HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003450_Affidavit_20230918 The Daily Reflector-The Daily Advance-The Rocky Mount Telegram
Bertie Ledger-Chowan Herald•Duplin Times-Farmvdle Enterprise Perquimans Weekly
'AI . Standard Laconic-Tarboro W Weekly-Times Leader-Wlliamston Enterprise
PO Box 1967,Greenville NC 27835
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Media of Eastern North Carolina ❑Cas r , I_ .It C rd
Date Paid
NCDENR/DWR/401 Copy Line: Issue NPDES Wastewater
RALEIGH NC 27699-1617
Account 116382 Ticket. 449672
North Carolina Environmental
Duplin County Management Commission/NPDES Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699.1617
G 1 _f affirms that he/she is clerk of The Notice of Intent to Issue NPDES Waste
water Permit NC0003450 Wallace Re-
Duplin Times,a newspaper published weekly at Kenansville, Duplin County, Ronal WWTP, and NC0026018WBeu
Idyllic WTP The NorthCCarolina
North Carolina, and that the advertisement,a true copy of which is hereto at- Environmental Management Commis-
tached, entitled Issue NPDES Wastewater was published in said The Duplin sion proposes to issue a NPDES waste
water discharge permit to the person(s)
Times on the following dates: listed below.Written comments regard-
ing the proposed permit will be accept-
edAugust 3, 2023 until 30 days after the publish date
Thursday, 9 of this notice. The Director of the NC
Division of Water Resources(DWR)may
hold a public hearing should there be
a significant degree of public interest.
and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal Please mail comments and/or informa-
advertisement was published,was at the time of each and every publication, a tion requests to DWR at the above ad•
newspaper meetingall of the requirements andqualifications of Chapter 1, Sec- dress, Interested persons may vislt the
DWR at 512 N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh,
tion 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper NC 27604 to review the information on
within the meaningof Chapter 1 Section 597 of the General Statutes of North file. Additional information on NPDES
P permits and this notice may be found
Carotin s, on our website:https://deq.nc.gov/pub•
tic-notices-hearings, or by calling(919)
707-3601. The Town of Wallace 1316
E. Murray Street, Wallace, NC 28466)
has requested renewal of NPDES per-
mitAffir -ied and subscribed before me this 18th da of September 2023 NC0003450 for its Wallace Region-
¢ Y P al Wastewater Treatment Plant,located
in Duplin County.This permitted facili-
ty discharges treated municipal and in
dustrial wastewater to Rockfish Creek,
(Notary c Signature) • a class CSw water in the Cape fear Riv-
er Basin Currently GODS,ammonia, -
'�L-Y` cal coliiorm,D0,pH,total residual rhlolo•
rine, total copper, total cyanide and
(Notary Public Printed Name) total mercury are water quality limit
ed. This discharge may affect future
- .'a. a('1'> (� allocations in this segment of Rockfish
My commission expires �J o'`�"�-^r Creek.Town of Beulaville(PO Box 130,
Beulaville,NC 28518)has requested re-
newal of permit NC0026018 for Beu•
laville WWTP[352 Lyman Road)located
in Duplin County.This permitted facility
KIMBERLY GOFF BANDY discharges treated wastewater to Per-
;, simmon Branch in the Cape Fear River
Notary Public, North Carolina Basin.Currently, BOD,Ammonia Nitro-
Nsh Countygen.Total Residual Chlorine,and Fecal
+1r a
Coliform are water quality limited This
,r My Commission Expires discharge may affect future allocations
February 2026 in this segment of Persimmon Branch
• 449672 8312023