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SW8030724_Historical File_20050927
O�DF NA7F�QG Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary p- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality September 27, 2005 Richard Genova, Vice President Coastal Communities At Ocean Ridge Plantation, Inc 351 Ocean Ridge Parkway, SW Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6 High Density Subdivision Project Brunswick County Dear Mr. Genova: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6 on August 18, 2005. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification, dated September 27, 2005, for the construction of the project, Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6. • This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 27, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Rhonda Hall, or me at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, ?"‘Lti Ed Beck Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ENB/rbh: S:IWQSISTORMWATIPERMIT1030724mod.sep05 cc: Jason Clark, E.I., Houston and Associates, P.A. Brunswick County Inspections Brunswick County Engineer Rhonda Hall Wilmington Regional Office Central Files North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone(910)796-7215 Customer Servicel-877-623.6748 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 FAX (910)350-2004 Internet h2o.enr.state,nc,us _One NAthCarolina An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled/10%Post Consumer Paper turally State Stormwater Management System Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Richard Genova, Coastal Communities At Ocean Ridge Plantation, Inc Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6 Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of five wet detention ponds in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 27, 2015 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.5 on pages 3 and 4 of this permit. The subdivision is permitted for 128 lots, each allowed 6,000 square feet of built-upon area. 3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. Page 2 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification 5. The following design elements have been permitted for the five wet detention ponds associated with this stormwater facility, and must be provided in the system at all times. Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 a. Drainage Area,acres: 27.23 5.02 5.10 Onsite, ft2: 1,070,731 218,760 221947 Offsite, ft2: 115,286 None None b. Total Impervious Surfaces,ft2: 513,064 161,648 107,628 Lot BUA,ft2: 370,000 129,000 72,000 Roads/Parking, ft2: 98,149 32,648 35,628 Off-site,ft2: 44,915 None None c. Pond Depth,feet: 6 5 5 d. TSS removal efficiency: 90 90 90 e. Design Storm, inches: 1 1 1 f. Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 47.0 50.0 53.0 g. Permitted Surface Area @ PP,ft2: 51,289 19,084 17,304 h. Permitted Storage Volume,ft3: 54,305 20,328 9,933 i. Storage Elevation,FMSL: 48.0 51.0 53.6 j. Controlling Orifice: 2 @ 2.5"(p 2"q:, 2"(p k. Permanent Pool Volume,ft3: 173,030 57,144 45,567 I. Forebay Volume,ft3: 31,778 18,273 8,732 m. Maximum Fountain Horsepower: 1/2 1/6 1/6 n. Receiving Stream: Shallotte River Shallotte River Shallotte River o. River Basin Lumber River Lumber River Lumber River p. Stream Index Number: 15-25-2-15-(1) 15-25-2-15-(1) 15-25-2-15-(1) q. Classification of Water Body: "C; Sw; HQW" "C; Sw; HQW" "C; Sw; HQW" Page 3 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification 5. cont. The following design elements have been permitted for the five wet detention ponds associated with this stormwater facility, and must be provided in the system at all times. Pond 4 Pond 5 a. Drainage Area, acres: 5.01 6.7 Onsite, ft2: 218,101 291,643 Offsite, ft2: None None b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 99,067 141,462 Lot BUA, ft2: 84,000 113,000 Roads/Parking, ft2: 15,067 28,462 Offsite, ft2: None None c. Pond Depth, feet: 5 5 d. TSS removal efficiency: 90 90 e. Design Storm, inches: 1 1 f. Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 50.0 47.5 g. Permitted Surface Area© PP, ft2: 19,033 20,642 h. Permitted Storage Volume, ft3: 9,875 15,144 i. Storage Elevation, FMSL: 50.5 48.2 j. Controlling Orifice: 2"cp 2"cp k. Permanent Pool Volume, ft3: 48,818 57,672 I. Forebay Volume, ft3: 11,600 12,722 m. Maximum Fountain Horsepower: 1/6 1/6 n. Receiving Stream Shallotte River Shallotte River o. River Basin Lumber River Lumber River p. Stream Index Number: 15-25-2-15-(1) 15-25-2-15-(1) q. Classification of Water Body: "C; Sw; HQW" "C; Sw; HQW" Page 4 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature (such as swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving approval from the Division. 2. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built-upon area for the entire lot, including driveways and sidewalks, does not exceed the allowable built-upon area. Once the lot transfer is complete, the built-upon area may not be revised without approval from the Division of Water Quality, and responsibility for meeting the built-upon area limit is transferred to the individual property owner. 3. If an Architectural Review Board or Committee is required to review plans for compliance with the BUA limit, the plans reviewed must include all proposed built-upon area. Any approvals given by the Board do not relieve the homeowner of the responsibility to maintain compliance with the permitted BUA limit. 4. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b. Project name change.. . c. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 5. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 6. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 7. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface. 8. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 9. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved pians and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. Page 5 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification 10. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 11. Permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 12. Prior to the sale of any lot, the following deed restrictions must be recorded: a. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 030724 Modification, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. b. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit. c. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. e. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. f. The maximum built-upon area per lot is 6,000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. g. Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may be subject to a reduction in their allowable built-upon area due to CAMA regulations. h. All runoff on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales and directing them into the pond or street. Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these measures. i. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification. 13. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the Division within 30 days of the date of recording the plat, and prior to selling lots. The recorded copy must contain all of the statements above, the signature of the Permittee, the deed book number and page, and the stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds. 14. Decorative spray fountains will be allowed in the stormwater treatment system, subject to the following criteria: a. The fountain must draw its water from less than 2' below the permanent pool surface. Page 6 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification b. Separated units, where the nozzle, pump and intake are connected by tubing, may be used only if they draw water from the surface in the deepest part of the pond. c. The falling water from the fountain must be centered in the pond, away from • the shoreline. d. The maximum horsepower for the fountain's pump is based on the permanent pool volume. The maximum pump power for a fountain in each of the five ponds is as follows: Maximum Fountain Horsepower Pond No, Maximum Horsepower 1 1/2 2 1/6 3 1/6 4 1/6 5 1/6 15. Prior to transfer of the permit, the stormwater facilities will be inspected by DWQ personnel. The facility must be in compliance with.all permit conditions. Any items not in compliance must be repaired or replaced to design condition prior to the transfer. Records of maintenance activities performed to date will be required. 16. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure that all components of the permitted stormwater system function at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of structures, orifice, catch basins and piping. g. Access to all components of the system must be available at all times. 17. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 18. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 19. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. Page 7 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification • III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event there is either a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a "Name/Ownership Change Form" must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by appropriate documentation from the parties involved. This may include, but is not limited to, a deed of trust, recorded deed restrictions, Designer's Certification and a signed Operation and Maintenance plan. The project must be in good standing with DWQ. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this permit until such time as the Director approves the transfer request. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination.does not stay any permit condition. 7. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours. 8. The permittee shall notify the Division of any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. 9. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. Permit issued this the 27th day of September, 2005. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 7-7 r for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 030724 Modification Page 8 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6 Page 1 of 2 Stormwater Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification Brunswick County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form are a part of this Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications: SEAL Signature Registration Number Date Page 9 of 10 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 030724 Modification ` ' Certification Requirements: Page 2 of 2 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built-upon area. 3. All the built-upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 6. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 7. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 13. All required design depths are provided. 14. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, a forebay, and the vegetated filter. 15. The required dimensions of the system are provided, per the approved plan. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Brunswick County Building Inspections Page 10 of 10 Ve, OCEAN RIDGE, PLANTATION' FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM: Gary H.Beecher Richard Genova COMPANY: DATE: NC Dept. of Environment&Natural Resources AUGUST 18,2005 FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO.OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 910-350-2004 10 PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: 910-395-3900 910-287-1903 RE: OCEAN RIDGE PLANTATION-PHASE IV, SECTIONS 6A AND 6B Per your letter dated August 16, 2005, copy attached, please find Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the referenced sections of this development. I believe this is the additional information you requested. If this is not the case, please call my assistant,Diana Mardall,at the above telephone number. 351 OCEAN RIDGE PARKWAY SW, OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 29469 TEL: 910 287-1903 FAX: 910 287-1919 T 'd 6I6ILB2OI6 x3 uot4e4ueld a pia ueeoo d92 :. O SO BT 2 • Brunswick County--Register of Deeds Robert J. Robinson Inst #259212 Book 2120Page 461 04/07/2005 02:06:20pm Rec# r;=T • DI CC:" Ao CIT Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6-A Lots 1-62 NORTH CAROLINA- BRUNSWICK COUNTY This SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION (the "Supplemental Declaration") is executed on 4,./al b , 2005, by Coastal Communities at Ocean Ridge Plantation, Inc., a NortCarolina corporation ("Declarant"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property located in Ocean Ridge Plantation, Shallotte Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being all of the property shown on that plat of Lots 1-62, Phase IV, Section 6-A, Ocean Ridge Plantation, recorded in Map Cabinet 3.2 , Pages /15 — 17g Brunswick County Registry (such property is hereinafter referred to as the "Property"and said recorded plat is hereinafter referred to as the"Plat"). WHEREAS,the Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ocean Ridge Plantation recorded in Book 1021, Page 811, Brunswick County Registry (the "Master Declaration"), contains covenants, conditions and restrictions applicable to all property within Ocean Ridge, as defined in the Master Declaration; WHEREAS, Declarant is the successor to the original declarant named in the Master Declaration, Ocean Ridge Farms, Inc., by assignments recorded in Book 1880, Page 273, and Book 2014, Page 532, Brunswick County Registry; and WHEREAS, the Property is part of the Future Development Property, as defined in Article IX of the Master Declaration, and pursuant to the provisions thereof Declarant desires to add the Property to Ocean Ridge, and subject the Property to the provisions of the Master Declaration and this Supplemental Declaration. 156917_1.DOC ' 6IGILBZOT6 x3 uoTlelAJuId a2PIN ue800 d92 :1;r0 SO ST 2nd Inst # 259212 Book 2120Page: 462 NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares as follows: Article I—Definitions The definitions set forth in the Master Declaration are hereby adopted, except as specifically modified or changed by this Supplemental Declaration. Article II—Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions All of the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, occupied and used subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters set forth on the Plat, in the Master Declaration and in this Supplemental Declaration, and said Plat, Master Declaration and Supplemental Declaration shall be construed as covenants running with the land, which shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property, or any part thereof, and which shall inure to the benefit of each Owner thereof, for and during the time specified in the Master Declaration. Every party hereafter acquiring any Unit or portion thereof, or any interest therein, within the Property, by acceptance of a deed conveying title thereto or by execution of a contract for the purchase thereof, whether from Declarant or a subsequent Owner of such Unit or interest therein, shall accept such deed or contract subject to each and all of the covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters. set forth on the Plat, in the Master Declaration and in this Supplemental Declaration, as well as any additions or amendments thereto or hereto, and also subject to the jurisdiction, rights and powers of Declarant, the Association, and their successors and assigns, as set forth herein and in the Master Declaration. Each grantee of any Unit subject to this Supplemental Declaration, by accepting the deed or contract thereto, shall for such grantee and such grantee's heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, be deemed to covenant, consent and agree to and with Declarant, the Association, and with grantees and subsequent Owners of each of the Units within the Property, to keep, observe, comply with and perform the obligations of such grantee under the Master Declaration, this Supplemental Declaration, and any additions or amendments thereto and hereto. Article III—Additional Provisions 3.1 The covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters set forth in this Supplemental Declaration may be amended as provided in the Master Declaration. 3.2 There is reserved to and for the benefit of Declarant, the Association, and their successors and assigns, an easement in, on, over, across and through that portion of the Property located within, and extending ten (10) feet outward from the mean high water line of, any pond, lake, stream, creek, wetland, or other body of water(the "Waterfront Easement"), for the purpose of repair, maintenance and improvement of said pond, lake, stream, creek, wetland area, or other body of water, and the land within said Waterfront Easement. 3.3 For the purpose of this Supplemental Declaration, Section 12.6 of the Master Declaration is hereby amended to provide as follows: 156917_1.DOC -2 - e 'd 6T6TLB20T6 x3 uoTge4ue1d a2pTm ueao0 dLa :bo SO BI 2nd • Inst # 259212 Book 2120Page: 463 12.6 Stormwater Runoff Rules. The following covenants in this Section 12.6 are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit (the "Permit") issued by the North Carolina Division of Water under 15A NCAC 2H.1000, evidencing the approval of the stormwater plan for the Property(the "Approved Plan"). (a) The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of the covenants contained in this Section 12.6, to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Permit. (b) The covenants pertaining to stormwater in this Section 12.6 may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the Division of Water Quality. (c) Alternation of the drainage as shown on the Approved Plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. (d) Filling in, piping or altering any designated 5:1 curb outlet swale associated with the Property is prohibited by any persons. (e) The Approved Plan for this Property proposes a curb outlet system. Each designated curb outlet swale shown on the Approved Plan must be maintained at a minimum of 100' long with 5:1 (H:V) side slopes or flatter, have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 5%, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non-erosive manner, and maintain a dense vegetated cover. (f) The maximum allowable built-upon area per lot is 6.000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking are, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. (g) All stormwater runoff from the built-upon areas on each Unit within the Property must drain into the permitted stormwater system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain toward the.street, grading the land to drain toward the street, and grading perimeter swales to collect runoff and directing them into the stormwater system. Units that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures. 3.4 Except as specifically set out in this Supplemental Declaration, the remaining provisions of the Master Declaration remain as set out therein. 1569171.DOC - 3 - tr .d 6161GB2D16 x3 uot4e4ueld 62pta uea00 dL2 : bO SO et 2nu Bi" � �+'�+ii� egDeeds i -1y7+�Lti of Robert J. Robinson Inst #265556 Book Re2c# 1 -- 27 05/12/2005 04:55:44Fin age. ..., ,„-----2014j_____ •G REV__TC#/ _________CKAMT CK# __ REF BY 30) Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ocean Ridge Plantation,Phase IV, Section 6-B Lots 63-128 NORTH CAROLINA-BRUNSWICK COUNTY This SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION (the "Supplemental Declaration") is executed on to , 2005, by Coastal Communities at Ocean Ridge Plantation, Inc., a North Carolina 66rporation("Declarant"). WITNES SETH: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property located in Ocean Ridge Plantation, Shallotte Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being all of the property shown on that plat of Lots 63-128,Phase IV, Section 6-B, Ocean Ridge Plantation, recorded in Map Cabinet at , Pages 322-- 3? te, Brunswick County Registry (such property is hereinafter referred to as the "Property"and said recorded plat is hereinafter referred to as the "Plat"). WHEREAS,the Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ocean Ridge Plantation recorded in Book 1021, Page 811, Brunswick County Registry (the "Master Declaration"), contains covenants, conditions and restrictions applicable to all property within Ocean Ridge, as defined in the Master Declaration; WHEREAS, Declarant is the successor to the original declarant named in the Master Declaration, Ocean Ridge Farms, Inc., by assignments recorded in Book 1880, Page 273, and Book 2014, Page 532, Brunswick County Registry; and WHEREAS, the Property is part of the Future Development Property, as defined in Article IX of the Master Declaration, and pursuant to the provisions thereof Declarant desires to add the Property to Ocean Ridge, and subject the Property to the provisions of the Master Declaration and this Supplemental Declaration. 158358 1.DOC S 'd 6161L82O16 x3 uoi eq.ueid apt ue000 dL2 :1,0 SO 8i 2nEi Inst # 265558 Book 2143Page: 828 NOW, THEREFORE,Declarant hereby declares as follows: Article I—Definitions The definitions set forth in the Master Declaration are hereby adopted, except as specifically modified or changed by this Supplemental Declaration. Article II—Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions All of the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, occupied and used subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters set forth on the Plat, in the Master Declaration and in this Supplemental Declaration, and said Plat, Master Declaration and Supplemental Declaration shall be construed as covenants running with the land, which shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property, or any part thereof, and which shall inure to the benefit of each Owner thereof, for and during the time specified in the Master Declaration. Every party hereafter acquiring any Unit or portion thereof, or any interest therein, within the Property, by acceptance of a deed conveying title thereto or by execution of a contract for the purchase thereof, whether from Declarant or a subsequent Owner of such Unit or interest therein, shall accept such deed or contract subject to each and all of the covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters set forth on the Plat, in the Master Declaration and in this Supplemental Declaration, as well as any additions or amendments thereto or hereto, and also subject to the jurisdiction, rights and powers of Declarant, the Association, and their successors and assigns, as set forth herein and in the Master Declaration. Each grantee of any Unit subject to this Supplemental Declaration, by accepting the deed or contract thereto, shall for such grantee and such grantee's heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, be deemed to covenant, consent and agree to and with Declarant, the Association, and with grantees and subsequent Owners of each of the Units within the Property, to keep, observe, comply with and perform the obligations of such grantee under the Master Declaration,this Supplemental Declaration, and any additions or amendments thereto and hereto. Article III—Additional Provisions 3.1 The covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters set forth in this Supplemental Declaration may be amended as provided in the Master Declaration. 3.2 There is reserved to and for the benefit of Declarant, the Association, and their successors and assigns, an easement in, on, over, across and through that portion of the Property located within, and extending ten (10) feet outward from the mean high water line of, any pond, lake, stream, creek, wetland,or other body of water(the"Waterfront Easement"),for the purpose of repair, maintenance and improvement of said pond, lake, stream, creek, wetland area, or other body of water, and the land within said Waterfront Easement. 3.3 For the purpose of this Supplemental Declaration, Section 12.6 of the Master Declaration is hereby amended to provide as follows: 158358_1.DOC -2- 9 'd 6181LBZO16 x3 uoTlea.ue1d apt ueaa0 dL2 :VO SO BT 3nd Inst # 265558 Book 2143Page: 829 12.6 Stormwater Runoff Rules. The following covenants in this Section 12.6 are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit(the "Permit") issued by the North Carolina Division of Water under 15A NCAC 2H.1000, evidencing the approval of the stormwater plan for the Property (the "Approved Plan"). (a) The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of the covenants contained in this Section 12.6, to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Permit. (b) The covenants pertaining to stormwater in this Section 12.6 may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the Division of Water Quality. (c) Alternation of the drainage as shown on the Approved Plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. (d) Filling in, piping or altering any designated 5:1 curb outlet swale associated with the Property is prohibited by any persons. (e) The Approved Plan for this Property proposes a curb outlet system. Each designated curb outlet swale shown on the Approved Plan must be maintained at a minimum of 100' long with 5:1 (H:V) side slopes or flatter, have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 5%, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non-erosive manner, and maintain a dense vegetated cover. (f) The maximum allowable built-upon area per lot is 6.000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries,and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited .to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking are, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. (g) All stormwater runoff from the built-upon areas on each Unit within the Property must drain into the permitted stormwater system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain toward the street, grading the land to drain toward the street, and grading perimeter swales to collect runoff and directing them into the stormwater system. Units that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures. 3.4 Except as specifically set out in this Supplemental Declaration, the remaining provisions of the Master Declaration remain as set out therein. 158358 1.DOC - 3 - 'd 6T611L82OT6 x3 uotleq.ueid apt ueao0 dB2 :170 SO BT 2nd wiAiiiv ...v... I�� a�NR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley,Governor William G. Ross,Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek,P.E., Director August 16, 2005 Mr. Richard Genova,Vice President Coastal Communities @ Ocean Ridge Plantation, Inc. 351 Ocean Ridge Parkway, SW Ocean Isle Beach,NC 28469 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No.SW8 030724.Mod Ocean Ridge Plantation,Phase IV, Section 6 Brunswick County Dear Mr. Genova: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Ocean Ridge Plantation,Phase IV, Section 6 on June 1,2005.A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please send in the proposed Deed Restrictions for this project. Thank You Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to September 16,2005 or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate re-submittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information,please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter.The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces,other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent.All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable.If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at(910)796-7215. Sincerely, A Gary H.Be cher Environmental Technician EB/ghb: S:1WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO12005\030724.Mod cc: Jason Clark(Houston&Associates,Inc.) Wilmington Regional Office One 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 NOl'11�aI'011na Phone: 910-395-3900/FAX: 910-350-2004/Internet:h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled/10%Post Consumer Paper Naturally DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: G:IDATA\WPDATA\WQS\POND1030724 1.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 030724_1 REVIEWER: Gary Beecher PROJECT NAME: Ocean Ridge Phase 4 Section 6 DATE: 23-Aug-05 Receiving Stream: Shallotte Swamp Class: C-Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber River Index No. LBR 15-25-2-(1) Site Area 59.60 acres Drainage Area > < 3; >< square feet Area = 27.23 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 370000.00 square feet Streets 98149.00 square feet Offsite 44915.00 square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTAL commaksquare feet Rational Cc= 0.11 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 43.26% SA/DA Ratio 1.76% Des. Depth 6 Req. SA 20909 sf TSS: 90% Prov. SA VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* FOREBAY Des. Storm $i''>I"''.r>".+.<.+7.J:7: .;inches Perm. Pool Volume= 173030 Rv= 0.44 Req. Forebay Volume= 34606 Bottom 41 msl Provided Volume= 31778.00 Perm. Pool msl P• ercent= ............u:...:n::•:.•:..n:.:. ii:.:...................................... Design Pool 48 msl Design SA 57321 sf Req. Volume glirti4104125 cf SA © = Prov. Volume VEREMC cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.45 ft Q2 Area = 11.23 sq. in. Floe Q2 cfs 0.251 cfs 25 Area - 4.49 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.101 cfs Orifice Area 9.82 sq. in. NO. of Orifices E a ` ; ¢ Q` 0.220 cfs Diameter, inches ..:. I' weir H x W Drawdown = ::<:;:i.::::::><::;<.»::i:;;.:: f ..<.>;:::.::..::,>:•.�:.>«�:> <> days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: G:\DATA\WPDATA\WQS\POND1030724 2.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 030724_2 REVIEWER: Gary Beecher PROJECT NAME: Ocean Ridge Phase 4 Section 6 DATE: 23-Aug-05 Receiving Stream: Shallotte Swamp Class: C-Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber River Index No. LBR 15-25-2-(1) Site Area 59.60 acres Drainage Area i ; : # r square feet Area = 5.02 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 129000.00 square feet Streets 32648.00 square feet Offsite 0.00 square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTAL �"�"� ::..IKOMA q s uare feet Rational Cc= 0.05 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 73.89% SA/DA Ratio 3.89% Des. Depth 5 Req. SA 8520 sf TSS: 90% Prov. SA UMW&sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* FOREBAY Des. Storm °< °r;>jv'`{ inches Perm. Pool Volume= 57144 Rv= 0.72J Req. Forebay Volume= 11428.8 Bottom 45 msl Provided Volume= 18273.00 Perm. Pool ,..,...`i...:= if; msl Percent= , .......'<tZ . Design Pool 51 msl Design SA 21571 sf • Req. Volume mcsongs cf SA @ = Prov. Volume BIBENSIN cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.46 ft Q2 Area = 3.33 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.075 cfs Q5 Area = 1.33 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.030 cfs Orifice Area 3.14 sq. in. No. of Orifices '"'`' `":` ' :'" Q-- 0.071 cfs Diameter, 4»>:;»>>;<;:::> <::> _l•.,. :.v:.:: inches :,: :«::;.... ..:: >.<:> •�� ��'weir H x W »: ::::;,: �~�� in x ..:....::::::::.. Drawdown = <rye:::;; : ..<: days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: G:\DATA\WPDATA\WQS\POND\030724 3.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 030724_3 REVIEWER: Gary Beecher PROJECT NAME: Ocean Ridge Phase 4 Section 6 DATE: 23-Aug-05 Receiving Stream: Shallotte Swamp Class: C-Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber River Index No. LBR 15-25-2-(1) Site Area 59.60 acres Drainage Area <: Hi <`square feet Area = 5.10 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 72000.00 square feet Streets 35628.00 square feet Offsite 0.00 square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTAL .:iztozoggint square feet Rational Cc= 0.10 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 48.49% SA/DA Ratio 2.61% Des. Depth 5 Req. SA 5792 sf TSS: 90% Prov. SA €+;:...: AI sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* FOREBAY Des. Storm 12Y`'`'` ;.+ .O'#.}..;inches Perm. Pool Volume= 45567 Rv= 0.49 Req. Forebay Volume= 9113.4 Bottom 48 msl Provided Volume= 8732.00 Perm. Pool <I{'>v>{A r< msl Percent= KONEEMOIRS Design Pool 53.6 msl Design SA 18815 sf Req. :..: ...±•: ;:{:: cf SA ©Volume � •:�:{ �................ = Prov. Volume E :( ry cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.26 ft Q2 Area = 3.06 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.052 cfs Q5 Area = 1.23 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.021 cfs Orifice Area 3.14 sq. in. ..................................... No. of Orifices Q= 0.053 cfs Diameter, inches - ><>::>::2; .�:>weir H x ....:..:..:::.,. :...::........:. :::::.......... ::,:_ : : l� W ,,,.., ... in x Drawdown = ..... ....... "":: : days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: G:\DATA\WPDATA\WQS\POND1030724 4.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 030724_4 REVIEWER: Gary Beecher PROJECT NAME: Ocean Ridge Phase 4 Section 6 DATE: 23-Aug-05 Receiving Stream: Shallotte Swamp Class: C-Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber River Index No. LBR 15-25-2-(1) Site Area 59.60 acres Drainage Area < i ' r ><'square feet Area = 5.01 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 84000.00 square feet Streets 15067.00 square feet Offsite 0.00 square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTAL :1:4.0WEVVIsquare feet Rational Cc= 0.11 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 45.42% SA/DA Ratio 2.43% Des. Depth 5 Req. SA 5290 sf TSS: 90% Prov. SA IMO=sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* FOREBAY Des. Storm , vn•::<•:.>y:1:€ < inches Perm. Pool Volume= 48818 Rv= 0.46 Req. Forebay Volume= 9763.6 Bottom 45 msl Provided Volume= --98-55 00 \\, loot Perm. Pool hACIargn msl Percent= Design Pool 50.5 msl Design SA 20466 sf Req. Volume J. <: `:34M cf SA © = Prov. Volume jc--;: r ``9 75 cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.21 ft Q2 Area = 3.16 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.048 cfs Q5 Area = 1.26 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.019 cfs Orifice Area 3.14 sq. in. No. of Orifices <:..{ . :v:;.;;h;:# : ; Q= 0.048 cfs Diameter, inches ;.¢....... . . weir H 4. :,.:.. ..,. :� :{. e x W ...... ... in x ::f:. in Drawdown = " . .... ......::� « days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design GuidelineE DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: G:IDATA\WPDATA\WQS\POND1030724 5.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 030724_5 REVIEWER: Gary Beecher PROJECT NAME: Ocean Ridge Phase 4 Section 6 DATE: 23-Aug-05 Receiving Stream: Shallotte Swamp Class: C-Sw Drainage Basin: Lumber River Index No. LBR 15-25-2-(1) Site Area 59.60 acres Drainage Area ;: .0'.7--.1> ? square feet Area = 6.70 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Lots 113000.00 square feet Streets 28462.00 square feet Offsite 0.00 square feet square feet square feet square feet • TOTAL ...' '' ;1' i0v1 square feet Rational Cc= 0.10 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 48.51% SA/DA Ratio 2.61% Des. Depth 5 Req. SA 7613 sf TSS: 90% Prov. SA ><1 <> l sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* FOREBAY Des. Storm PEGININIni inches Perm. Pool Volume= 57672 Rv= 0.49 Req. Forebay Volume= 11534.4 Bottom 42.5 msl Provided Volume= 12722.00 Perm. Pool ENCE.WOM msl Percent= Design Pool 48.2 msl Design SA 22626 sf Req. Volume :<v> :> <::;.#11 << cf SA © = . Prov. Volume .•..•.•.".:.:,.....9 1 ? cf Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.31 ft Q2 Area = 3.69 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.068 cfs Q5 Area = 1.47 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.027 cfs Orifice Area 3.14 sq. in. No. of Orifices INSEINIO Q= 0.058 cfs Diameter, .:...: :. . ;:{»::>::;:>:,; <:.::;:>:_:<:>; : e er, inches �>°:<;<:�:<:<::: ; t weir H x W in x II i• in Drawdown = ::: •t;.>. :::;.<::>:;: .. ;;;:; .:>� <: days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS - SEDIMENT STORAGE - for OCR AN 2I)X 1)LAN ku2O1I PHASE IV, Section 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA VA ,, I , 9816 VAQINEttf Prepared By Illomatom ezad, paa. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina April 2005 N CA X1 * .. Cn* CD a N •a Nv cn -o cn -3 Nv 3 ui Z = Z7 Z7 Z7 z7 07 et * a * Cl- t D. #k Q- q# Q' * * * " (En � - W W N..) N .- - 71 N D v .i v * * * �n * cn -, D cn m 4-I. N CD a S 0 N �2 �2 �2 � �2 p t�i� rN-r 3 m _ 0 S O co co T T T •O T ram+ DJ 7 p�j co Cn N _ ^ R. 00000 m a: m g 03 �• CD COO N in ( u Dc 0 Ell- m CC zzzzzn 00000 ID C m r+cr, Ca CLT 0 0 0 0 C •v3 O CI1 W N 21 7 CD 7 •� C 7 C n co cgi)o c O c N 7 CT to n CD - 0 a N 7 N �. C H CD a a O M N CL CDw -� N N D D C O N DI N OD r O CJl n • V (n in in Cn 0 m 1 y �. (Q fC OD .4 Co W OD v 7 CO NJ (Cl CO v CD IT r+ CD 'o c a O W CO V CO a CD O Cr < 7 - S , cn a n co co co2' 3 a o c cn coco C Crt. inC d Q_ 0. O) (n Cn (n V ^ 0 O a- (D O O — .� .... • m O mCEO O COD N N 3� O. n rCD �r Q N 0 CO CO CO 1 > r7+ c n N CO NJ -+ N v p1 CO m 7 j CD N Q O 0 O 0 n O CD O m Q• (D iN+ (D O @ CD • 0 O Q 3 7 N 7 m C 3 cD (n XI C. * N H. `2 r7+ o rN+ 0 O d S O O O O w .� H o• C@co o: N CO A NJ O fD CD p (�ri VpCO D 'm co °' "CI a o w co CON co 0m 3 CCA ND CVD UOiW V � —. (n 7 `L -, -fl cn co 0 A CD m WDD Up C m Q �+ Q (D r+.• M (D aTSCQ C -* art D_. m co m a -. (D CD 7D m C m o '� 0 > 0 rt rr+3 3 n n oco c O cm N(n 00000 - co o_ Q., r7+� (n Om N Oo V ✓ N IV W W N n H. rr 0 x N N Cr O (Q N rt V N N CDCI Q 03l- CDD R7 CA 00 ...i S O 0 O CD + - m D O. 03 < 'O S of CD < N, O N Pzi DI (D• a O CD , -0 C) A 7 _ 7 O (n CA CA) .A .A N .. d C. n Z V V V V V S C nO n (A V - V V � .......T CD m 0 0 .ems 7 m V Co V 01 a 0 aD V 7 -i a1 o c n co c CD co °. - N a C vCFI ^ O1 n IV -. _. - 7 NOD -, O (n C, (O r+ r_+. 0 CO V f^ O OOW ACDCO V o 7 .NA Ow O Co .to Ti •o_ O " co w V m m (n' N CO A Q D -o o m °f o (D 3 -n 7 m crD m , < r+ Q COO CWO 0 A 00 C w w y 0 4 CO N 0 T.v T m m = A Co (t1 O a - °, ry+ CD C Q- 1 O' m O- I Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV,Sections 6 April 2005 IMPERVIOUS AREAS BASIN Future TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.D. PAVEMENT LOTS Offslte AREA IMPERVIOUS "C" (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) STORMWATER POND#1 101 0.0000 0.9412 0.0000 4.1970 0.9412 0.37 102 0.0000 0.0689 0.0000 0.3644 0.0689 0.34 103 0.1912 0.0689 0.0000 0.4947 0.2601 0.59 104 0.0954 0.4132 0.0000 1.0252 0.5086 0.57 105 0.1064 0.4132 0.0000 0.8868 0.5196 0.64 106 0.1081 0.8264 0.0000 1.5192 0.9345 0.66 107 0.0420 0.2755 0.0000 0.5351 0.3175 0.64 108 0.0449 0.4132' 0.0000 0.6816 0.4581 0.70 109 0.1069 0.4821 0.0000 1.2546 0.5890 0.55 110 0.1625 0.3903 0.0000 1.1189 0.5528 0.57 111 0.1065 0.1837 0.0000 0.6885 0.2902 0.52 112 0.0000 0.4362 0.0000 1.1414 0.4362 0.49 113 0.0904 0.1607 0.0000 0.5438 0.2511 0.55 114 0.1241 0.0689 0.0000 0.3830 0.1930 0.58 115 0.1001 0.5051 0.0000 1.0816 0.6052 0.62 116 0.1422 0.2296 0.0000 0.7320 0.3718 0.58 117 0.0880 0.6887 0.0000 1.5267 0.7767 0.58 118 0.1173 0.0918 0.0000 0.4811 0.2091 0.53 119 0.1006 0.4132 0.0000 0.9047 0.5138 0.63 120 0.0000 0.3673 0.0000 2.1052 0.3673 0.33 121 0.0637 0.0000 0.0000 0.1696 0.0637 0.48 122 0.0646 0.0689 0.0000 0.3363 0.1335 0.50 123 0.1009 0.3903 0.0000 0.8375 0.4912 0.64 124 0.0645 0.0000 0.0000 0.1698 0.0645 0.48 125 0.1046 0.0230 0.0000 0.2916 0.1276 0.53 126 0.1283 0.5739 0.0000 1.1131 0.7022 0.67 OFFSITE 0.0000 0.0000 1.0311 2.6438 1.0311 0.49 TOTALS(AC) 2.2532 8.4940 1.0311 27.2272 11.7783 0.52 TOTALS(SF) 98149 370000 44915 1186017 513064 0.52 STORMWATER POND#2 201 0.0000 0.0459 0.0000 0.3790 0.0459 0.29 202 0.1266 0.6428 0.0000 1.2679 0.7694 0.66 203 0.1310 1.0331 0.0000 0.1798 1.1641 5.06 204 0.0789 0.0000 0.0000 0.1364 0.0789 0.63 205 0.0762 0.4362 0.0000 0.8185 0.5124 0.67 206 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5292 0.0000 0.20 207 0.1214 0.0000 0.0000 0.2135 0.1214 0.63 208 0.2154 0.8035 0.0000 1.4978 1.0189 0.71 TOTALS(AC) 0.7495 2.9614 0.0000 5.0221 3.7109 0.75 TOTALS(SF) 32648 129000 0 218760 161648 0.75 STORMWATER POND#3 301 0.0000 0.5280 0.0000 1.2251 0.5280 0.52 302 0.1926 0.2755 0.0000 1.0187 0.4681 0.54 303 0.1172 0.1377 0.0000 0.4298 0.2549 0.64 304 0.0520 0.2066 0.0000 0.4535 0.2586 0.63 305 0.0523 0.0000 0.0000 0.0810 0.0523 0.68 306 0.0720 0.1837 0.0000 0.5275 0.2557 0.56 307 0.1007 0.0000 0.0000 0.2021 0.1007 0.57 308 0.1081 0.1837 0.0000 0.5600 0.2918 0.59 309 0.1230 0.1377 0.0000 0.5975 0.2607 0.53 TOTALS(AC) 0.8179 1.6529 0.0000 5.0952 2.4708 0.56 TOTALS(SF) 35628 72000 0 221947 107628 0.56 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV,Sections 6 April 2005 IMPERVIOUS AREAS BASIN Future TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.D. PAVEMENT LOTS Offsite AREA IMPERVIOUS "C" (AC) (AC) (AO_ (AC) (AC) STORMWATER POND#4 401 0.0000 0.4132 0.0000 1.3281 0.4132 0.43 402 0.0767 0.1377 0.0000 0.3756 0.2144 0.63 403 0.0708 0.5510 0.0000 0.8913 0.6218 0.72 404 0.0780 0.1377 0.0000 0.3616 0.2157 0.65 405 0.1204 0.6887 0.0000 2.0503 0.8091 0.50 TOTALS(AC) 0.3459 1.9284 0.0000 5.0069 2.2743 0.54 TOTALS(SF) 15067 84000 0 218101 99067 0.54 STORMWATER POND#5. 501 0.0000 0.4821 0.0000 1.9654 0.4821 0.38 502 0.1711 0.5739 0.0000 1.3258 0.7450 0.62 503 0.0902 0.3673 0.0000 0.7513 0.4575 0.66 504 0.2573 0.3444 0.0000 1.1180 0.6017 0.60 505 0.0666 0.4132 0.0000 0.7893 0.4798 0.66 506 0.0682 0.4132 0.0000 0.7454 0.4814 0.68 TOTALS(AC) 0.6534 2.5941 0.0000 6.6952 3.2475 0.56 TOTALS(SF) 28462 113000 0 291643 141462 0.56 1----` IMPERVIOUS AREAS BASIN Future TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.D. PAVEMENT LOTS Offsite AREA IMPERVIOUS "C" (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) **OVERALL 4.8199 17.6309 0.0000 46.4028 22.4508 0.56 **OVERALL(SF) 209955 768000 0 2021304 977955 0.56 **(Does NOT include OFFSITE) *SW POND#1 2.2532 8.4940 1.0311 27.2272 11.7783 0.52 '(Includes OFFSITE) SW POND#2 0.7495 2.9614 0.0000 5.0221 3.7109 0.75 SW POND#3 0.8179 1.6529 0.0000 5.0952 2.4708 0.56 SW POND#4 0.3459 1.9284 0.0000 5.0069 2.2743 0.54 SW POND#5 0.6534 2.5941 0.0000 6.6952 3.2475 0.56 , Houston. and Associates PA. PRO + Sect COBS a :11W ENGINEERS SHEET NO op 2 iz(TUFAL TR CI) 2r AAA-t4-64 Pr V-)cCa,c\c e Acre, A = 561 .ca Ac. gF,? SCALE Aveco,q e. Slope = O. 001 40 USE 05% MAX Slope, Le��i-h= I - L_E-f e Q S .d i<-. 4 c ` '7 ` 'E -0 IE1..WPI tEAVT CaM -TO Ai LAKMU E- C ,4Q. '44 cxA - w©o& - res4. 0,2.5 SS.ESAG 13,'795 C '-- 02S - l�ck-kart 0.2.0 4.42. Ac. 1. 105 55.6 Ac. (4.9 1-165 ''o4°'"ek Lend i-n o '-Trx.,t = 1,Soo¢4. Q r C t, A 'TrG - I` 9 MtiA �o .0 Li0 O,etioq r'4I r„ Qi ,. 0.7 x C.910/:Akx < 4 _ 6l7Moc s POST _EvELO 1Y1JT C&J 'TwwvS -`�r1��r,,���s Areas ,iS 3 '� 22.45 A� 2l,3 Z - c�.�r�s �s �d•�� .20 (s5zi 3 2."72/2A-h:. �,546, C _ .4ece? - We. � ns , 25 (7°%\ 4,4Z Are I , l05 SR,Co AG 20.criq =NJer,ukay.S Arm-5 «c LAD 4- ?AA S i k.09, . t.4.•-, et s Al% o ii,e r l .-ectz. -t-;•a,:-- r...rear, t. r�peru;ous o f~ kr.,i ciActv,�.w i4el��ii- o-P O .+(e+ .. .e .,. . . e , - ' I1 ;_ -0`1-c. = g.SP-0 f, ('� = C,48DX 2U«► x SSG Ac iAr 10_ ! r = 59.0 c-Cs ! r ik-T: cv\6 /, were' '7 �.. r l� t�t�i l sta r r 1 i � '�" •�.r f' e ; .i1�'%: - , so-TN°. 2. of z • - RarvI Sran..s, Ca 6L..1 ilik 4.4(1 LA0tA Table 5.3 . Table SA Mean Raw Veit:city Peak Rainfall Intensity ktAlVd: ilt: • .. ..- j'..5.*f: 160Eir. vs.Ilea of Coecentradon ; • -• . . .1'1-,..' ::-.i.::•:_:4**164:._A deriliiiell. r - Pavement/Concrete , 0.25 19.0 Graded/Bare Ground 0.25 15.5 10 246 4.66 Lawn 0.25 13.1 . 20 . 2.34 4.43 •Pasture/Meadow 0-25 11.4 30 1.93 3.64 Woodland. 0.25 8-5 45 1.57 2.98 60 1.33 2.52 Pavement/Concrete 0.5 26.8 so 1.04 1.96 Graded/Bare Ground 0.5 21.9 120 0.58 1.09 Lawn 0.5 18.6 240 0.36 0.68 Pasture/Meadow 0.5 16.1 ' 360 026 0.50 Woodland 0.5 12.1 . 480 0.21 .0.40 Pavernent/Concrete 1 37.9 Graded/awe Ground 1 31.016-Vi14- Lawn 1 26.2 gslocA.,... Pasture/Meadow 1 227 Woodland 1 17.1 RA.Jeme 0,A- 2.(0. 6 at...) Co Pavement/Concrete 2 53.6 . 1 B. Graded/Bare Ground 2 43.9 • LA.d e 4-t,a 06 Lawn 2 37.1 .• Pasture/Meadow 2 322 Woodland 2 24.1 ! PaverftentlCancrete 5 84.8 Graded/Bare Ground 5 69.3 . PR ..s , 1_, . .E-1) IL/E-LOP EC" LiCl2L-fii.:22.___ Lawn 5 58.7 • Pasture/Meadow 5 50.9 Woodland 5 38.1 7 tsoc)i Pavement/Concrete 10 1193 .... 0.--r . Cert" Graded/Bare Ground 10 98.1 - 12 1 - Lawn 10 83.0 - Pasture/Meadow 10 71.9 Woodland 10 53.9 Tc.."., 1 1-1-k remrs, • 12, l Pavement/Concrete 20 169.5 Graded/Bare Ground. 20 138.7 : Lawn 20 117.3 t 61 t". ,c1C/0 in/Pasture/Meadow 20 101.7 Woodland - Woodland 20 . 76.3 , nr, 'Assumes overland flow depth of 1,inch. ruS 7 0 ekl FLOPMZ ii,li T ••••••.•.••••••=...sall.............r....9•111•40.11•••••••••••••••••101. .. , 5-6 V = CaS X Z6,•84-6.1.5 :X I 8.4 i (0'7 14.e,1 -' 2 1‘3 fp 0 4 n L.:: 2 cat, ii,,- _ _ Michael F. Easley, Governor �3� William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 3' North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 y Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director G! 4-c Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY SECTION COASTAL STORMWATER PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM I. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Stormwater Management Permit Number: SW8030724—Ocean Ridge Ph.IV, Sec. 6 2. Permit Holder's name: Ocean Ridge Farms,Inc. 3. Signing official's name: A. Fleming Gibson Title: President (person legally responsible for permit) 4. Mailing address: 351 Ocean Ridge Parkway, S.W. City: Ocean Isle Beach State: NC ZipCode: 28469 Phone:_(910)287-1921,FAX:_(910)287-1724 (Area Code and Number) (Area Code and Number) II. NEW OWNER/PROJECT/ADDRESS INFORMATION 1. This request is for: (please check all that apply) X a. Change in ownership of the property/company (Please complete Items#2, #3, and#4 below) b. Name change of project(Please complete Item#5 below) c. Mailing address change. (Please complete Item#4 below) d. Other(please explain): 2. New owner's name to be put on permit: Coastal Communities at Ocean Ridge Plantation,Inc. 3. New owner's signing official's name and title: Richard Genova (Person legally responsible for permit) Vice-President (Title) 4. New Mailing Address: 131 Ocean Boulevard West City: Holden Beach State: NC ZipCode:_28462 Phone:_(910)842-4939 FAX:_(910) 842-9245 (Area Code and Number) (Area Code and Number) 5. New Project Name to be placed on permit: N/A__ Page 1 of 2 N.C.Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910)395-3900 Customer Service 1 Wilminaton Reaional Office Wilminaton.NC 28405 (9101350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 NZE EMi'( PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. REQUIRED ITEMS: 1. This completed form. 2. Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership. 3. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions, if required by the permit. 4. The engineer's certification, if required by the permit. 5. A signed Operation and Maintenance plan, if a system that requires maintenance will change ownership. 6. Maintenance records. CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY BOTH THE CURRENT PERMIT HOLDER AND THE NEW APPLICANT IN THE CASE OF A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP. FOR NAME CHANGES, COMPLETE AND SIGN ONLY THE CURRENT PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION. Current Permittee's Certification: I, A. Fleming Gibson , attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. �j / Signature: i2 ,�b(a�i-, Date: New Applicant's Certification: (Must be completed for all transfers of ownership) I, Richard Genova , attest that this application for an ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature:_ Date: J= z "--0). THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 ATTN: Linda Lewis Page 2 of 2 HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for ©© A RI ) LAN41k`'I 0© f PHASE IV, SECTION 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Pond #1 f i � t 4-*4 * ;'f,`,7 F;'Y''..: , 4y A� f P• SEAL I 9816 iz 1„",► Prepared By a3amotala tmd &oQo(0,at @o9 pow CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond #1 Design Checked By: April 2005 Stormwater Pond #1 Design Total Drainage Area: 27.2272 Acres 118e017 SF Impervious Area: PAVEMENT: 2.2532 Acres 98/43 SF 4 LOTS: 8.4940 Acres 370000 SF v..fOTHER: 0.000C Acres 0 SF 0 • 1UTURE. 1.0311 Acres 44315 SF Total: 11 .7783 Acres 513064 SF % Impervious: 43.26 % Permanent Pool Depth 6 %TSS Removal 90Q/o SA/DA: `. `2..3232: .. . . ....... ....... Required SA: 27,554 SF Runoff: > : <; ;::Inches "Simple Method" R, 0.44 Volume: 43,421 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: ,51,289 :;.,SF ** (@ 47.0' MSL-- Forebays 'A' & 'B' and Main Pond Areas) Required Storage Depth: 0.800 STORAGE DEPTH USED: 1.0 Feet SA @ Storage Pool: 5.7,321 SF ** (@ 48.0' MSL-- Forebays 'A' & 'B' Provided Storage: 54,305 and Main Pond Areas) Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.::; ;:;41 0 . MSL Permanent Pool: 47.0 MSL Storage Pool: 48.00 MSL Flood Pool: 49.09 MSL "Freeboard" Elev: 49.59 MSL _9 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond Design Checked By: April 2005 I.A pe-.:i ic.::sec ,6.,.. §*er.. nv:..a+er:.001 e•Runoff Hydrograph into SW Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA ..-.... .: .: 9a.. !.:....:::;..!. '....: 1 1.7.a.-s.:: : ;:Impervious -..: : :.]-.13,.... .:•!: 1154.2734 :...- .. .. . F:. .... . . . : .... :....:.:::: ' . ...::... ..... '; 61!.....' :..;.; •:....:•••::.• . 15.45 .. ....... :. gra .$§4:::...: ...!..- . ......:.: B .;].:. ::.::::, 942.3829 Total: 27.2272 Total: 2096.6563 Weighted Curve Number: 77.01 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) Storm Duration:. ..1 0.Yr.;....1: He..-: Storm Rainfall: . . 4.41552 Inches S: 2.99 Direct Surface Runoff: 2.14 Inches Total Runoff: 211,612 CF 4.86 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: . . . . .:6 Inches/Hour Tc: .: • .:... . . .'....: 0.4 Min Hydraulic Length: .. .: ' • •:•:1500 Feet Weighted "C": 0.52 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 85.67 CFS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.001472 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 0.8567499 CFS/Unit k: 1.247 Min/Unit Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Drawdown Calculations Checked By: April 2005 Phase IV, Sec 6 - Stormwater Pond #1 Stormwater Pond Drawdown AREAS (FTA2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 2.5 0.034 0.068 0.102 0.136 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 1.177 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL= >1 0:INCHES VOLUME PRODUCED BY 1" OF RAINFALL= 43421..CF BASIN AREA= 27.23 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA= 11.78 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION= 47.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA= 0 06$:FEET2 STORAGE POOL AREA= 1.3159 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING = 2.0 HOURS ORIFICE COEF. = INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv) 0.4393 STORAGE POOL ELEVATION = 48.00 FEET NORMAL POOL AREA= 51,289 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 43,421 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE = 54,305 FEET3 ZQo�y = 434Z1 cr /(6,0 $ ) o, 2.513 ()si)tw 4 / z000\lirF 0, I DOS" r..� Aue„ori /Z ((48-47) - Yz j �= o,448 - r �. ugc = C Axf jk_ GxO %8x( ye,„? 144 ,) D, CF--1 STORMWATER POND #1 DATA SUMMARY Total Built-Upon Area (Ac.) 11.78 Total SW Drainage Area (Ac.) 27.23 % Impervious Area 43.3 Computed Runoff from 1" Rainfall (CF) 43,421 Provided Storage (CF) 54,305 Required Surface Area (SF) 27,554 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool (SF) 51,289 Surface Area of Pond @ Storage Pool (SF) 57,321 SW Storage Depth (Feet) 1 Number of Orifices 2 Diameter of Orifice (Inch) 2.5 Elevation of Orifice Bottom (MSL) 47.00 Approx. Time for Drawdown (Days) 2.3 Overflow Weir Elev. (MSL) 48.00 10-Year Routed Flowrate (CFS) 43 Flood Pool Elevation @ Q10 49.09 Stormwater Pond #1 Surface Areas MAIN Total Elevation Forebay#A Forebay#B Forebay#C Forebay#D Pond Forebay(A&B)and Main Pond (MSL) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) 41 1408 320 587 — 9945 11673 41.5 1904 584 873 7567 11406 13894 45 5777 2999 3966 15287 24407 33183 46 7103 3880 5228 19090 28418 39401 PP 47 9631 5581 6982 22867 36077 51289 47.7 10547 6204 8151 25541 38753 55504 SP 48 10944 6476 8661 26704 39901 57321 49 12290 7403 12241 32585 43724 63417 49.5 12976 7879 13170 36569 45635 66490 Volumes MAIN Total Volume Between Forebay#A Forebay#B Pond Forebay(A&B)and Main Pond (Ft-Ft) (CF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 41.0-46.0 21278 10500 95908 127685 46.0-47.0 8367 4731 32248 45345 41.0-47.0 29645 15231 128155 173030 47.0-48.0 10288 6029 37989 54305 Total Pond Volume @ PP= 173030 CF Total Combined Forebay(A&B)Volume= 31778 CF 18.37% UPSTREAM PONDS THAT ACT AS FOREBAYS TO SW POND#1 Volume Between Forebay#C Volume Between Forebay#D (Ft-Ft) (CF) (Ft-Ft) (CF) 41.0-48.0 43232 41.5-48.0 111381 48.0-49.0 10288 48.0-49.0 29645 41.0-49.0 53520 41.5-49.5 141025 TOTAL FOREBAY VOLUME(A,B, C,D) = 239420 CF HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for OCR 4 AN 1PLAN'Xklra0M PHASE IV, SECTION 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Pond #2 11 i a SEAL AEI 9816 _ a Prepared By 2acylmIc a awl &@@oAala@9 paw CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond#2 Design Checked By: April 2005 Stormwater Pond #2 Design Total Drainage Area 5.0221 Acres 218760 SF Impervious Area: PAVEMENT: 0.7495 Acres 32648 SF LOTS: 2.9614 Acres 129000 SF OTHER: 0.00G0 Acres 0 SF FUTURE: 0.0000 Acres 0 SF Total: 3.7109 Acres 161648 SF % Impervious: 73.89 % Permanent Pool Depth: : 5 TSS Removal 90% SA/DA: ' '::::5.272 Required SA: 11,534 SF Runoff: :: 1 Inches "Simple Method" R„ 0.72 Volume: 13,035 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: 19,034 SF (@ 50.0' MSL) Required Storage Depth: 0.641 STORAGE DEPTH USED: 1.0 Feet SA @ Storage Pool: 21,S71 . SF (@ 51.0' MSL) Provided Storage: 20,328 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 45,0 ;: MSL Permanent Pool: 50.0 MSL Storage Pool: 51.00 MSL Flood Pool: 51.74 MSL "Freeboard" Eiev: 52.24 MSL • Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond Design Checked By: April 2005 Phase IV, „. . -.Set:6 •Stcitniifatei-Pond!.#Z : . Runoff Hydrograph into SW Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA 98 3.71I. Impervious B H : 363.6682 61 1..31 Grassed B 79.9832 Total: 5.0221 Total: 443.6514 Weighted Curve Number: 88.34 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) Storm Duration: la Yr.7' 1 Hr Storm Rainfall: : .:5434Q8 Inches S: 1.32 Direct Surface Runoff: 4.31 Inches Total Runoff: 78,583 CF 1.80 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: 7 Inches/Hour Tc: • 5.:. Min Weighted "C": 0.75 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 26.51 CFS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.000547 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 0.26513165 CFS/Unit k: 1.497 Min/Unit Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TX Drawdown Calculations Checked By: April 2005 'Phase IV, Sec 6 - Stormwater Pond #2 Stormwater Pond Drawdown AREAS (FTA2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 2, 0.022 0.044 0.065 0.087 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 0.438 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL= • i.1.00 INCHES VOLUME PRODUCED BY 1"OF RAINFALL= CF BASIN AREA= 5.02 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA= 3.71 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION= 50.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA= :0 22: FEET2 STORAGE POOL AREA= 0.4952 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING 2:0 HOURS ORIFICE COEF. = • 116; INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv)= 0.7150 STORAGE POOL ELEVATION= 51.00 FEET NORMAL POOL AREA= 19,084 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL 13,035 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE= 20,328 FEET3 Q2 Aar{ 13,035/ I'72IG - 0,0'443 t; Qc CAI a (31 03. /4 QOo 0, '.: A,eroye- aeoll _ Yz (57.0- % ({ — 0 46 8-+ �r4<.4.• ,1 = CXA ( ,5 `04 X 0.O2.2 x(Zx32.2k .458J. _ CFS .fit,.) Days STORMWATER POND #2 DATA SUMMARY Total Built-Upon Area (Ac.) 3.7 Total SW Drainage Area (Ac.) 5.0 %Impervious Area 73.9 Computed Runoff from 1" Rainfall(CF) 13,035 Provided Storage (CF) 20,328 Required Surface Area (SF) 11,534 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool (SF) 19,084 Surface Area of Pond @ Storage Pool (SF) 21,571 SW Storage Depth (Feet) 1 Number of Orifices 1 Diameter of Orifice (Inch) 2 Elevation of Orifice Bottom (MSL) 50.00 Approx.Time for Drawdown (Days) 2.090 Overflow Weir Elev. (MSL) 51.00 10-Year Routed Flowrate (CFS) 24 Flood Pool Elevation @ Q10 51.7 Stormwater Pond #2 Surface Areas MAIN Total Elevation Forebay#A Forebay#B Pond Forebay and Main Pond (MSL) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) 45 381 2071 3618 6070 48 1332 4243 6443 12018 49 1807 5083 7571 14461 50 2536 6942 9606 19084 50.5 2737 7444 10132 20313 51 2946 7961 10664 21571 Volumes MAIN Total Volume Between Forebay#A Forebay#B Pond Forebay and Main Pond (Ft- Ft) (CF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 45.0 - 48.0 2570 9471 15092 27132 48.0 - 49.0 1570 4663 7007 13240 49.0 - 50.0 2172 6013 8589 16773 45.0 - 50.0 6311 20147 30687 57144 50.0 - 51.0 2741 7451.5 10135 20328 Total Volume @ PP = 57144 CF Total Forebay Volume (A& B) = 18273 CF 32.0 % HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for CX0 AN R LonA LAN`rkisa oon PHASE IV, SECTION 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Pond #3 144",1-7PttV L, � •• 3 yam$ Syr.. AL 9816 ° em s•, 0.,"";..•,ss �L. Prepared By Iot►agIoa. maac2 L gio-gAaIa@„ paw CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shailotte, North Carolina April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond #3 Design Checked By: April 2005 Stormwater Pond #3 Design Total Drainage Area smss2 Acres 221947 SF Impervious Area: Pavement: 0.8179 Acres 3S728 SF Lots: 1 6529 Acres 7200 SF Other: 0 0000 Acres " 0 SF Future/Offsite: ..).0000 Acres 0 SF Total: 2.4708 Acres 107628 SF % Impervious: 48.5 % Permanent Pool Depth: 5 %TSS Removal: 90% SA/DA: 3.395 Required SA: 7,535 SF Runoff: 1 Inches "Simple Method" R, 0.49 Volume: 8,997 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: 17,304 SF (@ 53.0' MSL) Depth of Storage: 0.520 Feet USE: 0.60 Feet SA @ Storage Pool: 18,815 SF (@ 53.6' MSL) Provided Storage: 9,933 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.:• 48.0 MSL Permanent Pool: 53.0 MSL Storage Pool: 53.60 MSL Flood Pool: 54.10 MSL "Freeboard" Elev: 54.60 MSL Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond Design Checked By: April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation - Phase iV, SW Pond #3 Runoff Hydrograph into SW Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA 98 2.47 impervious 13 242.1384 . _2.62 , Grassed - B . 160.0884 Total: 5.0952 Total: 402.2268 Weighted Curve Number: 78.94 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) Storm Duration: 10 Yr 1 Hr Storm Rainfall: .4.5755 Inches S: 2.67 Direct Surface Runoff: 2.44 inches Total Runoff: 45,037 CF 1.03 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: 7 Inches/Hour Tc: 5 Min Weighted "C": 0.56 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 20.10 CFS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.000313 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 0.2010498 CFS/Unit k: 1.131 Min/Unit Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC . Drawdown Calculations Checked By: April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation - Phase IV, SW Pond #3 Stormwater Pond #3 Drawdown AREAS (FTA2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 7 0.012 0.025 0.037 0.049 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 0.397 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL = 1 00 INCHES BASIN AREA = 5.10 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA = 2.47 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION = 53.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA = Q.012 FEET2 STORAGE POOL AREA= 0.4319 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING = 20 HOURS ORIFICE COEF. = INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv) = 0.4864 ELEVATION OF POOL AT STORAGE 53.60 FEET NORMAL POOL AREA = 17,304.00 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 8,996.88 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE = 9,932.73 FEET3 1/1 (r° )) 02654 IACruhC= 0, Co O,otz.. x (z3z Zx O.zGG = o.O3 cps OE"e,w tt p 't .4'1 Day S STORMWATER POND #3 DATA SUMMARY Total Built-Upon Area (Ac.) 2.47 Total SW Drainage Area (Ac.) 5.10 % Impervious Area 48.5 Computed Runoff from 1" Rainfall (CF) 8,997 Provided Storage (CF) 9,933 Required Surface Area (SF) 7,535 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool (SF) 17,304 Surface Area of Pond @ Storage Pool (SF) 18,815 SW Storage Depth (Feet) 0.6 Number of Orifices 1 Diameter of Orifice (Inch) 1.5 Elevation of Orifice Bottom (MSL) 53.00 Approx. Time for Drawdown (Days) 3.47 Overflow Weir Elev. (MSL) 53.60 10-Year Routed Flowrate (CFS) 14.0 Flood Pool Elevation @ Q10 54.10 Stormwater Pond #3 Surface Areas Total Elevation Forebay 'A' Forebay 'B' Main Pond Forebay and Main Pond (MSL) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) 48 188 235 2502 2925 51 1373 1396 6822 9591 52 1958 1985 8483 12426 53 3012 2950 11342 17304 53.6 3353 3264 12198 18815 54 3587 3478 12776 19841 Volumes Total Volume Between Forebay 'A' Forebay 'B' Main Pond Forebay and Main Pond (Ft- Ft) (CF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 48.0 - 52.0 4292 4440 21970 30702 52.0 - 53.0 2485 2468 9913 14865 48.0 - 53.0 6777 6908 31883 45567 53.0 - 53.6 1750 1709 6474 9933 Total Volume @ PP = 45567 CF Total Forebay Volume = 8732 CF % Forebay Volume = 19.16 % HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for OCR A 2 C LAN11,rka4101B PHASE IV, SECTION 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Pond #4 �: sir : .. •. '•, 'may SAL = 9816 Otiltaeset/ -.41016 Prepared By LE0clag40m Tiac2 .k,g@c)Antlaa9 pow CONSULTING ENGINEERS ShalIotte, North Carolina April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond #4 Design Checked By: April 2005 Stormwater Pond #4 Design Total Drainage Area: >: :: :(Q :> Acres 218101 SF Impervious Area: PAVEMENT: 0.3459 Acres 15067 SF LOTS: 1.9284 Acres 84000 SF OTHER: 0.0000 Acres 0 SF FUTURE: 0.0000 Acres Q SF Total: 2.2743 Acres 99067 SF % Impervious: 45.42 % Permanent Pool Depth: ;::5 %TSS Removal: SA/DA Required SA: 6,934 SF Runoff: •:' 1 Inches "Simple Method" Rv 0.46 Volume: 8,339 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: 1%033 SF (@ 50.0' MSL) STORAGE DEPTH USED: 0.5 Feet SA @ Storage Pool: : ; _ 2Q466 SF (@ 50.5' MSL) Provided Storage: 9,875 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 454 MSL Permanent Pool: 50.0 MSL Storage Pool: 50.50 MSL Flood Pool: 51.1 MSL "Freeboard" Elev: 51.6 MSL Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond Design Checked By: April 2005 :Phase>P Sec -- Storr tel POiid 4. Runoff Hydrograph into SW Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA 9 Z.27 Im r viou€ B 222.8814 :.:2.73rssetf l . 166.6886 Total: 5.0069 Total: 389.57 Weighted Curve Number: 77.81 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) .... ... ............ ....... Storm Duration: .> •:1.0 Yr- .1:1 r'"< Storm Rainfall: ' : ° :: 4,453 : Inches S: 2.85 Direct Surface Runoff: 2.24 Inches Total Runoff: 40,686 CF 0.93 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: 7 Inches/Hour Tc: 5 Min Weighted "C": 0.54 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 18.95 CFS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.000283 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 0.18949735 CFS/Unit k: 1.084 Min/Unit Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Drawdown Calculations Checked By: April 2005 Phase IV, Sec 6 - Stormwater Pond #4 Stormwater Pond Drawdown AREAS (FTA2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 0.012 0.025 0.037 0.049 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 0.437 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL 1..Q0 INCHES VOLUME PRODUCED BY 1" OF RAINFALL= 859 CF BASIN AREA= 5.01 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA= 2.27 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION = 50.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA= QM: FEET2 STORAGE POOL AREA= 0.4698 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING= 2 HOURS ORIFICE COEF. = INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv) - 0.4588 STORAGE POOL ELEVATION = 50.50 FEET NORMAL POOL AREA= 19,033 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 8,339 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE= 9,875 FEET3 NV-erGg e \ eCC'k (0.S — ) qj}' STORMWATER POND #4 DATA SUMMARY Total Built-Upon Area (Ac.) 2.274 Total SW Drainage Area (Ac.) 5.007 %Impervious Area 45.4 Computed Runoff from 1" Rainfall(CF) 8,339 Provided Storage(CF) 9,875 Required Surface Area (SF) 6,934 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool(SF) 19,033 Surface Area of Pond @ Storage Pool (SF) 20,466 SW Storage Depth(Feet) 0.5 Number of Orifices 1 Diameter of Orifice (Inch)............ ............... 1.5 Elevation of Orifice Bottom (MSL) 50.00 Approx.Time for Drawdown (Days) 3.57 Overflow Weir Elev. (MSL) 50.50 10-Year Routed Flowrate (CFS) 16 Flood Pool Elevation @ Q10 51.1 Stormwater Pond #4 Surface Areas Total Elevation Forebay Main Pond Forebay and Main Pond (MSL) (SF) (SF) (SF) 45 1661 1177 2838 48 3407 7129 10536 49 4139 9311 13450 50 5488 13545 19033 50.5 5845 14621 20466 Volumes Total Volume Between Forebay Main Pond Forebay and Main Pond (Ft - Ft) (CF) (CF) (CF) 45.0 - 49.0 11600 20976 32576 49.0 - 50.0 4814 11428 16242 45.0 - 50.0 16414 32404 48818 50.0 - 50.5 2833 7042 9875 TOTAL POND VOLUME @ PP = 48818 CF TOTAL FOREBAY VOLUME = 11600 CF % FOREBAY = 23.76 % HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for OCR : A ma Cea LAN ooB PHASE IV, SECTION 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Pond #5 aiia;c Zrif 1 . 401. tdf �J��p e5.-- P 'V d' �, Prepared By liotatgo of attcl ka@oofta aQ„ p.SL CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina April 2005 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond #5 Design Checked By: April 2005 Stormwater Pond #5 Design Total Drainage Area: 6.6962 Acres 2 l 643 SF impervious Area: PAVEMENT: 0.6534 Acres 28462 SF LOTS: 2.:5941 Acres 113000 SF OTHER: 0.0000 Acres 0 SF FUTURE: 0.0000 Acres 0 SF Total: 3.2475 Acres 141462 SF % Impervious: 48.50 % Permanent Pool Depth: <'5' % TSS Removal: 90 SA/DA: 3395 Required SA: 9,901 SF Runoff: 1.:. Inches "Simple Method" R„ 0.49 Volume: 11,825 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: ;20642 :.; SF (@ 47.5 MSL) STORAGE DEPTH USED: 0.7 Feet SA @ Storage Pool:'>': : ;22626; `:> SF (@ 48.2' MSL) Provided Storage: 15,144 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 425_ MSL Permanent Pool: 47.5 MSL Storage Pool: 48.20 MSL Flood Pool: 48.94 MSL "Freeboard" Elev: 49.44 MSL . ,, -... Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC Stormwater Pond Design Checked By: . April 2005 IPhase. IV,.:SC.:6;!it.StottrivriaH :ter::.17000:.#$: . . ......: I Runoff Hydrograph into SW Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA .::98.. .:: ..- ..':,..: - .. 3.25 ' •• ttrpgii4jgos. '.. .....,: B.:••• • ..'• 318.255 . - • . . 6;1:: ::. :.,'..:: :., :,:,3.45.1. .. .: . ..,,Geagad4 .. . ::::: : .. ... 8;:::,: .,. : 210.3097 Total: 6.6952 Total: 528.5647 Weighted Curve Number: 78.95 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) Storm Duration: : .TO Yr ,-..ii 1-1r...-::., Storm Rainfall: . .-...4.5766 Inches S: 2.67 Direct Surface Runoff: 2.44 Inches Total Runoff: 59,212 CF 1.36 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: . .. :. :. 7. Inches/Flour Tc: .:: '. .. :.•5:::Min Weighted "C": 0.56 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 26.42 CFS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.000412 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 0.26422655 CFS/Unit k: 1.132 Min/Unit Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Prepared By: TJC . Drawdown Calculations Checked By: April 2005 Phase IV, Sec 6 - Stormwater Pond #5 Stormwater Pond Drawdown AREAS (FTA2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 <'•.; 2 0.022 0.044 0.065 0.087 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 0.474 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL= :: 1 ©c'INCHES VOLUME PRODUCED BY 1" OF RAINFALL= 11825:CF BASIN AREA = 6.70 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA= 3.25 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION = 47.50 FEET ORIFICE AREA= ':0 022 FEET2 STORAGE POOL AREA= 0.5194 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING= 2.0'HOURS ORIFICE COEF. _ <C16> INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv) = 0.4865 STORAGE POOL ELEVATION= 48.20 FEET NORMAL POOL AREA= 20,642 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 11,825 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE= 15,144 FEET3 At..r&c.L5-e (A r — C (2 A ) 06,x fe.A--.:2 STORMWATER POND #5 DATA SUMMARY Total Built-Upon Area (Ac.) 3.25 Total SW Drainage Area (Ac.) 6.70 %Impervious Area 48.5 Computed Runoff from 1" Rainfall (CF) 11,825 Provided Storage (CF) 15,144 Required Surface Area (SF) 9,901 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool (SF) 20,642 Surface Area of Pond @ Storage Pool (SF) 22,626 SW Storage Depth (Feet) 0.7 Number of Orifices 1 Diameter of Orifice(Inch) 2 Elevation of Orifice Bottom (MSL) 47.50 Approx.Time for Drawdown (Days) 2.32 Overflow Weir Elev. (MSL) 48.20 10-Year Routed Flowrate (CFS) 20 Flood Pool Elevation @ Q10 48.94 Stormwater Pond #5 Surface Areas MAIN Total Elevation Forebay#A Pond Forebay and Main Pond (MSL) (SF) (SF) (SF) 42.5 1653 3091 4744 46 4244 9420 13664 46.5 4708 10437 15145 47.5 6328 14314 20642 48 6754 15302 22056 48.2 6927 15699 22626 Volumes MAIN Total Volume Between Forebay #A Pond Forebay and Main Pond (Ft - Ft) (CF) (CF) (CF) 42.5' - 46.5' 12722 27056 39778 46.5' - 47.5' 5518 12376 17894 42.5' - 47.5' 18240 39432 57672 47.5' - 48.2' 4639 10505 15144 TOTAL POND VOLUME @ PP = 57672 CF TOTAL FOREBAY VOLUME = 12722 CF 22 % HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOI"1'E, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone(910)754-6324 117 Pine Street Facsimile(910)754-2121 Post Office Box 627 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality NCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: Ocean Ridge Plantation - Phase IV, Section 6 Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina Modification of Stormwater Plan for Approval --'' SW8 030724 Map Dear Ms. Lewis: On behalf of Coastal Communities © Ocean Ridge Plantation, Inc., we are pleased to submit for your review and approval Ocean Ridge Plantation - Phase IV, Section 6. Please find enclosed two (2) copies each of the application and supplements, stormwater plans, stormwater calculations, and one (1) check in the amount of$420.00 to cover the application fee. Phase IV, Section 6 is now composed of 128 single family lots and roadways. The stormwater runoff is to be treated in 5 Stormwater Ponds. An update of the Overall Phase IV Stormwater Plan is also being submitted under separate cover. We appreciate your attention in this matter. Should you have any comments or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, JUN 0 1 2005 ason Clark, E.I. Houston and Associates, P.A. Enclosures pc: File; 03-0750D (Ocean Ridge Plantation, Phase IV, Section 6, SW) r. STORMWATER POND CALCULATIONS for D' 4 AN 2a'c i LAN PHASE IV, Section 6 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA .kIJ V t, F:• y fl 2 • AL 9816 `._ Prepared By ilEatnetcm l ga ftEftaaa pow CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina April 2004 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV,Sections 6 April 2005 IMPERVIOUS AREAS BASIN Future TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.Q. PAVEMENT LOTS Offsite AREA IMPERVIOUS "C" (AC) (AC) (AC)_ (AC) (AC) STORMWATER POND#1 101 0.0000 0.9412 0.0000 4.1970 0.9412 0.37 102 0.0000 0.0689 0.0000 0.3644 0.0689 0.34 103 0.1912 0.0689 0.0000 0.4947 0.2601 0.59 104 0.0954 0.4132 0.0000 1.0252 0.5086 0.57 105 0.1064 0.4132 0.0000 0.8868 0.5196 0.64 106 0.1081 0.8264 0.0000 1.5192 0.9345 0.66 107 0.0420 0.2755 0.0000 0.5351 0.3175 0.64 108 0.0449 0.4132 0.0000 0.6816 0.4581 0.70 109 0.1069 0.4821 0.0000 1.2546 0.5890 0.55 110 0.1625 0.3903 0.0000 1.1189 0.5528 0.57 111 0.1065 0.1837 0.0000 0.6885 0.2902 0.52 112 0.0000 0.4362 0.0000 1.1414 0.4362 0.49 113 0.0904 0.1607 0.0000 0.5438 0.2511 0.55 114 0.1241 0.0689 0.0000 0.3830 0.1930 0.58 115 0.1001 0.5051 0.0000 1.0816 0.6052 0.62 116 0.1422 0.2296 0.0000 0.7320 0.3718 0.58 117 0.0880 0.6887 0.0000 1.5267 0.7767 0.58 118 0.1173 0.0918 0.0000 0.4811 0.2091 0.53 119 0.1006 0.4132 0.0000 0.9047 0.5138 0.63 120 0.0000 0.3673 0.0000 2.1052 0.3673 0.33 121 0.0637 0.0000 0.0000 0.1696 0.0637 0.48 122 0.0646 0.0689 0.0000 0.3363 0.1335 0.50 123 0.1009 0.3903 0.0000 0.8375 0.4912 0.64 124 0.0645 0.0000 0.0000 0.1698 0.0645 0.48 125 0.1046 0.0230 0.0000 0.2916 0.1276 0.53 126 0.1283 0.5739 0.0000 1.1131 0.7022 0.67 OFFSITE 0.0000 0.0000 1.0311 2.6438 1.0311 0.49 TOTALS(AC) 2.2532 8.4940 1.0311 27.2272' 11.7783 0.52 TOTALS(SF) 98149 370000 44915 1186017 513064 0.52 STORMWATER POND#2 201 0.0000 0.0459 0.0000 0.3790 0.0459 0.29 202 0.1266 0.6428 0.0000 1.2679 0.7694 0.66 203 0.1310 1.0331 0.0000 0.1798 1.1641 5.06 204 0.0789 0.0000 0.0000 0.1364 0.0789 0.63 205 0.0762 0.4362 0.0000 0.8185 0.5124 0.67 206 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5292 0.0000 0.20 207 0.1214 0.0000 0.0000 0.2135 0.1214 0.63 208 0.2154 0.8035 0.0000 1.4978 1.0189 0.71 TOTALS(AC) 0.7495 2.9614 0.0000 5.0221 3.7109 0.75 TOTALS(SF) 32648 129000 0 218760 161648 0.75 STORMWATER POND#3 301 0.0000 0.5280 0.0000 1.2251 0.5280 0.52 302 0.1926 0.2755 0.0000 1.0187 0.4681 0.54 303 0.1172 0.1377 0.0000 0.4298 0.2549 0.64 304 0.0520 0.2066 0.0000 0.4535 0.2586 0.63 305 0.0523 0.0000 0.0000 0.0810 0.0523 0.68 306 0.0720 0.1837 0.0000 0.5275 0.2557 0.56 307 0.1007 0.0000 0.0000 0.2021 0.1007 0.57 308 0.1081 0.1837 0.0000 0.5600 0.2918 0.59 309 0.1230 0.1377 0.0000 0.5975 0.2607 0.53 TOTALS(AC) 0.8179 1.6529 0.0000 5.0952 2.4708 0.56 TOTALS(SF) 35628 72000 0 221947 107628 0.56 r Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV,Sections 6 April 2005 IMPERVIOUS AREAS BASIN Future TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.D. PAVEMENT LOTS Offsite AREA IMPERVIOUS `C" (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) STORMWATER POND#4 401 0.0000 0.4132 0.0000 1.3281 0.4132 0.43 402 0.0767 0.1377 0.0000 0.3756 0.2144 0.63 403 0.0708 0.5510 0.0000 0.8913 0.6218 0.72 404 0.0780 0.1377 0.0000 0.3616 0.2157 0.65 405 0.1204 0.6887 0.0000 2.0503 0.8091 0.50 TOTALS(AC) 0.3459 1,.9284 0.0000 5.0069 2.2743 0.54 TOTALS(SF) 15067 84000 0 218101 99067 0.54 STORMWATER POND#5 501 0.0000 0.4821 0.0000 1.9654 0.4821 0.38 502 0.1711 0.5739 0.0000 1.3258 0.7450 0.62 503 0.0902 0.3673 0.0000 0.7513 0.4575 0.66 504 0.2573 0.3444 0.0000 1.1180 0.6017 0.60 505 0.0666 0.4132 0.0000 0.7893 0.4798 0.66 506 0.0682 0.4132 0.0000 0.7454 0.4814 0.68 TOTALS(AC) 0.6534 2.5941 0.0000 6.6952 3.2475 0.56 TOTALS(SF) 28462 113000 0 291643 141462 0.56 IMPERVIOUS AREAS BASIN Future TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.D. PAVEMENT LOTS Offsite AREA IMPERVIOUS "C" (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) (AC) **OVERALL 4.8199 17.6309 0.0000 46.4028 22.4508 0.56 **OVERALL(SF) 209955 768000 0 2021304 977955 0.56 **(Does NOT include OFFSITE) *SW POND#1 2.2532 8.4940 1.0311 27.2272 11.7783 0.52 '(Includes OFFSITE) SW POND#2 0.7495 2.9614 0.0000 5.0221 3.7109 0.75 SW POND#3 0.8179 1.6529 0.0000 5.0952 2.4708 0.56 SW POND#4 0.3459 1.9284 0.0000 5.0069 2.2743 0.54 SW POND#5 0.6534 2.5941 0.0000 6.6952 3.2475 0.56 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 March 2005 Storm Drain Contributing Drainage Impervious Weighted Length Slope TT iio Qio 1.D. Area Area Area "C" (AC) (AC)_ (ft) (ft/ft) (min.) (in/hr) (cfs) THESE STORMDRAINS CONVEY STORMWATER INTO STORMWATER POND#1 SD 101 **ROUTED SW POND#1 27.23 11.78 0.52 215 0.005 1.87 7.0 43.00 SD 102 102-104 1.88 0.84 0.53 480 0.005 3.48 7.0 7.04 SD 103 103,104 1.52 0.77 0.58 270 0.005 2.23 7.0 6.16 SD 104 104 1.03 0.51 0.57 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 4.11 SD 105 105-107 2.94 1.77 0.65 340 0.005 2.67 7.0 13.42 SD 106 106 1.52 0.93 0.66 320 0.005 2.55 7.0 7.03 SD 107 107,108 1.22 0.78 0.68 270 0.005 2.23 7.0 5.78 SD 108 108 0.68 0.46 0.70 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 3.36 SD 109 109-111 3.06 1.43 0.55 450 0.005 3.31 7.0 11.80 SD 110 110,111 1.81 0.84 0.55 320 0.005 2.55 7.0 6.96 SD 111 111 0.69 0.29 0.52 300 0.005 2.42 7.0 2.49 SD 112 112-117, 118-126 14.46 6.34 0.53 1500 0.005 8.37 6.0 45.87 SD 113A 113-115 2.01 1.05 0.59 360 0.005 2.79 7.0 8.32 SD 113E 113-115 2.01 1.05 0.59 330 0.005 2.61 7.0 8.32 SD 114 114,115 1.46 0.80 0.61 310 0.005 2.48 7.0 6.24 SD 115 115 1.08 0.61 0.62 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 4.69 SD 116 116-120 5.75 2.24 0.49 420 0.005 3.14 7.0 30.66 SD 117 117 1.53 0.78 0.58 739 0.005 4.85 7.0 6.22 SD 118A 118-120 3.49 1.09 0.43 604 0.005 4.15 7.0 21.47 SD 1188 118-120 3.49 1.09 0.43 655 0.005 4.42 7.0 21.47 SD 119 119,120 3.01 0.88 0.42 584 0.005 4.05 7.0 19.70 SD 120A 120 2.11 0.37 0.33 400 0.005 3.02 7.0 15.73 SD 120B 120 2.11 0.37 0.33 430 0.005 3.20 7.0 15.73 SD 121 121,122,OFFSITE 3.15 1.23 0.49 550 0.005 3.86 7.0 10.86 SD 122 122,OFFSITE 2.98 1.16 0.49 500 0.005 3.59 7.0 10.29 SD 123 123-126 2.41 1.39 0.63 381 0.005 2.91 7.0 10.65 SD 124 124-126 1.57 0.89 0.63 361 0.005 2.79 7.0 6.90 SD 125 125,126 1.40 0.83 0.64 270 0.005 2.23 7.0 6.32 SD 126 126 1.11 0.70 0.67 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 5.25 Storm Drain Contributing Drainage Impervious Weighted Length Slope T" i10 Qio I.D. Area Area Area "C" (AC) (AC) (ft) (ft/ft) (min.) (in/hr) (cfs) _ THESE STORMDRAINS CONVEY STORMWATER INTO STORMWATER POND#2 SD 201 201-205 2.78 2.57 0.89 564 0.005 3.94 7.0 17.39 SD 202A 202-205 2.40 2.52 0.99 556 0.005 3.90 7.0 16.62 SD 202B 202,203 1.45 1.93 1.20 390 0.005 2.97 7.0 12.18 SD 203 203 0.18 1.16 5.06 370 0.005 2.85 7.0 6.36 SD 204 204,205 0.95 0.59 0.66 270 0.005 2.23 7.0 4.44 SD 205 205 0.82 0.51 0.67 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 3.84 SD 206A **ROUTED SW POND#2,#4 5.02 3.71 0.75 1120 0.005 6.68 7.0 40.00 SD 206E **ROUTED SW POND#2,#4 5.02 3.71 0.75 1120 0.005 6.68 7.0 40.00 SD 206C **ROUTED SW POND#2 5.02 3.71 0.75 1120 0.005 6.68 7.0 24.00 SD 206D **ROUTED SW POND#2 5.02 3.71 0.75 1120 0.005 6.68 7.0 24.00 SD 207 207,208 1.71 1.14 0.70 420 0.005 3.14 7.0 8.38 SD 208A 208(75%) 1.12 0.76 0.71 400 0.005 3.02 7.0 5.58 SD 208B 208(25%) 0.37 0.25 0.71 170 0.005 1.56 7.0 1.86 SD 208C 208(25%) 0.37 0.25 0.71 150 0.005 1.42 7.0 1.86 Storm Drain Contributing Drainage Impervious Weighted Length Slope T" i1a Q10 I.D. Area Area Area "C" (AC) (AC) (ft) (ft/ft) (min.) (In/hr) (cfs) THESE STORMDRAINS CONVEY STORMWATER INTO STORMWATER POND#3 SD 302 302-305 1.98 1.03 0.59 420 0.005 3.14 6.9 8.09 SD 303 303 0.43 0.25 0.64 400 0.005 3.02 7.0 1.94 SD 304 304,305 0.53 0.31 0.64 220 0.005 1.91 7.0 2.38 SD 305 305 0.08 0.05 0.68 200 0.005 1.77 7.0 0.39 SD 306A 306-309 1.89 0.91 0.56 346 0.005 2.70 7.0 7.41 SD 306E 306-309 1.89 0.91 0.56 509 0.005 3.64 7.0 7.41 SD 307 307 0.20 0.10 0.57 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 0.81 SD 308 308,309 1.16 0.55 0.56 320 0.005 2.55 7.0 4.52 SD 309 309 0.60 0.26 0.53 300 0.005 2.42 7.0 2.21 1 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 March 2005 Storm Drain Contributing Drainage Impervious Weighted Length Slope T. it Qio I.D. Area Area Area "C" (AC) (AC) (ft) (ft/ft) (min.) (in/hr) (cfs) THESE STORMDRAINS CONVEY STORMWATER INTO STORMWATER POND#4 SD 401 A **ROUTED SW POND#4 5.01 2.27 0.54 382 0.005 2.92 7.0 16.00 SD 401 B **ROUTED SW POND#4 5.01 2.27 0.54 382 0.005 2.92 7.0 16.00 SD 401C **ROUTED SW POND#4 5.01 2.27 0.54 382 0.005 2.92 7.0 16.00 SD 402 402-405 3.68 1.86 0.58 749 0.005 4.90 7.0 14.92 SD 403 403 0.89 0.62 0.72 300 0.005 2.42 7.0 4.51 SD 404 404,405 2.41 1.02 0.52 620 0.005 4.24 7.0 8.76 SD 405 405 2.05 0.81 0.50 600 0.005 4.13 7.0 7.12 Storm Drain Contributing Drainage Impervious Weighted Length Slope T. Ito Qio I.D. Area Area Area 'C" (AC) (AC) (ft) (ft/ft) (min.) (in/hr) (cfs) THESE STORMDRAINS CONVEY STORMWATER INTO STORMWATER POND#5 SD 501 A **ROUTED SWPOND#5,#4,#2 6.70 3.25 0.56 615 0.005 4.21 7.0 60.00 SD 501E **ROUTED SWPOND#5,#4,#2 6.70 3.25 0.56 585 0.005 4.05 7.0 60.00 SD 501C **ROUTED SWPOND#5,#4,#2 6.70 3.25 0.56 503 0.005 3.61 7.0 60.00 SD SO1 D **ROUTED SWPOND#5 6.70 3.25 0.56 250 0.005 2.11 7.0 20.00 SD 502 502-506 4.73 2.77 0.64 477 0.005 3.46 7.0 21.14 SD 503 503 0.75 0.46 0.66 100 0.005 1.04 7.0 3.45 SD 504 504 1.12 0.60 0.60 399 0.005 3.02 7.0 4.72 SD 505 505,506 1.53 0.96 0.67 320 0.005 2.55 7.0 7.20 SD 506 506 0.75 0.48 0.68 300 0.005 2.42 7.0 3.57 Contributing Drainage Impervious Weighted it Qio Area Area Area 'C" _CAC) (AC) (in/hr) (cfs) SW POND#1 27.2272 11.7783 0.52 7 99.95 SW POND#2 5.0221 3.7109 0.75 7 26.51 SW POND#3 5.0952 2.4708 0.56 7 20.10 SW POND#4 5.0069 2.2743 0.54 7 18.95 SW POND#5 6.6952 3.2475 0.56 7 26.42 Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Rip Rap Protection March 2005 Rip-Rap Outlet Protection Outlet Pipe Outlet Pipe QQo d50 La 300 W dmax Apron I.D. Size (Do) Thickness (inches) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft)_ _() (ft)_ (ft) SW Pond #1 SW Pond#1 Q10 SD 101 30 43.0 0.6 12 7.50 14.50 0.90 1.35 SW Pond#3 SW Pond#3 Q10 Emergency Weir 10'Weir *28 0.8 15 8.00 12.00 1.20 1.80 *Double Q10 SW Pond#2 (+) SW Pond#4 (+) SW Pond#5 Q10's SD 501A 48 60 0.8 22 12.00 26.00 1.20 1.80 *Tailwater<.5Do,Figure 8.06a used to size rip-rap-Minimum Tailwater Cond. 3Do ua W , Il **Note:All Rip-Rap is specified on the detail to have the following dimensions. Ocean Ridge Plantation Phase IV, Sections 6 Rip Rap Protection March 2005 Outlet Pipe Weir d50 La 3Do W dmax Apron Size (Do) Length Thickness (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)_ (ft) (ft) (ft) All Rip-Rap at Pipe Outlets 30 - 0.6 12 7.50 14.50 0.90 1.35 48 - 0.8 22 12.00 26.00 1.20 1.80 All Rip-Rap at Weir - 10 0.8 15 8.00 12.00 1.20 1.80 *** 3Do and W dimensions may be limited by Existing Ditch Conditions in some cases.