HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05893_Well Construction - GW1_20230918 / ` y ' t�✓L 1.W Cenlracto Infonna �- 6 fljbe C k tilt:W=117alvi _ _ �.:.=�:�, Tom.—=�= Went ontractortlame • - Mu To - Dtae ati� N -- �, a - A 3 Got 37 d rz f 0 !G '' . re re. I ND Well Coritraor t eniloodon Number ?it-0111'111t r131N1i t ei fiifc IIal0MEi1Vh alit; -610 :r Poe c Wet I c NA 140,4yi Se rift•`e a FROM To -D r az Tintig Ess mum. / LJ 76c�cemateASIN( OAYTBDiftGlaeo'thris iir esad mania •+ "•° ;_�� '-- 2.Weil Construction Permit it / ` 0 mime To mom* 1 :TxtcratEss MATERIAL liitaappl mbtewell ro uuvrcnm permte(Le UIG Comtry,State,Yarian t aim)- ft tr. lo. I . 3.Weil Use(deckled use): n• tr. tin. Water Supply Wen: ritiSCREEt+ --_ _ a 1--4.. �,.,,-F. :•._:._:^ • . MOM TO MAWerea siorstz= wenn= riety STA1._.` _Agricultural , f Municipal/Pabiic 0 ft• fu to. Geothermal( alN€!Ca:>ing Supply)- QResideanal Water Supply(single) n: a to dustriattComauxciol - 0Resideutial Water Supply(shatod) _ - egetimn 7>lcttRgti7.?� ��•�`::��_:���.,r�-..��;-"�.:::.�,�.a nwM to MAWRIA1. I _EMPIACEMENrMETHOD&Anse rn dorm-WaterSupp(yWellO - r ra 1, ti _ _rr I • Monfaming QPet � fr, � I . - net,( L Mt, Injection Well: - - • _ AquiferRecharge In GniundwaterRemedialion R.- • - 7W egiiNDIGRIVItriEt onnabtb17141=.'-_ . ..u.. ::=..::• :=: . AquiferStoiage and Recovery pSalinityBeirier PROM To MATERIAL sMP1dCJtMRPrriR780m _-_ _ -Aquifer'tlest }�StotmweterDrainage A.. _ fr. - - -- . ExperimenmlTechnology EISubsidenceControl d le . Geothermal(Closed Wig, Diner 120antIDttaT(iIOS(iiaf'"rbiadliferatitiellibilasii " GGCthetIDel ting/Co&lingSenna) JlOtlter(lain under el Remarks) 2nciM TO - D ,1pRYttONtatogtucdna""12Jcl�ujertlaict air f 4.Date Well(s)Completed: S,� 3 Nat IDtt. �� '�, .'- 5 6. G S li���-�jr•< Sa WeIIlocatiomi $ 7cS G/ �� -� IR6// FacmtyiOneerliame Pacdi0rIDillifap➢ncablo) d tt: I f Co4/eleseuAST_ �//ifrr f It. I SEP 1 3 2020 ;I.E.,'Mina,Citr,mdT.ro m R. I irtr s.�,�±;coo Uri Coumy Paaelldeditiatoallo.(PIN) - I• • Ste latitude gad longltnde In degrees/nloutes aeconds or decimal degrees: (Jewell field.enaterltangrostl6eieat) 22.Certirreatima: 4,, g' - ( .7 S.3Go 7 7 2 N V o /%/ 4/_ w k1,1_ &I Adie-vi y^l d -1 6.NA(are)the wags) Permanent or [DTemporaey 9ignstureor-certified WelConbacmr Duo aysipthl dne jbmi,I hereby cook then thl wall(t)wet(mere)commend a,accordaaca a 7.Is this a repair to an existing welt OYea or rpa,.r • with 1SdNGC 02C.O1t1D or 112 NCI 02C.0200 Well CmimnaxroaSemadatdroad that If this isamat,fit lmurnownweltmwruetiowWmmetionoutI ego)lhamatmv Mho CoP Mktg romid tin ban proiidedrofheirslimmw. repair ono er@2l noun*aeon Orentha Sod-o/ddsfoms I . 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Ceotheranl Wed,laving the ammo You asp,use me bade°tibia page,to provide additional.wl(site details or well construction,only I GW-lisheeded.Indicant TOTAL NIMBHRofwells constmctondetals.You may also Mach additional pagesifneceremy. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIQJ$ - 9 Total well depth below land surfaces -7G_5— (h.) 24g,For All Wain Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well .- eonsnactian to the following 10.StadeWIer level below top dosing: /-S- (R.) Division of Water Resources.Information ProcessingUnit IJwwarer level it above umwgure+" 1617 Mail Service Cebtes;Raleigh,NC27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. 10 '4.4 (In.)a 246.For infection Wells: In addition to sendntg the Fiant•m the egrets in 2Aa 12.Well construction method: PaLLi('I (( - above,also submit one copy of this foam within 30 days of completion of well C ua tags.cab!g insect push,gift) ram/ COnsttostionw the foltmciitg: PAR WATER SUPPLY WBIIS ONLY: Division of Water Renames,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Can!i rRaleigh,NC276991636 R �13e.Yield(Qptn) Method ofreWt: /0i pe ltr 24c.For Wafer Sunbiv.�Infection Wells; la addition to sending the[oat to Gi the address(es)above;also submit olio copy of this farm within 30 daysof 1311.Disinfection type: 1-r Amount If ' ? completion of call constmcdon to the coturty health department of the ncy adhere canstiucted FmmGW--1 NonbCaroramDgcvtmem arFaviromamed goolily-DivisiasdfwaterRdautm RCriaod2-22 2016- I