HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0044545_Staff Report_20230809 DocuSign Envelope ID:A86DDF92-522C-438F-ABD2-A2OF9518FOBO State of North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section Environmental Staff Report Quality To: ❑NPDES Unit®Non-Discharge Unit Application No.: NC/WQ0044545 Attn: Cord Anthony Facility Name: 8901 Morning Song Court SFR- Princess Holdings LLC County: Wake From: Dorothy M Robson Raleigh Regional Office I. GENERAL AND SITE VISIT INFORMATION 1. Was a site visit conducted? ❑ Yes or®No a. Date of site visit: TBD b. Site visit conducted by: c. Inspection report attached? ❑Yes or❑No d. Person contacted: and their contact information: xxx ext. e. Driving directions: N/A 2. Discharge Point(s): N/A Latitude: Longitude: Latitude: Longitude: 3. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: N/A Classification: River Basin and Sub-basin No. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: II. PROPOSED FACILITIES: NEW APPLICATIONS 1. Facility Classification: SFR Description: Surface dispersal by means of drip irrigation system is limited to 600 gallons per day. The system shall consist of. a 1, 500 gallon baffled septic tank with an effluent filter, a 2,500 gallon(two compartment)Recirculation/Storage Pump Tank, a Model 600(600 GPD)EZ Treat Polystyrene Recirculating Media Filter, dosed by a 20 gallon per minute(GPM)recirculation pump, a flow splitting device, a io GPM UV disinfection unit, a 3,500 gallon Field Dose Tank, a 0. 42 acre drip irrigation area with a minimum of 5,400 linear feet(LF)of drip line,2,700 emitters, a rainfall sensor to prevent irrigation during inclement weather, and all associated piping valves, controls, and appurtenances Proposed flow: 600 gpd Current permitted flow:NA 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes or❑No If no, explain: 3. Are site conditions(soils, depth to water table, etc.)consistent with the submitted reports? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑N/A If no,please explain: Still needs to be assessed. FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 1 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:A86DDF92-522C-438F-ABD2-A2OF9518FOBO 4. Do the plans and site map represent the actual site(property lines,wells, etc.)? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑N/A If no,please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate? ® Yes ❑No ❑N/A If no,please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates (e.g.,hydraulic,nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ N/A If no,please explain: 7. Are there any setback conflicts for proposed treatment, storage and disposal sites? ® Yes or❑ No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 8. Is the proposed or existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑No ®N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 9. For residuals,will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ®No ❑N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions(Certification B) Describe the residuals handling and utilization scheme: 10. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: NA 11. Pretreatment Program(POTWs only): NA III.EXISTING FACILITIES: MODIFICATION AND RENEWAL APPLICATIONS ORC, cat C-ate ceftiriC-ate r: 2. Are the design,maintenanee and operation of the tfeatment faeilities adequate for-the type of waste and disposal system? n Yes or- if He please o ,.1,,;fi. Dese iptior of existing fae lifies: Proposed flow: Explain affything obsetwed dur-ing the site visit that needs to be addressed by the pei:mit, E)r-that may be impeft—ant , , e" NI- if no,please 3. Are the site eenditions (e.g., sails,tepegr-aphy, depth to watef table, ete.) maintained appfopfia4ely afid adeEtuatel� 4. Has the site ehanged in any way that may affeet the peftnit(e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance >,",,, d .,deve ors et )? n Yes "r n 1,T" if yes,please e"Iaia.: 5. is the r-esidualsmanagement if no,please explain: ., hydfaulie, nutfient) still aeeeptable? El Yes Of El No if no,please explaiw 7. is the existing groundwater-, ,ninon ade ,ate? n Yes El NE)if no, e"lain and r-eeetmnefid any ehanges to the gr-euadw4er-monitoring • areas.8. Are there a*y sethaek eenfliets for-existing tfeatment, storage a-ad disposal sites? D Yes or-EIN-0 if yes, attaeh a map showing eenfliet 9. is the desef4ption of the f4eilities as"#ea in the existing peffRit e0ffeet? El Yes or- if He,please explain: FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 2 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:A86DDF92-522C-438F-ABD2-A2OF9518FOBO 10. Were ri r;tefi ,ells r o.l . nst ,..,, te and 1,,e T.ted? n Yes n NO n /� T 11. A fe the n;tefin well , ,,,-din.tes , n eet;n BIMS? n Yes No n T. if ne,please eemplete the following(ex-pand table if neeessafy): MonitoFing Latitude "H9 e Pr-&vide input to help the pefmit wr-itef evaltt4e any r-e"ests for-r-edueed monitoring, if 12. Has a review of all self monitoring data been condueted(e.g.,DN4R,NDN4R,NDAR, GW)? [] Yes or No 13. Are there any pefmit ehanges needed in order-to addfess ongoing BIMS violations? D Yes OF D No if yes,please explain.: 14. Cheek all tha4 apply.: Please e"lain and a4aeh a"doettments that fna-y help elafify answer-,leon*nents (i.e.,NON',NOD, ete.) if the f4eility has had eemplianee problems "r-ing the pefmit eyele,please explain the st4us. Has the RO been Lease explain.: — 15. Are ther-p.g 'lated to eamplianee/enfer-eement that should be r-esolved before issuing this peffnit? n Yes n ,, n,.T A if yes,please • 16. Possible texie impaets t s„-face w tors• IV. REGIONAL OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ® Yes or❑No If yes,please explain: See next comment 2. List any items that you would like the Non-Discharge Unit Central Office to obtain through an additional information request: Item Reason Form SFRWWIS 06- Please answer question 4 and 18 16.Sec.V. Drainage Coefficient A drainage coefficient of 7.2%is proposed. Please explain how you arrived at this number. In the soil report,page 2, The last sentence indicates the Geomean Ksat was Geometric Mean 0.72 in/hr and the Geomean Ksat page in the attachment indicates 0.061 in/hr. Please assess and report the same geomean on documents. Summary of System Page 1 of Engineering Calculations Summary page. Please explain the Description following comment: "For the construction and operation of a wastewater collection and treatment for 720 gallons per day(GPD) from a compound of FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 3 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:A86DDF92-522C-438F-ABD2-A2OF9518FOBO two single family residences."This statement does not match anything in the report. Map 3 of&,Enlarged Field Plan Map indicates the instantaneous rate of 0.14 Correct Instantaneous Rate in/hr. This number does not match with previous rates indicated in the report. Please correct in report or on the map. 3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued: Condition Reason 4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued: Condition Reason 5. Recommendation: ® Hold,pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ❑ Hold,pending review of draft permit by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ❑ Issue ❑ Deny(Please state reasons: ) 6. Signature of report preparer: DocuSigned by: Signature of regional supervisor: UA .t,SSA, -E. k Aan� B2916E6AB32144F... Date: 8/9/2023 V. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: WQROSSR 04-14 Page 4 of 4