HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3230608_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20230925 CES$ Civil — Geotechnical — Surveying October 22, 2021 Mr. Michael Martin Land Development Director Prespro Custom Homes 6220 Hudspeth Road Harrisburg, North Carolina 28075 Reference: Geotechnical Engineering Test Pit Evaluation Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development Granite Quarry, Rowan County, North Carolina CESI Project Number: 210583.000 Mr. Martin, Concord Engineering &Surveying, Inc. (CESI) has performed a geotechnical engineering test pit evaluation of the above referenced site in general accordance with your request. On August 30 and 31, 2021, our field engineer cleared to and observed 20 test pit excavations within the proposed development area. The test pits were performed to evaluate subsurface soil conditions to determine the presence of topsoil, suitable and unsuitable soils, shallow rock, and groundwater. EXPLORATION AND FINDINGS The proposed development area is identified as Rowan County Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 5667-07-79-4486, consisting of approximately 12.77 acres. The parcel is located on the south side of West Peeler Street in Granite Quarry, Rowan County, North Carolina. The parcel has no physical address. The confined development area is bound to the north by West Peeler Street, to the west by undeveloped woodland, to the south and east by residential developments and undeveloped land. Currently the parcel is partially undeveloped containing previously installed utilities such as storm and sanitary structures and partially graded roadway structures installed in previous grading and construction efforts. The procedures used by CESI for field sampling and testing are in general accordance with established geotechnical engineering practice. Twenty (20) test pits were excavated using a Sany SY215C tracked excavator owned and operated by SJ Flowe grading of Midland, NC at the locations shown on the enclosed "Test Pit Location Plan". 45 Spring Street, SW P.O. Box 268 Concord, N.C. 28026-0268 704-786-5404 www.cesicgs.com N.C. License Number C-0263 Soil strata in each test pit was observed, identified, and recorded by our field engineer. Presented in Table 1, below, is a summary of the test pit excavation findings. Table 1: Summary of Test Pit Data Topsoil, Leaf Litter and Previously Groundwater Test Pit Test Pit Organic Placed FILL Depth Depth of ELASTIC SILT Termination No. Debris Depth (Inches below (MH), or FAT CLAY (CH) Depth (Inches below (Inches below Existing Existing Ground (Inches below Existing Ground Surface) (Inches below existing Ground Ground Surface) Surface) Existing Ground Surface) Surface) TP-1 0 to 2 2 to 24 Not Encountered Slightly elastic/plastic clayey SILT Terminated at 170 24 and 128 TP-2 0 to 2 2 to 34 Not Encountered Moderately elastic SILT, nodules Terminated at 176 of FAT CLAY 34 and 176 TP-3 0 to 3 3 to 44 Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT 44 and 80, Terminated at 136 pocket FAT CLAY 44 and 68 Slightly elastic SILT, seams FAT TP-4 0 to 2 2 to 30 Not Encountered CLAY 30 and 96, moderately Terminated at 160 plastic CLAY 96 to 160 TP-5 0 to 3, small 3 to 120 Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT, nodules FAT Terminated at 170 pockets 90 to 120 CLAY 120 to 170 TP-6 0 to 2, small 2 to 106 Not Encountered Not Encountered Terminated at 170 pockets 46 to 106 TP-7 0 to 2 2 to 30 Not Encountered Slightly plastic/elastic clayey SILT Terminated at 176 30 to 46 and 116 to 176 Slightly elastic clayey SILT 40 to TP-8 0 to 2 2 to 40 Not Encountered 100, moderately plastic CLAY Terminated at 160 100 to 160 TP-9 0 to 1 1 to 14 Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT 85 to 170 Terminated at 170 TP-10 0 to 3 Not Encountered Not Encountered Not Encountered Terminated at 176 TP-11 0 to 1 Not Encountered Not Encountered Moderately elastic SILT 1 to 185 Terminated at 185 TP-12 0 to 2 Not Encountered Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT 2 to 200 Terminated at 200 TP-13 0 to 1 Not Encountered Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT 75 to 198 Terminated at 198 TP-14 0 to 1 Not Encountered Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT 1 to 182 Terminated at 182 TP-15 0 to 2 Not Encountered Not Encountered Slightly elastic SILT 2 to 24 Terminated at 170 TP-16 0 to 2 Not Encountered Not Encountered Not encountered Terminated at 158 TP-17 0 to 3 Not Encountered Not Encountered Not encountered Terminated at 178 TP-18 0 to 3,organic 3 to 37 Not Encountered Not encountered Terminated at 170 staining 3 to 37 TP-19 0 to 3 3 to 43 Not Encountered Large pocket FAT CLAY 56 to Terminated at 172 87, Slightly elastic SILT 87 to 172 TP-20 0 to 2, pockets 28 2 to 108 140 FAT CLAY 28 to 200, moderately Terminated at 200 to 108 plastic clayey SILT 150 to 200 Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 2 Test pit locations were created based on site features and preliminary development designs provided. Test pits were focused on proposed roadways and intersections, proposed development clusters, and proposed stormwater BMP structures. It was requested for the investigation area to be extended slightly beyond the anticipated development limits shown on the preliminary plans provided. A layer of organic debris, leaf litter and topsoil with roots, 1" to 3" in thickness, was present at each of the test pit locations. Beneath the surface organics and topsoil, we encountered previously placed FILL soils at twelve test pit locations, specifically test pit locations TP-1 through TP-9, TP-18, and TP-20 between 14" and 120" below existing ground surface (BGS). Texturally the previously placed FILL soils consisted of: • Clayey SILT (ML) with varying amount of fine to medium SAND (SM), • Fine sandy SILT (ML) with varying amounts of medium to coarse SAND (SM), • FAT CLAY (CH). Large amounts of buried FAT CLAY(CH)were encountered at test pit location TP-20 between 28" and 200" BGS. We anticipate these soils were placed here from previous grading operations. Small amounts of buried OLD TOPSOIL and organic debris was encountered mixed within the previously placed FILL soils at three test pit locations, specifically test pit locations TP-5 between 90" and 120" below existing ground surface (BGS), TP-18 between 3" and 37" BGS, and TP-20 between 28" to 108" BGS. Weathered in place, residual soils were encountered beneath the topsoil and previously placed FILL soils. Texturally the residual soils consist of: • Clayey SILT (ML) with varying amounts of fine to coarse SAND (SM), • SILT (ML) with varying amounts of fine to coarse SAND (SM), • Slight to moderately elastic SILT (ML) with varying amounts of fine to coarse SAND (SM), • Silty CLAY (CL) with varying amounts of fine to coarse SAND (SM), • Silty slightly to moderately silty CLAY (CL) with varying amounts of fine to medium SAND (SM), • Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM), • FAT CLAY (CH). Much of the residual soils we encountered had the consistency of slight to moderate plastic and or elastic soils. Although no ELASTIC SILT (MH) was encountered, the soils we encountered will exhibit similar characteristics. Large seams and pockets of FAT CLAY (CH) was encountered at three test pit locations, specifically TP-3 between 44" and 68" BGS, TP- 4 between 30" and 96", and TP-9 between 56" and 87" BGS. Smaller nodules of FAT CLAY (CH) were encountered within the soil matrix at two test pit locations, specifically test pit locations TP-2 between 34" and 176" BGS, and TP-20 between 150" and 200" BGS. Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 3 Slight to moderately plastic CLAY (CL) was encountered at four test pit locations, specifically TP-1, TP-4, TP-7, and TP-8, mixed within the soil matrix between 24" and 176" BGS. We anticipate the slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL) may be suitable for building pad, roadway, and structural FILL support pending an approved proofroll. Although not a true plastic material, the characteristics of this soil type will make it extremely moisture sensitive and prone to expansion and shrinkage when exposed to water and dried, respectively. Because of this, these soils should be protected when rainfall is expected. These areas should be thoroughly evaluated during and after grading operations to ensure stability of the soils. We anticipate the slightly to moderately elastic SILT (ML) soils can be thoroughly mixed with other suitable on-site or imported soils and used as satisfactory fill material, as long as it can remain stable under proofroll and compaction efforts. WEATHERED ROCK and HEAVILY WEATHERED ROCK was encountered in the form of seams and pockets at ten test pit locations, specifically TP-1, TP-3, TP-4, TP-7, TP-8, TP-9, TP-15, TP-16, TP-17, and TP-18. Texturally, the WEATHERED ROCK consisted of SILT (ML), silty fine to coarse SAND (SM), and fine to coarse sandy SILT (ML). NRCS has listed the site as having the following primary soils series: Enon fine sandy loam (EnB), Vance sandy loam (VaB), and Sedgefield fine sandy loam (SeB). Based on NRCS published documents, each of these soil series are known to contain FAT CLAY(CH)between 10"and 27", 10"to 38", and 8"to 40" below existing grade, respectively. None of the soil series are known to contain ELASTIC SILT (MH). FAT CLAY (CH) was directly encountered six of the test pit locations. Slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL)was encountered at four of the test pit locations. Although it is not a true plastic clay, it will have similar characteristics of FAT CLAY (CH) and should not be used for direct structural support. ELASTIC SILT (MH)was not directly encountered at any of the test pits, however slightly to moderately elastic was encountered at 15 of the test pit locations. Please note we anticipate the presence of FAT CLAY (CH) and slight to moderate elastic SILT (ML) soils at other unexplored areas of the site. FAT CLAY (CH) and slight to moderate elastic SILT (ML) have high shrink swell potential and is unsuitable for direct footing, slab and pavement support. Groundwater: Groundwater was observed at one of the test pits, specifically TP-20 at 140" BGS. Groundwater was observed seeping in on all sides after termination of the test pit. Rock: Track hoe refusal was not encountered at any of the test pit locations. HEAVILY WEATHERED ROCK fragments were encountered at 15 test pit locations. Texturally the HEAVILY WEATHERED ROCK consisted of silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) and SILT (ML) with varying amounts of fine to medium SAND (SM). We do not anticipate issues due to the presence of rock during grading and construction operations. Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 4 RECOMMENDATIONS Before grading all conflicting utilities removed, protected or properly abandoned. Water wells, if encountered, should be properly abandoned by a certified well driller licensed in the state of North Carolina. It was noted that there are previously installed storm and sanitary structures installed on the site from previous construction operations. Many of these structures appeared to be filled with soil and debris washed in from being left open and unprotected. Based on these observations, we do not anticipate the structures will be suitable for use and should be removed or replaced. Topsoil, root zones, stumps, organics, and any other unsuitable materials should be stripped beyond the proposed structural and pavement envelopes. In fill sections, the area should be stripped an additional width to accommodate a minimum 1:1 structural fill slope plus 5 feet. Because of the variety of the soils encountered during our test pit investigation, recommendations for individual areas may differ depending on conditions encountered during grading operations. Regardless, below are our general recommendations for the fill and cut areas on the site: Fill Areas — After stripping, areas receiving fill soils to provide support should be carefully evaluated for the presence of soft surficial soils by proofrolling with a 25-ton, four-wheeled, rubber-tired roller, a loaded dump truck, or similar approved equipment. The proofroll operation should be carefully monitored by our Engineer. Areas that wave, rut, or deflect excessively and continue to do so after several passes of the proofroller may need to be undercut to stiffer soils. The undercut areas should be backfilled in thin lifts with approved, compacted fill materials, preferably granular soils or aggregate base course stone. Areas containing slightly to moderately elastic SILT (ML), and slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL) should be thoroughly evaluated prior to additional fill placement. If undercutting and replacing with satisfactory fill soils is not feasible, chemical or mechanical stabilization methods may be implemented under direction of our Engineer. Recommendations for mechanical or chemical soil stabilization can be provided by CESI if required during grading operations. Fill placement should be carefully monitored by our engineer to evaluate compaction and stability of the placed soil. If on-site soils are to be used in the fill areas, representative borrow samples should be taken from borrow/cut areas to evaluate the presence of FAT CLAY (CH), slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL), or slight to moderate elastic SILT (ML). Cut Areas — Soils determined to be unsuitable at the time of mass grading operations should be removed and placed in non-structural areas of the site. Once the surface soils are removed, we anticipate some amount of slightly to moderately elastic SILT(ML), slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL), and/or FAT CLAY (CH) soils within the excavated material. If encountered, the excavated soil should be evaluated for suitability prior to use as structural fill. If slightly to moderately elastic SILT (ML) or slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL) is encountered in the cut areas, we anticipate it could be mixed with suitable on-site or imported granular material and used as structural fill. After reaching final grade elevation the finished surface should be evaluated by proofrolling to identify areas of instability. Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 5 Due to the presence of fine-grained soils including slightly to moderately elastic SILT (ML) and slightly to moderately plastic CLAY (CL) soils on the site, it is imperative that positive surface drainage be maintained during grading operations to prevent water from ponding on the surface. The surface should be rolled smooth and sloped away from structural areas to enhance drainage if precipitation is expected. Subgrades damaged by construction equipment should be immediately repaired to avoid further degradation in adjacent areas and to help prevent water ponding. Fill Material and Placement Recommended criteria for soil fill characteristics and compaction procedures are listed below. The project design documents should include the following recommendations to address proper placement and compaction of project fill materials. We do not recommend the use of soils of high plasticity, with a PI greater than 25 as structural fill. Earthwork operations should not begin until representative borrow soil samples are collected and tested (allow 3 to 4 days for sampling and testing). Earth Fill Materials ❑ General guidelines for project fill should control properties such as Plasticity Index (PI), gradation, and organic content. The use of the following USCS soil types, as defined by ASTM D 2487, should be satisfactory for use as project fill: GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, SC, ML, MH (provided the PI is 25 percent or less for MH soils), or combinations thereof. ❑ Organic content should be no greater than 5 percent by weight, and no large roots should be allowed. Additionally, maximum particle sizes should be limited to 4 inches or less. Compaction Recommendations ❑ One standard Proctor compaction test and one Atterberg limits test for each soil type used as project fill. Gradation tests may be necessary and should be performed at the Project Geotechnical Engineer's discretion. ❑ Maximum loose lift thickness — 8 inches. ❑ Compaction requirements — 95 percent of the maximum dry density to a depth of 1 foot below subgrade, and 100 percent within the upper 1 foot as determined by the standard Proctor compaction test. ❑ Soil moisture content at time of compaction — within plus 3 percent to minus 3 percent of the optimum moisture content. ❑ One density test every 2,500 square feet for each lift or two tests per lift, whichever is greater (for preliminary planning only; the test frequency should be determined by our geotechnical engineering staff). ❑ Trench fill areas— one density test every 75 linear feet at vertical intervals of 2 feet or less. Sitework construction should be monitored by our Construction Materials Testing Engineer. Our Construction Materials Testing Engineer's (or technician) duties should include observation of proofrolling activities, density testing of the soil backfill and density testing of Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 6 the aggregate base course stone. Field observations, monitoring, and quality assurance testing during earthwork and pavement construction are an extension of this analysis. Shallow Foundation Construction During our investigation, no Standard Penetration Resistance testing (SPT)was performed, however residential building foundations should be sized for a maximum net allowable bearing pressure not to exceed 2,500 pounds per square foot. The exploration findings indicate the structures may be supported by shallow spread footings bearing on approved stiff residual soil, or newly placed structural FILL. All footings should bear at a minimum depth of 12 inches below exterior grades for frost protection. Excavated foundations failing to meet bearing requirements can be undercut and replaced with compacted aggregate base course stone or additional concrete — CESI should make recommendations for remediation and will vary based on site conditions and weather conditions at the time. CESI recommends a thorough foundation bearing surface evaluation be performed and the footing approved prior to concrete placement. Foundation bearing surfaces should be inspected by our Engineering Technician under our Engineer's review prior to concrete placement to confirm that suitable soils are present at the bearing elevation. We recommend that bearing surfaces be evaluated by hand auger borings with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing equipment prior to concrete placement to determine whether the foundation bearing soils encountered during construction are similar to those found during our geotechnical exploration. DCP testing is a verification tool to be used for an economical bearing grade evaluation during construction. It will help detect isolated areas of soft residual soils or loosely compacted soils. Unsuitable soil detected during this evaluation should be repaired as directed by the geotechnical engineer. Footing bearing grades identified as having soft soils should be undercut and replaced with properly compacted structural fill soils or crushed aggregate. The depth and width of undercutting should be recommended by our Engineer. Bearing surfaces for shallow spread foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather. Saturation of the on-site soils will cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. Excavations for footings in stiff residual soils or newly placed structural fill should be completed with a toothed bucket backhoe following excavation to reduce disturbance of the subgrade soils. Confined excavations should conform to applicable OSHA regulations and North Carolina State Building Codes. Upon their exposure, bearing grades should have excess and loosened material removed. The final grades should be firm and stable, and free of loose soil, rock, mud, water, or frost. If construction occurs during inclement weather and concreting of the foundation is not possible at the time it is excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on the over excavated bearing surface subsequent to testing for protection. Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrades. Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 7 General Mass Rock Excavation: Track hoe refusal rock was not encountered in any of the test pits. We do not anticipate complications due to track hoe refusal rock on the site. For contractual purposes, CESI recommends that Rock be defined as the following: Any material which cannot be excavated with a single-tooth ripper drawn by a crawler tractor having a draw bar pull rated at not less than 56,000 pounds (Caterpillar D8K or equivalent) or excavated by a trackhoe having a bucket curling force rated at not less than 33,000 pounds (Caterpillar 315C or equivalent). Trench Rock Excavation: Any material which cannot be excavated with a backhoe having a bucket curling force rated at not less than 33,000 pounds (Caterpillar 315C or equivalent). If these rock excavation conditions are encountered, CESI should be notified for verification and quantification. Excavation of trench rock will then require fracturing using jack hammering or blasting. FOLLOW-UP SERVICES Field observations, monitoring, and quality assurance testing during earthwork, foundation installation and building construction are an extension of the geotechnical design. As a result, we recommend the following: • Verification of removal of topsoil, root zones, stumps, organics, FAT CLAY (CH), and inert debris; • Proofroll observations of areas to receive fill soils; • Density testing during fill soil placement within residential pad areas and streets; • Utility trench backfill (storm, sanitary, and water placed within structural areas); • Foundation bearing evaluation within excavated footings; • Proofroll observations within the pavement areas prior to concrete curb, aggregate base course stone and asphalt placement. Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 8 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Prespro and we look forward to helping you through project completion. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Respectfully submitted, CESI �.\\\\ CA RO di, 1 1 :: 041 If 2 837 to _ 4M'AlkV 1 ( ' „1,..--3 II %/IICINEC-9' Thomas Gray James G. (Jay) Eaves III, PE Project Engineer Division Manager ATTACHED: TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN(with conceptual overlay) TEST PIT TERMINATION DEPTH PLAN TEST PIT TERMINATION DEPTH PLAN(with conceptual overlay) PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL DEPTH PLAN PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL DEPTH PLAN(with conceptual overlay) RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION Proposed Stoneglen Subdivision Development-Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation October 22,2021 CESI Project Number 210583.000 Page 9 7i;'4,0 TP-10 y, TP-9 A . i_ • '� �- TP-1 TP-8 TP-11 TP-7 TP-2 TP-15 TP-14 • TP-3 TP-4 TP-13 TP-16 TP-17 TP-12 TP-19 TP-5 TP-18 TP-6 TP-20 TP-1 Q Test Pit Location DATE: 9-2-2021 CEST TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN DRAWN BY: TKG STONEGLEN SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT#:210583.000 455PBStreet SW PO Box 268 Granite Quarry, North Carolina NTS Concortl,North Carolina,28026-0268 SCALE: Phone:(704)786-5404 Fax:(704)786-7454 DRAWING NO.: 1 www.cesicgs.com License C-0263 • TP-10 -�-ti6.�...1. .1.Ilk I 0115\ .1,a.......1.......I•WNW.OM"•MO b , ..." :: ."'� ~VMS....•• - lilk, \ \ ,. 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TP-1 v 11 1. 0 Test Pit Location TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN DATE: 9-2-2021 CESW (with Conceptual Overlay) DRAWN BY: TKG PROJECT#:210583.000 45 Spring Street SW STONEGLEN SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PO Box 268 NTS Concord,North Carolina,28026-0268 SCALE: Phone: 704)04)786-74544 Granite Quarry, North Carolina DRAWING NO.: 2 Fax:.corn]Licens4 www.cesicgs.com License C-0263 --k!'4,0 176" A4` 170" 160" 170" -‘ 1_ 185" 176" 17 170" 182" _7 136" 160" 198" 158" 178" 200" 172" 170" 170" 170" 200" 200" Termination Depth r+ �+ ►- DATE: 9-2-2021 CEST TEST PIT TERMINATION DEPTH PLAN DRAWN BY: TKG STONEGLEN SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT#:210583.000 455PBStreet SW PO Box 268 Granite Quarry, North Carolina NTS Concortl,North Carolina,28026-0268 SCALE: Phone:(704)786-5404 Fax:(704)786-7454 DRAWING NO.: 3 www.cesicgs.com License C-0263 \\•. 176" '•=...• P..=.-•••.C.•.1i =- � .OI .:.. R; 1 1 I - - - - - - - - I M w r..a.. .w.1r..r0•• w. I.. . . % -,.. 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NE 1 NE NE 43" 36" 37„ 106" 108" 108" Previously Placed FILL Depth O Note: NE Indicates No Previously Placed Fill Encountered DATE: 9-2-2021 CESt DRAWN BY: TKG PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL DEPTH PLAN STONEGLEN SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT#:210583.000 45 Spring Street SW PO Box 268 Granite Quarry, North Carolina Concortl,North Carolina,28026-0268 SCALE: NTS Phone:(704)786-5404 Fax:(704)786.7454 DRAWING NO.: 5 www.cesicgs.com License C-026] yw w w . F ice.■• 4 w .wr 0.Iw1[V M.M/.M.7 h. A I � 0 w.e • �� ~ �• \ 4.�rs•17.41) �• \ \ • • • 1 -JJ7f is , t� ...ors.: iTi::::)12:: 17\l-v. �;:. ' ;77 ti,tio:r.—j, '1-- .—'7,—:,:_ lir I ram. I \1e. ••1414111E- FTON.:::I.EN DR1V F: �, "4+r 7.,:c., • „.. . --J 40 : \-- -1r• Ivr � v.�. I IGf - • / .M ij " v f�J e +43 �.L.A •1 .t i , '�Jr IL _,_ __ ....._, _ ...... or• .. ,_ 0 SIB. - '' I • t 12" 108` ,� � — Previously Placed FILL Depth tl' O • Note: NE Indicates No Previously Placed Fill Encountered PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL DEPTH PLAN DATE: 9-2-2021 CEST (with Conceptual Overlay) DRAWN BY: TKG PROJECT#:210583.000 45 Spring Street SW STONEGLEN SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PO Box 268 NTS Concord,North Carolina,28026-0268 SCALE: Phone:(704)786-5404 Granite Quarry, North Carolina DRAWING NO.: 5 Fax:(704)786-7454 www.cesicgs.com License C-0263 CEST RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-1 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, rootlets, small tree roots until 18" 2 24 FILL: Reddish-brown slightly clayey SILT (ML) with little fine SAND (SM) 24 64 RESIDUUM: Light brown and black slightly plastic and elastic clayey SILT (ML) 64 128 Moist mottled light gray, brown, and white slightly plastic and elastic clayey SILT (ML) 128 170 Gray, light brown, black, and brown SILT (ML) with little fine to coarse SAND (SM) with seams of WEATHERED ROCK sampled as the same Terminated at 170" TP-2 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 2 34 FILL: Red to reddish-brown slightly clayey SILT (ML) with little fine SAND (SM) 34 88 RESUDUUM: Moist light brown and light gray moderately elastic clayey SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM), fine gravel, and small nodules of gray FAT CLAY (CH) 88 176 Slightly moist to moist gray, white, and light brown moderately elastic clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) with small pockets of light brown FAT CLAY (CH) Terminated at 176" Encountered buried sanitary lateral at 30", full of water C ES I RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-3 0 3 Leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 3 23 FILL: Light brown slightly clayey SILT (ML) 23 44 FILL: Red to reddi4-brown slightly clayey SILT (ML) with little fine SAND (SM) 44 80 RESIDUUM: Moist li ht brown, gray, and white slightly elastic clayey SILT (ML)with large pocket of brown and gra Y (CH) between 44" and 68" 80 110 Slightly moist pale light brown, gray, brown, and black SILT (ML) with pockets of sampled as the same with little fine SAND (SM) 110 136 Brown, ra , and black silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with fine gravel with large pockets of sampled as the same Terminated at 136" TP-4 0 2 Leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets, small tree roots until 18" 2 30 FILL: Reddish-brown and light brown slightly clayey SILT (ML)with little fine to medium SAND (SM) RESIDUUM: Sli htl moist li ht brown and gray slightly clayey slightly elastic fine sandy SILT (ML)with 30 96 seams of sampled as light brown fine to medium sandy SILT (ML) and small seams of light brown and gray fine sand silt FAT CLAY CH 96 160 Pale light brown, gray, and white fine ) with little fine gravel with ockets of dark ra silt Terminated at 160", performed adjacent to drainage feature Small mounds of previously stockpiled soils adjacent to test pit location consisted of reddish-brown and light brown slightly clayey SILT (ML)with little fine to coarse SAND (SM) C ES I RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-5 0 3 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 3 36 FILL: Light brown, white, and yellowish-brown fine sandy SILT (ML)with small nodules of same color clayey SILT (ML) 36 90 FILL: Reddish-brown to red clayey SILT (ML) 90 120 FILL: Moist brown, gray, and black organic stained slightly clayey SILT (ML) with small pockets of OLD TOPSOIL and organic fragments 120 170 RESIDUUM: Moist light brown and gra sli htl elastic clayey SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM) and small nodules of gray Terminated at 170" TP-6 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 2 46 FILL: Light brown and white slightly clayey SILT (ML)with little fine SAND (SM) 46 106 FILL: Brown slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML)with small pockets of OLD TOPSOIL and few small boulders up to 24" 106 156 RESIDUUM: Mottled red, reddish-brown, black, and light brown silty CLAY (CL) 156 170 Slightly moist light brown, reddish-brown, yellowish-brown, and black silty CLAY (CL) with few small boulders up to 18" Terminated at 170" C ES I RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-7 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 2 30 FILL: Light brown and red slightly clayey SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM) 30 46 RESIDUUM: Light brown, white, and gray slightly plastic and elastic clayey SILT (ML) 46 116 Sli htl moist li ht brown and brownish-yellow slightly clayey SILT (ML) with pockets of sampled as light brown, gray, and black fine sandy SILT (ML) 116 176 Moist mottled light brown, white, and gray slightly plastic and elastic clayey SILT (ML) Terminated at 176" TP-8 0 2 Leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets, small tree roots until 10" 2 40 FILL: Brownish-yellow slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) 40 100 RESIDUUM: Moist light brown, white, and light gray slightly clayey slightly elastic SILT (ML) 100 160 sampled as light brown, white, and ellowish-brown fine to medium sandy SILT (ML) with small seams of light gray Terminated at 160" C ES I RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-9 0 1 No topsoil, little leaf litter and organic debris 1 14 FILL: Reddish-brown, light brown, and black clayey SILT (ML) 14 36 RESIDUUM: Slightly moist light brown, white, and black slightly clayey SILT (ML) with little fine gravel 36 85 Sli htl moist to moist light brown, brown, and black SILT (ML) with small pockets sampled as brown and black fine sandy SILT (ML) 85 170 Moist light brown, white, reddish-brown, and black slightly elastic SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM) Terminated at 170" Stockpile of 8" DIP and PVC pipes adjacent to test pit location TP-10 0 3 Leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 3 44 RESIDUUM: Mottled red, reddish-brown, and light brown slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) 44 80 Yellow, light brown, and red slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) 80 112 Slightly moist to moist yellowish-brown, light brown, white, and red clayey SILT (ML) with little fine SAND (SM) and small pockets of white and light gray silty CLAY (CL) 112 176 Moist red, yellowish-brown, and light brown clayey SILT (ML) Terminated at 176" CEST RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-11 0 1 No topsoil, little leaf litter and organic debris 1 72 RESIDUUM: Moist red, yellow, and black slightly elastic clayey SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM) 72 185 Moist mottled red, weak red, yellow, black, and white slight to moderately elastic SILT (ML) Terminated at 185" Mounds of previously stockpiled soils adjacent to test pit location contain red to reddish-brown clayey SILT (ML) with little fine SAND (SM) and fine gravel TP-12 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, topsoil, rootlets 2 90 RESIDUUM: Moist red and yellow slightly clayey slightly elastic SILT (ML) 90 200 Moist to damp mottled red, yellow, light brown, weak red, black, and white slightly elastic SILT (ML) Terminated at 200" TP-13 0 1 Little grass, little topsoil, and organic debris 1 26 RESIDUUM: Brownish-yellow and red slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) 26 75 Red, light brown, yellowish-brown slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) 75 198 Moist to damp red, yellowish-brown, black, and white slightly elastic SILT (ML) Terminated at 198" CEST RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/30/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-14 0 1 Little grass, topsoil, and organic debris 1 96 REDIUUM: Slightly moist light brown, yellowish-brown, and black slightly elastic SILT (ML) with little fine SAND (SM) 96 182 Slightly moist reddish-brown, black, and light brown slightly elastic SILT (ML) Terminated at 182" Performed near stockpile of 30" concrete storm pipes TP-15 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil 2 24 RESIDUUM: Slightly moist reddish-brown, light brown, and yellowish-red slightly elastic SILT (ML) 24 170 Olive-gray, light brown, black, and brown SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM) and pockets of HEAVILY WEATHERED ROCK sampled as the same Terminated at 170" TP-16 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 2 50 RESIDUUM: Light brown and white SILT (ML) with little fine to coarse SAND (SM) and pockets of LLEAVILY WEATHERED ROCK sampled as light brown and black SILT (ML) 50 158 WAVILY WEATHERED ROCKKsampled as light brown, gray, black, and brown fine sandy SILT (ML) Terminated at 158" CEST RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/31/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-17 0 3 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 3 80 RESIDUUM: Li ht brown and white fine to coarse sandy SILT (ML)with pockets of AVIL? sampled as the same 80 178 Light brown, yellowish-brown, and white SILT (ML) with little fine to medium SAND (SM) and fine gravel Terminated at 178" TP-18 0 3 Leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 3 37 FILL: Light brown, grayish-brown, and gray fine sandy SILT (ML) with small seams of organic staining and organ ci sme I 37 86 RESIDUUM: Light brown, yellowish-brown, and gray slightly clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) 86 170 Light brown, brown, and black fine to coarse sandy SILT (ML), transitioning to hEAVILY W .CK around 100" sampled as the same Terminated at 170" CEST RECORD OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION PROJECT: Stoneglen Subdivision EXCAVATOR: Sany SY215C CLIENT: Prespro DATE: 8/31/21 CESI REPRESENTATIVE: T Gray CESI JOB NO: 210583.000 TEST PIT DEPTH (in.) DESCRIPTION NO. From To TP-19 0 3 Leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 3 43 FILL: Red, light brown, and yellowish-brown clayey SILT (ML)with little fine SAND (SM) 43 87 RESIDUUM: Pale brown, gray, and black fine sandy SILT (ML with little medium to coarse SAND (SM), large pocket of pale brown and gray silty ET elli 87 172 Slightly moist pale brown, gray, and black fine to medium sandy slightly elastic SILT (ML) Terminated at 172" TP-20 0 2 Grass, leaf litter, organic debris, topsoil, rootlets 2 28 FILL: yellowish-red, light brown, and red clayey SILT (ML) 28 108 FILL: Moist brown, gray, and light brown billy FAT CLIMMwith pockets of OLD TOPSOIL with organic smell and organic fragments 108 150 RESIDUUM: Light brown, bluish-gray, and yellowish-brown silty 150 200 Damp to moist red, light brown, and yellow moderately plastic clayey SILT (ML) with pockets of wet gray IAT CLAY (CH) Terminated at 200", water seeping in on all sides 140" and below