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GW1--05768_Well Construction - GW1_20230901
1 .., WELL:CONTRUCTION RECORD tpr infernal ilsc!DNLY: ', •, , - ilits-fornicai(b61uki1 for slit*ai multi*mils. - . I • . 1 . • . 1.WOL.Ctinie.tetiji•Information: --'-',t41.WATERZONES:..... • ' ..'1. , , - - ..• ' Stefan Smith Vtif)N1 TO DESCRIPTION WenCenlotelcittiAmO, • it. . (I.. t ! . 3576A . NC Well conliattor 0.1flificution Nitrite: . 1S.:'13illtlit-CASINGIfig..-iiiiill IsedittritOsf OR:LINER:MIA ilitlit4Cit ,-• - . . - FROM - '1 TO - DIAMETER THICKNESS. MATERIAL•' SAEDACCO . . 0 it.... 10. . it.-2 I 1,*Ie. SCH-40 - - QuitinewNatne•- ' ' • ._;,:IONNEICCASING'011--TUBINGUitnIlkiiimIckii.,e114014L-.Z......, . . FRONt TO • DIAMETER THICKNESS. MATERIAL • . • 2.10a(etteistroethUt permit-tii 2023-20-05-MW-5-kw0 ft.. - ft,- 1 . . . . - • '• .. Uri till ciyilieWciFellperFlOf ix-Cornty:1404t.:Variarrir,14063 017,1 •fi.- -. ft, • 1. . hi..- , . . . . ...v.vi,:ii be(ehock.well Use).:. • -417.: . . . . , -'Water Supply Welk . - -- - SCONE , TO • -.DIAMETER i st.OTSErit TIIICRNIZS AlATERtAt. ClAgricultMal Elhitinielpalipublie . 10 ft,. 25 IL 2 ' 1",- , .010. SCH-40 ' PVC • . . ClOotithetmat IlleatinWtooliog.Stipplyl. IDReskleiltial.Wator.SupPlY(single) r .• ft' . - 'f!...I . _ '•i!4' . . . - OludusitialiCommerchil ClResideutiol WatetSupPlY fsluted) ;'Eno.18!GROIrr AT . ,•TO. . .MATER-IAL • ENT-PLACE- NIES-TNIE11-10D.&. A.'110014T-.—' 0 irrigation• _ . . • . . - • . 0 ft.. 6 ft, Portland - Pour . . Nott.Water Supply Well . . . . .. . . . ., . . T . . " "-• - - : 4 , . . • ft, ft; . • . 1914ontkning. . , dRecowly . 1 . • ,..„ • • , _ ItAlgetion Wolk . .. ft.' . ft; ' ' '• • • . . . . _.. . ... • , •. ElPluifeuRcOArge.. - ' - .110Mundwalcr.Refitediation ' . ..,.t..92SAND/GRAVELTAC.KAriimili6hti:1?',-- -- -:7:-..:T.i7:77.--.---..-:,-,.-_-.-----...-•,-'•-" ' . - . ' •'E.jAff4.0.10.3Id.RSC6VOY. "•- - ''. - litorty i Baktiet . ...mom. - U) • ntuRitrA I, .F.Nyt,acitmENT su..-rtmu pSo . .. .. . . 8 ft.• 25 .ft. gaud' '• - 2 - '• El,V.riiiirci.Tait EISOiniiiratcePrititigic- . . . . . IL- , • •ff. .. ! •.. r l:14arinictilal Tc4litmkg. LISUbsittcy.cc:Cosirot , • • .. . 0;VRELLISQLOGIariaelladditikuiitl sheds if iteCtrifvt . . - •—- -. . _ hgetithenual(,cldsed Limp) : CITmeer ' . FRONT- -. TO • - DINCRIPTICINIcobeihefty.w.willffikk 1)1%9min:co*.tio . . . .. , EIGmthettoal illeolitmICOollneRetwol DOtherlexpliiin under.#21 Rettoks) . 0 .ft., 12 • (I, Clayey silt . . " - 12 ,f : 25 ft.. Silt : --' 4 1, , . . 1...... ,. fp,.•ir- II ;'-: It. 4:Date NVellcsj ..ti3nipleICdt 8-4-23 -- -:(Vett wf/WW-1R ,' . , W.,. • 1, ' N. .14.../t:i V L.. „ i• . . . sa;Well Locationt 'ft. 1, . SEP 4 1 2023 • Jimmy's..Daytona . . . . . . . 11... - ft,• . . 1 1. • . tIcility#13iyucrisituuc • ' '-. Fa4iiiyifikkOppablei. - ft, • ft, , InfOt*alitn Prcx.rAlita . i,.. . 2001 W. Vandalia,Rd., 'Greensboro; NC, 27407 . . . .. . - ft.. • •ft._ • , . . • • OW013(-Na . . • - • . '. #12401.A.0*5;City.:,Ooit 4 '1.1.1RENIAR1S' Guilford . . • . • . •Two foot bentonite seal from 6-8 . . County' - . Parcel Ittisiliffiation No.(PIN) . • ' - : • ShtLitilittleilatt li.nleitittela deOelesi!iiiitutestset(indiir-dcarialltdigOcii- -21:Certifientiour ' 1 - Or trit Q4cli QI1g.ittooi b•Sitit. ott •„.... - • t : . . . 4 .1- 4 i • 36.020772 N 79.840036 • - '147' -'v '. . '. i : .• i• - 8/10/2023 .gary:31.. of Cc*:6{4 Will Calitractar I, Daib . . . 6.Is(..to)the'well(o);.3OPermanent. or EiTettspOritty' 15 Algjiing Mb/0mi frerr,by terrify Oili Aw.welltil twin 010:49 arewrifeled he.Awordroicr . . . . . . . - Iiitli f 54,N.C4C 02C.0100 or/set mcg..A2 .02139 We hi Cpusopericur Sforukrefs and Aar a 7.Is kb"!al reiratilti art e;ilStiott NVelk Diesf Or Eislo .1.4*.of this iecOurl liiikbeca providori 0:the civil rinviCr if rin:i.l.f47 rOili',fill cot.krreiisii Watiaivalosi kfgruunion irri:(1 dpl.qIu rho norore of the iirreir fetid&nrriNnarAiseatan swim the bast Ofllifgrm. -23:Site.ilkigrans or..adOticitutln;0(1.details: .. . You pay.*the back of this 00,itiptoicteladditional well site details,or Well 8;.$11inberi)f wells euustrueted: 1 . coustnietiontleia4 •Ycia.iiiay althAtticluadditionulpjakes if tit.tesSaty. For mitiple lidevidinsor aim-..hirer supply"IMIs.:ONLY MA the.satrif cosistruttialt,you cvti . , , li• • " submit.rile firm. " .. ." • StWISIITTAL INSTETC-TIONg';' ' - 0..`176 tiil*C11,ilepfli hetoiti,land stirfuee.: . 25 (ft). • . 00-. :Nu..Far All-Wells• Sandi this''forth within SO trays of coittpletiOn of well . Forsuohipfcio,,ellslist off depiliS if cl(fferoy iesanfpfe-3@2p0'esrui,2@l470) - "consttoctimi tolhe Motioning: . 1 / . • • • 1, . , . lt.l.Statle.ivater level below top easing: MO Divisitia of Water Resonrcio,InfOrniatitin•Fiatesiitig tirrif,,. " :if ulaiet kUtil 1.;abbue editng..&se"+" . 1617,hlail•Servieg-tenter,Raleigh,Nt',2769!)-16l7- . it,Rorehnte diameter:8;25". V-11.) .24b;•Ft-k 10'06cm WON ONLY. to.oddition to.sentliogilte.fomr to the address in • 24aahoie;.also submit O.col*of this flitto within.30'daYs of.cotnpletion of Welt . , 112..Velfpousttvetiou method:.BsA - consfiuciiou tO the fbflo‘iing,-• r , . • - 1 . (to.;4,6-rotary,calile,direct Iuit;cfc.) , - . . - - -. . . ... . RIviklaii of Water RiNatirecii,IjliderOonittl'firjecfjon COntrOl.Program; . . FOR WATIER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:i . . 1636 itiall.Service center,Raleigh,,NC 27699.136 24e.Fm Water Suiplv.&faiOeffiou Wats:. • 13u,Vield(gPto) Method of te-',5t: • Also.submit one' 'eoPy of.thiS:fciiiin Within 7.'0:day's of completion.of• . . . 13h.Disinfection typm Amount: writ e.ctil*IrtiOn.to thb county health deportment of"the.coatity where. _ . cOnittoctrti. 1• . Fans GW-I onit Carolina Ets:INument oradroamegaINI Natural Resoutvd-Dvf.ilba of Walerillatrm. Revised Augul,12013 i I -- •