HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231165 Ver 1_Public Notice Comments_20230921 (25)• 0 SUPPLEMENT to PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT PROVIDING FOR EXPANSIONS TO PORTIONS OF ROANOKE ISLAND DARE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS AUGUST 1975 HENRY VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. • Consulting Engineers & Planners Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 TABLE OF CONTENTS r - L-J SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE I Introduction I thru 2 QQ General Project Data 2 thru 5 III Construction Cost Estimates 5 thru 7 IV Combined Project Cost Estimate & Financing Plan V Rate Schedules and User Data VI Budget for Completed Facility VII Budget summary and economic feasibility analysis Schedule I; Schedule 2: • VIII Conclusions and Recommendations _ 8 9 thru II i I thru 12 12.thru 15 R + SUPPLEMENT + to PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT PROVIDING FOR EXPANSIONS TO PORTIONS OF ROANOKE ISLAND DARE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS I INTRODUCTION General This Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) Supplement has been prepared to comply with Farmers Home Administration (FHA) Instruction 442.1, Guide 7. The Dare Beaches Water and Sewer Authority (DBW&SA) has previously had a PER prepared (with Addendum I and II), which proposes a regional water supply system for the Dare Beaches area. in September 1974, a Supplement to the PER was prepared to .revise and update the preliminary cost estimates and • other financial data presented in the previously referenced documents. This PER, Addenda 1.& II and PER Supplement provided a detailed analysis of the proposed project, including an overall system plan, water supply source investigation and analysis, and detailed cost and economic feasibility analyses to demonstrate the viability of the proposed project. Since completion of the PER, meetings have been held with representatives of the North Carolina Local Governments Commission and other State and Federal agency representatives. It has been determined that Dare County should be the project sponsor and that the undertaking can be supported by General Obligation Bonds supplemented by grant assistance by the State (under the Clean Water Bond Act) and cooperating Federal Agencies. The Dare County Board of Commissioners and other participating local units of government have, by resolution, indicated their acceptance, desire and intent to proceed 0 . with the regional water supply project as proposed in the preliminary engineering reports prepared for the DBW&SA. The Town of Manteo has also Indicated its desire to participate in and receive water supply from the project. Copies of these resolutions are attached as Appendix A to this - report. Purpose The purpose of this PER Supplement is to present information pertaining to proposed expansions of the Dare County Regional Water Supply System to provide bulk water supply to the Town of Manteo and to construct a water distribution system to rural users in certain areas of Roanoke Island. The data presented in the original PER (September 1973), Addenda I (January 1974) and II (April 1974),and the September 1974 PER Supplement are used extensively as a basis for the information presented in this PER Supplement and should be referred to for details pertaining to the project. Where changes are presented, these are referenced in appropriate sections of the earlier reports. • II GENERAL PROJECT DATA A. Area to be Served* The Dare County Regional Water Supply service area is described in detail in the September 1973 PER and was originally generally defined as that part of the Dare Beaches area extending between Oregon Inlet on the south and the Currituck County line on the north. It is now proposed to expand the system to supply water to the Town of Manteo and other designated areas on Roanoke Island. B. Existing Facilities There are no existing regional water supply facilities in the Dare County area. The communities of Nags Head and Kill Devil Hills have separate existing water supply systems. However, their source of water • supply (fresh water pond) Is seriously overtaxed and incapable of meeting 2 supply requirements during peak demand periods. These systems and the • water supply problem are discussed in detail on Pages 13-14 in the September 1973 PER. Both of these community systems are in good condition and will be integrated into the proposed regional system under the continued ownership, operation and maintenance of the two towns. These communities will become "bulk water supply" customers in the regional system (see pages 49-51 in the PER and other information in later sections of this suppl,ement). The Town of Manteo also has an existing municipal water supply system. The water supply source is a 26 acre well field located at the south- western edge of the Town. The three existing wells range from 60, to 90 feet in depth and were:i.nstalled between 1950 and 1961. A new water treatment plant was constructed in 1971. The plant provides for aeration, clarification, iron removal, softening and chlorination. A 200,000 gallon ground storage tank and a 75,000 gallon elevated storage tank are also located at the plant site. A recent study conducted by the Town's Engineer (Andrews, Miller and Associates, Inc., Consulting ,Engineers of Cambridge, Maryland) indicate that the average "safe" production capacity of the system is 136,300 gallons per day (gpd), and the peak capacity Is 204,500 gpd. The same study reveals that the 1973 average daily water supply demand for the system was 111,422 gpd, with peak daily demands exceeding 170,000 gpd (August 1973). This demand rate is expected to continue to increase. In anticipation of this growing need, plus certain other problems inherent in expanding the Towns existing production facilities, the Town•Council has recently resolved to purchase water in bulk supply from the Dare County Regional Water Supply System. This factor is included in the economic analysis presented • later in this report. 3 C. Proposed Facilities and Service • A detailed description of the originally proposed regional system is presented on Pages 24-32 of the September 1973 PER. The Kitty Hawk (North) and other possible service area distribution systems are described in detail on' pages 33-47 of the PER. Alternative plans are discussed. Land requirements for the project are described in the above referenced sections of the PER. Fourteen (14) well sites of approximately one -acre each on Roanoke Island will be required to support the project. Tentative locations have been identified and land acquisitions to support the project are in progress at this writing. Approximately five acres of land (on Roanoke Island) will be required for the water treatment facility. A small piece of land will have to be acquired for location of an elevated storage tank in the Kitty Hawk (North) service area. It 4 is planned that all trunk supply and distribution lines will follow public roads and rights of way, thereby eliminating the need for any major Band acquisition to support the project. D. Proposed System Proposed system descriptions are outlined in detail in the sections of the PER described in "C" above. Water supply sources are discussed in detail in Pages 13-24 of the September 1973 PER, and PER Addendum 1 (January 1974) gives a detailed description and analysis of the findings of the research and test well drilling program conducted to prove the adequacy of the proposed source of supply. Storage, treatment and distribution system requirements are also defined in the above referenced sections of the preliminary engineering reports. The quality of water from the identified principal aquifer is considered to be excellent and • 4 meets all prescribed standards for public water supply. • E. Proposed System Expansions It is now proposed to expand the Dare County Regional Water Supply System Project to extend service to the Town of Manteo and some rural areas in the northern portion of Roanoke Island.. Manteo will become a bulk customer to the system. Rural customers will be serviced by a distribution system designated as the Roanoke Island Service District. Service will.be provided to both of these major users by a single 12 inch trunk main from the regional system treatment plant site to the Mant®o service area. Bulk water supply will be metered and delivered to the Manteo water supply storage facilities (at the Towns treatment pi,ant site), for further distribution by the Town through their own distribution system. A new water supply distribution system will also be constructed to • serve selected areas designated as the Roanoke Island Service District. Water will be metered and sold at retail rates to customers in the Service District at the same rate proposed for other retail water customers on the Regional System. A map showing the system expansions proposed in this Supplement to the project is attached at the end of this report, 111 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES Part 11, Section 5F of the September 1973 PER (pages 30-42) presented preliminary construction cost estimates for the proposed regional water supply and Kitty Hawk -North distribution system. Addendum 11 (April 1974) addressed combining these two separate projects into a single project and gave a gross estimate of the proposed combined project construction costs. • .1 This data was further revised and updated in the September 1974 PER Supplement to reflect a total projected construction cost for the project of $5,690,000 (See pages 5&6 of.the 1974 PER Supplement for total project cost breakdown. For purposes of this analysis the proposed Roanoke Island system extensions are considered as a new element of work and a separate cost estimate has been prepared for this addition to the system; however, a complete project economic re-evaluation including this new work will be presented later in this report. Cost estimates for this proposed additional work follow: A. Trunk Main for Service to Manteo and Roanoke Island Service District Area. I. Trunk main and service to Manteo System 12t° water pipeline 90550 I . f . at $ 1 1 .50 $ 109, 825. Service meter & pit Lump Sum 7,500. Misc. pavement repair, casings, etc. 4,200. • TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 121,525. B. Roanoke Island Service District Distribution System (California Service Area) 1. Main Distribution 5y.stem 121° mains 600 I.f. at 11.50 $ 6,900. 811 mains 3,990•I.f. at 4.50 17,955. 6" mains 5,270 I.f. at 3.00 15,.810. 411 mains .990 I.f. at 2.50 2,475. Valves 1211 5 ea. at 500.00 2,500. 811 6 'ea. at 235.00 1,410. 610. 17 ea. at 175.00 2,975. Hydrants II ea. at 400.00 4,400. Services 1.5 ea. at 225.00 3,375. 103 ea. at 175.00 18,025. Pavement Repairs, Casings, etc. LUMP SUM 4,550. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST...... $ 89,375. 6 C. Combined Project Cost Summary Trunk main and service to Manteo System Roanoke Island Service District Area Contingency (10%), ESTIMATED TOTAL EXPANSION PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST All of the above prices are considered to be current through 31 December 1975. D. Revised -Dare County Regional Water Supply Project Construction Cost Summary (total System with Expansion) Regional Project constructions costs prior to proposed Roanoke Island Expansion Project Manteo/Roanoke Island Service District • S 121,525. 80,375. 20,100. $ 222,000. $ 5,690,000. 222,000 $ 5,912,000. 7 IV COMBINED PROJECT COST ESTIMATE AND FINANCING PLAN SUMMARY (ORIGINAL DARE COUNTY REGIONAL SYSTEM PLUS ROANOKE ISLAND EXPANSIONS PROPOSED IN THIS PER SUPPLEMENT) The' following summarizes the total revised project cost estimate and financing plan when the proposed Roanoke Island expansions are added to the County Regional Water System. It is intended that the applicantts (County) contribution to the project will be in the form of General Obligation Bonds, which, based on current property valuations and bonded indebtedness, can be an amount up to $5,500,000. A public referendum on 15 April 1975 approved a $5.5 million General Obligation Bond issue for this purpose. This schedule identifies total project costs and projected grant fund sources to support e the project. Clean Water Federal FHA Loan Item Bond Grant Grants GO Bonds TOTAL Construction $ 984,000 $ 601,000. $ 4,327,000. $ 5,912,000. Land, easement o & R/W $ 150,000. $ 150,000. Legal & Administrative $ 80,000. $ 80,000. Engineering $ 393,000. $ 393,000. Interest $ 550,000.2 $ 550,000.2 Contingencies $ (591,200)3 $ (591,200)3 TOTALS $ 984,000. $ 601',000 $ 5,500,000. $ 7,085,000. NOTES: (1) Federal Grants amounts are based on an assumed construction Grant of $601,000 from Farmers Home Administration. (2) Based on two years borrowed interest at 5' on projected General Obligation Bond issue of $5,500,000. ,(— (3) Included in total construction costs shown in Item I. r� 8 V. RATE SCHEDULES AND USER DATA _ • I. Bulk Water Sales Rate schedules for the Dare County Regional Water Supply System were summarized in the September 1974 PER Supplement. It is again emphasized that water will be sold to the communities with existing water systems (i.e.; Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills and Manteo) at a bulk rate of $400.00 per million gallons. Each town will contract to make allocated minimum monthly payments (based on annual water consumption or usage)- as shown on Schedule I later in the report. 2. Retail Water Rates Water customers outside of the areas serviced by the municipalities referenced above will become retail water users within Service Districts ' served by the County Water System. Rates will be uniform for these customers throughout the system. The 1973 PER and the September 1974 • Supplement referenced the proposed rates for the Kitty Hawk - North Service District. The current established rates for that area and the newly proposed Roanoke Island Service District are summarized as follows. (These rates are subject to further adjustment when final costs are determined). First 3,000 gallons at $ 7.00 minimum Next 7,000 gallons at $ 1.25 per 1,000 gallons Next 40,000 gallons at $ .90 per 1,000 gallons Next 50,000 gallons at $ .70 per 1,000 gallons Next 100,000 gallons at $ .60 per 1,000 gallons All over 200,000 gallons at $ .50 per 1,000•gallons 0 V 3. Use and Income Estimates a. Bulk Water Customers (i.e.; Towns with existing Systems) Nags Head: $ 5,500/month minimum NOTE: Each of these Towns will have minimum Kill Devil Hills: $ 6,700/month minimum over -runs during peak season. Manteo: $ 1,400/month minimum (See Schedule 1). b. Retail Water Sales to Service District Customers (1) Kitty Hawk -North: Anticipated water sales and projected income for this Service District was presented in PER and Supplement. Minor revisions in total customer and water sales potentials based on recent surveys and retail water rates indicate a projected income from Kitty Hawk -North area to be $160,000 per year based on an annual usage of about 90 million a gal Ions of water per year. (2) Roanoke Island Service District. This service area is comprised • -of the developed areas west and northwest of the town of Manteo. There are approximately 148 private dwellings and 15 commercial establishments located within the area. it is assumed that about 75% or some 103 of the potential domestic customers :.:ind•ail of the commercial customers will connect to the system immediately. The use and income estimate from the Roanoke Island Service District is summarized as follows: • E FIRST YEAR ESTIMATED INCOME ISLAND SERVICE DISTRICT Total Annual Usage • Type of User Annual Rate (million gallons) Income Residential 60 $ 84.00 2.16 $ 5,040.00 25 99.00 1.2 2,475.00 12 114.00 .72 1,368.00 6 132.00 .72 792.00 Comme rc i a I Use rs 10 small 120.00 .66 1,200.00 3 medium 150.00 .28 450.00 2 large 200.00 .25 400.00 ISLAND SERVICE DISTRICT -TOTAL INCOME $ 11,732.00 VI. BUDGET FOR COMPLETED -FACILITY I. Operation and Maintenance The operation and maintenance budget for the Dare County Regional Water System is based on the anticipated costs for the County to operate and maintain the regional water supply system and the distribution systems for the Kitty Hawk (North) and Roanoke Island service areas. The three towns (Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills and Manteo) will continue to own and operate (and collect revenues from) their individual systems, so no operation and maintenance costs for these town systems are included In the Countys operation and maintenance budget. Total operation and maintenance costs for the County" system (combined project) for the three years of. operation are shown in the following Schedule. Debt service costs are also reflected in this schedule. Annual operation and maintenance costs for the originally proposed regional system are shown on Page 32 of,the PER. With the proposed system expansions it is concluded that operation and maintenance of the combined regional project now proposed will be accomplished in accordance with the schedule as summarized below: COUNTY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION COST SCHEDULE Salaries 8 Associated Costs Office expense, administrative audit, etc. Chemicals, supplies b materials Power (Electricity) Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year $ 40,000. $ 44,400. $ 46,200 2,500. 2,800. 3,200. 3,700. 4,200. 4,800. 10,000. 11,000. 12,000. Misc., maintenance b repairs 20,000.• 27,000, 32,000. Debt Service 250,000. 326,040 326,040. TOTAL $326,200. $415,440, $4240240. 2. Other miscellaneous financial data concerning Dare County was presented In the September 1974 PER'Supplement. VII BUDGET SUMMARY AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS The aforementioned PER, Addenda and Supplements presented detailed summaries of anticipated revenues from water sales, assessments, operation and maintenance and debt service costs for the proposed project. The revised Income estimate is predicated on bulk water sales to the Towns of Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills and Manteo who presently own and operate their existing water systems, and from retail sale of water to customers in other service areas. Water would be sold to Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills and Manteo at a bulk rate of $400 per million gallons ($0.40 per 1,000 gallons), and agreements will be negotiated for a minimum annual fee based on water usage experience. Annual fees will be based on an average monthly minimum and will be paid on a monthly basis. 12 Additional income will be obtained from retail sales to customers In the Kitty Hawk -North and Roanoke Island Service Districts. Projected income for the Kitty Hawk -North area was presented in the September 1974 PER Supplement. The projected income for the Roanoke Island Service District has been presented on the preceeding pages. The schedule of annual water rates.and revenues produced where shown In the PER, Addenda and Supplements. This data is updated to reflect the latest income and project economic feasibility analysis on the schedules following this page. 0 • 13 1n r` rn 0 rn a m W J 4 N IY W 3 i N W D Z W LL 0 O W N w • ®E G m w U L E W .p Ccl L +- l0 to 0+-� En ¢c17 D 'C7 L E � w (n D C; f0 fD L (n 10 000 0 0 0 • 0C; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O � NO N N v 0 �O � eY CO et O CC) �t O N d, O CO 0 K) 8 O N ' O% dw c0 CO r�1 tc� N n CO w -- cr N r- r- 18 N r- CO I- M mA �D adD O ® T L L • L L L O O O 0 0 0 L O O O Q O O N V1 0 0 0 d 0 0 N O O O a) O d N O V) V) ko 0 O (A V) CV w w w — — E w w w Q) w wCO N E M %0 f0 (0 In r- +O — co 0 V V) f0 f0 C 0 m U V1 4A 4A#A — — SA bq 4A !A {AA 1 f0 f0 LL- •� •f0 11 • II II i- i- (0 10 10 O t0 O tD m 0) m 0) i- N 0)rn 0) L L ?- E E E I--, I--L al (U L "a E E \ O L O L ?- E E E \\\ +- \ 00C) C \ \ 00 0 b 000 f0 f0 V) fY O 0 O i- i- H O O o �- fr o 0 o L <r; 'IT �r v fa ro tY •- v v 1* > a W mq to bq tU ¢ oq bq 64 LU w" `A _' _ w r >' >' N r X X X r X X XF- X X X = ; •• Z Q1 f0 t0 <^ fyI rT t71 C0) f0 t0 V~) O M 0) C C -1 E E E a E E E C C ¢ 8 C C <C — C C ro m H W to C C F- O C C F- l1. 0 n 0 O cn CO In M MO F- N O mf0 O — •.. 0 U) F- 1b — — P- N N I- O O + + + + + + O — 0 + + + O — 0 fo m ° 000 C» O) OO O f0 A 00 0 m f0 000 000 C) CA 00 O (n m CO 0 -;Y C c co 0 %;t O O 14, w w ♦ 0 0 ♦ w w C C w w e C C -'o O O to 10d O O �0QCC) — - Cl) Cl) 4A bq VA �- — iA 4A bq �- — bq b9 4A •- -- 11 II 11 E E 11 11 11 II it 11 E E 0 0 `\ \ ` ` N CO C) C) 0In — C)00 0 0 0 ko b9 bq 6q V9 4q 64 4A 4A bq l0 tQ f0 m N f0 IppC f0 E E E E E E E E E S.2 N N N N N N N N r♦ .G t N L N t t — L 'D -- 0 ti -- 0 Z a iz° ro zz ro —coin ° —.xcainc —�Lfa v,o -n (0 > (o �> m � X�' O=�zN� 0=r�=cnxcn C 0=0 C OC +- n -- +- ul •�- i- i- 0 -- +- C fT - +- ft1 t✓ Cn — +- i0 C C) — +- f0 YY =zSGX zzY�C „s�'.z f a° 14 • J m Q U- U_ Z 8 w w J O w • U o CS O to m c +- c o O O O C M Q (0 L a U- w o q ys — O r ® a oN CC) � C C n Pr1 A 4;lq 4 4oqCL L ICO OU'i A � N 40- C f0 "t tit C C 69 bq tq — 4- O U ... 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Recent developments have influenced these recommendations somewhat, but the principal conclusion that the proposed project is direly needed and is economically feasible remains unaltered. The Town of Manteo has indicated that it desires to purchase water from the Dare County Regional Water System. It -has also been determined that it would be desirable to establish a new service district on Roanoke Island to provide water service to designated areas on northern Roanoke Island outside of the Town of Manteo. It has been determined that these expansions can be supported and economically justified based on a 3101,000 supplementary grant from the Farmers Home Administration, . Based on these findings and conclusions it is recommended that: 1. Dare County approve this supplement to the Preliminary Engineering Report and that a formal request be made to the Farmers Home Administration to increase their grant offer from $500,000 to $601,000 to help cover the costs for the proposed system expansions. 7. That the Dare County Board of Commissioners continue every effort to expedite construction of the Dare County Regional Water Supply System to relieve the critical water supply problems that exist throughout the area. .Respectfully submitted, HENRY VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers and Planners Henry M. von Oesen, P. E. • U i'Uiv OF A REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM IN SUPPORT OF THE DARE BEACHES COMPLEX WHEREAS, on the _21st day of November., 1971, in accordance with the pro - Oions of Chapter 162A, General Statutes of North Carolina, the Dare Beaches Water d Sewer Authority was established by the combined actions of the Dare County Commissioners and the Boards of Commissioners of the incorporated towns of Nags Head and Kill Devil Hills for the purpose of providi.ng regional water supply and sewerage services to the Dare Beaches Complex encompassing the beach area extending from Oregon Inlet to the Dare - Currituck County Line: and WHEREAS, The required technical engineering and.economic feasibility studies, plans and reports were made possible by planning assistance grants and loans from the North Carolina Department of Health, and the Department of Natural and Economic Resources, and the Coastal Plains Regional Commission; and WHEREAS, the Dare Beaches Water and Sewer Authority, acting for Dare County, and the towns of Nags Head and Kill Devil Hills has caused the completion of the required studies, plans, and reports, namely, a Dare Beaches Sketch Development Plan, an Economic Study of the Dare Beaches, and a Preliminary Engineering Report and Addendums I and II thereto; and WHEREAS, The towns of Nags Head and Kill Devil Hills have passed motions pledging their approval and support of the recommendations contained in Addendum II of the Dare Beaches Water and Sewer Authority, Preliminary Engineering Report; and WHEREAS, Dare County recognizes the benefits to the County and t-he Towns and Communities involved which can accrue from the construction and operation of such a water supply system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The County of Dare wholeheartedly endorses and approves all of the recommendations as set forth in Addendum Il'to the Preliminary Engineering Report for the construction of a.Regional Water System, and will meet with the North Carolina Local Government AWmission to obtain approval to proceed with the water supply project; and the County �f11 provide for the holding of the necessary public hearings and referendums required to obtain public approval of a General Obligation Bond issue under County sponsorship to facilitate construction of the water project. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Dare this 6th day of ,tune1974. At es -a/ek W. Cahoon bounty Manager N� s /A> At ; v r � P. A. Tillett, Chairman Dare County Board of Commissioners A TRUE AND VALID P.BSTP.ACT FROM THE MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CON :SISSIO\E'RS OF THE TOWNOF NAGS HEAD HELD AT THE TOWN FALL ON N:=AY, :SAY 20, 1974. A notion was made by Co-,missioner Bell,' seconded by Commissioner Pool that the Nags Head Board of Conunissioners, as one of the sponsoring local governments approves and supports the recorumendation; contained in Addendum II of: the Preliminary Engineering Report :prepared for the Dare Beaches Water and Sewer Authority and urges that the Authority follow the recoamended course of action leading to the construction of a regional water supply systen. The motion carried unanimously.. y Cons e V. Hardee Attested to May 24,1974 Town Clerk•, ° I 1: •.`• •e 1 I III: ° •• 1. A TRUE AND VALID �SSTRACT FROM, THE 1' - TES OF A SPECIAL =TING OF THE BOARD OF CO',rMSSIOT7.rRS OF TM TOZ'liti" Or RILL DEVIL =LS n •LD AT TOWN HALL ON TUESDAY, XAY 14, 1974. • Commissioner Gard made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Loy, that the Board of Commissioners go on record as being in favor of and desiring to support'the recommendations contained in Addendum Il of the Preliminary Engineering Report prepared for the Dare Beaches Water & Sewer Authority, reco=ending a course of action leading to the construction oy a re„ional water supply system. 3:otion was approved unanimously. ° by 'Claire M. Waterfie d ' gttested to P^ay 20,' 1M e Town Clem 0 e ° ' e•