HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05972_Well Construction - GW1_20230912 1 • s WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far[eternal tlseONLY: This font:can be trscd.for single or multiple wells. (_�� ---- 1,Well.Cuntrattor Information: t A:SVATPRZONES Stefan Smith most Trt , DESCRIPTION - Wcll Coi*radot Name ft. ft. I 3576-A ft. ft. ! i NC Well CamtactorCcrtifiW(ion Nturirct `',15:;ODTER CASING(fuiquidltt ca4ed nellsIOR LiNER:tit'an il?eablcl'. - FRO\i TO DIAMETRR THICKNESS MATERiAL • SAEDACCO t4 fL in Canryruty Nam. :;t64NNER CASING ORTIMING:(geatIerinat elos J4loiip n'' - FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.WelR•Coostr i ction Permit#: R. It.• i 'in: Lainft ap iiratde will pc-twit:1(La.(smut.State,lrariarrrr,fr eeper stt7,) ; . 3;Well Ilse(checicrsefl use): • -17:SCREEN • 'Water Supply Well: FROM TO. DIAMETER ' st.trrstrx. Tatcros1S 1 mai-m m, . . • El Agricultural CDMtuiicipaliPub!c It, ft, ire. IDGeethemtat(IieatingiCooliog Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) fi. ft;. t}� ' , Olndustriatt•Conmtercial DRcs.[dential Writer Supply'(shared) tl0 GROUT , • -= �..' .. .- _.. ERO51 7O.• MATERiAL i EMPLACEn:NTMETIIOO&Alinami T Dlrripntion . n•. ft,- Non-tYater Supply Welt: .. . .. I:M nitoring lJR ec cry , D. ft . - . Injection Well; ft. R. ClRgnifcrRcchargc - • itOiout dw terRentediaU en �1.9 SAND n:RAVEL1ACKnr:ritiiin btel ' -- :-- _ _ _ _ --__ "-FROM TO MAIM/MI. -EMPLACEMENT NIL-THOR' DAgittfCr:SIOrago and fRCco ety PSalinity Barrier' R. ft. is• •, El Aquifer Test l7SIortnwatcr Drainago . . • -It.. (t. • ❑Eylerintcutal Teehnoto ' IlSrtbsicicmcc.Conlml . 4n:DRILLIrGLOG7attieti adMitattal'divots'itiiecc"ssarsl' • - OGeorltenrutl(ClosetlGuup) OTracer FROM' 1U DESCRIPTION(calor.hYMucn.miahliekhlx. n 1k%dr.1 . DGeotllewtaf(IieatingiCooline Return) D011ter(eNplaiu under Pl'21 Retuatks) ft, . ft, ft. l 4.DatieWei(s).Conlpleted: 8/9/23_ Well.IDWIP-1 - IP-13 • _ _ _ _ 1- .1 • Sa,Well Lucatinu: .it i� .- tt. `" L.t' NCDOT Parcel 90 _ .rt. tt, S E P 1 2 2023 Faciliiy,'Oii'nerNmae • . . Facility ll)k(tEapplicable) • ' R.__ ft: 4509 US-311, .Sophia; NC, 27350 ft,, ft. DV L,',1:r Jin Plty%idalAddress_CRY-'and Zip 1t RE11rARt:S- - . • Randolph ' . Temporary DPT injection points - • Coauty Parcel I&ntiflealIou No:(PiN) .514. .ttftudc,ind l.wigitmliio in dcgl'ceslminutcs/sceonds nr decimal degas es: 2g:emit' ea*wa: ' quell field,one!loam I''•Sartieieid) I i �1. IS' F� 4 9/1/2023 Signal-..ofCe.QcdWellCon-trailer Date • 6.I8(all)lira'1\'@IR(s): LIPeridanettt Or $I lettlpOrirt} (fir signing this_Aida,2 here!}rerlifv'Aaaf the well(!way(t, rej c<rrs fired hr;nicraitlrnir with 15.4 NC.IC 02C,01Av or 154 NCAC 02C.0200 Weil Cnrrsrrn•Nwr Sraar1ards and trtar ci 7.Is this:a repair to an a istiag well f]Yes, or KNo 'roj,_rpf:Ws ircord bas been provided ro Mai'sill mr,icr. If thts:&a rerpalr.fir1 as krrondt teacolumkt?oni htjrrnurrlon artsd r:ti on'the mauve of the rervairmrdar 021 rernarksscrliam orwt dm back of this form. '23:Site diagram or additional well details: • • You may use the,back of this page'to.provide additional well site details,or Well S.Number of Wells constructed: 13 . . cots/auction details. You May also attach additional parses if necessary.. . • For multiple i*c'rhvr tn-ano-nerrer supply rertds ONLY with the.sinagcons(rnctlw e,you curt 1 =Nu ttw form. SUBMITTAL INSTETCTIONS 1 9.Total*volt depth beton-land stiff:ci:. 30 (ft,) .21a, For All Wells: Subunit this fonn within 30 days'of eoniptetion of well For multiple iirUs irse a:i deprlis ifdlfi'i rpm(emanate-3@200'mal.2@s 100) construed on to the fottowin8: 10.Static water level below top of easing: - (ft). Division of Water Resources,Information Ft(messing Unit,. 1/miter level Is dare easing,Use"+" • 1617 Mail$etviee'C rater,R uleigh,NC 27699-16t7 El,Borehole diameter:2.25 . (in.) 24h.Fair itejeelR((ri Wgtls ONLY: in addition to•senditig the fort to the address in . 24a above.also submit a copy of,this fortis within 30-days of.cornplCtioik of well. 12.Well construction method:DPT CollsttuCtiOl to the following:' tie.auger,rotary,cable,ditcci push•etc.) . . . ,Division of Water Resources,Underground fisjeetlon Control Program, FOR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - 16''36 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2699-1636 13;o,Weld gglim) ,Method of test: • 14e.For Water Supply.&Injection.Welts:. Also submit one copy of this Orin within 30 days ofcottipletionof 13b.Divinfititiuu type: amount: well construction to the county kohl:department of the.county where . •constructed. . S • FortGW-t Nenlr Carolina Department of Environment andNaturalResources-DivfsionofWaterReatrcs Revised August ND