HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026018_Affidavit_20230918 FINThe Daily Reflector-The Daily Advance•The Rocky Mount Telegram
Bertie Ledger-Chowan Herald-Duplin Times-Farmville Enterpnse.Perquimans Weekly
Standard Laconic-Tarboro Weekly-Times Leader-Wlliamston Enterprise
PO Box 1967.Greenville NC 27835
(252)329-9500 • VIA
Media of Eastern North Carolina
❑Cas- r ►� '- It C rd
Date Paid _
NCDENR/DWR/401 Copy Line. Issue NPDES Wastewater
RALEIGH NC 27699-1617
Account 116382 Ticket: 449672 i
North Carolina Environmental
Duplin County Management Commissiors/NPDES Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
GAX6D3L-Ad i.S affirms that he/she is clerk of The Notice of Intent to Issue NPDES Waste
water Permit NC0003450 Wallace Re-
Duplin Times,a newspaper published weekly at Kenansville, Duplin County, laville
Tonal wWTF and NC0026018Beu
WWTP The Northh Carolina
North Carolina, and that the advertisement, a true copy of which is hereto at- Environmental Management Commis
tached, entitled Issue NPDES Wastewater was published in said The Duplin sion proposes to issue a NPDES waste-
water discharge permit to the person(s)
Times on the following dates: listed below.Written comments regard-
ing the proposed permit will be accept I
Thursday,August 3, 2023 ed until 30 clays after the publish date
y g of this notice. The Director of the NC
Division of Water Resources(DWR)may
hold a public hearing should there be
a significant degree of public interest.
and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal Please mail comments and/or informa-
advertisement was published,was at the time of each and every publication, a Lion requests to DWR at the above ad-
dress.newspaper all of the requirements andqualifications of Chapter 1, Sec• atIn512N.S persons may vlt the
meeting DWR 512 N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh.
tion 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper NC 27604 to review the information on
within the meaningof Chapter 1, Section 597 of the General Statutes of North file. Additionala information on NPDES
P permits and this notice may be found
Carolin on our website:https:/ldeq.nc gov/pub-
lic-notices-hearings, or by calling(919)
707-3601. The Town of Wallace 1316
E. Murray Street, Wallace, NC 284661
has requested renewal of NPDES per-
mit1 Afftr lied and subscribed before me this 18th dayof September 2023 aC0wa er for its Wallace Region
P al Wastewater Treatment Plant,located
in Duplin County.This permitted facili-
ty discharges treated municipal and in
dustrial wastewater to Rockfish Creek,
(Notary c Signature) a class C-Sw water in the Cape Fear Riv-
er cr Basin Currently p . ammonia,acto
1 (`�Ji- D 9 cal i rm,Cu ren y B total residual fe
V rine, total copper, total cyanide and
Public Printed Name) total mercury are water quality limit
ed. This discharge may affect future
Da.aa. t 1 .. allocations in this segment of Rockfish
My commission expires �f� Creek Town of Beulaville(PO Box 130,
Beulaville,NC 285181 has requested re-
newal of permit NC0026018 for Beu-
laville WWTP 1352 Lyman Road]located
in Duplin County.This permitted facility
A discharges treated wastewater to Per-
KIMBERLY GOFF BANDY simmon Branch in the Cape Fear River
Notary Public. North Carolina Basin.Currently, BOD,Ammonia Nitro-
4. Nash County gen.Total Residual Chlorine,and Fecal
Coliform are water quality limited This
:.rU/` MyCorrmissionExpires discharge may affect future allocations
t . -._ .
February 22, 2026 in this segment of Persimmon Branch
449672 8r3/2023