HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_X Ray Whole Rock Metal Elemental Rept 3_20150805SP0111430 FINAL REPORT Multi Element Package COPIES TO Samantha Wilkinson SynTerra CLIENT REFERENCE No: No. SAMPLES MAIN SAMPLE TYPE MW -23E 145 -150 2 CORE is AMERICAN ASSAY LABORATORIES 1500 GLENDALE AVE. SPARKS, NV USA 89431 -5902 Ph.(775) 356 -0606 Fax.(775) 356 -1413 EMAIL: info @aallabs.com RECEIVED 27- May -2015 REPORTED 15 -Jul -2015 COMPANY DISCLAIMER :- When small samples are submitted, AAL may process the sample at smaller then specified weights to retain some pulp for quality control reassay. When Values exceed upper limits, AAL will run an Over Range analysis, to establish an accurate value. Additional cost will apply. Due to USDA Soil Quarantine programs - all foreign and some domestic soil material must be decontaminated by drying a 1250 for 48 hours, which will result in loss of Mercury (Hg). NEVADA LEGISLATIVE DISCLAIMER :- The results of this assay were based solely upon the content of the sample submitted. Any decision to invest should be made only after the potential investment value of the claim or deposit has been determined based on the results of assays of multiple samples of geological materials collected by the prospective investor or by a qualified person selected by him and based on an evaluation of all engineering data which is available concerning any proposed project. Nevada State Law NRS 519.130. ANALYSIS A1203 BaO CaO Cr203 Fe203 K20 MgO MnO Na20 P205 Si02 SrO Ti02 V205 As Cd Ce Cc Cu Ga La Mo Ni Pb Sb Se METHOD XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR UNIT pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm LOWER LIMIT 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 0.2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 ANALYSIS Sn W Zn Zr LOI H2O- C S >63 um -63 um.y <2um Quartz�ldspar'alcite :covite Pyrite,lomite,liniteLlorite Illite (.7) /S METHOD D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR LOI H20- ILTRA- CILTRA -C.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD.ay XRD UNIT ppm ppm ppm ppm pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct LOWER LIMIT 1 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Digitally signed by AMERICAN ASSAY Joshua Zimmerman a b a r a t o r i e s Date: 2015.07.15 16:31:58 - 07'00' SIGNATORY ANALYSIS Cover Page ­G06 SP0111430 FINAL REPORT Abbreviatior Preparation DIP DIS ISS SDI SHI SNR Analysis STD - ?? STD - AAL ## BLANK DTF DL < or - N/A NR (R) column D or -D after Sample II -R after Sample II -X after Sample II ppb ppm OPT Oz g mg Kg lbs T Definitior. Sample Destroyed in Preparation Sample Destroyed in Shipment Insufficient Sample Submitte( Sample Diesel Impregnate( Sample Hydraulic Impregnate( Sample Not Receivec International Reference Material Standar AAL generated standard material AAL Laboratory Silica Blan] Data to Folloc, Detection Limit of Metho( Less Than Lower Detection Limit of Metho Greater than Upper Limit of Metho, Not Analyzec Not Reportec Laboratory repeat weigh, digestion, analysis from original pulp or reject respl Client submitted duplicate rig split sampl Repeat analysis from original pulp reweigh, digestion and analys: Repeat analysis from reject resplit, preparation, weigh, digestion and analys Parts per Billion 0.001 ppm = 1 pp Parts per Million 1 ppm = 1 mg /K Troy Ounces per Short Ton(2,000 lbs)(1 ppm= 0.02917 OPZ Troy Ounce = 31.103 gram: Percent 1 %= 10,000 pp. Grams lg =0.001 kilogra Milligrams lmg= 0.001gram Kilograms 1Kg= 1000gram Pounds llb= 0.454kilogra Method FA -PB ## Fire Assay Lead Collection - ## sample weight in gran GRAV Gravimetric (Weighed) finis] SF Screen Fire Assay reporting a plus, 2 minus fractions and a head Ca: + # ## Plus. Fraction (Retained on top of Mesh) ## #Screen Siz - # ## Minus Fraction (Passed through Mesh) ## #Screen Siz CN Cyanide Extractior ORE GRADE 2g sample made to 1000m1 volumetric for results > upper limit of meth( Ox -H2SO4 or -HC1 Dilute acid leach for oxide fraction in copper or molybdenum analys: QLA Dilute 10 %H2SO4/0.5 %Fe2(SO4)3 30C leach for acid soluble copper QLT Dilute 15 %H2SO4 30C leach for acid soluble copper SAP Dilute 5 %H2SO4/0.5 %Fe2(SO4)3 85C leach for acid soluble & chalcocite coppe. D #A Digestion # =2,3 or 4 Acid: 2A= HC1 /HNO3 3A- HC1 /HNO3 /HC104 4A= HC1 /HNO3 /HF /HC1C HCl Hydrochloric Acid(37 %w /v) Boiling Point 109 HF Hydrofluoric Acid(48 %w /v) Boiling Point 108C Extreme Health Hazar HC104 Perchloric Acid(69 %w /v) Boiling Point 203C Extreme Fire /Explosion Haza: HNO3 Nitric Acid(69 %w /v) Boiling Point 121 H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid(98% w /v) Boiling Point 338 ICP -xB or -x2 ICP -AES and /or ICP -MS analysis using x =2, 3 or 4 acid digestior LiB02 -C Lithium Metaborate fusion in Carbon crucibl Na202 -C Sodium Peroxide fusion in Carbon crucibl Na202 -Zr Sodium Peroxide fusion in Zirconium crucibl Technique AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscop, ICP -AES Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscol ICP -MS Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscop RG Research Grade (Low detection limit ICP -AES UT Ultra Trace (ICP - AES +ICP -MS analyses XRF -ED or -WE X -Ray Flourescence ( -ED = Energy Dispersive) ( -WD = Wavelength Dispersive XRD X -Ray Diffractior ELTRA -I Carbon & Sulfur infrared detection analyzer inductive heatir ELTRA -R Carbon, Hydrogen & Sulfur infrared detection analyzer resistance furna, LECO -I Nitrogen & Oxygen infra red detection analyzer inductive heatir MW Microwave Digestion ( -PT is at 1500psig and 300C SG -WD or -HE Specific Gravity -WD =Water Displacement -HP= Helium Pycnometer lg /cm3= 62.41bs/f AMERICAN ASSAY LABORATORIES 1500 GLENDALE AVE. SPARKS, NV USA 89431 -5902 Ph.(775) 356 -0606 Fax.(775) 356 -1413 EMAIL: AALLABS @NVBELL.NET Definitions Page nn*. -oov SP0111430 FINAL REPORT CLIENT SynTerra PROJECT Sutton Plant REFERENCE MW -23E 145 -150 REPORTED 15 -Jul -2015 A1203 BaO CaO Cr203 Fe203 K20 Mg0 MnO Na20 P205 Si02 Sr0 Ti02 V205 As Cd Ce Co Cu XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR XRF -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 0.2 1 1 1 SAMPLES pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm MW -23E 145 -147 7.39 0.03 7.83 0.01 4.80 1.30 0.87 0.03 0.77 0.10 64.92 0.40 0.68 <0.01 3 <0.2 58 9 13 AW -SE 148 -150 6.63 0.05 8.04 0.01 4.77 1.25 1.01 0.03 0.72 0.10 67.41 0.38 0.81 <0.01 2 <0.2 65 11 6 Page 3 of 5 AAL -009 SP0111430 FINAL REPORT CLIENT SynTerra PROJECT Sutton Plant REFERENCE MW -23E 145 -150 REPORTED 15 -Jul -2015 Ga La Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Sn W Zn Zr LOI H20- C S Sand >63 um Silt 2 -63 um Clay <2um D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR D4A -WR LOI H20- ELTRA-C ELTRA -C Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.01 SAMPLES ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm pct pct pct pct pct pct pct MW -23E 145 -147 7 22 2 15 11 <1 <1 <1 <1 53 34 7.61 1.954 1.295 49.94 29.08 20.98 AW -SE 148 -150 6 25 2 10 12 <1 <1 <1 <1 48 42 6.93 1.910 0.713 56.92 25.16 17.92 Page 4 of 5 AAL -008 SP0111430 FINAL REPORT CLIENT SynTerra PROJECT Sutton Plant REFERENCE MW -23E 145 -150 REPORTED 15 -Jul -2015 Quartz Feldspar Calcite Muscovite Pyrite Dolomite Kaolinite Chlorite Illite I(.7) /S Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD Clay XRD 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 SAMPLES pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct MW -23E 145 -147 32.5 3.9 7.1 23.0 0.3 4.4 2.6 23.9 2.1 AW -SE 148 -150 52.0 1.0 5.5 17.0 0.3 0.8 2.8 0.4 14.0 6.6 Page 5 of 5 AAL -008