HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05702_Well Construction - GW1_20230905 I • WELL.CONSTRUCITON.RECORD Fer!menial Use PNLY:.. form can be:uscil fir tingle or multipk wills: • 1 • -1.Weil.Contrattor Information: • . . i-14:..WATERZONES - -. •• 1 '. • ..-• • . John Eisenman _ ;Most. 1 TO OnSeitiPt1ON Well Co or Minic ft; ft. I I ft: ft. I I 9439-A ',13::OUTER:CASINGIferiiintilliiiiiittiells).'OR LINEKOtnifantatiki, , NC-Weil Contractor Ccnification•Nindier . FROM: ' TO -• • DIAMETER THICKNESS • MATERIAL SAEDAcco ' . .1.4 . Conipanytimoc• , • . ..26:,.INNER.CASINGORJUISINGlacoilieirindekikildininiv-',-.,..- •.- • . . 11 FROM -TO - - I DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL • 2:WeRCOnitructi F on ern* : - 0 R. 31 • ft.' 2 I! ' In. Sas-4 0 - PVC .Lid ad ArlitIcabfe irelfpciFaks l'iii.CON,:.7mic,Variance,frialtil,0174 •' • . • If. . ;; -i•,-, . . . . . ... 3..Wellifse(Check yet1 ttsel; • -47:-SCREIEN " . _ . - Water Smiply Well: Foos: TO *DIAMETER ' SLOT Sin; TIIIC-KNESS• 'MATERIAL . ' . 31 ft,- 41 11;- 2 . 1ft •.010 SCH-40 PVC • ElAgricultural piAtiniciNtliptibhc• _ - in • . . , • . I3GeOthermal(Heating/Cooling.Simply) EIResideitliat\Voter Sup*(single) .ii• Jt ElIndustrialfr Commercial EiResidential Water;Suppb.(shared) •tom'. . •11-0. . ' MATERIAL EMPLA-CO'.-.I6i-T-METII'''OD.I Ali.IORNE v..' CI kripation• . . . . . . 'It. ft. . - , Non-Water Supply Well: •• .. . . -., ... . _ . .., , . .... , . .. . . . .. . • ft. • ft, lat;donitOri.P8. . I:Recovery • • •. _.... \. . . . Injection Well: . .it.:' 'ft,. • • . ---- • 1:MittolfCr:ReOiarge ClUtputidwatct Ileincdiallon ,29i.S.411111C11AVEL'PACK•61411011r.abtcr ... • - ... . - : .. -PROM• •TO ' MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT mE-rnou • . ElAiiitifct.§10.age.ancl RecrAfejy PSolinity Boiriet - . 2 9 ft. 41 ft. . Sand #2' ' EMOustfcr Test ElStainiwuterpnitonge . . ' ft. ' ft. ClEtperinteololTOiltuo.tou IDSobsictettec:Coadmi . " . . -:;111;DRILLINGIOGIaltkhiddliibutil shciti if ncecistir0 . - - Licteridtemmi.(Posed Loop) C1Tnicer . FROM- • To DEKRIPTION( r.liitrancii,p..iMlick 0 tx:min*AN tkl 0Gmthennal(ReatineireotingRetum) 1:10ther(ekplint under.421.Retuatlis1 ° .ft. 41 ft, clay/sand f!-• ft. 4.:Dafe Viiii00.031111Iieleit: 7-27-13 .W.dt IDfimiq-1 • -. , • • -ft. • ft. , . So:Well Lneatlunt .ft. ft:: • 1 ', Cumberland County Commercial Site . " It.. • _rt., is— —, - . , FacHily•Ownerlitulle Fic11M.Itik(1eappiinb1c). 3900 Ramsey St., Fayetteville, NC, 28311 . ft. ft.. . SEP 0 .5 2023 . • . pioidid•Add055city_iiha2ip-, 321,REmAitics. . .. -• ' bentonite seal from 26-29' Infc.i-maZicn Prtv... '.. Cumberland , un . . GWCiAT.-.Cita county- Parcel Ickidittiliou No.(PIN) . • . , 511...3...:14titUdehtlitlainkitMlein degoorittniiittle$,*(Mdsertteelincil&gre .cs: Orison fickl,kiiig laIllat is•sntfleictei • . ..- . 22: creation . . . . . • N W .„...4,....<___,-;-":11.... ------ .-"----- 8/2/2 023 • . - ' .Sigannre-5-..2.-::ix.1...%.1•4val.:1-7,11 ,,!:-!---- ''---- f7ate. . 6.Is(ore).the.Well(s); OPentianent or •XTemparaty' hy Yigniiii;dritjahe:04.1k4.Kift,v.,..cf.i...4:1Ma,r',117t7: earl;ftireigyi ht./ay:my/mice • lath'15.1 NC4C 02C-'1. ,...4,• -17 ;TC.4,.:,.art.:f0200 Well Coitsemen'e;a grarularsis and fikff a 7.1s this a rejmir to an eiistinglyillt ClYes- tir ENO triiiy.of OW!'emirs!;mi.Ircen iwirirkd r'.-Y 31r weld viviier. 4f slils:Isn repok.iill eo kin;IOJ Teelloownfellonliviyrounlon soul t;sploln the ousrare of the ripair wider#2.1:1-ivnarkisiviiara di--iln Ilk back-of this:form '13:Sitediagramor additiona1iVe'11 details: You mm'.use the back of this page ttf.provide.additional mil Site.details.or Well . 8.Nuatherof wells eonstructed: 1 construction details, You inaY also attadi additional pa' ges if ticeesSoty. For frituIrdple lojeerlOn or-01Wilmiter supply iveip ONLY 111fil 010.SITtriq ceirstruidion,you eon submit one form SUBIIIITTAL iNSTUCTiONS I . .. . , • 9.Total wai depth below land surface: 41. . . (ft.) 1.1a. Far All Willie' ,Submit 114 forth iyithiti 30 days of completion of well For milthric ii:ctfr list riff deptlir(fdiki•roi/(maniple-5'0100'awl.20 lll9) comtnittion to the folioning: ': - 10.Static water level bell)*top.oreasingt . . . (64 ,DivEsitig of Wnter Re'StairceS,InitermatiOn•Prueessing Unit, //why leiel Is Aim:ensing,..isle"+" 1617•Mail.Serviee Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ' • . I{ IL Borehole diameter:8..25" (in-) 24b:For ileellon Weill ONLY: hi addition to•seading the form to the address in 24aabde,also submit a•copy Of this faun within 30-days'of.completion of well 12..WeRconstructiOn method: SSA COnSlille11011 to-the follociatie!. 1, (.c.eifsrotaty,cable,'direct tinsii.etc.) i . .Divbion of Water Resource's,Undergound Injection ContrO1PrOgram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: , ' 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 i 1 ' 24e,For Water Supply.&InicetionIWells: 13*Yield'(giim) , Method of teit: _ • ,AlsO subniit'one'cony of this form within 30.days of cOnipletiott.of , 13b.Dlslnfeetiuii ,tniet Amount: well,gonStruction to the county tc41th department of the Courtly wime• • consttocted. • Farm(1W-I Walk Corohna 11.cpanmentof Bacironnria and Natural Resources-DolritIon of%Vote Rmources Revised Aitust 2013 i -, .