HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05892_Well Construction - GW1_20230918 1.w I Contract ri InformaAJbe on It C ( �+xtret:�,oiu��PROSE TO -u�aa�nt�i,o�r -i-�..i -. Wdicaatra�orHama .�10 ' 3/s it I S K�-�, . NC Corns Cenigatlo'Nomber / 1 n�sor�►statrt�ct <i�=���>� nt;�- •� �-:�: c S ik.)e.��al4..tE ? G'i^7lbC e Fab Te MUM t• r Ttr(cttNESS TIVIRIAL 1 11611Nbi [teesMYf OR 1D1t4G.'rr4ut(,Frn'iit oadta1 +e. T•t = • 2.Well Construction Permit* . L 7 / / D. / • mom TO DTAaMaTOR v Tst(Cla>Fas xA .n. Lls tall app►icaldeueUronrwedanpernhs tie WC Carry.Saw,Variance.ern.)- fa •" t► �• 3.Well Use(channel!use): . _ tr. e: fa. z. _ . WuerSgPptq�'VeD: �1z9�Bge -, _1_- = _ = __ FROM TO DIMMER. S1OTSirs TWCRIIFSS^MATER/AL - jAgdcuttumi QAMWncipeliPubha O tt. ft. �. in Geothermal(HentingoolingSupply) DEsidntiel Water Supply(single) tr. it to : .. jIMuahiat(Commereial - DResideatial Water Supply,(sharod) - _ _ - 13:OI101tTct-VY:�`„' 'r°L__r _._r_ _ ;- mow • :Irrigation V PROM To Y MATERIAL-�- IMIIT LRE!SSNTMt?rHODetAatOtNVT • Noa.Water Supply Won: 0 D. VC," �•ti,I?'i vc ,igt.t t m.,t t • "d nito inn Recov � it. 3njecdonWell: " ' • t. f • 1. . • ' • n Aquifer Rechrgo EiGmund terRemediation GI P.VeKt( 4 <r = _ - -- iAquife $totag end Rcrny 0SalinilyBenier TO ATE 'emu AquiferTest -- inStorrowater Drainage- - - - --n ic ' Txperitnentel Technology DSubsideaee Control . ft it • Geothermal(Cloud Loop),.. DTraeer '10:n�ti;ilea•I:fltS riiiit iwmi diebiatiticimiiW4=��� ="t-ei - . neeo :awl(lirdting/CaolirigRemra) Daher(mgeetnunder#21Remmers) =Oac To DESDIIPrtoat(calm u. ,00l ttp..,u.enta,etot 0 a 5C/ tt 4,-/r/C/a '/ • 4.Dale Well(s)Completed:j-)3-) Well1Dtt,; I' >� /�G tt' SG-TT &a'c • 52.Well Location L.''✓ft. 3 c/f f 0 •-"",•r r/<"t`' - . r�dActi l,"/�44e f/ .l(' Zd Q/ it i _ $- (tip➢ttreble) tt I i C:- i 1 j .. 11/p 4a� r FeePWID11 77-7rciM/i--7-,914 .*5 d fG3 f n SCE' ZOZJ PLysiralAddnme,Cnty,and Tap r- ./ : y,t" IB..V. Ccun l Pt fitetisallo.(PIN) •1. - MOM Jen Sb.Latitude and longitude b degrceslminuteslseconds or decimal degrees: Orwell Held.ono Wong tasufficient) 22.Certification: " D�,4 g a- ,13 .2sQ�/o3 9 H 'J' 3 a w A .be au,teivA 6.is(are)thewett(s)aPermenent or [Temporary y, SignrtoreoC4eai6ed WellCoanctor Duo • Bysigdeg rids farm.I hereby car*Una the tiell(t)tar&ere)contovcrd at accordance • e 7.Is ibis a repair to AD minting well: ❑Ye+ or o wish lid MAC 02CA100 or L5AMeC 02C.020 nnoa 0 SW Canru Sfa iardr and that a f1dr4arepatr.Jllloidlrrmarwdfcentrrucriarrinfarastua,mrdetp/mn/haMaraDfthe 0:IPYofretsromlembseupl w ldtothelil ,awnen repnirendert21 nmarbaction ar antes hack oftldsfarm, ' 23.Site diagram or additional well details:. - • B.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed•Loop Geothermal Wells having tbesumo You may use the back of do page to provide additional Intl site details or well - construction,only 1OWIisneeded.Indigo TOTAIMUMBHIt of nein con sttuctiondetaps.You may also Mach edditional pages ifnecessary. • drilled r,� SUBMITTAL IP(ST1ttlCTYQ I$ 9.Total well depth belotrlandsurface' 1 ` (A.) 2ca,Far MI Wells: Submit this fora within 30 days of completion of well heawfaieemellr(vtdldepnccifeblrat(emmple.3 aa•aAd2@ld8') commotion tothe lnllowittg: • / - 10.Static water level below top of casing: (rl'0 (IL) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit; 1/warerl reining uu+j" min Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617 11.Borehole diameter: 113 I44 ((IL)• ) Z4I For iniecttowWellst to addition to sending the Ammo the address in 244a 12.Well construction method: P()'�A Y' { - above,also submit ear copy of this than within 30 days of completion of well . Cw mei.rotary.cable,divot put%do.) construction to the follotvmg . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: Milton of Water Resource;Undergr ound Injection Control Program, /�� lk�& / 1636 Mail Service Center,1Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 . 13a.Yield(gpin) I Method of teen_fO.ptr..1„o" 24e.For Water Sunnty&infection Wells: la addition to sending the form to �/ the address(es)ahoy; also submit ohe copy of this.tens within 30 days of 13h.Disinfection type: rill t! Amount: / C7S completion of well construction to the cotmty health department of the county wherecenatructed. FatmGW-1 HaabCaiotiocD atEndronEen 1 qutsmeat _ �3Qoality-DivisioaoflYatuRraomer� Rorirod?r2Z2016' .