HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05894_Well Construction - GW1_20230918 I.W I contracLi
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• 2 Well Conargetlon Permit fir. f 'aifar ett Asip oATtin1Ng .drmnruddt k... .te.,�: .f.7 :
IRoat TO WAM I. ; Ttk s
Gitallapplimble ye!1emutmertonpennes pe VIC.Cl aany Sate,Yariance,ce.)- • R. h. !II* '
3.Well Use(deckled use): • It. fr. ta.' .
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�WuerSgpplyYeu �Rou TO DLM2 _ 51OTSC . �-
Agdenitural QMgnicipalWablic .- 0 n r im
Geethesm ngireoUSSupply) nimeatialWaterSupply(single) It f, to
Industrial/Commer+cial DResidentialWaterSupply(shared) _ ---._ •
:'tactiROilT.:- i-".:c�'•-om'--:4:�:�ver.+.-t¢:-..~_;:..»_..-xs.:�rr::'ic=>...
_Irrigation RRDII TQ a1MERiel. .. BSiPucmd6NCHEfiro; aMOIAi'
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IDIMon •
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• AgoiferRecharge' DGmundwaterRemedietion fr. ft.
Aggifer$tOtagemhdRccovery �SatinityHerrier •
T-lva� '��PA 'ThSWitYncii-F_..-is�lC- y;Mrr1;:�;,;.-: -
• FROM TO MATERIAL; ellQ iCiate vritteisfoo
-Aquifer Test • • : -10Stom water Drainage - ft. it.
Experimental Technology Dsubsidence Control - f` R. -
Geothamal(Closed look.. DT:seer 33p-pA gr (. ridltaiiil tiiiiiai ether M. = -t .
Geothermal(Aeatingfaanagmom) D(hherggjtlafn(Inder#21 Ramon)
9R@it To ovsouvrtoN Wan hndana afYmrkDywjanti sar.etca
ll l�' -G m o/CIG�
' d.Date Walks)Completed: 16 3 Well mg. /a - z f G t-1 =e/ -e
So.Well Location: 7 q m co..m 6../''P�--r-/-E
Pttall OwnecMame ) fz y(_^ "1
h1 PtuaityIDr(�opyt;cg, II. i r a . 4 / - t
PhysicalMao;City,endEp m R. ' SEP 1 8 ZUZ� -
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County Parcel ldemi6dtiaaNa(PIN) 1 inf :rfatICtl er,^.-•c wC�•�3 lit::
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Sb.Latitude and Webb ln degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:
Orwell&Id.welullangiawffieient) y� l 1
. ?red° :CfCa N q//C2, .27c& 22.CertiGcattons �1,�7 c�S a- a
&Ili- ak,(44 57.-/ --... ./
6.Ia(are)Ikewel(s) Permanent or OTemponey Simonet) miffed Well Connector Duo
Byliking Mir form.I hereby arb that the t di( tsar(ioute)contanrasd.b madam
• 7.Is lids arepairtoan existing well: DyesftMSdI or QNo we ICO2C.O100erISASVCO2C.0200!YellCaarweiton&tWorth and tha/a
hisitanpairdlUara hymnal eantrrualattWa aarianmrderplaerthatram►Mks cA1'trfte+dlmtbsenprartdefn,lhaitefoanen
rapeirmdcrVItatuarb section man the back othisfam,. f ' -
23.Site diagram or additional well details: •
• 8.For GeoprobeeDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Welh having the some You may use the beck of thin page to provide additional well site details Or Well
construction,only!GW 1 is needed.Indic='1XQTA4N MBBR°furls construction debits.You may also attach additional pages ifmemory.
- - --- - - - - SUBMITTAL INSI•RUC7•IZN$--- - - -- - - - -
9:Total well depth below badman: °0 (ft.) 24e.For All Wellg Submit this from within 30 days of completion of well
lbrandffplevelts(trta►l&Argld1 tent(aratap1e.30200 mrdV100') eonstntetionto the fnIlounng:
10.Sfatic water level below top of easing: (� 0 (IL) Division of Water Information Processing U _
• Ifwarertaittr abase cma&we+` B
1617 detail&rNl*Center;Raidgb,NC27699-1617 •
1.1.Borehole diameter. 10 /JJ //
"T (n') 24b.For iniectton Wells: hi addition to sending the&um the address in 24a
12.Well construction method: AO Y't ( above,also submit one copy of this Am within 30 days of completion of well
(ia maintain*.table.ducct push,do.) - �// construction t0 doe f0ltatviag
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Rclomcel,Underground Injection Control Program,
1636 Mail Service Conti,$9leigty NC 27699-IG36
13c.Yield(llpM) c. Method of tesC f'.p,,__f lb, Zeta Far WRler$ungly&Infection Welk: In addition to sending the form to
the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of
13b.Disinfcctlon tYPe 1f Amount.,, / Cr) completion of mil construction to tho county health department of the county
where canstr toted.
Form GW 1 North Guara:aDepatm,eatatEnvimmaeoadQoaliry-Division of Water Retemees • Mina-222016_