2 290 4 32 Nyssa sylvatica 0.4 2.8 40 4 33 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0.5 5.3 45 3 34 Quercus phellos 0.5 7.3 300 4 35 Nyssa sylvatica 0.9 9.4 105 3 36 Betula nigra 5.9 9.6 310 4 37 Platanus occidentalis 5.8 7.3 280 4 38 Platanus occidentalis 5.4 5.2 300 4 39 Quercus michauxii 5.1 2.9 160 3 40 Quercus phellos 5.1 0.5 280 4 41 Quercus michauxii 9.5 0.5 270 4 42 Platanus occidentalis 9.4 2.7 255 4 43 Betula nigra 9.6 4.8 210 4 44 Quercus michauxii 9.8 7.0 230 4 45 Fraxinus pennsylvannica 9.9 9.7 40 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 4 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 47 Liriodendron tulipifera 0.5 0.3 40 4 48 Quercus phellos 2.9 0.4 240 4 49 Quercus phellos 5.0 0.4 Dead 0 50 Platanus occidentalis 7.2 0.5 265 4 51 Nyssa sylvatica 9.5 0.6 55 3 52 Betula nigra 9.5 4.8 145 4 53 Quercus phellos 7.3 4.7 190 4 54 Platanus occidentalis 4.8 4.7 310 4 55 Betula nigra 2.7 4.6 330 4 56 Betula nigra 0.2 4.5 350 4 57 Betula nigra 0.2 9.4 115 4 58 Platanus occidentalis 3.1 9.6 200 4 59 Quercus michauxii 4.8 9.6 190 4 60 Betula nigra 7.1 9.6 280 4 61 Platanus occidentalis 9.4 9.8 250 4 50 Platanus occidentalis 7.2 0.5 55 3 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 5 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 62 Betula nigra 0.6 0.2 315 4 63 Quercus michauxii 3.0 0.3 230 4 64 Platanus occidentalis 5.6 0.5 320 4 65 Betula nigra 7.1 0.6 261 4 66 Nyssa sylvatica 1.1 0.9 81 3 67 Platanus occidentalis 9.5 5.1 405 4 68 Betula nigra 7.3 4.9 380 4 69 Liriodendron tulipifera 5.1 4.8 36 4 70 Platanus occidentalis 2.9 4.9 420 4 71 Quercus michauxii 0.4 5.0 176 4 72 Quercus michauxii 0.6 9.6 200 4 73 Betula nigra 3.0 9.6 290 4 74 Platanus occidentalis 4.8 9.6 340 4 75 Quercus phellos 7.3 9.7 102 4 76 Betula nigra 9.5 9.6 350 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 6 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 77 Liriodendron tulipifera 0.6 0.8 117 4 78 Betula nigra 1.0 2.7 400 4 79 Platanus occidentalis 1.0 5.0 360 4 80 Betula nigra 1.0 7.4 260 4 81 Quercus phellos 1.1 9.5 197 4 82 Betula nigra 5.4 9.3 320 4 83 Liriodendron tulipifera 3.9 6.9 Missing M 84 Platanus occidentalis 5.5 4.7 243 4 85 Quercus michauxii 5.6 2.5 180 3 86 Platanus occidentalis 5.6 0.2 156 4 87 Betula nigra 9.9 0.2 310 4 88 Platanus occidentalis 9.9 2.3 24 4 89 Quercus michauxii 9.9 4.6 57 4 90 Platanus occidentalis 9.8 6.8 400 4 91 Nyssa sylvatica 9.7 9.1 31 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 7 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 93 Platanus occidentalis 0.2 0.6 124 4 94 Nyssa sylvatica 0.2 2.8 Dead 0 95 Quercus phellos 0.3 5.0 315 4 96 Betula nigra 0.3 7.6 205 4 97 Quercus michauxii 0.5 9.8 Dead 0 98 Platanus occidentalis 4.9 9.6 226 4 99 Quercus michauxii 5.0 7.2 250 4 100 Platanus occidentalis 5.0 4.8 257 4 101 Betula nigra 4.9 2.7 340 4 102 Liriodendron tulipifera 4.9 0.5 Dead 0 103 Quercus michauxii 9.4 0.5 114 2 104 Quercus phellos 9.4 2.4 Dead 0 105 Betula nigra 9.5 4.5 350 4 106 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 9.6 7.0 199 4 107 Nyssa sylvatica 9.5 9.4 24 M Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 8 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 108 Quercus michauxii 0.5 0.2 206 4 109 Betula nigra 0.6 2.3 500 4 110 Liriodendron tulipifera 0.6 4.7 Dead 0 111 Quercus michauxii 0.5 7.1 204 4 112 Betula nigra 0.5 9.4 360 4 113 Platanus occidentalis 5.2 9.4 510 4 114 Betula nigra 5.2 7.1 240 4 115 Quercus michauxii 5.2 4.8 57 2 116 Platanus occidentalis 5.2 2.7 380 4 117 Betula nigra 5.0 0.5 75 4 118 Quercus michauxii 9.7 0.7 207 4 119 Quercus michauxii 9.7 2.8 85 4 120 Betula nigra 9.8 4.9 215 4 121 Platanus occidentalis 9.6 7.2 510 4 122 Nyssa sylvatica 9.6 9.6 Dead 0 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 9 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 124 Quercus phellos 0.4 0.5 210 3 125 Platanus occidentalis 0.6 2.9 175 4 126 Platanus occidentalis 0.7 4.9 320 4 127 Quercus michauxii 0.8 7.3 250 4 12 Quercus michauxii 1.0 9.5 84 3 129 Betula nigra 5.6 9.3 410 4 130 Quercus phellos 5.5 7.3 190 4 131 Quercus michauxii 5.5 4.8 Dead 0 132 Betula nigra 5.3 2.7 105 4 133 Platanus occidentalis 5.3 0.4 323 4 134 Quercus michauxii 9.5 0.3 160 4 135 Quercus michauxii 9.6 2.9 200 4 136 Betula nigra 9.7 4.8 300 4 137 Quercus phellos 9.8 7.0 105 4 138 Nyssa sylvatica 9.9 9.4 Missing M Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 10 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 139 Betula nigra 0.2 0.8 150 4 140 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2.4 0.8 84 4 141 Betula nigra 4.9 0.5 385 4 142 Quercus michauxii 7.0 0.4 10 4 143 Platanus occidentalis 9.5 0.3 236 4 144 Betula nigra 9.9 4.4 210 4 145 Liriodendron tulipifera 7.3 4.8 48 3 146 Platanus occidentalis 5.2 4.9 184 4 147 Quercus phellos 3.0 5.1 258 4 148 Quercus phellos 0.6 5.3 64 4 149 Nyssa sylvatica 0.9 9.8 Missing M 150 Betula nigra 3.3 9.5 114 4 151 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 5.5 9.3 162 4 152 Platanus occidentalis 7.7 9.1 152 4 153 Quercus phellos 9.9 8.9 182 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 11 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 154 Betula nigra 0.8 0.4 520 4 155 Quercus michauxii 0.6 2.6 205 4 156 Quercus phellos 0.5 5.2 190 4 157 Platanus occidentalis 0.3 7.5 323 4 158 Quercus phellos 0.3 9.9 200 4 159 Nyssa sylvatica 5.1 9.5 65 3 160 Liriodendron tulipifera 5.2 7.3 Dead 0 161 Platanus occidentalis 5.3 5.2 202 4 163 Quercus michauxii 5.3 2.9 295 4 164 Platanus occidentalis 5.2 0.7 420 4 165 Quercus phellos 9.6 0.8 275 4 166 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 9.8 3.0 83 4 167 Betula nigra 9.8 5.4 295 4 168 Quercus michauxii 9.7 7.7 150 4 169 Platanus occidentalis 9.6 9.8 277 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 12 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 171 Betula nigra 0.3 0.8 380 4 172 Platanus occidentalis 2.8 0.8 410 4 173 Betula nigra 5.3 0.7 375 4 174 Platanus occidentalis 7.6 0.7 280 4 175 Quercus phellos 9.4 0.5 295 4 176 Platanus occidentalis 9.7 5.1 385 4 177 Betula nigra 7.3 5.1 330 4 178 Quercus michauxii 5.0 5.2 100 4 179 Platanus occidentalis 2.8 5.3 187 4 180 Quercus phellos 0.4 5.3 244 4 181 Platanus occidentalis 0.5 9.7 226 4 182 Betula nigra 2.8 9.7 385 4 183 Quercus michauxii 4.9 9.7 190 4 184 Platanus occidentalis 7.2 9.6 415 4 185 Quercus michauxii 9.5 9.5 92 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 13 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 186 Quercus phellos 0.2 0.6 210 4 187 Betula nigra 2.5 0.5 110 4 188 Betula nigra 5.0 0.3 300 4 189 Quercus michauxii 7.3 0.2 235 4 190 Platanus occidentalis 9.7 0.2 170 4 191 Platanus occidentalis 9.8 4.9 200 4 192 Betula nigra 7.4 5.1 480 4 193 Quercus michauxii 5.2 5.1 35 4 194 Quercus michauxii 3.0 5.0 220 4 195 Platanus occidentalis 0.8 4.9 285 4 196 Betula nigra 0.6 9.4 380 4 197 Quercus michauxii 3.0 9.3 215 4 198 Platanus occidentalis 5.0 9.3 173 4 199 Platanus occidentalis 7.2 9.2 360 4 200 Quercus michauxii 9.7 9.7 128 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 14 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 201 Quercus phellos 0.3 0.6 213 4 202 Platanus occidentalis 0.3 2.8 405 4 203 Liriodendron tulipifera 0.3 5.2 166 4 204 Betula nigra 0.4 7.5 420 4 205 Platanus occidentalis 0.3 9.7 570 4 206 Quercus phellos 4.8 9.6 395 4 207 Betula nigra 4.8 7.3 645 4 208 Quercus phellos 4.8 5.2 179 4 209 Quercus michauxii 4.8 3.0 100 4 210 Betula nigra 4.8 0.8 420 4 211 Platanus occidentalis 9.5 0.4 310 4 212 Quercus michauxii 9.5 2.5 235 4 213 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 9.4 4.88 60 4 214 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 9.4 7.2 92 4 215 Quercus phellos 9.4 9.9 176 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 15 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 216 Quercus michauxii 0.2 0.5 140 4 217 Platanus occidentalis 2.7 0.6 140 4 218 Quercus michauxii 5.2 0.6 112 4 219 Nyssa sylvatica 7.5 0.5 Dead 0 220 Betula nigra 9.7 0.5 295 4 221 Betula nigra 9.5 5.1 146 4 222 Liriodendron tulipifera 7.3 5.1 15 4 223 Quercus michauxii 5.0 5.1 60 4 224 Quercus michauxii 2.5 5.1 100 4 225 Platanus occidentalis 0.1 5.1 254 4 226 Quercus michauxii 0.1 9.6 66 4 227 Betula nigra 2.0 9.7 295 4 228 Quercus michauxii 4.7 9.8 52 4 229 Quercus phellos 7.0 9.7 215 4 230 Nyssa sylvatica 9.6 9.8 84 3 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 16 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 231 Quercus michauxii 0.3 0.9 220 4 232 Quercus phellos 2.8 0.8 302 4 233 Liriodendron tulipifera 5.2 0.7 180 4 234 Betula nigra 7.2 0.6 333 4 235 Platanus occidentalis 9.2 0.5 325 4 236 Betula nigra 9.3 5.1 520 4 237 Platanus occidentalis 7.2 5.2 433 4 238 Nyssa sylvatica 5.1 5.3 95 4 239 Quercus phellos 2.8 5.5 Dead 0 240 Platanus occidentalis 0.5 5.6 340 4 241 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0.4 9.9 215 4 242 Platanus occidentalis 2.9 9.8 575 4 243 Quercus michauxii 5.3 9.6 265 4 244 Betula nigra 7.3 9.5 400 4 245 Quercus phellos 9.4 9.4 289 4 Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 17 - Year 4 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) Vigor 246 Quercus phellos 0.5 0.8 135 4 247 Betula nigra 2.8 0.7 560 4 248 Platanus occidentalis 4.9 0.6 290 4 249 Quercus michauxii 7.5 0.5 215 4 250 Betula nigra 9.5 0.4 340 4 251 Quercus michauxii 9.6 4.8 310 4 252 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 7.6 4.9 105 4 253 Quercus michauxii 5.1 5.0 290 4 254 Betula nigra 2.9 5.1 600 4 255 Platanus occidentalis 0.5 5.1 350 4 256 Quercus phellos 0.7 9.8 295 4 257 Quercus phellos 3.1 9.7 127 4 258 Liriodendron tulipifera 5.2 9.6 Dead 0 260 Platanus occidentalis 7.8 9.5 295 4 261 Quercus phellos 9.9 9.7 144 4 APPENDIX E. Overview Photographs   Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel  Appendix E: Overview Photographs         Thoroughfare Swamp Mitigation Bank Parcel  Appendix E: Overview Photographs