HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05906_Well Construction - GW1_20230918 WEIaIa CONSTRUCTION I2I;CORI) -- . This fonu can br,used for single or multiple wells _ For lutennjl Use ONLY: "^ 1.Well Contractor Information: Dean Cook --�,_-- —� ! _..-..____.____._.____ Mitchell s'•;14;1-pre iz NES^ -� _ _.._..._ well Contractor 31i )//��,,11 nh's^^clor Nnror, ••"o"" +'""----'-----_---.-.._.____. NC Well Contractor Certification ft ft i ___----- tint Number , ig.:(1 T1.R;�G 11_577`IFr`.i{giiii'i•'iRi-•e3scif). ''(.j ig Dennis f�allanci Well - wells i :IvIN�i�if,+e'i+�li�n]c)lr:�F�.�. .+�.; _ IrROM DIAMF•TER Drilling, Inc �'r°�- '�t- - _ THICP. KNESS L ATERIAL Company Name ^^--- -- __, ___ - _ -- ___ d ft. � .. I -7 -_. UG , ffV�'{"eoili'e_ri>ralcl,,.,.•alg8ji�± _r�:�''; -i��'':•_ .: 2.Well Construction Permit H: C),23 p FROM _ DIAMETER �` wedz .3 �:_-;r::;rd:..;... -•---•------••--��..-_.__._-_„__,�_••_^_• THICKNESS MATERIAL List all applicable well permits(i.e.CounT._._.^ ,, '•-'-••--.- -.____..____..__ ._... ft. .I in.f t. ry.•S'rmc, r/nrinurr..Ajerrtat.erc.J 3.Well Use(check well use): fr. n ;,I ,_� ... , W'aterSttPPly 11 ---- __-�. t177.?":.S(aRFFN,7:_ - -- 1.77,7-- _ FROM YO_. •c ;.:+::,': ......... : ? i..v.+...:,».._.:t:.:'. :AT 1~' t°Agricultural _„---_-, DIAM F'fF_R !SLOT SIL EE_ 'RIICKN ESS F1ATF)RIA I.<.:... h7Municipal/f'ublic rt• rt• in: ' • f_7G(othcrmal(IicatinpJCoolin r Supply) ' `_"- - j b I P Y) °Residential Water Supply(single) w ft. in, ._ _______, fr. ❑Industrial/Connerci(Il (t3.12 s dential'Water Supply _. : e-- " , ';;:.' �- - I P Y(shirred) -18,i-G{ROI1.T __... :,�%• •_-.:-,::�.- fllrri+ ) - ...._...._lx(fI1011 F'ROhl .TO.. _ ' _..2';i!'i.;;{� c�t9iy�":• ____. MATERIALS FMPLACF.MENTMETIIOR&AMO1in1'' Nnn-Water Supply Well: "__.___ _..___,.- ft. - V f L cw�.. x C7Monilou9ng 3 rr. (t• ----__._ ccovery - injection Well: .••'-�`�'�-•--- J (.7Aquifer Recharge ft. l 7Groundwater Remediation �;ir9.:::SA'-ND%CI '•::-:•<:: • C1Aruifrr i•A.1!$�IiPAG1C�if.__e@p(tcs,�,hle� •:;:�a�; "'._.{ .:�•��,'� ;';<�_. I Storage and Recovery °Salinity 13arrier - FROM .TO.TO MATERIAL, r,EMPLACEAENTMET'F10D�' DAquifer Test !r. fr. � CIStormwaterDrainage -.__-_.__T__.-_-.___-__ :xperimental'l'echnology C°SubsidenceCorittol (t ft. _l L] ru(tt e nal(Closed20•'ll 0.111."-- y Loop) RItiI:ilYfvii ('atfa'i ti�(i lif liunel?hti'e la'f(:.1'I'r(tcc:r ..� _( ftuece:4seryj;%t`:11.1:"'''-FT;;- ; : f7GeothermaI eatin.g/CoolinpReturn) °Other xplain(lder#21 Remarks) llFSCRIPTIUNjeolor�henlo oiUrockl gpraineise�ctc 4.Date Well(s)Completed:• ft. ft. • P �9-l��vlVr.IIIPH /, .d fr. ft. -_� �___. Sa.Well Location: - - _ _ ____.._..___i_ e..T j/ r�. tY^ 4• .,_. �-ir I r{' OQJG h yr ._.__ -. t`-_.-_-._._ _'.._ ! L �.. bT ---- Facility/Owner Name -.-_ _ __.,. ' ft. ft. 1• q ' Facilitynu(ifapplicable) _.-_..___...._...- __..__.._..__.___.__.__;-_-----,-SEP._1._8...2oh1__._.__. L e /, rt. ft. Physical Ad.. s,City,and ,'.IL U0 �3 p >,s, Qi7 zG,.r/4_,_ a -ft. _... f'_ _... ._._.._._.-...I.i,_ ?.111Prrn-` O: c -13t ---' • County - -—___._.__..___....__�____----._.___.V-_.____ �__.._.__ Parcel Identification No.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and Longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or dcc imal degrees: ..__.,_____ __ _.____-�_..___.._..._._.__.._._ (if well field,one let/long is sufficient) 22.certification: • 3�� fr j' Signature ofOmiftcd Well Cootrnctor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): , crmauent of [Yl'cmporary By signing this form,I hereby cent fy dine the well(s)was(were)constructed in accordance with i.SA NCAC 02C.0/00 a•-1.5A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction•S•anda•r/.s and that t -- 7,Is this a repair to an existing 1 well: OYes or ernro copy of This record has been provided to the welt owner. If rills is a repair,fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair rider1121 remarks section or on die hock of this form. 23.Site diagram or ndditihnal well details: You may use,tha back Of this page to pritvide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 __ __ _ cunshu(aion details. You may also auach'adllitionat pages if necessary. For multiple infection nr non-water supply wells ONLY with the it,you can submit one form. .._. 1:IY•A1,,INS'Ia1.... NS 9.Total well depth below latiil surface: I or r _ ___ _ (ft,) 24n •ftor_,All Wells: Submit this for within :10 days of completion of well Far multiple wells list all depths if different(example-3@200'and 2®100') construction to the following: I. 10.Static water level below top of casing: �� ) Division of Witter Resources I ldforntation Processing Unit, g' -_.. -_- (ft. ill alerlevel is above casing„use"•r" '--�"' 1617 Meil$ervicr.Center,�RaleiRh,NC 27699-1617 ]1.Borehole diameter;_,6"._______ (in.) 24b, Far injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in Rotary con above,construction also-submit the Inuit n copy of this frirn within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: _ __._ ^^ eunSlnRaiot lu Iha following: (i.e.linger;rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) -- --_. __ Division of Water Resources,Uurlergrounrl Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS Ol' i,Y: �- �� - ^.T___._ ^_- 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13n.Yield(gpm)_-. Ord_ Air lift 24e.For Water,Supply&Injection Wells: i .-_____-.-_ Method of lest:---.._........._.._.__.......__...__ i H & hi Also submit one copy of this fonu whirrs 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type:__._� Amount: CZ• well construction to the county health department of the county where -.-- :._._._._ constructed. i i Font OW-I Notth Carolina Denn,tme.n,nrlinvirnn,nmil a„i Na+„ra,uar,.,,r,•,.r. h;,,;,;n....rsv.,,.,.u.,....,.,.... 1 �r„ f/�haOC 11 , / of ra 1 h+1n(c•n County �-i NEW WELL CONSTRUCTION Heir 2..,001,12_2_ •. .� cOr�SrrLJeltcr� IrraRAT1ara c\,_ 7�v PRIVATE DRINKING WATER WELL _�_.. : ARICIATITIRRE Ri , an'D?b a k„ I OG# 1130923-P •--"1 J ,, _.. ,� INT DED,U Shared Well ReSidenbal ; PID ## bS9ti.JE,,,!'_I ACIIrtiliE TEA LOCATION Leatimmin Gap Road zo C ght cc'auec Prowry . _..__. _. — D1.R,ECTIONS •.Lfiat^IF?ron Iron Rour-I in Right r.in�:1N21a 15. ..Pive ___.-.. r-._ pan*:Co diilans . Well shaft be.constructal it compliance with:4•ii NC At.2C Rtal> . Maintain minimum 5671xicks as applicable,able,ircludinrj 100'from ag mptir'S,.. ,LYn Cosa pants. v D43gram(IN_ at to Sc eel it... . . • Saar./ `ti�,.� — _ - - ---- °c--\CCII(914:Pf%------ 4i'----------;-',!- ID i----/- - ....°''ba.5.1). RI W ti'S : s 4'r.� 89 tir♦ H W rr.GpdGr 3 , .13[ I I 4 As III '4,_,. m kie 245• 1 I G lY F. J E9 ~~. i / e-� r I ' r.. 17 1, r �� , t��}\ z ' ' ." •• .; 1 .• ••' :I•1\:;\1;\.1\\\:,,,,,,INN.,. -. -• - 1. / ,, ... - 3.0aas;r 44 N 'W- '," '''' E IC'Decp 08 1541..:..,.9,9111.2.7 F t 'I''" zu0USfY 5 - - —fit tis I This permit is valid for a period of five years i f.eri tear it:sive h_n_e*.ti Fit..��Timm it zi cu je errn act!:hat'Meru haL, ,-:r,n-at.^riz!Cariye In e7e z•^r cL-a_Lre„anus wu{„:a.i w ii h ehr perrntt's i ?(1, It+rrt!Fcn•�:iam,Irg-dl"+Utr Z�.i�.-r.Fcca n rr.u.S1 TIION [m4 fo?-1uU ri sa..,AC II hr rr-4ic`el.!dre:c:urprcr,�G f h1C6'I Uk.=c..• :au:ilL;i�eallhber..IC€I:K put into u.e. rt'rInrahrr.s3 th_ic*II twins.-,'h'MI-1%II I .u;srevI r.,fr.l :tin tl-oti JJ ut•r•^r.IIr.rs,e,coAtaloiN76Y' anM''MimI RV.'3I y.idj r,ro qu raliteoi ar my:um ty,m2Prl. A WELLHEAD coMpLETItord T1Ft;PEC'_TION MUST t1E APPROVED l3H)Rt FINAL POWER iS GRANTED OAR-The WELL IS PLACED ES.i O SERVICE, PLEASE SCI1F_}UI,i=A'WELLI•lEAD TN 1:r1'orJ Al-tt i.z PUMP IrJsI cL A,TION. QU?E5TIQNS?(838)349-2490 zlioul Issue Dale; I:d12,fl2. jorr'o?han Fru€s,?Er�S 3 '9?y _ ,.. a'>titS,44. _._ fattioriz JState All/t