HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05788_Well Construction - GW1_20230901 • .WELL,CONSTRUCTION RECORD ORI) -._ _- ; ibis form can be,used for single or multiple.wells For lateral Use ONLY: ^^- _ _ 1.Well Contractor Information; Mitchell Dean Cook -- _-__.___-__ t _ _._...-.__ _-,_..__ Well Contractor p'ROM - I•:L_. t _ >a'r '•!' Rtt Nnmc ..._T�- `DF.SCRiY770N 20�3 A �2.Lc-1t._ 1�%`"°rt. -C ! — --------- NC Well Contractor Certification Number ft. fe�-' --_--- - 'L S QIJTI;111 tiV, . f6Yidiull r 1Tr Thi. n•: .-.. .i .f�.,.. ( t�:i•�'s`�t1:,wetle;�'k) :NINE: .?irp' )7i'cA c ., Dennis Holland Well Drilling :01 TO ATERI''" "- Inc.In(: ft. ��AMF' IICK MATE...._...._...__ DI ,7 FRI 't7 NESS TERIAL Company Name -_ _ f �.� i yin 1:6 if!tNF)tl.'CiASIN!rc()lt'TIIRttlftO. lierma <,, t;n - L_ �P,e.'o'j y>"closrit=loop}_Zt,` r:z;f�t ;' "' 2,Well Construction Permit II: I ,FROAt TO DIAMF.Til J�' -'-----•- 1st all applicable well pumas(i.e.(Darr..2,../ i `1 -•- _- ' rt. ft. ln. Tit �_-�-L ._._--.- ry,Stare. Vnrrnnce:Injection,;70) _ MATl;RIA 3.Well Ilse(check w dt• rr. =✓ o ; - (• k well use). q' 1T,f,` atel.supply Well: _______••-___...___________._-_-_......-_-_ ___..i.____. 4_,_•� .................................to :;; s ,....1. C:IAgricultbral t. Ir. D IAht FTF_R .SLOT§:ME• THICKNESS...,:MATERIAL_. ft. fr. in.1 I:.]Munici)>aVPublic , 0,cothernal(Heating,/Cooling Supply) C1Residential Water Supply(single) ft• ft. in,I , Oln(lustritl/Commeroial _._._____.... ClResidential'Water Supplyar8,4---,-.1 m ;ia: ''''' <y.;:;" --•- .-._. (shared) :J• • Curti union _ •F7ioni '�{' :;;a,., °`' S' :i' Ix ._._- _.__..o__..__+ -ALITERI6I. _ him PLACEntENTM.F.THOQ&AMOtinI Non-Water S(tpplyWell: --_..._._.._-_.._.-.._._.._.__-.---T..___ ,ft. ..ft. - _C:1Monitoring filkeeovety Injection Well: _ _.�_.. _ _ __._ _ _ -., __._,-._.... _..._-- e.dz27.2 - �.�(x •S'_ .. d (.7Aquifer Recharge ft. ft. ClCirouudwaler Rentediati _ t - • on E.0...a.tiD%GriViik?PRe/ Irti'giii r ---.-x- DAquifer Storage and Recovery (.JSaltilily I)arfief FROM -- r�)_._�_ ,_MATERIAI. E:MPLACEM ENT MEni0D - fJAquifer'fest ft. ft. 1_ CI Stornlwater Drainage . __-_ fJFxperimental Technologyf -t. ft. �__• ___._. _____.. C]Subsidence Control CJCiuJthennal (:Ins :2•7700 DRIL-----.-7-",-,---,f f 1 C)( a f8 ,ono' .•.,."�" •,r"'- - ((Closed Loop) (,:Phrne a Foi.:DR tft -( tfrighiG'Fd)trogal ihect'itCufee fiery) ,<;, a ?,;; ":< `^ f3Geothermal Hearin CoolinrReturn J:10ther(explaintinderinI Remarks) _ uFURIPTu)N(gotorthanlnssssoiVrucklypr�gr�;n.�i� ei�:__ ft. ft. l: 4.i)ate Well(s)Completed:O?:Z,�';-,Z�'tyell IPH - ' Sa.Well Location: _-.._. _ i 1/ d..�t_1_._d_.-_-_._--_ _ fr.ft. - ft. 7.2 he,�d za a , at _.___-_______-_-__.._____.._..__--__..__.-__ Z0 ._ 11. Facility/Ownener Name . Facility ID/1(ifupplic blc) �_...;._.._...._...-_ _..___._.__._._.._._i__...-__._.,.__..__.-_... __...__....__..-v._. ..._.-.__._ at J Z h. yi.2� 0 U ft. .._._.._.__... <<._. _..._._.__. r- •y� �rti �n rr Physical Address City � - .' _ _nnd'Lit T.. __ 521:#KB'11IiCIiK ':� T.' _ - tt J 1 Colony Parcel Identification No.(PEN) C' .! *� _A______-_..._.__ Sb.Latitude and Longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 i (if well field,one rat/long is sufficient) .(:crfiPCalion: i S .2 l ' ._. � :_- „_--_-____ ___ - � Sigaatue ofCertifed Well Contractor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): 43.14manent or CJ1'cmporary By signing this form,1 hereby certify that the well(s) was(were)constructed in accordance with/.SA NCAC 02C.0100 or LSA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to tin existing well: 0Yes or 641Altr- copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. If this is a repair,fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under(!21 remarks.section or on the hack ofthirform. 23.Site diagram or additioual well details: You may use the back of this page tci`provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 __ constuction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For rnnitiple to jecrion or nun-water.supply wells ONLY with the same construction.you can I suborn One farm. S1111M1'r•1'Al.INS•fl1C:'1'fONS l 9.Total well depth below land Miriam: ,__ y ft, 24n. [or,_All \Yells: Submit this tii.'rni within :10 days of completion of well For multiple wails list all depths if different(example-345200'and 2@100')' construction to the following: f 10.Static water level below top of casing: _-_, 4. ® - _ _- (f. Division of Water Resoui1ces,Information Processing Unit, If water level is above casing,use"•1." -- "- 1617 Mail Service.Center,Raleigh,N( 27699-1617 eu" f ' 11,Borehole diameter: __• -_-__ (ill,) 24b: For Injection Wells ONLY: hit addition to sending the form to the address in Rotary 24a above, also submit is copy of this'form within 30 dhyS of completion of well 12.Well construction method: - construction to the following: (i.c.auger,rotary;cable,direct pilsb,cic.) �'____ __.._�_ _ FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, `—_- __._______.__ 1636 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13n.1'ield(glint)_.._..//_ �•-• Air lift• 24c.For WaterSuppj&Injection Wells: (gI ) <J._,.__----. Method of test:---._.._..,_.. - Also submit one copy of this form wtt tin•30 clays of completion of • H & H •13b.Disinfection type:_-_ -_____.__. Amount:-�2 Uzi,•_-__.__. ____ well constructed.u lion.to the county health department of the county where 1°o1111(i W I Nnnh(arnlinn_en:v..1a t nrl:nvirnnn,ma and Nah.r.ai Rnon::.:v.r.-Iliv:e.nn nr W,vn,n:. n anmrnd A.m..,WI 11 l:�