HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_5 and 10 Day Follow Up_20161017� 'DUKE ENERGY. PROGRESS October 14, 2016 Mr. David May Division of Water Resources Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 28405 Duke Energy Progress, LLC 410 S. Wilmington Street Ralelgh, NC 27601 RWEMMfNCDENFVDWR OCT 17 20% Qpmft-s Seddon VAS Office Subject: HF Lee Energy Complex 5 and 10 Day Follow-up Report Cooling Pond Breach and Permitted Discharge National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number 3417 Dear Mr. May: The purpose of this letter is to follow-up on two 24 hour notifications made under the requirements of the HF Lee Energy Complex's NPDES Permit Number 3417. The permit requires in Section A(2) Note 1 that the permittee provide a written description to the Division of a discharge of the cooling pond within 10 days of a discharge event. Note, the discharge event associated with Hurricane Matthew has been determined to be one singular discharge event. Secondly, the permit requires a 5 day written notification in Part II. Section E for the breach in the cooling pond. This letter serves as written notification for both events. Description of Cooling Pond Breach 5'Day Required Notification At approximately 12:40 pm on Wednesday October 12, 2016, a break was identified in the earthen basin wall surrounding the cooling pond at the HF Lee Energy Complex. The break is attributable to the floodwaters of the Neuse River associated with heavy rain from Hurricane Matthew. There_ is a 50 to 60 foot break in the southeast corner of the cooling pond. The pond is approximately 545 acres. The water coming into the cooling pond from the Neuse River through the spillway (NPDES Outfall 002) ceased this morning ,October 14, 2016, at approximately 0800 and now there is treated wastewater water leaving the cooling pond though the opening in the basin wall. We continue to monitor and access the situation, based on the current flooded state of the river, and detailed studies of the area, there will be minimal impact (less than an inch) to the Neuse River level as a result of the treated wastewater water entering from the cooling pond. We do expect the breach to remain open until such time as we can. formulate a plan for repair and mobilize for -the repairs. We continue to work closely with local emergency management and other officials and plan to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible given the current conditions on site and the surrounding area. We plan to take samples within the basin to better characterize the treated waste water in the basin and will forward those results to you after we receive them from our laboratory. Description of Cooling Pond Dischargel0 Day Required Notification As you are aware on October 8 there was a significant rain event attributed to Hurricane Matthew, the site received approximately 15.0 inches of rainfall. The discharge event from the cooling pond is :y HF Lee Energy Complex 5 and 10 -Day Follow-up Cooling Pond Breach and Permitted Discharge attributable to .the large rain event from the hurricane. During the daylight hours on Saturday, October 8, Duke Energy. operations personnel on rounds during the hurricane observed a discharge from the. cooling pond. At that time, it was unclear, as to if there was a constant steady discharge from the pond, or if there was a discharge that was driven by wind and wave action Late Saturday night/early Sunday morning operations personnel, again on rounds, identified a steady discharge from the cooling pond. Conditions were such that the operator could not sample the discharge at that time due to safety concerns. On Monday, October 10, 2016, the river began to rise and flow into the cooling pond. This inflow continued until sometime overnight Thursday,. October 13. Due to the.breach in the cooling pond dike that occurred on Wednesday, October 12, the lake level had already dropped below the outfall 002 discharge elevation prior the river inflow ceasing and no discharge out from outfall 002 occurred: If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact Steve Cahoon at (919) 546-7457 or steve.cahoon@Duke-Energy.com. 1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations Sincerely, ff es qBrjiane�isker Manager, Lee Plant VP CCP Operations & Maintenance CC' Steve Cahoon Mike Graham Cedric Fairbanks