HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231101 Ver 1_More Info Received_20230912September 12, 2023 Delivered via email to.' Brooke.A.Davis&usace.army..mil Ms. Brooke Davis Regulatory Project Manager USACE Wilmington District -Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Re: Response to Reauest for Additional Information Joint 404/401 Individual Permit Application Duke Energy Unit 5 Inactive Ash Basin Dam Decommissioning Project, Cliffside Steam Station Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina USACE Action ID 2015-01426 Ms. Davis: WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (WSP), on behalf of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy), submitted a Joint Individual Permit (IP) application (package with USACE EN4345 form and other documents) to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on August 7, 2023, for Duke Energy's Unit 5 Inactive Ash Basin (USIAB) Dam Decommissioning project located at the Cliffside Steam Station in Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina. The submittal package and supporting documents for the IP application were also provided to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) for Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification. Subsequently, on August 9, 2023, the USACE inquired via electronic mail to Mr. James Cutler (WSP) and Ms. Lori Tollie (Duke Energy) if a pre -application meeting with the USACE had been performed for the project. As a pre -application meeting had not been conducted for the project, Mr. Sean Wallace (WSP) scheduled a pre -application meeting with you for August 18, 2023, to discuss the IP application with staff from WSP (Daniel Atkinson, Jan Gay, and Pam Ferral), NCDEQ (Sue Homewood and Joey Winston), and Duke Energy (Lori Tollie, Preston McCloud, and Shahid Rahu). During the pre -application meeting, the USACE and NCDEQ staff requested additional information (RAI) on the project/proposed action to facilitate the USACE and the NCDEQ review of the IP application. The agency comments/RAIs are recounted below, along with the Duke Energy/WSP responses. Item Number 1 Please provide additional details, figures, or information on the design of the proposed outfall channel impacting Wetland C. Specifically, please provide responses to the following related items: • Provide a figure showing the five stormwater channels to be constructed for the USIAB Dam Decommissioning project. A description and/or figures of how the stormwater channels will be constructed (e.g., riprap, geotextile, size of riprap, etc.). A figure showing Stream 7 and Stream 8 being reconnected to the Broad River with a new channel design. A discussion if natural stream design was evaluated for stormwater channels. Include any constraints about the current channel design versus a natural channel design such as costs, topography, soil substrate, structures, transmission lines, etc. Item Number 1. Response: The WSP engineering drawings titled: MAIN DAM (RUTHE-070, SCOPE 8) AND SADDLE DAM (RUTHE-072, SCOPE 3) DECOMMISSIONING PLAN ROGERS ENERGYCOMPLEX- CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION PROPOSED FINAL GRADES (Stage 6) (Drawing No.'s CLS_C999.011.007, CLS_C999.011.017, and CLS_C999.011.201) are attached and show the locations/extents of the five proposed stormwater channels. Channels 1 through 4 are located within the USIAB footprint and are designed to convey stormwater to the outlet channel, Channel 5. The outlet Channel 5 is the downstream stormwater drainage feature that conveys stormwater to the Broad River, after the Main Dam is removed. A riprap gabion outlet will be constructed at the end of Channel 5 to convey stormwater down the riverbank and into the Broad River. The five channels were designed for capacity and stability as trapezoidal channels to convey runoff from the 100-year, 24-hour storm event. The riprap gabions were analyzed for capacity and stability as a rectangular channel and the discharge calculated from Channel S. The analyses results showed that the proposed channels and riprap gabion outlet have capacity and stability to convey runoff from the 100-year, 24-hour storm event. However, the calculated flow velocities were above the permissible velocities for vegetative lined open channels. Due to varying slopes in Channels 1 and 3, different riprap channel linings are proposed to keep tractive force within acceptable limits and varying slopes. In select areas where the tractive force exceeded maximum permissible tractive force for gabion mattresses, grouted riprap was selected as the channel lining. Drawing No. CLS_C999.011.201 shows detailed designs for channel stabilization and THE gabion outlet at the Broad River (see DETAIL 1 and 3). Drawing No. CLS_C999.011.017 presents the longitudinal profile and proposed channel lining of each of the five proposed stormwater channels (see DETAILS -5). Drawing No. CLS_C999.011.007 also shows the locations of Stream 7 and Stream 8 and how they will connect with the southern finger lobes of the USIAB area. Specifically, as proposed under the Main Dam and Saddle Dam Decommissioning Plan, hydrological connections will be established between Stream 7 and Channel 4 and between Stream 8 and Channel 3. Natural stream design was not considered a viable option to transport and discharge stormwater into the Broad River. The predominant soil map unit within the Main Dam area is Udorthents, loamy, 0 to 15 percent slopes. A stream conveyance constructed within the project area would exhibit a loss of channel stability, including undercutting, scouring, and bank destabilization. The channel would cut back through the soft sediments. Furthermore, using natural channel design would require the placement of many structures to protect the stream banks and to maintain channel stability. Normally, in low velocity systems, wood structures would be used; however, because of the soft sediments at the project site, rock would be required to armor the stream channel. As such, the functional lift of the stream would be reduced. For comparison, the final closure design of Channels 1 through 4 shows steep slopes Duke Energy U51AB Dam Decommissioning Project, Cliffside Steam Station WSP Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina September 2023 Duke Energy Progress, LLC requiring riprap, gabion baskets, or grouted riprap lining to convey design flows which will prevent sediments from entering the water column. Finally, it is noted that the U51AB closure final grades are based on the estimated bottom (elevation) of ash that coincides with the topography of the area before the ash basin was constructed. As such, the engineering design basis is to restore (mimic) the pre-existing topography and surface water flow conditions of the area. Item Number 2• Please provide additional information on wetland avoidance and minimization for the project/proposed action. • Provide additional information regarding the effort (assessments) to avoid or reduce impacts to Wetland C. • Provide an updated Purpose and Need statement for the project. Item Number 2 Response: The proposed construction of the stormwater outfall Channel 5 to the Broad River will result in a 0.9-acre impact to Wetland C. Possible change or shift in the outfall channel location to the west or east of Wetland C (to avoid or reduce the wetland impact) was problematic. The following points of discussion are presented: • Transmission line rights -of -way presently exist along the eastern boundary of the wetland and in the vicinity of the western boundary of the wetland. • To the west of Wetland C, the existing higher topographic elevation constrains moving the channel in this direction because it would require additional earthwork, possible rock excavation and potentially relocating multiple transmission lines all of which would significantly increase the cost of the project. • The U51AB footprint (bottom elevation) coincides with the proposed locations of the stormwater channels; therefore, additional fill material would be required under construction activities to achieve positive flow of the stormwater channels downstream to the Broad River. • To the east of Wetland C, the existing higher topographic elevation constrains moving the channel in this direction because it would require additional earthwork, possible rock excavation and potentially relocating a transmission line all of which would significantly increase the cost of the project. • It is noted that Wetland M would not be impacted under the proposed action. The proposed impacts to WOTUS are limited to only Wetland C and no other wetlands or stream features within or outside of the U51AB and Main Dam areas would be impacted. Purpose and Need statement (updated): The purpose of the project (proposed action) at the Cliffside Steam Station U51AB, with respect to the authorization of fill impacts to WOTUS and issuance of an Individual Permit by the USACE, is to establish a pathway to route clean stormwater post -development (i.e., following the removal of CCR materials from the U51AB and the removal of the Main Dam) to the Broad River, via the construction of five stormwater channels and the reconnection of two existing Duke Energy U51AB Dam Decommissioning Project, Cliffside Steam Station WSP Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina September 2023 Duke Energy Progress, LLC stream features (Streams 7 and 8) to an Outlet Channel at the Broad River. It is noted that the proposed action would entail breaching and removing State Dam RUTHE-070 (Main Dam) and, if required, State Dam RUTHE-072 (Saddle Dam) from the state dam inventory. Finally, the proposed action would require the placement of fill material into WOTUS (Wetland C). The purpose of the project is based on the need to address the North Carolina CAMA-14 regulatory requirements related to ash basin closure (i.e., U51AB) at the Cliffside Steam Station and the disposal of CCR materials in a safe and timely manner. The principal action that has accelerated the excavation and removal of CCR materials from coal ash storage ponds (i.e., ash basins) at Duke Energy power generating plants with coal- fired facilities is the promulgation of CAMA-14. Enacted on August 20, 2014, the bill requires Duke Energy to phase out wet ash handling. As such, all coal ash in the state will be covered by North Carolina's solid waste laws. In conjunction with CAMA-14, the NCDEQ has amassed comprehensive data about coal ash facilities statewide. The information has been essential in NCDEQ's prioritization of closure plans for the Duke Energy facilities with coal ash storage ponds, including the Cliffside Steam Station (NCDEQ 2016). With these considerations, the proposed action will address North Carolina regulatory requirements as related to ash basin closure and disposal of CCR materials at the Cliffside Steam Station. Item Number 3• Please provide additional information on Wetland C; specifically, please provide the results of an onsite re-evaluation of Wetland C, to be conducted by the WSP Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS). Item Number Response: A WSP senior scientist/professional wetland scientist (PWS) conducted a site visit on August 30, 2023, to review Wetland C and assess its current condition. A new drainage channel along the riverbank and within the northern boundary of the wetland was observed. The drainage channel originates from a head-cut/remnant beaver dam in wetland C and flows through a breach in the levee that allows for a direct hydrologic connection to exist between the wetland and the river. A photograph of the drainage channel is included herein. The drainage channel is linear, approximately three feet wide, and allows concentrated flows to the river from Wetland C. Item Number 4 Please provide additional information regarding the ash basin (U51AB) Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) materials disposal on site. Response The following statement was provided in the WSP Environmental Report (Sections 3.1 and 3.2): "Ash from the U51AB is transported to the on -site lined landfill. The on -site landfill is located to the south of the U51AB across the Duke Power Road. Ash from the basin is transported to the landfill with articulated trucks. The excavation of ash from the basin will be completed prior to breaching the Main Dam and, if required, the Saddle Dam. Soil from the dam removal will be used for restoration grading within the U51AB area and used for on -site landfill operations and closure. Soil will go directly to the landfill operations, closure, or be Duke Energy U51AB Dam Decommissioning Project, Cliffside Steam Station WSP Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina September 2023 Duke Energy Progress, LLC stockpiled adjacent to the landfill in approved stockpile locations covered by existing E&SC Plans". For the USIAB Dam Decommissioning project at the Cliffside Steam Station, no temporary or permanent impacts to WOTUS (wetlands and streams) will be made within or outside the project LOD, other than the proposed 0.9-acre impact to Wetland C at the Broad River for the construction of Channel 5 (downstream outlet channel). In addition, Duke Energy/WSP verified that there are no additional work areas and/or staging areas outside the projects' LOD. Duke Energy/WSP appreciates your attention to this project. If you have any questions or comments, or need additional information, please contact me at (336) 906-3244, Mr. Sean Wallace at (770) 286-7916 and/or Ms. Lori Tollie (Duke Energy) at (336) 408-2591. Sincerely, WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. James D. Cutler, PWS Senior Scientist Sean R. Wallace, PMP, PWS Associate Scientist Attachments: USACE RAI Response —Attach ments_9-12-23 Cc: Sue Homewood (NC Division of Water Resources) Joey Winston (INC Division of Water Resources) Lori Tollie (Duke Energy) Preston McCloud (Duke Energy) Shahid Rahu (Duke Energy) Ken Daly (WSP) Basak Gulec-Dincer (WSP) Jan Gay (WSP) Duke Energy U51AB Dam Decommissioning Project, Cliffside Steam Station WSP Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina September 2023 Duke Energy Progress, LLC 5 REV. Is M o o F o r /C NOTE THAT GRADING OF OUTLET CHANNEL j aMw (CHANNEL 5) AND BROAD RIVER TIE IN ARE // Mw SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON USACE AND / NCDEQ WETLANDS PERMITTING. / BROAD RIVER % _ - ---- 3 \ ......................... v _ _ sassoo _ ...............�� ' / \ \ \\\\ \ 014 �f. I / 1 �/ 730 — FOR BASIN OUTLET AREA, SEE DRAWING CLS_C999.011.013 FOR MORE DETAIL Z"Q\ CHANNEL 5 \\ / �69 ° 1 CHANNEL 2 \.201 \� �� o B I t ""` \\\\\� \ \ \\� \ \ I r /III I I I % / / \\ \\\ 1\\\\x����,\�o / � I l / 68 EE CHANNEL .201 / / / ° .014 //Z i // // / o � ° m ° e ° \° m ° ° ° \ e Q O Q � \— �/\�\ 5 INACTIVE ASH BASIN E / 1 \ s0 //� 0 wv \ / V ❑ Cb �vv v vvvvv _ v ,vv\ v v I, Ili IIII //i Q Q Q I � \ \\\� �'6p o — • • A I / / A o A A \ , o II off/ / / // r o Q Q I � �\ \ ° \ � , — � �• : • (/ I v �aAA\A � v\\ D-D S I � I o I 111 l o o X CHANNEL3' a NN, 11 I III II I II I �/ \ III \ CHANNEL 4 I�/ I .201 14, I I STREAM 7 \%/ v� \ �/ / I /, // / //// //^ I Q _ 543500 _ _ / �- �Q \ \ \ 30� \ 00 v�11 I ON- 11'' 5430 STREAM 8 IIII / \� \ \ \\\\\\\ 1 08/28/2023 7818220026 DAM DECOMMISSIONING TJK SLS TJK BIG KRD 0 04/17/2023 7818220026 DAM DECOMMISSIONING BAM BAM TJK BIG KRD REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR APPD INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 N 150 0 150 300 FT A NOTE: 1. THE "APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF ASH BASIN FACILITY BOUNDARY" AND THE "APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF CCR BOUNDARY" ARE BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING, AND OTHER HISTORICAL DRAWINGS AND INFORMATION AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. THE "APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF ASH BASIN FACILITY BOUNDARY" INCLUDES THE CONTAINMENT DAMS AND DIKES WHILE THE "APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF CCR BOUNDARY" EXCLUDES THOSE STRUCTURES AND IS BASED ON UPDATED TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING, REPORTED OPERATIONAL LEVELS, AND SUBSURFACE DATA COLLECTED WITHIN THE BASIN. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE DETERMINATION OF THE ACTUAL LATERAL EXTENT OF THE CCR MATERIALS WILL TAKE PLACE PRIOR TO, AND/OR DURING, IMPLEMENTATION. 2. THE PROPOSED FINAL GRADES WERE OBTAINED FROM CCR SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT CLOSURE PLAN PREPARED FOR THE INACTIVE UNIT 5 ASH BASIN, DRAWING CLS_C9XX.OXX.010 DATED MARCH 18 2021 PREPARED BY WOOD (WSP). REFERENCES: 1. ASH BASIN FACILITY BOUNDARIES PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY. 2. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION WAS PRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED ON JULY 31, 2015 BY WSP. MAIN DAM DOWNSTREAM AREA EXISTING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS DONE BY FLEMING ENGINEERING INC. (FEI) ON FEBRUARY 16 AND 17, 2023. m \ \c TIT'�AIN DAM (RUTHE-070, SCOPE 8) AND SADDLE DAM (RUTHE-072, SCOPE 3) DECOMMISSIONING PLAN ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION F WSP USA ENVIRONMENT ROAD, UITE10UREINC. PROPOSED FINAL GRADES (STAGE 6) 2801 YORKMONT ROAD, SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 TEL. (704) 357-8600 FOR N.C. ENG. LICENSURE: F-1253 ISSUED FOR REVIEW j %///%flllll o SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: BAM DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR: BAM JOB NO: 7818220026 CHKD: TJK III 1 II III IIII I ISSUED FOR ENE RGY DATE: 8/28/2023 ENGR: BG o/I FILENAME: CLS_C999.011.007 PROPOSED FINAL GRADES (STAGE 5) APPD: KRD REVIEW DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ISSUED FOR REVIEW ANSI D C LS C999.011.007 1 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING 22'�X34�� DESCRIPTION 7 8 9 110 I 7 REV. 1 L IV E F 755 750 745 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675 670 668 755 750 745 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675 670 668 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 680 675 670 668 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 MAXIMUM SLOPE:-15.89% (STA 15+18.99 - 5+20.36) I7 M f-%rif-%or!r% CIAIAI flMAnC CHANNEL 1 �17HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 100' VERTICAL SCALE: I = 30' 770 765 760 755 750 745 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675 672 2 CHANNEL 2 �17HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 100' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 30' 'tttb. MAXIMUM SLOPE: -14.44% BETWEEN STA 1 +92.33 - 1 +97.32 I PROPOSED FINAL GRADE BOTTOM OF CHANNEL EXTENSION 680 675 670 668 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 800 795 790 785 780 775 770 768 800 795 790 785 780 775 770 768 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 4 CHANNEL 4 �17HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 100' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 30' PROPOSED FINAL GRADE BOTTOM OF CHANNEL (GRADES TO BE DETERMINED) GABION BASKETS AT OUTER EDGE 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 5 CHANNEL 5 �17HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 100' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 30' INCHES 1 2 3 ITENTHS 10 20 Channel ID Channel Lining Maximum Allowable Slope 113 Grouted Riprap N/A 1R Gabion Mattress 7.91% 1R Class 2 Riprap 2.87% 1R Class 1 Riprap 1.93% 1R Class B Riprap 1.48% 1R class Riprap 0.60% 770 765 760 755 750 745 740 735 730 PROPOSED FINAL 725 GRADE BOTTOM OF 720 CHANNEL 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675 672 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+5C21+86 3 CHANNEL 3 �17HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 100' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 30' --1 4 30 Channel ID Channel Lining Maximum Allowable Slope 311 Grouted Riprap N/A 3R Gabion Mattress 13.19% 3R Class 2 Riprap 4.43% 311 Class 1 Riprap 2.95% 3R Class B Riprap 2.25% 3R Class A Riprap 0.85% CHANNEL LINING LEGEND GROUTED RIPRAP GABION MATTRESS CLASS 2 RIPRAP CLASS 1 RIPRAP CLASS B RIPRAP CLASS A RIPRAP REFERENCES: 1. STORMWATER CHANNEL CAPACITY AND STABILITY CALCULATIONS FOUND IN CALCULATION PACKAGE TITLED 'CHANNEL AND DAM BREACH CALCULATION' DATED AUGUST 28, 2023. 2. OTHER CHANNEL LININGS WITH EQUIVALENT PERFORMANCE CAN ALSO BE USED FOR THE PROPOSED CHANNELS. 3. CHANNEL 5 ALIGNMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON USACE AND NCDEQ WETLANDS PERMITTING. 4. SEE DRAWING CLS_C999.011.201 FOR CHANNEL GEOMETRY AND STABILIZATION DETAILS. W 7D rF, TITLE MAIN DAM (RUTHE-070, SCOPE 8) AND SADDLE DAM (RUTHE-072, SCOPE 3) DECOMMISSIONING PLAN ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION F WSP USA ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE INC. 2801 YORKMONT ROAD, SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 TEL. (704) 357-8600 N.C. ENG. LICENSURE: F-1253 CHANNEL PROFILES FOR ISSUED FOR REVIEW SEAL ISSUED FOR REVIEWFILENAME: 4� DUKE �' N E RGYF SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: BAM -DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR: BAM NO: 7818220026 CHKD: TJK DATE 8/28/2023JOB ENGR: BG CLS_C999.011.016 CHANNEL PROFILES APPD: DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION KRD ANSI D 22"x34" C L S C999.011.017 — 1 1 08/28/2023 7818220026 DAM DECOMMISSIONING TJK SLS TJK BG KRD ISSUED FOR REVIEW 0 04/17/2023 7818220026 DAM DECOMMISSIONING BAM BAM TJK BG KRD ISSUED FOR PERMITTING REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR APPD DESCRIPTIONI 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 3 I 5 6 7 1 IREV1 E F T Z2 L Z1 B GROUTED RIPRAP/GABION MATTRESS/RIPRAP VARIES n�r�d DMAX X 1.5 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE EXISTING GRADE 3-FT. X 3-FT. X 9-FT. LONG GABION BASKET PROJECTED TOP OF GABION BASKETS FLOW LINE OF OUTLET DITCH 8 OZ/SY NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE -` 18-IN. THICK GABION MATTRESS 6-IN. NCDOT NO. 57 STONE CUSHION LAYER 8 OZ/SY NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE Legend T= Top Width B= Bottom Width D= Depth Z1= Right Side Slope Z2= Left Side Slope Channel Geometry Channel ID Channel Depth {D) (ft) Bottom Width {B) (ft) Top Width {T) (ft) Left Side Slope {Z,H:V) Right Side Slope {ZZH:V) 1R 3 10 28 3 3 2R 3 10 28 3 3 3R 3 30 54 3 3 4R 2 5 17 3 3 5R 2 30 42 3 3 Riprap Size Gradation Graded Rock Size (inches) Classor# Maximum D50 Minimum A 6 4 2 B 12 8 5 1 17 10 5 2 23 14 9 CHANNEL STABILIZATION DETAIL N.T.S. 3.0' 1.5' O 3.0' _711- 18-IN. THICK GABION MATTRESS 6-IN. NCDOT NO. 57 STONE CUSHION LAYER 8 OZ/SY NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE 42' TYPICAL GABION OUTLET SECTION 3.0' \ \ \ �O \ o \ O� v o Oo \ TYPICAL GABION OUTLET PROFILE 3 GABION OUTLET DETAIL .201 N.T.S. INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 4' X 4' X 4' DEEP PRECAST CONCRETE X DROP INLET (SEE NOTE 1) 4' a a a a ad d �d a d a d� a a a a a d d a a a d � X BROAD RIVER WATER SURFACE AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION EXISTING GRADE 1 08/28/2023 7818220026 DAM DECOMMISSIONING TJK SLS TJK BG KRD 0 04/17/2023 7818220026 DAM DECOMMISSIONING BAM BAM TJK BG KRD REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR APPD 5 6 4' q ^' " ^' V A' DEEP PRECAST CONCRETE ILET (SEE NOTE 1) 30" DIA. DUAL WALL HDPE PIPES (ADS N-12 WT OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) SECTION X-X NOTES: 1. INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE DROP INLET AND GRATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DROP INLET DIMENSIONS MAY BE OPTIMIZED FOR FIELD CONDITIONS. 30" DIA. DUAL WALL HDPE PIPES (ADS N-12 WT OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) PRECAST CONCRETE DROP INLET NOT TO SCALE 7" rm G TITLE MAIN DAM (RUTHE-070, SCOPE 8) AND SADDLE DAM (RUTHE-072, SCOPE 3) DECOMMISSIONING PLAN ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX — CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DETAILS 1 F WSP USA ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE INC. 2801 YORKMONT ROAD, SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 TEL. (704) 357-8600 N.C. ENG. LICENSURE: F-1253 FOR ISSUED FOR REVIEW SEAL ISSUEDFOR REVIEW CfDUKE .!�JOB ENEnt"**%/F SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: BAM DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR: BAM NO: 7818220026 CHKD: TJK DATE: 8/28/2023 ENGR: BG FILENAME: CLS_C999.011.201 DETAILS 1 APPD: KRD DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"X34" C L S C999.011.201 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW ISSUED FOR PERMITTING DESCRIPTION 7 8 9 10 Cliffside USIAB Dam Decommissioning Project September 6, 2023 Project No.7818230105 Rutherford and Cleveland Counties, NC Prepared By: JDC Checked By: PM " Page 1 of 1