HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05746_Well Construction - GW1_20230905 • i WELL.CONS.TRUCTIONRECORD Fgr tactual Use ONLY: ' ' nip.form cun,Wiwi fai.tingleormultiplewcIIs• - - 1.Wcit.Contr.•tetoirInfornfatiau: . 1.LWATERZONIS, / ... - . . - . Stefan Smith ROM. 'iit DFSt:'Rrl*r14N W eil Ctilitr ctor Name. R. it. 3576-A • ft. it: NCWcIIContraciorCenifinetioaNumber E5:"OfiTERCASNG`(rnriiiulficavelfricRslOttLrNERilfisp tleabkl' FROM' TO n AMETEtt: THICKNESS ' - ',MURLtt. SAEDACCO f4 . fL • P I la. Com�tartyhamq t6:INNER CASING'OR.TUBING{yeut6ermal'cla it.1i4 , FROM 'TO - DL MMETER TIIICKN£SSs.MMATtR)AL 2.WclUConatruciinn Pe,ruit t: • 0 'R., 10 it. 1 j' .I SCR-40 PVC Liti XI applicable 41..11 pr-1mks(ie.,County,:Stu:e..Yariance.frl$1ral err l ft.: it. ;i :it. . 3,'Wrlt tJsc(chccLrvcli use):' • Alt-SCREEN . . • Water Supply,%ill:' 'moat TO arAMFTER °srorSln: THICKNESS 1 y1ATrarat, . 10 'ft. 20 `t. 1 •n(l,. '.010 SCH-40 PVC trl • gticulto[al. tJMiinicipaliPublic, 4 I Geolhetmat(Heating/Cooling Stiihply) ®Residential•W'lter Supply{single) if' it: io ©[tidustrial(Conwlcrcial - tjRcsideutialWater-Supply(skated) ;18eGROUT ._ _._ ,, ._ . _.. . ._ _ FROat. TD. i MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT MEi11OD S AMOUNT ❑lrripation .. . . . . at.. tt • Nou-W.itcr Su piq Well: -- .. 59Manitortng • 1311ccoviry ft.. p. talent tun Welt: it. . ft.. IDAgttifcrReciiarge ClOiauidttalcrRentcdiatiau 415:SAND/GR,tVNLPACE ir.attdtcaotel•' . = = '•FROa1 TO' ` aIATP.RttL EaiPLtC1MENTalmelon I3r1nitifer,Sloragc at.Rceovcy IJSalinity Hamer . . .ft,. ft. , ElAnnit.rTcst• OStorlriitatcePutt rIgC 1: . . ft.. - •ft. . C]>:ipctinicitial Ttxlmalo f]5nbsidcttcc.(oalml :n DRILLING LOG(riltach addlhaait sheers if ncctcca�) ' • OGeothennul(ClosedLoop) . ❑Tracer . . FROM 70 DF.SCF.rPTit3N(wbr.>,aritnca.erlL'nxkt�nc:ordn uaetal t7Geotliennal(HeatitiefCoolingRetuit) ElOther fespliiu under.S2I Retuati;sl .ft. f4 , it. i6 i i.DateWelC(s)Completcd: e/16f23 WcIIID#$-g ft; • ft. i' - . 't�i 1lA -,r. ,r L._.1 0__ 5a:`vim Llicationt .iL- ft, ' Forest Oaks Circle K f4 ft'' S E P 0-5 2023 facility/OisnerNurne Facliiy1Dk6fa144cable)., •r.t - . 5324 Liberty Rd., Greensboro; NC, 27406 - - R•- . ft. Irlfar4Tri3acrl i�f,''CStS 2Ss'a>iJ(ate •ft. ft. 't� Pliysiead Addrsss.City.;tnd Zip ' 3it RUIIiAt '• .• ' ' Guilford Temporary well for grab-sample - ' County Par>:d kketittc:aionNo;(VW) Sii,.J-ittitudc'anif LongIttnlein ite rccs/tniitutcs&sccondsOr decimal degrees: 22:.Cct•riticahoa: ' (lr.►gin raid;u 1a+7oli ix slrirci<»} N W .•.„ •/ � I; 8/24/2023 Signat•�ofCc.tiedWOCaniraetor.• Dafe 6.18(.rrc)tke:nelI(s)i UPl'171fanent or iTefnporat}' signing. this im;.l herrb certi vfl ur Mr iidifi l V.u.Y berm)raa_rlrucferi irt;rctonirncr �F Jb 3' f:.1 ••i{'ilh15.tNCACO2C.01(s'.)or1,tNCACO2C:020i>WellcettrtrorriniSraodardsand:1a a 1Isthisareirairloatieiiiitingwell: ❑Ycr•' or ®No 'iopiirofthkrrerini big:lmen(i.rnriiledto•ihe-inllii+riter. ffrh lilt a o pals,fill our knrii}w well tOtwA(Cl/at1 htlaras UIon moll c.gi(oin rhC Aorore of the ,I' re}raircarder021_rrmarks:;rrivauoristhe hat ofdtisfor,i . -23.Site dingram•or.additional.ttie(ildetails: You tnay:use llye.bacl;of this page to ptoyide'.idiilionat well site details;or well B.ISumberof Wells'constructed: 1 -cousiiucttonf derails. You inay a lsa•aita'eh:idditional pages if necessary: For lnnlrlple hfecrio,i orrn i-BYRer supply wells ONLY with rhu.saeleconstrticliwr,you 0011 - A-Oink aae form. SIiBMJTTAL iNSTUCTIONS 9:Total well depth betoiv•land surface: 20 • ((L) 211 For Alt Wells Subiitit this'fortn within 30 days of coniptetiou`of well For ircutripleivrllslist ail diprhsifdtffrrrnr(crarnpla-30200'and.2(0100f) - ' ' -constnictiontotitefotloniug: i ' . 10.Static water level below.top of easing - . ((I.) . Divisiiin of Witter R�spurces,Information Pivee�sstng Unit,' if m ar',lei'el'ls above cd5f14,are"+" - - 1617 lifail.Seriiceiccnter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ' - Ft.Borehole diameter:2.25". - - '(in.) .24b;For injgctton Welts ONLY: sin addition to-sending the fomr to ilia address in 24aaboi'e,also subsoil a.copy of this.fonit triikuf 30 days'of completion of well 12..'Wcllconstruction method:DPT . . cousiruclimt to•tlie follodine:: 1 (i.e.auger,rotary.cable;,direct push.etc.} t Divisfait of Water ResoureesOndergrouted ftijeerlen Control Prugrant, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:- 1636 Mail Service'C nter,Raleigh,NC276994636 • 13:t,Vicld(dim) \fetltod of test: 24e..For Water Supply.&Injcetion.Welts: Also subunit one•copy of this Tanu Within O days of completion of 131i.-Disinfection Ante: • Amount: well:cgnslnictien to the county health depariment ofcounty the where- conistwatcd. • Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Err itotwr_lu and iJitural Rcmurecs-Division of Water.R ath Reiised-August 1013