HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0029945_Modification_20230907Initial Review Reviewer nathaniel.thorn burg Is this submittal an application? (Excluding additional information.) * Yes No Permit Number (IR) * WQ0029945 Applicant/Permittee Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Applicant/Permittee Address 228 Georgetown Road, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Is the owner in BIMS? Yes No Is the facility in BIMS? Owner Type Facility Name County Fee Category Major Is this a complete application?* Yes No Signature Authority Signature Authority Title Signature Authority Email Document Type (if non -application) Email Notifications County Summerhouse Wastewater Reclamation WWTP Onslow Does this need review by the hydrogeologist? * Yes No Regional Office CO Reviewer Admin Reviewer Fee Amount Complete App Date 09/07/2023 Yes No $395 Below list any additional email address that need notification about a new project. Email Address Comments to be added to email notfication Comments for Admin Comments for RO Comments for Reviewer Comments for Applicant Submittal Form Project Contact Information Please provide information on the person to be contacted by NDB Staff regarding electronic submittal, confirmation of receipt, and other correspondence. Name* Daniel K Peplinski Email Address* dpeplinski@mckimcreed.com Project Information ......................... Application/Document Type* New (Fee Required) Modification - Major (Fee Required) Renewal with Major Modification (Fee Required) Annual Report Additional Information Other Phone Number* 919.244.6313 Modification - Minor Renewal GW-59, NDMR, NDMLR, NDAR-1, N DAR-2 Residual Annual Report Change of Ownership We no longer accept these monitoring reports through this portal. Please click on the link below and it will take you to the correct form. https://edoes.deq.nc.gov/Forms/NonDischarge_Monitoring_Report Permit Type:* Wastewater Irrigation High -Rate Infiltration Other Wastewater Reclaimed Water Closed -Loop Recycle Residuals Single -Family Residence Wastewater Other Irrigation Permit Number:* WQ0029945 Has Current Existing permit number Applicant/Permittee * Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Applicant/Permittee Address* 228 Georgetown Road, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Facility Name* Summerhouse Wastewater Reclamation WWTP Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. File 5, Specification 46 21 31 - Side Stream Disc Filter, is a protected PDF provided by a manufacturer for sole -sourced equipment. The protections on this file did not allow the file to be combined with the remainder of the permit application. At this time, paper copies are no longer required. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at nathaniel.thornburg@ncdenr.gov. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be reviewed here. (Application Form, Engineering Plans, Specifications, Calculations, Etc.) Combined Summerhouse permit application - File 1.pdf 46.74MB Combined Summerhouse permit application - File 2 Spec 1.96M6 46 21 31 - Side Stream Disc Filter.pdf Upload only 1 PDF document (less than 250 MB). Multiple documents must be combined into one PDF file unless file is larger than upload limit. * By checking this box, I acknowledge that I understand the application will not be accepted for pre -review until the fee (if required) has been received by the Non -Discharge Branch. Application fees must be submitted by check or money order and made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). I also confirm that the uploaded document is a single PDF with all parts of the application in correct order (as specified by the application). Mail payment to: NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources Attn: Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Signature Submission Date 9/1/2023 September 1, 2023 Nathaniel Thornburg Environmental Program Supervisor NC DEQ Division of Water Resources – Non-Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: High-Rate Infiltration Systems Summerhouse WWTP Interim Improvements Permit No.: WQ0029945 Project No. 00961-0051 Dear Mr. Thornburg: On the behalf of Onslow Water and Sewer Authority (ONWASA), we are submitting the referenced project for your review and approval of modifications to a High-Rate Infiltration System. Modifications are being made to the treatment side of the plant only, no modifications are being proposed on the disposal side of the plant. Permits are requested for the treatment plant for a capacity of 400,000 GPD treatment capacity which is the original permitted treatment capacity of the facility in two phases. The first phase will address: · Three new fine screens, with 2 mm open passages, for protection of the membranes; · The first half of the plant treatment capacity, 200,000 GPD, with a new membrane treatment system to replace the existing membrane treatment system; · UV disinfection for 200,000 GPD, and; · New EQ pumps. The EQ pumps will be dry-pit pumps installed outside of the existing EQ tank, whereas the current EQ pumps are submersible pumps installed inside the EQ tank. The second phase will address: · The second half of the plant treatment capacity, another 200,000 GPD for a total of 400,000 GPD and; · UV disinfection for a further 200,000 GPD, totaling 400,000 GPD capacity. Additionally, but not associated with either phase, we are permitting two new side-stream filters. One side stream filter will be associated with each pair of membrane tanks. We are including these in the permit application submitted but ONWASA will purchase and install only if the operation of the membranes indicates that additional filtration of the membrane feed is required for proper membrane operation. Due to the desired construction schedule and long-lead nature of much of the equipment, ONWASA has obtained board approval to sole source the following manufacturers and components: · Kubota o Membranes o Feed Forward Pumps o RAS Pumps o Permeate Pumps o Process Air Blowers o Air Scour Blowers 00961-0051 Summerhouse WWTP Interim Improvements Permit Application 31 August 2023 Page 2 of 2 O Fine Screens Trojan a UV System Gorman -Rupp o EQ Pumps The requisite documentation has been included as follows: Check in the amount of $395 (permit fee for a Major Modification) Online submittal of the application and supporting documentation as follows: 1) High -Rate Infiltration System Form, HRIS 06-16 2) Legal documentation of ownership, GIS Screenshot 3) Engineering Plans 4) Specifications 5) Engineering calculations 6) Site Map (included in Engineering Plans) 7) Existing Permit Since there is an existing disposal system that is not being modified as part of this project, the following information is NOT being submitted with this application: ® Soil Evaluation; ® Agronomist Evaluation; • Hydrogeologic Report; • Water Balance; Power Reliability Plan (will rely on existing generator); • Operation and Maintenance Plan (will rely on existing O&M Plan); Residuals Management Plan (will rely on existing Residuals Management Plan); Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, )'). 4J-�k Daniel K. Peplinski, PE Process Engineer Leader Enclosure(s): As fisted above State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0700 – HIGH-RATE INFILTRATION SYSTEMS INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 1 of 6 Plans, specifications and supporting documents shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0400 (if necessary), 15A NCAC 02L .0100, 15A NCAC 02T .0100, 15A NCAC 02T .0700, Division Policies and good engineering practices. Failure to submit all required items will necessitate additional processing and review time. For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section’s Non-Discharge Permitting Unit website General – When submitting an application to the Water Quality Permitting Section’s Non-Discharge Permitting Unit, please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of requested additional information. Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation. A. Cover Letter (All Application Packages): List all items included in the application package, as well as a brief description of the requested permitting action. B. Application Fee (All New and Major Modification Application Packages): Submit a check, money order or electronic funds transfer made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). The appropriate fee amount for new and major modification applications may be found at: Standard Review Project Fees. C. High-Rate Infiltration Systems (FORM: HRIS 06-16) Application (All Application Packages): Submit the completed and appropriately executed High-Rate Infiltration Systems (FORM: HRIS 06-16) application. Any unauthorized content changes to this form shall result in the application package being returned. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. If the Applicant Type in Item I.2. is a corporation or company, provide documentation it is registered for business with the North Carolina Secretary of State. If the Applicant Type in Item I.2. is a partnership or d/b/a, enclose a copy of the certificate filed with the Register of Deeds in the county of business. The facility name in Item II.1. shall be consistent with the facility name on the plans, specifications, agreements, etc. The Professional Engineer’s Certification on Page 13 of the application shall be signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer. The Applicant’s Certification on Page 13 of the application shall be signed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(c), an alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). If this project is for a renewal without modification, use the Non-Discharge System Renewal (FORM: NDSR) application. D. Property Ownership Documentation (All Application Packages):  Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(f), the Applicant shall demonstrate they are the owner of all property containing the wastewater treatment and high-rate infiltration facilities: Legal documentation of ownership (i.e., GIS, deed or article of incorporation), or Written notarized intent to purchase agreement signed by both parties with a plat or survey map, or Written notarized lease agreement that specifically indicates the intended use of the property and has been signed by both parties, as well as a plat or survey map. Lease agreements shall adhere to the requirements of 15A NCAC 02L .0107. Provide all agreements, easements, setback waivers, etc. that have a direct impact on the wastewater treatment, conveyance, storage and high-rate infiltration facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 6 E. Soil Evaluation (All Application Packages that include new high-rate infiltration sites): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(b) and the Soil Scientist Evaluation Policy, submit a detailed soil evaluation that has been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist and includes at a minimum: The report shall identify all the basins/fields with project name, location, and include a statement that the basins/fields were recommended for the proposed land application activity. Field delineated detailed soils map meeting all of the requirements of the Soil Scientist Evaluation Policy. Soil profile descriptions meeting all of the requirements of the Soil Scientist Evaluation Policy. Provide all soil boring logs performed at the site. For non-basins, a standard soil fertility analysis conducted no more than one year prior to permit application for each map unit in the soil map legend for the following parameters: Acidity Exchangeable sodium percentage (by calculation) Phosphorus Base saturation (by calculation) Magnesium Potassium Calcium Manganese Sodium Cation exchange capacity Percent humic matter Zinc Copper pH  Saturated hydraulic conductivity (KSAT) data that shall include at a minimum: A minimum of three KSAT tests shall be conducted in the most restrictive horizon for each soil series in the soil map. All KSAT tests shall be conducted in areas representative of the site. All KSAT tests shall be run until steady-state equilibrium has been achieved. All collected KSAT data shall be submitted, including copies of field worksheets showing all collected readings. Submit a soil profile description for each KSAT data point that shall extend at least one foot below the tested horizon.  Soil evaluation recommendations shall include at a minimum: A brief summary of each map unit and its composition and identification of minor contrasting soils. For non-basins, maximum precipitation rate (in/hr) for each soil/map unit within the proposed infiltration areas. Seasonal infiltration restrictions, if appropriate. Identification of areas not suitable for high-rate infiltration. Recommended geometric mean KSAT rate to be used in the water balance for each soil/map unit based upon in-situ measurement of the saturated hydraulic conductivity from the most restrictive horizon. Recommended drainage coefficient to be used in the water balance based upon comprehensive site evaluation, review of collected onsite data, minor amounts of contrasting soils and the nature of the wastewater to be applied. For non-basins, recommended annual hydraulic loading rate (in/yr) for each soil/map unit within the proposed infiltration areas based upon in-situ KSAT measurements form the most restrictive soil horizon. For basins, recommended hydraulic loading rate (GPD/ft2) for each soil/map unit within the proposed infiltration areas based upon in-situ KSAT measurements form the most restrictive soil horizon. NOTE – If the soil evaluation was performed more than one year prior to the submittal of this application package, a statement shall be included indicating that the site has not changed since the original investigation. F. Agronomist Evaluation (All Application Packages that include new infiltration sites with cover crops or new crops for existing infiltration sites): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(i), submit an agronomist evaluation that has been signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional and includes at a minimum: Proposed nutrient uptake values for each cover crop based upon each field’s dominant soil series and percent slope. Plant available nitrogen calculations for each cover crop using the designed effluent concentrations in Application Item V.1. and proposed mineralization and volatilization rates. Historical site consideration, soil binding and plant uptake of phosphorus. Seasonal infiltration restrictions, if appropriate. A clear and reproducible map showing all areas investigated and their relation to proposed fields and crops. Maintenance and management plan for all specified crops. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 3 of 6 G. Hydrogeologic Report (All Application Packages treating industrial waste or having a design flow over 25,000 GPD): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(e), the Hydrogeologic Investigation and Reporting Policy, the Groundwater Modeling Policy and the Performance and Analysis of Aquifer Slug Tests and Pumping Tests Policy, submit a detailed hydrogeologic description that has been signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional and includes at a minimum: A hydrogeologic description to a depth of 20 feet below land surface or bedrock, whichever is less. A greater depth of investigation is required if the respective depth is used in predictive calculations. Representative borings within the infiltration areas and all proposed earthen impoundments. A description of the regional and local geology and hydrogeology. A description, based on field observations of the site, of the site topographic setting, streams, springs and other groundwater discharge features, drainage features, existing and abandoned wells, rock outcrops, and other features that may affect the movement of the contaminant plume and treated wastewater. Changes in lithology underlying the site. Depth to bedrock and occurrence of any rock outcrops. The hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of the affected aquifer(s). Depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT). A discussion of the relationship between the affected aquifers of the site to local and regional geologic and hydrogeologic features. A discussion of the groundwater flow regime of the site prior to operation of the proposed facility and post operation of the proposed facility focusing on the relationship of the system to groundwater receptors, groundwater discharge features, and groundwater flow media. If the SHWT is within six feet of the surface, a mounding analysis to predict the level of the SHWT after wastewater application. H. Water Balance (All Application Packages that include new or modified infiltration sites, changes in flow or changes in storage): Per the Water Balance Calculation Policy, submit information clearly demonstrating that the effluent can be assimilated regardless of precipitation events or temperature, and there are no crop or equipment maintenance issues that would necessitate storage. OR Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(k) and the Water Balance Calculation Policy, submit a water balance that has been signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional and includes at a minimum: At least a two-year iteration of data computation that considers precipitation into and evaporation from all open atmosphere storage impoundments, and uses a variable number of days per month. Precipitation based on the 80th percentile and a minimum of 30 years of observed data. Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) using the Thornthwaite method, or another approved methodology, using a minimum of 30 years of observed temperature data. Soil drainage based on the geometric mean of the in-situ KSAT tests in the most restrictive horizon and a drainage coefficient ranging from 4 to 10% (unless otherwise technically documented).  Other factors that may restrict the hydraulic loading rate when determining a water balance include: Depth to the SHWT and groundwater lateral movement that may result in groundwater mounding. Nutrient limitations and seasonal application times to ensure high-rate infiltration does not exceed agronomic rates. Crop management activities resulting in cessation of infiltration for crop removal. NOTE – High-Rate Infiltration Systems serving residential facilities shall have a minimum of 14 days of wet weather storage. I. Engineering Plans (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)(1), submit standard size and 11 x 17-inch plan sets that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer, and shall include at a minimum: Table of contents with each sheet numbered. A general location map with at least two geographic references and a vicinity map. A process and instrumentation diagram showing all flow, recycle/return, aeration, chemical, electrical and wasting paths. Plan and profile views of all treatment and storage units, including their piping, valves, and equipment (i.e., pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, flow meters, etc.), as well as their dimensions and elevations. Details of all piping, valves, pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, recording devices, fencing, auxiliary power, etc. A hydraulic profile from the treatment plant headworks to the highest infiltration point. The high-rate infiltration area with an overlay of the suitable infiltration areas depicted in the Soil Evaluation. For non-basins, each nozzle/emitter and its wetted area influence and each infiltration zone labeled as it will be operated. For non-basins, locations within the infiltration system of air releases, drains, control valves, highest infiltration nozzle/emitter, etc. For non-basin automated infiltration systems, provide the location and details of the precipitation/soil moisture sensor. Plans shall represent a completed design and not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate they are anything other than final specifications. However, the plans may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 4 of 6 J. Specifications (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)(2), submit specifications that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer, and shall include at a minimum: Table of contents with each section/page numbered. Detailed specifications for each treatment/storage/infiltration unit, as well as all piping, valves, equipment (i.e., pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, flow meters, etc.), nozzles/emitters, precipitation/soil moisture sensor (if applicable), audible/visual high water alarms, liner material, etc. Site Work (i.e., earthwork, clearing, grubbing, excavation, trenching, backfilling, compacting, fencing, seeding, etc.) Materials (i.e., concrete, masonry, steel, painting, method of construction, etc.) Electrical (i.e., control panels, transfer switches, automatically activated standby power source, etc.) Means for ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product, including leakage, pressure and liner testing. Specifications shall represent a completed design and not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate they are anything other than final specifications. However, the specifications may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. K. Engineering Calculations (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)(3), submit engineering calculations that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer, and shall include at a minimum: Hydraulic and pollutant loading calculations for each treatment unit demonstrating how the designed effluent concentrations in Application Item V.1. were determined. Sizing criteria for each treatment unit and associated equipment (i.e., blowers, mixers, flow meters, pumps, etc.). Total and effective storage calculations for each storage unit. Friction/total dynamic head calculations and system curve analysis for each pump used. Manufacturer’s information for all treatment units, pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, flow meters, etc. Flotation calculations for all treatment and storage units constructed partially or entirely below grade. For non-basins, a demonstration that the designed maximum precipitation and annual loading rates do not exceed the recommended rates. For basins, a demonstration that the designed loading rate (GPD/ft2) does not exceed the recommended rate. A demonstration that the specified auxiliary power source is capable of powering all essential treatment units. L. Site Map (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(d), submit standard size and 11 x 17-inch site maps that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer and/or Professional Land Surveyor, and shall include at a minimum: A scaled map of the site with topographic contour intervals not exceeding 10 feet or 25 percent of total site relief and showing all facility-related structures and fences within the wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration areas. Soil mapping units shown on all infiltration sites. The location of all wells (including usage and construction details if available), streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial), springs, lakes, ponds, and other surface drainage features within 500 feet of all wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration sites. Delineation of the compliance and review boundaries per 15A NCAC 02L .0107 and .0108. Setbacks as required by 15A NCAC 02T .0706. Site property boundaries within 500 feet of all wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration sites. All habitable residences or places of public assembly within 500 feet of all treatment, storage and infiltration sites. NOTE – For clarity, multiple site maps of the facility with cut sheet annotations may be submitted. M. Power Reliability Plan (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0705(k), submit documentation of power reliability that shall consist of at a minimum: An automatically activated standby power supply onsite that is capable of powering all essential treatment units under design conditions, OR  Approval from the Director that the facility: Serves a private water distribution system that has automatic shut-off during power failures and has no elevated water storage tanks, Has sufficient storage capacity that no potential for overflow exists, and Can tolerate septic wastewater due to prolonged detention. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 5 of 6 N. Operation and Maintenance Plan (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0707, submit an operation and maintenance (O&M) plan encompassing all wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration systems that shall include at a minimum a description of: Operation of the wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration systems in sufficient detail to show what operations are necessary for the system to function and by whom the functions are to be conducted. Anticipated maintenance of the wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration systems. Safety measures, including restriction of access to the site and equipment. Spill prevention provisions such as response to upsets and bypasses, including how to control, contain and remediate. Contact information for plant personnel, emergency responders and regulatory agencies. NOTE – A final O&M Plan shall be submitted with the partial and/or final Engineering Certification required under 15A NCAC 02T .0116, however, a preliminary O&M Plan shall be submitted with each application package. O. Residuals Management Plan (All Application Packages with new, expanding or replacement wastewater treatment systems): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(j) and .0708, submit a Residuals Management Plan that shall include at a minimum: A detailed explanation of how generated residuals (including trash, sediment and grit) will be collected, handled, processed, stored, treated, and disposed. An evaluation of the treatment facility’s residuals storage requirements based upon the maximum anticipated residuals production rate and ability to remove residuals. A permit for residuals utilization or a written commitment to the Applicant from a Permittee of a Department approved residuals disposal/utilization program that has adequate permitted capacity to accept the residuals or has submitted a residuals/utilization program application. If oil/grease removal and collection are a designed unit process, submit an oil/grease disposal plan detailing how the oil/grease will be collected, handled, processed, stored and disposed. NOTE – Per 15A NCAC 02T .0705(n), a minimum of 30 days of residual storage shall be provided. NOTE – Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(j), a written commitment to the Applicant from a Permittee of a Department approved residuals disposal/utilization program is not required at the time of this application, however, it shall be provided prior to operation of any permitted facilities herein. NOTE – If an on-site restaurant or other business with food preparation is contributing wastewater to this system, an oil/grease disposal plan shall be submitted. P. Additional Documentation:  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (All Application Packages for Privately-Owned Public Utilities): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0115(a)(1) and .0704(g), provide the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the North Carolina Utilities Commission demonstrating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the wastewater treatment and high-rate infiltration system, or Provide a letter from the North Carolina Utilities Commission’s Water and Sewer Division Public Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected.  Existing Permit (All Modification Packages): Submit the most recently issued existing permit. Provide a list of any items within the permit the Applicant would like the Division to address during the permit modification (i.e., compliance schedules, permit description, monitoring, permit conditions, etc.).  Final Environmental Document (All Application Packages using public monies or lands subject to the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act under 15A NCAC 01C .0100 to .0400): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(4), submit one copy of the environmental assessment and three copies of the final environmental document (i.e., Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision). Include information on any mitigating factors from the Environmental Assessment that impact the design and/or construction of the wastewater treatment and high-rate infiltration system.  Floodway Regulation Compliance (All Application Packages where any portion of the wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration system is located within the 100-year floodplain): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(8), provide written documentation from all local governing entities that the facility is in compliance with all local ordinances regarding construction or operation of wastewater treatment and/or disposal facilities within the floodplain. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 6 of 6 P. Additional Documentation (continued):  Operational Agreements (All Application Packages for Home/Property Owners' Associations and Developers of lots to be sold):  Home/Property Owners’ Associations Per 15A NCAC 02T .0115(c), submit the properly executed Operational Agreement (FORM: HOA). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0115(c), submit the proposed or approved Articles of Incorporation, Declarations and By-laws.  Developers of lots to be sold Per 15A NCAC 02T .0115(b), submit the properly executed Operational Agreement (FORM: DEV).  Threatened or Endangered Aquatic Species Documentation (All Application Packages): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(10), submit documentation from the Department’s Natural Heritage Program demonstrating the presence or absence of threatened or endangered aquatic species within the boundary of the wastewater treatment, storage and infiltration facilities. If the facility directly impacts such species, this documentation shall provide information on the need for permit conditions pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0110.  Wastewater Chemical Analysis (All Application Packages treating Industrial Waste): Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(h), provide a complete Division certified laboratory chemical analysis of the effluent to be infiltrated for the following parameters (For new facilities, an analysis from a similar facility’s effluent is acceptable): Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) Total Organic Carbon Calcium pH Total Phosphorus Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Phenol Total Trihalomethanes Chloride Sodium Total Volatile Organic Compounds Fecal Coliform Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Toxicity Test Parameters 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Total Dissolved Solids Magnesium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON-DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N. SALISBURY ST. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0700 – HIGH-RATE INFILTRATION SYSTEMS FORM: HRIS 06-16 FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 1 of 13 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Onslow Water and Sewer Authority 2. Applicant type: Individual Corporation General Partnership Privately-Owned Public Utility Federal State Municipal County 3. Signature authority’s name: David M. Mohr per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Title: COO 4. Applicant’s mailing address: 228 Georgetown Road City: Jacksonville State: NC Zip: 28540- 5. Applicant’s contact information: Phone number: (910) 937-7509 Email Address: jlohr@onwasa.com II. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Facility name: Summerhouse WWTP Interim Improvements 2. Facility status: Existing 3. Facility type: Major (≥ 10,000 GPD or ≥ 300 disposal acres) 4. Facility’s physical address: 351 Holly Ridge Road City: Holly Ridge State: NC Zip: 28445- County: Onslow 5. Wastewater Treatment Facility Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 34.495803○ Longitude: -77.23725○ Datum: Unknown Level of accuracy: Unknown Method of measurement: Address matching 6. USGS Map Name: Holly Ridge III. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Professional Engineer: Daniel K Peplinski License Number: 029430 Firm: McKim & Creed Mailing address: 1730 Varsity Drive, Venture IV Building, Suite 500 City: Raleigh State: NC Zip: 27529- Phone number: (919) 244-6313 Email Address: dpeplinski@mckimcreed.com 2. Soil Scientist: N.A License Number: Firm: Mailing address: City: State: Zip: - Phone number: ( ) - Email Address: 3. Geologist: N/A License Number: Firm: Mailing address: City: State: Zip: - Phone number: ( ) - Email Address: 4. Agronomist: N/A Firm: Mailing address: City: State: Zip: - Phone number: ( ) - Email Address: FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 2 of 13 IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – 15A NCAC 02T .0100: 1. Application type: New Major Modification Minor Modification If a modification, provide the existing permit number: WQ0029945 and most recent issuance date: January 23, 2020 2. Application fee: $395 - Standard - Major Facility - Major Mod 3. Does this project utilize public monies or lands? Yes or No If yes, was an Environmental Assessment required under 15A NCAC 01C? Yes or No If yes, which final environmental document is submitted? Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision Briefly describe any mitigating factors from the Environmental Assessment that may impact this facility: 4. What is the status of the following permits/certifications applicable to the subject facility? Permit/Certification Date Submitted Date Approved Permit/Certification Number Agency Reviewer Collection System (Q ≥ 200,000 GPD) Dam Safety Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan 9/15/23 Nationwide 12 / Section 404 Pretreatment Sewer System Stormwater Management Plan Wetlands 401 Other: 5. What is the wastewater type? Domestic or Industrial (See 15A NCAC 02T .0103(20)) Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect? Yes or No Has a wastewater chemical analysis been submitted? Yes or No 6. Wastewater flow: 400,000 GPD Limited by: Treatment, Storage, Field/Basin Hydraulics, Field Agronomics or Groundwater Mounding 7. Explain how the wastewater flow was determined: 15A NCAC 02T .0114 or Representative Data Has a flow reduction been approved under 15A NCAC 02T .0114(f)? Yes or No Establishment Type Daily Design Flow a No. of Units Flow gal/ GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD Total GPD a See 15A NCAC 02T .0114(b), (d), (e)(1) and (e)(2) for caveats to wastewater design flow rates (i.e., minimum flow per dwelling; proposed unknown non-residential development uses; public access facilities located near high public use areas; and residential property located south or east of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to be used as vacation rentals as defined in G.S. 42A-4). FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 3 of 13 IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – 15A NCAC 02T .0100 (continued): 8. What is the nearest 100-year flood elevation to the facility? 11 feet mean sea level. Source: FEMA flood maps Are any treatment, storage or infiltration facilities located within the 100-year flood plain? Yes or No If yes, which facilities are affected and what measures are being taken to protect them against flooding? If yes, has the Applicant submitted written documentation of compliance with §143 Article 21 Part 6? Yes or No 9. Has the Applicant provided documentation of the presence or absence of threatened or endangered aquatic species utilizing information provided by the Department’s Natural Heritage Program? Yes or No 10. Does the facility have a proposed or existing groundwater monitoring well network? Yes or No If no, provide an explanation as to why a groundwater monitoring well network is not proposed: If yes, complete the following table (NOTE – This table may be expanded for additional wells): Well Name Status Latitude a Longitude a Gradient Location Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select Select . ○ - . ○ Select Select a Provide the following latitude and longitude coordinate determination information: Datum: Select Level of accuracy: Select Method of measurement: Select 11. If the Applicant is a Privately-Owned Public Utility, has a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity been submitted? Yes, No or N/A 12. If the Applicant is a Developer of lots to be sold, has a Developer’s Operational Agreement (FORM: DEV) been submitted? Yes, No or N/A 13. If the Applicant is a Home/Property Owners' Association, has an Association Operational Agreement (FORM: HOA) been submitted? Yes, No or N/A 14. Demonstration of historical consideration for permit approval – 15A NCAC 02T .0120: Has the Applicant or any parent, subsidiary or other affiliate exhibited the following? a. Has been convicted of environmental crimes under Federal law or G.S. 143-215.6B? Yes or No b. Has previously abandoned a wastewater treatment facility without properly closing that facility? Yes or No c. Has unpaid civil penalty where all appeals have been abandoned or exhausted? Yes or No d. Is non-compliant with an existing non-discharge permit, settlement agreement or order? Yes or No e. Has unpaid annual fees in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0105(e)(2)? Yes or No FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 4 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705: 1. For the following parameters, provide the estimated influent concentrations and designed effluent concentrations as determined in the Engineering Calculations, and utilized in the Agronomic Evaluation and Groundwater Modeling (if applicable): Parameter Estimated Influent Concentration Designed Effluent Concentration (monthly average) Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) mg/L 4 mg/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/L 10 mg/L Fecal Coliforms 14 per 100 mL Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) mg/L N/A mg/L Nitrite Nitrogen (NO2-N) mg/L N/A mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen N/A mg/L Total Nitrogen mg/L 10 mg/L Total Phosphorus mg/L 2 mg/L Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 5 mg/L 2. Is flow equalization of at least 25% of the average daily flow provided? Yes or No 3. Does the treatment facility include any bypass or overflow lines? Yes or No If yes, describe what treatment units are bypassed, why this is necessary, and where the bypass discharges: EQ Tank overflows to splitter box leading to treatment trains 4. Are multiple pumps provided wherever pumps are used? Yes or No If no, how does the Applicant intend on complying with 15A NCAC 02T .0705(j)? 5. Check the appropriate box describing how power reliability will be provided in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0705(k): Automatically activated standby power supply onsite capable of powering all essential treatment units; or Approval from the Director that the facility:  Has a private water supply that automatically shuts off during power failures and does not contain elevated water storage tanks;  Has sufficient storage capacity that no potential for overflow exists; and  Can tolerate septic wastewater due to prolonged detention. 6. If the wastewater treatment system is located within the 100-year flood plain, are there water-tight seals on all treatment units or a minimum of two feet protection from the 100-year flood plain elevation? Yes, No or N/A 7. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0705(n), how many days of residuals storage are provided? unchnaged 8. How does the Applicant propose to prohibit public access to the wastewater treatment and storage facilities? Existing chain link fence and gated entry. 9. If an influent pump station is part of the proposed facility (i.e., within the wastewater treatment plant boundary), does the influent pump station meet the design criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0305(h)? Yes, No, N/A – To be permitted separately, or N/A – Gravity fed 10. If septic tanks are part of the wastewater treatment facility, do the septic tanks adhere to the standards in 15A NCAC 18A .1900? Yes, No or N/A FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 5 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued): 11. Provide the requested treatment unit and mechanical equipment information: a. PRELIMINARY / PRIMARY TREATMENT (i.e., physical removal operations and flow equalization): Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) / Spacings (in) Volume (gallons) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Fine Screen 3 Veolia 2 mm M40.0 Fine Screen 2 Nuove Energie 0.5-0.7 mm C00.3 46 21 31 Select Select Select b. SECONDARY / TERTIARY TREATMENT (i.e., biological and chemical processes to remove organics and nutrients) Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) Volume (gallons) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select c. DISINFECTION Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) Volume (gallons) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Ultraviolet 4 Trojan M20.0 46 66 00 Select  If chlorination is the proposed method of disinfection, specify detention time provided: minutes (NOTE – 30 minutes minimum required), and indicate what treatment unit chlorine contact occurs:  If ultraviolet (UV) light is the proposed method of disinfection, specify the number of banks: , number of lamps per bank: and maximum disinfection capacity: GPM. d. RESIDUAL TREATMENT Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) Volume (gallons) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Select Select FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 6 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued): e. PUMPS Location No. of Pumps Purpose Manufacturer / Type Capacity Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference GPM TDH EQ 3 Pump to Treatment Gorman-Rupp 350 17 M30.0 43 23 13 RAS 4 Return to Treatment Xylem 480 20 M05.4 43 23 13 Feed Forward 4 Pump to Membrane Xylem 480 20 C00.3 43 23 13 Permeate 4 Effluent Discharge Xylem 200 80 M05.3 43 23 13 f. BLOWERS Location No. of Blowers Units Served Manufacturer / Type Capacity (CFM) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Process Air 6 Treatment Tank Atlantic/Regenerative 399 43 25 10 Membrane Scour 6 MBR Tank Atlantic/Regenerative 399 M05.0 43 25 10 g. MIXERS Location No. of Mixers Units Served Manufacturer / Type Power (hp) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference h. RECORDING DEVICES & RELIABILITY Device No. of Units Location Manufacturer Maximum Capacity Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Select Select Select Select i. EFFLUENT PUMP / DOSING TANK (IF APPLICABLE): Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Internal dimensions (L x W x H or φ x H) ft ft ft Total volume ft3 gallons Dosing volume ft3 gallons Audible & visual alarms Equipment to prevent infiltration during rain events (if applicable) FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 7 of 13 VI. EARTHEN STORAGE IMPOUNDMENT DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705: IF MORE THAN ONE IMPOUNDMENT, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PAGE AS NECESSARY. 1. What is the earthen impoundment type? Select 2. Storage Impoundment Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: . ○ Longitude: - . ○ Datum: Select Level of accuracy: Select Method of measurement: Select 3. Do any impoundments include a discharge point (pipe, spillway, etc)? Yes or No 4. Are subsurface drains present beneath or around the impoundment to control groundwater elevation? Yes or No 5. Is the impoundment designed to receive surface runoff? Yes or No If yes, what is the drainage area? ft2, and was this runoff incorporated into the water balance? Yes or No 6. If a liner is present, how will it be protected from wind driven wave action?: 7. Will the earthen impoundment water be placed directly into or in contact with GA classified groundwater? Yes or No If yes, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that such placement will not result in a contravention of GA groundwater standards? Yes or No 8. What is the depth to bedrock from the earthen impoundment bottom elevation? ft If the depth to bedrock is less than four feet, has the Applicant provided a liner with a hydraulic conductivity no greater than 1 x 10-7 cm/s? Yes, No or N/A Has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that surface water or groundwater standards will not be contravened? Yes or No If the earthen impoundment is excavated into bedrock, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that surface water or groundwater standards will not be contravened? Yes, No or N/A 9. If the earthen impoundment is lined and the mean seasonal high water table is higher than the impoundment bottom elevation, how will the liner be protected (e.g., bubbling, groundwater infiltration, etc.)? 10. If applicable, provide the specification page references for the liner installation and testing requirements: 11. If the earthen impoundment is located within the 100-year flood plain, has a minimum of two feet of protection (i.e., top of embankment elevation to 100-year flood plain elevation) been provided? Yes or No 12. Provide the requested earthen impoundment design elements and dimensions: Earthen Impoundment Design Elements Earthen Impoundment Dimensions Liner type: Clay Synthetic Top of embankment elevation: ft Other Unlined Liner hydraulic conductivity: x - cm/s Freeboard elevation: ft Hazard class: Select Toe of slope elevation: ft Designed freeboard: ft Impoundment bottom elevation: ft Total volume: ft3 gallons Mean seasonal high water table depth: ft Effective volume: ft3 gallons Embankment slope: : Effective storage time: days Top of dam water surface area: ft2 Plan Sheet Reference: Freeboard elevation water surface area: ft2 Specification Section: Bottom of impoundment surface area: ft2 NOTE – The effective volume shall be the volume between the two foot freeboard elevation and the: (1) pump intake pipe elevation; (2) impoundment bottom elevation or (3) mean seasonal high water table, whichever is closest to the two foot freeboard elevation. FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 8 of 13 VII. INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705: 1. Provide the minimum depth to the seasonal high water table within the infiltration area: NOTE – The vertical separation between the seasonal high water table and the ground surface shall be at least one foot. 2. Are there any artificial drainage or water movement structures (e.g., surface water or groundwater) within 200 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No If yes, were these structures addressed in the Soil Evaluation and/or Hydrogeologic Report, and are these structures to be maintained or modified? 3. Soil Evaluation recommended loading rates (NOTE – This table may be expanded for additional soil series): Soil Series Basins/Fields within Soil Series Recommended Loading Rate (in/hr) Recommended Loading Rate (in/yr) Recommended Loading Rate (GPD/ft2) Annual / Seasonal Loading If Seasonal, list appropriate months Select Select Select Select Select Select 4. Are the designed loading rates less than or equal to Soil Evaluation recommended loading rates? Yes or No If no, how does the Applicant intend on complying with 15A NCAC 02T .0705(m)? 5. How does the Applicant propose to prohibit public access to the infiltration facilities? 6. Has the infiltration system been equipped with a flow meter to accurately determine the volume of effluent applied to each basin/field as listed in VII.8.? Yes or No If no, how does the Applicant intend on determining the amount of effluent applied to each basin/field? 7. For non-basins, provide the required cover crop information and demonstrate the effluent will be applied at or below agronomic rates: Cover Crop Soil Series % Slope Nitrogen Uptake Rate (lbs/ac∙yr) Phosphorus Uptake Rate (lbs/ac∙yr) a. Specify where the nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rates for each cover crop were obtained: b. Proposed nitrogen mineralization rate: c. Proposed nitrogen volatilization rate: d. Minimum infiltration area from the Agronomist Evaluation’s nitrogen balance: ft2 e. Minimum infiltration area from the Agronomist Evaluation’s phosphorus balance: ft2 f. Minimum infiltration area from the water balance: ft2 FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 9 of 13 VII. INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued): 8. Basin/Field Information (NOTE – This table may be expanded for additional fields): Basin/ Field Area (acres) Dominant Soil Series Designed Loading Rate (in/hr) Designed Loading Rate (in/yr) Designed Loading Rate (GPD/ft2) Latitude a Longitude a Waterbody Stream Index No. b Classification . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ . ○ - . ○ Total a Provide the following latitude and longitude coordinate determination information: Datum: Select Level of accuracy: Select Method of measurement: Select b For assistance determining the waterbody stream index number and its associated classification, instructions may be downloaded at: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification-standards/classifications 9. High-Rate Infiltration System design criteria: a. Infiltration Fields: Spray Infiltration Design Elements Drip Infiltration Design Elements Nozzle wetted diameter: ft Emitter wetted area: ft2 Nozzle wetted area: ft2 Distance between laterals: ft Nozzle capacity: GPM Distance between emitters: ft Nozzle manufacturer/model: / Emitter capacity: GPH Elevation of highest nozzle: ft Emitter manufacturer/model: / Specification Section: Elevation of highest emitter: ft Specification Section: FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 10 of 13 VII. INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA – 15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued): b. Infiltration Basins: IF MORE THAN TWO BASINS, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PAGE AS NECESSARY. Infiltration Basin Design Elements Infiltration Basin Dimensions Basin Name: Top of embankment elevation: ft Hazard class: Select Freeboard elevation: ft Designed freeboard: ft Toe of slope elevation: ft Total volume: ft3 Impoundment bottom elevation: ft Infiltrative surface area: ft2 Mean seasonal high water table depth: ft Daily infiltrative capacity: GPD Embankment slope: : Plan Sheet Reference: Top of dam water surface area: ft2 Specification Section: Freeboard elevation water surface area: ft2 Bottom of impoundment surface area: ft2 i. Does this basin include a discharge point (pipe, spillway, etc)? Yes or No ii. Are subsurface drains present around the impoundment to control groundwater elevation? Yes or No iii. Is the basin designed to receive surface runoff? Yes or No If yes, what is the drainage area? ft2, and was this runoff incorporated into the loading rate? Yes or No iv. Will the effluent be placed directly into or in contact with GA classified groundwater? Yes or No If yes, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that such placement will not result in a contravention of GA groundwater standards? Yes or No v. If the infiltration basin is located within the 100-year flood plain, has a minimum of two feet of protection (i.e., top of embankment elevation to 100-year flood plain elevation) been provided? Yes or No Infiltration Basin Design Elements Infiltration Basin Dimensions Basin Name: Top of embankment elevation: ft Hazard class: Select Freeboard elevation: ft Designed freeboard: ft Toe of slope elevation: ft Total volume: ft3 Impoundment bottom elevation: ft Infiltrative surface area: ft2 Mean seasonal high water table depth: ft Daily infiltrative capacity: GPD Embankment slope: : Plan Sheet Reference: Top of dam water surface area: ft2 Specification Section: Freeboard elevation water surface area: ft2 Bottom of impoundment surface area: ft2 i. Does this basin include a discharge point (pipe, spillway, etc)? Yes or No ii. Are subsurface drains present around the impoundment to control groundwater elevation? Yes or No iii. Is the basin designed to receive surface runoff? Yes or No If yes, what is the drainage area? ft2, and was this runoff incorporated into the loading rate? Yes or No iv. Will the effluent be placed directly into or in contact with GA classified groundwater? Yes or No If yes, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that such placement will not result in a contravention of GA groundwater standards? Yes or No v. If the infiltration basin is located within the 100-year flood plain, has a minimum of two feet of protection (i.e., top of embankment elevation to 100-year flood plain elevation) been provided? Yes or No FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 11 of 13 VIII. SETBACKS – 15A NCAC 02T .0706: 1. Does the project comply with all setbacks found in the river basin rules (15A NCAC 02B .0200)? Yes or No If no, list non-compliant setbacks: 2. Have any setback waivers been obtained in order to comply with 15A NCAC 02T .706(a) and .0706(d)? Yes or No If yes, have these waivers been written, notarized and signed by all parties involved and recorded with the County Register of Deeds? Yes or No 3. Provide the minimum field observed distances (ft) for each setback parameter to the infiltration system and treatment/storage units (NOTE – Distances greater than 500 feet may be marked N/A): Setback Parameter Infiltration System Treatment / Storage Units Any habitable residence or place of assembly under separate ownership or not to be maintained as part of the project site 100 Any habitable residence or place of assembly owned by the Permittee to be maintained as part of the project site Any private or public water supply source 100 Surface waters (streams – intermittent and perennial, perennial waterbodies, and wetlands) 50 Groundwater lowering ditches (where the bottom of the ditch intersects the SHWT) Subsurface groundwater lowering drainage systems Surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, waterways, ditches) Any well with exception of monitoring wells 100 Any property line 50 Top of slope of embankments or cuts of two feet or more in vertical height Any water line from a disposal system Any swimming pool Public right of way Nitrification field Any building foundation or basement Impounded public water supplies Public shallow groundwater supply (less than 50 feet deep) 4. Does the Applicant intend on complying with either 15A NCAC 02T .0706(b) or (c)? Yes or No If yes, what are the designed Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus effluent concentrations? TN: mg/L TP: mg/L 5. Does the Applicant intend on complying with the High-Rate Policy issued October 27, 2006? Yes or No If yes, verify the following information:  Are the most stringent effluent standards in both 15A NCAC 02T .0705(b) and 15A NCAC 02U .0301(b) met? Yes or No  Is duality provided for all treatment units per 15A NCAC 02U .0402(c)? Yes or No  Continuous online monitoring and recording of effluent for turbidity? Yes or No  A lined 5-day upset pond is provided? Yes or No  The 5-day upset pond has restricted access? Yes or No  A certified operator of a grade equal or greater than the facility classification is on call 24 hrs/day? Yes or No FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 12 of 13 IX. COASTAL WASTE TREATMENT DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS – 15A NCAC 02H .0400: 1. Is this facility located in a Coastal Area as defined per 15A NCAC 02H .0403? Yes or No For assistance determining if the facility is located within the Coastal Area, a reference map may be downloaded at: Coastal Areas Boundary. 2. Is this an Interim Treatment and Disposal Facility per 15A NCAC 02H .0404(g)? Yes or No NOTE – Interim facilities do not include County and Municipal area-wide collection and treatment systems. IF ANSWERED YES TO ITEMS IX.1. AND IX.2., THEN COMPLETE ITEMS IX.3. THROUGH IX.16. 3. Is equalization of at least 25% of the average daily flow provided? Yes or No 4. How will noise and odor be controlled? 5. Is an automatically activated standby power source provided? Yes or No 6. Are all essential treatment units provided in duplicate? Yes or No NOTE – Per 15A NCAC 02T .0103(16), essential treatment units are defined as any unit associated with the wastewater treatment process whose loss would likely render the facility incapable of meeting the required performance criteria, including aeration units or other main treatment units, clarification equipment, filters, disinfection equipment, pumps and blowers. 7. Are the disposal units (i.e., infiltration basins/fields) provided in duplicate? Yes or No 8. Is there an impounded public surface water supply within 500 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No 9. Is there a public shallow groundwater supply (less than 50 feet deep) within 500 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No 10. Is there a private groundwater supply within 100 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No 11. Are there any SA classified waters within 100 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No 12. Are there any non-SA classified waters within 50 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No 13. Are there any surface water diversions (i.e., drainage ditches) within 25 feet of the infiltration area? Yes or No 14. Per the requirements in 15A NCAC 02H .0404(g)(7), how much green area is provided? ft2 15. Is the green area clearly delineated on the plans? Yes or No 16. Is the spray infiltration wetted area within 200 feet of any adjoining properties? Yes, No or N/A X. GROUNDWATER LOWERING SYSTEM DESIGN: 1. Does this project utilize a groundwater lowering system? Yes or No (If yes, complete Items X.2. through X.4.) 2. Is the groundwater lowering system: mechanically lowered (i.e., pumped) or gravity fed? 3. Where does the groundwater lowering drainage system discharge? If the system mechanically lowers groundwater and discharges directly or indirectly (i.e., pond overflow) to surface waters, wetlands and/or stormwater structures, provide the date the Applicant obtained written confirmation from the Water Quality Regional Operations Section that operation of the groundwater lowering drainage system will not adversely affect surface waters of the State. Submitted: & Received: 4. Groundwater lowering system design criteria: Groundwater Lowering System Design Pipe diameter: in Discharge rate: GPD Pipe material: Method to measure discharge rate: Pipe depth: ft Number of pumps: Pipe length: ft Pump capacity: GPM TDH Pipe slope (gravity-fed): % Plan Sheet Reference: Trench backfill material: Specification Section: Professional Engineer's Certification: l K . ?p (Professional Engineer's name from Application Item Ill.1.) Stimrr+trL'"W T i"> 1r)�tri f,% }Mj�MNcrr�cn (Facility name from Application Item II.1.) that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with this application package and its instructions, as well as all applicable regulations ra statutes. AIthough other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-2I5.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10.000, as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: p� FEsSQ'-.�4, •� SEAL 29430 IV GiNS 5i Applicant's Certification per I5A NCAC 02T .0106(b): a, DAV 1E> A. 1'Ao K a �E— G"tef= d ('�i�ta`nOraS O�1 C�`�Z � attest that this application for .'ignature Authority's name & title from Application Item I.3.) (Facility name from Application Item 11.1.) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any -discharge of wastewater from this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition +1is permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the Applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees per 15A NCAC 02T .0I05(e). NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as I as civi penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: IL Date: �1 Z3 FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 13 of 13 SUMMERHOUSE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NORTH t E 6 I ..w .p r xoavv PROJECT SITE s x VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS OWNER/DEVELOPER: ONSLOW WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY ONSLOW COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA EMAIL: JLOHR@ONWASA.COM ONWASA v McI<VI� &CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 50D 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License4 F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com PROJECT INFORMATION INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 FINAL DESIGN - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION // NORTH --- SITE MAP SCALE: 1"=40' SHEETINDEX SHEET NO. SHEET TITLE GENERAL G00.0 COVER SHEET G00-1 CIVIL- MECHANICAL LEAD SHEET G00.2 GENERALNOTES G00.3 HYDRAULIC PROFILE DEMOLITION X00.0 DEMOLITION SITE PLAN X40.0 HEADWORKS DEMOLITION CIVIL: CIVIL SITE C00.0 EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLAN C00.1 EXISTING ENLARGED SITE PLAN C00.2 PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN C00.3 PROPOSED ENLARGED CIVIL SITE PLAN MECHANICAL M05.0 MBR UNITS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 AND CA BLOWERS M05.1 MBR SECTIONS A -A AND B-B M05.2 MBR SECTIONS C-C AND D-D M05.3 PERMEATE PUMPS PLAN AND SECTIONS M05.4 RAS PUMPS PLAN AND SECTIONS M05.5 CA BLOWERS PLAN AND SECTIONS M05.6 OVERALL ISOMETRIC VIEW M10.0 EXISTING TREATMENT TANKS NO. 1, 2, 3, 4 PLAN M20.0 ULTRAVIOLET UNIT PLAN AND SECTION M20.1 ULTRAVIOLET UNIT SECTIONS M30.0 EQUALIZATION BASIN PUMP REPLACEMENT PLAN, SECTIONS AND DETAILS M40.0 HEADWORKS PLAN 16 Know what's below. Call before you dig SHEETINDEX co N (D N W ED W w U) W H Q J m to I: \UUUUU \wwwvHI rtn SOU—UnHVWrvw\UnrvnnHU\UVU.U—U i o. i UUU I. Uvro --` Uo/UV cUco ,cUo. 1a cU onni.�o ABBREVIATIONS 1 SFD 1 STORY FRAMED DWELLING 1SBKBUS 1 STORY BRICK BUSINESS A AIR AC ASBESTOS CEMENT AL OR ALUM ALUMINUM ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE ASPH ASPHALT BC BACK OF CURB BFV BUTTERFLY VALVE BK BRICK BLD BLIND BO BOLLARD BOV BLOW OFF VALVE BV BALL VALVE CAN CABLE TELEVISION CB CATCH BASIN C&G CURB AND GUTTER CHN CHAIN CI CURB INLET C/L, q CENTERLINE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CO CLEAN OUT CON CONCENTRIC CONIC CONCRETE CPLG COUPLING CPP CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE CS COMPOST SOCK CSF COMBO SILT TREE PROTECTION FENCE CV CHECK VALVE CWTD CLEAN WATER TEMPORARY DIVERSION D DRAIN DI DROP INLET / DUCTILE IRON DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DUCT DUCT BANK D/W DRIVE WAY DWG DRAWING EL OR ELEV ELEVATION EOG EDGE OF GRAVEL EOI END OF INFORMATION EP, EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EW EYEWASH EX EXISTING EXP EXPANSION LIP LIGHT POLE LT LIGHT FICA FLANGE COUPLING ADAPTER FD FLOOR DRAIN FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTOR FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FH FIRE HYDRANT FHA FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY FIN FINISHED FLG FLANGE FLEX FLEXIBLE FLR FLOOR FM FORCE MAIN FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PIPE FO FIBER OPTIC FOT FLAT ON TOP GL GUTTER LINE GM GAS METER GRAV GRAVEL GTS GAS TEST STATION GV GAS VALVE GV GATE VALVE GW GUY WIRE HB HOSE BIB HB HOT BOX HOPE HIGH —DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HP HIGH POINT HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL INV INVERT ELEVATION IPF IRON POST FOUND JB JUNCTION BOX JT JOINT LF LINEAR FEET LOD LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LP LOW POINT LR LONG RADIUS LSA LANDSCAPE AREA LWL LOW WATER LEVEL MB MAIL BOX MAX MAXIMUM MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MJ MECHANICAL JOINT MOV MOTOR OPERATED VALVE MTL METAL N.C. NORMALLY CLOSED N.O. NORMALLY OPEN NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NWL NORMAL WATER LEVEL OHE/OE OVER HEAD ELECTRIC O/F OVERFLOW OU OVER HEAD UTILITIES PE PLAIN END PIV POST INDICATOR VALVE POLY POLYMER PP POWER POLE PRV PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE PTFE POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE PV PLUG VALVE PVC POLY VINYL CHLORIDE PW POTABLE WATER RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE REC PER RECORD RED REDUCER REVNO. DESCRIPTION MTE P I FINALDESIGNNOTFORCONSTRUCTON U15EP i0EJ REVISIONS 0 1111111 N l CAR O'..FESS/ " SEAL v,NYMN4 &CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 wW W.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA 1 11 1 CROSS -REF SYMBOLOGY I 2c gj = SECTION CUT SYMBOL = STRUCTURE / BUILDING ELEVATION X.XXX.X X.XXX.X I = DETAIL I I L___— SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL CIVIL - MECHANICAL LEAD SHEET PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL VICE PROJ.# 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: /� G00.1 WA DMWING NUMBER VERTICAL: WA A REVISION sTATus: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:\00961\0051\ENG\80—DRAWINGS\GENERAL\G00.1.DWG 09/01/2023 12:03:21 ED BARNES 1 1 PLANT WORK NOTES 2 SEWER LINEWORK NOTES 3 1 EXISTING UTILITY NOTES 4 SURVEY NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL LAYOUTS, DIMENSIONS AND 1. ACCESS TO RESIDENCES AND BUSINESSES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 1. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN MADE AVAILABLE 1. THE COORDINATES SHOWN ARE NAD 83-2011 GROUND COORDINATES PROVIDED ELEVATIONS ON THE PLANS WITH FINAL APPROVED EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS AS WELL FROM VARIOUS ENTITIES THAT MAY INCLUDE UTILITY OWNERS, SURVEY AND HELD FROM A PREVIOUS SITE SURVEY, INCLUDING CONTROL POINT #3, A AS ALL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND 2. CONTRACTOR TO PLACE ALL SPOIL MATERIAL ON THE UPHILL SIDE AWAY FROM ALL SUBSURFACE UTILITY INVESTIGATIONS (SUE), RECORD DRAWINGS AND OTHERS. CAPPED IRON PIN AT N 274707.3650 E 2450697.2930, WITH AN ELEVATION OF 25.92' SHOULD DISCREPANCIES OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER ROAD SIDE DITCHES, CREEKS AND WATER COURSES DURING CONSTRUCTION. THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT ALL-INCLUSIVE AND THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED NAVD 88. CONTROL POINT #4, A CAPPED IRON PIN AT N 275065.5390 E 2450717.7270, TO OBTAIN THE ENGINEERS CLARIFICATION BEFORE COMMENCING WITH 3. ALL DISTURBED DITCH LINES SHALL BE RESHAPED, RE -SEED, MULCHED AND TACK THAT ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CABLES INVESTIGATION MAY BE WITH AN ELEVATION OF 26.00, NAVD 88. THESE POINTS WERE UTILIZED TO CONSTRUCTION. COAT APPLIED, TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION LINE, GRADE, AND SHAPE UNLESS SHOWN NECESSARY PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ESTABLISH ADDITIONAL CONTROL THROUGHOUT THE SITE FOR TOPOGRAPHIC DATA OTHERWISE. THE ENGINEER OF RECORD IMMEDIATELY OF ALL POTENTIAL CONFLICTS. COLLECTION.. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE ACCURATE INSTALLATION OCCURS, INCLUDING PB.ID'S. 4. CONTRACTOR TO MINIMIZE PLACEMENT OF EXCAVATION MATERIAL ON ROAD 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SIZE, DEPTH, LOCATION AND MATERIAL OF DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO COVER ASPHALT WITH SAND OR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL HOSE RACKS, SPLASH PADS AND BOLLARDS AT ALL YARD HYDRANT LOCATIONS. SPLASH PADS SHALL BE XxXx6". REFERENCE DETAILS SCREENINGS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ON PAVEMENT. ALL 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY SUPPORT AND PROTECT ANY UTILITIES, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED DAILY, UNLESS THE SECTION OF ROAD IS CLOSED TO STRUCTURES, POWER POLES, PIPE LINES AND CONDUITS WHICH MAY BE TRAFFIC. FURTHER RESTRICTIONS OR PRECAUTIONS MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE ENCOUNTERED DURING COMPLETION OF THE WORK AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO 4. ADD PROTECTION BOLLARDS AT ALL FIRE HYDRANT HYDRANT LOCATIONS AS SPECIFICATIONS OR NCDOT ENCROACHMENT. THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY NECESSARY MEANS TO PROTECT REQUIRED. 5. ALL INGRESS AND EGRESS TO PROJECT AREA OUTSIDE OF PAVED SURFACES MUST EXISTING UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A CLEAR PATH FOR ALL SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE BE PERFORMED THROUGH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR OR UTILITY STRUCTURES AND DITCHES DURING CONSTRUCTION. OWNER (WHERE REQUIRED) TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER AND UTILITY 6. THE CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN APPROPRIATE ROAD CLOSURE PERMIT FOR ANY OWNER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 6. ALL PIPE LINES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 36" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WORK WHICH REQUIRES THE CLOSURE OF ANY ROADWAY. PRIOR TO ROAD OR DIRECTED. CLOSURES, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES OF LOCATION 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE STEPS NECESSARY TO PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES AND TIMES OF CLOSURE. FROM DAMAGE DURING BLASTING. MUCH OF THE CONSTRUCTION WILL OCCUR 7. SEWER CLEAN -OUT SPACING SHALL BE 75' MAX. BETWEEN CLEAN -OUTS. PARALLEL TO THE CORPUD'S EXISTING SEWER MAINS. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE 7. NO NEW SEWER SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN A 25 FOOT RADIUS OF AN EXISTING RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGED UTILITIES, SPILLS, CONTAMINATIONS, CLEANUP, 8. HEAT TRACE AND INSULATE ALL EXPOSED WATER PIPING ABOVE GRADE, 6" OR PRIVATE POTABLE WATER WELL OR 50' OF A PUBLIC/COMMMUNITY POTABLE WATER VIOLATIONS, FINES, ETC. CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT (INCLUDING SMALLER AND ANY PIPING THAT MAY BE SUBJECT TO FREEZING. WELL. IF THE SEWER DESIGN CONFLICTS WITH THIS RULE, CONTRACTOR SHALL BLASTING). 9. NOTE; ALL VAULTS, MANHOLES, INLET STRUCTURES, BASINS, WET WELLS ETC. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF RECORD IMMEDIATELY. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED SHALL BE CONSIDERED "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY' AND SHALL BE MARKED AS SUCH WITH SEWER INSTALLATION IN AREA OF CONFLICT UNTIL DIRECTED TO DO SO BY BY MEANS OF STAMPING MANHOLE COVERS AND PLACING PERMANENT SIGNAGE ON ENGINEER OF RECORD IN WRITING. THE VAULTS, BASINS OR STRUCTURES WARNING OF THE "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY" 8, ALL LAND DISTURBANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED WITHIN THE PERMANENT AND CONDITION. TEMPORARY EASEMENTS AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. IF CONTRACTOR REQUIRES 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PIPE SUPPORTS WHETHER SHOWN ADDITIONAL AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OR NOT. PIPE SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ENGINEER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND NOT OCCUPY ADDITIONAL AREA UNTIL THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPACING AND SUPPORT. APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN IS REVISED AND ADDITIONALLY, PROVIDE SUPPORT WHERE ABOVE GRADE PIPING CHANGES APPROVED BY NCDEQ. CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS AND DIRECTION, IS ADJACENT TO FLANGED VALVES OR OTHER APPURTENANCES OR AT TIME DELAYS ASSOCIATED WITH PERMIT MODIFICATION. EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS AND HEAVY FITTINGS. 9. CREEK CROSSINGS AND DITCHES REQUIRING RIP -RAP SHALL HAVE THE RIP -RAP 11. NOTE: ALL NON-POTABLE/PLANT WATER USERS MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED AS PLACED WITHIN 24-HOURS OF PIPE INSTALLATION IN THAT AREA. "NON -POTABLE", NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BYPASS PUMPING EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES 02U.0403. TO REDIRECT FLOW AROUND EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINES WHEN CONNECTING 12. PLANT TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. TO THE NEW MAIN. FLOW SHALL NOT BE RETURNED TO EXISTING SEWER UNTIL THE IF TRAFFIC FLOW IS TO BE RE -DIRECTED, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE NEW SEWER LINE IS INSTALLED AND COMPLETELY BACKFILLED. CONTRACTOR WILL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC FLOW PATTERNS WITH OWNER AND ENGINEER. BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT DETAILED TEMPORARY PIPE SUPPORT AND BYPASS PUMP PLAN FOR EACH PIPE TO BE SUPPORTED FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER AND 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOW POINT DRAINS AND HIGH POINT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION. IF THE CONTRACTOR PREFERS TO REMOVE VENTS. AND REPLACE THE EXISTING PIPE, A DETAILED REHABILITATION AND REPLACEMENT PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER AND ENGINEER WITH BYPASS 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL SLOPE GRAVITY LINES AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS OF IF PUMP PLAN. NOT INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS SLOPE SHALL BE AT POSITIVE GRADE PER 14A OF NCAC 2T (MIN.) TO FACILITATE THE INTENDED DRAINAGE BETWEEN STRUCTURES. It. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING STORM DRAINAGE DURING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL INVERTS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION SUCH THAT PRE-EXISTING DRAINAGE CAPACITY IS CONTINUOUSLY PROVIDED. TEMPORARY STORM BASINS, PIPES, AND PUMPS SHOULD BE USED IF 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTRAIN ALL UNDERGROUND PRESSURE PIPING AT ALL NECESSARY. PERMANENT STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND PIPES SHALL BE FITTINGS AND PIPE JOINTS. REPLACED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE YARD HYDRANT LOCATION WITH OWNER. 12. ALL STORM DRAINAGE TO BE REPLACED AT THE EXISTING ELEVATION AND PROVIDE HOSE RACK AND SPLASH PADS AT EACH LOCATION. LOCATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 13. SEWER SERVICES TO REMAIN ACTIVE AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT DURING CONNECTION OF SERVICE TO NEW SEWER MAIN. COORDINATE ANY SERVICE INTERRUPTION WITH CORPUD AND OWNER/OCCUPANT. 14. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES CONNECTING TO NEW MANHOLES THAT ARE MORE THAN 24" ABOVE CROWN OF NEW MAIN REQUIRE AN INSIDE DROP. CROWN OF DROP WILL MATCH CROWN OF MAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED. 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALIGNMENTAND ELEVATION OF EACH EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE THAT INTERCONNECTS TO THE NEW SEWER MAIN(S) PRIOR TO RELEASING MANHOLES FOR MANUFACTURE. ADVISE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. i H RQOA O4 q< 2..<Z-0 O4 4 SEAL � v,M K1N4&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919)233-8031 NC Lkan F-IM www.mckimcreed.com L 64 �j ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL GENERAL NOTES PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROD. k 00957-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE '� G00.2 G U U .2 HORIZONTAL: WA DR W W NUMBER VERTICAL: N/A A REV6iov sTATus: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 FINE SCREEN PLATE M ELEV - 46 00' ALUMINIUM CO T.O.W. ELEV- WEIR ELEV=42 0' 5' H -44.0' OVERFLOW NO CH - N EL ELEV=44.0 WL 1.So. QAVWL- MWL N- 42.88' 425S ,60, rV=41.0 DINATE WITH 7URER PACKA SYSTEM (C BRMANUFA M I f I UT r z 3o Ll L=30.0• ELEV 29.00' MWL L 36.7 IR ELEV=36.5' MIXED UO JOR RECYCLE MWL=36.25' AWL-36 W WL=35.W SUBME MI SIBLE tr- 4 AWL-36.5' 25' PERMEATE M — Y� .O.S.-25.0 - - - -763-ZEN- - AWOL-_-_hT- 25.64' �- PEAK �2 ..4m =a-- MO (ONE OPERATED LVE CONTROL VAL ER BASIN) - 2 T - 2 TOTAL INFLUEN FORCEM N MANUAL BYPASS EOUAUZARO - 3 TOTAL PUMPS ASS]—H'AL=22.V 4.56' MIN-24 24.22'BASIN 7' AWL= MNL= A I I VALVE VAULTS (TYP. OF 2)-TO-REJECT-9) M =-A - GW=1. TO PICER KE -� EMERGENCY B SIN PUMP OFF= 50' r BOTTOM EL 'C'—/ IN In' - LNIL-16.0 LET TANK B X TANK RECLAIMED W TER PUMPS (z TOTAL) RECLAIMED P TOS-15.50' ATER � U OF 2) I _ _ PERFORATED 3ROUNDWATER _ ED rINV.::"E' - P GROUNDWATER PU STATION PS - 2 PER ____ FBASIN IO BASINS NETWORK PUMP STATION (2) TOTAL HYD AU IC PROFILE 12" 0 S. 10, 114" IS V.0- REv No DESCRIPTION DATE A I FINAL DESIGN -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION %9EP 30tJ REVISIONS N CI,I IA1�1 �R O: FE6S1 SEAL v,NFMM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC L wrU,# F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA INFILTRATION BASIN SCHEDULE INFILTRATION MAX WATER GROUND WATER BOTTOM GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER PIPE INVERT BOTTOM OF WETWELL BASIN III de GWCPS µ LEVEL "A" LEVEL "B" ELEVATION "C" COLLECTION INVERT .D. AT PUMP STATION "E" "F" 1 29' 28' 23' 16' 15.5' 15' 2 to' 9' 4' 0' -0.5' -1.5' SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL HYDRAULIC PROFILE PROD. START DATE: 2020, APRIL MICE PROJ.# 009614051 DRAWN US DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 SCALE GUUN3 HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: AS NOTED A REVISION sTATus: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION AL\G00.3 HYDRAULIC PROFILE.DWG 09/01/2023 12:03:31 ED BARNEE ED u -- --- r I --- ------------- z d O HEADWORKS r- --_---12• DI INFLUENT FORCE MAIN ------------------------------------------------------- (PHASE 2) DEMOLISH EXISTING UV UNIT MH !7T 6"DI WAS 2" PVC NPW __________________________________________________ (PHASE 2) DEMOLISH EXISTING UV UNIT REV.NO. DESCRIPTION WE A .-I DE.M. - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION O15EP I0]] REVISIONS ).�FESSfpV2 SEAL R294500 111, 111111%\` 9 /I / 2 (PHASE 2) CUT AND PLUG EX. RCW PIPING, REMOVE PIPE TO 12" BELOW GRADE, AND ABANDON IN PLACE 6" DI GRIT DRAIN DEMOLISH 6" BELOW GRADE RCW AS SHOWN u II • SUBMERSIBLE PU PS F_i_r II II I n II EQ SPUTTER BOX CIP SYSTEM BLDG. (PHASE 2) DEMO. (2) EX. DRUM SCREENS -- I-------------------- PLAN VIEW HORiz SCALE 1=10' v,Nic M&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC Uc.re" F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com ME L] n\ MH IN -PLANT PUMP STATION II II / P t I it I" Lill QI will o Ill j bill U Ill 6" DI RETURN ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM, INCLUDING II EQUIPMENT, TANKS AND PIPING TO BE DEMOLISHED. SEAL DIGESTER HATCHES WITH ALUMIMUM COVERS, CUT AND CAP ALL BELOW GRADE ODOR CONTROL PIPING @12" BELOW GRADE AND ABANDON -IN -PLACE / I V \ lum V 2" PVC NPW [ CAP OR PLUG EX. ODOR 6000GAL CONTROL PENETRATIONS WHERE TANI PIPING IS DEMOLISHED. (TYP.) CAP (2) 1 z'I ODOR CONTROL PIPES @ 12" BELOW GRADE AND DEMO. ALL 1 �" ODOR CONTROL PIPING ABOVE GRADE DEMOLISH 6" BELOW GRADE RCW AS SHOWN NTT NK NO.2 TREATMENT TANK NO-1 EX. ODOR CONTROL PAD TO REMAIN DO NOT DEMO PAD p z Z O U rc 0 0 o. 0 DEMOLISH EXISTING UV UNIT - _- 'O — CAP OR PLUG EX. ODOR CONTROL PENETRATIONS WHERE PIPING IS DEMOLISHED. (TYP.) � I I II I II 1— IMH 1 I p1 I I I I I I I I 41 l II I I I II I II I II III I II I II It II It I III I 11 l II I I I I I I J II I II l II l II I II l II l III I II I t I II II II I IMH 1d 1 E / DEMO. (2) EX. DRUM / SCREENS IN PHASE 1 z"PvcNPw ......................... DEMOLISH EXISTING -"PVCPw _ UV UNIT ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS DEMOLITION DEMOLITION SITE PLAN 10, 0 10, 20' SCALE: 1•=10' (Hodz.) PROJ. START DATE: 2023. APRIL MCE PROJ.# 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE XOO.O HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED GMWING NUMBER VERTICAL: MA A REVISION SrArlls: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:\UU901\UUJI\GNU\OU—UNAWINGS\ULMUUIIUN\ULMUUIIVN JIIL YL N—UUVOIUUJI.UWU UC/UI/ZUZJ IL:UJ:40 4U GAKNLJ NEW 12" PLANT INFLUENT FORCE MAIN (REF. C1 YARD PIPING DWG. FOR CONTINUATION) ALUMINUM ODOR CONTROL PANELS OVER HEADCELL. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD AN ALUMINUM PANEL ~ GRAVITY DAMPER INLET FOR AIR INTAKE AND A 4" ODOR CONTROL PIPE FROM HEAD CELL COVER TO EQ BASIN COVER AT EXIST. INFLUENT FINE SCREEN CONNECTION. ROUTE AS REQ'D. REMOVE EXISTING CONVEYOR AND REPLACE q P WITH NEW CONVEYOR SERVING TWO 1 f EXISTING AND ONE PROPOSED SCREENS. c SC_j'S CONVEYOR & CHUTE REFOUTE 2" PVC CONVEYOR DRAINS TO INLET CHANNEL UPSTREAM OF SCREENS . GRIT (' s[ F V (BELOW) \ \ I REMOVE EXISTING MECHANICAL BAR _ — — — II--11 /� SCREENS AND REPLACE WITH VEOLIA 11— — _ — — — — — _ -fie\ \ \ \ ESCALATOR FINE SCREEN MODEL ESH2-53XC — — — — — \ WITH 2 MM PERFORATED PLATES HEAD SUMP oo 0000 000 W .•: ii? i � : i:: \ " \ c SPIRALSNAIL . :::. 2" GRIT DRAIN _ (REF. A BOTTOM PLAN W 2" PVC SCREENS 12" DI 8 C1 YARD PIPING J I CONVEYOR DRAIN 1 DWG.) J LL FF LINE. W Z N T a 1 "x8" 6" GRIT DRAIN •,:;:$; ;:; ♦,•',' SLUICEGATES FOR R D. 12" AND 8" INLET (REF. M2 BOTTOM PLAN PIPES (SIZE AS 8"LUG 8 C7 YARD PIPING ) VALVE DWG.) REQ'D. � (qque�ll 1 (N.C.) , 6" DRAIN (REF. M2 BOTTOM PLAN &Ci YARD PIPING DWG.) / \\ SLIDE GATE FOR 2'-6" :::::<{:'?{T.;: ; mi 8"DI WIDE x 2'-9" HIGH :::. o ;rye:-" .X.18" DI FLOOR PI E FROMI / TRENCH (TYP. 7) '• 11 '<;Y:: BY-PASS ON - oX-X:-' CHANNEL HEADWORKS TO Q BASIL •HINGED CHECKERED P TE T c 4" GRIT INLET6" DI GRAVITY DRAIN LINE eeHATCH wl HANDLE P.) ::::.�.�::. u NOZZLE,,,STATION (REF. M2 BOTTOM MANUAL BAR SCREEN HANDRAIL (3) SIDES wl p 4" UNDERFLOW FROM PLAN 8 C1 YARD PIPING RAKE DRAIN AREA REMOVABLE CHAIN HEAD CELL REF. M2 BOTTOM PLAN DWG.) _ I EXIST. 8" DI BY-PASS TO _—___SPIIIIERBQXEL15.92>� ----- — —�-- — -- — .---_—_--- _----- — --_.� __ _ _ REMOVE EXISTING---- - --------------------- T-7 _ — AND SAWCUT CONCRETE AS NEEDED TO _ _ 1" NON -POTABLE EXIST. B" PLUG VALVE (BELOW) 1 INSTALL PROPOSED VEOLIA ESCALATORIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHILRI WATER TO FLUSH CONN. SLAB BELOW INF. CONC. FINE SCREEN MODEL ESH2-53XC WITH 2 (REF. M2 Ais MM PERFORATED PLATES, (TYP. 2) i ON GRIT CUP BOTTOM PLAN & STRUCT. Q O �ffl — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —jREE.JIIM_EQBASINS011E4KSLoe-------------------------- � I EXTENTS) m EXIST. EQ BASIN COLUMN & FOOTING (TYP.) w O _ _ _ _ _ r-- --- ---- o LL E%IST. 8" DI PLANT � � - - I STAIRS & HANDRAIL (REF. STRUCT. DWGS. TYP.) CUT EXIST. 8" PLANT INFLUENT FM PIPING BELOW EXIST. PLATFORM AND ROUTE AS INDICATED CORE EQ BASIN WALL AS REWD. TO INSTALL NEW 18" DI EFFLUENT FROM HEADWORKS. USE LINK SEAL TO PROVIDE WATER TIGHT SEAL i 111 I EXIST. EQ BASIN PILE CAP EXTENTS -------------------------------------- EXIST. O BASIN GRATED PLATFORM & HANDRAIL GRATING ------- -- � � NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY EXIST. 4" ODOR CONTROL PIPING ' EXIST. EQ BASIN I I DRAWING WORK POINT = NORTHEAST CORNER OF EQ BASIN AT OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL INTERSECT I I � I I EXIST. SAMPLER AND PIPING EXIST. 14" SCREEN DISCHARGE PIPING TO EQ BASIN I I 1 -PLAN unwTr-I k._i,_0. REV.NO. DESCRIPTION DRTE R I FIN4DESI.N-NOTFORCONSTRIICT014 .15EP M. REVISIONS v�M KEN4&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 www.mckimcreed.corn C`= T ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS DEMOLITION HEADWORKS DEMOLITION PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL NICE PROJ. # 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE �/ //�� XA}O�O HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED ORPWING NOMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 'kV NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A RML DESIGN- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEEP IDP REVISIONS \ N PLAN VIEW 40' 0 40' 80' HORIZ SCALE: 1"=40' SCALE: 1"=40' (Horiz.) 4j VIMC QM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 W .mckimcreed.com C� ON WASH SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS CIVIL SITE EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLAN A. TREATMENT TANK NO. 1 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 1) B. TREATMENT TANK NO. 2 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 2) C. TREATMENT TANK NO. 3 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 3) D. TREATMENT TANK NO. 4 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 4) E. CIP SYSTEM BLDG. F. EQ BASIN G. OPS BLDG. H. ODOR CONTROL FACILITY I. AEROBIC DIGESTERS J. IN -PLANT PUMP STATION K. RECLAIMED WATER PUMP STATION L. FLOW DISTRIBUTION BOX M. AUTOMATIC SPIRAL SCREEN N. SYSTEM BLOWERS 0. EMERGENCY GENERATOR P. CHEMICAL INJECTION POINT Q. REJECT BASIN DIVERSION VALVE VAULT R. RCWPS FLOW METER S. 5-DAY UPSTE/REJECT BASIN PROD. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ. # 00661-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE C00E0 HORIZONTAL' AS NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: NIA A RevisiDN STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:A00961V00b1\LNG\dU—UNAWINGSVCIVIL\LXISI CIVIL SIIL FNS—UU961UUJI MW 09/U1/2U23 1LU4:04 EU HAHNLS I I 0 I I S-DAY UPSET/REJECT BASIN 2.0 MG CAPACITY W/ GEOMEMBRANE LINER 9 0 HEADWORKS 12" DI INFLUENT FORCE MAIN I ----------------, 1 I IP A 0 k X— X— X— X -- PI �—X_X—X II / WELL O \ ® / +\ REJECT BASIN DIVERSION VALVE VAULT u3 AIN 4/ \f 4 EX. 8" FM ASSUMED ABANDONED CONFIRMATION OF EXTENTS REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION UNKNOWN a / \ IN -LINE TURBIDITY METER & TOTAL RESIDUAL CHLORINE ANALYZER 1 a N �� RECLAIMED Z WATER PUMP a ` II STATION L III 0 ----------------------------- ----------_ CHEMICAL INJECTION MH �I sP�°tea EO SPUTTER BOX CIP SYSTEM BLDG. — I I O O II I 6y'----� R I O \ O Op + L� B;DI INFLUENT FORCE MAIN L— MH 1" PVC PW ---- -----� M ROBI DIGESTER\ \ , r I 6" DI WAS � MH z T 0 1"PVC PW GENERATOR B O O O O O O O a O O O O o _ + re X — X — X X — X X X X — X — X r X X — X — X X — X — X X — X — X X z — x + AT PLAN VIEW 20' 0 20' 40' HORIZ. SCALE: 1"=20' SCALE: 1"=20' (Horiz.) REV NO DESCRIPTION GATE A I FINAL DESIGN -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Ot 8EP t4RJ REVISIONS `� �qH CARpI( .a SEAL `�Jo; .� 230 P ;O. I ' 9 'GINEE`~'' OV 'Munnu`v` 9/I/t3 Venture IV Building, Sulte 6UU 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, fax: (919) 233-8031 NC U.n." FAM W .mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS CIVIL SITE EXISTING ENLARGED SITE PLAN Z--Mmmw� PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ. If 00961 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE}� C U O. HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED ORIWINO NUM9Eft VERTICAL: NIA A RE CI.N sTATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION \VUtl01\VUJI\CIVb\6V-URNWIrvb]\1.IVIL\CAIOI IIVIL OII° rL IVO-vveDIVVUI.UVVV VW/OI/LWZJ ic.0 IJ LU DMn REV NO. DESCRIPTION ,m R 1 FINAL DESIGN -NOT FOR CONMUCTION m5EP 202] REVISIONS \ JT- 111111111 H RI a SEAL d 20Ag0 K. PEY"T��/I/tS \ N / i KEYNOTES: A. TREATMENT TANK NO. 1 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 1) B. TREATMENT TANK NO. 2 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 2) C. TREATMENT TANK NO. 3 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 3) D. TREATMENT TANK NO. 4 (FORMALLY MBR UNIT NO. 4) E. CIP SYSTEM BLDG. F. EQ BASIN G. OPS BLDG. H. CA BLOWERS I. AEROBIC DIGESTERS J. IN -PLANT PUMP STATION K. RECLAIMED WATER PUMP STATION L. FLOW DISTRIBUTION BOX M. HEADWORKS N. SYSTEM BLOWERS O. EMERGENCY GENERATOR P. CHEMICAL INJECTION POINT Q. REJECT BASIN DIVERSION VALVE VAULT R. RCWPS FLOW METER S. 5-DAY UPSTE/REJECT BASIN T. PROPOSED MBR NO. i (PHASE 1) U. PROPOSED MBR NO. 2 (PHASE 1) V. PROPOSED MBR NO. 3 (PHASE 2) W. PROPOSED MBR NO. 4 (PHASE 2) X. PROPOSED UV Y. PROPOSED EQ BASIN PUMPS PLAN VIEW 40' 0 40' 80, HORIZ. SCALE: V=40' SCALE: 1 "=40' (Horiz.) v,MFIQM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919) 233-8031 NC Lk r.# F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS CIVIL SITE PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL ACE PROJ. # 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: C00R2 AS NOTED DRAWINGNUMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISION SrAr7, FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:\00961\0051\ENG\80—DRAWINGS\CIVIL\PROPOSED CIVIL SITE PLANS-009610051.DWG 09/01/2023 12:04:29 ED BARNES I I /JI 0 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 5-DAY UPSET/REJECT BASIN 2.0 MG CAPACITY W/ GEOMEMBRANE LINER I �I I I nl n i I'\ Ow I, , VZ IOIL 01 V F It 11 WELL / O LL I Z I VC DRAIN 6" PVC REJECT BASIN DIVERSION VALVE VAULT WATER PUMP STATION ABANDONED 8" FM NOT IN SERVICE EXACT EXTENTS OF FM REMOVED FOR PREVIOUS CONSTRUCTION IS UNKNOWN I, TURBIDITY METER & TOTAL RESIDUAL CHLORINE ANALYZER CHEMICAL INJECTION MH ^ R __________________________________ V F L ------ A a a • � I 6 ■ I I • tll F I III I O $ I III • 39. v v I I \ I \ s I I tEROBIC AEROBIC, / ,� A a . 1 ■ IbIGESTEk VIGESTER C • •, `` § (PHASE 1) (CUT IN 6" WYE AND PLUG NEW y 0 ORq/ 1 1 O ` �``N VALVE IN EX. RCW LINE. AFTER PUTTING -------- ---- -- NEW MBR TANK INTO OPERATION, CLOSE / . 6" DI WAS PLUG VALVE AND ABANDON EX. EFF. Q MH ' PIPING IN -PLACE FROM TREATMENT TANK TO PLUG VALVE SHOWN TO BE M��`"�a'�' ` ABANDONED ON SHEET X00.0. IN -PLANT 11 + 1O5.0 / q sAND III 9 tht o `STATION/ BIO-STRAINERS \ PHASE 2 CA BLOWERS 0 1 3 b ❑ �yo° PHASE 1 CA BLOWERS 0 1.M40.0 HEADWORKS 8 its 4jR EO BASIN i • •1 1w ❑ ii ❑ O 6"DI Ne=amar ! r .max FURY -EFY 12" DI INFLUENT FORCE MAIN • II ■ •_ �.....� a�aa,oea •E --- ___ _______■ ____ - (PHASE I) PROVIDE 6"PLUG (PHASE 2) ROUTE 6" PERM. DISCH. AS SHOWN'- R MH ALUM. HATCH COVERS X=i MH I IT. CONC. PAD � !I I I it 1 1 I 1 ROUTE 6❑" PERM. DISCH. AS SHOWN FUTURE 810STMNER PAD 0 , 1 1 I \ I y111 1 1 I \ I I I I I 1 I \\ e I I I I 1 1 I I 1 GI ' 1 II 1 I I R 1 1 \ I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I R 1 ■ • ■ i 1 — — FUTURE BIO-STRAINER 111i, j \ , i i ■ i HYDRO PNEUMATIC TANKS I EG BASINS I 1 PAD I1111 PHASE 2 1 PHASE 2 ■ i NEW MBR NEW MBR III PHASE 1 111I NEW MBR PHASE 1 ■ I 1 NEW MBR I 1 d I 1 • • / 1 NO-4--r NO. „I NO. 2 NO. 1 1 I I I 4 1 s II 1 • � fw/ � G ■ 1 1 M EX STIN REATMENT 1------------ ________ _____ ______ ________ ��6"DI " TANKS •• �•_�■■�••�••�••�•• • 1 �•: ..•.• lill i H 1 _ NI __ ■ _ EATME T TAN N0.4° _ e TR THE — ■ CHLORINE SYSTEM BLDG. I I 1 I I I Q 11 aR I ^ ^ --- e FINHNO. � • � „ I I R RI � � d C .: a _ a° I O m 11M 1. T EATME TTAN NO.3 aR THE TANK NO. 1 n I I •• o I I f_ _ _111 —_� � o II i ■ MH OPERATIONS BLDG. O 1 - 1 CIP SYSTEM 1 1 1 I 1 ■ BLDG. ■ _ _ 'o I (PHASE 2) AFTER NEW MBR TANK IS ■ j • I .. .� NEW PIPE 6" DII_J WAS OPERATIONAL, CLOSE (2) VALVES AND �� 6" DI WAS SUPPORT PIER I ' 1 REMOVE/ABANDON PIPING AS SHOWN ON • �r�•�•T�••�-t•� aa��JL• • • • • • • • • • • y" PVC NPW • • • •i• 4 EMERGENCY GENERATOR SHEET X.00.0 DEMOLILTION PLAN 1 __ ___•_•__�____ 1"PVC PW __________ _ __ I 1.M30.0 y-________ ___________ _______ I� - 1" PVC PW I O O EQ BASIN PUMPS EO BASIN (PHASE 1) SUBMERSIBLE FEED AFTER NEW MBR TANK IS OPERATIONAL, _ 1 ' y �+ H SPUTTER BOX FORWARD PUMPS (TYP.4) CLOSE (2) VALVES AND Oa O SUBMERSIBLE FEED - REMOVE/ABANDON PIPING AS SHOWN (PHASE 2) ON SHEET X.00.0 DEMOLILTION PLAN 1 00 �* FORWARD PUMPS (TYP. 4) 8" DI INFLUENT FORCE MAIN x.u:xw.:xa�cx=ass PLAN VIEW 20' 0 20' 4V HORIZ. SCALE: 1"=20' SCALE: 1"=20'(HDri2.) IfN W DESCRIPTION )ATF A FINAL DESIGN - NOT FOR CON 11=014 01 SEP 2023 REVISIONS SEAL 2V.30 vcINEE K PE1 711111 \\ v�NT IQM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919) 233-8031 NC UC•ns•e F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS CIVIL SITE PROPOSED ENLARGED CIVIL SITE PLAN PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL NICE PROJ. # 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED EP CHECKED EP PROD. MGR. JH SCALE C00.3 HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: N/A A RENSION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CIVIL SITE PLANS-00961OG51.DWG 09/01/2023 12:04:39 ED BARNES PHASE 1 PHASE 2 J O:'FESS/O'' y = SEAL - l= Lj 29430 I N iyGE�S.,`;, �z 1 — PLAN p N.T.S. v �NIFYIM&C = Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License# FAA w .mckimcreedmrn ONWASA ♦rr�� i ruirvv PHASE 1 NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL MBR UNITS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 AND CA BLOWERS PROJ. START DATE:2023, APRIL MCE PROD. # 00961-0051 DRAWN OTHERS DESIGNED OTHERS CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: A M 0 5 e 0 M05.0 AS NOTED p(LIWING NpMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISICN STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I ove.,....v,vv —............ '—................. .......................---..., F] MB-01 MB-02 MRR RAS1N .... MBR BASIN REV.NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A 1 FINAL DESIGN -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION O18EP ]O]] REVISIONS ON �dqN CA"',, 0 :`e a �!2 a SEAL ` j 29430 1.1. O�'�. FNGINEEa'' 0r: //4nI I100 y/I12) C-C SECTION N.T.S. DRAIN CONCRET �) (ABOVE GROUNI M B-02 MbK t5AS1N PHASE 1 1'-0" 6" DUCTILE IRON INLET FROM FEED FOWARD PUMPS M B-01 MBR BASIN (PHASE 1) TANK I D I I � I + I � I I I I I I M? I I I I I I I I I I I I I DI -------------►------------ + ----------f------------ � E 1) DRAIN CONCRETE-/ I) (BELOW GROUND) GROUND LEVEL v,Nlq ] M&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA D-D SECTION N.T.S. .AIN NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL MBR SECTIONS C-C AND D-D PROJ. START DATE: 21123, APRIL MICE PROJ. # 00961-0051 DRAWN OTHERS DESIGNED OTHERS CHECKED DP PROD. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: �A C M05.2 AS NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: N/A A REVISION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1:\00961\OD51\ENG\80—DRAWINGS\MECHANICAL\MO5.0-009610051.DWG 09/01/2023 12:05'.01 EO BARNES RAS PIPING PHI REV.NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A FINIL DEBIGN-NOT FOR CONSTRYCTON S18EP303S REVISIONS 1- PLAN N.T.S. `"11111IIIi1 �pF`.oFEssi� SEAL E v�Nffa4&C=D Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC Jmnse FAA w .mckimcreed.com ON WASA E-E SECTION N.T.S. CD F-F SECTION N. T. S. PUMP SKID ERMEATE / RAS PUMP SKID NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL PERMEATE PUMPS PLAN AND SECTIONS PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MICE PROJ.$ 00961-0051 DRAWN OTHERS DESIGNED OTHERS CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE M05.3 HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED DRAWINGNIIMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ,.I-..'-. 111m µ,. ........ wy.-........-.....--...........- -11- I---- -- PERMEATE / RAS PUMP SKID H RAS PUMPS (PHASE 1) - — PHASE 1 �,� `-PERMEATE PIPES HIDDEN FOR CLARITY H RAS PIPING (PVC) PHASE 1 I I I I I �-- - i-- -f-—-— - — --- 4--- — - — - — - — - — - -- Le REV NO DESCRIPTION DATE ♦ FINAL DESIGN -NOT FOR CDNSTRDCTION 919EP Z@J REVISIONS qN CAlZp���, Es% SEAL 9420 P ` ��v F�cINeE?,'S 1- PLAN VIEW N.T.S. TO DUCTILE IRON RAS PIPING MBR TANK PHASE 1 : ,NIIF QM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 www.mckimcmed.com C� ONWASA V-V %Dr—u I IVIM N.T.S. H-H SECTION NOTES: N.T.S. 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL RAS PUMPS PLAN AND SECTIONS PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL ACE PROJ. # 00961-0051 DRAWN OTHERS DESIGNED OTHERS CHECKED OR PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE �A C MUJ• HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED DRAWING NDMBER VERTICAL: NIA A` gEVISION STATUS, FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ��ij"'j o 11 .11, PHASE 1 PHASE 2 2 REV NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A FINpL DESIGN -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION U EES.1] REVISIONS PHASE 1 '�H GARS<//'�i ES a16i. SEAL 29'430p �. .. a i I 1 I 1 ^> BLOWERS iASE 1) j 1- PLAN VIEW N.T.S. v,N K11\4&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com J-J SECTION N.T.S. 77. C� ON WASH K-K SECTION N. T. S. NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL CA BLOWERS PLAN AND SECTIONS PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ. # 00961.0051 DRAWN OTHERS DESIGNED OTHERS CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: ,A C C M05.rj AS NOTED DRAWNO NUMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISION sTATus: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:\00961\0051\LNG\80—URAWINGS\MECHANICAL\MOS.U—U09ti10001.UWG U9/Ul/2023 12:=I / EU BAHNES REV. NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A FINALDESIGN-NOTFORCONSTRUCTION 015E.,2@2 REVISIONS �U I1u ul Nrii FE.S.S /2 SEAL 29430 /J 9�FNG I NEE` 5r: rTUnIIlIN1` 4/1/23 4e4**,,MFFB4& REED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 W .Tnckinncreed.com 1 - ISOMETRIC VIEW N. T. S. C� ONWASA NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL OVERALL ISOMETRIC VIEW PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ. # 00961-0051 DRAWN OTHERS DESIGNED OTHERS CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: �A C M O J.6 AS NOTED DRAWINGNUMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:,.... „oI "Ill..—�Iy o 111o,.111111, � I/1.1� ,Z_w-1> 1..1-11 0 LI Imummewee S ■'I (i' f'7p IF p IF IF IF IF p p p IF IF IF IF 4 4 1 4 mIll I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ` f ?+�' LS �1\/OII��L� IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII f Ill; l�llllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 Illlllulllulllun ` C �1pp-!.l^i.��' � -- r 7w a ��IC1�1� i1e�• II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L, ,.\ ..'�.1\..N:...).4 I ..il� 1 f - • J• III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ` y'. ] a --- r 1 II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � / _ ! J�II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �II� III ✓ IIIII IIIIIIIIIII UII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I �� r I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1u■1 NNp � + IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II ��Ru-� IIImIIIIIIIUIIN1I �� �Nlpl--� fl Ili IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,_-- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I■I --_. _ - —�, IIIIIIIIIIIIIILIII IIIIPIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII + IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �� �j 11111111111111.1, —� — -- -- -- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -' , .... pllllllllllllllll IIIII IIIII lllllllllllllllllll ���I_ Mimi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIllll ll �_ I IRmini i I /�♦S, �_ ,-,. �I� ., _ � �— —IIII iI,'I; II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III� lnI lmnnololnnlonlllnluouululnlunnunnunnnlnuuuluullmmln uNuuulululunnunuumuuwluu wm iIII II I olNL E � ,i •--'= — I unuuul uuuuuwolw _ nuuuw �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII lull -�� nw - ,r ...� , iimolunnunuullull f Il Illlllllllllllllllllllllllln' ��I�I�I�rI�I�I�IIIIII ITS ' �" � � ,•aa 1 �Il fulfil I II=��:���-� 'll—IIIIIIII II1111111111111111111111111~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO 0`IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFI � I- �� •� �� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I� ��� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IEIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIII (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - �� ���IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ll..11lll��l lllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll 111�1� Y Y; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �9 _- II �I IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII jI 01a�����- - - - �-- - - IIIIIIII-III. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illl_le• I(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II;FA, .nlny• r 1�1 �. N% TREATMENT TANK fdununuuuuuuumluui ninnnnn nn un nN��l ll .J:: illi lilunii�Illlliii lu Vil iiiionnnllllnnniliwiil iliillliillluulo llM�1� _ JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I'I • . J : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I dIMU VI _ ml 1pn lwmnu Imnl unnnnnl llllllllnnuum = II � Illllnoolm I I el: I,, .'•tal I lllllullulnlllllllbl lllllllunulllllllnll Il 1041lllnlll 'I munm Inuunulnnllulr nnnoo I1 Iluuullunlnm I numo I I111 1NN111 II � �ullllll•iJ,ll� © �� II i =1 n lumminuluui I ■ I �E_--_ I:. - nnnuluunullon � Ii REV.NO. DESCRIPTION DATE R 1 FINAL DESIGN- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10 11E1iO3J REVISIONS 0 SEAL 294 0 ' 9,,A'GIN'.E ... P@ 0 1 - PLAN "•=V-0,• 1 - PLAN J"=V-0" v,NIWW&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC License# F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL EXISTING TREATMENT TANKS NO. 11 21 31 4 PLAN PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROD. # 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ, MGR, JH SCALE �A HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED pRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: N/A A REVISON STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION /IECHANICAL\M10.0-009610051.DWG 09/01/2023 12:05:36 ED BARNES I:\00961\0051\ENG\80 PDC w/ HYDRAULIC MANIFOLD OPENING IN GRATING SIX (6) 1/2"0 ANCHORS / 1 FOR CABLE ROUTING REQUIRED (TYPICAL) �(BY OTHERS) (TYPICAL) ,\\ MODULE SUPPORT RACK TWELVE 112)1/2"0 ANCHORS REQUIRED PER BANK (TYPICAL) WL=25.84' v v v v v v V V V V UPSTREAM OF WEIR -- — V-NOTCH WEIR PLATE (REF. DETAIL X ON SHEET DXX.X) W L=24.56- d DOWNSTREAM OF WEIR da a .n a 6" DIP INFLUENT INVERT EL. 22.62' WI WATER STOP RING CENTERED IN WALL (INV. IN EL. BASED ON SUE, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ELEV.) d REV.NO, DESCRIPTION DATE A FINAL DESIGW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 01 SEP 2023 REVISIONS REMOVABLE GRATING (REF. STRUCT. DWGS.) 1 CARO�'I, FgSS/0�/y SEALS 1/ 1 pp290(�/. v �GINEE:`� : ti, IKIIPI �\4/1123 1 - PLAN 4-64 TROJANUV3000PLUST" MODULE 4 REQUIRED / BANK (TYPICAL) 2 - SECTION 4„=1 , _ O„ v,N 10\4&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC LimnsS# F-1222 W W W.mcfdmcreecl.conn FUTURE (PHASE 2) UV EQUIPMENT (REF. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTENTS OF PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN) LEVEL CONTROL WEIR OVERALL LENGTH OF 128" LEVEL CONTROL WEIR OVERALL LENGTH OF 128" REQUIRED A -FRAME SUN PROTECTION CANOPY W/ SIDING FULL HEIGHT SIDING ON SOUTH SIDE �' HEIGHT SIDING ON EAST, WEST AND NORTH SIDES TWO POINT LIFTING SLING REGULATED @ PEAK FLOW WL = 24.55- REGULATED MIN. WL = 24.47' LEVEL CONTROL WEIR— T/WEI C� ONWASA SINGLE MODULE LIFTING FRAME (TYP.) 6" DIP EFFLUENT x 24"H SLIDE GATE (TYP. 2) MAX. DOWNSTREAM WL=24.22' T/SLAB & ALUM. GRATING 27.09' NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. 2. DO NOT SLOPE CHANNEL FLOOR. 3. CHANNEL WIDTH& DEPTH MUST BE KEPT WITHIN A TOLERANCE OF+OR-14". 4. ANCHOR BOLTS ARE NOT SUPPLIED BY TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES. 5. SYSTEM CONDUIT, WIRING, DISTRIBUTION PANELS & INTERCONNECTIONS BY OTHERS. 6. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ARE TO SUPPLY TROJAN UV EQUIPMENT ONLY. ELECTRICAL INRUSH FACTOR TO BE ADDED AS PER LOCAL CODE. 7. REMOVABLE GRATING SECTIONS SHALL BE EASILY REMOVED BY ONE PERSON. MAXIMUM WEIGHT OF THE SECTIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION. 8. CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW ALL TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION. 9. EFFLUENT LEVELS SHOWN REFLECT HYDRAULICS ASSOCIATED WITH TROJAN EQUIPMENT ONLY. EFFLUENT LEVELS MAY BE ALTERED DUE TO CHANNEL DEBRIS OR GEOMETRY. 10. GRATING IMMEDIATELY ABOVE UV MODULES TO BE OPEN TYPE (EG. PERFORATED) TO ALLOW ADEQUATE COOLING OF THE UV MODULES. 11. CONDUIT RUN BETWEEN HSC AND PDC(s) IS 20' MAXIMUM. 12. HSC HYDRAULIC ENTRANCE(s) NOT BE MORE THAN V41" BELOW PDC MOUNTING ELEVATION TO PREVENT HSC PUMP FLOODING. 13. SITE TO PROVIDE APPROVED (ENGINEERED) ANCHOR POINTS FOR PERSONNEL TO USE AS PART OF THEIR FALL RESTRAINT SYSTEM AROUND OPEN CHANNELS. THE ANCHOR POINTS MUST BE POSITIONED SO THAT THE PREFERRED RETRACTABLE LIFELINE OF 8 FEET IS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACCESS THE WORK AT THE CHANNEL. 14. POWER AND LOW VOLTAGE CONDUITS MUST ENTER LABELED LOCATION ONLEFT SIDE OF PDC. No. DESCRIPTION FROM TO 1 POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER (PDC) DISTRIBUTION PANEL PDC(s) POWER SUPPLY (DP) (BY OTHERS) 4BOY/277V, 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE + GROUND (NOT SHOWN) 4.1 kVA/PDC POWER DRAW 8 AMPS MAXIMUM CURRENT/PHASE 2 SYSTEM CONTROL CENTER (SCC PLUS) DISTRIBUTION PANEL POWER SUPPLY (DP) (BY OTHERS) 120V, 1 PHASE, 2 WIRE +GROUND (NOT SHOWN) 1.44 kVA, 12 AMPS 3 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS CENTER (HSC) DISTRIBUTION PANEL POWER SUPPLY (DP) (BY OTHERS) 48OV, 3 PHASE, 3 WIRE +GROUND (NOTSHOWN) 2.5 kVA, 3 AMPS 4 FLOW METER FLOW METER PANEL 4.20 MA, DC ANALOG INPUT (NOT SHOWN) (BY OTHERS) (BY OTHERS) 5 GROUND LINK SCC PDC(s) THRU HSC 14 AWG TYPE TWH STRANDED (DAISY CHAINED) 6 MOD13US SCC PDC(s)THRU HSC 1 SHIELDED TWISTED PAIR (DAISY CHAINED) 7 LEVEL SENSOR CONTROL BOX (LCP) POC(s) POWER SUPPLY 24 VDC-2 CONDUCTORS e DISCRETE LOW LEVEL SIGNAL LCP LOW LEVEL SENSOR 12 VDC-2 CONDUCTORS DISCRETE WATER LEVEL SIGNAL LCP PDC(s) 9 24 VDC-2 CONDUCTORS 10 MODBUS ETHERNE7(PLC) SCC PLANT SCADA (BY OTHERS) (NOT SHOWN) 6" DIP EFFLUENT EL. 22.62' wl WATERSTOP RING CENTERED IN WALL (INV. IN EL. BASED ON SUE, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ELEV.) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL ULTRAVIOLET UNIT PLAN AND SECTION PROD. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ.# 00961.0051 DRAWN FIR DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PRQJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: �A M20.0 AS NOTED DR WINGNUMSM VERTICAL: NIA �L A REVISION rsrATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I: �VVtlGl �uvol �uvm �Gv—vnnrvinu��mc�nnnl�n��mcu.u—wnGlwoLurvu w�ul�cuco Icw.Ya cu onrv�. �. NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. 1 - SECTION i"=1'-0„ FLOOR DEPTH A - DETAIL N.T.S REV.No DESCRIPTION DATE A it FINALOESIGN NOTFORCONSTRUCTON III SEP 2023 REVISIONS H CAR h/p, Z ado ti9C 9 SEAL , ff \_ 294gg0n_y. NEE"5r 1111111111\\\ Li FUTURE (PHASE 2) UV EQUIPMENT (REF. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTENTS OF PHASE I AND PHASE 2 STRUCTURAL LOW LEVEL SENSOR ONE PROBE IS TO BE CUT AT APPROPRIATE LENGTH BY TROJAN TECHNICIAN ONLY (AT TOP OF TOP LAMP) 3" RECOMMENDED 6" RECOMMENDED T/SLAB & ALUM. GRATING 27.09' 4 4 .a 4 a 8 - - WL=25.64' e - - - UPSTREAM OF WEIR - - - 4 - a GRADE EL 2E d V-NOTCH V-NOTCH WEIR PLATE WEIR PLATE 4 a 4 PHASE 2 CHANNEL, SET WEIR WL=24.56' PLATE TO DIVERT FLOW TO PHASE 1 CHANNEL ONLY PHASE 1 CHANNEL a q 4 4 6" DIP INVERT IN EL. 22.62' (INV. IN EL. BASED ON SUE, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ELEV.) MIN. Ill EDGE OF MODULESUPPORT B - DETAIL N.T.S CENTERLINE OF BOLT HOLES OF TOP MOUNTING BRACKET TO CHANNEL FLOOR IS 2'-11}" MOUNTING BOLTS ARE RECOMMENDED TO BE LOCATED ON THE CENTER OF THE SLOTS TO MAINTAIN ADJUSTABILITY. v,MMIQM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax:(919) 233-8031 NC Licanse0 F-1222 W W W.mckimcreed.com 2 - SECTION 4"=1'-0„ LOW LEI Si VABLE GRATING TROJANUV3000PLUSTM' MODULE J� T/SLAB & ALUM. GRATING 27.09' T/S� C - DETAIL - FRONT VIEW OF LOW LEVEL SENSOR N.T.S ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL ULTRAVIOLET UNIT SECTIONS PROD. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ. N 00961-0051 DRAWN EJB DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR. JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: nM20. 1 AS NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: N/A A REVISION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I'.AUU961VUUb1\LNG\8U—UHAWINGS\MLGHANICAL\MYU.U—UU961 OUb I.UWG 09/UI/2U2S I2,UJ:4J LU HAHNES JRT from sur,My ,oy III I I II II III I ( III I L — — — — — — — — — — — — �EX. EO BASIN I I I I I — 72— I I I I � I I I I ml I I I I I I I I I I I III I I yj b III I I I I I I I I ;� / TO REMAIN & WILL BECOME PUMP r—�!/ SUCTION LINES FOR NEW PUMP 17 I® INSTALLATION (TYP. 3) --————— — —__— III \ - ---- — CONT CTOR SHALL TIE INTO EXISTING CONTRACTOR SHALL TIE INTO a VALVE AND ROUTE NEW PUMP EXISTING 6"VERT. DI PIPING LINES TO NEW EO BASIN PUMP WITH COUPLING FLANGES. (TYP. 3) . (TYP. 3) L ING @ 4" PUMP (TYP. 3) ✓IZ '1z J RELOCATED PIPE SUPPORT PIER AND COLUMNS o 1 — PLAN EX. PIPE SUPPORT PIER AND COLUMNS (NOT SHOWN IN THIS VIEW) DISCHARGE PIPING REINF. CONC. PUMP PAD (REF. STRUCTURAL DWGS.) 2 — SECTION i"=1'-O,r aEv.NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A FINALDESIGN NOTFORCONSTRUCTON 019EP 3USJ REVISIONS �N CARI OQ;: FESS%� a SEAL GINE���l: K. P� �` 11/23 II I111 \111 0 i H v,NflQM&CREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC LSomm # F-1P24 v✓ww.mckimcreed.com G ONWASA NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. �EX. EO BASIN SPLITTER BOX J /—EX. EO BASIN J `BOTTOM OF EO BASIN SPLITTER BOX CONTRACTOR SHALL TI INTO EXISTING 6" VERT. DI PIF ING WITH 6" FLANGE CPLG. ADAPTE 6" FLG. DI 9 IF DISCH. PIPING 4"PV EX. EO BASIN PUMP DISCHARGE LINES TO REMAIN & WILL BECOME PUMP SUCTION LINES FOR NEW PUMP 4"CV INSTALLATION (TYP. 3) 4" FLG. FLEX. FITTING @ 4" PUMP DISCH. FLANGE (TYP. 3) T/ PUMP PAD EL (TO COME) T/ ECI BASIN SLAB EL 25.0' 3 — SECTION J"=l'-O„ SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL EQUALIZATION BASIN PUMP REPLACEMENT PLAN, SECTIONS AND DETAILS SCALE �A M3UFU HORIZONTAL: AS NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: NIA A REVISION STATUS: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:�wyvl �Uvol �ovu�w—UR.rrvlrvw �mL�nnnl�nL�mou.u—uU9v wvv Lurvu ue/Ul/cued Iew.w w OnRPI 13'-6" C HEADCELL f SPIRALSNAIL NEW 12"PLANT 2,a. INFLUENT FORCE MAIN (REF. C1 .SCREENINGS CONVEYOR B. CHUTE _ _ YARD PIPING DWG. FOR CONTINUATION) ALUMINUM ODOR CONTROL PANELS OVER HEADCELL. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD AN ALUMINUM PANEL GRAVITY DAMPER INLET FOR AIR INTAKE AND A 4" ODOR CONTROL PIPE FROM HEAD CELL COVER TO EQ 6'x4' SCREENINGS GRIT BASIN COVER AT EXIST. INFLUENT FINE SCREEN f --- -----------I,( CONVEYOR DUMPSTER =_— CONNECTION. ROUTE AS REQ'D. ;H TOP SLAB OPENING FOR SCREENS I ON WHEELS (BELOW) r I.3 CONVEYOR INSTALLATION AS REQ'D. 1 7"x7" CONVEYOR SC EENS GRIT _ (�\ CONVEYOR �� F 'y ], (BELOM I 4 �1— CHECKERED COVER 'p PLATE (TYP.) HEAD SUMP N I INSTALL NEW CONVEYOR TOX. " wCONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE SERVE 3 NEW SCREENS z O TWO EXISTING SCRRENS WITH w a^. ROUTE NEW AND EXISTING 2" PVC VEOLIA ESCALATOR FINE O I w CONVEYOR DRAIN LINES TO ITT a SCREENS, MODEL ESH2-53XC I 3 m :::::::;;<;>,.; ''::; 2" GRIT DRAIN UPSTREAM OF SCREENS WITH 2MM PERFORATED PLATES 9 W — — 12" DI 1 (REF. M2 BOTTOM PLAN 2" PVC SCREENS CON OR DRAIN LL 1" NPW TO LINE. ROUTE DRAIN ES TO BAR 1 DWG.) ARD PIPING J SCREENINGS SCREEN CHANNEL CONVEYOR m S RAY NOZZLE Q y MANIFOLD •i•'::J Z i'i•i \. K .::::X. T \ zrc \ ail = w SLUICE GATES FOR 1 "x8" 6" GRIT DRAIN el w ¢ 12" AND 8"INLET R D. (REF. M2 BOTTOM PLAN PIPES (SIZE AS 8"LUG 8 C1 YARD PIPING REQ'D.) VALVE DWG.) . •• (N.C.) ��i 6" DRAIN (REF. M2 BOTTOM PLAN 8. C1 YARD PIPING DWG.) ......:::. �:::• :. • SLIDE GATE FOR 2'4i" • • • • .::':.:.'.:.:. 8" DI WIDE 2'-9"HIGH :;: "om w'`""•""''' caiw 'L m TRENCH TYP. 7) J yI BY-PASS i i 18" DI FLOOR PI E FROM ( �• . •••:''.ti;riyli i w;;:.; CHANNEL rc iii i 1• \ / I :::: ;{:};:;;:;;.,•''':} ; f m i;:;l ;:j:['( T c 4" GRIT INLET 6" DI GRAVITY DRAIN LINE NOZZLE TO IN -PLANT PUMP ..:................. _ STATION (REF. M2 BOTTOM M ---- — — — — MANUAL BAR SCREEN HANDRAIL (3) SIDES w 4" UNDERFLOW FROM PLAN 8 C1 YARD PIPING RAKE DRAIN AREA REMOVABLE CHAIN CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ro HEAD CELL REF. M2 DWG.) I EXISTING CHECKERD PLATE BOTTOM PLAN — — — — — — HATCH AND SAWCUT CONCRETE EXIST. 8" DI BY-PASS TO I — — — Till— — — AS NEEDED TO INSTALL NEW -----SplLU�gOXEL 1&92+ ---- ----- — —�-- — -- — —IIIIIIIIIHillIll _ VEOLIA ESCALATOR FINE - -------- � ---- � -- -- _ _ __ - --------------------- _ _ — — — ---- — — SCREENS, MODEL ESH2.53XC — 1 _ T T _ _ WITH 2MM PERFORATED PLATES EXIST. 8" PLUG VALVE (BELOW) CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD A — I 1" NON -POTABLE ( OW) CHAIN ACROSS BOTTOM OF ( WATER TO FLUSH CONN SLAB THICK W (RE . M2 STAIRS AND PLACE WARNING ON GRIT CUP SLAB BELOW (REF. M2 I SIGN OF LIMITED ACCESS AND I BOTTOM PLAN 8 S7RUCT. I-II it LOW OVERHEAD CLEARANCE I I DINGS.) ----------------------- — —I---------------- ----------------- DinW-6. ill TnIm ------------------------- ——jREE.�IM_EQ l3ASIN70 uFw cLGB_------------------- IWPMFITI I EXTENTS) I I1 IE EXIST. EQ BASIN COLUMN 8 FOOTING (TYP.) I - — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. 8" DI PLANT — ' INPLDERTTWEL iY.42t CUT EXIST. 8" PLANT INFLUENT FM PIPING BELOW EXIST. STAIRS 8 HANDRAIL (REF. STRUCT. DWGS. TYP.) PLATFORM AND ROUTE AS INDICATED I.9 "1 11111111111 M1171 CORE EQ BASIN WALL AS REQ'D. TO INSTALL NEW 18" DI EFFLUENT FROM HEADWORKS. USE LINK SEAL TO PROVIDE WATER TIGHT SEAL l 1 EXIST. EQ BASIN PILE CAP EXTENTS I I I _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — EXIST. EQ BASIN GRATED PLATFORM 8 HANDRAIL GRATING -- --- _-- _ - - - _ - I NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY EXIST. 4" ODOR CONTROL PIPING EXIST. EQ BASIN I I - I DRAWING WORK POINT = NORTHEAST CORNER OF EQ BASIN AT OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL INTERSECT I I I I I EXIST. SAMPLER AND PIPING EXIST. 14" SCREEN DISCHARGE PIPING TO EQ BASIN ,Ole / 1 -PLAN RE NO. DESCRIPTION Al.O A FINALDE IGN NOTFONCONSTRUCTION 015EP 3433 REVISIONS ,c��qN CARp� �Oi: OQ�oFgSBlaH 11.9 �' v �Nff� MIISTCREED Venture IV Building, Suite 500 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-2689 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 NC UmnsIW F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com C� ONWASA SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS MECHANICAL HEADWORKS PLAN NOTES: 1. WORK THIS DRAWING WITH ALL RELATED DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS TO ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN INSTALLATION. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL LAYOUTS, DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS ON THE PLANS WITH FINAL APPROVED EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS AS WELL AS ALL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION AND SHOULD DISCREPANCIES OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER TO OBTAIN THE ENGINEERS CLARIFICATION BEFORE COMMENCING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL TIE-IN LOCATIONS AND SHALL ROUTE PIPING AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INTENDED PIPING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. 4. CONTRATOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL PIPE ROUTING AND SUPPORT OF ALL PIPING. CONTRACT DOCUMENT DRAWINGS GIVES GENERAL SUGGESTED ROUTING OF ALL PIPING SYSTEMS BUT FIELD CONDITIONS MAY DETERMINE ALTERNATE PIPE ROUTES. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PIPE SUPPORT DESIGNS TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. PROJ. START DATE: 2023, APRIL MCE PROJ. N 009614051 DRAWN EJa DESIGNED DP CHECKED DP PROJ. MGR, JH SCALE HORIZONTAL: �A A n M40.0 A6 NOTED DRAWING NUMBER VERTICAL: N/A A R.vsioN sTATus: FINAL DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I:\UU9bl\UUbl\LNG\dU—UKAWINGS\MLCHANIUAL\M4U.U—UU901UUbl.UWU U9/Ul/ZUZS IZ=b / tU NAKNtS ONSLOW WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY Onslow County North Carolina Project Manual for: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT MANUAL FINAL DESIGN NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Prepared By: McKim & Creed, Inc. Venture IV 1730 Varsity Drive #500 Raleigh, NC 27606 919-233-8091 M&C Project Number 00961-0051 McKim & Creed NC License No. F-1222 SEPTEMBER 2023 NORTHEAST BRUNSWICK REGIONAL WRF 2.5 MGD FACILITY EXPANSION TOC - i 00069-0047 OCTOBER 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 0 - CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS – NOT INCLUDED IN PERMITTING SET Invitation to Bid ITB: 1-2 Notice to Bidders NB: 1-4 Instructions to Bidders I: 1-11 General Conditions of the Contract GC: 1–69 Supplementary General Conditions SGC: 1-1 Special Project Conditions 1-5 Brunswick County Approved Products List 1-30 Form of Proposal F-1 – F-5 Form of Bid Bond F-6 Identification of Minority Business Participation F-7 MBE Affidavits A Through D F-8 – F12 Notice of Award F-13 – F-14 Form of Construction Contract F-15 – F-17 Form of Performance Bond F-18 – F-19 Form of Payment Bond F-20 – F-21 Certificate of Insurance F-22 Notice to Proceed F-23 Contractor Submittal Form Request for Information Form Directive Form Work Change Directive Form Change Proposal Form Change Order Form Request for Payment Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Doc. For Contract Payments Rain Day Record Form Periodic Payment Tax Certification Periodic Payment Itemized Tax Statement Final Tax Certification Certificate of Substantial Completion Contractor’s Affidavit of Release of Liens Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Completion DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – NOT INCLUDED IN PERMITTING SET 01 10 00 Summary 01 01 00: 1-12 01 22 00 Unit and Lump Sum Prices 01 22 00: 1-8 01 26 00 Contract Modification Procedures 01 26 00: 1-3 01 29 00 Price and Payment Procedures 01 29 00: 1-8 01 31 00 Project Management and Coordination 01 31 00: 1-14 01 32 00 Construction Progress Documentation 01 32 00: 1-12 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures 01 33 00: 1-14 01 33 01 Submittals 01 33 01: 1-3 01 40 00 Quality Requirements 01 40 00: 1-11 01 42 00 References 01 42 00: 1-19 01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls 01 50 00: 1-14 01 60 00 Product Requirements 01 60 00: 1-6 01 61 00 General Equipment Stipulations 01 61 00: 1-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS TOC - ii 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 01 70 00 Execution Requirements 01 70 00: 1-13 01 71 37 Hydraulic Structures Testing 01 71 37: 1-5 01 75 00 System Testing, Adjusting and Balancing 01 75 00: 1-2 01 77 00 Closeout Procedures 01 77 00: 1-7 01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data 01 78 23: 1-10 01 78 39 Project Record Documents 01 78 39: 1-5 01 79 00 Demonstration and Training 01 79 00: 1-7 DIVISION 2 – SITE CONSTRUCTION 02 41 19 Selective Demolition 02 41 19: 1-5 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete 03 30 00: 1-14 03 60 00 Grouting 03 60 00: 1-5 DIVISION 5 – METALS 05 50 00 Metal Fabrications 05 50 00: 1-9 05 52 00 Handrails and Guardrails 05 52 00: 1-4 DIVISION 6 – WOOD AND PLASTICS 06 10 00 Rough Carpentry 06 10 00: 1-7 DIVISION 9 – FINISHES 09 06 00 Schedule for Finishes 09 06 00: 1-3 09 90 00 Protective Coatings 09 90 00: 1-9 DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK 31 11 00 Site Clearing and Grubbing 31 11 00: 1-3 31 20 00 Site Earthwork 31 20 00: 1-5 31 23 16 Excavation and Backfill for Structures 31 23 16.17: 1-7 31 23 19 Dewatering 31 23 19: 1-5 31 23 33 Excavating, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling 31 23 33: 1-8 31 25 00 Control of Erosion, Siltation and Pollution 31 25 00: 1-3 31 50 00 Excavation Support and Protection 31 50 00: 1-5 DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES 33 20 00 Plant Piping, Accessories and Installation Methods 33 20 00: 1-41 33 30 00 Gravity Sewer and Drain System 33 30 00: 1-11 DIVISION 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS 40 05 57 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators 40 05 57: 1-10 40 05 59 Slide Gates and Weir Gates 40 05 59 1-15 40 05 61 Gate Valves 40 05 61: 1-8 40 05 62 Eccentric Plug Valves 40 05 62: 1-7 40 05 65 Check Valves 40 05 65: 1-9 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS TOC - iii 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 40 05 78 Air Release and Air Relief Valves 40 05 78: 1-7 40 12 23 Air Service Piping 40 12 23 1-7 40 42 00 Process Piping and Equipment Insulation 40 42 00: 1-4 DIVISION 41 – MATERIAL PROCESSING AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT 41 22 00 Hoists and Trolleys 41 22 00: 1-7 DIVISION 43 - PROCESS GAS AND LIQUID HANDLING AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT 43 23 13 Horizontal Solids Handling Pumps 43 23 13: 1-13 43 25 10 Regenerative Air Blowers 43 25 10 1-36 DIVISION 46 – WATER AND WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT 46 21 31 Side-Stream Disc Filter 46 21 31 1-12 46 66 00 Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Equipment 46 66 00: 1-14 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 02 41 19 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 02 41 19 – SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Demolition and removal of selected portions of existing facilities. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 10 00 – SUMMARY for restrictions of the use of the premises, Owner occupancy requirements and phasing requirements. 2. Section 01 70 00 – EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS for cutting and patching procedures. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of off-site unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare for ruse and reinstall where indicated. C. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be permanently removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.4 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. Unless otherwise indicated, demolition waste becomes property of Contractor. 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Deliver sequence of demolition including anticipated means and methods for review prior to starting demolition activities. 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Landfill Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of any demolished hazardous materials by a landfill facility licensed to accept hazardous waste. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 02 41 19 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.7 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical. B. Notify Engineer of discrepancies between existing conditions and Drawings before proceeding with selective demolition. C. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the scope of Work under this Contract. 1. If suspected hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify the Engineer and Owner. Owner reserves the right to negotiate pricing with the Contractor to remove hazardous materials not originally included under this Contract. D. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on – site is not permitted. E. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. Contractor shall be responsible for providing all temporary utilities necessary to perform work or as a result of damage incurred to utilities during completion of Work. Contractor shall repair all utilities damaged during construction to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no expense to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Standards: Comply with ANSI/ASSE A10.6 and NFPA 241. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Prior to excavation, locate all utilities and report any conflicts to the Engineer in writing prior to excavation. Location and protection of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. B. Verify that utilities have been disconnected, isolated and capped for temporary utilities placed into full operation as necessary before starting selective demolition operations. C. Review record documents of existing construction provided by Owner. Owner does not guarantee that existing conditions are same as those indicated on record documents. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying all field conditions to his satisfaction prior to performing demolition activities. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 02 41 19 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 D. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. E. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of the conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Engineer. 3.2 UTILITY SERVICES AND MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Existing Services/Systems to Remain: Maintain services/systems indicated to remain and protect them against damage. 1. Comply with Requirements for existing services/systems interruptions specified in Section 01 10 00 – SUMMARY. B. Existing Services/Systems to be Removed, Relocated or Abandoned: Locate, identify, disconnect and seal or cap off indicated utility services and mechanical/electrical systems serving areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Owner will arrange to shut off indicated services/systems when requested by Contractor in writing. 2. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. 3. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated or abandoned, provide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of the facilities. 3.3 PREPARATION A. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris – removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Comply with requirements for access and protection specified in Section 01 50 00 – TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS and Section 01 10 00 – SUMMARY. B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection requirements to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 1. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people and operating personnel around selective demolition area. 2. Pipe installations shall be provided with temporary weather protection and pipe inlet protection, to prevent inflow and infiltration of water and debris into the piping. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 02 41 19 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. Provide all temporary showing for trench excavation to perform excavation work consistent with the requirements outlined in Division 31 - EARTHWORK. 3.4 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION, GENERAL A. General: Demolish and remove existing facilities as indicated on the Contract Documents and described in the Specifications. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations as follows: 1. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. B. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. 3.5 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. While hazardous materials are not expected to be present, the Owner reserves the right to negotiate removal of additional unidentified hazardous materials by the Contractor under award of this Contract. B. In the event hazardous materials are discovered, Contractor shall take all precautions to remove materials in accordance with abatement industry standard demolition practices. C. Removal of all identified hazardous materials shall be performed by a Contractor or Subcontractor licensed for abatement in the State where the Project is located. D. Contractor shall provide all materials, equipment and labor to perform the Work in accordance with the standard abatement practices including but not limited to: sampling, testing, air and water monitoring, isolating work area, demolition, collection of materials, transport and final disposal of materials in a hazardous materials approved landfill, and site cleanup. 3.6 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISED MATERIALS A. General: Except for items or materials indicated to be reused, salvaged, reinstalled or otherwise indicated to remain Owner’s property, remove demolished materials from Project site and legally dispose of in an EPA – approved landfill. 1. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on the project site. 2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. B. Burning: Burning of demolished materials is not acceptable. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 02 41 19 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner’s property and legally dispose of them. Contractor shall be responsible for all costs including but not limited to transportation and labor costs and all disposal fees. 3.7 CLEANING A. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to conditions existing before selective operations began. 3.8 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION SCHEDULE A. As indicated on the Contract Drawings and described with these Specifications. END OF SECTION 02 41 19 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 03 30 00 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes cast-in-place concrete, including formwork, reinforcement, concrete materials, mixture design, placement procedures, and finishes. 1.2 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. B. Design Mixtures: For each concrete mixture. C. Steel Reinforcement Shop Drawings: Placing Drawings that detail fabrication, bending, and placement. 1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Material certificates. B. Material test reports. C. Formwork Shop Drawings: Prepared by or under the supervision of a qualified professional engineer, detailing fabrication, assembly, and support of formwork. D. Floor surface flatness and levelness measurements indicating compliance with specified tolerances. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products and that complies with ASTM C 94/C 94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. 1. Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities." B. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency qualified according to ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329 for testing indicated. C. Special Inspections Coordination: Review special inspection, testing and inspecting agency procedures for field quality control, concrete finishes and finishing, cold- and hot-weather concreting procedures, curing procedures, construction contraction and isolation joints, and joint-filler strips, semi-rigid joint fillers, forms and form removal limitations, shoring and reshoring procedures, vapor-retarder installation, anchor rod and anchorage device installation tolerances, steel reinforcement installation, floor and slab flatness and levelness measurement, concrete repair procedures, and concrete protection. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.5 PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING (Not Applicable this Project) A. Preconstruction Testing Service: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform preconstruction testing on concrete mixtures. 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1. 1. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators unless otherwise specified and approved in mixture designs. B. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE, GENERAL A. ACI Publications: Comply with the following unless modified by requirements in the Contract Documents: 1. ACI 301. 2. ACI 117. 2.2 FORM-FACING MATERIALS A. Smooth-Formed Finished Concrete: Form-facing panels that provide continuous, true, and smooth concrete surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints. B. Rough-Formed Finished Concrete: Plywood, lumber, metal, or another approved material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. 2.3 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed. B. Low-Alloy-Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 706/A 706M, deformed. C. Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, epoxy coated, with less than 2 percent damaged coating in each 12-inch bar length. D. Plain-Steel Welded-Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 1064/A 1064M, plain, fabricated from as-drawn steel wire into flat sheets. E. Deformed-Steel Welded-Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 1064/A 1064M, flat sheet. F. Galvanized-Steel Welded-Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 1064/A 1064M, plain, fabricated from galvanized-steel wire into flat sheets. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 G. Epoxy-Coated Welded-Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 884/A 884M, Class A coated, Type 1, plain steel. H. Bar Supports: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars and welded-wire reinforcement in place. Manufacture bar supports from steel wire, plastic, or precast concrete according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." 2.4 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cementitious Materials: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type I/II gray. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class F or C. a. Use one brand/source of cement and fly ash throughout the project. b. Fly ash shall be used as partial cement replacement and not exceed 25% of the total cementitious content 3. Slag Cement: ASTM C 989/C 989M, Grade 100 or 120. B. Normal-Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33/C 33M, graded. 1. Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size: 3/4 inch nominal to 1 ½” nominal. 2. Fine Aggregate: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity to alkali in cement. C. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260/C 260M. D. Chemical Admixtures: Certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other admixtures and that do not contribute water-soluble chloride ions exceeding those permitted in hardened concrete. Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride. 1. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type A. 2. Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type B. 3. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type D. 4. High-Range, Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type F. 5. High-Range, Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type G. 6. Plasticizing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 1017/C 1017M, Type II. E. Water: ASTM C 94/C 94M and potable. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.5 WATERSTOPS A. Flexible Rubber Waterstops: CE CRD-C 513 for embedding in concrete to prevent passage of fluids through joints. Factory fabricate corners, intersections, and directional changes. B. Chemically Resistant Flexible Waterstops: Thermoplastic elastomer rubber waterstops, for embedding in concrete to prevent passage of fluids through joints; resistant to oils, solvents, and chemicals. Factory fabricate corners, intersections, and directional changes. C. Flexible PVC Waterstops: CE CRD-C 572 for embedding in concrete to prevent passage of fluids through joints. Factory fabricate corners, intersections, and directional changes. D. Self-Expanding Butyl Strip Waterstops: Manufactured rectangular or trapezoidal strip, butyl rubber with sodium bentonite or other hydrophilic polymers, for adhesive bonding to concrete, 3/4 by 1 inch. E. Self-Expanding Rubber Strip Waterstops: Manufactured rectangular or trapezoidal strip, bentonite-free hydrophilic polymer-modified chloroprene rubber, for adhesive bonding to concrete, 3/8 by 3/4 inch. 2.6 VAPOR RETARDERS A. Sheet Vapor Retarder: ASTM E 1745, Class A. Include manufacturer's recommended adhesive or pressure-sensitive tape. B. Sheet Vapor Retarder: Polyethylene sheet, ASTM D 4397, not less than 10 mils thick. 2.7 CURING MATERIALS A. Evaporation Retarder: Waterborne, monomolecular film forming, manufactured for application to fresh concrete. B. Absorptive Cover: AASHTO M 182, Class 2, burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 oz./sq. yd. (305 g/sq. m) when dry. C. Moisture-Retaining Cover: ASTM C 171, polyethylene film or white burlap- polyethylene sheet. D. Water: Potable. E. Clear, Waterborne, Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 1, Class B, dissipating. 2.8 RELATED MATERIALS A. Non-Liquid Containment Structures Expansion and Isolation Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt-saturated cellulosic fiber. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Liquid Containment Structures Expansion Joint Filler Strips: ASTM D 1752, self expanding cork. 2.9 CONCRETE MIXTURES, GENERAL A. Prepare design mixtures for each type and strength of concrete, proportioned on the basis of laboratory trial mixture or field test data, or both, according to ACI 301. B. Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Use water-reducing admixture in concrete, as required, for placement and workability. 2. Use water-reducing and -retarding admixture when required by high temperatures, low humidity, or other adverse placement conditions. 3. Use water-reducing admixture in pumped concrete, concrete for heavy- use industrial slabs and parking structure slabs, concrete required to be watertight, and concrete with a w/c ratio below 0.50. 2.10 CONCRETE MIXTURES A. Non-Structural Concrete: 1. Minimum Compressive Strength: 3000 psi at 28 days. 2. Maximum W/C Ratio: 0.50. 3. Slump Limit: 4 inches plus or minus 1”. 4. Air Content: 5.5 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery for 1 ½”. 5. Air Content: Do not allow air content of trowel-finished floors to exceed 3 percent. B. Structural Concrete: Proportion normal weight concrete mix as follows: 1. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. Maximum W/C Ratio: 0.45. 3. Slump Limit: 4 inches before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing admixture and 6” to 8” after addition of high-range water- reducing or plasticizing admixture. 4. Air Content: 5.5 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery for 1 ½”. 5. Air Content: Do not allow air content of trowel-finished floors to exceed 3 percent. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Structural High Density: Proportion normal weight concrete mix as follows: 1. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4500 psi at 28 days. 2. Maximum W/C Ratio: 0.42. 3. Slump Limit: 2 to 4 inches before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing admixture and 6” after addition of high-range water-reducing or plasticizing admixture. 4. Air Content: 5.5 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery for ¾”. 5. Air Content: Do not allow air content of trowel-finished floors to exceed 3 percent. 2.11 FABRICATING REINFORCEMENT A. Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." 2.12 CONCRETE MIXING A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C 94/C 94M and furnish batch ticket information. 1. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK INSTALLATION A. Design, erect, shore, brace, and maintain formwork, according to ACI 301 (ACI 301M), to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and construction loads that might be applied, until structure can support such loads. B. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position indicated, within tolerance limits of ACI 117 (ACI 117M). C. Chamfer exterior corners and edges of permanently exposed concrete. 3.2 EMBEDDED ITEM INSTALLATION A. Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items required for adjoining work that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.3 VAPOR-RETARDER INSTALLATION A. Sheet Vapor Retarders: Place, protect, and repair sheet vapor retarder according to ASTM E 1643 and manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Lap joints 6 inches and seal with manufacturer's recommended tape. 3.4 STEEL REINFORCEMENT INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice" for fabricating, placing, and supporting reinforcement. 1. Do not cut or puncture vapor retarder. Repair damage and reseal vapor retarder before placing concrete. 2. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other foreign materials that would reduce bond to concrete. 3. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Locate and support reinforcement with bar supports to maintain minimum concrete cover. Do not tack weld crossing reinforcing bars. 4. Set wire ties with ends directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. 3.5 JOINTS A. General: Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. B. Construction Joints: Install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at locations indicated or as approved by Engineer. C. Contraction Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: Form weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth of concrete thickness as follows: 1. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint to a radius of 1/8 inch. Repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover tool marks on concrete surfaces. 2. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch- wide joints into concrete when cutting action does not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before concrete develops random contraction cracks. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 D. Isolation Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: After removing formwork, install joint-filler strips at slab junctions with vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other locations, as indicated. E. Doweled Joints: Install dowel bars and support assemblies at joints where indicated. Lubricate or asphalt coat one-half of dowel length to prevent concrete bonding to one side of joint. 3.6 WATERSTOP INSTALLATION A. Waterstops: Install in construction joints and at other locations indicated, according to manufacturer's written instructions. 3.7 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Before placing concrete, verify that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and embedded items is complete and that required inspections are completed. B. Deposit concrete continuously in one layer or in horizontal layers of such thickness that no new concrete is placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes of weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as indicated. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation. C. Deposit concrete continuously in one layer or in horizontal layers of such thickness that no new concrete is placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes of weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as indicated. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation. 1. Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment according to ACI 301. D. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. 1. When average high and low temperature is expected to fall below 40 deg F (4.4 deg C) for three successive days, maintain delivered concrete mixture temperature within the temperature range required by ACI 301. 2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. 3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators. E. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301 and as follows: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F (32 deg C) at time of placement. Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. 2. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade uniformly moist without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. 3.8 FINISHING FORMED SURFACES A. Rough-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material with tie holes and defects repaired and patched. Remove fins and other projections that exceed specified limits on formed-surface irregularities. 1. Apply to concrete surfaces not exposed to public view or process water. B. Smooth-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material, arranged in an orderly and symmetrical manner with a minimum of seams. Repair and patch tie holes and defects. Remove fins and other projections that exceed specified limits on formed-surface irregularities. 1. Apply to concrete surfaces exposed to public view and tanks. C. Rubbed Finish: Apply the following to smooth-formed-finished as-cast concrete where indicated: 1. Smooth-Rubbed Finish: Not later than one day after form removal, moisten concrete surfaces and rub with carborundum brick or another abrasive until producing a uniform color and texture. Do not apply cement grout other than that created by the rubbing process. 2. Grout-Cleaned Finish: Wet concrete surfaces and apply grout of a consistency of thick paint to coat surfaces and fill small holes. Mix 1 part portland cement to 1-1/2 parts fine sand with a 1:1 mixture of bonding admixture and water. Add white portland cement in amounts determined by trial patches, so color of dry grout matches adjacent surfaces. Scrub grout into voids and remove excess grout. When grout whitens, rub surface with clean burlap and keep surface damp by fog spray for at least 36 hours. 3. Cork-Floated Finish: Wet concrete surfaces and apply a stiff grout. Mix 1 part portland cement and 1 part fine sand with a 1:1 mixture of bonding agent and water. Add white portland cement in amounts determined by trial patches, so color of dry grout matches adjacent surfaces. Compress grout into voids by grinding surface. In a swirling motion, finish surface with a cork float. D. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent unformed surfaces unless otherwise indicated. 3.9 FINISHING FLOORS AND SLABS A. General: Comply with ACI 302.1R recommendations for screeding, restraightening, and finishing operations for concrete surfaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces. B. Float Finish: Consolidate surface with power-driven floats or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to power-driven floats. Restraighten, cut down high spots, and fill low spots. Repeat float passes and restraightening until surface is left with a uniform, smooth, granular texture. 1. Apply float finish to surfaces to receive trowel finish, built-up or membrane roofing, or as indicated. C. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, apply first troweling and consolidate concrete by hand or power-driven trowel. Continue troweling passes and restraighten until surface is free of trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. Grind smooth any surface defects that would telegraph through applied coatings or floor coverings. 1. Apply a trowel finish to surfaces exposed to view and tank bottom surfaces. 2. Finish and measure surface, so gap at any point between concrete surface and an unleveled, freestanding, 10-ft. long straightedge resting on two high spots and placed anywhere on the surface does not exceed 1/4 inch. D. Broom Finish: Apply a broom finish to all concrete platforms, steps, ramps, and elsewhere as indicated. 1. Immediately after float finishing, slightly roughen trafficked surface by brooming with fiber-bristle broom perpendicular to main traffic route. 3.10 CONCRETE PROTECTING AND CURING A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection and ACI 301 for hot-weather protection during curing. B. Evaporation Retarder: Apply evaporation retarder to unformed concrete surfaces if hot, dry, or windy conditions cause moisture loss approaching 0.2 lb/sq. ft. x h before and during finishing operations. Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions after placing, screeding, and bull floating or darbying concrete, but before float finishing. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 11 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces, including underside of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces. If forms remain during curing period, moist cure after loosening forms. If removing forms before end of curing period, continue curing for remainder of curing period. D. Cure concrete according to ACI 308.1, by one or a combination of the following methods: 1. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than seven days. 2. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture- retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends lapped at least 12 inches, and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Cure for not less than seven days. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period, using cover material and waterproof tape. 3. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's written instructions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within three hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. 4. Curing and Sealing Compound: Apply uniformly to floors and slabs indicated in a continuous operation by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's written instructions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within three hours after initial application. Repeat process 24 hours later and apply a second coat. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. 3.11 JOINT FILLING A. Prepare, clean, and install joint filler according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Defer joint filling until concrete has aged at least one month. Do not fill joints until construction traffic has permanently ceased. B. Remove dirt, debris, saw cuttings, curing compounds, and sealers from joints; leave contact faces of joint clean and dry. C. Install semi-rigid joint filler full depth in saw-cut joints and at least 2 inches deep in formed joints. Overfill joint and trim joint filler flush with top of joint after hardening. 3.12 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS A. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Engineer. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Engineer's approval. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 12 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Patching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of one part portland cement to two and one-half parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 (1.18-mm) sieve, using only enough water for handling and placing. C. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surface defects include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projections on the surface, and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. D. Repairing Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and verify surface tolerances specified for each surface. Correct low and high areas. Test surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope and smoothness; use a sloped template. E. Perform structural repairs of concrete, subject to Engineer’s approval, using epoxy adhesive and patching mortar. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing and Inspecting: Engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to perform tests and inspections and to submit reports. B. Inspections: 1. Steel reinforcement placement. 2. Headed bolts and studs. 3. Verification of use of required design mixture. 4. Concrete placement, including conveying and depositing. 5. Curing procedures and maintenance of curing temperature. 6. Verification of concrete strength before removal of shores and forms from beams, columns walls and slabs. 7. Water levels for hydraulic structures. C. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Engineer. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Engineer's approval. D. Concrete Tests: Testing of composite samples of fresh concrete obtained according to ASTM C 172 shall be performed according to the following requirements: 1. Testing Frequency: Obtain one composite sample for each day's pour of each concrete mixture exceeding 5 cu. yd. but less than 25 cu. yd., plus one set for each additional 50 cu. yd. or fraction thereof. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 13 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five compressive-strength tests for each concrete mixture, testing shall be conducted from at least five randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five are used. 2. Slump: ASTM C 143/C 143M; one test at point of placement for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. Perform additional tests when concrete consistency appears to change. 3. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method, for normal-weight concrete; one test for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. 4. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064/C 1064M; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F (4.4 deg C) and below and when 80 deg F (27 deg C) and above, and one test for each composite sample. 5. Unit Weight: ASTM C 567, fresh unit weight of structural lightweight concrete; one test for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. 6. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C 31/C 31M. a. Cast and laboratory cure five standard cylinder specimens for each composite sample. b. Cast and field cure five standard cylinder specimens for each composite sample. 7. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C 39/C 39M; test one set of two laboratory-cured specimens at 7 days and one set of two specimens at 28 days. a. Test one set of two field-cured specimens at 7 days, one set of two specimens at 28 days and reserve one specimen for 56 days. b. A compressive-strength test shall be the average compressive strength from a set of two specimens obtained from same composite sample and tested at age indicated. 8. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, Contractor shall evaluate operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing in- place concrete. 9. Strength of each concrete mixture will be satisfactory if every average of any three consecutive compressive-strength tests equals or exceeds specified compressive strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi (3.4 MPa). SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 30 00 - 14 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 10. Test results shall be reported in writing to Engineer, concrete manufacturer, and Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing and inspecting agency, location of concrete batch in Work, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mixture proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7- and 28-day tests. 11. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted by Engineer but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection of concrete. 12. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests of concrete when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other requirements have not been met, as directed by Engineer. Testing and inspecting agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42/C 42M or by other methods as directed by Engineer. 13. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. E. Measure floor and slab flatness and levelness according to ASTM E 1155 (ASTM E 1155M) within 48 hours of finishing. F. All concrete structures designed to contain liquid shall be tested for liquid containment (water tightness) in accordance with Section 01 71 10 “Hydraulic Structures Testing. END OF SECTION 03 30 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 60 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 03 60 00 - GROUTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This Section includes grouting of beam and column framing bearing/base plates, equipment bases; and such locations as shown on the Drawings and as specified. B. The types of grouting include the following: 1. Portland Cement Grout 2. Non-shrink, Non-expanding Grout 1.2 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Prevent damage to or contamination of grouting materials during delivery, handling and storage. B. Store all grouting materials in undamaged condition with seals and labels intact as packaged by the manufacturer. 1.3 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of the Bid. 1. ASTM C 109 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 inch or 50 mm cube Specimens) 2. ASTM C 531 Standard Test Method for Linear Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts and Monolithic Surfacings 3. ASTM C 579 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Chemical- Resistant Mortars and Monolithic Surfacings 4. ASTM C 827 Standard Test Method for Early Volume Change of Cementitious Mixtures 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01340 – Submittals. 1. Certified test results verifying the compressive strength and shrinkage and expansion requirements specified herein. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 60 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Manufacturer’s literature containing instructions and recommendations on the mixing, handling, placement and appropriate uses for each type of grout used in the work. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field Tests 1. Compression test specimens will be taken during construction from the first placement of grout for each structure and at intervals thereafter as selected by the Engineer to insure continued compliance with these Specifications. The specimens will be made by the Engineer or its representative. a. Compression tests and fabrication of specimens for cement grout will be performed as specified in ASTM C 109 at intervals during construction as selected by the Engineer. A set of three specimens will be made for testing at seven days, 28 days and any additional time period as appropriate. 2. The cost of all laboratory tests on grout will be borne by the Owner, but the Contractor shall assist the Owner’s Construction Representative in obtaining specimens for testing. The Contractor shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on work performed which does not meet the specifications. The Contractor shall supply all materials necessary for fabricating the test specimens, at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. All grout, already placed, which fails to meet the requirements of these Specifications, is subject to removal and replacement at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PREMIXED GROUTS A. Portland Cement Grout 1. For grout toppings of liquid containment structures and similar items – f’c=3000 psi minimum. a. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I b. Sand: ASTM C33, Fine Aggregate c. Water: Portable d. Pea Gravel: ASTM C33. Coarse aggregate, graded so that at least 90% passes 3/8-inch sieve and 90% is retained by a number 4 sieve. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 60 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Grout Mortar for use as fillets and leveling a. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I b. Sand: ASTM C33, Fine Aggregate (Mason’s sand) c. Water: Potable d. Mix 1-part Portland cement to 3-parts sand. B. Pre-Mixed non-shrink, Non-expanding Grout (Nonmetallic) 1. Non-shrink grout as shown on the Drawings shall be a mixture of selected silica sands, Portland cement, water reducing agents, plasticizing and shrinkage compensating agents. Grout shall be nonmetallic non- corrosive, non-staining and comply with CRD C588 and CRD C621. 2. The grout shall be non-shrink in accordance with ASTM C1107, ASTM C827, ASTM C191, and ASTM C109. The water-grout ratio shall be approximately 8 to 10 quarts of water per cubic foot of grout adjustable for varying job conditions. 3. Grout shall not contain calcium chloride or other salt; aluminum or other metals; chemical additives, gypsum or expansive cements. Grout shall not expand after set. 4. Grout shall be used and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. 5. Subject to compliance with requirements provide from the following: a. L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc. - Crystex b. Grout Corp. - Five Star Non-shrink Grout or equivalent 2.2 NON-SHRINK GROUT A. Non-shrink grout shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Manufactured under rigid quality control specifically for grout used in transferring heavy loads. 2. Contain nonmetallic aggregates specially graded to minimize bleeding. 3. Have an initial setting time of approximately one hour at 70°F. 4. Produce no settlement or drying shrinkage at 3-days or later. 5. Have higher strength at all ages than plain cement grout of the same flowability. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 60 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 6. Resist attack by oil and water and have lower absorption than plain cement grout of the same flowability. 7. Minimum compressive strength, in accordance with ASTM C-109, shall be 2,500 psi after 1 day and 5,000 psi after 28 days. 2.3 MIXES A. For less than 2-inch clearance, or where size or shape of space makes grouting difficult, grout mix shall consist of Portland cement, fine aggregate and water. B. For greater than 2-inch clearances where coarse aggregate will not obstruct free passage of the grout, extend grout by adding 50 pounds of pea gravel per 100 pounds grout material. C. Use minimum amount of water necessary to produce a flowable grout without causing either segregation or bleeding. D. Portland cement mortar for raked-out edges of non-shrink grout: one part Portland cement, two parts sand and 0.50 parts water by weight. 2.4 MIXING A. Mix grout in accordance with manufacturer’s printed specifications. B. Mix grouting materials and water in a mechanical mixer for no less than 3- minutes. C. Mix grout as close to the work area as possible and transport the mixture quickly and in a manner that does not permit segregation of materials. D. After the grout has been mixed, do not add more water for any reason. PART - EXECUTION 3.1 PROCEDURES A. Installation methods and procedures shall be approved by Engineer and shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s printed specifications before work is begun. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Surface preparation shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s printed specifications. B. Remove defective concrete, laitance, dirt, oil, grease and other foreign material from concrete surfaces by bush-hammering, chipping, or other similar means, until a sound, clean concrete surface is achieved. C. Lightly roughen the concrete, but not enough to interfere with the proper placement of grout. Cover concrete areas with waterproof membrane until ready to grout. Immediately before grouting remove waterproof membranes and clean any contaminated surfaces. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 03 60 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 D. Remove foreign materials from metal surfaces in contact with grout. Align, level and maintain final positioning of all components to be grouted. E. Saturate concrete surfaces with clean water; remove excess water and leave none standing. 3.3 PLACING A. Placing shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s printed specifications. B. Place non-shrink grouting material quickly and continuously by the most practical means permissible; pouring, pumping or under gravity pressure. C. Do not use either pneumatic-pressure or dry packing methods without written permission of the Engineer. D. Apply grout from one side only to avoid entrapping air. E. Final installation shall be thoroughly compacted and free from air pockets. F. Do not vibrate the placed grout mixture or allow it to be placed if the area is being vibrated by nearby equipment. G. Do not remove leveling shims for at least 480 hours after grout has been placed. After shims have been removed, fill voids with plain cement-sand grout. H. After non-shrink grout has reached initial set, rake out exposed edges approximately 1-inch into the grouted area and paint with Portland cement mortar. 3.4 CURING A. Cure grout for 3-days after placing by keeping wet and covering with curing paper or by another approved method. END OF SECTION 03 60 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 05 50 00 - METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Miscellaneous steel framing and supports. 2. Shelf angles. 3. Metal ladders. 4. Structural-steel door frames. 5. Miscellaneous steel trim. 6. Metal bollards. 7. Abrasive metal nosings, treads and thresholds. 8. Loose bearing and leveling plates. B. Products furnished, but not installed, under this Section include the following: 1. Anchor bolts, steel pipe sleeves, slotted-channel inserts, and wedge-type inserts indicated to be cast into concrete or built into unit masonry. 2. Steel weld plates and angles for casting into concrete for applications where they are not specified in other Sections. 1.2 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: 1. Metal nosings and treads. 2. Grout. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details. Include plans, elevations, sections, and details of metal fabrications and their connections. Show anchorage and accessory items. C. Samples for Verification: For each type and finish of extruded nosing and tread. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes acting on exterior metal fabrications by preventing SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. 1. Temperature Change: 120 deg F (67 deg C), ambient; material surfaces. 2.2 METALS A. Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces unless otherwise indicated. For metal fabrications exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials without seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or blemishes. B. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. C. Stainless-Steel Bars and Shapes: ASTM A 276, Type 304 or Type 316L as indicated on drawings. D. Steel Tubing: ASTM A 500/A 500M, cold-formed steel tubing. E. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Standard Weight (Schedule 40) unless otherwise indicated. F. Cast Iron: Either gray iron, ASTM A 48/A 48M, or malleable iron, ASTM A 47/A 47M, unless otherwise indicated. G. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M), Alloy 6063-T6. H. Aluminum-Alloy Rolled Tread Plate: ASTM B 632/B 632M, Alloy 6061-T6. I. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B 26/B 26M, Alloy 443.0-F. J. Bronze Extrusions: ASTM B 455, Alloy UNS No. C38500 (extruded architectural bronze). K. Bronze Castings: ASTM B 584, Alloy UNS No. C83600 (leaded red brass) or No. C84400 (leaded semired brass). L. Nickel Silver Castings: ASTM B 584, Alloy UNS No. C97600 (20 percent leaded nickel bronze). 2.3 FASTENERS A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 304 or Type 316 as indicated stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633 or ASTM F 1941 (ASTM F 1941M), Class Fe/Zn 5, at exterior walls. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required. 1. Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening aluminum. 2. Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening stainless steel. 3. Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening nickel silver. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. Provide bronze fasteners for fastening bronze. B. Cast-in-Place Anchors in Concrete: Either threaded type or wedge type unless otherwise indicated; galvanized ferrous castings, either ASTM A 47/A 47M malleable iron or ASTM A 27/A 27M cast steel. Provide bolts, washers, and shims as needed, all hot-dip galvanized per ASTM F 2329. C. Post-Installed Anchors: Torque-controlled expansion anchors or chemical anchors. 1. Material for Interior Locations: Carbon-steel components zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633 or ASTM F 1941 (ASTM F 1941M), Class Fe/Zn 5, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Material for Exterior Locations and Where Stainless Steel Is Indicated: Alloy Group 1 (A1) stainless-steel bolts, ASTM F 593 (ASTM F 738M), and nuts, ASTM F 594 (ASTM F 836M). 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Low-Emitting Materials: Paints and coatings shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Public Health's (formerly, the California Department of Health Services') "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers." B. Universal Shop Primer: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified- alkyd primer complying with MPI#79 and compatible with topcoat. 1. Use primer containing pigments that make it easily distinguishable from zinc-rich primer. C. Water-Based Primer: Emulsion type, anticorrosive primer for mildly corrosive environments that is resistant to flash rusting when applied to cleaned steel, complying with MPI#107 and compatible with topcoat. D. Epoxy Zinc-Rich Primer: Complying with MPI#20 and compatible with topcoat. E. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint complying with SSPC- Paint 20 and compatible with paints specified to be used over it. F. Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion complying with ASTM D 1187/D 1187M. G. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: Factory-packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C 1107/C 1107M. Provide grout specifically recommended by manufacturer for interior and exterior applications. H. Concrete: Comply with requirements in Section 03 30 00 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE for normal-weight, air-entrained, concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi (20 MPa). SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.5 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in the shop to greatest extent possible. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. B. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. C. Weld corners and seams continuously to comply with the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended. D. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners or welds where possible. Locate joints where least conspicuous. E. Fabricate seams and other connections that are exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate. F. Where units are indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry, equip with integrally welded steel strap anchors not less than 8 inches (200 mm) from ends and corners of units and 24 inches (600 mm) o.c. 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING AND SUPPORTS A. General: Provide steel framing and supports not specified in other Sections as needed to complete the Work. B. Fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of welded construction unless otherwise indicated. Fabricate to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated and as necessary to receive adjacent construction. C. Fabricate steel girders for wood frame construction from continuous steel shapes of sizes indicated. 1. Where wood nailers are attached to girders with bolts or lag screws, drill or punch holes at 24 inches (600 mm) o.c. D. Fabricate steel pipe columns for supporting wood frame construction from steel pipe with steel baseplates and top plates as indicated. Drill or punch baseplates and top plates for anchor and connection bolts and weld to pipe with fillet welds all around. Make welds the same size as pipe wall thickness unless otherwise indicated. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.7 SHELF ANGLES A. Fabricate shelf angles from steel angles of sizes indicated and for attachment to concrete framing. Provide horizontally slotted holes to receive 3/4-inch (19-mm) bolts, spaced not more than 6 inches (150 mm) from ends and 24 inches (600 mm) o.c., unless otherwise indicated. B. For cavity walls, provide vertical channel brackets to support angles from backup masonry and concrete. C. Galvanize shelf angles located in exterior walls. D. Prime shelf angles located in exterior walls with zinc-rich primer. E. Furnish wedge-type concrete inserts, complete with fasteners, to attach shelf angles to cast-in-place concrete. 2.8 METAL LADDERS A. General: 1. Comply with ANSI A14.3. 2. For elevator pit ladders, comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44. B. Steel Ladders: 1. Space side rails 16 inches (406 mm) apart unless otherwise indicated. 2. Side rails: Continuous, 3/8-by-2-1/2-inch (9.5-by-64-mm) steel flat bars, with eased edges. 3. Rungs: 3/4-inch- (19-mm-) diameter steel bars. 4. Fit rungs in centerline of side rails; plug-weld and grind smooth on outer rail faces. 5. Provide nonslip surfaces on top of each rung. 6. Galvanize exterior ladders, including brackets. C. Aluminum Ladders: 1. Space side rails 16 inches (406 mm) apart unless otherwise indicated. 2. Side rails: Continuous extruded-aluminum channels or tubes, not less than 2-1/2 inches (64 mm) deep, 3/4 inch (19 mm) wide, and 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick. 3. Rungs: Extruded-aluminum tubes, not less than 3/4 inch (19 mm) deep and not less than 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick, with ribbed tread surfaces. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.9 STRUCTURAL-STEEL DOOR FRAMES A. Fabricate structural-steel door frames from steel shapes, plates, and bars of size and to dimensions indicated, fully welded together, with 5/8-by-1-1/2-inch (16-by- 38-mm) steel channel stops. Plug-weld built-up members and continuously weld exposed joints. Reinforce frames and drill and tap as necessary to accept finish hardware. 1. Provide with integrally welded steel strap anchors for securing door frames into adjoining concrete or masonry. B. Galvanize exterior steel frames. 2.10 MISCELLANEOUS STEEL TRIM A. Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of profiles shown with continuously welded joints and smooth exposed edges. Miter corners and use concealed field splices where possible. B. Provide cutouts, fittings, and anchorages as needed to coordinate assembly and installation with other work. C. Galvanize exterior miscellaneous steel trim. 2.11 METAL BOLLARDS A. Fabricate metal bollards from Schedule 40 steel pipe. 1. Cap bollards with 1/4-inch- (6.4-mm-) thick steel plate. B. Fabricate bollards with 3/8-inch- (9.5-mm-) thick steel baseplates for bolting to concrete slab. Drill baseplates at all four corners for 3/4-inch (19-mm) anchor bolts. C. Fabricate sleeves for bollard anchorage from steel pipe with 1/4-inch- (6.4-mm-) thick steel plate welded to bottom of sleeve. D. Prime bollards with zinc-rich primer. 2.12 ABRASIVE METAL NOSINGS, TREADS AND THRESHOLDS A. Cast-Metal Units: Cast aluminum with an integral-abrasive, as-cast finish consisting of aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, or a combination of both. B. Extruded Units: Aluminum with abrasive filler consisting of aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, or a combination of both, in an epoxy-resin binder. 1. Provide ribbed units, with abrasive filler strips projecting 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) above aluminum extrusion. 2. Provide solid-abrasive-type units without ribs. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Provide anchors for embedding units in concrete, either integral or applied to units, as standard with manufacturer. D. Drill for mechanical anchors and countersink. Locate holes not more than 4 inches (100 mm) from ends and not more than 12 inches (300 mm) o.c. E. Apply bituminous paint to concealed surfaces of cast-metal units. F. Apply clear lacquer to concealed surfaces of extruded units. 2.13 LOOSE BEARING AND LEVELING PLATES A. Provide loose bearing and leveling plates for steel items bearing on masonry or concrete construction. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts and for grouting. 2.14 STEEL WELD PLATES AND ANGLES A. Provide steel weld plates and angles not specified in other Sections, for items supported from concrete construction as needed to complete the Work. Provide each unit with no fewer than two integrally welded steel strap anchors for embedding in concrete. 2.15 FINISHES, GENERAL A. Finish metal fabrications after assembly. 2.16 STEEL AND IRON FINISHES A. Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanize items as indicated to comply with ASTM A 153/A 153M for steel and iron hardware and with ASTM A 123/A 123M for other steel and iron products. B. Shop prime iron and steel items not indicated to be galvanized unless they are to be embedded in concrete, sprayed-on fireproofing, or masonry, or unless otherwise indicated. 1. Shop prime with universal shop primer unless zinc-rich primer is indicated. C. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare surfaces to comply with SSPC- SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." indicated below: 1. Exterior Items: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." 2. Items Indicated to Receive Zinc-Rich Primer: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." D. Shop Priming: Apply shop primer to comply with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel," for shop painting. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from established lines and levels. B. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed field connections. C. Field Welding: Comply with the following requirements: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface. D. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where metal fabrications are required to be fastened to in-place construction. E. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry, or similar construction. 3.2 INSTALLING METAL BOLLARDS A. Fill metal-capped bollards solidly with concrete and allow concrete to cure seven days before installing. B. Anchor bollards to existing construction with expansion anchors. Provide four 3/4-inch (19-mm) bolts at each bollard unless otherwise indicated. C. Anchor bollards in concrete with pipe sleeves preset and anchored into concrete or in formed or core-drilled holes. Fill annular space around bollard solidly with nonshrink grout. D. Anchor bollards in place with concrete footings. Place concrete and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Support and brace bollards in position until concrete has cured. E. Fill bollards solidly with concrete, mounding top surface to shed water. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 50 00 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.3 INSTALLING BEARING AND LEVELING PLATES A. Clean concrete and masonry bearing surfaces of bond-reducing materials, and roughen to improve bond to surfaces. Clean bottom surface of plates. B. Set bearing and leveling plates on wedges, shims, or leveling nuts. After bearing members have been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts. Do not remove wedges or shims but, if protruding, cut off flush with edge of bearing plate before packing with nonshrink grout. Pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and plates to ensure that no voids remain. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Touchup Painting: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas. Paint uncoated and abraded areas with the same material as used for shop painting to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-painted surfaces. B. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780/A 780M. END OF SECTION 05 50 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 52 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 05 52 00 – HANDRAILS AND GUARDRAILS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This Section includes providing handrails and guard rails as shown on the Drawings and includes miscellaneous handrails and guard rails not included in other metal systems in other sections of these specifications. B. Height for stair rails, handrails, and guard rails shall conform to all applicable codes and as noted on the drawings C. Handrails and guard rails used to extend existing facilities shall match the existing as closely as possible unless noted otherwise. D. Contractors are hereby notified that they are encouraged, to the greatest extent practicable, to purchase American‐made equipment and products with funding provided under this award. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: 1. North Carolina State Building Code, latest edition 2. ANSI A117.1 3. OSHA Part 1920.23 and 1910.24 4. Life Safety Code 101 5. AWS "Structural Welding Code" B. Qualification for Welding Work: Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS "Standard Qualification Procedure". C. Field Measurements: Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop drawings and fabrication, where possible, to ensure proper fitting of the work. However, do not delay job process; allow for trimming and fitting wherever the taking of field measurements before fabrication might delay the work. D. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in the shop to the greatest extent possible, so as to minimize field splicing and assembly of units at the project site. Disassemble units only to the extent necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinate installation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 52 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Certificates of Compliance with specified requirements. Obtain shop drawings for fabrication and erection. After verifying details and dimensions provide three sets of final drawings and installation instructions to Owner’s Construction Representative for use in observing installation and for Record Drawings. B. All submittals for this Specification shall be in accordance with Section 01340 – Submittals. 1.4 WARRANTY A. Per General Condition Article 9, the Contractor shall provide a 3 year warranty from substantial completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B221; alloy 6061-T6, T6510; except alloy 6063-T52 for seamless pipe meeting ASTM B241; unless otherwise indicated. B. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B108; alloy 214 unless otherwise indicated. C. Aluminum Sheet or Plate: ASTM B209; alloy 6061-T6, unless otherwise indicated. D. Finish: Clear anodized finish AA C22A41R1X, medium matte, nondirectional, minimum 0.7 mil clear anodized, clear lacquer coating, unless otherwise indicated. E. Nonshrink, Nonferrous Grout: CE CRD C588. 2.2 FABRICATION A. The Contractor shall provide a "manufacturer's system." B. Exposed work shall be formed true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. C. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32-inch, unless otherwise shown. D. Use bent-metal corners formed to the smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing the work. E. Welded Connections: Cope intersections of rails and posts, weld joints and grind smooth. Butt weld end-to-end joints of railings or use welding connectors, at fabricator's option. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 52 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 F. Weld corners and seams continuously and in accordance with the recommendations of AWS. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. Discoloration of finished surfaces will not be acceptable. G. Form exposed connections with flush, smooth, hairline joints, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of the type shown, or if not shown, use Phillips flathead (countersunk) screws or bolts. Provide splices with lock mechanism but allow for expansion and contraction. H. Provide anchorage of the type shown, coordinated with the supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices as shown and as required to provide adequate support. I. Toe Boards: Fabricate toe boards with a bent/formed profile for increased plate stiffness to the dimensions and details shown. Use 1/4-inch thick x 4-inch plate secured to each post of railing. J. Brackets, Flanges and Anchors: Provide brackets, flanges, and anchors for railing posts and for handrail supports. Furnish inserts and sleeves as required for anchorage masonry work. K. Furnish cast metal brackets, flanges, and exposed anchors of the same material and finish as rail supports, unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine the areas and conditions under which handrails and guard rails are to be installed and correct any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Furnish setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions and directions for the installation of anchorages, such as concrete inserts, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate the delivery of such items to the project site. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing handrails and guard rail items to in-place construction; including threaded fasteners for concrete inserts, toggle bolts, through-bolts, lag bolts and other connectors as required. B. Use railing manufacturer's standard methods of installation when acceptable to the Engineer. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 05 52 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Cutting, Fitting and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation. Set the work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. D. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld connections which are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop-welded because of shipping size limitations. Grind joints smooth and touch-up shop paint coat. Do not weld, cut or abrade the surface of units which have been coated or finished after fabrication, and are intended for field connections. Adjust railings prior to securing in place to ensure proper matching at butting joints and correct alignment throughout their length. Space posts not more than 6-feet on centers, unless otherwise shown. Plumb posts in each direction. Secure posts and rail ends to building construction as follows: E. Anchor posts in concrete where noted on the drawings, by means of pipe sleeves set and anchored into the concrete. Provide sleeves of galvanized, steel pipe, not less than 6-inches long and having an inside diameter not less than 1/2-inch greater than the outside diameter of the inserted pipe post. Provide steel plate closure secured to the bottom of the sleeve and of width and length not less than 1-inch greater than the outside diameter of the sleeve. After the posts have been inserted into the sleeves, fill the annular space between post and sleeve solid with nonshrink, nonferrous grout. Cover anchorage joint with a round metal flange finished to match post. F. Anchor rail ends into concrete with round flanges welded to rail ends and anchored into the wall construction with lead expansion shields and bolts. G. Field Welding: Comply with AWS Code for the procedures of manual shielded metal-arc welding, the appearance and quality of welds made, and the methods used in correcting the work. H. Dissimilar Materials: Where dissimilar metals contact each other or there is a condition such as aluminum against concrete, they shall be protected from each other with a pressure sensitive tape, bitumastic coating or other protective method. I. Toe Boards: Provide toe boards where shown and as required by code. J. Toe boards shall be provided wherever people can pass or work beneath the open sides or wherever falling material could create a hazard to moving machinery or equipment. END OF SECTION 05 52 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 06 10 00 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Framing with dimension lumber. 2. Framing with engineered wood products. 3. Wood blocking and nailers. 4. Wood furring. 5. Wood sleepers. 6. Plywood backing panels. 1.2 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. B. Evaluation Reports: For the following, from ICC-ES: 1. Wood-preservative-treated wood. 2. Fire-retardant-treated wood. 3. Engineered wood products. 4. Power-driven fasteners. 5. Post-installed anchors. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Regional Materials: The following wood materials shall be manufactured within 500 miles (800 km) of Project site from materials that have been extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles (800 km) of Project site: 1. Dimension lumber, except treated materials. 2. Laminated-veneer lumber. 3. Prefabricated wood I-joists. 4. Rim boards. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Certified Wood: The following wood materials shall be certified as "FSC Pure" according to FSC STD-01-001, "FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship," and to FSC STD-40-004, "FSC Standard for Chain of Custody Certification." 1. Dimension lumber. 2. Rim boards. C. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of grading agencies indicated. If no grading agency is indicated, comply with the applicable rules of any rules-writing agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review. Grade lumber by an agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review to inspect and grade lumber under the rules indicated. 1. Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. D. Maximum Moisture Content of Lumber: 19 percent. E. Engineered Wood Products: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and for which current model code research or evaluation reports exist that show compliance with building code in effect for Project. 1. Allowable design stresses, as published by manufacturer, shall meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's published values shall be determined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. 2.2 WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED LUMBER A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA U1; Use Category UC2 for interior construction not in contact with ground, Use Category UC3b for exterior construction not in contact with ground, and Use Category UC4a for items in contact with ground. 1. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and containing no arsenic or chromium. Do not use inorganic boron (SBX) for sill plates. B. Kiln-dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Do not use material that is warped or that does not comply with requirements for untreated material. C. Mark lumber with treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the ALSC Board of Review. D. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. 3. Wood framing and furring attached directly to the interior of below-grade exterior masonry or concrete walls. 4. Wood framing members that are less than 18 inches (460 mm) above the ground in crawlspaces or unexcavated areas. 5. Wood floor plates that are installed over concrete slabs-on-grade. 2.3 FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED MATERIALS A. General: Where fire-retardant-treated materials are indicated, materials shall comply with requirements in this article, that are acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and with fire-test-response characteristics specified as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated by a qualified testing agency. B. Fire-Retardant-Treated Lumber and Plywood by Pressure Process: Products with a flame-spread index of 25 or less when tested according to ASTM E 84, and with no evidence of significant progressive combustion when the test is extended an additional 20 minutes, and with the flame front not extending more than 10.5 feet (3.2 m) beyond the centerline of the burners at any time during the test. 1. Exterior Type: Treated materials shall comply with requirements specified above for fire-retardant-treated lumber and plywood by pressure process after being subjected to accelerated weathering according to ASTM D 2898. Use for exterior locations and where indicated. 2. Interior Type A: Treated materials shall have a moisture content of 28 percent or less when tested according to ASTM D 3201 at 92 percent relative humidity. Use where exterior type is not indicated. C. Kiln-dry lumber after treatment to maximum moisture content of 19 percent. D. Identify fire-retardant-treated wood with appropriate classification marking of qualified testing agency. E. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following: 1. Framing for raised platforms. 2. Framing for stages. 3. Concealed blocking. 4. Framing for non-load-bearing partitions. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 5. Framing for non-load-bearing exterior walls. 6. Roof construction. 7. Plywood backing panels. 2.4 DIMENSION LUMBER FRAMING A. Non-Load-Bearing Interior Partitions: Construction or No. 2 grade. 1. Application: Interior partitions not indicated as load bearing. 2. Species: a. Southern pine or mixed southern pine; SPIB. b. Northern species; NLGA. c. Eastern softwoods; NeLMA. d. Western woods; WCLIB or WWPA. B. Framing Other Than Non-Load-Bearing Partitions: No. 2 grade. 1. Species: a. Southern pine; SPIB. b. Southern pine or mixed southern pine; SPIB. c. Spruce-pine-fir (south); NeLMA, WCLIB, or WWPA. C. Framing Other Than Non-Load-Bearing Partitions: Any species and grade with a modulus of elasticity of at least [1,500,000 psi (10 350 MPa) and an extreme fiber stress in bending of at least [1000 psi (6.9 MPa) for 2-inch nominal (38-mm actual) thickness and 12-inch nominal (286-mm actual) width for single-member use. 1. Application: Framing other than interior partitions. D. Exposed Framing: Hand-select material for uniformity of appearance and freedom from characteristics, on exposed surfaces and edges, that would impair finish appearance, including decay, honeycomb, knot-holes, shake, splits, torn grain, and wane. 1. Species and Grade: As indicated above for load-bearing construction of same type. 2.5 ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS A. Engineered Wood Products, General: Products shall contain no urea formaldehyde. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Laminated-Veneer Lumber: Structural composite lumber made from wood veneers with grain primarily parallel to member lengths, evaluated and monitored according to ASTM D 5456 and manufactured with an exterior-type adhesive complying with ASTM D 2559. 1. Extreme Fiber Stress in Bending, Edgewise: 3100 psi (21.3 MPa)] for 12- inch nominal- (286-mm actual-) depth members. 2. Modulus of Elasticity, Edgewise: 2,000,000 psi (13 700 MPa). C. Rim Boards: Product designed to be used as a load-bearing member and to brace wood I-joists at bearing ends, complying with research or evaluation report for I-joists. 1. Material: Glued-laminated wood or product made from any combination solid lumber, wood strands, and veneers. 2. Thickness: 1 inch (25 mm). 3. Comply with APA PRR-401, rim board grade. Factory mark rim boards with APA-EWS trademark indicating thickness, grade, and compliance with APA-EWS standard. 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. General: Provide miscellaneous lumber indicated and lumber for support or attachment of other construction, including the following: 1. Blocking. 2. Nailers. 3. Cants. 4. Furring. 5. Grounds. B. Dimension Lumber Items: Construction or No. 2 grade lumber of any species. C. Concealed Boards: 19 percent maximum moisture content and any of the following species and grades: 1. Mixed southern pine or southern pine; No. 2 grade; SPIB. 2.7 PLYWOOD BACKING PANELS A. Equipment Backing Panels: Plywood, DOC PS 1, Exposure 1, C-D Plugged, fire- retardant treated, in thickness indicated or, if not indicated, not less than [1/2-inch (13-mm)] [3/4-inch (19-mm)] nominal thickness. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Plywood shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Public Health's "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers." 2.8 FASTENERS A. Power-Driven Fasteners: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC70. B. Post-Installed Anchors: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC01 ICC-ES AC58 ICC- ES AC193 or ICC-ES AC308 as appropriate for the substrate. 2.9 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Sill-Sealer Gaskets: Glass-fiber-resilient insulation, fabricated in strip form, for use as a sill sealer; 1-inch (25-mm) nominal thickness, compressible to 1/32 inch (0.8 mm); selected from manufacturer's standard widths to suit width of sill members indicated. B. Sill-Sealer Gaskets: Closed-cell neoprene foam, 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick, selected from manufacturer's standard widths to suit width of sill members indicated. C. Flexible Flashing: Composite, self-adhesive, flashing product consisting of a pliable, butyl rubber or rubberized-asphalt compound, bonded to a high-density polyethylene film, aluminum foil, or spunbonded polyolefin to produce an overall thickness of not less than 0.025 inch (0.6 mm). D. Adhesives for Gluing Furring and Sleepers to Concrete or Masonry: Formulation complying with ASTM D 3498 that is approved for use indicated by adhesive manufacturer. 1. Adhesives shall have a VOC content of 70 > g/L or less. 2. Adhesives shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Public Health's "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers." PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Framing Standard: Comply with AF&PA's WCD 1, "Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated. B. Framing with Engineered Wood Products: Install engineered wood products to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 06 10 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Set rough carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit rough carpentry accurately to other construction. Locate furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attaching other construction. D. Install shear wall panels to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. E. Install metal framing anchors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Install fasteners through each fastener hole. F. Do not splice structural members between supports unless otherwise indicated. G. Comply with AWPA M4 for applying field treatment to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber. H. Where wood-preservative-treated lumber is installed adjacent to metal decking, install continuous flexible flashing separator between wood and metal decking. I. Securely attach rough carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in ICC's International Building Code (IBC). 2. Table R602.3(1), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table R602.3(2), "Alternate Attachments," in ICC's International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings. 3. ICC-ES evaluation report for fastener. 3.2 PROTECTION A. Protect wood that has been treated with inorganic boron (SBX) from weather. If, despite protection, inorganic boron-treated wood becomes wet, apply EPA- registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label. B. Protect rough carpentry from weather. If, despite protection, rough carpentry becomes wet wet enough that moisture content exceeds that specified, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label. END OF SECTION 06 10 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 06 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 09 06 00 – SCHEDULE OF FINISHES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: A. The work under this section consists of all labor, materials, methods, and applications for finishes to concrete, concrete masonry, wood, and metal surfaces, both interior and exterior, as described in the specifications and listed in the finish schedule included herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS: A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03 30 00 B. Metal Fabrications Section 05 50 00 C. Protective Coatings Section 09 90 00 D. Site Piping Division 33 E. Process Interconnections/Valves Division 40 F. Process Blowers and Pumps Division 43 G. Process Equipment Division 46 PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. Products shall be as specified in other sections of the specifications, except as follows: B. "Cementitious" coating shall consist of a light gray, heavy cementitious matrix (with or without perlite matrix), which shall be applied to clean concrete surfaces for sealing, water proofing, and for decorative purposes. Coating shall be brush or squeegee applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Surface preparation prior to application shall consist of smooth form finish, plus stone rubbing of form marks, joints, and blemishes. Color shall be gray to closely match other concrete work. Coating shall be Onatex as manufactured by the Old North Manufacturing Company, Thoroseal as manufactured by Thoro System Products, or equal. C. Abrasive coating shall be a skid resistant wearing surface suitable for application on exterior above grade and on grade slabs. Coating system shall be a skid resistant broadcast system as manufactured by Sika Chemical Corporation or equal. Binder shall be applied at a minimum coverage of 1 gallon per 30 square feet with a minimum of 2 pounds of flintshop #20 aggregate per square feet. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. D. Concrete sealer shall be non-yellowing, low luster, acrylic polymer type. It shall be sprayed or brushed on in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 06 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 It shall be manufactured by Okon, Inc., CDS, Inc., Anti Hydro, Inc., or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. All metals shall be coated as outlined in Section 09 90 00 – PROTECTIVE COATINGS and as referenced in the remaining sections of the Specifications. B. All buildings shall have rooms finished as indicated on the drawings in accordance with the finishing schedules. C. All other structures shall be finished as follows: 1. Concrete Floor Slabs Troweled with sealer hardener 2. Concrete Exterior Walls Smooth rubbed finish with cementitious coating 2' below finish grade; remainder of wall to have honeycombs reworked 3. Interior Concrete Walls Exposed Smooth rubbed finish with cementitious coating entire wall 4. Interior Concrete Walls Remove form marks, patch tie holes and honeycomb 5. Concrete Walkways Not Used 6. Concrete Sidewalls Broom finish 7. Precast Structures and Vault Not Used 8. Masonry Walls, Ceilings, Structural Members, Wood Trim, Metal Doors and Frame, Piping (including pump piping submerged and in vault), Equipment, Electrical, and Misc. Metals Paint D. Concrete Chemical Resistant coating shall be installed in following areas: Area/Structure Extent of Coating Installation Headworks (High H2S Area) All interior concrete/grout surfaces MBR Tanks (Low H2S Area) No concrete coating UV Structure (Low H2S Area) No concrete coating SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 06 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Notes: Areas to be coated with coating noted above superseded coatings specified elsewhere for the same areas. END OF SECTION 09 06 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 09 90 00 – PROTECTIVE COATINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The Work required under this section consists of all painting and finishing work and related items necessary to complete the Work indicated on Contract Drawings, described in the Specifications and listed in the Painting Schedule. 1.2 WORK TO BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS SECTION A. Painting of all exposed woodwork, interior and exterior. B. Painting of all exposed surfaces of all ferrous metal work (including galvanized) of the building exterior and interior, in whatever location found, not covered by other sections of the specifications. This specifically includes miscellaneous metal, ornamental metal, metal doors and frames, metal windows, mechanical trade work and electrical trade work. C. Painting of exposed surfaces of masonry on the interior and exterior as indicated in the Finish Schedule. D. Painting of all bare and covered pipes (excluding stainless steel), anchors and hangers; exposed steel and iron work; and copper metal surfaces and equipment installed under Divisions 33, 40, 41, 43, 44 and 46 and under the electrical work Division 26. E. Painting of all bare and primed only valves and mechanical equipment installed under Divisions 33, 40, 41, 43, 44 and 46 and under the electrical work Division 26. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Shop priming and shop coat on machinery and equipment. Refer to the sections under which various items of manufactured equipment with factory applied shop prime coat are furnished as referenced in paragraphs 1.2.D and E. All items of equipment furnished with prime coat finish shall be finish painted under this section. 1.4 MANUFACTURER A. A single manufacturer to the greatest extent possible will supply paint materials. Proprietary designations of colors and materials are not intended to exclude equivalent products of other manufacturers. Manufacturer's numbers specified refer to products manufactured by the Tnemec Company, Inc. to establish quality standards to be equaled or surpassed as equals subject to compliance with SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 specifications. Painting materials and colors may be selected from the following or equal: 1. Sherwin Williams 2. Pittsburgh Paint Division of PPG Industries, Inc. 3. Tnemec Company, Inc. 4. Or Equal 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. In addition to manufacturer's data, application instructions and label analysis for each coating material, submit samples for Engineer's review of color and texture only. Resubmit samples if requested until required sheen, color and texture are achieved. B. For all paint finishes in occupied spaces supply manufacturers VOC content information. 1.6 STORAGE OF MATERIALS A. Store all materials used on the job in a single place designated by the Contractor and Approved by the Owner. Such storage place shall be kept neat and clean and all damage thereto or its surroundings shall be restored. Soiled or used rags, waste and trash must be removed from the facilities every night and every precaution taken to avoid the danger of fire. 1.7 INSPECTION OF SURFACES A. Before starting any work, surfaces to receive paint finishes shall be examined carefully for defects, which cannot be corrected by the procedures, specified herein under "PREPARATION OF SURFACES" and which might prevent satisfactory painting results. Work shall not proceed until such damages are corrected. The commencing of work in a specific area shall be construed as acceptance of the surfaces, and thereafter the Contractor shall be fully responsible for satisfactory work as required herein. B. High-Voltage Holiday (Spark) Testing: Upon full cure, the installed lining system shall be checked by high voltage spark detection in accordance with NACE SP0188 and the Manufacturer’s printed application guide to verify a pinhole-free surface. Areas which do not pass the spark detection test shall be corrected at no cost to the Owner. For coating systems less than 20 mils, a low-voltage holiday testing equipment shall be used. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.8 JOB, WEATHER AND TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS A. Maintain temperature in facilities at constant 65 °F or above during drying masonry and providing adequate ventilation for escape of moisture from building in order to prevent mildew, damage to other work and improper drying of paint. Once painting has commenced, provide constant temperature of 65 °F or above. Maintain surface temperatures at 5 °F above the dew point temperature while preparing the surface and painting and prevent variations in temperature which might result in condensation on freshly painted surfaces. B. Before painting is started in any area, broom clean and remove excessive dust. C. After painting operations begin in a given area, broom cleaning will not be allowed; cleaning shall then be done only with commercial vacuum cleaning equipment. 1.9 COOPERATION WITH OTHER TRADES A. This work shall be scheduled and coordinated with other work and/or job conditions as required to achieve satisfactory results. B. The Contractor shall examine the specifications for the various trades and shall thoroughly familiarize himself with all their provisions regarding painting. 1.10 COLOR SELECTION A. The Owner shall select colors from the manufacturer’s standard color range. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Provide the following painting systems for the various substrates, as indicated: EXTERIOR MATERIAL Material System Finish Prime Coat No. Of Coats Finish Coat No. Of Coats Total Dry Mil Thickness Concrete Masonry Flexible and Breathable Acrylate Smooth Texture 151-Color Elasto- Grip FC 1 156-Color Enviro- Crete 2 14.0 Galvanized Metal Aliphatic Polyurethane Gloss 66-Color Hi-Build Epoxoline 1 1095-Color Endura Shield 1 7.0 Ferrous Metals (Non- submerged) HDP Acrylic Polymer Gloss 37H-77 Chem- Prime 1 1028-Color Enduratone 2 7.0 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Ferrous Metals (Submerged, intermittently submerged or within 5' of water surface) Epoxy- Cycloaliphatic Amine Semi- Gloss 66-1211 Epoxoline Primer 1 104-Color H.S. Epoxy 2 12.0 Wood HDP Acrylic Polymer Gloss V10-99W Tnemec Primers 1 1028-Color Enduratone 2 7.0 Concrete Chemical Resistant Coating (Wastewater – Non-Enclosed Space with Low H2S gases) Polyamidoam ine Epoxy Gloss N140 Porta-Pox Plus 1 22-Color Epoxoline 1 16.0 – 20.0 Concrete Chemical Resistant Coating (Severe Wastewater – Enclosed Space with H2S gases) Aggregate Reinforced Amine Epoxy Mortar Gloss 434-5022 Perma- Shield H2S Or 436-5020 Perma- Shield FR 1 435-Color Perma- Glaze 1 125.0 INTERIOR MATERIALS Concrete Masonry Epoxy Polyamide Semi Gloss 130-6602 Envirofill (fill all voids) 1 66-Color Hi- Build Epoxoline 2 20.0 Gypsum Drywall Acrylic Latex Semi Gloss 151-Color Elasto- Grip FC 1 1029-Color Enduratone 2 4-6 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Galvanized Metal Aliphatic Polyurethane Gloss 66-Color Hi-Build Epoxoline 1 1095-Color Endura Shield 1 7.0 Ferrous Metals (Submerged, intermittently submerged, or within 5' of water surface) Epoxy- Cycloaliphatic Amine Semi- Gloss 66-1211 Epoxoline Primer 1 104-Color H.S. Epoxy 2 12.0 Ferrous Metals (Non- submerged) HDP Acrylic Polymer Gloss 37H-77 Chem- Primer 1 1028-Color Enduratone 2 7.0 Concrete Chemical Resistant Coating (Wastewater – Non-Enclosed Space with Low H2S gases) Polyamidoami ne Epoxy Gloss N140 Porta-Pox Plus 1 22-Color Epoxoline 1 16.0 – 20.0 Concrete Chemical Resistant Coating (Severe Wastewater – Enclosed Space with H2S gases) Aggregate Reinforced Amine Epoxy Mortar Gloss 434-5022 Perma- Shield H2S Or 436-5020 Perma- Shield FR 1 435-Color Perma- Glaze 1 125.0 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 WASTEWATER & WATER PIPING & VALVES Service Pipe Color Tnemec Wastewater Piping: Plant Influent/EQ Gray-33GR Feed Forward Gray-33GR RAS Gray-33GR Permeate/Reclaimed Water Gray-33GR Plumbing drains Gray-33GR Sump Gray-33GR Process Air Balsam-91GN Sludge Piping Waste Activated Safety Brown-15SF with Black-35GR Bands Miscellaneous Sludge Piping Screening Gray-33GR Water Piping Potable True Blue/Safety-11SF Sampling Gray-33GR Filter Wash True Blue/Safety-11SF with Black-35GR Bands Filter Surface wash True Blue/Safety-11SF with Black-35GR Bands Other Equipment Hoists/Trolleys Lemon Yellow/Safety-02SF Bollards Lemon Yellow/Safety-02SF 2.2 PAINT MATERIALS A. All paint, varnishes, enamels, lacquers, stains and similar materials must be delivered in the original containers with the seals unbroken and label intact, with the manufacturer's instructions printed thereon. B. All painting materials shall be of the best quality and shall be approved by the Engineer. They shall bear identifying labels on the containers with the manufacturer's instructions printed thereon. C. Paint shall not be badly settled, caked or thickened in the container, shall be readily dispersed with a paddle to a smooth consistency and shall have excellent application properties. D. Paint shall arrive on the job color-mixed except for tinting of undercoats and possible thinning. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 E. All thinning and tinting materials shall be as recommended by the manufacturer for the particular material thinned or tinted. F. It shall be the responsibility of the applicator to see that all mixed colors match the Color selection made by the Engineer prior to application of the coating. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Only skilled mechanics shall be employed. Application may be brush, roller or spray, upon approval from the Engineer and only in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s recommended practices. B. The Contractor shall protect his work at all times and shall protect all adjacent work and materials by suitable covering or other method during progress of his work. Upon completion of the work, he shall remove all paint and varnish spots from floors, glass and other surfaces. He shall remove from the premises all rubbish and accumulated materials of whatever nature not caused by others and shall leave his part of the work in clean, orderly and acceptable condition. C. Remove and protect hardware, accessories, device plates, lighting fixtures, factory finished work and similar items, provide ample in-place protection. Upon completion of each space, carefully replace all removed items. D. Remove electrical panel box covers and doors before painting walls. Paint separately and reinstall after all paint is dry. E. All materials shall be applied under adequate illumination, evenly spread and flowed-on smoothly to avoid runs, sags, holidays, brush marks, air bubbles and excessive roller stipple. F. Coverage and hide shall be complete. When color, stain, dirt or undercoats show through final coat of paint, the surface shall be covered by additional coats until the paint film is of uniform finish, color, appearance and coverage, at no additional cost to the Owner. G. All coats shall be dry to manufacturer's recommendations before applying succeeding coats. H. Where spray paint is specified, the Contractor shall finish 100 square feet by spraying a sample of the finish upon the request of the Engineer. This shall be finished with materials specified or approved. I. Surfaces to be stained shall appear uniform in shading with color variations caused only by the natural wood grain. 3.2 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. General: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Surfaces shall be clean, dry and adequately protected from dampness. 2. Surfaces shall be free of any foreign materials that will adversely affect adhesion or appearance of applied coating. 3. Mildew shall be removed and the surface neutralized per the coating manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Efflorescence on any area will be corrected before painting. B. Ferrous Metal Surfaces: 1. Remove dirt and grease with mineral spirits and wipe dry with clean cloths. 2. Remove rust, mill scale and defective paint down to sound surfaces or bare metal using scraper, sandpaper, wire brush or, if necessary, sandblasting. Grind, disc sand, sand blast, etc., if necessary to remove shoulders at edge of sound paint to prevent them from photographing through finish coats. Preparation shall meet or exceed an SSPC-SP 6 specification for non- submerged surfaces and an SSPC-SP10 specification for submerged surfaces or surface subject to high humidity. 3. Touch up all bare metal and damaged shop coats with specified shop coat primer. 4. For ferrous surfaces with shop coats touched up, as above required, the first coat as listed in the following schedule will be applied to the dry mil film thickness specified. C. Galvanized Metal Surfaces: 1. All Galvanized Surfaces shall be cleaned in accord with SSPC-SP 16 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated Galvanized, Steel. D. Concrete 1. Patch large openings and holes and finish flush with Tnemec Series 218 MortarClad. After priming, fill any remaining small holes with prepared patching material. 2. Check pH; if not neutral, then correct by using a 3% solution of T.S.P. or ammonium hydroxide. The etched surface should appear uniform in sheen and feel like 100 grit abrasive paper. 3. Remove form oil from poured-in-place concrete by washing concrete with xylol or exempt-type form oil solvent, or as required for complete removal. 4. All surfaces shall be dry. No painting shall be done until surfaces have cured for 28 days and are dry. 5. All concrete in immersion shall be cleaned in accordance with SSPC- SP13/NACE6 Surface Preparation of Concrete, ICRI CSP 5. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 09 90 00 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.3 WORKMANSHIP FOR PAINTING A. Exterior painting shall not be done when the surface temperature is below 50 °F, while the surface is damp, or during cold, rainy or frosty weather. The substrate temperature must be 5 °F or more above the dew point temperature while painting and during the coating cure. Avoid painting surfaces while they are exposed to hot sun. B. Exterior doors shall have tops; bottoms and side edges finished the same as the exterior faces of these doors. END OF SECTION 09 90 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 11 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 11 00 – SITE CLEARING AND GRUBBING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Clearing and grubbing and related Work as necessary to complete Work shown on the Contract Drawings and specified in this Section. B. This item shall consist of the removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials excavated within the limits specified by the Engineer including the right-of-way, intersecting streets, driveways, unsuitable subgrade material, and the replacement with satisfactory materials and such excavation as is necessary for berm, inlet, outlet, and lateral drainage ditches and for the formation, compaction and shaping of all embankments, fills, subgrade, shoulders, slopes, intersections, approaches and private entrances, to conform to the typical cross sections shown on the plans to the lines and grades as shown on the plans. C. It shall also include the removal and proper disposal of all stripping, fence, trees, hedge rows, pipes, walls, steps and existing asphalt and concrete surfaces, existing sidewalk and curb and gutter, raising and/or adjusting the tops of all existing valve boxes and manhole tops, as required. 1.2 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Site Earthwork Section 31 20 00 B. Excavation and Backfill for Structures Section 31 23 16 C. Excavating, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling Section 31 23 33 D. Control of Erosion, Siltation, and Pollution Section 31 25 00 E. Seeding and Mulching Section 32 29 10 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Clearing: Cutting, removal and proper disposal of trees, stumps, brush, shrubs, rubbish and other material as required, constructing improvements shown and specified. B. Grubbing: Removal and disposal of stumps larger than 1½” in diameter and other similar items to a depth of not less than 12” below finish grade. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Contractor shall consult with the Owner and Engineer prior to beginning of clearing. A full understanding shall be reached as to procedure. The Contractor shall then conduct clearing and/or grubbing operations in strict accordance with these agreements. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 11 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Compaction shall be completed in accordance with the standards of ASTM D-698 as amended. 2. The Contractor shall retain the services of a testing laboratory to perform all tests required at the project site. The Owner may require a pre- construction meeting with the Contractor and testing firm prior to start of backfill operations. In areas of fill and backfill, field density tests shall be performed in sufficient numbers to ensure that the specified density is obtained. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of testing of borrow material, which shall include Standard Proctor dry density tests. 3. American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials a. AASHTO M36 Corrugated Steel Pipe b. AASHTO M170-81-1 Reinforced Concrete Pipe c. AASHTO M294 Corrugated Plastic Pipe 4. Federal Specifications a. SS-S-00210 Sealing Compound for Pipe Joints 1.5 CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION A. Common excavation shall include all materials excavated within the designated limits not otherwise classified as solid rock excavation, undercut excavation, or borrow excavation, but including removal and disposal of vegetation, topsoil, ornamental work, pipes, concrete slabs, asphalt, pavement, debris, and all other surplus materials. 1. Undercut excavation shall consist of the excavation and disposal of unsuitable materials below the subgrade and the replacement and compaction of suitable materials. 2. Borrow excavation shall include that material excavated from areas other than those designated as directed by the Engineer. 1.6 GEOTECHNICAL DATA A. See report in Appendix. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND STRIPPING A. Clear and grub areas to be occupied by facilities to be constructed, including areas to be excavated, filled, paved or planted as shown on Contract Drawings. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 11 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Where trees or brush exist at the site of the work, the construction areas shall be cleared and trees, stumps, and roots grubbed. Only those trees located within the limits of clearing and seriously interfere with construction shall be cut and care shall be exercised to protect remaining trees and adjacent property. All brush, stumps, laps, roots, and logs shall be removed from the entire construction area and disposed of to the Owner’s satisfaction. Open burning permitted in area approved by Owner and authorized by local authorities. Minor structures, pipes, and debris that may be on the site shall be removed and disposed of to the satisfaction of the Owner. C. The operations of the Contractor shall be conducted with full consideration of all the proper and legal rights of the Owner, of adjacent property owners and the public, and with the least possible amount of inconvenience to them. 3.2 PROTECTION OF ADJACENT AREA A. Protect areas shown on the Drawings as designated by the Engineer to remain protected from damage by construction operations by erecting suitable barriers or other acceptable means. B. Areas outside limits of construction as shown on the Drawings shall be protected and no equipment or materials shall be stored on these areas or allowed to damage these areas. C. Any damage caused by construction related activities shall be repaired by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. 3.3 DISPOSAL A. Remove roots, vegetation and other debris from the site. Dispose of roots, vegetation and other debris removed from the site. Contractor shall not bury or dispose of any debris onsite. B. Do not burn any material on the site or other areas where burning is not permitted. C. Open burning only permitted in area approved by Owner and if authorized by local authority. D. All pollutable waste material shall be properly disposed in the nearest landfill unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Other wastes shall be disposed at a convenient site located by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the Owner. E. Any hazardous materials identified shall be transported and disposed of in a landfill permitted to accept the waste. END OF SECTION 31 11 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 20 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 20 00 – SITE EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavation of ponds, swales and other areas shown on the Contract Drawings. B. Filling of road embankments, berms and other areas shown on the Contract Drawings. C. Grading (including final grading) of site to elevations, lines, slopes, depths and cross-sections shown on the Contract Drawings. D. Compaction and testing of fill as specified in this Section. 1.2 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Division 01 Sections B. Section 31 11 00 – SITE CLEARING AND GRUBBING C. Section 31 23 16.17 – EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STRUCTURES D. Section 31 23 19 – DEWATERING E. Section 31 23 33 – EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING F. Section 31 25 00 – CONTROL OF EROSION, SILTATION AND POLLUTION 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00, REFERENCES. B. AASHTO Standards 1. AASHTO M-145 Classification of Soils and Soil Aggregate Materials for Highway Construction Purposes C. ANSI/ASTM Standards 1. ANSI/ASTM Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixture Using D698 5.5 lb. Rammer and 12 inch Drop (AASHTO T-99) 2. ANSI/ASTM Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixture Using D1557 10 lb. Rammer and 18 inch Drop (AASHTO T-180) D. ASTM Standards SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 20 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. ASTM D2922 Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Method (Shallow Depth) E. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Standards 1. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All contractors and subcontractors: Company specializing in respective field of work with five (5) years of documented experience of Projects of similar size and scope. 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural resources. B. Obtain necessary permits from North Carolina Department of Water Quality and the Coastal Area Management Association (CAMA). 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. General: as specified in: 1. General Conditions; 2. Section 01 33 00 - SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES; 3. Section 01 33 01 - SUBMITTALS B. Shop Drawings: Include information submitted in conjunction with requirements in Section 01 06 00 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS and this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Suitable Fill Material 1. Suitable fill material shall be non-cohesive, non-plastic, granular mixture of local sand, free from vegetation, organic material or muck. 2. Suitable fill material shall contain no more than eight percent (8%) material by weight passing No. 200 sieve. 3. Suitable fill material containing limerock shall have sufficient sand to fill voids in limerock. Suitable fill material shall contain no more than twenty percent (20%) rock. Maximum rock size shall not exceed the following: a. Maximum Rock Size in Upper 4” of Fill: 2” b. Maximum Rock Size below Upper 4” of Fill: 6” SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 20 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Unsuitable Material: Topsoil from ground surface to a depth of six inches or as determined by Engineer; material classified as A-8 in accordance with AASHTO Designation M145 or material considered to be highly organic soil (peat or muck) as determined by Engineer. C. Rock: Material which, by actual demonstration, cannot, in the Engineer's opinion, be reasonably excavated with a backhoe or 3/4 cubic yard capacity power shovel equipped with two (2) rippers, or similarly approved equipment, and which is, in fact, systematically drilled and blasted or broken by power operated hand tools. Engineer may waive demonstration requirement if material encountered is well- defined rock. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify site conditions and note irregularities affecting work of this Section. B. Beginning work of this Section means acceptance of existing conditions. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Perform excavation work in accordance with NCDOT Standard Specifications, in locations shown on the Drawings. B. Strip existing surfaces to be excavated to a depth of six inches, unless otherwise directed by Engineer, to remove grass, roots and other vegetation. Use stripped material only as topsoil, as stripped material is considered unsuitable for general fill purposes. C. Locate underground structures and utilities in areas of work to avoid conflicts with existing facilities. Where conflicts are unavoidable, perform work so that interference with service rendered or facility disturbed is minimized. Repair facilities or structures damaged during execution of Work immediately. Repair facilities or structures damaged during execution of Work to pre-construction condition. D. Use suitable materials removed from excavation areas as far as practicable in the formation of embankment, subgrades, shoulders, building pads and other places. Waste no excavated material without permission, and where necessary, dispose of material as directed by Engineer. Stockpile topsoil and other suitable materials in areas as directed by Engineer. Excavated material with the exception of rock is considered property of Owner and shall be disposed of on the Project unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. E. Excess materials determined to be suitable fill material as acceptable to the Engineer will be stored on site at the locations indicated on the Contract Drawings. Stored material shall be stored in piles sloped no more than 2:1 (H:V) slope and brought to the contours as described on the Contract Drawings. All stored material shall be provided with straw, seeding and silt fencing to control loss of material offsite with stored materials stabilized for storage. E&S Controls shall be as SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 20 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 described within Section 32 29 10 – SEEDING AND MULCHING and shall remain until adequate cover has been achieved to minimize loss off material from site. 3.3 ROCK EXCAVATION A. Use non-explosive methods for rock removal. B. Maximum dimension of rock removed shall not exceed three feet. C. Remove rock from site. 3.4 FILL A. Provide fill material from on-site excavated suitable fill or from off-site sources. 1. If there is not sufficient on-site excavated suitable fill required to complete Work, provide suitable fill from off site at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Borrow areas or other sources of off-site material shall be accessible to examination by the Engineer prior to, and during, use of off-site material. B. Use only suitable material in formation of embankments, subgrades, shoulders, building pads and other places. C. Place fill material in lifts not to exceed eight inches. Compact fill material to density not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T-180. During compaction of fill material, moisture content of fill material shall be within plus or minus two percent (2%) of optimum moisture content. If necessary, add water or allow material to dry until the proper moisture content for the specified compaction is obtained. Allow testing of each compacted fill layer, in place, prior to placement of succeeding fill layers. D. Perform filling work in accordance with NCDOT Standard Specifications, in locations shown on the Drawings. 3.5 TESTING A. Retain a laboratory approved by Engineer to make field density tests and Proctor Tests as specified below. 1. Owner shall pay the cost of initial density test(s). 2. Contractor shall pay cost for any additional testing required as a result of failure of any initial test. B. Perform one (1) Proctor Test according to ASTM D698 or ASTM D1557 for each source of fill, as determined by Engineer, used on the Project. C. Test the density of each compacted fill layer in place by field density test ASTM D2922. 1. Perform at least one (1) test per layer for each 600 feet of roadway. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 20 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 D. Perform additional field tests for each test that does not meet the required density. E. Allow for inspection of import fill by Engineer at the source before delivery to site. F. Allow for inspection and cross sectioning of excavation and fill areas by Engineer as required to determine conformance of the final earthwork with the Drawings. 3.6 FINE GRADING A. Fine grade disturbed areas of site after structures, bases and pavements are completed and yard-piping trenches are backfilled. B. Remove construction debris in areas to be fine graded prior to fine grading. C. Shape and slope completed surface to drain away from structures. Completed surface shall be within 0.1 foot of finish elevations, contours, or elevations and contours shown on the Drawings. END OF SECTION 31 20 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 23 16 – EXCAVATION AND FILL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Excavating topsoil. 2. Excavating subsoil for buildings, pavements, and landscape. 3. Backfilling building perimeter to subgrade elevations. 4. Backfilling site structures to subgrade elevations. 5. Filling under pavements or slab-on-grade. 6. Undercutting and filling over-excavation. 7. Disposal of excess material. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 31 10 00 – SITE CLEARING: Clearing site prior to excavation. 2. Section 31 25 00 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL: Controlling sediment and erosion from Work of this Section. 3. Section 31 23 33 – TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING: Excavating and backfilling for utilities. 1.2 UNIT PRICE – MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Granular Fill: 1. Basis of Measurement: By the cubic yard. 2. Basis of Payment: Includes providing granular fill material, stockpiping, scarifying substrate surface, placing where required, and compacting. B. Structural Fill: 1. Basis of Measurement: By the cubic yard. 2. Basis of Payment: Includes providing structural fill materials, stockpiling, scarifying substrate surface, placing where required, and compated. 1.3 REFERENCES A. NCDOT Standard Specifications: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, January 2018, published by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials: 1. AASHTO T180 – Standard Specifications for Moisture – Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10 lb) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in) Drop. C. ASTM International: 1. ASTM D698 – Standard Test method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN- m/m3)). 2. ASTM D1556 – Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand – Cone Method. 3. ASTM D1557 – Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (6,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN- m/m3)). 4. ASTM D2167 – Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. 5. ASTM D2419 – Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate. 6. ASTM D2487 – Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). 7. ASTM D6938 – Standard Test methods for In – Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil – Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDRUES: Requirements for submittals. B. Excavation Protection Plan: Describe sheeting, shoring and bracing materials and installation required to protect excavations and adjacent structures and property; include structural calculations to support plan signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer experienced with design of shoring systems and licensed in the State where the Project is located. C. Dewatering Plan: Describe dewatering methods to be used to keep excavations dry if required. D. Samples: Submit, in air – tight containers, 10 lb samples of each type of fill to testing laboratory. E. Materials Source DOT Approval: Submit certification that aggregate and soil material suppliers are approved by the State Department of Transportation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 F. Manufacturer’s Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.5 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section 01 70 00 – EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS: Requirements for submittals. B. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual location of utilities remaining by horizontal dimensions, elevations or inverts, and slop gradients. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with Sections 225, 230, 235, 260 and 802 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications. B. Maintain one (1) copy of NCDOT Standard Specifications on site at all times. C. Prepare excavation protection plan under direct supervision of Professional Engineer experienced in design of this Work and licensed in the State of Project location. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. The near surface site soils generally consist of topsoil over very loose to medium dense sand and clayey sand over very soft clay. During rainy periods, shallow groundwater and perched groundwater is expected to be encountered. Overworking or concentrated wheel loading may degrade the exposed soils making them difficult to shape. Refer to Geotechnical Report for Recommendations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Original surface soil typical of the area which is capable of supporting native plant growth. It shall be free of large stones, roots, waste, debris, contamination, or other unsuitable material which might hinder plant growth. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Subsoil: Clean natural soil with a plasticity index of 15 or less that is free of clay, rock, or gravel lumps larger than 2 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen material, and any other deleterious material that might cause settlement. Suitable material excavated from the site may be used as subsoil fill under optimum moisture conditions. C. Granular Fill: Clean sand, slightly silty sand, or slightly clayey sand having a Unified Soil Classification of SW, SP, SP-SM, or SP-SC. D. Structural Fill: Clean course aggregate Gradation No. 57 conforming to Sections 1005 and 1006 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications. E. Borrow Material: Conform to subsoil requirements. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Geotextile Fabric: Non-woven, non-biodegradable, conforming to Section 1056 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Type 1 Engineering Fabric. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Section 01 30 00 – ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Verification of existing conditions prior to starting Work. B. Verify survey bench mark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated on Drawings. C. Verify sub – drainage, damp – proofing, or waterproofing installation has been inspected. D. Verify underground structures are anchored to their own foundations to avoid flotation after backfilling. E. Verify structural ability of unsupported walls to support loads imposed by fill. 3.2 PREPARATION FOR EXCAVATION A. Call Local utility Line Information service as indicated on Contract Drawings not less than three (3) working days before performing Work. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Request underground utilities to be located and marked within and surrounding construction areas. B. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. C. Notify utility company to remove and relocate utilities. D. Protect utilities indicated to remain from damage. E. Protect plant life, lawns, rock outcropping, and other features remaining as portion of final landscaping. F. Protect bench marks, survey control points, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. 3.3 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION A. Excavate topsoil from areas to be further excavated, re-landscaped, or re-graded without mixing with foreign materials for use in finish grading. B. Do not excavate wet topsoil. C. Stockpile in area designated on site and protect from erosions. D. Remove from site excess topsoil not intended for reuse. 3.4 SUBSOIL EXCAVATION A. Underpin adjacent structures which may be damaged by excavation Work. B. Excavate subsoil to accommodate building foundations, structures, slabs-on- grade, paving, landscaping, and construction operations. C. Compact disturbed load bearing soil in direct contact with foundations to original bearing capacity. D. Slope banks with machine to angle of repose or less until shored. E. Do not interfere with 45o bearing splay of foundations. F. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 G. Trim excavation. Remove loose material. H. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1/3 cubic yard measured by volume. Remove larger material as specified in Section 31 23 13 – SUBGRADE. I. Notify Engineer and testing agency of unexpected subsurface conditions. J. Correct areas over excavated with structural fill and compact as required for fill areas. K. Remove excess and unsuitable material from site. L. Repair or replace items indicated to remain damaged by excavation. M. Excavate subsoil from areas to be further excavated, re-landscaped or re-graded. N. Do not excavate wet subsoil or excavate and process wet material to obtain optimum moisture content. O. When excavating through roots, perform Work by hand and cut roots with sharp axe. P. Remove from site excess subsoil not intended for reuse. Q. Benching Slopes: Horizontally bench existing slopes greater than 3:1 to key placed fill material into slope to provide firm bearing. R. Stability: Replace damaged or displaced subsoil as specified for fill. 3.5 SHEETING AND SHORING A. Sheet, shore and brace excavations to prevent danger to persons, structures, and adjacent properties and to prevent caving, erosion and loss of surrounding subsoil. B. Support excavations more than 5 feet deep excavated through unstable, loose, or soft material. Provide sheeting, shoring, bracing, or other protection to maintain stability of excavation. C. Design sheeting and shoring to be left in place as part of the completed Work, cut off minimum 18 inches below finished subgrade, or design sheeting and shoring to be removed at completion of excavation Work. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 D. Repair damage caused by failure of the sheeting, shoring, or bracing and for settlement or filled excavations or adjacent soil. E. Repair damage to new and existing Work from settlement, water, or earth pressure or other causes resulting from inadequate sheeting, shoring or bracing. 3.6 SURFACE WATER CONTROL A. Control and remove unanticipated water seepage into excavations. B. Provide ditches, berms and other devises to divert and drain surface water from excavation area as specified in Section 31 25 13. C. Divert surface water and seepage water within excavation areas into sumps or settling basins prior to pumping water into drainage channels and storm drains. 3.7 DEWATERING A. Design and provide dewatering system to permit Work to be completed on dry and stable subgrade. B. Operate dewatering system continuously until backfill is minimum 2 feet above normal groundwater table elevation. C. When dewatering system cannot control water within excavation, notify Engineer and stop excavation work. 1. Supplement or modify dewatering system and provide other remedial measures to control water within excavation. 2. Demonstrate dewatering system operation complies with performance requirements before resuming excavation operations. D. Modify dewatering system when operation causes or threatens to cause damage to new construction, existing site improvements, adjacent property, or adjacent water wells. E. Discharge groundwater and seepage water within excavation areas into sumps or settling basins prior to pumping water into drainage channels and storm drains. F. Remove dewatering and surface water control systems after dewatering operations are discontinued. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.8 PROOF – ROLLING A. Proof – roll areas to receive fill, pavement and building slabs to identify areas of solid yielding soils. 1. Use loaded tandem-axel pneumatic tired dump truck or large smooth drum roller. 2. Load equipment to maximum 50 tons gross weight and make a minimum of four passes with two passes perpendicular to the others. B. Undercut such areas to firm soil, backfill with structural fill, and compact to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent fill material. C. Do not proof-roll or undercut until soil has been dewatered. 3.9 BACKFILLING A. Scarify subgrade surface to depth of 4 inches. B. Compact subgrade to density requirements for subsequent backfill materials. C. Backfill areas to contours and elevations with unfrozen materials. D. Systematically backfill to allow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. E. Place fill material in continuous layers and compact in accordance with Schedule at end of this Section. F. Employ placement method that does not disturb or damage other Work. G. Maintain optimum moisture content of backfill material to attain required compaction density. H. Support foundation walls and structures prior to backfilling. I. Backfill simultaneously on each side of unsupported foundation walls and structures until supports are in place. J. Slope grade away from building minimum 2 percent slope for minimum distance of 10 feet, unless noted otherwise. K. Make gradual grade changes. Blend slope into level areas. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 L. Remove surplus backfill materials from site. 3.10 BRIDGING DEGRADED SOILS A. If soil conditions degrade, place geotextile fabric over degraded material prior to placing next flits to fill as indicated on Contract Drawings. B. If soil conditions degrade, spread 18 to 24 inches of granular fill material ahead of equipment. Use this lift to bridge degraded soils. Place subsequent lifts per Schedule. 3.11 TOLERANCES A. Section 01 40 00 – QUALITY REQUIREMENTS: Tolerances. B. Top Surface of Backfilling Within Building and Paved Areas: ± 1 inch from required elevations. C. Top Surface of Backfilling Within Landscape Areas: ± 2 inches from required elevations. 3.12 PROTECTION A. Prevent displacement or loose soil from falling into excavation; maintain soil stability. B. Protect bottom of excavations and soil adjacent to and beneath foundation from freezing. C. Protect structures, utilities, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout and other hazards created by earth moving operations. D. Repair or replace items indicated to remain damaged by excavation or filling. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Section 01 40 00 – QUALITY REQUIREMENTS: Independent laboratory, filed inspecting, testing, adjusting and balancing. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 16 - 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Request visual inspection of bearing surfaces by Engineer and inspection agency before installing subsequent Work. C. Laboratory Material Tests: In accordance with ASTM D1557 or AASHTO T180. D. In – Place Compaction Tests: In accordance with the following: 1. Density Tests: ASTM D1556, ASTM D2167 or ASTM D6938. 2. Moisture Tests: ASTM D6938. E. When tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirement, remove Work, replace, and retest. F. Frequency of Tests: 1. Building and Pavement Areas: Twice per lift for every 1,000 ft2. 2. Landscape Areas: Twice per lift for every 10,000 ft2. 3.14 SCHEDULES A. Under Pavement and Slabs: 1. Maximum 8 inch compacted depth. 2. Compact material to a minimum of 95% of maximum density, except the top 12 inches. 3. Compact top 12 inches to a minimum of 98% of maximum density. B. Under Landscaped Areas: 1. Maximum 8 inch compacted depth. 2. Compact to minimum 90% of maximum density. C. Footing Foundation Fill: 1. Structural fill to maximum 12 inch compaction depth. 2. Compact to 98% of maximum density D. Bridge Lift Fill: 1. Granular fill in 18 to 24 inch lift on top of degraded soil. 2. Place ahead of construction equipment. END OF SECTION 31 23 16 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 19 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 23 19 – DEWATERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes construction dewatering. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Section “Construction Progress Documentation” 2. Division 31 Section 31 23 16 – EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STRUCTURES. 3. Division 31 Section 31 23 33 – EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Dewatering Performance: Design, furnish, install, test, operate, monitor, and maintain dewatering system of sufficient scope, size, and capacity to control hydrostatic pressures and to lower, control, remove, and dispose of ground water and permit excavation and construction to proceed on dry, stable subgrades. 1. Delegated Design: Design dewatering system, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated. 2. Continuously monitor and maintain dewatering operations to ensure erosion control, stability of excavations and constructed slopes, that excavation does not flood, and that damage to subgrades and permanent structures is prevented. 3. Prevent surface water from entering excavations by grading, dikes, or other means. 4. Accomplish dewatering without damaging existing buildings, structures, and site improvements adjacent to excavation. 5. Remove dewatering system when no longer required for construction. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 19 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: For dewatering system. Show arrangement, locations, and details of wells and well points; locations of risers, headers, filters, pumps, power units, and discharge lines; and means of discharge, control of sediment, and disposal of water. 1. Include layouts of piezometers and flow-measuring devices for monitoring performance of dewatering system. 2. Include a written plan for dewatering operations including control procedures to be adopted if dewatering problems arise. 3. Include the proposed method for continual observation. B. Delegated-Design Submittal: For dewatering system indicated to comply with performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. C. Qualification Data: For qualified installer, surveyor, and engineer. D. Field quality-control reports. E. Other Informational Submittals: 1. Photographic or Video Documentation: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by dewatering operations. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer that has specialized in dewatering work. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning dewatering. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Preinstallation Conference: 1. Review methods and procedures related to dewatering including, but not limited to, the following: a. Inspection and discussion of condition of site to be dewatered including coordination with temporary erosion control measures and temporary controls and protections. b. Geotechnical report. c. Proposed site clearing and excavations. d. Existing utilities and subsurface conditions. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 19 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 e. Coordination for interruption, shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. f. Construction schedule. Verify availability of Installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. g. Testing and monitoring of dewatering system. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Interruption of Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt any utility serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Engineer no fewer than 2 days in advance of proposed interruption of utility. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of utility without Engineer’s written permission. B. Project-Site Information: A geotechnical report has been prepared for this Project and is available for information only. The opinions expressed in this report are those of geotechnical engineer and represent interpretations of subsoil conditions, tests, and results of analyses conducted by geotechnical engineer. Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this data. 1. Make additional test borings and conduct other exploratory operations necessary for dewatering. 2. The geotechnical report referenced elsewhere in the Project Manual. C. Survey Work: Engage a qualified land surveyor or professional engineer to survey adjacent existing buildings, structures, and site improvements, establishing exact elevations at fixed points to act as benchmarks. Clearly identify benchmarks and record existing elevations. 1. During dewatering, regularly resurvey benchmarks, maintaining an accurate log of surveyed elevations for comparison with original elevations. Promptly notify Architect if changes in elevations occur or if cracks, sags, or other damage is evident in adjacent construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 19 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 hazards created by dewatering operations. Any damage resulting from dewatering activities shall be immediately repaired by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Owner at the Contractor’s expense. 1. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding site and surrounding area. 2. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from softening and damage by rain or water accumulation. B. Install dewatering system to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. C. Provide temporary grading to facilitate dewatering and control of surface water. D. Monitor dewatering systems continuously. E. Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by dewatering. F. Protect and maintain specified temporary erosion and sedimentation controls during dewatering operations. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install dewatering system utilizing wells, well points, or similar methods complete with pump equipment, standby power and pumps, filter material gradation, valves, appurtenances, water disposal, and surface-water controls. 1. Space well points or wells at intervals required to provide sufficient dewatering. 2. Use filters or other means to prevent pumping of fine sands or silts from the subsurface. B. Before excavating below ground-water level, place system into operation to lower water to specified levels. Operate system continuously until drains, sewers, and structures have been constructed and fill materials have been placed or until dewatering is no longer required. C. Provide an adequate system to lower and control ground water to permit excavation, construction of structures, and placement of fill materials on dry subgrades. Install sufficient dewatering equipment to drain water-bearing strata above and below bottom of foundations, drains, sewers, and other excavations. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 19 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Do not permit open-sump pumping that leads to loss of fines, soil piping, subgrade softening, and slope instability. D. Reduce hydrostatic head in water-bearing strata below subgrade elevations of foundations, drains, sewers, and other excavations. 1. Maintain piezometric water level a minimum of 24 inches below surface of excavation. E. Dispose of water removed by dewatering in a manner that avoids endangering public health, property, and portions of work under construction or completed. Dispose of water and sediment in a manner that avoids inconvenience to others. Provide sumps, sedimentation tanks, and other flow-control devices as required by authorities having jurisdiction. F. Provide standby equipment on site, installed and available for immediate operation, to maintain dewatering on continuous basis if any part of system becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering requirements are not satisfied due to inadequacy or failure of dewatering system, restore damaged structures and foundation soils at no additional expense to Owner. 1. Remove dewatering system from Project site on completion of dewatering. Plug or fill well holes with sand and cut off and cap wells a minimum of 36 inches below overlying construction. G. Damages: Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by dewatering operations. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Observation Wells: Provide, take measurements, and maintain at least the minimum number of observation wells or piezometers indicated; additional observation wells may be required by authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Observe and record daily elevation of ground water and piezometric water levels in observation wells. 2. Repair or replace, within 24 hours, observation wells that become inactive, damaged, or destroyed. In areas where observation wells are not functioning properly, suspend construction activities until reliable observations can be made. Add or remove water from observation-well risers to demonstrate that observation wells are functioning properly. 3. Fill observation wells, remove piezometers, and fill holes when dewatering is completed. B. Provide continual observation to ensure that subsurface soils are not being removed by the dewatering operation. END OF SECTION 31 23 19 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 23 33 – EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Excavating trenches for utilities and utility structures. 2. Bedding. 3. Backfilling and compacting to subgrade elevations. 4. Sheeting and shoring. 5. Dewatering. 6. Compacting backfill material. B. Related Section: 1. Section 31 23 16 – EXCAVATION AND FILL. 2. Section 31 23 19 - DEWATERING 3. Section 31 25 00 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL. 4. Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES, AND INSTALLATION METHODS. 5. Section 33 30 00 – GRAVITY SEWER AND DRAIN SYSTEM. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials: 1. AASHTO T180 – Standard Specification for Moisture – Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10 lb) Rammer and 457 mm (18 in) Drop. B. ASTM International: 1. ASTOM D1556 – Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand – Cone Method. 2. ASTM D1557 – Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (6,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN- m/m3)). 3. ASTM D2167 – Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. 4. ASTM D2487 – Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 5. ASTM D6938 – Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). C. NCDOT Standard Specifications: 1. Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, January 2018, published by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Utility: Any buried pipe, duct, conduit or cable. B. Utility Structures: Manholes, catch basins, inlets, valve vaults, hand holes and other utility access structures as indicated on Drawings. C. Trench Terminology: 1. Foundation: Area under bottom of trench supporting bedding. 2. Bedding: Fill placed under utility pipe. 3. Haunching: Fill placed from bedding to center line of pipe. 4. Initial Backfill: Fill place from center line to 6 to 12 inches above top of pipe. 5. Final Backfill: Fill placed from initial backfill to subgrade. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: Requirements for submittals. B. Excavation Protection Plan: Describe sheeting, shoring, and bracing materials and installation required to protect excavations and adjacent structures and property; include structural calculations to support plan. Prepare excavation protection plan under direct supervision of Professional Engineer experienced in design of this Work and licensed in State of North Carolina. C. Dewatering Plan is required: Describe methods of dewatering and disposal of water. D. Product Data: Submit data for geotextile fabric indicating fabric and construction. E. Samples: Submit to testing laboratory, in air-tight containers, 10 lb sample of each type of fill. F. Materials Source: Submit name of imported fill material supplier. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 G. Manufacturer’s Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with Section 1505 of NCDOT Standard Specifications. B. Maintain one (1) copy of document on site. 1.6 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Section 01 30 00 – ADMINSTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Coordination and project conditions. B. Verify Work associated with lower elevation utilities is complete before placing higher elevation utilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BACKFILL MATERIAL A. Subsoil Fill: Clean natural soil with a plasticity index of 15 or less that is free of clay, rock, or gravel larger than 2 inches in any dimension; debris; waste; frozen material; and any other deleterious material that might cause settlement. Suitable material excavated from the site may be used as subsoil fill under optimum moisture conditions. B. Granular Fill: Clean sand, slightly silty sand, or slightly clayey sand having a Unified Soil Classification of SW, SP, SP-SM or SP-SC. C. Foundation Stone: Clean course aggregate gradation No. 57 conforming to Section 1005 and 1006 of NCDOT Standard Specifications. D. Bedding and Haunching Material: 1. Rigid Pipe: Granular Fill. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Flexible Pipe: Foundation Stone. E. Bedding for Structures: Foundation Stone. F. Initial Backfill to 6 inches Minimum Above Utility: 1. Rigid Pipe: Subsoil Fill. 2. Flexible Pipe: Foundation Stone. G. Final Backfill to Subgrade: 1. Under Pavement: Granular Fill. 2. Under Landscape: Subsoil Fill. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Geotextile Fabric: Non-woven, non-biodegradable conforming to Section 1056 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Type 1 Engineering Fabric. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Call local utility line information service indicated on Construction Drawings not less than three (3) working days before performing Work. 1. Request underground utilities to be located and marked within the surrounding construction areas. B. Identify required lines, levels, contours and datum locations. C. Protect plant life, lawns, rock outcropping and other features remaining as portion of final landscaping. D. Protect bench marks, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving and curbs from construction equipment and vehicular traffic. E. Maintain and protect above and below grade utilities indicated to remain. F. Establish temporary traffic control and detours when trenching is performed in public right-of-way. Relocate controls and reroute traffic as required during progress of Work. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.2 LINES AND GRADES A. Excavate to lines and grades indicated on Drawings. 1. Owner reserves right to make changes in lines, grades and depths of utilities when changes are required for Project conditions. B. Use laser instrument with qualified operator to establish lines and grades. 3.3 TRENCHING A. Excavate subsoil required for utilities. B. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders and rock up to 1/3 cubic yard, measured by volume. Remove larger material as specified in Section 31 23 16 – EXCAVATION AND FILL. C. Perform excavation within 49 inches of existing utility service in accordance with utility’s requirements. D. Do not advance open trench more than 200 feet ahead of installed pipe. E. Remove water or materials that interfere with Work. F. Trench Width: Excavate bottom of trenches maximum 16 inches wider than the outside diameter of pipe or as indicated on Drawings. G. Excavate trenches to depth indicated on Drawings. Provide uniform and continuous bearing and support for bedding material and pipe. H. Maintain vertical faces to an elevation equal to 12 inches above top of pipe. 1. When Project conditions permit, side walls may be sloped or benched above this elevation. 2. When side walls cannot be sloped, provide sheeting and shoring to protect excavation as specified in this Section. I. Support Utilities and Structures: 1. Keep trench width at top of trench to practical minimum to protect adjacent or crossing utility lines. 2. Support utilities crossing trench by means acceptable to utility company. 3. Do not interfere with 45o bearing splay of foundations. 4. Provide temporary support for structures above and below ground. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 J. When subsurface materials at bottom of trench are loose or soft, excavate to firm subgrade or to depth directed by Engineer. 1. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of compaction in place. 2. Backfill with foundation stone and compact to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent backfill material. K. Trim Excavation: Hand trim for bell and spigot pipe joints where required. Remove loose matter. L. Correct areas over excavated areas with compacted backfill as specified for authorized excavation or replacement with fill concrete as directed by Engineer. M. Place geotextile fabric over trench foundation stone prior to placing subsequent bedding material. 3.4 SHEETING AND SHORING A. Sheet, shore and brace excavations to prevent danger to persons, structures and adjacent properties and to prevent caving, erosion and loss of surrounding subsoil. B. Support trenches more than 5 feet deep excavated through unstable, loose, or soft material. Provide sheeting, shoring, bracing or other protection to maintain stability of excavation. C. Design sheeting and shoring to be removed at completion of excavation work unless approved by Engineer. D. Repair damage caused by failure of the sheeting, shoring or bracing and for settlement of filled excavations or adjacent soil. E. Repair damage to new and existing Work from settlement, water or earth pressure or other causes resulting from inadequate sheeting, shoring or bracing. 3.5 SURFACE WATER CONTROL A. Control and remove unanticipated water seepage into excavation. B. Provide ditches, berms and other devices to divert and drain surface water from excavation area as specified in Section 31 25 00 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Divert surface water and seepage water within excavation areas into sumps or settling basins prior to pumping water into drainage channels and storm drains. 3.6 BEDDING, HAUNCHING AND INITIAL BACKFILL A. Place bedding full width of trench to the depth indicated on Contract Drawings and compact to 95% maximum density. Excavate for pipe bells. B. Install utility pipe and conduit in accordance with the respective utility Section. C. Support pipe uniformly along entire length of pipe. D. Carefully place haunching material to center of pipe, rod and tamp material to fill voids and provide uniform support of pipe haunches. Compact to 90% maximum density. E. Carefully place initial backfill to 6 inches above top of pipe or to depth indicated on Contract Drawings. Compact to 95% maximum density. 3.7 FINAL BACKFILLING TO SUBGRADE A. Backfill trenches to contours and elevations with unfrozen fill materials. B. Systematically backfill to allow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. C. Place fill material in continuous layers and compact in accordance with schedule at end of this Section. D. Employ placement method that does not disturb or damage utilities in trench or foundation perimeter drainage. E. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. F. Do not leave more than 50 feet of trench open at end of working day. G. Protect open trench to prevent danger to the public. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.8 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL A. Dispose of excess material offsite and legally. B. Furnish Engineer with certificate of disposal site or agreement from private property owner. 3.9 TOLERANCES A. Section 01 40 00 – QUALITY REQUIREMENTS: Tolerances. B. Top Surface of Backfilling: ± 1 inch from required elevations. 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Section 01 40 00 – QUALITY REQUIREMENTS: Field inspecting, testing, adjusting and balancing. B. Perform laboratory material tests in accordance with ASTM D1557 or AASHTO T180. C. Perform in place compaction tests in accordance with the following: 1. Density Tests: ASTM D1556, ASTM D2167 or ASTM D6938. 2. Moisture Tests: ASTM D6938. D. When tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace, compact and retest. E. Frequency of Tests: Two (2) tests per lift for every 1,000 feet of trench. 3.11 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Section 01 70 00 – EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS: Protecting finished Work. B. Reshape and recompact fills subjected to vehicular traffic during construction. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 23 33 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.12 SCHEDULE OF COMPACTION A. Under Pavement and Slabs: 1. Granular fill in maximum 8 inch loose lifts. 2. Compact to minimum 95% maximum density except for the top 12 inches. 3. Compact top 12 inches to minimum 98% maximum density. B. Under Landscape Areas: 1. Subsoil Fill in maximum 8 inch loose lifts. 2. Compact to minimum 90% maximum density. C. In Unstable or Unsuitable Trench Foundation Areas: 1. Foundation Stone in maximum 12 inch loose lifts. 2. Compact to 98% maximum density. END OF SECTION 31 23 33 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 25 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 25 00 – CONTROL OF EROSION, SILTATION AND POLLUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental Conditions and Special Project Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This section covers the furnishing of materials, labor, and equipment necessary to minimize erosion, siltation, and pollution on the Work covered by these specifications. B. The Contractor shall take whatever measures are necessary to minimize soil erosion and siltation, water pollution, and air pollution. The Contractor shall also comply with the applicable regulations of all legally constituted authorities relating to pollution prevention and control. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all such regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work. In the event of conflict between such regulations and the requirements of these specifications, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. C. Failure on the part of the Contractor to perform the necessary measures to control erosion, siltation, and pollution will result in the Engineer notifying the Contractor to take such measures. In the event that the Contractor fails to perform such measures within 24 hours after receipt of such notice, the Engineer may suspend the work with no extension of contract time or may proceed to have such measures performed by others at the Contractor's expense, or both. 1.3 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 31 - EARTHWORK C. Section 32 29 10 – SEEDING AND MULCHING 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Erosion and sedimentation control shall conform to the requirements of the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SEEDING A. Seeding and seeding materials shall conform to the requirements of Section 32 29 10. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 25 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.2 SILT FENCEING A. Silt fences shall conform to the details shown on the Contract Drawings. 2.3 CHECK DAMS AND JUTE MAT A. Check dams and jute mat shall conform to the details shown on the Contract Drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution throughout the life of the project to prevent the eroding of soil and the siltation of rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, ditches, ground surfaces, or other property. Should any erosion or siltation occur, the Contractor shall take immediate action to correct the situation. The Contractor shall remove and properly dispose of any material washed into rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, ditches, storm sewers, or other property. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage to private or public property resulting from insufficient erosion and siltation control measures. B. Construction operations in rivers, streams, ditches, and water impoundments shall be restricted to those areas which must be entered for the performance of work shown on the Contract Drawings. Excavated materials shall not be deposited in rivers, streams, ditches, or impoundments except that temporary earth dikes may be used when approved by the Engineer, but such dikes shall be completely removed in such manner as to prevent siltation. Frequent fording of flowing streams with equipment will not be permitted. Temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever frequent stream crossings are necessary. C. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be provided as shown on the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Temporary sediment control devices must be installed to the extent possible prior to initiation of grading and excavation. The devices must be maintained at a minimum of 50% of the original sediment storage capacity and may not be removed until the areas they serve have been stabilized. Temporary erosion control measures shall include, but not be limited to, the use of temporary berms, dikes, drainage ditches, silt basins, silt ditches, slope drains, structures, stone check dams, vegetation, mulches, mats, netting, gravel, or other necessary methods. Temporary erosion control may include work outside the construction limits. D. The Engineer may limit the area over which excavation, embankment, and grading operations are performed whenever the Contractor's operations are not effectively minimizing erosion and/or siltation. E. All disturbed, non-paved areas shall be seeded and fertilized, mulched, and tacked as soon as practical after cleanup in accordance with the detailed technical specifications. In no case shall a total area of one acre or more be left ungrassed for a period of fifteen (15) days or longer when construction has been completed in the area. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 25 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 F. The Contractor shall take every precaution throughout the life of the project to prevent the pollution of rivers, streams, and water impoundments. Pollutants such as chemicals, fuels, lubricants, bitumens, sewage, and other harmful waste shall not be discharged into or alongside rivers, streams, or impoundments, or into natural or manmade channels leading thereto. The Contractor shall also comply with all Federal, State, and local water and air pollution laws. G. Contractor shall maintain all erosion control measures until such time as the appropriate State authority approves and releases the site at which time the Contractor shall remove all erosion control measures as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 31 25 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 50 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 31 50 00 – EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes temporary excavation support and protection systems. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 – GENERAL CONDITIONS 2. Section 31 23 16 – EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STRUCTURES 3. Section 31 23 19 – DEWATERING 4. Section 31 23 33 – EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Design, furnish, install, monitor, and maintain excavation support and protection system capable of supporting excavation sidewalls and of resisting soil and hydrostatic pressure and superimposed and construction loads. 1. Delegated Design: Design excavation support and protection system, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated. 2. Prevent surface water from entering excavations by grading, dikes, or other means. 3. Install excavation support and protection systems without damaging existing buildings, structures, and site improvements adjacent to excavation. 4. Monitor vibrations, settlements, and movements. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: For excavation support and protection system. B. Delegated-Design Submittal: For excavation support and protection system indicated to comply with performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 50 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Qualification Data: For qualified professional engineer. D. Other Informational Submittals: 1. Photographic or Video: Show existing conditions of adjacent construction and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by the absence of, the installation of, or the performance of excavation support and protection systems. Submit before Work begins. 2. Record Drawings: Identifying and locating capped utilities and other subsurface structural, electrical, or mechanical conditions. a. Note locations and capping depth of wells and well points. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Preinstallation Conference: 1. Review methods and procedures related to excavation support and protection system including, but not limited to, the following: a. Geotechnical report. b. Existing utilities and subsurface conditions. c. Proposed excavations. d. Proposed equipment. e. Monitoring of excavation support and protection system. f. Working area location and stability. g. Coordination with waterproofing. h. Abandonment or removal of excavation support and protection system. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Interruption of Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt any utility serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Engineer no fewer than 2 days in advance of proposed interruption of utility. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of utility without Engineer’s written permission. B. Project-Site Information: A geotechnical report has been prepared for this Project and is available for information only. The opinions expressed in this report are those SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 50 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 of geotechnical engineer and represent interpretations of subsoil conditions, tests, and results of analyses conducted by geotechnical engineer. Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from the data. 1. Make additional test borings and conduct other exploratory operations necessary for excavation support and protection. 2. The geotechnical report is referenced elsewhere in the Project Manual. C. Survey Work: Engage a qualified land surveyor or professional engineer to survey adjacent existing buildings, structures, and site improvements; establish exact elevations at fixed points to act as benchmarks. Clearly identify benchmarks and record existing elevations. 1. During installation of excavation support and protection systems, regularly resurvey benchmarks, maintaining an accurate log of surveyed elevations and positions for comparison with original elevations and positions. Promptly notify Architect if changes in elevations or positions occur or if cracks, sags, or other damage is evident in adjacent construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Provide materials that are either new or in serviceable condition. B. Structural Steel: ASTM A 36/A 36M, ASTM A 690/A 690M, or ASTM A 992/A 992M. C. Steel Sheet Piling: ASTM A 328/A 328M, ASTM A 572/A 572M, or ASTM A 690/A 690M; with continuous interlocks. 1. Corners: Site-fabricated mechanical interlock or Roll-formed corner shape with continuous interlock. D. Wood Lagging: Lumber, mixed hardwood, nominal rough thickness of size and strength required for the application. E. Shotcrete: Comply with Division 3 Section "Shotcrete" for shotcrete materials and mixes, reinforcement, and shotcrete application. F. Cast-in-Place Concrete: ACI 301, of compressive strength required for application. G. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60 deformed. H. Tiebacks: Steel bars, ASTM A 722/A 722M. I. Tiebacks: Steel strand, ASTM A 416/A 416M. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 50 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards that could develop during excavation support and protection system operations. 1. Shore, support, and protect utilities encountered. B. Install excavation support and protection systems to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. C. Locate excavation support and protection systems clear of permanent construction so that forming and finishing of concrete surfaces are not impeded. D. Monitor excavation support and protection systems daily during excavation progress and for as long as excavation remains open. Promptly correct bulges, breakage, or other evidence of movement to ensure that excavation support and protection systems remain stable. E. Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by installing excavation support and protection systems. 3.2 SOLDIER PILES AND LAGGING A. Install steel soldier piles before starting excavation. Extend soldier piles below excavation grade level to depths adequate to prevent lateral movement. Space soldier piles at regular intervals not to exceed allowable flexural strength of wood lagging. Accurately align exposed faces of flanges to vary not more 2 inches from a horizontal line and not more than 1:120 out of vertical alignment. B. Install wood lagging within flanges of soldier piles as excavation proceeds. Trim excavation as required to install lagging. Fill voids behind lagging with soil, and compact. C. Install wales horizontally at locations indicated on Drawings and secure to soldier piles. 3.3 SHEET PILING A. Before starting excavation, install one-piece sheet piling lengths and tightly interlock to form a continuous barrier. Accurately place the piling, using templates and guide frames unless otherwise recommended in writing by the sheet piling manufacturer. Limit vertical offset of adjacent sheet piling to 60 inches (1500 mm). Accurately align exposed faces of sheet piling to vary not more than 2 inches (50 mm) from a SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 31 50 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 horizontal line and not more than 1:120 out of vertical alignment. Cut tops of sheet piling to uniform elevation at top of excavation. 3.4 TIEBACKS A. Tiebacks: Drill, install, grout, and tension tiebacks. Test load-carrying capacity of each tieback and replace and retest deficient tiebacks. 1. Test loading shall be observed by a qualified professional engineer responsible for design of excavation support and protection system. 2. Maintain tiebacks in place until permanent construction is able to withstand lateral soil and hydrostatic pressures. 3.5 BRACING A. Bracing: Locate bracing to clear columns, floor framing construction, and other permanent work. If necessary to move brace, install new bracing before removing original brace. 1. Do not place bracing where it will be cast into or included in permanent concrete work unless otherwise approved by Architect. 2. Install internal bracing, if required, to prevent spreading or distortion of braced frames. 3. Maintain bracing until structural elements are supported by other bracing or until permanent construction is able to withstand lateral earth and hydrostatic pressures. 3.6 REMOVAL AND REPAIRS A. Remove excavation support and protection systems when construction has progressed sufficiently to support excavation and bear soil and hydrostatic pressures. Remove in stages to avoid disturbing underlying soils or damaging structures, pavements, facilities, and utilities. 1. Remove excavation support and protection systems to a minimum depth of 48 inches below overlaying construction and abandon remainder. 2. Fill voids immediately with approved backfill compacted to density specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork." 3. Repair or replace, as approved by Architect, adjacent work damaged or displaced by removing excavation support and protection systems. B. Leave excavation support and protection systems permanently in place. END OF SECTION 31 50 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Section covers the installation of wastewater piping, water piping, and fittings. B. For materials/types of pipe required for plant piping systems, see Piping Schedule shown on the Contract Drawings. C. For valves, see Division 40 Process Interconnections 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 - General Requirements B. Division 31 – Earthwork 1. Section 31 20 00 – Excavating, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling C. Division 33 – Utilities D. Division 40 – Process Interconnections E. Division 43 – Process Gas and Liquid Handling Equipment and Storage F. Division 44 – Pollution and Waste Control Equipment G. Division 46 – Water and Wastewater Equipment 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00. B. ANSI Standards 1. ANSI B2.1 Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal) 2. ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125 C. ANSI/AWWA Standards 1. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 - Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Piping 2. ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings 3-in. Through 48-in. for Water and Other Liquids 3. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 - Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Threaded Flanges 5. ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 - Thickness Design of Ductile-Iron Pipe 6. ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 - Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water and Other Liquids 7. ANSI/AWWA C600 Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances 8. ANSI/AWWA C900 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 4 In. and (PVC) Fittings Through 12 In. for Wastewater Piping 9. ANSI/AWWA C905 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe, and (PVC) Fittings Nominal Diameters 14 In through 48 In D. ASTM Standards 1. ASTM A193 Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service 2. ASTM A194 - Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service 3. ASTM A746 - Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe 4. ASTM D792 - Test Methods for Specific Gravity and Density of Plastics by Displacement 5. ASTM D1598 - Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe Under Constant Internal Pressure 6. ASTM D1599 - Test Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings 7. ASTM D1784 - Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds 8. ASTM D1785 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. 9. ASTM D2241 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure-rated pipe (SDRSERIES). 10. ASTM D2152 - Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings by Acetone Immersion. 11. ASTM D2321 - Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 12. ASTM D2412 - External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading. 13. ASTM D2444 - Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) 14. ASTM D2672 - Bell-End Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe. 15. ASTM D2855 Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings 16. ASTM D3034 - Type PSM Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. 17. ASTM D3139 - Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals 18. ASTM D3212 - Elastomeric push-on joints for plastic pipe. 19. ASTM D4024 - Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (RTR) Flanges 20. ASTM F402 Standard Practice for Safe Handling of Solvent Cements, Primers, and Cleaners Used for Joining Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings 21. ASTM F477 - Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe 22. ASTM F679 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings 23. ASTM F794 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Ribbed Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter. E. AWWA Standards 1. AWWA C205 Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe - 4 in. and Larger - Shop Applied 2. AWWA C206 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe 3. AWWA C207 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service - Sizes 4 In. Through 144 - in. 4. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile Iron water mains and appurtenances. 5. AWWA C602 Cement Mortar Lining of Water Pipelines - 4 In. (100 mm) and Larger - In Place 6. AWWA C900 - PVC Pressure Pipe 4 inch through 12 inch. 7. AWWA C905 - PVC Pressure Pipe 14 inch through 36 inch. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 8. AWWA Manual M23 - PVC Pipe - Design and Installation F. MSS Standards 1. MSS SP-60 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Pipe, fittings and valve sizes and references to pipe diameter on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended to be nominal size or diameter and shall be interpreted as nominal size or diameter. 1.5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Piping systems required for a complete and functioning wastewater facility including the following but are limited to: 1. Water Piping Systems 2. Wastewater Pressure and Gravity Piping Systems 3. Chemical Piping Systems B. Pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, expansion joints, flexible connectors, joint accessories, piping appurtenances, lining and coating, hangers, supports, anchors, testing, disinfection, excavation and backfill, to provide a functional installation. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. General: As specified in: 1. General Conditions 2. Section 01 33 00 – Submittals Procedures 3. Section 01 33 01 – Submittals B. Submittal package shall include a complete copy of this Specification section. Contractor shall review submittal and indicate all items within the submittal as compliant with the specifications by indicating a check mark by each paragraph of this Specification. For any items which do not meet the requirements of this Specification, the Contractor shall indicate by marking the corresponding paragraph with an “X”. For each item which is not in compliance with this Specification, a written clarification shall be provided by the Contractor detailing how the submitted equipment differs from the requirements outlined in this Specification section and detail why it is not possible to meet the requirements of this Specification. All exceptions shall be listed on a separate document which is included at the front of the submittal provided for review. Any submittal package received without a marked up Specification section, description of exceptions or a SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Contractor’s review stamp shall be rejected and returned by the Engineer without further review. C. Shop Drawings 1. Shop Drawings for Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants and Piping Appurtenances, such as Valve Operators, Valve Boxes, Valve Stands, Valve Accessories, Couplings, Adapters, Sleeves, Saddles, Modular Casing Seals, Floor Drains, Strainers, Hose, Nozzles and Piping Tools: Include the following in each submittal: a. Specification Section number b. Catalog data including the following: 1) Specifications 2) Intended Service 3) Maximum working pressure 4) Illustrations in sufficient detail to serve as a guide for assembly and disassembly 5) Parts schedule identifying materials to be used for various piping components and accessories 6) Materials of construction 7) Dimensions 8) Coatings 9) Additional information required to evaluate the proposed piping appurtenance product's compliance with the Contract Documents. 2. Shop Drawings for Piping Systems Layout and Installation: Include the following in each piping system layout and installation submittal: a. Dimensions and elevations b. Piece numbers coordinated with the tabulated pipe layout schedule c. Pipe supports and anchors including the following: 1) Location 2) Support type 3) Anchor type SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4) Support and anchor dimensions 5) Hanger rod size 6) Loads on supports and anchors d. Weight of all component parts e. Design calculations 3. Tabulated piping layout schedule including the following: a. Piece number b. Service c. Pipe, fitting, adapter and valves sizes d. Valve types, operators and accessories e. Piping system working pressure f. Pipe and fitting wall thickness. D. Certifications 1. Prior to delivery at project site, furnish an Affidavit of Compliance certified by the piping product manufacturer that the pipe, fittings, valves, joint accessories and other piping appurtenances furnished under this Contract comply with all applicable provisions of applicable referenced standards and these Specifications. 2. Do not deliver pipe product to job site until Affidavit of Compliance has been submitted and accepted by the Engineer. E. Valve Labeling: Include the following in the valve labeling submittal: 1. Valve service 2. Valve type 3. Valve location 4. Valve number 5. Proposed wording for valve label. F. Pressure Recording Charts for Hydrostatic Test: Submit pressure-recording charts to Engineer not more than three (3) days following pressure test. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Marking 1. Mark pipe, fittings and valves. 2. Markings shall meet the requirements of applicable Standards. B. Factory Tests 1. Test materials used in the manufacture of the pipe, fittings, sleeves, couplings, valves, valve operators, sleeves, couplings. 2. Tests shall meet the requirements of applicable Specifications and Standards. C. Welder Qualifications 1. Piping systems welding shall be by welders qualified under provisions of AWS D10.9. 2. Welders shall be qualified by an independent local, acceptable testing agency not more than twelve (12) months prior to commencing work. 3. Perform qualification tests with machines and electrodes similar to those to be used in the Work. 4. Qualify welders at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Hydrostatic Tests: Field test installed piping as specified in this Section. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Contractor shall be responsible for the delivery, storage and handling of products. Load and unload plant piping materials, and appurtenances by hoists or skidding. Do not drop products. Do not skid or roll products on or against other products. Pad slings and hooks in a manner that prevents damage to products. B. Deliver pipe, fittings, valves and accessories in a clean and undamaged condition. Stored pipe, fittings, valves and accessories off the ground. C. Keep stored products safe from damage or deterioration. Keep the interior of pipe, fittings, valves and appurtenances free from dirt or foreign matter. Drain and store valves in a manner that will protect valves from damage. Store gaskets, plastic pipe and fittings, and other products that will be deteriorated by sunlight in a cool location out of direct sunlight. Gaskets shall not come in contact with petroleum products. D. Store valves and appurtenances in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 E. Do not stack ductile iron pipe higher than the limits shown in ANSI/AWWA C600. Stacking of pipe shall meet the requirements of the pipe manufacturer. Do not stack fittings, valves, valve boxes or valve stands. F. Promptly remove damaged products from the job site. Replace damaged products with undamaged products. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Pipe, fittings, and appurtenances furnished and installed as part of Work shall be new and unused. B. For materials/types of pipe required for plant piping systems, see Piping Schedule shown on the Contract Drawings. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Buried Piping 1. 14” through 48” Piping: Ductile Iron or PVC C905, as indicated on Drawings 2. 4” through 12” Piping: Ductile Iron or PVC C900, as indicated on Drawings B. Exposed Piping 1. 4” and Larger Piping: Ductile Iron 2.3 MANUFACTURERS A. Ductile Iron 1. Pipe a. American Cast Iron Pipe Company b. McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company c. United States Pipe & Foundry Company d. Or equal US manufacture of ductile iron pipe 2. Fittings a. American Cast Iron Pipe Company b. Union Foundry Company c. United States Pipe & Foundry Company; or equal US manufacturer of cast iron and ductile iron fittings SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 d. Griffin Pipe Company B. PVC (C900 and C905) Pipe and Fittings 1. J-M Manufacturing Co., Inc. 2. Specified Fittings, Inc. 3. Or equal US manufacturer of C900, C905, or C900 and C905 PVC pipe and fittings. 4. PVC Wastewater piping to be green in color 2.4 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Material Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. 2. Ductile Iron Pipe Standard: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. 3. Push-on Joint Ductile Iron Pipe and Mechanical Joint Ductile Iron Pipe a. Thickness Standard: ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 b. Minimum Pressure Class: 1) 4” through 12” Pipe a) Depth of Cover <5’: Class 350 psi b) Depth of Cover 5’ to 15’: Class 350 psi c) Depth of Cover >15’: Class 350 psi 2) 14” through 20” Pipe: a) Depth of Cover <5’: Class 250 psi b) Depth of Cover 5’ to 10’: Class 250 psi c) Depth of Cover 10’ to 15’: Class 300 d) Depth of Cover >15’: Class 350 psi 3) 24” through 64” Pipe a) Depth of Cover <5’: Class 200 psi b) Depth of Cover 5’ to 10’: Class 200 psi c) Depth of Cover 10’ to 15’: Class 300 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 d) Depth of Cover >15’: Class 350 psi 4) Flange Joint Ductile Iron Pipe a) Thickness Standard: ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15, Table 15.1. b) Working Pressure Rating: 250 psi. B. Fittings for Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Material: Ductile iron or cast iron. 2. Material Standard: ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 or C153/A21.53. 3. Fitting Standard a. 3” through 48" Fittings: ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 or C153/A21.53. b. 48” and Larger: Design and performance to meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 or C153/A21.53.. c. Pressure Rating: 150 psi. C. Ductile Iron Pipe and Fitting Joints 1. Joint Type a. Joints for Buried Ductile Iron Pipe 1) Restrained Joints: Restrained push-on joints or mechanical joints with retainer glands. 2) Non-restrained Joints: Push-on joints or mechanical joints. b. Joints for Buried Ductile Iron Fittings 1) Restrained Joints: Mechanical joints with retainer glands. 2) Non-restrained Joints: Push-on joints or mechanical joints. c. Joints for Exposed Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings: Flange joints. 1) Unrestrained Push-on Joints and Mechanical Joints for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 2) Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 d. Restrained Push-on Joints for Ductile Iron Pipe (not including fittings) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 11 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1) American Cast Iron Pipe Company Fast-Grip gasket (4" - 12"), Flex-Ring, Field Flex-Ring, Lok-Ring, and Lok-Fast; 2) McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company Super Lock; 3) United States Pipe & Foundry Company Field Lok gasket (4" - 12") and TR-Flex; 4) Or equal restrained push-on joint by US manufacturer. e. Restraining Mechanical Joints 1) EBAA Iron Sales, Inc., Megalug Series 1100; 2) Or equal retainer gland by US manufacturer. 2. Flanges for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings a. Material for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fitting Flanges 1) Pipe Flanges: Ductile iron. 2) Fitting Flanges: Ductile iron or cast iron. b. Flange Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1) Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges: ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 2) Ductile Iron Fitting Flanges: ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 3) Dimension Standard for Ductile Iron Flanges: ANSI B16.1, Class 125 4) Face Type for Ductile Iron Flanges: Flat 5) Coating for Machine Faces: Rust-inhibitive primer D. Lifting Eyes for Ductile Iron Blind Flanges 1. Pipe Size: 12” and larger. 2. Lifting Eyes: Welded or threaded eye bolts. 3. Lifting Eye Material: AISI 316L stainless steel. E. Linings and Coatings for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1. Linings a. Protective Lining Material: Protecto 401, Ceramic, Polyethylene (see Piping Schedule on Contract Drawings for locations requiring protective lining) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 12 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 b. Material Standard: ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 (provide unless otherwise noted) c. Lining Thickness: Double thickness 2. Coating a. Buried Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1) Material: Asphaltic coating 2) Coating Standard: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 b. Exposed Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1) Material: Rust inhibitive primer 2) Specification: As specified in Section 09 90 00, Protective Coatings 2.5 PVC PIPE, FITTINGS AND APPURTENANCES, 4” THROUGH 48” A. All pressure pipe fittings 4” and greater used on PVC pipe shall be ductile iron with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 lining, restrained utilizing Grip Ring restraint systems by Romac Industries, or approved equal. Contractor shall field adjust pipe layout as required for installation utilizing such fittings. All pressure pipe to pipe fittings shall be Eagle Loc 900 or approved equal. B. PVC Pipe, 4” through 48” 1. Material and Pipe Standard for PVC Pipe, 14" through 48": ANSI/AWWA C905 2. Material and Pipe Standard for PVC Pipe, 4" through 12": ANSI/AWWA C900 3. Pressure Rating for PVC Pipe, 4" through 48": AWWA C-900/C-905 4. Outside Diameter for PVC Pipe, 4" through 48": ductile iron equivalent C. Fittings for PVC Pipe, 14” through 48” AWWA C-905 or Ductile iron fittings as specified in this Section for ductile iron pipe with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 cement lining. D. Fittings for PVC Pipe, 4" through 12" 1. Fitting Material for PVC Pipe, 4” through 12”: ductile iron 2. Cast Iron or Ductile Iron Fittings for PVC Pipe, 4” through 12”: As specified in this Section for ductile iron pipe with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 cement lining SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 13 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. Material Standard for PVC Fittings: AWWA C-900 4. Test Standards for PVC Fittings: AWWA C-900 E. Pipe and Fitting Joints for Buried PVC Piping, 4” through 48” 1. Joint Type 2. Joints for Buried PVC Pipe and Fittings, 14” through 48” a. Restrained Joints for Buried PVC Pipe and Fittings, 14” through 48” 1) Pipe-to-Pipe Joints: Restrained push-on joint, or push-on joint with restraining device. 2) Pipe to Fitting Joints: Push-on with restraining device or mechanical joint with restraining device. 3) Fitting-to-Fitting Joints: Push-on with restraining device or mechanical joint with restraining device. 4) Pipe to Valve Joints: Push-on with restraining device or mechanical joint with restraining device. 5) Fitting to Valve Joints: Mechanical joint with restraining device. 6) PVC Piping to Other Piping Materials: Push-on restraining device, or mechanical joint with restraining device. b. Non-restrained Joints for Buried PVC Pipe and Fittings, 14” through 48” 1) Pipe-to-Pipe Joints: Push-on joint 2) Pipe to Fitting Joints: Mechanical joint or Push-on 3) Fitting-to-Fitting Joints: Mechanical joint or Push-on 4) Pipe to Valve Joints: Mechanical joint or Push-on 5) Fitting to Valve Joints: Mechanical joint 6) PVC Piping to Other Piping Materials: Mechanical joint or Push-on joint. c. Joints for Buried PVC Pipe and Fittings, 4” through 12” 1) Restrained Joints for Buried PVC Pipe and Fittings, 4” through 12” SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 14 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a) Pipe-to-Pipe Joints: Restrained push-on joint, or push-on joint with restraining device. b) Pipe to Fitting Joints: Mechanical joint with restraining device, or push-on joint with restraining device. c) Fitting-to-Fitting Joints: Mechanical joint with restraining device, or push-on joint with restraining device. d) Pipe to Valve Joints: Push-on joint with restraining device, or mechanical joint with restraining device. e) Fitting to Valve Joints: Mechanical joint with restraining device. f) PVC Piping to Other Piping Materials: Push-on joint with restraining device mechanical joint with restraining device. 2) Non-restrained Joints for Buried PVC Pipe and Fittings, 4” through 12” a) Pipe-to-Pipe Joints: Push-on joint b) Pipe to Fitting Joints: Mechanical joint or push-on joint c) Fitting-to-Fitting Joints: Mechanical joint or push-on joint d) Pipe to Valve Joints: Mechanical joint or Push-on joint e) Fitting to Valve Joints: Mechanical joint f) PVC Piping to Other Piping Materials: Mechanical joint or Push-on joint 3) Push-on Joint for PVC Pipe, 4” through 48” a) Push-on Joint Standard for PVC Pipe, 14" through 48": ANSI/AWWA C905. b) Push-on Joint Standard for PVC Pipe, 4" through 12": ANSI/AWWA C900. c) Push-on Joint Standard for PVC Fittings, 4" through 12": ANSI/AWWA C-900. 4) Restraining Joints for PVC Pipe, 4” through 12” a) CertainTeed Corporation, Certa-Lok C-900/RJ or Yelomine SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 15 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 b) Or equal restrained PVC joint by US manufacturer. 5) Restraining Devices for PVC Pipe, 4” through 48” a) JCM Industries, Series 600 Restrainer; b) Or equal restraining device with fusion epoxy coating by US manufacturer. 6) Restraining Mechanical Joints a) JCM Industries, Series 600 Restrainer; b) Or equal restraining device with fusion epoxy coating by US manufacturer. 2.6 JOINT ACCESSORIES A. Gaskets 1. Flange Joint Gaskets 2. Gasket Type a. Gaskets for Ductile Iron and PVC Piping: Full face 3. Gasket Material a. Joints Outside of Enclosed Buildings: 1/8" neoprene. b. Joints Inside of Enclosed Buildings: 1/8" neoprene or red rubber. c. Standard for Ductile Iron and Cast Iron Mechanical Joint, Push-on Joint and Restrained Joint Gaskets: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. d. Provide and install petroleum resistant gaskets for buried ductile iron piping where required by the contract drawings. 4. Standard for PVC Push-on Joint Fitting Joints, 4" through 12": ANSI/AWWA C-900. 5. Union and Strainer Gaskets: EPDM, Viton. B. Bolts, Studs and Nuts 1. Bolts, Studs and Nuts for Flange Joints a. Bolts for Flange Joints 1) Type: semi-finished regular hexagon head cap screws. 2) Material: AISI 316 stainless steel. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 16 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3) Standard: ASTM A193, Grade B8M. 4) Threads: UNC threads. b. Studs for Flange Joints 1) Material: AISI 316 stainless steel. 2) Standard: ASTM A193, Grade B8M. 3) T hreads: UNC threads. c. Length: Extend through nuts a minimum of 1/4". d. Nuts for Flange Joints 1) Type: Semi-finished regular hexagon nuts. 2) Material: AISI 316 stainless steel. 3) Standard: ASTM A194, Grade 8M. 4) Threads: UNC threads. 2. Bolts and Nuts for Mechanical Joints a. Bolts for Mechanical Joints 1) Type: Tee-head. 2) Material: Cast iron. 3) Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. b. Nuts for Mechanical Joints 1) Type: Hexagon 2) Material: Cast iron. 3) Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111.A21.11. 2.7 SLEEVE-TYPE COUPLINGS A. Manufacturers 1. Straight Couplings a. Rockwell (Smith-Blair), Style 411 b. Dresser, Style 38 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 17 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 c. Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., Style FC1 or FC3 d. Or equal straight sleeve type couplings by US manufacturer 2. Reducing Couplings a. Rockwell (Smith-Blair), Style 415 b. Dresser, Style 62 c. Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., Style FC1 or FC3 d. Or equal sleeve type reducing couplings by US manufacturer 3. Transition Couplings a. Rockwell (Smith-Blair), Style 413 b. Dresser, Style 162 c. Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., Style FC1 or FC3 d. Or equal sleeve type transition couplings by US manufacturer B. Coupling Description: One (1) steel middle ring, two (2) steel follower flanges, two (2) molded rubber gaskets, and sufficient bolts and nuts to properly compress the gaskets. C. Coupling Size: Fit outside diameter of pipe and fittings to be coupled. D. Middle Rings 1. Interior of Rings: Smooth without pipe stop. 2. Minimum Thickness: Not less than 1/4" 3. Length a. Standard Couplings: 5" or 7” b. Long Sleeve Couplings: 16" 4. Tests: Cold-expansion, a minimum of one percent (1%) beyond the yield point and air test for porosity. E. Followers 1. Type: Single-piece contoured mill section welded and cold expanded as required for the middle rings. 2. Strength: As required to accommodate the number of bolts necessary to obtain adequate gasket pressures without excessive rolling. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 18 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. Shape: As required provide positive confinement of the gasket. F. Gaskets 1. Gaskets for Water Service: Buna-N 2. Gaskets for Air Service: EPDM rated for high temperatures up to 300F G. Bolts and Nuts 1. Bolts for Sleeve-type Couplings: a. Type: Track headed b. Material: AISI 316 stainless steel c. Standard: ASTM A193, Grade B8M d. Threads: Rolled thread 2. Nuts for Sleeve-type Couplings a. Type: Hexagon head b. Material: AISI 316 stainless steel c. Standard: ASTM A194, Grade 8M d. Threads: To match bolts H. Restrained Joint Sleeve-Type Couplings 1. Restraint Type: Harness 2. Standard: Meet the requirements of the appropriate reference standard, or as shown. I. Insulating Sleeve-Type Couplings 1. Requirement: Insulate coupling metal parts from the pipe. 2. Configuration, Both Ends of Coupling: Wedge-shaped gasket that assembles over a rubber sleeve of an insulating compound. J. Pipe Preparation for Sleeve-Type Couplings 1. Pipe End Configuration: Plane ends 2. Pipe End Surfaces: Smooth 3. Length of End Preparation: 12" from the ends of the pipe SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 19 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. Pipe OD Tolerance: Not more than 1/64" smaller than the standard outside diameter of the pipe. 2.8 REINFORCED FLEXIBLE PIPE COUPLING A. Manufacturers 1. General Rubber Co. 2. Mercer Rubber Company 3. Metraflex 4. Or equal reinforced flexible pipe couplings by US manufacturer. B. Rated Working Pressure: 150 psig C. Reinforced Flexible Couplings for Water and Wastewater Service 1. Material: Buna-N elastomer with 1/8" hypalon cover 2. Maximum Temperature Rating: 180 oF D. Reinforced Flexible Couplings for Air Service 1. Material: Butyl elastomer with 1/8" hypalon cover 2. Maximum Temperature Rating: 250 oF E. Coupling Flanges 1. Type: Integrally molded F. Retaining Rings 1. Type: Split and beveled 2. Material: AISI 316 stainless steel 3. Accessories: AISI 316 stainless steel washers at point where retaining rings are split 4. Flange Bolt Holes and Bolt Circle: Conform to mating flange patterns of connecting piping G. Control Units 1. Manufacturer: Same as coupling manufacturer 2. Requirement: Provide with all flexible pipe couplings 3. Material: AISI 316 stainless steel SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 20 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.9 FLANGE-MECHANICAL JOINT ADAPTERS A. Manufacturers and Type 1. Dresser Style 127 2. Smith-Blair Type 912 3. Or equal flange-mechanical joint adapters by US manufacturer 2.10 FLANGE-PLAIN END ADAPTERS A. Product 1. Uni-Flange 2. Or equal product by US manufacturer 2.11 TAPPING SLEEVES A. Type: Split sleeve B. Material: Cast iron or ductile iron C. Branch Connection 1. End Type: Flange 2. Inside Diameter: Oversized to permit entry and exit of tapping machine cutters 3. Flange Recess Standard: MSS SP 60 4. Flange Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 D. Flange Accessories 1. Gaskets for Flange Joint a. Type: Flat face b. Material: 1/8” neoprene or red rubber 2. Bolts for Flange Joint a. Type: Semi-finished regular hexagon head cap screws b. Material: AISI 316 stainless steel c. Standard: ASTM A 193, Grade B8 d. Threads: NC threads SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 21 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. Nuts for Flange Joint a. Type: Semi-finished regular hexagon nuts b. Material: AISI 316 stainless steel c. Standard: ASTM A 194, Grade 3F d. Threads: NC threads E. Sleeve Dimensions: Sleeve shall not leak when installed on cast iron, ductile iron, or polyvinyl chloride pipe with outside diameters shown in AWWA standards. F. Sleeve to Pipe Joints 1. Type: Mechanical 2. Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 G. Working Pressure: 200 psi 2.12 TAPPING SADDLES A. Body Material: Ductile iron B. Strap Material: Steel alloy C. Saddle Gasket: 1. Type: Positively confined 0-ring gasket 2. Cross Section: Circular 3. Material: Natural or synthetic rubber with a Durometer Hardness of 65 to 75 D. Branch Connection 1. End Type a. Branch End Type for Wet Connections: Flange or threaded b. Branch End Type for Dry Connections: Flange, threaded or mechanical joint 2. Inside Diameter: Oversized to permit entry and exit of tapping machine cutters 3. Branch Joints 4. Flange SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 22 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a. Flange Recess Standard: MSS SP 60 b. Flange Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 c. Flange Accessories 1) Gaskets for Flange Joint a) Type: Flat face b) Material: 1/8” neoprene or red rubber 2) Bolts for Flange Joint a) Type: Semi-finished regular hexagon head cap screws b) Material: AISI 316 stainless steel c) Standard: ASTM A193, Grade B8. d) Threads: NC threads. 3) Nuts for Flange Joint a) Type: Semi-finished regular hexagon nuts. b) Material: AISI 316 stainless steel. c) Standard: ASTM A 194, Grade 3F. d) Threads: NC threads. 5. Mechanical Joints a. Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 E. Sleeve Dimensions: Sleeve shall not leak when installed on cast iron, ductile iron or polyvinyl chloride pipe with outside diameters shown in AWWA standards. F. Working Pressure: 250 psi 2.13 WALL PIPE A. Material: Cast iron or ductile iron B. Type: Cast or fabricated C. Joints: As shown on the Drawings D. Water Stop SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 23 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Water Stops for Cast Wall Pipe: Cast integral with wall pipe 2. Water Stops for Fabricated Wall Pipe: Ductile iron, welded to wall pipe E. Linings: 1. Lining shall match that of the connecting pipe. 2.14 WALL SLEEVES A. Mechanical Joint Wall Sleeves 1. Material: Cast iron or ductile iron 2. Type: Cast or fabricated 3. Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 4. Water Stop a. Water Stops for Cast Wall Sleeves: Cast integral with wall sleeve b. Water Stops for Fabricated Wall Sleeves: Ductile iron, welded to wall sleeve B. Wall Sleeves for Modular Casing Seals 1. Material: AISI 304 stainless steel, or fiberglass 2. Type: Plain end with water stop 2.15 MODULAR CASING SEALS A. Manufacturer 1. Thunderline Corporation Link-Seal 2. Or equal modular casing seals by US manufacturer B. Type: Modular mechanical C. Seal Description: Continuous belt of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to fill annular space between pipe and wall sleeve, or cored opening, and bolted together with pressure plate under each bolt and nut. D. Link Assembly 1. Assemble seal with bolts loose. 2. Position seal between pipe and wall sleeve, or between pipe and cored opening. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 24 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. Tighten bolts. When bolts are tightened rubber sealing elements shall expand and provide watertight seal between pipe and wall sleeve, or cored opening. E. Seal Element Material: Ethylene-propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) rubber F. Pressure Plate Material: Glass reinforced nylon plastic G. Bolts and Nuts: AISI 304 stainless steel 2.16 PIPING TOOLS A. Special Tools: As required to operate and maintain valves PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Install pipe, fittings, valves and piping appurtenances in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Sections of Division 33 and as specified in this Section. B. Install piping to lines, grades, elevations or lines, grades and elevations shown on Drawings. Install piping with continuous grade between elevations shown on Drawings. Provide additional grade changes as required to avoid interferences and as required to provide separation distances specified in this Section. Make changes in directions or elevations with fittings, by deflecting pipe joints, or with fittings and deflecting pipe joints. Do not exceed deflections specified in this Section or recommended by the joint manufacturer, whichever is more stringent. C. Clean pipe, fittings, valves and piping appurtenances before installation. Keep pipe, fittings, valves and piping appurtenances clean during installation. D. Before setting wall sleeves, pipes, castings and pipes to be cast in place, check the Drawings and equipment manufacturer's drawings, which may have a direct bearing on pipe locations. Properly locate pipe, fittings, valves and appurtenances during construction of and renovation of tanks and structures. E. Attach piping to pumps and other equipment in accordance with respective manufacturers' recommendations. Use flexible connectors where required to prevent excess load, vibration, or load and vibration on pumps and other equipment. F. Provide and locate unions for piping assembled with threaded, solvent-cement, welded or solder joints, so that piping can be disassembled and disconnected from pumps and equipment without cutting pipe. G. Support pipe, fittings, valves and piping appurtenances in accordance with requirements as shown and/or specified. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 25 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 H. Do not damage pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and piping appurtenances, including linings, coatings and encasement, during installation. Remove and replace damaged pipe, fitting, valves, hydrants or piping appurtenances. Remove damaged products from job site. Remove and replace damaged products at no additional cost to Owner. 3.2 INSPECTION A. Quality of materials, process of manufacture and finished products shall be subject to inspection and approval by Engineer. Such inspection may be made at place of manufacture or at project site after delivery, or at both places. Products shall be subject to rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the specified requirements even though sample products have been accepted as satisfactory at place of manufacture. B. Inspect pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and piping appurtenances prior to installation. Reject and promptly remove pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and piping appurtenances that do not meet the Specifications. Remove rejected products from the job site. 3.3 CUTTING PIPE A. Do not cut pipe by burning. B. Cut pipe with a saw, cutter or abrasion. Use the proper tool, machine or tool and machine for each pipe material. C. Examine cut ends for damage caused by cutting. D. Finish cut ends of pipe. 1. Plain End Pipe: Bevel cut ends of pipe. 2. Threaded Pipe: Square pipe ends and remove burrs. 3. Butt Welded Pipe: Bevel cut ends of pipe. 4. Solvent Socket Weld Pipe: Square and smooth pipe ends. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF BURIED PIPE A. Laying Piping 1. Provide proper implements, tools and facilities for safe and expeditious completion of Work. 2. Clean pipe, fittings and valves of debris, dirt and other foreign material before installation. Keep pipe, fittings and valves clean until accepted in completed Work. 3. Lay and maintain pipe to lines shown on the Drawings, except as specified in this Section. Lay and maintain pipe to grade shown on Drawings or to SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 26 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 minimum depth specified in this Section. Install fittings and valves, in locations shown on the Drawings. 4. Where piping is to be constructed parallel to and close to existing buried utilities, the exact location of which is unknown, adjust alignment of piping to least interfere with existing buried utilities, unless otherwise shown or specified. 5. Install potable water piping at least 10 feet horizontally from any sanitary sewer, storm sewer or sewage force main. Install potable water piping at least 5 feet horizontally from any reclaimed water main. Measure distance from edge of pipe to edge of pipe. Install potable water piping crossing sanitary sewers, storm sewers, or sewage force mains to provide minimum vertical distance of 18 inches between outside of potable water piping and outside of sewer or force main. Lay potable water piping at crossings of sewers and force mains so a full length of pipe is centered on sewer or force main whenever possible. No potable water piping shall pass through or come in contact with any part of a sanitary sewer manhole or any part of a drain structure. 6. Lay pressure piping to a depth so that not less than 2'-6" of cover is provided, unless otherwise shown. Cover shall be vertical distance from top of the pipe to finish grade elevation. 7. Do not lay pipe in water or when trench or weather conditions are unsuitable for proper installation. 8. Lower pipe, fittings and valves into trench by hand, by means of hoists or ropes, or by other suitable tools or equipment that will not damage products, coatings or linings. Do not drop or dump pipe, fittings or valves into the trench. 9. Use laser beam equipment, surveying instruments or other proven techniques to maintain accurate alignment and grade. 10. Deflection of pressure pipe from a straight line or grade shall not exceed limits specified in this Section or individual pipe Sections, as applicable. If alignment requires joint deflections in excess of allowable deflection per joint, furnish and install fittings or a sufficient number of shorter lengths of pipe. 11. Provide piping, 3" and larger, with two (2) short lengths of pipe, not to exceed 4 feet, for first two (2) joints outside a building or tank wall unless a greater number of joints is shown on the Drawings. 12. Provide thrust restraint at horizontal and vertical deflection fittings and at tees, plugs, tapping sleeves and tapping saddles as specified in this Section. 13. Properly protect open excavations at all times. At the end of each day's work, protect the open ends of all pipes against entrance of animals, SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 27 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 children, earth or debris by bulkheads or stoppers. Perforate bulkheads or stoppers to allow passage of water into installed pipeline so that flotation of pipeline is prevented. Remove any earth or other material that gets into piping. B. Pipe Bedding and Haunching 1. General 2. Lay each pipe section in a firm foundation of bedding material. 3. Haunch and backfill pipe so that: a. Piping is properly supported b. Line and grade of piping is not changed c. Piping is not damaged d. Coatings and encasements are not damaged. 4. Use material from excavation for bedding when excavated material meets gradation requirements specified in Section 31 23 33 – Excavation, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling for pipe bedding material. 5. Prior to pipe installation, bring bedding material to grade along entire length of pipe to be installed. Provide support for pipe by the following procedures: a. Provide uniformly compacted bedding. Excavate bedding material or place the bedding material above pipe bottom so that bedding grade is correct following compaction of bedding. Use hand or mechanical tamping to compact bedding material to a minimum of ninety-five percent (95%) of bedding material's Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density. b. Control moisture content of bedding so that specified compaction is achieved. Dewater trenches as required to maintain dry trench or trenches, and control moisture content of pipe bedding. Add water to bedding if moisture in bedding is deficient. If additional water is required to achieve specified compaction, control addition of water so that specified compaction is achieved. c. Check grade of bedding after compaction. 6. Provide bedding as detailed on Drawings or as specified. 7. Bell Holes: Excavate bell holes in advance of pipe laying so that entire barrel will bear uniformly on bedding. 8. Ductile Iron Pipe: Laying of ductile iron pipe shall meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C600, unless otherwise specified in this Section SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 28 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 9. Concrete Pipe a. Backfill between bedding material and a plane 12 inches over top of pipe shall be finely divided earth, or granular backfill, free of debris and stone. b. Hand place backfill. 10. Stainless Steel Pipe a. Backfill between bedding material and a plane 12 inches over top of pipe shall be finely divided earth, or granular backfill, free of debris and stone. b. Hand place backfill. 11. PVC Pipe a. Place bedding, haunching and initial backfill material around pipe so that pipe is not deflected beyond specified limits or scratched. b. Hand place backfill material. If fine sand, silt or clayey gravels are used for initial backfill over pipe, hand place initial backfill in 6" to 8" layers. c. Hand compact backfill material to 12 inches above top of pipe. If initial backfill is placed in layers, hand compact each layer. d. Do not compact directly over PVC pipe. 12. Yielding Subsoil a. In yielding subsoil, undercut trench bottom to the depth necessary to achieve stable bedding. b. Backfill trench bottom with foundation material as specified in Section 31 20 00 – Excavation, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling and as follows: 1) Screened gravel for pipe smaller than 24". 2) Crushed stone for pipe 24" and larger. c. Stabilize yielding subsoil at no additional cost to Owner. C. Jointing 1. Clean ends of pipe before laying pipe and make each joint in a satisfactory manner in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of each particular type of joint and as specified in this Section. Experienced workmen shall do joint work. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 29 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Joints shall be as specified in this Section. 3. Push, pull or push and pull each length of pipe "home" into bell of previously installed pipe. 4. Push pipe by means of block and push bar. 5. Do not use backhoe bucket, or other mechanically, electrically or hydraulically powered excavating equipment, to join pipe or move pipe to grade. 6. Do not push pipe if pushing will damage pipe being installed or pipe previously installed. 7. Do not push pipe if joint gaskets are "rolled", cut, or otherwise damaged by pushing. 8. Where pushing will damage pipe or joint, use mechanical means consisting of cable placed inside pipe with winch, jack or come along to pull pipe "home". 9. Hold each length of pipe in place until trench and bedding are prepared for next pipe section. D. Setting Valves and Valve Boxes 1. Clean interiors of valves of foreign matter before installation. Tighten stuffing boxes. Inspect valves in opened and closed positions to ensure parts are in working condition. 2. Set buried valves and valve boxes plumb. Center valve boxes on valves, or valve operators. Tamp backfill around each valve box to a distance of 4 feet on all sides of box, or to undisturbed trench face if less than 4 feet. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF EXPOSED PIPING A. Alignment 1. Install pipe to accurate lines and grades with fittings, valves and appurtenances at locations shown on Drawings and specified. 2. Wherever possible, install piping parallel to walls and floors. B. Installation 1. Clean debris, dirt and other deleterious substances out of piping before installing piping. Keep piping clean until accepted at completion of work. Do not place debris, tools, clothing, lumber or other materials in pipe during installation. 2. Inspect pipe, fittings, valves and appurtenances for defects prior to installation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 30 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. Use proper implements, tools and facilities. Do not damage piping. Do not damage linings and coating. 4. Install piping so no undue strain is placed upon piping joints, equipment or structures. C. Supports 1. Provide supports necessary to hold pipe and appurtenances at lines and grades shown on Drawings 2. Support piping so that there is no undue strain on piping joints, equipment or structures. 3. Provide hangers and supports as shown and/or required. See specification 40 05 07 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PROCESS PIPING. D. Wall Pipe and Sleeves 1. Set each wall pipe and each sleeve cast in concrete to line and elevation shown on Drawings, ± 0.01 foot. 2. Align sleeves so that piping passes through sleeves without contacting sleeves. 3. Align wall pipe and sleeves so that joints between pipes and wall pipes and between pipes and sleeves are watertight. 3.6 SETTING APPURTENANCES A. Install fittings, valves, hydrants, couplings, adapters, sleeves, saddles and other piping appurtenances, in piping as indicated on the Drawings. 3.7 CONNECTING TO EXISTING PIPE A. General 1. Locate existing pipe horizontally and vertically and verify exact size of existing pipe. 2. Locate existing pipe sufficiently in advance of making connections to allow ample time for making changes in connection location and size. B. Wet Connections 1. Make each wet connection with a tapping valve and tapping sleeve. 2. Install tapping sleeves and valves in accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions. 3. Hydrostatically test each tapping valve and tapping sleeve assembly prior to tapping existing pipe. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 31 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. Open and close tapping valves. 5. Inspect tapping valves in opened and closed positions. Make certain valves are in working condition. 6. Inspect each tapping valve immediately before connection tapping machine and verify that tapping valve is open. 7. Install watertight plug on tapping valve outlet and backfill excavation if existing pipe is not tapped within forty-eight (48) hours after installing tapping valve and tapping sleeve or tapping saddle assembly. 8. Install watertight plug on valve outlet and backfill excavation if new piping is not connected to tapping valve within forty-eight (48) hours after making tap in existing pipe. C. Dry Connections 1. Make each dry connection with fittings and valves indicated on Drawings. 2. Provide sleeves required to complete connections. 3. Required pipe, fittings, valves, tools and equipment shall be at connection site prior to starting connection. 4. Make connections at night and on weekends when existing piping can only be removed from service during minimum flow periods. 5. Owner will operate existing valves. 6. Install sufficient pipe, restrained joints, so that existing pipe can be put in service immediately after connection is completed. 7. Inspect joints and eliminate leaks immediately after connection is completed and existing pipe is put in service. 8. Install watertight plugs on open ends of pipe and valves and backfill excavation if new piping is not connected to dry connection within forty- eight (48) hours after completing dry connection. 3.8 JOINTS A. Push-on Joints 1. Cleaning Joint Surfaces 2. General: Clean joining surfaces of pipe, fittings and valves. 3. Cleaning Spigots SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 32 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a. Spigot Ends of Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings: Remove lumps, blisters and excess bituminous coating from spigot end of each pipe and fitting, and wire brush outside of each ductile iron pipe spigot b. Spigot Ends of PVC Pipe: Remove dirt, debris and other deleterious substances from spigot end of pipe, and wipe spigot end of pipe dry. c. Spigot Ends of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe: Remove dirt, debris and other deleterious substances from spigot end of pipe, and wipe spigot end of pipe dry. 4. Cleaning Bells a. Bell End of Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1) Wire brush inside of each ductile iron pipe and fitting bell. 2) Wipe bell clean of dirt, oil, grease and other foreign matter. 3) Wipe each bell dry. 4) Wipe each gasket clean of dirt, dust and other foreign matter. b. Bell End of PVC Pipe 1) Wash and wipe bell clean of dirt, oil, grease and other foreign matter. 2) Wipe each bell dry. 3) Wipe each gasket clean of dirt, dust and other foreign matter. c. Bell End of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe 1) Wash and wipe bell clean of dirt, oil, grease and other foreign matter. 2) Wipe each bell dry. 3) Wipe each gasket clean of dirt, dust and other foreign matter. 5. Making Joints a. Seat gasket in bell of receiving pipe or fitting. b. Lubricate spigot end of pipe being installed, using lubricant furnished by pipe manufacturer. c. Center end of pipe, fitting or valve. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 33 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 d. Support pipe, fitting or valve being installed so that pipe, fitting or valve being installed is jointed along the centerline of receiving pipe, fitting or valve. e. Push, pull or push and pull pipe or fitting "home" as specified in this Section. 6. Checking Joints a. After jointing, check gasket and verify that gasket has not pushed out of gasket seat and that gasket is uniformly compressed around pipe spigot. b. If gasket is not fully seated, uniformly compressed or fully seated and uniformly compressed, replace joint. 1) Pull piping apart. 2) Remove gasket. 3) Replace gasket. 4) Make joint with new gasket. c. When pulling piping apart, secure previously installed piping so that previously installed piping is not damaged and previously completed joints are not disturbed. 7. Deflection a. Deflect pipe, fittings or valves after jointing, if deflection is required. B. Mechanical Joints 1. Cleaning Joint Surfaces 2. Clean joining surfaces of pipe, fittings and valves. 3. Cleaning Spigots a. Plain Ends of Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings: Remove lumps, blisters and excess bituminous coating from spigot end of each pipe and fitting, and wire brush outside of each ductile iron pipe spigot b. Plain Ends of PVC Pipe: Remove dirt, debris and other deleterious substances from spigot end of pipe, and wipe spigot end of pipe dry. 4. Cleaning Bells a. Bell End of Mechanical Joints SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 34 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1) Wire brush inside of each ductile iron pipe and fitting bell. 2) Wipe bell and ring gland clean of all dirt, oil, grease and other foreign matter. 3) Wipe each bell and ring gland dry. 4) Wipe each gasket clean of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter. 5. Making Joints a. Brush each spigot and gasket with soapy water. b. Slip ring gland, followed by gasket, over spigot. c. Center end of pipe, fitting or valve. d. Support pipe, fitting or valve being installed so pipe, fitting or valve being installed is jointed along the centerline of the receiving pipe, fitting or valve. e. Push, pull or push and pull pipe, fitting or valve being installed "home" as specified in this Section. f. Push gasket into position. g. Move gland into position against face of gasket. h. Loosely assemble joint bolts and nuts. i. Evenly tighten nuts using a torque wrench. j. Torque shall be to the manufacturer’s recommended limit. k. Deflection 1) Deflect pipe, fittings or valves after jointing, if deflection is required. C. Threaded Joints 1. Thread pipe after cutting, bending, forging, heat-treating or welding operations. 2. Threads shall be concentric with the outside of pipe and shall conform to ANSI B2.1. 3. If threaded joints are not to be seal welded, make joints leak tight by use of Teflon tape. Do not apply Teflon tape to the first two (2) threads on the pipe. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 35 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. When threading chemically cleaned pipe, use trichloroethane (menthyl chloroform), inhibited, as the cutting fluid. 5. Do not over-tighten threaded joints. Do not damage pipe exterior with pipe wrench or other tools. D. Flanged Joints 1. Cleaning Joint Surfaces a. Remove anti-rust coating from machined surfaces. b. Clean joint surfaces of the pipe, fittings and valves being joined. c. Wipe surfaces clean of dirt, oil, grease and other foreign matter. d. Wipe surfaces dry. e. Wipe each gasket clean of dirt, dust and other foreign matter. 2. Making Joints a. Align flange of pipe, fitting or valve being installed with flange of receiving pipe, fitting or valve. b. Support pipe, fittings and valves being joined so that flanges are properly aligned. c. Lubricate bolts and nuts with a graphite and oil mixture prior to installation of bolts and nuts. d. Check gasket and verify gasket is in proper position. e. Evenly tighten bolts and nuts. f. Tighten bolts and nuts so that joint will not leak. g. Do not over-torque bolts and nuts. E. Solvent Cemented Joints 1. Joint Standard: ASTM D2855 2. Standard for Handling Solvent Cement: ASTM F402 3.9 THRUST RESTRAINT FOR BURIED PIPING A. Restraint for Pipe and Fittings 1. Provide restrained joints for systems noted in Piping Schedule. B. Restraint for Valves, Couplings, Adapters and Other Piping Appurtenances SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 36 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. General a. Restrain valves, couplings, adapters and other piping appurtenances. b. Restrain valves so that unbalanced force developed during opening and closing of valves is supported independently of the piping system. c. Sleeve Type Couplings and Flange Adapters 1) Restrain sleeve type couplings with harness of tie rods that span across coupling between restrained pipe or fitting joints. 3.10 THRUST RESTRAINT FOR EXPOSED SLEEVES AND COUPLINGS A. General 1. Restrain sleeves and couplings in exposed piping. B. Restraint for Sleeve Type Couplings and Flange Adapters 1. Restrain sleeve type couplings with harness of tie rods that span across coupling. 2. Where distance between adjacent flanges is in excess of 10 feet or where harness cannot be used due to obstructions or other conditions, provide pipe supports adjacent to coupling. Provide supports adjacent to couplings that prevent linear or angular movement that results in pipe separating from the coupling or misalignment in coupling joints. 3. Tie rods and nuts shall be AISI Type 316 stainless steel. C. Restraint for Flexible Pipe Couplings 1. Provide control units for flexible pipe couplings. 2. Install tie rods and control in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.11 MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE A. Provide assistance of manufacturers' representatives as follows: 1. Check piping installation to verify installation procedures comply with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Advise Contractor on proper installation of piping, joints, supports and special connections. B. Provide services of manufacturers' representative at no additional cost to Owner. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 37 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.12 HYDROSTATIC TEST A. General 1. Test completed piping sections. 2. Test Procedures Standard: ANSI/AWWA C600 B. Preparation for Test 1. Closed-end Piping Systems a. Expel air from piping prior to application of test pressure. b. Tap piping at high points in piping section to be tested, if necessary to release air from piping. 2. Open-end Piping Systems a. Test Plugs and Test Caps for Open Pipe Ends 1) Install test plugs in ends of piping section to be tested or test caps on ends of piping section to be tested. 2) Provide tap in each test plug and test cap. 3) Provide taps of adequate size to fill and pressurize piping section to be tested. 4) Test plugs, test caps or test plugs and test caps shall be capable of holding one and one-half (1.5) times the test pressure applied to the piping section to be tested. 5) Installation of Test Plugs and Test Caps 6) Install test plugs so that test plugs do not blow out of line being tested. 7) Install test caps so that test caps do not blow off line being tested. 3. Taps a. If lower end of piping section to be tested is closed, provide tap at lower end of piping. b. Provide taps of adequate size to fill and pressurize piping section to be tested. c. Tap piping at high points in piping section to be tested, if necessary to release air from piping. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 38 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. Filling Line to be Tested a. Place water into line at lower end of line. b. Provide orifice at top of pipe in plug or cap at upper end of line. c. Provide orifice of adequate size to remove air from line. d. Expel air from line. C. Test Pressure: As specified in individual piping system Sections, or at 150 psi for pressure pipe systems if not otherwise specified. D. Test Period: Not less than eight (8) consecutive hours. E. Pressure Recording 1. Record test pressure 2. Use recording pressure gauge 3. Submit recording charts to Engineer F. Test Requirement 1. Test will be considered successful when pressure drop over test period is 5 psi or less. 2. If pressure drop exceeds 5 psi, repair leaks and repeat test. 3. Repair leaks and repeat test until pressure drop over test period is 5 psi or less. G. Test Clean-up 1. Remove testing equipment, piping, water storage vessels and appurtenances. 2. Remove test plugs and test caps after test is successfully completed. 3. Plug taps watertight after test is successfully completed. 3.13 FLUSHING AND CLEANING INTERIOR OF PIPING A. General 1. Flush and clean interior of piping. 2. Coordinate flushing time and duration with Owner. Coordinate flushing duration and time for each piping section prior to flushing. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 39 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Water Piping Systems, Wastewater Piping Systems, Grit Piping Systems, Drain Piping Systems, and Low-Pressure Air Piping Systems, 20" and Smaller 1. General: Flush interior of water piping systems, wastewater piping systems, grit piping systems, drain piping systems and low-pressure air piping systems, 20" and smaller. 2. Minimum Flushing Velocity for 20" and smaller piping: 4 feet per second. 3. Flow Rate for Flushing: Flow rates required for flushing piping are presented in table titled “Flow Rate for Flushing Pipe” at end of this Section. (Table is to be used only as a guide and is not guaranteed.) C. Water Piping Systems, Wastewater Piping Systems, and Low-Pressure Air Piping Systems, 24" and Larger 1. General: Clean interior of water piping systems, wastewater piping systems and low-pressure air piping systems, 24" and larger, by flushing or hand cleaning. 2. Minimum Flushing Velocity a. Minimum Flushing Velocity for 24" through 36” piping: 3 feet per second. b. Minimum Flushing Velocity for 42" and larger piping: 2.5 feet per second. 3. Flow Rate for Flushing: Flow rates required for flushing piping are presented in table titled Flow Rate for Flushing Pipe at end of this Section. (Table is to be used only as a guide and is not guaranteed.) D. Chemical Piping Systems 1. General: Clean interior of chemical piping systems by purging with air or gas. 2. Use air or gas as specified in individual piping system Sections. 3. Purge piping until dew point specified in individual piping system Sections is reached and held for thirty (30) minutes. 3.14 CLEANING/DISINFECTING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM PIPING A. Clean and disinfect water piping as follows: 1. Purge piping before using. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 40 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Use purging and disinfecting procedure prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction or, if method is not prescribed, procedure described in either AWWA C651 or AWWA C652 . PART 4 – TABLES FLOW RATE FOR FLUSHING PIPE TABLE 1 Flushing Velocity Pipe Size 4 ft./sec. 3 ft./sec. 2.5 ft./sec. ¼" 0.9 gpm ½" 2.9 gpm ¾" 5.4 gpm 1" 9.0 gpm 1¼" 16 gpm 1½" 22 gpm 2" 37 gpm 2½" 53 gpm 3" 83 gpm 4" 180 gpm 6" 400 gpm 8" 720 gpm 10" 1,100 gpm 12" 1,600 gpm 14" 2,200 gpm 16" 2,800 gpm 18" 3,500 gpm SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 20 00 - 41 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Flushing Velocity Pipe Size 4 ft./sec. 3 ft./sec. 2.5 ft./sec. 20” 4,300 gpm 24” 4,600 gpm 30” 7,200 gpm 36” 10,400 gpm 42” 12,000 gpm 48” 16,000 gpm 54” 20,000 gpm 60” 23,000 gpm 64” 26,000 gpm 66” 27,000 gpm 72” 32,000 gpm NOTE: Table is to be used only as a guide and is not guaranteed. END OF SECTION 33 20 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 33 30 00 – GRAVITY SEWER AND DRAIN SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This section gives the requirements for installation of gravity sewer pipe, drain pipe, service laterals and manholes. Service laterals shall be installed where shown on the approved drawings. Excavation, trenching and back filling is covered in Section 31 23 33: “Excavating, Grading, Trenching, and Backfilling”. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Record Drawings: Shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 78 39. B. Shop Drawings: Contractor shall submit shop drawings and material specification sheets of all material and items to be installed or delivered as specified in Section 01 33 01: Submittals. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ASTM D1784 - Rigid Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC) Compounds. B. ASTM D1785 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. C. ASTM D2241 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure-rated pipe (SDRSERIES). D. ASTM D2152 - Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings by Acetone Immersion. E. ASTM D2321 - Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe. F. ASTM D2412 - External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading. G. ASTM D2444 - Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) H. ASTM D3034 - Type PSM Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. I. ASTM D-3212 - Elastomeric push-on joints for plastic pipe. J. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile Iron water mains and appurtenances. K. AWWA C900 - PVC Pressure Pipe 4 inch through 12 inch. L. AWWA C905 - PVC Pressure Pipe 14 inch through 36 inch. M. ASTM D2672 - Bell-End Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe. N. ASTM F477 - Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 O. ASTM F478 - Precast Concrete Manhole Risers and Tops. P. ASTM C497 - Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile Q. ASTM F679 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings R. ASTM A746 - Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe S. ASTM F794 - Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Ribbed Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE A. Drain/ Sewer mains and laterals shall be: 1. For pipe sizes 4" and smaller pipe shall be SCH 80 conforming to the requirements of ASTM D1785 with solvent weld joints conforming to ASTM D2672. 2. For pipe sizes larger than 4” pipe shall be Ductile Iron Pipe. B. Fittings and Couplings for pipe sizes larger than 4” pipe shall be mechanical joint ductile iron. Fittings shall be restrained. C. Fasteners shall be 316 stainless steel or better where exposed to sewer or sewer gases. 2.2 DUCTILE IRON PIPE A. Ductile Iron Pipe: Conforming to ASTM A746, ANSI/AWWA CI51/A21.51, Class 350, lined with Protecto 401 ceramic epoxy, “Sewpercoat” or approved equal unless otherwise shown or specified. See Piping Schedule for piping requiring protective lining. B. Joints shall be rubber gasket push-on, conforming to ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, or mechanical joint conforming to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, as modified by ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. 1. Unless specifically stated, all below grade ductile iron piping shall be mechanical joint. 2. Unless specifically stated, all ductile iron piping above grade shall be flange joint piping. C. Fittings and specials shall be suitable for 150 pounds per square inch pressure rating, unless otherwise specified. Fittings and specials for mechanical joint pipe shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 lined with protecto 401 ceramic epoxy, “Sewpercoat” or approved equal unless otherwise shown or specified. Fittings and specials for use with push-on joint pipe shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 lined with protecto 401 ceramic epoxy, “Sewpercoat” or approved equal unless otherwise shown or specified. 2.3 JOINT RESTRAINTS A. Provide restrained joints at all changes in direction of pipelines. Restrain pipe joints in all directions from change of direction. All fittings shall be mechanical joint type and shall be with retainer glands. a. Megalug as manufactured by EBAA b. Or Engineer Approved Equal 2.4 PIPE COUPLINGS A. Couplings between dissimilar pipe materials (PVC to ductile iron) shall be restrained mechanical joint ductile iron only or adapter conforming to ASTM 3139 lined with Protecto 401 ceramic epoxy, “Sewpercoat” or approved equal unless otherwise shown or specified. For pipes 8” and larger, manholes are also acceptable. Fernco couplings are NOT permitted. 2.5 MANHOLES A. Manholes shall be precast concrete only conforming to ASTM C478. 1. Joint surfaces between bases, risers and cones shall be manufactured to the joint surface design and tolerance requirements of ASTM C76. 2. Flexible joint sealants shall be butyl rubber based conforming to Federal Specification SS-S-210A, AASHTO M-198, Type B - Butyl Rubber and as follows: maximum of 1% volatile matter and suitable for application temperatures between 10 and 100 degrees F. 3. Joints between precast components shall be sealed between the tongue and the groove and additionally around the internal and external perimeter as follows: a. Tongue and groove seals shall consist of a plastic or paper-backed butyl rubber rope no less than 14 feet long and having a cross- sectional area no less than the annular space times the height of the joint. Provide additional external joint seal meeting ASTM C- 877, MacWrap or equal. b. Internal seals shall consist of Type S mortar grout. c. External seals shall consist of Type S mortar grout or plastic or paper-backed butyl rubber rope no less than 14 feet long and having a cross-sectional area no less than the annular space times the height of the joint. Provide additional external joint seal meeting ASTM C-877, MacWrap or equal. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. Pipe to manhole connectors shall conform to ASTM C923. The location of the pipe connectors shall vary from the location shown on the project plans no more than ½ inch vertically and 5 degrees horizontally. Provide for control of the pipe OD to within the tolerances of the connector on flexible pipes larger than 12 inches. 5. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C478 and as follows: a. Compressive strength: 4000 psi minimum at 28 days. b. Air Content: 4 percent minimum. c. Cementitious Materials: Minimum of 564 pounds per CY d. Coarse Aggregates: ASTM C33. e. Fine Aggregates: ASTM C33. Free from organic impurities. f. Chemical Admixtures: ASTM C494. Calcium Chloride or admixtures containing calcium shall not be used. g. Air Entraining Admixtures: ASTM C260. 6. Mortar: ASTM C270, Type S. 7. Grout: Grout for sealing openings and joints in manholes shall be Type S mortar. No Preco or Hydraulic Cement shall be permitted. 8. Brick: Brick shall be used to bring manhole rings to grade or filler for forming manhole inverts only and shall conform to ASTM C62 Grade SW or ASTM C32 Grade MS. 9. Manholes 4' deep or less shall have an eccentric cone or a flat top. 10. Manholes over 4 feet deep shall have an eccentric cone. 11. Manholes shall have a minimum inside diameter of 4 feet for sewer mains 18 inches diameter and smaller, and shall be 5 feet inside diameter for sewer mains larger than 18 inches. Larger inside diameters may be required for larger pipe sizes, more than two pipes, or when entrance/exit angle requires. 12. Drop manholes shall be inside drop with a minimum inside diameter of 5 feet. 13. 5 foot diameter manholes shall have a 8 inch extended base. For 4 foot diameter manholes shall have a 6 inch extended base. All extended bases shall have a minimum thickness of 6-inches. 14. Manhole steps shall be provided in bases, risers, cones, transition cones and transition top sections aligned vertically on 16" centers. Steps shall be secured to the wall with a compression fit in tapered holes or cast in place. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Steps shall not be vibrated or driven into freshly cast concrete or grouted in place. The steps shall be Copolymer Polypropylene Plastic reinforced with a ½" diameter grade 60 bar and have serrated tread and tall end lugs. Step pullout strength shall be tested according to ASTM C497. 15. Drain/Sewer Guard Manhole Inserts: Each manhole shall be equipped with an insert of high density copolymer meeting the requirements of ASTM 124 with gas and vacuum relief valves matching manhole covers and rings. The insert shall be similar or equal to Sewer Guards manufactured by Southwestern Packing and Seals. Manholes located in traffic areas shall have stainless steel sewer guards by Southwestern Packing and Seals or approved equal. 16. All Drain/Sewer Manhole interiors shall be coated with Zebron 386, Duramar 1030 as manufactured by Sewerkote, or approved equal. Coal tar epoxy coating shall be applied to outside of the manhole before backfilling. 17. All in place penetrations into manholes must be by core drilling methods including main line and service drops. Properly sized elastomeric boots shall be set in penetrations. The boot and the pipe must be fully mortared on the inside and the outside of the manhole. B. Grey Iron Castings: 1. Manhole Castings: All iron casting for manhole frames and covers, inlet frame and traps and other sewer appurtenances, unless other specified, shall conform to ASTM A48 "Grey Iron Castings: Class 30B” and shall meet Brunswick County Standards. a. See Contract Drawings for approved manufacturers of standard frames and vented covers and watertight frames and non-vented covers. 2. Cleanouts: A nominal 6" diameter by 12" cast-iron box and cover shall be furnished and installed flush with the final grade. “C.O.” shall be stamped on lid. 3. Adjusting Rings: a. Concrete adjusting rings shall be pre-cast and conform to ASTM C478. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Install PVC pipe in strict accordance with ASTM D2321. Install manholes as indicated on the plans. Excavation and backfill shall be accomplished as specified under Section 31 23 33 - “Excavating, Grading, Trenching & Backfilling”. B. Pipe shall be kept clean at all times, and no pipe shall be used in the work that does not conform to the appropriate ASTM Specifications. The laying of pipe in SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 finished trenches shall commence at the lowest point, with the spigot ends pointing in the direction of the flow. All pipe shall be laid with the ends abutting accurately to the lines and grades as shown on the plans. Preparatory to making pipe joints, all surfaces of the portion of the pipe to be jointed or of the factory made jointing material shall be clean and dry. Lubricants, primer, adhesives, etc., shall be used as recommended by the pipe or joint manufacturer's specifications. The jointing material or factory fabricated joints shall then be placed, fitted, and adjusted in a workmanlike manner as to obtain the degrees of water tightness required. Trenches shall be kept dry during bedding, laying and jointing and for as long a period as required. As soon as possible after the joint is made, sufficient backfill material shall be placed along each side of the pipe to offset conditions that might tend to move the pipe off line and grade. C. No superficial loads shall be placed on the exposed surface of the trench, unless the backfill is of non-cohesive material, is vibrated or is tamped in layers not exceeding 6-inches in depth. Any defects due to settlement shall be corrected by the Contractor. Bell holes shall be dug sufficiently large to insure the making of proper joints. Water shall not be allowed to rise in the excavation until the joint material has received its set. Great care shall be used to secure water tightness, and to prevent damage to or disturbing of the joints during the backfilling process, or at any other time. Special precautions shall be exercised to prevent any pipe from resting on rock or any other hard projection which might cause breakage of pipe. During construction, the mouth of the completed pipe shall always be kept properly closed with a suitable plug to prevent the entrance therein of any water, earth, stones or other debris. The Contractor shall also take any and all measures to keep the pipe clean and free from deposits and protect the pipe from damage. D. Cleaning Pipe: The pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned before they are laid and shall be kept clean until acceptance of the completed work. The upper end of all pipe lines shall be provided with a header carefully fitted, so as to keep dirt and other substances from entering. This header shall be kept in the end of the pipe line at all times when pipe laying is not in actual progress. E. Shoring, Sheeting and Well-Pointing: The Contractor shall include in his price bid for pipe the placing of all necessary shoring, sheeting and well-pointing, gravel bedding, and any other dewatering devices to prevent damage to other installations and where required by the Engineer. F. Service piping shall be perpendicular with the main unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Where new mains are being laid, the house service shall be connected to the main by means of a wye set in the main with the branch turned up in such manner that a good square connection will be made with the grade of the house service. Service pipe shall connect to the main at manholes when noted on the drawings or when requested by the Engineer by core boring the manhole and field installation of the proper size elastomeric boot mortared inside and outside of the manhole. Service lines that enter manholes shall enter on the shelf or at a minimum of crown to crown for the receiving pipe. G. In addition, to the requirements outlined in this Section, piping shall be installed in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 33 20 00 – Plant Piping, Accessories, and Installation Methods. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.2 MANHOLE INSTALLATION A. General: Manholes shall be constructed of pre-cast concrete rings in accordance with the Drawings. The pre-cast concrete base shall be placed on a six inch (minimum) stone bedding foundation which shall extend up around the pipes to at least 3 inches above the top line of the pipes. Pipes entering the pre-cast sections of the manhole shall be inserted into the adaptor couplings provided. All pre-cast manhole components shall be lifted and moved by use of suitable lifting slings and plugs that will not damage the pre-cast manhole lip. B. All damage to pre-cast sections shall be thoroughly repaired in the presence of the Engineer. Repair and patching of minor breaks shall be done by chipping and scarifying the defective area before application of grout. Pre-cast sections shall be subject to rejection on account of failure to conform to any of the specification requirements. In addition, individual sections of manhole sections may be rejected because of fractures or cracks passing through the wall, except for a single end crack that does not exceed the depth of the joint; defects that indicate imperfect proportioning, mixing, and molding; surface defects indicating honey-combed or open texture; damaged or cracked end, where such damage would prevent making a satisfactory joint; and/or any continuous crack having a surface which width of 0.01 inches or more and extending for a length of 12 inches or more, regardless of position in the section wall. C. The Contractor is responsible for getting the manhole tops to proper grade. The top of the pre-cast manhole may be brought to proper grade for receiving manhole frames by using brick with a maximum adjustment of 12 inches from pre-cast cone to the cast iron ring. Masonry construction shall be preformed by experienced and qualified workmen. All work shall be laid plumb, straight, level, square, and true. The Contractor shall set and bond the manhole frame in a full bed of mortar. All manhole steps and miscellaneous items shall be properly bedded. D. Invert Channels: The invert channels shall be 3/4 the depth of the largest pipe and shall be smooth and semicircular in shape conforming to the inside of the adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shall be made with a smooth curve of as large a radius as the size of the manhole will permit. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. The invert channels shall be formed directly in the concrete of the manhole base or shall be built up with solid brick and Type S mortar. E. All upstream pipes (including services) shall have sloped invert channel slides that provide smooth transitions to the downstream invert channel. Invert channel slides shall be the diameter of the entering pipe and be formed as a channel that is at least 3/4 pipe deep. Upstream pipes that enter at the shelf shall have their invert channel slides smoothly cast into the shelf with a sloping transition to the downstream pipe invert. F. The floor of the manhole outside the channels, or slides, shall be smooth and shall slope toward the channels not less than 1 inch per foot nor more than 2 inches per foot. No laser bowl invert manholes shall be permitted. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 G. Grade Rings: Manhole castings shall be installed to grade using 24 inch inside diameter pre-cast concrete grade rings, or brick grouted in place, for a maximum adjustment of 12 inches. Manhole sections shall be used for greater adjustment, unless approved otherwise. Flat top manholes shall not be adjusted by more than one course of brick. 3.3 CUTTING OF PIPE A. See Section 33 20 00 – Plant Piping, Accessories, and Installation Methods. 3.4 ADJACENT FACILITIES A. Water Mains 1. Horizontal and Vertical Separation a. Minimum horizontal separation between drain and gravity sanitary sewer lines and existing or proposed water mains (measured edge of pipe to edge of pipe) shall be 10 feet for PVC pipe. Any deviation from the minimum separation shall involve the water main in a separate trench or on an undisturbed earth shelf located on one side of the drain/sewer at an elevation so the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of drain/sewer. b. If it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as described above or anytime drain/sewer must be laid above a water main, both the water main and drain/sewer main must be constructed of class 350 ductile iron pipe and prepared for pressure testing to 150 psi to assure water-tightness before backfilling. 2. Crossings a. Drain/Sewers crossing water mains shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical separation of 18 inches between the bottom of the water main pipe and the top of the drain/sewer pipe. The crossing shall be arranged perpendicularly so that the drain/sewer joints will be equidistant and at least 10 feet from the crossing in each direction. b. When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated above, the following methods must be specified: 1) The drain/sewer shall be designed and constructed of class 350 ductile iron pipe and prepared for pressure testing to 150 psi to assure water-tightness prior to backfilling. B. Wells 1. No manhole shall be placed within 100 feet of a well utilized for potable water. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. No drain/sewer piping shall be placed within 25 feet of a well utilized for potable water. 3. Minimum specifications for drain/sewer piping placed between 25 feet and 50 feet of a well utilized for potable water shall meet or exceed the requirements Class 350, ductile iron with push on joints conforming to ANSI A21.50/A21.51 lined with Protecto 401 ceramic epoxy or approved equal. C. Roads and Ditches: Provide 36 inch minimum cover for PVC beneath the roads and ditches. When a roadside ditch is perpendicular to the drain/sewer service, a minimum cover of 24 inch will be allowed. Otherwise construct the drain/sewer of ductile iron pipe or encase the pipe in concrete. 3.5 MINIMUM GRADE (Unless otherwise directed or shown on the plans) A. 4 INCH PIPE: One foot per 100 feet (1.0 percent). B. 6 INCH PIPE: 0.6 feet per 100 feet (0.6 percent). C. 8 INCH PIPE: 0.4 feet per 100 feet (0.4 percent). D. 10 INCH PIPE: 0.28 feet per 100 feet (0.28 percent). E. 12 INCH PIPE: 0.22 feet per 100 feet (0.22 percent). F. 14 INCH PIPE: 0.17 feet per 100 feet (0.17 percent). G. 15 INCH PIPE: 0.15 feet per 100 feet (0.15 percent). H. 16 INCH PIPE: 0.14 feet per 100 feet (0.14 percent). I. 18 INCH PIPE: 0.12 feet per 100 feet (0.12 percent). J. 21 INCH PIPE: 0.10 feet per 100 feet (0.10 percent). K. 24 INCH PIPE: 0.08 feet per 100 feet (0.08 percent). L. 27 INCH PIPE: 0.067 feet per 100 feet (0.067 percent). M. 30 INCH PIPE: 0.058 feet per 100 feet (0.058 percent). N. 36 INCH PIPE: 0.046 feet per 100 feet (0.046 percent). 3.6 BACKFILL A. Materials and installation of pipe bedding haunching and backfill shall be in accordance with Section 31 23 33, “Excavating, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling”. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.7 TESTING A. General: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all equipment necessary for tests of displacement, deflection, and leakage. Tests for deflection and leakage shall be performed by the Contractor and observed by the Engineer’s resident observer. Each segment of line shall be tested: 1. After gravel has been installed on all roadways. 2. After forty-eight (48) hour notice is given. B. The camera inspection must be performed upon completing of cleaning and potable water introduced into the system to be tested. All defects in the pipeline and appurtenances shall be remedied by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner and will be reinspected as outlined above. C. Test for Deflection: Deflection tests may be performed on all sections of flexible pipe. 1. Maximum allowable deflection shall be 5 percent at any point. 2. Deflection shall be measured with a pin-type mandrel "Go/No Go" gauge. The gauge shall be pulled through the pipe by means of a strong cord or cable. 3. Any section of pipe not meeting the 5 percent maximum deflective requirement shall be excavated, backfilled, re-compacted and retested. D. Test for Leakage: All segments of completed line may be tested for leakage by low pressure air test, except that the infiltration test may be used as approved by the Engineer. 1. The Contractor shall remedy all visible leaks in pipes, manholes, and appurtenances. 2. Maximum allowable leakage for the system shall be 0 gallons per inch pipe diameter per linear mile of pipe per 24 hours, including manhole infiltration. No single segment of line (manhole to manhole) shall exceed this requirement. 3. Air Testing: Air testing shall be required by the Engineer if conditions are such that infiltration measurements may be inconclusive. The test shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer’s representative and shall conform to the following requirements: a. Test pressure shall be 3.5 psi increased by the ground water pressure above the top of the sewer. b. Pressure loss from 3.5 psi shall not exceed 0.5 psi during the required testing time. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 33 30 00 - 11 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 c. Testing time in minutes shall be calculated as 0.625 x nominal pipe size (inches). E. Testing Manholes: 1. Each manhole may be tested immediately after assembly and prior to backfilling. 2. All lift holes shall be plugged with an approved Type “S” grout. 3. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely brace the plug from being drawn into the manhole. Unless plugs are mechanically restrained, it is recommended that the plugs are used with a minimum of 2 times safety factor above the test pressure. 4. The test head shall be placed at the inside of the top of the cone section and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. 5. A vacuum of 10 inches (5 psig) of mercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to 9 inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than 60 seconds for 48 inch diameter, 75 seconds for 60 inch. 6. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made with a non-shrink grout while the vacuum is still being drawn. You shall retest until a satisfactory test is obtained. 7. After the drain/gravity sewers and manholes have been installed and backfilled, the manholes shall be inspected for leakage. No visible leaks will be permitted. F. Test Results: Certified copies of all test results shall be furnished to the Engineer within 1 week after the test. END OF SECTION 33 30 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 05 57 – VALVE OPERATORS AND ELECTRIC ACTUATORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 REQUIREMENT A. Equipment shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSOIRES AND INSTALLATION METHODS. B. The electric valve actuators shall meet the signal requirements described in Division 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS. C. Valve operators and electric valve actuators shall be designed to unseat, open or close, and seat the valve under the most adverse operating conditions to which the valves will be subjected. D. Operator mounting arrangements shall be as indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the Manufacturer and/or Engineer. There shall be no mounting restrictions on the electric valve actuator. E. The valve operators and electric actuators shall be the full and undivided responsibility of the valve manufacturer in order to ensure complete coordination of the components and to provide unit responsibility. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. The following items shall be submitted with the Shop Drawings in accordance with, or in addition to the submittal requirements specified in Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES. 1. A Performance Affidavit shall be submitted for electric actuators. 2. Certification that the force required to operate all valves is as specified herein. 1.3 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE A. Warranty and Guarantee shall be for two (2) years from issuance of substantial completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Electric actuators shall be provided where specified or as indicated in the Contract Documents. B. Manual operators shall be provided on all valves which do not receive electric actuators. Manual operator type shall be as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 C. Quarter turn valves 8” and greater size shall have geared operators. Gate valves 14” and greater in size shall have geared operators. D. Operators/actuators shall be furnished with conservatively sized extension bonnets, extension stems, or torque tubes, and all appurtenances required for a complete installation. Operators furnished with extension bonnets shall include stainless steel extension stems, or stainless-steel torque tubes. 2.2 MANUAL OPERATORS A. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, manual operator type shall be as follows: 1. Buried valves shall be equipped with nut operators, extended stems, and valve boxes. 2. Exposed valves up to 6 – inch shall be lever operated (except gate valves). 3. Exposed valves 8 – inches and larger shall be handwheel operated. 4. Exposed gate valves shall be handwheel operated. 5. Valves with centerline of operator located more than 6 – feet above the floor or platform from which it is to be operated shall have a chainwheel operator, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. B. Manual operators shall be rigidly attached to the valve body unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. C. All operators shall turn counter – clockwise to open and shall have the open direction clearly and permanently marked. D. Valve operators shall be designed so that the force required to operate the handwheel, lever, or chain (including breakaway torque requirements) does not exceed 80 pounds applied at the extremity of handwheel or chainwheel operator. Design pressures for sizing of the valve operators shall be the piping test pressure for the piping in which the valve is to be installed. E. Handwheels for valve operators shall not be less than 12 inches in diameter. The maximum diameter of any handwheel shall not exceed 24”. F. Nut operators shall have standard 2 – inch square AWWA operating nuts designed in accordance with AWWA C504 – 94. G. Geared manual operators shall be of the worm gear, traveling nut or scotch yolk type except manual operators for butterfly valves 18 – inch in diameter or larger which shall be worm gear, unless otherwise indicated in the individual valve specification. Gear box designs incorporating end of travel stops in the housing shall be equipped with AWWA input stops. Each gearbox shall require a minimum of 10 turns for 90 degree rotation or full valve stem travel an shall be equipped with a mechanical valve position indicator. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 H. Manual operators on below grade (and vault installed) valves shall be permanently lubricated and watertight under an external water pressure of 10 psi. 2.3 ELECTRIC VALVE ACTUATORS A. Electric Actuators shall be open/close service or modulating service as indicated. 1. Open/Close (non-modulating) valve actuators shall be Type SA series as manufactured by AUMA or equal by EIM/Bettis or Beck. 2. Modulating valve actuators shall be Type SAR as manufactured by AUMA or equal by EIM/Bettis or Beck. B. Performance Requirements 1. The actuators shall be designed for indoor and outdoor service and shall be capable of mounting in any position. 2. Torque capacity of the actuators shall be sufficient to operate the valves with the maximum pressure differential with a safety factor of 1.5. Actuators in modulating service will be selected such that the required dynamic valve torque is no more than 60% of the electric actuator’s maximum rated breakaway torque. 3. Operating time for full limits of travel shall be not more than 2 seconds per inch diameter of the valve, +/- 50 percent through 20 inches; +/- 30 percent for valves 24 inches and larger. Operating time shall not be less than 30 seconds for all modulating valves. 4. Actuators shall be capable of operating in ambient temperatures ranging from 0 oF – 160 oF. 5. For open/close (non – modulating) actuators, the gearing, motor and contactor shall be capable of up to 60 starts per hour without overheating. 6. For modulating actuators, the gearing, motor and contactor shall be capable of up to 1,200 starts per hour without overheating. C. The actuators shall include, in one integral housing, individual compartments for the motor, gearing, wiring terminals, and control circuits. The terminal compartment shall be separated from the inner electrical components of the actuator by means of a watertight seal. The inner seal shall protect the motor and all other internal electrical elements of the actuator from entrance of moisture and dust when the terminal cover is removed. Double cartridge shaft seals shall be provided on the hand wheel and output shafts for weatherproof protection. All external fasteners shall be stainless steel. Compartments shall be provided with moisture and dust-proof rigid cast covers meeting NEMA 6, certified to submergence in 6 ft of water for 30 minutes. Actuators located in classified areas shall be suitable for use in Class 1, Division 1, Group D environments. D. Gearing shall consist of a worm shaft and worm gear pinion operating in an oil SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 bath. All gearing shall be hardened alloy steel or bronze. The worm gear pinion shall be alloy bronze. Gears shall be rated at twice the output torque of the operator and shall be designed to withstand the stall torque of the motor without failure. Worm gear drive shall be self-locking to prevent creeping of the valve disc in an intermediate position. Heavy-duty grease shall protect gearing and sealed ball bearings of the main shaft for five (5) years without changing. The gearing shall be designed to allow field repair and change in gear ratio. Overtravel of the operator shall be prevented by internal mechanical stops cast into the actuator. E. A mechanical dial position indicator shall be furnished to continuously indicate the position of the valve at and between the fully open and fully closed positions. The indicator shall be driven by gearing driven off the main worm gear pinion and shall operate when the actuator is in either the electrical mode or manual mode. F. A handwheel shall be permanently attached for manual operation. A planetary gear assembly shall be provided between the handwheel and the worm shaft if required to reduce the force necessary to operate the handwheel to less than 40 pounds. A positive declutch mechanism shall engage the handwheel when required. When the actuator is set in the declutched position for handwheel operation, it shall return automatically to electric operation when actuator motor is energized. The handwheel shall not rotate during electric operation nor shall a fused motor prevent handwheel operation. G. The drive motor shall be specifically designed for actuator service and shall be characterized by high starting torque and low inertia. Motors shall be 460 volts, three phase or 120 volts, single phase as shown, 60 Hz AC reversible squirrel cage induction type motors and shall be specifically designed for modulating service where indicated. Controls shall operate at 120 VAC or 24 VDC as shown from an integral transformer. Motors shall be totally enclosed, non-ventilated, with NEMA Class H insulation minimum and a maximum continuous temperature rating of 120 oC (rise plus ambient). A 120 VAC space heater shall be provided in the motor compartment. The electric motor shall have a time rating of at least 15 minutes at 104 oF (40 oC) or twice the valve stroking time, whichever is longer, at an average load of at least 33% of maximum valve torque. Motor bearings shall be permanently lubricated by premium lubricant. The motor shall have plug and socket electrical connection to facilitate easy removal and replacement. The actuator shall include a device to ensure that the motor runs with the correct rotation for the required direction of valve travel with either phase sequence of the three – phase power supply connected to the actuator. The motor shall include single phase protection. A suitable thermal protection device shall be incorporated in the motor or motor starter circuits, connected to a tripping device. Fast acting fuses shall be provided to protect solid state components. The motor shall be capable of starting against the rated load in either the open or close direction when voltage to the motor terminals is plus or minus ten (10) percent of nameplate rating. 1. Open/Close actuators shall be furnished with electro-mechanical reversing starters. 2. Modulating actuators shall be furnished with solid state reversing starters. H. Electrical connection of actuators to be multi pin plug and socket connector, SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 allowing quick disconnection in case of maintenance or repair. In order to prevent loss of screws during commissioning or maintenance, all covers shall be fixed with captive screws. In order to minimize the amount of spare parts required, parts such as covers, plug and sockets, parts must be interchangeable throughout all model sizes. I. Leads from the motor shall be brought to the control circuit (limit switch) compartment without external piping or conduit box. An adequately sized space heater shall be installed in the control circuit compartment to aid in the prevention of damage resulting from condensation. The following items shall be located in the control circuit compartment: 1. Torque limit switches shall be provided to de-energize the motor control circuit in the event of a stall when attempting to unseat a jammed valve and when torque is exceeded during valve travel. Each actuator shall have an open direction torque switch and a close direction torque switch. The torque switches shall be mechanically operated and able to be set in torque units. Torque switches shall be calibrated prior to the actuator’s assembly to the valve. 2. Travel limit switches shall be provided to de-energize the motor control circuit when the actuator reaches the limits of travel in the open and close directions. The limit switch drive shall be of the counter gear type and “in step” with the actuator output drive at all times in either the electrical or manual mode of operation. A minimum of eight (8) contacts, four (4) normally open and four (4) normally closed, shall be supplied at each end of valve travel (total of 16 contacts). Limit switches shall be fully adjustable when power is applied to the actuator. J. Modulating actuators shall have a position feedback potentiometer mounted directly to the valve actuator gearing inside the gearing compartment. The potentiometer shall provide a 4 – 20 mA signal corresponding to valve position. Modulating valve actuators shall be designed to respond to either of 4 – 20 mADC analog signal or a digital pulse signal as specified herein or as required to coordinate with the requirements of Division 40 – Process Interconnections. 1. Modulating valve actuators designed to respond to a 4 – 20 mADC signal shall be provided with a valve positioner which shall position the valve proportional to an externally generated 4 – 20 mADC signal. The valve positioning control circuitry shall position the valve by comparing the command signal with the present valve position as indicated by the feedback potentiometer. The positioner shall be field adjustable to fail to the “Open”, “Closed” or “Last” position on loss of 4 – 20 mACD command signal. 2. Modulating valve actuators designed to respond to “pulse” open/close signals shall operate the valve during the time the open or close pulse signal is high. Modulating actuators designed to respond to “pulse” open/close signals shall have the latching circuitry described above for open/close actuators disabled. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 K. The electrical terminals shall be housed in a double sealed terminal compartment isolated from the rest of the actuator components. All control terminations shall have plug and socket connections such that removal of the terminal compartment cover simultaneously disconnects all wiring in the compartment. The actuators shall be designed to operate from a single 480VAC, 3 – phase source. The actuators shall be furnished with fuses inside of the terminal compartment. A quantity of two – ¾ inch NPT conduit entries shall be furnished. L. Actuators shall contain wiring and terminals for the following control functions. All dry contacts shall be rated for 5A at 250VAC. 1. Open, Close, and Stop commands from external dry contacts (utilizing internal 24VDC power supply) and/or from an external signal of 12V to 120V. The inputs for the open, close, stop signals shall be field selectable to be respond to either maintained or momentary remote signals. In momentary mode, the actuator shall have internal latching circuitry that causes the operator to drive the valve to its limit of travel upon receipt of the momentary contact signal unless a stop signal is received. 2. Emergency override input from a normally closed or normally open contact. The actuator shall either open or close (field selectable) upon receiving the emergency override input. 3. Remote Local – Off – Remote selector switch, Open/Close pushbuttons, and Open/Closed pilot lights for a remote manual control station (see below). The remote Local – Off – Remote selector switch and Open/Close pushbuttons shall be a dry contact input to the actuator control circuitry. The Opened/Closed pilot lights shall be powered from the valve actuator control power. 4. Four (4) unpowered contacts shall be provided which can be selected to indicate valve “Opened” and “Closed” position, “Remote” status of the actuator, and fail status of the actuator. The fail status contacts shall activate upon motor overtemperature and actuator overtorque as a minimum. 5. Terminals for 4 – 20 mADC position command and 4 – 20 mADC position feedback as described above for modulating actuators. M. Local Controls 1. Actuators shall be furnished with a Local – Off – Remote selector switch; Open, Close and Stop pushbuttons for local control; a red lamp indicating closed and a green lamp indicating open. L-O-R switch shall be padlockable in any of the three positions. a. When the LOR is in the “Local” position, open/close control shall be by the open and close pushbottons on the actuator. The stop push button shall stop the actuator travel. b. When the LOR is in the “Off” position, the actuator shall not operate. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 c. When the LOR is in the “Remote” position, the actuator shall be controlled by remote input from the PLC or from the remote manual control station. 2. The local controls shall be arranged so that the direction of travel can be reversed without the necessity of stopping the actuator. N. Remote Manual Control Station 1. Where indicated, manual actuator controls shall be furnished in a separate NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure (NEMA 7 if located in a classified area). Manual control station controls shall include Hand – OFF – Auto Selector switch; Open, Stop and Close pushbuttons; a red lamp indicating closed and a green lamp indicating open. a. When the HOA is in the “Hand” position, Open/Close control shall be by the Open and Close pushbuttons on the remote manual control station. The Stop push button shall stop actuator travel. b. When the HOA is in the “Off” position, the actuator shall not operate. c. When the HOA is in the “Auto” position, the actuator shall be controlled by remote inputs to the valve actuator from the PLC. 2.4 ELECRIC OPERATORS FOR PVC/CPVC VALVES A. Automatic electric operators shall be provided for PVC/CPVC valves where specified and/or as shown on the Drawings. Operators shall operate on 120 volt AC, single phase, 60 Hz power and be equipped with solid state electronic internal controls. Motors shall be brushless, capacitor-run, reversing type, suitable for high duty cycle applications and shall be specifically designed for Open/Close service. Motors shall be provided with integral thermal overload protection with auto-reset. Operator gears and shafts shall be constructed of heat treated high-alloy steel. Operator output shaft shall be elecro-less nickel plated. Operator gear trains shall be permanently lubricated. The gear train shall withstand operator stall torque. Operator enclosures shall be NEMA 4. Operators shall be provided with internally wired, thermostatically controlled enclosure heaters to maintain an enclosure temperature of a least 40 oF. Operators shall be provided with positive visual position indication markings permanently affixed to the operator body and final output shaft. Operator drive output shall be provided with a de-clutchable manual override. A manual lever shall be provided for manual valve positioning. Operators shall be failsafe, utilizing a mechanical spring with a clutch mechanism to uncouple the motor during spring return operation, allowing the spring to relax and either open or close the valve. Selection of either fail-opened or fail-closed shall be made by selection of field wiring terminals. B. Independently adjustable cam-operated position limit switches shall be provided with dry contacts for remote fully opened and fully closed valve position indication. Operators shall respond to external dry contact Open/Close controls. The actuator shall have internal latching circuitry that causes the operator to drive the valve to its limit of travel upon receipt of the momentary contact open or close signal unless SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a stop signal is received. The all actuator control circuitry, including latching circuitry, shall be internal to the valve actuator. Valve control circuits and components mounted in a separate enclosure external to the valve actuator assembly will not be permitted. Connections for external remote controls shall be powered from an internal 120 VAC power supply. Limit switches shall be rated for 15 amps at 120 VAC. Provide 8 limit switches adjustable over the full operating range of the valve. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES A. The services of a qualified manufacturer’s technical representative shall be provided and shall include at a minimum the following site visits for electrical actuators: Service Number of Trips Number of Days/Trip Installation and Testing 1 1 Startup and Training 1 1 Services After Startup 1 1 3.2 INSTALLATION A. All valve actuators shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published recommendations and the applicable specification section for valve and motor controls. B. Valve actuators shall be factory coated in accordance with the Manufacturer’s standard paint system. 3.3 SHOP TESTING A. Shop testing shall be in accordance with the following additional requirements: 1. Conduct a complete functional check of each unit. Correct any deficiencies found in shop testing prior to shipment. 2. Submit written certification that: a. Shop tests for the electrical system and all controls were successfully conducted; b. Electrical and all controls provide the functions specified and required for proper operation of the valve operator system. 3. Each actuator shall be performance tested and individual test certificates shall be supplied. The test equipment shall simulate each typical valve load and the following parameters should be recorded: a. Current at maximum torque setting SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 b. Torque at maximum torque setting c. Flash test voltage d. Actuator output speed or operating time e. In addition, the test certificate should record details of specifications, such as gear ratios for both manual and automatic drive, closing direction, and wiring diagram code number. f. Verification of actuator torque rating with valve 3.4 FIELD TESTS A. Field testing shall be in accordance with the following additional requirements: 1. Valve actuators shall be field – tested together with the associated valves. 2. Test all valves at the operating pressures at which the installed line will be used. 3. Test all valves for control operation as directed. 4. Field testing shall include optimization of opening and closing times of the valves. Valve opening and closing times shall be adjusted based on process requirements to optimize operation of the valves. Final valve opening and closing times as determined by field tests shall be approved by the Engineer prior to final acceptance of the system. B. Preliminary Field Tests 1. General: Preliminary field tests shall be conducted prior to start-up and shall include a functional check of the entire valve operator system and all system components. 2. Scope: Preliminary field tests shall demonstrate that the valve operator system performs according to specifications and that all equipment, valves, controls, alarms, interlocks, etc., function properly. 3. Based on results of preliminary field tests, the Contractor shall make any adjustments required to settings, etc., to achieve the required valve closing time and operation, as specified or otherwise directed. C. Final Field Tests 1. Final field tests shall be conducted in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C500. 2. Final field tests shall be conducted simultaneously with the start-up and field testing of the pumps. 3. Final field tests shall be conducted for the full range of operating modes SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 57 - 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 and conditions specified and as directed by the Engineer. Each of the valves shall be tested at minimum, maximum, and normal head/flow conditions, and under all specified conditions of opening and closing. 4. Certification of Equipment Compliance: After the final field tests are completed and passed, submit affidavit to Engineer. END OF SECTION 40 05 57 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 05 59 – SLIDE GATES AND WEIR GATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Slide gates, weir gates and appurtenances as specified in this Section and as shown on the Drawings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI Standards 1. ANSI B16.1 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125 2. ANSI B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Steel Nickel Alloy and Other Special Alloys B. ASTM Standards 1. ASTM A276 - Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes 2. ASTM B209 - Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate 3. ASTM B211 - Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire 4. ASTM B308 - Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6061-T6 Standard Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extruded 5. ASTM D2000 - Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install slide gates, weir gates and appurtenances as specified in this Section and as shown on the Drawings. B. Type, location and dimensions of gates shall be as shown on the Drawings. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Division 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Submit the following prior to equipment manufacture: 1. Shop drawings as specified. 2. Details, calculations and drawings showing method of fabrication and verifying that gate plates will withstand design pressures as specified in this Section. 3. Supplier's outline of services specified in Section 01 61 00 – GENERAL EQUIPMENT STIPULATIONS. C. Submit the following prior to equipment delivery: 1. Affidavit of Compliance specified in Section 01 61 00 – GENERAL EQUIPMENT STIPULATIONS. D. Submit the following prior to equipment installation: 1. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Manufacturer's Operation and Maintenance Data as specified in Section 01 78 23 – OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA. E. Submit the following prior to Substantial Completion: 1. Service reports specified in Section 01 75 00 – SYSTEM TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING 2. Written warranty specified in Section 01 61 00 – GENERAL EQUIPMENT STIPULATIONS. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. As specified in Section 01 61 00 – GENERAL EQUIPMENT STIPULATIONS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. General: A single manufacturer shall furnish slide gates and weir gates. B. Manufacturer: 1. Golden Harvest, Inc. 2. Waterman Industries, Inc. 3. Whipps, Inc. 4. Rodney Hunt 5. Or Engineer Approved Equal SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.2 SLIDE GATES AND WEIR GATES GENERAL A. Gates shall be aluminum, fabricated gates. B. Gates shall be self-contained with guides designed to imbed in concrete or mount on face of concrete, as indicated on the Drawings. C. Gates shall have rising stems. D. Provide clear PVC stem covers with ruled markings in 1 in. and 0.1 inch increments for all gates with rising stems. 2.3 SLIDE GATE FRAMES, DISCS AND SEALS A. General 1. Slide gates shall open when gate disc is raised. 2. Slide gates shall be imbedded or face mounted as shown on the Drawings. B. Slide Gate Frames 1. General: Each slide gate frame shall consist of guides, invert member, cross bar and operator support yoke, all welded together to form a one- piece frame. 2. Slide Gate Frame Material: Frame material shall be Type 6061-T6 Anodized Aluminum. 3. Slide Gate Frame Standard Structural Shapes: Aluminum standard structural shapes shall meet the requirements of ASTM B308. 4. Slide Gate Frame Guides a. Slide Gate frame guides shall be aluminum extrusion with dual slots. 1) Primary slot shall accept disc. 2) Secondary slot shall be sufficiently wide to accept disc- reinforcing ribs. b. Guides shall be designed for maximum rigidity. c. Minimum guide weight shall be as follows: 1) Guides for Face Mounted Gates: 4.0 pounds per foot, minimum. 2) Guides for Imbedded Gates: 3.0 pounds per foot, minimum. d. Guide primary disc slot shall have field replaceable, elastomeric SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 seats in dovetail grooves. Elastomeric seats shall be high-density polymer. e. Where guides extend above operating walkway, guides shall be sufficiently strong so that no further reinforcement will be required. 5. Slide Gate Frame Invert Member a. Slide gate frame invert member at bottom of guides shall be aluminum extrusion b. Invert member shall be designed for maximum rigidity. c. Invert member weight shall be 2.5 pounds per foot, minimum. d. Invert member shall have neoprene flush bottom seal. When slide gate is closed bottom of gate disc shall seat on flush bottom seal. 6. Slide Gate Yoke a. Aluminum structural channels shall form yoke at top of guides. b. Yoke shall provide mount for gate operator. On self – contained gates, a yoke shall be provided across the top of the frame guides. The yoke shall be formed by two structural members affixed to the top of the guides to provide a one – piece rigid frame. The yoke shall be designed to allow removal of the slide. c. Deflection of yoke under full load shall not exceed 1/360 of yoke span. 7. Slide Gate Frame Cross Bar a. Provide cross bar between guides above operating floor. b. Cross bar shall serve as intermediate bar of railing. c. Cross bar shall be 21" to 24" above operating floor. d. Cross bar shall be aluminum structural shape. e. Cross bar shall be welded to guides or bolted to guides. C. Slide Gate Disc 1. Slide gate disc shall be reinforced aluminum plate. 2. Slide gate disc plate shall meet the requirements of ASTM B209. 3. Slide gate disc plate shall be 1/4" thick, minimum. 4. Slide gate disc shall be reinforced with aluminum structural members SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 welded to disc plate. Furnish, in accordance with Article titled SUBMITTALS in this Section, details, calculations and drawings showing the method of fabrication and verifying that the plates will withstand the hydraulic pressure with water at maximum water level shown on Drawings without buckling or otherwise being damaged. 5. Disc shall not deflect more than 1/360 of disc horizontal span when full head of water is on one side of gate and no water is on other side of gate. 6. Provide stem block, or stem blocks, on slide gate disc. Stem blocks shall be welded to disc and shall provide flexible attachment of bottom of gate stem. D. Slide Gate Seals 1. All gates shall be equipped with UHMW polyethylene seat/seals to restrict leakage and to prevent metal to metal contact between the frame and slide. 2. Seat/Seal and Facing seals shall meet the requirements of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene ASTM D4020. 3. UHMW seals shall be secured to guides, extruded aluminum gate spigot or extruded aluminum gate thimble. 4. The seals shall be mounted so as not to obstruct the water way opening. 5. Seals shall be field replaceable and field adjustable. 6. All gates shall be equipped with UHMW polyethylene sea/seals to restrict leakage and to prevent metal to metal contact between the frame and slide. Gates that utilize rubber “J” seals or “P” seals are not acceptable. 2.4 WEIR GATE FRAMES, DISCS AND SEALS A. General 1. Weir gates shall open when gate disc is lowered. 2. Weir gates shall be face mounted. B. Weir Gate Frames 1. General: Each weir gate frame shall consist of guides, weir opening bottom member, cross bar and operator support yoke, all welded together to from a one-piece frame. 2. Weir Gate Frame Material: Frame material shall be Type 6061-T6 Anodized Aluminum. 3. Weir Gate Frame Standard Structural Shapes: Aluminum standard structural shapes shall meet the requirements of ASTM B308. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 4. Weir Gate Frame Guides a. Weir Gate frame guides shall be aluminum extrusion with dual slots. 1) Primary slot shall accept disc. 2) Secondary slot shall be sufficiently wide to accept disc- reinforcing ribs. b. Guides shall extend below weir opening sufficient distance to allow gate disc to be lower so that top of disc is at same elevation as bottom of weir opening. c. Guides shall be designed for maximum rigidity. d. Guide weight shall be 4.0 pounds per foot, minimum. e. Guide primary disc slot shall have field replaceable, elastomeric seats in dovetail grooves. Elastomeric seats shall be high-density polymer. f. Where guides extend above operating walkway, guides shall be sufficiently strong so that no further reinforcement will be required. 5. Weir Gate Frame Weir Opening Bottom Member a. Weir gate frame member at bottom of weir opening shall be aluminum extrusion b. Weir opening bottom member shall be designed for maximum rigidity. c. Weir opening bottom member weight shall be 2.5 pounds per foot, minimum. 6. Weir Gate Yoke a. Aluminum structural shapes shall form yoke at top of guides. b. Yoke shall provide mount for gate operator. c. Deflection of yoke under full load shall not exceed 1/360 of yoke span. 7. Weir Gate Frame Cross Bar a. Provide cross bar between guides above operating floor. b. Cross bar shall serve as intermediate bar of railing. c. Cross bar shall be 21" to 24" above operating floor. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 d. Cross bar shall be aluminum structural shape. e. Cross bar shall be welded to guides or bolted to guides. C. Weir Gate Disc 1. Weir gate disc shall be reinforced aluminum plate. 2. Weir gate disc plate shall meet the requirements of ASTM B209. 3. Weir gate disc plate shall be ¼" thick, minimum. 4. Weir gate disc shall be reinforced with aluminum structural members welded to disc plate. Furnish, in accordance with Article titled SUBMITTALS in this Section, details, calculations and drawings, showing the method of fabrication and verifying that the plates will withstand the hydraulic pressure with water at maximum water level shown on Drawings without buckling or otherwise being damaged. 5. Disc shall not deflect more than 1/360 of disc horizontal span when full head of water is on one side of gate and no water is on other side of gate. 6. Provide stem block, or stem blocks, on weir gate disc. Stem blocks shall be welded to disc and shall provide flexible attachment of bottom of gate stem. D. Weir Gate Seals 1. All gates shall be equipped with UHMW polyethylene seat/seals to restrict leakage and to prevent metal to metal contact between the frame and slide. 2. Seat/Seal and Facing Seals shall meet the requirements of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene ASTM D4020. 3. Provide UHMW seals along sides of weir gate and along bottom of weir gate opening. 4. UHMW seals along sides of weir gate shall be secured to guides, extruded aluminum gate spigot, or extruded aluminum gate thimble. 5. UHMW seal along bottom of weir gate opening shall be secured to weir opening bottom member. 6. The seals shall be mounted so as not to obstruct the water way opening. 7. When weir gate is fully open, UHMW seals shall fully engage weir gate disc along sides of disc and along bottom of weir opening. 8. UHMW seals shall be field replaceable and field adjustable. 9. All gates shall be equipped with UHMW polyethylene seat/seals to restrict leakage and to prevent metal to metal contact between the frame and slide. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 Gates that utilize rubber “J” seals or “P” seals are not acceptable. 2.5 SLIDE GATE AND WEIR GATE STEMS A. Operating stems for slide gates and weir gates shall be solid rolled, AISI Type 316 (UNS-S31600), Type 316F (UNS-S31620), Type 316L (UNS-S31603), or Type 316N (UNS-S31651) stainless steel. B. Stem material and shape shall meet the requirements of ASTM A276. C. Operating stems for slide gates and weir gates shall be of a size to safely withstand, without buckling or permanent distortion, stresses induced by normal operating forces. 1. Gate stem for manually operated gate shall be designed to transmit in compression not less than two (2) times rated output of gate bench stand, with 40 pounds of effort on hand crank or hand wheel. 2. Gate stem for motor operated gate shall be designed to transmit in compression not less than two (2) times rated output of motor operator. D. Threaded portion of stem shall have machined cut Acme threads. Contact surfaces of threads shall have a maximum 16 micro-inch finish. E. Stems with more than one (1) section shall be jointed by AISI Type 316 (UNS- S31600), Type 316F (UNS-S31620), Type 316L (UNS-S31603), or Type 316N (UNS-S31651) stainless steel couplings threaded and keyed or bored and pinned to the stems. Threaded and keyed couplings of same size shall be interchangeable. 2.6 MANUAL OPERATORS FOR SLIDE GATES AND WEIR GATES A. General: Manually operated lifting mechanisms shall be hand wheel operated or hand crank operated bench stand as indicated on the Drawings. B. Hand wheel Operators 1. Hand wheel operators shall be provided without gear reduction. 2. Hand wheel operation shall require no more than 40 pounds of effort. 3. Hand wheel operators shall be provided with threaded bronze lifting nut that engages operating stem. 4. Tapered roller bearings or ball bearings shall be provided above and below a flange on operating nut. Bearings shall support both opening and closing threads. Bearings shall be regreaseable. 5. Provide mechanical seals around lifting nuts and bearings. 6. Bearings and lifting nut shall be enclosed in a cast iron bench stand. Provide stainless steel grease fittings on bench stand. Grease fittings shall SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 provide lubrication to bearings and operating nut. 7. Hand wheel shall be cast iron. Hand wheel shall have solid rim. Hand wheel shall be smooth and free of sharp edges. Maximum hand wheel diameter shall be 24". Arrow showing direction of gate opening shall be cast into upper surface of hand wheel. C. Hand Crank Operators 1. Hand crank operators shall be fully enclosed gear operators. 2. Gear reduction shall be single or double depending upon lifting capacity required. 3. Provide multiple, parallel stem, interconnected, gear operators when force required to open, close, or open and close gate exceeds capacity of one (1) gear operator. When multiple gear operators are provided, all operators on each gate shall be operated by one (1) hand crank and operators shall be interconnected by stainless steel shafts with flexible couplings at each connection. 4. Operation of hand crank for one (1) gear operator shall require no more than 40 pounds of effort. Operation of hand crank for multiple gear operators shall require no more than 40 pounds of effort. 5. Gear operator shall be provided with threaded bronze lifting nut that engages operating stem. 6. Tapered roller bearings or ball bearings shall be provided above and below a flange on operating nut. Bearings shall support both opening and closing threads. 7. Gear operator hand crankshafts shall operate on tapered roller bearings or ball bearings. 8. Gate stem bearings and operator hand crankshaft bearings shall be regreaseable. 9. Provide mechanical seals around lifting nuts and bearings. 10. Bearings and lifting nut shall be enclosed in a cast iron bench stand. a. Provide stainless steel grease fittings on bench stand. Grease fittings shall provide lubrication to bearings and operating nut. b. Arrow showing direction of gate opening shall be cast into gear housing. 11. Hand crank shall be cast iron with a revolving brass grip. Hand crank shall be smooth and free of sharp edges. Hand crank shall be removable. Distance from centerline of hand crank mounting axis to centerline of hand SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 crank handle shall not exceed 15". D. Chain Operators 1. Where indicated on the plans or where the yoke height exceeds 48" above the gate operating level, a right-angle drive with chain wheel operator shall be provided. 2. Right angle drive shall consist of a geared bench stand and an extended side shaft to clear the frame. 3. Chain wheel operator shall consist of the following: a. Upper chain wheel mounted on right angle drive extended side shaft b. Lower chain wheel assembly with horizontal shaft, chain wheel and hand wheel c. Drive chain connecting lower chain wheel to upper chain wheel d. Drive chain guard. 4. Upper chain wheel shall be aligned with lower chain wheel. 5. Ball bearings shall be provided on both sides of lower chain wheel. Bearings shall support lower chain wheel assembly shaft. Bearings shall be regreaseable. Provide stainless steel grease fittings for lower chain assembly. Grease fittings shall provide lubrication to lower chain wheel assembly shaft bearings. 6. Chain guard shall be Type 6061-T6 Anodized Aluminum. Chain guard shall meet OSHA requirements. Chain guard shall have hinged door that provides access to lubricate and maintain chain. 7. Diameter of chain wheel on lower chain wheel assembly shall be equal to, or smaller than, diameter of upper chain wheel. 8. Hand wheel operation shall require no more than 40 pounds of effort. 9. Hand wheel shall be cast iron. Hand wheel shall have solid rim. Hand wheel shall be smooth and free of sharp edges. Maximum hand wheel diameter shall be 15". Arrow showing direction of gate opening shall be cast into upper surface of hand wheel. E. Stop Collars: Gates shall be provided with adjustable AISI Type 316 (UNS- S31600), Type 316F (UNS-S31620), Type 316L (UNS-S31603), or Type 316N (UNS-S31651) stainless steel stop collars, or stop nuts, with set screws on gate stem that prevent over-travel in closing and in opening gate. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 11 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.7 ELECTRIC OPERATORS A. General 1. Each motor operated gate controller shall include motor, operator unit gearing, limit switch gearing, limit switches, torque switches, bored and key-wayed drive sleeve for rising stem gates, declutch lever and auxiliary hand wheel as a self-contained unit. 2. Stepping motor drives will not be acceptable. B. Gate Speed 1. Motor operated gate shall open and close without generating hydraulic surges at gate, in connecting piping or tanks. 2. Gate opening and closing speed shall be compatible with other components within the control loop. C. Electric Operator Motors 1. Operator motor shall be specifically designed for gate operator service using 460 volt, 60 Hertz, three-phase power as shown, on the Electrical Drawings. 2. Motor shall be sized to provide output torque at stall that is twice maximum required output torque. 3. Motor shall be the totally enclosed, non-ventilated type. D. Electric Operator Power Gearing 1. Power gearing shall consist of the following: a. First Reduction Stage: Heat-treated alloy steel helical gears. b. Second Reduction Stage: Worm and worm gear. 2. Spur gear reduction shall be provided as required. 3. Worm and worm gear shall be as follows: a. Worm shall be of alloy steel with carburized threads hardened and ground for high efficiency. b. Worm gear shall be of high tensile strength bronze with hobbed teeth. 4. Power gearing shall be greased lubricated. Grease fittings shall be stainless steel. E. Electric Operator Motor and Power Gearing Bearings: Motor and power gearing SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 12 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 bearings shall be ball or roller bearings. F. Electric Operator Limit Switches and Gearing 1. Limit switches and gearing shall be an integral part of the gate control. 2. Limit switches shall be adjustable type capable of being adjusted to trip at fully opened gate and fully closed gate. 3. Limit switch gearing shall be bronze. 4. Limit switchgears shall be greased, lubricated, intermittent type. 5. Limit switchgears shall be totally enclosed. G. Electric Operator Gear Limit Switches 1. Each motor operated gate controller shall be provided with a minimum of two (2) gear limit switches, one (1) for opening and one (1) for closing. 2. Gear limit switches shall be rotor type. 3. Each gear limit switch shall have two (2) normally open and two (2) normally closed contracts per rotor. 4. Gear limit switches shall be geared to driving mechanism and in step at all times whether in motor or manual operation. 5. Provide two (2) additional rotors as specified above. Each additional rotor shall have two (2) normally open and two (2) normally closed contacts. H. Electric Operator Torque Switches 1. Each motor operated gate controller shall be equipped with one (1) double torque switch. 2. Torque switch shall be adjustable. Torque switch shall be responsive to load encountered in either direction of travel. 3. Torque switch operate during complete opening and closing cycle without auxiliary relays or devices to protect gate should excessive load be met by obstructions in either direction of travel. 4. Torque switch shall be provided with double-pole contacts. I. Electric Operator Gear Limit Switch and Torque Limit Switch Housing 1. Gear limit switches and torque switches shall be housed in a single easily accessible compartment integral with the power compartment of the valve control. 2. Wiring shall be accessible through limit switch compartment. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 13 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 J. Electric Operator Manual Operation 1. Each motor operated gate shall be provided with a permanently mounted hand wheel provided for manual operation. 2. Operator shall be responsive to hand wheel operation when electric operator motor is de-energized. It shall be impossible to place operator in manual operation when operator motor is energized. Hand wheel shall not rotate during electric operation. 3. Movement from motor operation to hand wheel operation shall be accomplished by positive declutching lever that shall mechanically disengage motor and motor gearing but shall not electrically disconnect motor. A fused, or frozen, operator motor shall not prevent manual operation with hand wheel. Operator motor shall not rotate when hand wheel is being turned. When placed in manual operating position, operator shall remain in manual operation until motor is energized, at which time the gate operator will automatically return to electric operation and shall remain in motor position until motor is de-energized and hand wheel operation is initiated. K. Electric Operator Strip Heaters: Provide strip heaters in both the motor and limit switch compartments. L. Electric Operator Power Control Station: Operator shall be provided with the following devices on separate locally mounted power control station: 1. OPEN-STOP-CLOSE pushbuttons. 2. AUTO-MANUAL selector switch. M. Indicating lights. N. Electric Operator Control Transformer: Each motor operator shall be provided with 120-volt control power transformer. O. Electric Operator Manufacturer and Model: As follows: 1. Gate Width 60" and Smaller: Limitorque Type SMC-03-7.5-1800 with a 0.48 Hp motor, or equal. 2. Gate Width Greater Than 60": Limitorque Type SMC-04-5-3600/VBT-3/2.5 with a 0.65 Hp motor, or equal. 2.8 ANCHOR BOLTS A. Anchor bolts for slide gates and weir gates shall be hooked end anchor bolts or adhesive anchors. B. Anchor bolts shall be provided by the Manufacturer with sizing supported by design calculations prepared and sealed by a licensed PE in the state where the project SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 14 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 is located. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Inspect mounting surfaces and openings prior to installing gates. Correct irregularities prior to gate installation. B. Inspect gate parts, bolts, nuts and fasteners prior to assembly and installation. Do not install items that have been damaged. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install slide gates and weir gates in locations shown on the Drawings in accordance with gate manufacturer's written instructions. B. Mount gates plumb in both vertical planes and level in horizontal plane. 3.3 TESTING A. Following installation, inspect, operate and test gates and gate operators. Replace gates, gate parts or gates and gate parts that do not meet the requirement of the Specifications. B. Perform field leakage test after installation of slide gates and weir gates and gate operators. 1. After adjustments have been made and the mechanism is properly lubricated, run gate through one (1) complete cycle as a final check on proper operation before starting leakage test. 2. Measure seating head from surface of water to center of gate. C. Under the design seating head, leakage shall not exceed 0.1 gpm per foot of seating perimeter. 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean grease, oil, concrete or any foreign material from exterior surfaces of gate discs, from exterior surfaces of gate operators and from exposed surfaces of gate frames. 3.5 MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE A. The Contractor shall provide the services of a factory trained manufacturer’s representative for a minimum of one (1) 8 hour day to inspect installation and testing results for all gates installed. The Manufacturer’s representative shall test and confirm all installed gates were installed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s requirements and the requirements of this project. All gates shall be confirmed to be fully functional and ready to be placed into full operation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 59 - 15 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. The Manufacturer’s representative shall provide a certified inspection report indicating the installed conditions, testing results and observations during inspection. In the event any modifications or improvements are required to meet the project operating requirements, modifications/adjustment shall be completed and fully documented as part of system inspection. END OF SECTION 40 05 59 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 05 61 – GATE VALVES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section applies to gate valves used in water service and filtered effluent applications. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 33 – UTILITIES C. Section 40 05 57 – VALVE OPERATORS AND ELECTRIC VALVE ACTUATORS 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00 – REFERENCES. B. ANSI/AWWA Standards 1. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings 2. ANSI/AWWA C500 - Gate Valves 3. ANSI/AWWA C509 - Resilient-Seated Gate Valves 3 through 12 NPS, for Water and Sewage Systems C. ASTM Standards 1. ASTM A276 - Specification for Stainless Steel and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes 2. ASTM A351 - Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic, for High- Temperature Service 3. ASTM A743 - Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium- Nickel, and Nickel-Base Corrosion-Resistant for General Applications D. MSS Standards 1. MSS SP-60 - Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended to be nominal size and shall be interpreted as nominal size. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: as specified in: 1. General Conditions 2. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: test valves as specified in this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GATE VALVES, IRON A. Manufactures 1. American Flow Control 2. Mueller 3. Clow 4. M & H B. Buried Iron Gate Valves 1. Buried Iron Gate Valves, 18" through 48" a. Description: Non-rising stem gate valves with bypass valves. b. Horizontally Mounted 18” through 48” Buried Iron Gate Valves: Provide with rollers and tracks. c. Valve Standard for 18” through 48” Buried Iron Gate Valves: ANSI/AWWA C500 or ANSI/AWWA C509 or ANSI/AWWA C515. d. Materials for 18” through 48” Buried Iron Gate Valves 1) Valve Body and Gate: Cast Iron 2) Exposed Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel 3) Joints for 18” through 48” Buried Iron Gate Valves a) Joint Type: Mechanical joint b) Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. e. Operators for 18” through 48” Buried Iron Gate Valves SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1) Type: Gear operators with enclosed gear cases. 2) Gear Cases Type: Extruded type with bolted side plates to cover stem and stuffing box or totally enclosed typed. 2. Buried Iron Gate Valves, 4" through 16" a. Description: Resilient seat, non-rising stem gate valves b. Valve Standard for 4” through 6” Buried Iron Gate Valves: ANSI/AWWA C509 c. Materials for 4” through 6” Buried Iron Gate Valves 1) Valve Body and Gate: Cast Iron 2) Exposed Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel d. Joints for 4” through 6” Buried Iron Gate Valves 1) Joint Type: Mechanical joint. 2) Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. 3. Buried Iron Gate Valves, 3” a. Description: Non-rising stem gate valves b. Valve Standard for 3” Buried Iron Gate Valves: ANSI/AWWA C500, except ends shall be screwed c. Joint Dimension Standard for 3” Buried Iron Gate Valves: ANSI B16.3 C. Exposed Iron Gate Valves 1. Exposed Iron Gate Valves, 18" through 48" a. Description: Outside screw and yoke gate valves with bypass valves. b. Horizontally Mounted 18” through 48” Exposed Iron Gate Valves: Provide with rollers and tracks. c. Valve Standard for 18” through 48” Exposed Iron Gate Valves: ANSI/AWWA C500, except those parts of ANSI/AWWA C500 only applicable to non-rising stem gate valves and wrench nuts. d. Materials for 18” through 48” Exposed Iron Gate Valves 1) Valve Body and Gate: Cast Iron SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2) Exposed Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel 3) Handwheels: Malleable iron e. Joints for 18” through 48” Exposed Iron Gate Valves 1) Joint Type: Integrally cast flange 2) Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 f. Operators for 18” through 48” Exposed Iron Gate Valves: Gear operators with handwheels or chainwheels and chains. 2. Exposed Iron Gate Valves, 3" through 16" a. Description: Outside screw and yoke gate valves. b. Valve Standard for 3” through 16” Exposed Iron Gate Valves: ANSI/AWWA C500, except those parts of ANSI/AWWA C500 only applicable to non-rising stem gate valves and wrench nuts. c. Materials for 3” through 16” Exposed Iron Gate Valves 1) Valve Body and Gate: Cast Iron 2) Exposed Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel 3) Handwheels: Malleable iron d. Joints for 3” through 16” Exposed Iron Gate Valves 1) Joint Type: Integrally cast flange 2) Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 e. Operators for 3” through 16” Exposed Iron Gate Valves: Handwheels or chainwheels and chains. 2.2 GATE VALVES, STAINLESS STEEL A. Manufacturers 1. Wm Powell Company 2. Stockham 3. Or equal stainless-steel gate valves by U.S. manufacturer B. Stainless Steel Gate Valves, 3" through 24" 1. Description: Bolted flanged yoke bonnet, outside screw, rising stem gate valves with solid wedges. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Pressure Rating: 150 psi, minimum 3. Materials for 3” through 24” Stainless Steel Gate Valves a. Valve Bodies, Bonnets, Yokes, and Wedges 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316 stainless steel 2) Casting Standard: ASTM A351, Grade CF8M b. Valve Stems 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316 stainless steel 2) Material Standard: ASTM A276 c. Handwheel Material: Malleable iron d. Joints for 3” through 16” Exposed Iron Gate Valves 1) Joint Type: Integrally cast flange 2) Flange Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.5 3) Model: Powell Figure 2456, or equal C. Stainless Steel Gate Valves, 2" and Smaller 1. Description: Screwed-in bonnet, rising stem, inside screw gate valves with solid wedge 2. Pressure Rating: 200 psi, minimum 3. Materials for 2” and Smaller Stainless-Steel Gate Valves a. Valve Bodies 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316L stainless steel 2) Casting Standard: ASTM A743, Grade CF3M b. Valve Stems, Packing Glands, Packing Nuts, and Packing Collars 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316 stainless steel 2) Material Standard: ASTM A276 c. Packing Material: Teflon d. Handwheel Material: Malleable iron e. Joint Type for 2” and Smaller Stainless-Steel Gate Valves: NPT SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 f. Model 1) Powell Figure 1832 2) Stockham Figure 20-RZS 2.3 TAPPING VALVES A. Tapping Valves, 16" through 48" 1. Description a. Non-rising stem, double disc gate valves with bypass valves. b. Gates, gate rings and body-seat rings shall be oversized to permit entry and exit of tapping machine cutters. 2. Horizontally Mounted 16” through 48” Tapping Valves: Provide with rollers and tracks. 3. Valve Standard for 16” through 48” Tapping Valves: ANSI/AWWA C500 4. Materials for 16” through 48” Tapping Valves a. Valve Body and Gate: Cast Iron b. Exposed Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel c. Joints for 16” through 48” Tapping Valves 1) General a) Valve End Connecting to Tapping Sleeve: Flange for bolting to the sleeve b) Valve End Connecting to Branch Pipe: Mechanical Joint, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings 2) Flange Joints a) Type: Integrally cast flange b) Flange Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 3) Tongue a) Description: Flange shall have a tongue which fits a recess in tapping sleeve b) Tongue Standard: of MSS SP-60 d. Mechanical Joints SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1) Type: Integrally cast 2) Mechanical Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 e. Operators for 16” through 48” Tapping Valves f. Type: Gear operators with enclosed gear cases g. Gear Cases Type: Extruded type with bolted side plates to cover stem and stuffing box or totally enclosed typed B. Tapping Gate Valves, 4" through 14" 1. Description: Resilient seat, non-rising stem gate valves a. Orientation of 4” through 14” Tapping Valves: Install 4" through 14" tapping valves vertically 2. Valve Standard for 4” through 14” Tapping Valves: ANSI/AWWA C509 3. Materials for 4” through 14” Tapping Valves a. Valve Body and Gate: Cast Iron 4. Exposed Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel 5. Joints for 4” through 14” Tapping Valves a. General 1) Valve end connecting to tapping sleeve: Flange for bolting to the sleeve 2) Valve end connecting to branch pipe: Mechanical Joint, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings b. Flange Joints 1) Type: Integrally cast flange 2) Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 c. Tongue 1) Description: Flange shall have a tongue which fits a recess in tapping sleeve 2) Tongue Standard: of MSS SP-60 d. Mechanical Joints 1) Type: Integrally cast SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 61 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2) Mechanical Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS. 3.2 TESTS A. Test tapping valves as specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS. B. Hydrostatic test valves with piping in which valves are installed. 3.3 MANUFACTURERS' REPRESENTATIVE A. Provide services of valve manufacturers' representative as required to obtain correct installation of valves and accessories, and to provide training to the Owner. B. Provide assistance of valve manufacturers' representatives at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 40 05 61 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 62 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 05 62 – ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Eccentric plug valves and appurtenances specified in this Section and as shown on the drawings 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 33 - UTILITIES 1. Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS C. Section 40 05 57 – VALVE OPERATORS AND ELECTRIC VALVE ACTUATORS 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00 – REFERENCES. B. ANSI/AWWA Standards 1. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings C. ASTM Standards 1. ASTM A126 - Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended to be nominal size and shall be interpreted as nominal size. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: As specified in: 1. General Conditions 2. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: Test valves as specified in this Section. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 62 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.7 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. DeZurik. B. GA Industries C. Milliken D. Val-Matic 2.2 ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES (GENERAL APPLICATION) A. All materials, including gaskets, in contact with liquid shall be resistant to pH values up to 12.5. B. All valves shall be of the non-lubricated eccentric type with resilient faced plugs and shall be furnished with flanged joint connections on lines above grade. C. Port Areas 1. 20” and Smaller Valves: Eighty percent (80%) of full pipe area, minimum. 2. 24” and Larger Valves: One hundred percent (100%) of full pipe area. D. Minimum Pressure Rating: 175 PSI through 12" and 150 PSI through 72". 1. Valves with greater pressure ratings shall be provided on lines with operating pressures more than the minimum pressure rating indicated in this Section. Valves shall be rated to the same pressure as the adjoining piping material or greater. E. Shutoff: Drip tight at full valve rating with pressure in either direction. F. Plugs 1. Type: One-piece 2. Construction a. Plugs shall be self-supporting b. Plugs requiring strengthening member, or members, opposite plug face will not be accepted. 3. Resilient Facing: Neoprene or hypalon as recommended by the SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 62 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 manufacturer for the intended service. 4. Valve Stem: Integral with plug. 5. Valve Stem Bearings a. Valves shall be sleeve type metal bearings conforming to AWWA C504-80, Section 3.6 and AWWA C507.73, Section 8. b. Bearings shall be of sintered, oil impregnated and permanently lubricated type 316 ASTM A743 Grade CF-8M or AISI Type 317L stainless steel in ½" - 24" sizes. c. Non-metallic bearings shall not be acceptable. d. Location: At each end of plug. G. Valve Seat Overlay 1. Welded in overlay of ninety percent (90%) nickel content or stainless steel on surfaces contacting the plug face. 2. Seat area shall be raised, with raised surface completely covered with weld to ensure that the plug face contacts only nickel. 3. Valves utilizing resilient seats attached to the body shall not be acceptable. As per AWWA C-504-80 Section 325.3 and AWWA C507-73 Section 7.2, sprayed or plated seats are not acceptable, nor shall screwed-in seats be acceptable. 4. Coated non-metallic materials shall not be acceptable. H. Valve Shaft Seals 1. Type: Multiple ring; V shaped packing. 2. Seal Adjustment and Replacement: Adjustable and replaceable while valve is in service. I. Materials 1. All materials, including gaskets, in contact with liquid shall be resistant to pH values up to 12.5. 2. Valve Body and Plug Material Type: Cast iron. 3. Casting Standard: ASTM A126, Class B. 4. Exposed Parts, such as nuts, bolts, washers and springs: Stainless steel. 5. Valve Stem Bearings: Stainless steel, or corrosive resistant phenolic backed or fiberglass backed woven Teflon fiber. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 62 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 6. Valve Shaft Seals: Buna J. Joints 1. Joint Type for Buried Valves: Integrally cast mechanical joint. 2. Buried Valve Joint Standard: ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. 3. Joint Type for Exposed Valves: Integrally cast flange. 4. Exposed Valve Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1. K. Interior and Exterior Coating 1. Coating: Two-part thermosetting epoxy. 2. Dry Mil Thickness: 10 mils, minimum. L. Operators and Accessories 1. Type a. If Operator Type Shown on Drawings: As shown on the Drawings. b. If Operator Type Not Shown on Drawings 1) 6” and Larger Valves: Gear actuators. 2) 4” and Smaller Valves: Lever operators. 2. All gearing shall be enclosed in a semi-steel housing and be suitable for running in a lubricant with seals provided on all shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. The actuator shaft and the quadrant shall be supported on permanently lubricated bronze bearings. Actuators shall clearly indicate valve position and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque. All exposed nuts, bolts and washers shall be type 316 stainless steel or better. 3. Valves and gear actuators for buried or submerged service shall have seals on all shafts and gasket on the valve and actuator covers to prevent the entry of water. Actuator mounting brackets for buried or submerged service shall be totally enclosed and shall have gasket seals. All exposed nuts, bolts, springs and washers shall be stainless steel. Valves 6" and smaller shall be quarter-turn. All vaulted valves shall have flanged joint connections with 4" hand wheel and non-rising stem. 4. Stops a. Requirement: Provide adjustable, open position memory stops. b. Stop Adjustment: External without disassembling actuator. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 62 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.3 LIMIT SWITCHES A. Provide limit switches on valves where limit switches are indicated on the Instrumentation and Controls Drawings or as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION METHODS. 3.2 HYDROSTATIC TEST A. Test valves with piping in which valves are installed. Each valve shall be given a hydrostatic and seat test with test results being certified by the specifications. Certified copies of proof-of-design test reports shall be furnished as outlined in AWWA C504-80, Section 5.5. 3.3 MANUFACTURERS' REPRESENTATIVE A. Provide services of valve manufacturer's representative as required to obtain correct installation of valves and accessories, and to provide training to the Owner. B. Provide assistance of valve manufacturer's representatives at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 40 05 62 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 05 65 – CHECK VALVES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Ball valves and appurtenances specified in this Section and shown on the Contract Drawings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 33 - UTILITIES 1. Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00 – REFERENCES B. ANSI Standards 1. ANSI B16.1 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings, Class 125 C. ASTM Standards 1. ASTM A126 - Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges and Pipe Fittings 2. ASTM A269 - Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service 3. ASTM A276 - Specification for Stainless Steel and Heat-Resisting Steel Bar and Shapes 4. ASTM A582 - Specification for Free-Machining Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bar Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished 5. ASTM A351 - Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic, for High- Temperature Service 6. ASTM A536 - Specification for Ductile Iron Castings 7. ASTM A743 - Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium- Nickel, and Nicke-Base Corrosion-Resistant for General Applications 8. ASTM B148 - Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Castings 9. ASTM B150 - Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar and Shapes SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 10. ASTM B271 - Specification for Copper-Base Alloy Centrifugal Castings 11. ASTM B536 - Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Silicon Alloy (UNS N08330 and N08332) Plate, Sheet and Strip 12. ASTM B584 - Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended to be nominal size and shall be interpreted as nominal size. 1.5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Check valves required for complete and properly functioning piping systems. B. Provide proper type check valve for service as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. General: As specified in: 1. General Conditions 2. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: Test valves as specified in this Section. 1.8 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CHECK VALVES, CENTER GUIDED LIFT FOR WATER SERVICE A. Manufacturers 1. APCO 2. CPV 3. Metraflex 4. Or Equal B. General SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Type: Non-slam or silent 2. Mounting Restrictions: Suitable for use in a horizontal or vertical position 3. Description a. Valve shall have plug guided at both ends through an integral shaft. b. Plug shall be opened by velocity flow and closed by helical spring, which seats plug before flow reversal occurs. 4. Minimum Flow Area: One hundred percent (100%) of cross-sectional area of the specified pipe size. 5. Parts Replacement: Seats, plugs and guides shall be easily removable and replaceable without need for any special training and without the need for any tools, unless provided by the valve manufacturer. C. Center Guided Lift Check Valves, 3" and Smaller 1. Body Style: Wafer 2. Joints: Valve shall fit between two (2) 125 pound or 150 pound ANSI flanges. 3. Materials a. Valve body, plug, seat and guide Bushing: AISI 316 stainless steel b. Standard for Helical Springs: ASTM A276, T316 4. Model a. APCO Series 300 b. CPV Series 10 c. Metraflex #700 Series d. Or Equal D. Center Guided Lift Check Valves, 4" and Larger 1. Body Style: Globe style 2. Joints a. Type: flange b. Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1, 125 pound 3. Materials SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a. Body: Semi-steel b. Plug, seat and guide Bushing 1) Material Type: Bronze 2) Material Standard: ASTM B584 c. Helical Spring 1) Material Type: Stainless steel 2) Material Standard: ASTM A 276, T316 4. Model a. APCO Series 600 b. CPV Series 20 c. Metraflex #900 Series d. Or Equal 2.2 CHECK VALVES, SWING, DUAL DOORS, FOR AIR SERVICE A. Manufacturers 1. APCO 2. Techno Corporation 3. Or Equal B. Description 1. Each valve shall have two (2) doors hinged on a shaft through the center of the valve. 2. Check valve doors shall be spring loaded. 3. Doors shall be opened by the velocity flow and closed by one (1) or more torsion springs that shut the doors before reverse flow starts. 4. Door seats shall be resilient. C. Mounting Restrictions: Suitable for use in a horizontal or vertical position D. Pressure Rating: 150 psi, minimum E. Temperature Rating: 250 °F, minimum SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 F. Body Style: Wafer or lug G. Joints: Valve shall fit between two (2) 125 pound or 150 pound ANSI flanges H. Materials 1. Valve body, dual doors, hinge pin, stop pin, and torsion springs: AISI 316 stainless steel 2. Seats a. Seat Material for Air Service: EPDM rated up to 300 oF b. Seat Material for Water Service: Buna-N I. Model 1. APCO Series 9000 2. Techno Corporation Technocheck 3. Or Equal 2.3 CHECK VALVES, SWING, SINGLE DISC, IRON FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE A. Manufacturer 1. Mueller 2. Or equal iron single disc swing check valves by U.S. manufacturer B. Type: Single disc swing check C. Mounting Restrictions: Suitable for use in a horizontal position D. Valve Standard: AWWA E. Pressure Rating: 300 pound test F. Materials 1. Body: Cast iron or ductile iron 2. Accessories: bronze G. Cover: Removable, bolted H. Joints 1. Type: Integrally cast flanges SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 I. Operator: Outside spring and lever, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings 2.4 CHECK VALVES, SWING, RUBBER FLAPPER FOR WASTEWATER SERVICE A. Manufacturers 1. APCO 2. Val-Matic 3. Or Equal B. Description 1. Each rubber flapper swing check valve shall have steel reinforced rubber flapper that swings out of flow path when fully open. 2. Flapper shall be attached to one-piece steel shaft. 3. Flapper shall be captured between valve body and valve cover. C. Valve Seating Surface Angle: 45 degree angle D. Minimum Flow Area: One hundred percent (100%) of cross-sectional area of specified pipe size E. Minimum Non-shock Working Pressure Rating: 150 psi F. Materials 1. Valve Body a. Material Type: Cast iron b. Casting Standard: ASTM A126, Class B c. Flapper: Buna-N, internally reinforced with steel d. Flapper Seal Type: O-ring G. Flapper Replacement: Flapper shall be replaceable through top of valve by removing valve cover H. Joints 1. Type: Integrally cast flanges 2. Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 I. Model SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. APCO Series 100 2. Val-Matic Series 500 3. Or Equal 2.5 CHECK VALVES, SWING, SINGLE-DISC, STAINLESS STEEL FOR SPECIAL SERVICE A. Manufacturers 1. Wm Powell Company 2. Or equal stainless-steel swing check valve by U.S. manufacture B. Stainless Steel Swing Check Valves, 3" through 8" 1. Type: Bolted flange cap swing check 2. Description a. Valve shall have single disc, which swings out of flow path when fully open. b. Valve disc shall be suspended from valve cap. c. Minimum Pressure Rating: 150 pounds 3. Materials a. Valve bodies, caps, and discs 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316 stainless steel 2) Material Standard: ASTM A351, Grade CF8M b. Joints 1) Type: Integrally cast flanges 2) Dimension Standard: ANSI B16.1 3) Model: Powell Figure 2342 or equal C. Stainless Steel Swing Check Valves, 2" and smaller 1. Type: Screwed in cap, swing check valves. 2. Description a. Valve shall have single disc, which swings out of flow path when fully open. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 65 - 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 b. Disc shall be attached to one-piece shaft which extends through valve body. 3. Minimum Pressure Rating: 200 pound 4. Materials a. Valve Bodies 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316L stainless steel 2) Material Standard: ASTM A743, Grade CF3M b. Valve Caps and Discs 1) Material Type: AISI Type 316 stainless steel 2) Material Standard: of ASTM A743, Grade CF8M c. Joints: NPT d. Model: Powell Figure 1847Y or equal 2.6 LIMIT SWITCHES A. Provide limit switches on valves where limit switches are indicated on the Instrumentation Drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION METHODS. 3.2 HYDROSTATIC TEST A. Test valves with piping in which valves are installed. Each valve shall be given a hydrostatic and seat test with test results being certified by the specifications. Certified copies of proof-of-design test reports shall be furnished as outlined in AWWA C504-80, Section 5.5. 3.3 MANUFACTURERS' REPRESENTATIVE A. Provide services of valve manufacturer's representative as required to obtain correct installation of valves and accessories, and to provide training to the Owner. B. Provide assistance of valve manufacturer's representatives at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 40 05 65 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 05 78 – AIR RELEASE AND AIR RELIEF VALVES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Air release valves, air relief valves and appurtenances specified in this Section and as shown on the Drawings. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 33 – UTILITIES 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00 – REFERENCES B. ANSI Standards 1. ANSI B16.1 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings, Class 125 C. ASTM Standards 1. ASTM A48 - Specification for Gray Iron Castings 2. ASTM A126 - Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings 3. ASTM A240 - Specification for Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels 4. ASTM A276 - Specification for Stainless Steel and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes 5. ASTM A582 - Specification for Free-Machining Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished 6. ASTM B584 - Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended to be nominal size and shall be interpreted as nominal size. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: As specified in: 1. General Conditions SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: Test valves as specified in this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 AIR RELEASE VALVES (WATER) A. General 1. Air release valves smaller than 1 inch shall be simple lever type. 2. Air release valves 1 inch and larger shall be compound lever type. 3. Air release valve shall open under pressure when air enters air release valve. B. Valve Inlets and Outlets for Air Release Valves: NPT C. Materials for Air Release Valves 1. Valve Body and Cover Material: a. Material Type: Cast Iron b. Material Standard: ASTM A48 2. Valve Float Material a. Material Type: Stainless Steel b. Material Standard: ASTM A276 3. Float Seat Material: Buna-N rubber 4. Float Linkage Materials a. Material Types: Bronze and Delrin b. Material Standard for Bronze: ASTM B584 D. Manufacturer and Model 1. 2” Air Release Valves: a. APCO Model 200 b. Val-matic Model 45 c. Or Engineer approved equal SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2. 1” Air Release Valve: a. APCO Model 200A b. Val-matic Model 38 c. Or Engineer approved equal 3. 3/4” Air Release Valves: a. APCO Model 65 b. Val-matic Model 25 c. Or Engineer approved equal 4. 1/2” Air Release Valves: a. APCO Model 55 b. Val-matic Model 22 c. Or Engineer approved equal 2.2 AIR AND VACUUM VALVE ASSEMBLIES, 1” THROUGH 3” A. General 1. Each air and vacuum valve assembly shall include an air and vacuum valve and an air release valve. 2. All components of the air and vacuum valve assemblies shall be furnished by one (1) manufacturer. B. Air and Vacuum Valves for Air and Vacuum Valve Assemblies, 1” through 3” 1. Description a. Air and vacuum valve shall allow large quantities of air to escape out of valve orifice when piping is filled and shall close tight when water enters the valve. Air and vacuum valve shall remain closed tight while water is in the valve. b. Air and vacuum valve shall permit large quantities of air to enter through valve when piping is drained and shall prevent vacuum from forming in piping. c. Air and vacuum valve shall consist of a body, cover, baffle, float, seat and throttling device. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1) Baffle shall protect float from direct contact with air and water rushing in through air and vacuum valve inlet and shall prevent float from closing prematurely. 2) Float shall be designed to withstand a minimum of 1000 psi. Float shall be center guided and shall seat positively. 3) Float seat shall be fastened into air and vacuum valve cover, without distortion. Float seat shall be easily removable. 4) Float and baffle assembly shall be shrouded with perforated water diffuser which prevents water entering air and vacuum valve from slamming float shut and prevents water hammer. 5) Air and vacuum valve orifice shall be fitted with adjustable throttling device, which regulates flow of air escaping air and vacuum valve. Air and vacuum valve orifice shall establish pressure loading on rising water column. 2. Air and Vacuum Valve Inlet and Outlet: NPT 3. Air and Vacuum Valve Materials a. Air and Vacuum Valve Body, Cover and Baffle Material 1) Material Type: Cast Iron 2) Material Standard: ASTM A48 b. Air and Vacuum Valve Float Material 1) Material Type: Stainless steel 2) Material Standard: ASTM A240 c. Air and Vacuum Valve Seat Material: Buna-N rubber d. Air and Vacuum Valve Water Diffuser Material 1) Material Type: Brass 2) Material Standard: ASTM B584 e. Material for Air and Vacuum Valve Throttling Device: Malleable Iron f. Manufacturer and Model for Air and Vacuum Valves for Air and Vacuum Valve Assemblies, 1” through 3” 1) 3” Air and Vacuum Valves: a) APCO Model 146 WD SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 b) Val-matic Model 103 DWS-T c) Or Engineer approved equal 2) 2” Air and Vacuum Valves: a) APCO Model 144 WD b) Val-matic Model 102 DWS-T c) Or Engineer approved equal 3) 1” Air and Vacuum Valves: a) APCO Model 142 WD b) Val-matic Model 101 DWS-T c) Or Engineer approved equal C. Air Release Valves for Air and Vacuum Valve Assemblies, 1” through 3” 1. Mounting a. Air release valve shall be mounted on each air and vacuum valve for 1” through 3” air and vacuum valve assemblies. b. Air release valve shall be side connected to air and vacuum valve near top of air and vacuum valve. c. Bronze gate valve shall be installed in pipe connecting air and vacuum valve and air release valve. 2. Description a. Air release valve shall vent air while piping is pressurized. b. Air release valve shall be simple lever type. c. Air release valve shall open under pressure when air enters air release valve. 3. Air Release Valve Materials a. Air Release Valve Body and Cover Material 1) Material Type: Cast Iron 2) Material Standard: ASTM A48 4. Air Release Valve Float Material SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 a. Material Type: Stainless steel b. Material Standard: ASTM A276 5. Air Release Valve Seat Material: Buna-N rubber 6. Air Release Valve Linkage Materials a. Material Types: Bronze and Delrin b. Material Standard for Bronze: ASTM B584 7. Manufacturer and Model for Air Release Valve for Air and Vacuum Valve Assemblies, 1” through 3”: a. APCO Model 55 b. Val-matic Model 22 c. Or Engineer Approved equal 2.3 AIR RELEASE VALVES (SEWAGE) A. General: 1. Air release valves for sewer service shall be ARI D-025 combination air release/vacuum valve as consistent with the County’s current Approved Products List. Alternate valves for sewer service shall not be accepted. B. Materials 1. Camlock Connection – Polypropylene 2. Rolling Seal Assembly – Reinforced Nylon + EPDM +SS 3. Float – Foamed Polypropylene 4. Clamping Stem – Reinforced Nylon 5. Body – Stainless Steel SAE 316 6. Domed Nut – Stainless Steel SAE 316 7. O – Ring – NUNA – N 8. Stopper – Polypropylene 9. Spring – Stainless Steel SAE 316 10. Washer – Stainless Steel SAE 316 11. Stem – Stainless Steel SAE 316 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 05 78 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 12. Body – Stainless Steel SAE 316 13. Float – Foamed Polypropylene 14. O – Ring – BUNA – N 15. Clamp – Stainless Steel SAE 316 16. Ball Valve ¼” – Stainless Steel 17. Base – Stainless Steel SAE 316 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS. B. Provide and mount Air Release Valves with SST nipples and SST ball valve for servicing. Nipples shall be of sufficient length to allow ball valve to be fully opened. 3.2 HYDROSTATIC TEST A. Test valves with piping in which valves are installed. 3.3 MANUFACTURERS' REPRESENTATIVE A. Provide services of valve manufacturer's representative as required to obtain correct installation of valves and accessories, and to provide training to Owner. B. Provide assistance of valve manufacturer's representatives at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 40 05 78 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 12 23 – AIR SERVICE PIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and supplies and shall perform all Work necessary for the construction of air service piping, complete, tested, and ready for use. The pipe work shall be constructed to lines and grades shown and shall be the size shown on the plans. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 33 - UTILITIES 1. Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS C. Division 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS 1. Section 40 42 00 – PROCESS PIPING AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 42 00 – REFERENCES B. AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS) 1. AWS D1.1/D1.1M (2015; Errata 1 2015; Errata 2 2016) Structural Welding Code - Steel 2. AWS Z49.1 (2012) Safety in Welding and Cutting and Allied Processes C. ASME INTERNATIONAL (ASME) 1. ASME B1.20.1 (2013) Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) ASME B16.11 (2016) Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded 2. ASME B16.3 (2016) Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and 300 3. ASME B16.39 (2014) Standard for Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions; Classes 150, 250, and 300 4. ASME B16.9 (2018) Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings 5. ASME B31.1 (2016; Errata 2016) Power Piping 6. ASME B31.9 (2017) Building Services Piping SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 7. ASME B40.100 (2013) Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments 8. ASME B46.1 (2009) Surface Texture, Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay 9. ASME BPVC SEC IX (2017; Errata 2018) BPVC Section IX-Welding, Brazing and Fusing Qualifications D. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) 1. ASTM A193/A193M (2017) Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless-Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service and Other Special Purpose Applications 2. ASTM A194/A194M (2018) Standard Specification for Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, and Stainless-Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure or High- Temperature Service, or Both 3. ASTM A53/A53M (2018) Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless 4. ASTM D1330 (2004; R 2010) Rubber Sheet Gaskets E. MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE AND FITTINGS INDUSTRY (MSS) 1. MSS SP-58 (2009) Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation 2. MSS SP-69 (2003; Notice 2012) Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application (ANSI Approved American National Standard) F. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTIVE COATINGS (SSPC) 1. SSPC SP 10/NACE No. 2(2007) Near-White Blast Cleaning 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Low – Pressure Compressed – Air Piping: System of compressed – air piping and specialties operating at pressures of 150 psig or less. B. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended to be nominal size and shall be interpreted as nominal size. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: As specified in: 1. General Conditions 2. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Submit Manufacturer’s technical product data and installation instruction for pipe, fittings and accessories. Shop drawings, operation, maintenance and related data on all valves, operators, torque tubes, extension stems, extension bonnets, supports and other items as specified shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. C. Welder Qualifications 1. Piping systems welding shall be by welders qualified under provisions of AWS D10.9. 2. Welders shall be qualified by an independent local, acceptable testing agency not more than twelve (12) months prior to commencing work. 3. Perform qualification tests with machines and electrodes similar to those to be used in the Work. 4. Qualify welders at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Submit welder qualifications and weld procedures ( PQR and WPS) for approval. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: Test air piping as specified in this Section. 1.7 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. All materials for air piping shall be new and shall be furnished by the Contractor in accordance with the following requirements. 2.2 AIR PIPING (STAINLESS STEEL) A. Welded steel pipe for air service shall be used for blower suction and discharge piping. Provide flanged connection above ground where shown on drawings. 1. Pipe: 304 stainless steel, Schedule 10, ASTM 312. 2. Flanges and gaskets: AWWA C-207, Class 1-D, with ANSI Class 125 drilling and high temperature Viton gaskets rated for 300 degrees Fahrenheit. All gaskets for flange to flange connections shall be full-faced gaskets. 3. Coatings: Exterior – Rust Preventative finish and Primer coating per Section 09 90 00. Interior – Unfinished. 4. Bolts – 304 stainless steel, ASTM A193. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Welded Joints for Stainless Steel Pipe 1. Welding procedures for stainless steel pipe shall meet requirements of ANSI/AWS D10.4. 2. Factory assemble stainless steel pipe in sections as large as practicable and field assemble sections using flange or coupled joints. Field welding will be permitted for stainless steel pipe where the Contractor can demonstrate that pipe can be welded to meet requirements of referenced standards. Welding in field shall be performed only when requested on shop drawings and accepted by Owner and Engineer in writing as specified in this Section. 3. Prepare pipe edges by machine shaping or cutting. Bevel ends of pipe and fittings with wall thickness of 3/16-inch and larger. Bevel ends of stainless steel pipe to meet requirements of ANSI/AWS D10.12. Separate abutting pipe ends before welding, and completely fuse inside walls of pipe without overlapping. Welding shall be continuous around the joint and shall be completed without interruption. Welds shall be single vee butt type, of sound weld metal thoroughly fused into the ends of pipe and into bottom of vee. Welds shall be free from cold spots, pinholes, oxide inclusions, burrs, snags, rough projections or other defects. 4. Protect and finish stainless steel pipe as follows: a. Factory Welded Joint Stainless Steel Pipe, Fittings and Pipe Assemblies 1) Wire brush outside welded areas. Remove weld splatter. Wire brushes shall be stainless steel, and shall only be used on stainless steel. 2) Following wire brushing, completely immerse stainless steel assemblies and parts in pickling solution of an ambient nitric- hydrofluoric acid solution made from Oakite Deoxidizer SS, or equal, and monitored to generally maintain a twenty-five percent (25%) or higher solution by volume of water. Duration of immersion shall be fifteen to twenty (15 – 20) minutes. Immersion in pickling solution shall remove iron particles and other foreign substances from stainless steel assemblies and parts. 3) Following removal from pickling solution, neutralize stainless steel assemblies and parts by immersion in a rinse water tank. Immersion in rinse water tank shall be followed by a spray rinse if necessary to completely clean pickling solution from stainless steel assemblies and parts. 4) Following rinse, stainless steel assemblies and parts shall be allowed to air dry. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 b. Field Welded Joint Stainless Steel Pipe, Fittings and Pipe Assemblies 1) Wire brush outside weld area. Remove weld splatter. Brushes shall be stainless steel and used only on stainless steel. 2) Remove surface oxidation by brushing, or grinding and brushing. 2.3 AIR VALVING A. Manufacturer 1. Mueller 2. Clow 3. M & H B. Wafer – Type Butterfly Valves conforming to AWWA C504. 1. Valve body shall be cast iron. Valve disc shall be cast iron or ductile iron with a stainless-steel edge. Valve shaft shall be stainless-steel and shall be the one – piece straight-through type or the stub shaft type. Valve seat shall be clamped, mechanically secured, bonded or vulcanized to the body or disc. Bearings shall be the corrosion – resistant self – lubricating sleeve -type. Packing shall be the self – adjusting chevron type or O – ring seals. 2. Air valves shall be operated by a manual valve operator unless indicated otherwise on the Contract Drawings. Manual valve operator shall be a rotary manual operator and handwheel. a. Rotary manual operators for aboveground service shall be of the worm and worm gear or of the traveling nut type. Rotary operators shall have a heavy – duty, weatherproof cast iron or steel housing with gasketed, removable cover and shall be equipped with a mechanical dial or slot type position indicator and a suitable handwheel. Manual operators shall be totally enclosed and sealed to prevent the entrance of rain, dirt, and corrosive atmospheres. Traveling nut operators shall have a grease – lubricated alloy steel screw stem, brass nut, and self – lubricating bronze bushings. Worm gear operators shall have hardened, grease lubricated alloy steel worms and bronze worm gears. All exterior bolts and fasteners shall be bronze or stainless steel for corrosion resistance. Valve shall open with counterclockwise rotation of the handwheel. b. All manual rotary and lever operators shall be capable of seating or unseating the valve disc under the most adverse conditions in the particular application with not more than an 80 – pound pull on the handwheel or lever. Valve operators shall be capable of holding SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 the valve in any position between fully open and fully closed without creeping or fluttering. Operators shall be provided with adjustable, mechanical, stop – limiting devices to prevent over -travel of the valve disc on the open and closed positions. Manual rotary and lever operators shall comply with all applicable requirements of AWWA C504. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Joints – General: 1. Adherence to Standards and Instruction: All pipe shall be transported, handled, stored and installed in keeping with applicable AWWA standards and manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Responsibility of Materials: During loading, transportation, unloading and storage, every precaution shall be taken to prevent injury to pipe, fittings and accessories and to prevent damage to linings and coatings. Pipe shall be protected during handling against impact shocks and free fall. Pipe shall be kept clean at all times, and no pipe shall be used in the Work which does not conform to these specifications. 3. All stainless-steel welded joints shall be field passivated utilizing a pickling paste applied immediately after welding is completed in compliance with the requirements of ASTM A380. B. General Exterior Pipe Laying: 1. All pipe, special castings, valves, fittings and the bells and/or spigots of same shall be thoroughly cleaned of all earth or other foreign matter before being fitted together. The spigot end shall be adjusted in the bell of the pipe, special casting or valve to allow for uniform gasket space, and the pipe shall be completely forced home and held there. 2. Pipe shall be laid in perfect alignment between turns. No abrupt changes, either in grade or alignment shall be acceptable. At such locations where alignment changed are indicated on the Plan, fittings and adjacent pipe shall be self-restrained by harnesses or special fittings or external blocking. 3. Cross above or below existing pipe a minimum of 6 inches or unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 4. During construction of the line, the Contractor shall provide a flow swab of diameter which will fit snugly to the pipe being installed, and it shall be dragged through after each joint has been made. It is imperative that the lines be kept free from debris during construction. For cleaning of small pipe, a suitable swab or drag shall be kept in the pipe and pulled forward past each joint immediately after the joining has been completed. When work is not in progress, all open ends of pipe and fittings shall be securely SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 12 23 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 closed so that no trench water, earth or other substances will enter the pipe or fittings. At the end of each day’s work, the pipe shall be inspected to ensure that dirt, water and other materials have not entered the pipe. C. Flanged Fittings and Pipe Work: 1. The Contractor shall be required to place all flanged pipe valves, fittings, etc. in absolutely true alignment so that faces of all connecting flanges will be true and fair before bolting together to guarantee that no undue strain will be imposed. All flanged pipe, valves, fittings, etc. shall be securely supported against settlement and misalignment with such lasting material and in such manner as will meet the approval of the Engineer. D. Joints of Dissimilar Metals: 1. When a flanged joint consists of a ductile iron flange mated to a steel or alloy flange, the steel flanges shall be flat faced and furnished with full – faced gaskets, insulating bushings and stainless-steel bolts. E. Valves: 1. Valves and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the best practice, the manufacturer’s instructions and at the Engineer’s direction. 2. Valves shall be installed at the locations shown on the Contract Drawings. Before installation, valves shall be checked for proper operation and maintained in a clean condition. No dirt, rock or other obstacles that may interfere with operation shall be left in the valve. All defective valves and appurtenances will be rejected. 3.2 AIR LEAK TESTING A. All air piping shall be flushed prior to testing. See Spec section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS for requirements. B. All air piping shall be low pressure air tested for air leaks or inadequate welds using low pressurized air and soapy water. All joints shall be scrubbed with soapy water with blowers in operation. In the event air leaks are found, the Contractor shall perform all necessary repairs to achieve air tightness to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3.3 AIR PIPE WELD TESTING A. 10% of all field welded pipe shall be mag particle tested in accordance with ASTM E165. Contractor shall employ testing firm and pay for testing cost as part of base bid. Selection of welds to be testing shall be as approved by Engineer. Testing lab and personnel shall be approved by Engineer and shall be certified for the testing method. END OF SECTION 40 12 23 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 42 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 40 42 00 – PROCESS PIPING AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Submittals: Product Data identifying thermal conductivity, thickness and jackets (both factory and field applied, if any), for each type of product indicated. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 33 – UTILITIES 1. Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS C. Division 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS 1. Section 40 12 23 – AIR SERVICE PIPING 1.3 REFERENCES A. General: As specified in Section 01 40 00 – REFERENCES 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. General: as specified in: 1. Exhibit A, General Conditions 2. Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 3. Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: Test pipe, fittings and chemical piping appurtenances specified in this Section. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. As specified in Section 33 20 00 – PLANT PIPING, ACCESSORIES AND INSTALLATION METHODS SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 42 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MINERAL-FIBER INSULATION A. Glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin complying with the following: 1. Preformed Pipe Insulation: Comply with ASTM C 547, Type 1, with factory- applied, all-purpose, vapor-retarder jacket. 2.2 PREFABRICATED THERMAL INSULATING FITTING COVERS A. Comply with ASTM C 450 for dimensions used in preforming insulation to cover valves, elbows, tees and flanges. 2.3 FIELD-APPLIED JACKETS A. Aluminum Jacket: ASTM C1729, Type I, Grade 1, Class A 2.4 GLASS CLOTH AND TAPE A. Woven glass-fiber fabrics, plain weave, presized a minimum of 8-oz. /sq. yd. B. Tape Width: 4 inches. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Clean and dry surfaces. Remove materials that will adversely affect insulation application. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Apply insulation materials, accessories and finishes according to the manufacturer's written instructions; with smooth, straight and even surfaces; free of voids throughout the length of pipes, including fittings, valves and specialties. B. Use accessories compatible with insulation materials and suitable for the service. Use accessories that do not corrode, soften or otherwise attack insulation or jacket in either wet or dry state. C. Seal joints and seams with vapor-retarder mastic on insulation indicated to receive a vapor retarder. D. Apply insulation with the least number of joints practical. E. Apply insulation over fittings, valves and specialties, with continuous thermal and vapor-retarder integrity, unless otherwise indicated. Refer to special instructions for applying insulation over fittings, valves and specialties. 3.3 INSULATION TERMINATIONS SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 42 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 A. For insulation application where vapor retarders are indicated, taper insulation ends. Seal tapered ends with a compound recommended by the insulation material manufacturer to maintain vapor retarder. B. Apply adhesives and mastics at the manufacturer's recommended coverage rate. 3.4 INSULATION APPLICATION SCHEDULE A. Insulate the Following: 1. Service: Process Wastewater Piping a. Installation Locations: On all outdoor, above grade piping less than 6” in diameter or as indicated on Contract Drawings. b. Operating Temperature: 50 °F to 90 °F c. Insulation Material: Mineral-fiber d. Insulation Thickness: 1) Piping Diameter ≤ 2” – 1” Thick Insulation 2) Piping Diameter 2.5” to 6” – 2” Thick Insulation 3) Piping Diameter >6” – 2.5” Thick Insulation e. Field-Applied Jacket: Aluminum Jacketing f. Vapor Retarder Required: No g. Finish: None 2. Service: Process Air Piping a. Installation Location: On all air discharge piping within buildings at blower installations or to limits on blower discharge piping as indicated on Contract Drawings. b. Operating Temperature: Ambient to 275 °F c. Insulation Material: Mineral-fiber d. Insulation Thickness: Apply the following insulation thicknesses: 1) Piping Diameter <6” – 1” Thick Insulation 2) Piping Diameter >6” – 1.5” Thick Insulation e. Field-Applied Jacket: Aluminum Jacketing where piping is exposed up to 10 ft above finished floor. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 40 42 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 f. Vapor Retarder Required: No. g. Finish: None END OF SECTION 40 42 00 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 41 22 00 – HOISTS AND TROLLEYS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes providing all necessary hoists and trolleys for plant equipment as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Division 43 – PROCESS GAS AND LIQUID HANDLING AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT C. Division 46 – WATER AND WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT 1.3 REFERNECES A. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC) 1. AISC S329 - 1985 Allowable Stress Design Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts B. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) 1. ASME/ANSI B30.11 - 1993 Monorails and Under-hung Cranes 2. ASME HST 1M - 1989 Electric Chain Hoists C. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 275/A 275M - 1994 Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings 2. ASTM A 325M - 1993 High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (Metric) 3. ASTM A 325 - 1993 Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength 4. ASTM A 563M - 1993 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric) 5. ASTM A 563 - 1993 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 6. ASTM F 959 - 1993 (Rev. A) Compressible Washer Type Direct Tension Indicators for use with Structural Fasteners SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 D. CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (CFR) 1. CFR 1910.179Overhead and Gantry Cranes E. FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS (FS) 1. FS RR W 410 - (Rev. D) (Am. 1) Wire Rope and Strand F. MONORAIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (MMA) 1. MMA MH27.1 - 1981 Under-hung Cranes and Monorail Systems G. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) 1. NEMA MG 1 - 1993 Motors and Generators H. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 1. NFPA 70 - 1996 National Electrical Code 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Provide a trolley system with electric powered hoist and hand-operated trolley, hand-operated crane rotation, complete, tested and ready for operation. Hoist, trolley, equipment, materials, installation, examination, inspection and workmanship shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASME/ANSI B30. ASME HST-1M, MMA MH27.1, with modifications specified herein. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer’s Catalog Data 1. Electric chain hoist 2. Trolley 3. Pendant push-button station 4. Electrification 1.6 STATEMENTS A. Overload test certificate 1. Submit a statement that the provided hoists and trolleys can be periodically load tested to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) (plus five (+ 5) minus zero (- 0)) of rated load. 1.7 TEST REPORTS A. Load chain proof test SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1.8 FACTORY TEST REPORTS A. Hook and hook nut magnetic particle inspection 1.9 FIELD TEST REPORTS A. Operational tests B. Hook test C. No load test D. Load test E. Rated load speed test 1.10 CERTIFICATES A. Bolts B. Nuts C. Washers D. Painting system 1.11 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Hoist and trolley system B. Submit data package for "Operation and Maintenance Data." 1.12 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Items are to be shipped as complete assemblies except where partial disassembly is required by transportation regulations or for protection of components. B. Handling: 1. All equipment shall be carefully handled and protected from damage while in storage and during installation. Equipment shall be protected from the weather at all times. 2. Equipment damaged by the weather, handling or construction shall be immediately repaired or replaced to the Engineer’s satisfaction. 1.13 WARRANTY A. The supplier shall warrant all equipment for a period of twelve (12) months. The warranty period shall include the 12 – month period beginning upon the date of equipment acceptance by the Owner as indicated by the date of substantial completion for equipment. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 HOIST AND MONOTRAIL SYSTEM A. Provide hoist and trolley system designed and constructed to MHI CMAA 74 Class C, standard service requirements for operation in indoor non-hazardous environment. Hoist shall be an electric-chain hoist of type, class, control, suspension, lift and operating characteristics specified. Each hoist shall have the capacity, lift-height, suspension, power source and operating characteristics indicated. Trolley shall be hand operated. Hoist system shall operate on 480 volts AC, 60 Hz, three-phase power source. 2.2 CAPACITY A. Hoist/trolley shall have nominal 1.0 ton capacity. Mark the hoist capacity in tons on both sides of the hoist or load block. Hoist shall have a minimum lifting height of 32 feet. 2.3 SPEEDS A. The hoist shall have two (2) operating speeds and shall be capable of hoisting and lowering the rated load at a high speed of 20 feet per minute (fpm). Low speed shall be one quarter to one third (1/4 - 1/3) of high speed. Actual speeds shall be within plus or minus fifteen percent (15%) of those specified. 2.4 MATERIAL LIMITATIONS A. Shafts, keys, couplings, sprockets and chains shall be steel. All gears shall be steel except for worm gears, which shall be bronze or steel. Cast iron and aluminum used to support components of the hoist power transmission train shall be ductile. 2.5 SAFETY A. Comply with the mandatory and advisory safety requirements of ASME/ANSI B30.11, and 29 CFR 1910.179. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) specification 1910.179, as it applies to jib cranes, will be adhered to. 2.6 ELECTRIC CHAIN HOIST A. ASME HST 1M, Class H3, except as modified herein. Provide load chain proof test. 2.7 TROLLEY A. Trolley shall meet all applicable requirements of MMA MH27.1 and ASME HST 1M. Trolley shall have elastomeric bumpers to engage runway stops. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2.8 MOTORS A. NEMA MG 1. Hoist motors shall be two-speed AC squirrel cage induction type. Motor insulation shall be Class B minimum. Provide totally enclosed non ventilated (TENV) motor enclosures. Maximum motor speed shall not exceed 1,800 RPM. 2.9 CONTROLS A. Provide two – speed magnetic control for the hoist. 2.10 LIMIT SWITCHES A. Provide upper and lower limit switches which de-energize the hoist motor. 2.11 BRAKES A. Provide hoist with an electro mechanical holding brake and a mechanical load brake, each capable of holding one hundred thirty percent (130%) of the rated hoist capacity. Hoist holding brake shall be capable of being released to test the load brake. 2.12 BEARINGS A. All bearings except those subject to a small rocker motion shall be anti-friction type. Bearings not considered lifetime lubricated by the manufacturer should be provided with a means for lubrication. 2.13 PENDANT PUSH – BUTTON STATION A. Hoist shall be controlled from a pendant push-button station. Arrange push buttons in accordance with ASME/ANSI B30.11 recommendations. Locate station 4 feet above the finished floor. 2.14 ELECTRIFICATION A. Runway electrification shall be of the flat festooned type. Provide electrical work for the free-standing jib crane system in accordance with NFPA 70. Provide a junction box at the fixed end of the festooned cable for connection of power by the Electrical Contractor. 2.15 IDENTIFICATION PLATES A. Provide identification plates of non-corrosive metal with clearly legible permanent lettering giving the manufacturer's name, model number, capacity in pounds, and other essential information or identification. 2.16 PAINTING SYSTEM A. Painting shall be manufacturer’s standard. Provide a primer and a finish coat. Primer shall be inorganic zinc type. The finish coat shall be an epoxy. Paint coats shall be smooth and even, free of runs, sags, orange peel or other defects. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. The installation of the equipment furnished by the manufacturer shall be the responsibility of the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents and the manufacturer’s installation requirements. 3.2 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES A. Hoist and trolley system, complete in accordance with the approved submittals and in condition to perform the operational and acceptance tests. B. Equipment manufacturer shall furnish all instruction and assistance necessary for proper installation and operation of equipment. After installation, a qualified service representative of the equipment manufacturer shall inspect the complete installation, place the equipment in permanent operation, instruct the Owner’s personnel in operation and maintenance, and perform field tests to ensure proper operation. A report of the test results shall be provided and included in the final service manual. If there are difficulties in the operation of the equipment, additional service shall be provided at no cost to the Owner. C. Lubricants: Equipment manufacturer shall furnish, for each piece of equipment, one (1) year’s supply of the proper lubricants, of each type required. This shall be in addition to the lubricants required for initial operation. Each type of lubricant shall be furnished in a separate sealed container that shall be clearly labeled showing the type of lubricant, equipment for which its use is intended, and instructions for use. 3.3 OPERATIONAL TEST A. After erection and inspection, test the hoist, and trolley as specified herein. Test the systems in service to determine that each component of the system operates as specified, is properly installed and adjusted, and is free from defects in material, manufacturer, installation and workmanship. Rectify all deficiencies disclosed by testing and retest the system or component to prove the monorail system is operational. The Contractor shall furnish loads for testing, operating personnel, instruments and all other necessary apparatus. 3.4 TEST DATA A. Record test data on appropriate test record forms suitable for retention for the life of the free-standing jib crane system. Record operating and startup current measurements for electrical equipment (motors and coils) using appropriate instrumentation (i.e., clamp on ammeters). Compare recorded values with design specifications or manufacturer's recommended values; abnormal differences (i.e., greater than ten percent (10%) from manufacturer's or design values) shall be justified or appropriate adjustments performed. In addition, high temperatures or abnormal operation of any equipment or machinery shall be noted, investigated and corrected. Record hoist speeds during each test cycle. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 41 22 00 - 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.5 NO – LOAD TEST A. Hoist: Raise the load hook the full operating lift distance and verify satisfactory operation of hoist, upper limit switch, lower limit switch, and the hoisting and lowering speeds. Operate the hoist at low and high speed in both directions. 3.6 LOAD TEST A. Percent (plus five percent (+5%), minus zero percent (-0%)) of rated capacity 1. Hoist Static Test: Raise test load approximately one foot above the floor and hold for ten (10) minutes. Observe load lowering that may occur which will indicate malfunction of hoisting component or brake. Lower the test load to the floor until the hoist line is slack. 2. Hoist Dynamic Test: Raise the test load to approximately 5 feet above the floor using both speed points in the process. Lower the load back to the floor using both speed points. Stop the test load at least once while lowering at high speed and observe proper brake operation. Wait five (5) minutes, and then repeat the above cycle. 3. Load Brake Test: Raise test load approximately 5 feet. With the hoist controller in the neutral position, release the holding brake. The load brake should hold the test load. Again with the holding brake in the released position, start the test load down at low speed and return the controller to off position as the test load lowers. The load brake should prevent the test load from accelerating. NOTE: It is not necessary for the load brake to halt the downward motion of the test load. 4. Loss of Power Test: Raise the test load approximately 3 feet and while lowering test load at low speed cut main power to hoist. Load should stop. END OF SECTION 41 22 00 SUBMITTAL Summerhouse, NC Membrane Package System KMU-OP40 11807 North Creek Parkway S. Suite B-109, Bothell, WA 98011 | Phone: 425 898 2858 | Fax: 425-898-2853 Submittal Transmittal Feed Forward Pumps and Permeate Pumps Project Name Summerhouse, NC Membrane Package System Summerhouse WWTP Interim Improvements Project Site Summerhouse, NC WWTP 349 Holly Ridge Rd, Holly Ridge, NC 28445 Engineer McKim and Creed 1730 Varsity Drive, Venture IV Building, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC Submit to Dan Peplinski, Jimmy Holland McKim and Creed 1730 Varsity Drive, Venture IV Building, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC Prepared by Scott Jungwirth, PE KUBOTA Membrane USA Corporation 11807 North Creek Parkway S., Suite B109, Bothell WA 98011, USA KMU Project # OP40 Issued Date August 25, 2023 Package # OP40-01A Item (1) Feed Forward Pumps (2) Permeate Pumps SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 1 SEPTEMBER 2023 55BFFRME0 - H11A32E5BE2S | Configuration Summary PUMP Pump Size 5 x 5 - 6 Installation Frame Mounted Speed 3600 MOTOR Frequency (Hz)60 Poles 2 Enclosure TEPE Frame Size 213T Power 5.5 kW Phase (~)3 Voltage 208-230/460 V Service Factor 1.15 CONSTRUCTION Construction BF (Bronze Fitted) SEAL Type of Seal Type 21 Rotating Face Carbon Stationary Face Ceramic Elastomers BUNA-N Metal Components 316 SS STANDARD OPTIONS Casing Rotation 12 o'clock SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 2 SEPTEMBER 2023 55BFFRME0 - H11A32E5BE2S | Product Details Material Details O-ring (8)BUNA-N (Std.)/EPR (opt.)/Viton (opt.) Shaft sleeve (10)AISI 304 Stainless Steel Motor adapter (3)Cast Iron Square key way (7)AISI 304 Stainless Steel Casing (1)Cast Iron Mechanical Seal (9)See Mechanical Section Impeller washer (6)AISI 304 Stainless Steel Hex head screw (12)Zinc Plated Steel Impeller (2)Sil-brass Casing wearing ring (4)Sil-brass 1/4" pipe plug (11)Zinc Plated Steel Impeller bolt (5)AISI 304 Stainless Steel Motor Data Enclosure TEPE Speed 3,500 rpm Rated Power 5.6 kW Rated Voltage 208-230/460 V Frame Size 213T Phase 3 FLA 19.4-18/9 SLA 22-20.6-10.3 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 3 SEPTEMBER 2023 55BFFRME0 - H11A32E5BE2S | Hydraulic Data & Performance Curve Selection Criteria Fluid Data H@QMax 19 ft Operating Pumps 1 Total Head 20 ft Stages 1 Max Impeller Diameter 4.5 in Max P2 7 Hp Pump Head 20 ft Pump Flow 480 USgpm Min Impeller Diameter 3.031 in Series 3656/3756 LH Group H@QMin 69 ft Total Flow 480 USgpm Impeller Diameter 3.031 in System Units US Model 55BF 3600rpm Nature of System Single Pump Frequency 60 Hz Rated Power 10 Hp Max Operating Pressure 18 psi Fluid Vapor Pressure 0.33929 psi Fluid Service Dynamic Viscosity 1.00165 cP Fluid Name Fluid Type Water Fluid Temperature 68 °F Density 62.31322 lb/ft³ Specific Gravity 1 Design Curve Data Design Point Series 3656/3756 LH Group BEP Flow 662.98 USgpm BEP Head 25.05 ft Max Flow 739.89 USgpm Rated Motor Speed 3600 BEP 65.68 % Head 28.74 ft Efficiency 64.77 % NPSHr 23.04 ft Flow 611.78 USgpm Shaft power (P2)6.86 Hp SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 4 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 5 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 6 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 7 SEPTEMBER 2023 3” Self-Priming Pump ® A Gorman-Rupp Company 400 Spring Street • Royersford, PA 19468 USA www.amtpump.com • 888-amt-pump (268-7867) For use with nonflammable liquids compatible with pump component materials. Viton® and Teflon® are registered trademarks of E. I. Dupont.SPE-15 SE L F - P R I M I N G C E N T R I F U G A L P U M P S AMT Self-Priming Cast Iron Centrifugal pumps are designed for a broad range of high capacity applications, including dewatering, liquid transfer, circulation, drainage and irrigation. Dual volute design reduces radial load on motor. The centerline discharge feature is specifically designed to prevent vapor binding and makes for convenient piping connections. Pumps are designed to handle liquids with solids content or dissolved solids and debris. All models are fitted with self-cleaning, semi-open stainless steel impeller, which can handle 3/8" diameter semi-solids. Built-in check valves for fast priming are standard on all units. Fill and drain plugs for easy installation and servicing. 0010908070605040302010 0 02 04 06 08 001 021 084024063003042081021060 )zH 06( MPR 0543 @ yticapaC 0.1 ytivarg cificeps retaW- diuqiL 13.2 yb edivid ,isp ot trevnoC)*( ]Wk 42.2[ PH 3 seireS 782 = A ]Wk 37.3[ PH 5 seireS 782 = B ]Wk 95.5[ PH ½7 seireS 782 = C 0 4 8 21 61 02 42 82 23 63 ]*.tf[ ]m[ ]mpg .S.U[ To t a l H e a d m[3 ]h/ C B A Performance of Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps 3 ˝ Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps • Cast Iron Construction with Stainless Steel Impeller • Buna-N Mechanical Seal, Check Valve and O-Ring • Optional Silicon Carbide Seal Available • 3˝ NPT Suction and Discharge Ports • Maximum Solids Handling 3/8˝ • Maximum Temperature 180° F • Maximum Flow 375 GPM • Maximum Head 110 Ft. • Self-Priming to 20 Ft. • Self-Cleaning, Semi-Open Impeller • Solids Handling and Dirty Water Design • 3 to 7-1/2 HP TEFC, Single and Three Phase Motors • Optional Mounting Base Available SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 8 SEPTEMBER 2023 0120 ® A Gorman-Rupp Company Manufacturer of AMT & IPT Pumps 400 Spring Street • Royersford, PA 19468 USAwww.amtpump.com • 888-amt-pump (268-7867) The Gorman-Rupp Company reserves the right to discontinue any model or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligation. ©2012 American Machine and Tool Company. All rights reserved. SPE-16 ® A Gorman-Rupp Company 3 ˝ Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps Standard Features • Cast Iron Construction with Stainless Steel Impeller • Buna-N Mechanical Seal and O-ring • Optional Viton® Mechanical Seal and Flapper Valve Available • Optional Silicon Carbide Seal Available • 3" NPT Suction and Discharge Ports • Stainless Steel Sleeve • Dual Volute Design Reduces Radial Load on Motor • Fill and Drain Plug for Easy Servicing • Maximum Working Pressure 125 PSI • Maximum Temperature 180° F • Maximum Flow 375 GPM • Maximum Head 110 Ft. • Self-cleaning, Semi-open Impeller • 3 to 71/2 HP Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) Single or Three Phase Motors • Optional Mounting Base Available on All Above Models • QSP – Quick Ship Pump for Many Models Hazardous Duty/Xplosion Proof motors available from stock ranging from 1 to 10 HP; CALL FOR QUOTATION & LEAD TIME! Model Curve HP PH Frame SUC*DIS*AB CL**W**H 2877-95 A31 230 184JM 333.7 [9.4]5.5 [13.9]11.8 [29.9] 2874-95 3 208-230/460 182JM 3.7 [9.4]4.5 [11.4]11.8 [29.9] 2878-95 B51 230 184JM 333.7 [9.4]5.5 [13.9]11.8 [29.9] 2875-95 3 208-230/460 184JM 3.7 [9.4]5.5 [13.9]11.8 [29.9] 2879-95 C7½1 230 215JM 3 4.2 [10.6]7.0 [17.8]11.8 [29.9] 2876-95 3 208-230/460 184JM 16 10/5 21 14/7 31 20/10 3.7 [9.4]5.5 [13.9]11.8 [29.9]3 Voltage @ 60 Hz + Full Load Amps (*) Standard NPT (Female) pipe thread. (**) This dimension may vary due to motor manufacturer's specifications. (+) 3-Phase models can also operate on 50 Hz (This will change full load amps and service factor, RPM and priming capabilities). NOTE:Dimensions are in inches (centimeters) and have a tolerance of ±1/4". NOTE:Electric supply for ALL motors must be within ±10% of nameplate voltage rating (e.g.230V ±10%= 207 to 253). 29.1 [73.9] 26.6 [67.6] 29.1 [73.9] 26.6 [67.6] 31.1 [79.0] 26.6 [67.6] 13.7 [34.8] 12.0 [30.5] 13.1 [33.2] 12.0 [30.5] 13.9 [35.3] 12.0 [30.5] 17.1 [43.4] 16.4 [41.6] 17.1 [43.4] 16.4 [41.6] 18.2 [46.2] 16.4 [41.6] 133 149 205 173 215 176 Ship Wt. (Lbs.) Pump Dimensional & Specification Data Optional Mounting Base Model A200-90 Maximum Solids Handling Capacity: 3/8" Diameter SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2023 143122le.s01.dgn 8/1/2014 4:07:20 PM SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 10 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2023 Copyright by the Gorman‐Rupp Company 2013 PAGE 2100Specification Data PUMP SPECIFICATIONS Size: 4” x 4” (101 mm x 101 mm) NPT ‐ Female. Casing: Gray Iron 30. Maximum Operating Pressure 86 psi (593 kPa).* Semi‐Open Type, Two Vane Impeller: Ductile Iron 65‐45‐12. Handles 3” (76,2 mm) Diameter Spherical Solids. Impeller Shaft: Alloy Steel 4150. Shaft Sleeve: Alloy Steel 4130. Replaceable Wear Plate: Carbon Steel ASTM A36. Removable Adjustable Cover Plate: Gray Iron 30; 41 lbs. (18 kg). Flap Valve: Neoprene w/Nylon and Steel Reinforcing. Seal Plate: Gray Iron 30. Bearing Housing: Gray Iron 30. Radial Bearing: Open Single Row Ball. Thrust Bearing: Open Double Row Ball. Bearing and Seal Cavity Lubrication: SAE 30 Non‐Detergent Oil. Flanges: Gray Iron 30. Gaskets: Buna‐N w/Compressed Synthetic Fibers, Vegetable Fiber, PTFE, Cork, and Rubber. O‐Rings: Buna‐N. Hardware: Standard Plated Steel. Brass Pressure Relief Valve. Bearing and Seal Cavity Oil Level Sight Gauges. Optional Equipment: Automatic Air Release Valve. Metal Bellows Seal. 120V/240V Casing Heater. High Pump Temperature Shutdown Kit. Self‐Cleaning Wear Plate. Gray Iron 30 Suction and Discharge Spool Flanges: 4” ASA (Specify Model T4A3S‐B /F). 100 mm DIN 2527 (PN 16) (Specify Model T4A3S‐B /FM). *Consult Factory for Applications Exceeding Maximum Pressure and/or Temperature Indicated. Sec. 55 Self Priming Centrifugal Pump Basic Pump Model T4A3S‐B Size 4” x 4” D S SEAL DETAIL Cartridge Type, Mechanical, Oil‐Lubricated, Double Floating, Self‐Aligning. Tungsten Titanium Carbide Rotating and Stationary Faces. Stainless Steel 316 Stationary Seat. Fluorocarbon Elastomers (DuPont Viton or Equivalent). Stainless Steel 18‐8 Cage and Spring. Maximum Temperature of Liquid Pumped, 160 F (71 C).* Shown with Optional Suction & Discharge Spool Flanges (Available in ASA or DIN Standard Sizes). SEAL ASSEMBLYIMPELLER IMPELLER SHAFT BALL BEARINGS DISCHARGE FLANGE SEAL PLATE COVER PLATE SUCTION FLANGE FLAP VALVE CASING WEAR PLATE LIP SEALS VARIOUS PATENTS APPLY THE GORMAN‐RUPP COMPANY MANSFIELD, OHIO GORMAN‐RUPP OF CANADA LIMITED ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, CANADA Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice Printed in U.S.A. www.grpumps.com DECEMBER 2013 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 12 SEPTEMBER 2023 Copyright by the Gorman‐Rupp Company 2013 Specification Data APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS and WEIGHTS SECTION 55, PAGE 2100 NET WEIGHT: 575 LBS. (261 KG.)* SHIPPING WEIGHT:614 LBS. (279 KG.)* EXPORT CRATE: 22.7 CU. FT. (0,64 CU. M.) *ADD 15 LBS. (6,8 KG.) W/EACH SPOOL FLANGE THE GORMAN‐RUPP COMPANY MANSFIELD, OHIO GORMAN‐RUPP OF CANADA LIMITED ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, CANADA Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice Printed in U.S.A. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 23 13 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUBMITTAL Summerhouse, NC Membrane Package System KMU-OP40 11807 North Creek Parkway S. Suite B-109, Bothell, WA 98011 | Phone: 425 898 2858 | Fax: 425-898-2853 Submittal Transmittal Pre-Aeration and Membrane Air Scour Blowers Project Name Summerhouse, NC Membrane Package System Summerhouse WWTP Interim Improvements Project Site Summerhouse, NC WWTP 349 Holly Ridge Rd, Holly Ridge, NC 28445 Engineer McKim and Creed 1730 Varsity Drive, Venture IV Building, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC Submit to Dan Peplinski, Jimmy Holland McKim and Creed 1730 Varsity Drive, Venture IV Building, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC Prepared by Scott Jungwirth, PE KUBOTA Membrane USA Corporation 11807 North Creek Parkway S., Suite B109, Bothell WA 98011, USA KMU Project # OP40 Issued Date August 25, 2023 Package # OP40-01A Item (1) Pre-Aeration Blowers (2) Membrane Air Scour Blowers SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 1 SEPTEMBER 2023 250 300 350 400 450200 60 40 20 0 150 SCFM 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 100 200 300 400 PSIG .73 1.44 2.16 0 2.88 3.60 4.33 5.05 6.49 5.77 200 400300 500 600 700 800M³/hr 100500 0 100 MBAR 500 60 40 20 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 200 220 240 260 280 250 300 350 400 450200150 SCFM 200 400300 500 600 700 800M³/hr 100500 0 100 500 (615mm)24.21"(372mm)14.65" (322mm)12.68" (255mm)10.04" (215mm)8.46" Ø2.50" (747mm)29.41" (312mm)12.28"(380mm)14.96" (55mm) 2.17" (31mm)1.22" (33mm)1.30" (730mm)28.74" (318mm)12.52" (155mm) 6.10" (392mm)15.43" (280mm)11.02" (93mm) (408mm) 3.66" (276mm)10.87" (262mm)10.32" (365mm)14.37" (144mm) 5.67" (425mm)16.73" (243mm)9.57" "HO MODEL NO. : AB-1102 DOUBLE STAGE 3 Phase Vacuum Performance Curve A120 **Sound db measured at 3ft. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1.44 2.88 4.33 5.77 7.21 10.47 9.01 PSIGMBAR3 Phase Pressure Performance Curve A120 Key 60Hz 50Hz -Sea Level (14.69 PSI) -60°F (15°C) -0% Relative Humidity Standard Conditions www.atlanticblowers.com (214) 233-0280 Ownership of this document and all accompanying information and data including but not limited to all applicable copyrights, trade secrets, patents and other intellectual property remain the property of Atlantic Blowers and are not to be copied, duplicated or reproduced, nor transmitted or disclosed to a third party without express written permission from Atlantic Blowers. Atlantic Blowers makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. The user accepts the data "as is", and assumes all risks associated with its use. Disclaimer Ø2. 5 0 " 128mm 1 2 0 ° 12 0 ° 51.5 ° Ø16.06" M12*18 M32*1.5P Ø4 0 8 - 3 * 1 2 0 ° (16 mm)Ø5/8" Ø5" (550mm)21.65" (503mm)19.80" (275 mm)10.83" (112mm)4.41" (211mm)8.31" IN OUT Rotation Phase Model Number Curve Number Frequency (Hz)KW HP Max Flow (SCFM) Max Pressure Max Vacuum Sound Level (dB) Inlet/Outlet Diameter (Inches)Voltage Current (A) Weight (lbs) 3 AB-1102 A120 60Hz 12.60 16.90 399 256 181 81 2.50"220-275/380-480 52.0Δ/30.0Y 31350Hz11.20 15.00 335 178 126 76 200-240/345-415 46.8Δ/27.0Y ("HO)("HO) "HO 250 300 350 400 450200150 200 400300 500 600 700 800M³/hr 1005000 0 100 500MO T O R W I N D I N G TE M P R I S E ( °F) 50 100 150 BL O W E R A I R TE M P R I S E ( °F) 3 Phase Vacuum -Temperature Rise Curve 3 Phase Pressure -Temperature Rise Curve SCFM AIR FLOW RATE 250 300 350 400 450200150100500 500 250 300 350 400 450200150 200 400300 500 600 700 800M³/hr 100500 0 100 500SCFM SCFMSCFM AIR FLOW RATE 250 300 350 400 450200150100500 500 0 50 100 150 0MO T O R W I N D I N G TE M P R I S E ( °F) 50 100 150 BL O W E R A I R TE M P R I S E ( °F) 0 50 100 150 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 2 SEPTEMBER 2023 DETAIL SECTIONED BASE & ENCLOSURE (not to scale) Enclosure Bottom Foam Insulation 2.00" 5.25" 1.5" 2.88" 49.00" 54.75" 50.75" 39.00"31.25" 40.50" 46.50" 42.50" 43.50" 40.00" 4" x 3" stainless steel hinges 7" cast Aluminum Handle 30# Spring- Loaded Hook SS Hasp 5.25" Front Side Left Side SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 3 SEPTEMBER 2023 Regenerative Blowers SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 4 SEPTEMBER 2023 2 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | A B C Atlantic Blowers Regenerative Blowers are available in either single stage, or double stage configurations. Single stage refers to the blower having one impeller and double stage refers to the blower having two impellers. Atlantic Blowers Regenerative Blowers are made with the utmost quality. The impeller is directly connected to the motor shaft, therefore eliminating any need for pulleys and belts. Atlantic Blowers – Regenerative Blowers Available Options: EX (Explosion Proof) Series - featuring explosion-proof construction, heavy duty cast aluminum manifolds; spark resistant housings, covers, impellers, muffler towers, and seals; Teflon lip seals; and explosion-proof motors. (Class 1 and Class 2 explosion proof motors available in either direct drive, or belt drive configurations) BS (Bare Shaft) Series - featuring the same explosion-proof construction as the EX series with the added benefit of an externally driven operation. CC (Chemical Coated Regenerative) Series - featuring EX explosion-proof designs with chemically corrosion resistant treatments, and/or chemical duty motors. Features & Benefits: ü50/60 Hz Motors are standard, offering a wide voltage range. üBlowers are made of Cast Aluminum Alloy for reduced weight, maximum strength and corrosion resistance. üBuilt in thermal protectors for overload protection are standard. üDouble shielded stainless steel sealed bearings are standard. üHigh quality shaft oil seals are standard between the impeller & bearings for protection against air contamination. üAnodizing for corrosion resistance is available. üRetrofit bases & flanges are available to match differing dimensional requirements. üGasoline driven units are available for remote locations. üPre-assembled blower packages/kits available for both pressure & vacuum applications. üHermetically sealed blowers are available. üTighter tolerances between the impellers and housing increase flow and pressure efficiency. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 5 SEPTEMBER 2023 3 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m B Air flow: 18 CFM to 1519 CFM Pressure: 22” H20 to 313” H20 Vacuum: 21” H20 to 236” H20 The impeller rotates inside the blower housing, pulling air in through the inlet, or vacuum side. The impeller then accelerates the air or gas inside the housing until it is fully pressurized, and discharges it through the exhaust outlet, or pressure side. Applications: -Wastewater Treatment Aeration -Tank Aeration (Fish Pond Aeration) -Pneumatic Transport of Powders and Solids -Landfill Gas Evacuation and Collection -Groundwater Sparging -Air Knife Drying and Blow Off -Soil Vapor Extraction -Vacuum Lifting -Gasoline Vapor Recovery -Vacuum Hold Down -Lagoon Gas Recovery -General Parts Drying -Material Handling Advantages üOil free air üLow acoustical noise levels (51-84db) üLight weight compact design üVirtually maintenance free operation üEfficient electricity consumption üTrouble free installation (Can be mounted horizontally and vertically) üSealed industrial duty bearings (Low maintenance) üDirect drive üRugged industrial duty construction Operational Principles: Operational Performance: Additional Products and Services: üExplosion Proof Units – Custom Belt Drive and Direct Drive available o Class 1 Division 1 (Gasses) o Class 2, Division 1 (Dust) o Other specifications also available, contact us to inquire üTeflon Chemical Coating available for added chemical resistance üCustomized Belt-Drive Units available üAnodization available for additional corrosion resistance üBlower sealant available for leak resistance üCustom Acoustic Enclosures üAir Knife Drying Systems available SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 6 SEPTEMBER 2023 4 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | ATLANTIC BLOWERS – Single Stage Regenerative Blowers Phase Model Number Curve Number KW HP Weight (lbs) Flow (cfm) Max Pressure ("H2O) Maximum Vacuum Sound Level (db) Inlet Diameter Voltage Current (A) 1 AB-71 A1 0.12 0.16 12 18 22 21 51 1" 110-120/220-240 1.3/0.7 AB-81 A2 0.18 0.25 15 25 28 28 53 1" 110-120/220-240 2.5/1.1 AB-91 A3 0.24 0.33 15 35 44 29 55 1" 110-120/220-240 2.6/1.3 AB-101 A4 0.4 0.50 25 64 60 52 61 1.25" 110-120/220-240 7.8/3.9 AB-201 A5 0.75 1.00 35 110 56 56 64 1.5" 110-120/220-240 13/6.5 AB-301 A6 1.5 2.00 57 110 80 72 70 2" 110-120/220-240 23.0/11.5 AB-401 A7 2.2 3.00 70 155 110 79 75 2" 110-120/220-240 30.0/15.0 3 AB-70 A10 0.12 0.16 12 18 22 21 51 1" 220-275/380-480 0.9Δ/0.5Y AB-80 A11 0.18 0.25 15 25 28 28 53 1" 220-275/380-480 1.3Δ/0.7Y AB-90 A12 0.24 0.33 15 35 44 29 55 1" 220-275/380-480 1.6Δ/0.9Y AB-100 A13 0.5 0.67 24 64 64 60 61 1.25" 220-275/380-480 2.3Δ/1.3Y AB-200 A14 0.93 1.25 31 110 60 60 64 1.5" 220-275/380-480 3.9Δ/2.3Y AB-300 A15 1.5 2.00 49 155 79 68 70 2" 220-275/380-480 6.0Δ/3.5Y AB-400 A16 2.55 3.50 51 155 118 105 70 2" 220-275/380-480 7.0Δ/4.0Y AB-500 A17 2.55 3.50 68 230 88 88 70 2" 220-275/380-480 10.7Δ/6.2Y AB-600 A18 3.7 5.00 75 230 118 112 72 2" 220-275/380-480 13.5Δ/7.8Y AB-700 A19 4.6 6.00 82 230 134 133 72 2" 220-275/380-480 16.2Δ/9.3Y AB-800 A20 6.3 8.50 170 399 130 125 79 2.5" 220-275/380-480 24.0Δ/12.0Y AB-850 A21 7.5 10.00 185 464 134 129 80 2.5" 220-275/380-480 26.0Δ/13.0Y AB-900 A22 8.6 11.50 194 399 177 141 80 2.5" 220-275/380-480 29.0Δ/14.3Y AB-1000 A23 11 15.00 366 399 248 158 80 2.5" 220-275/380-480 37.0Δ/21.3Y AB-1100 A24 11 15.00 220 791 68 72 81 4" 220-275/380-480 37.0Δ/21.4Y AB-1200 A25 15.3 20.00 247 791 108 114 81 4" 220-275/380-480 51.5Δ/29.8Y AB-1300 A26 22.7 30.00 351 791 169 150 81 4" 220-275/380-480 76.0Δ/44.0Y SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 7 SEPTEMBER 2023 5 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m ATLANTIC Double Stage Regenerative Blowers Phase Model Number Curve Number KW HP Weight (lbs) Flow (cfm) Max Pressure ("H2O) Maximum Vacuum Sound Level (db) Inlet Diameter Voltage Current (A) 1 AB-102/1 A100 0.4 0.50 37 58 59 40 68 1.25" 110-120/220-240 7.8/3.9 AB-202/1 A101 0.75 1.00 37 64 101 101 68 1.25" 110-120/220-240 13.0/6.5 AB-302/1 A102 1.1 1.50 63 113 118 110 68 1.5" 110-120/220-240 19.0/10.0 AB-402/1 A103 2.2 3.00 63 113 138 110 69 1.5" 110-120/220-240 23.0/11.4 3 AB-102 A110 0.5 0.67 34 61 59 40 68 1.25" 220-275/380-480 2.3Δ/1.3Y AB-202 A111 0.85 1.20 37 64 101 101 68 1.25" 220-275/380-480 3.9Δ/2.3Y AB-302 A112 1.5 2.00 55 61 118 87 68 1.5" 220-275/380-480 7.0Δ/4.0Y AB-402 A113 2.55 3.50 62 113 158 129 69 1.5" 220-275/380-480 9.5Δ/5.5Y AB-502 A114 2.55 3.50 62 145 169 141 69 2" 220-275/380-480 9.5Δ/5.5Y AB-602 A115 3.7 5.00 88 155 166 161 74 2" 220-275/380-480 13.5Δ/7.8Y AB-702 A116 4.6 6.00 95 155 201 169 74 2" 220-275/380-480 16.2Δ/9.3Y AB-802 A117 4.6 6.00 121 230 141 150 79 2" 220-275/380-480 16.2Δ/9.3Y AB-902 A118 6.3 8.50 159 230 201 177 79 2" 220-275/380-480 24.0Δ/12.0Y AB-1002 A119 8.6 11.50 181 230 271 185 79 2" 220-275/380-480 29.0Δ/14.3Y AB-1102 A120 12.6 16.90 313 399 256 181 81 2.5" 220-275/380-480 52.0Δ/30.0Y AB-1202 A121 17.3 23.20 353 399 313 189 81 2.5" 220-275/380-480 76.0Δ/44.0Y AB-1302 A122 15.5 20.00 309 776 87 99 81 2.5" 220-275/380-480 52.0Δ/30.0Y AB-1402 A123 18.5 25.00 353 776 118 134 81 2.5" 220-275/380-480 76.0Δ/44.0Y AB-1502 A124 26.8 35.00 400 776 189 189 81 2.5" 220-275/380-480 82.0Δ/46.0Y AB-1602 A125 37 50.00 425 776 236 236 81 2.5" 220-275/380-480 90.0Δ/48.0Y AB-1702 A126 15 20.00 355 812 58 88 84 4" 220-275 / 380-480Y 51.5 / 29.8Y AB-1802 A127 22 30.00 405 812 141 161 84 4" 220-275 / 380-480Y 76.0 / 44.0Y AB-1902 A128 29 40.00 443 812 185 177 84 4" 220-275 / 380-480Y 92.0 / 53.2Y AB-2002 A129 15 20.00 408 1519 30 40 84 5" 220-275 / 380-480Y 51.5 / 29.8Y AB-2102 A130 22 30.00 459 1519 64 76 84 5" 220-275 / 380-480Y 76.0 / 44.0Y AB-2202 A131 29 40.00 496 1519 88 108 84 5" 220-275 / 380-480Y 92.0 / 53.2Y SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 8 SEPTEMBER 2023 6 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | Vacuum Performance Curve ( 3 Phase ) Pressure Performance Curve ( 3 Phase ) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2023 7 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m Vacuum Performance Curve ( 1 Phase ) Pressure Performance Curve ( 1 Phase ) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 10 SEPTEMBER 2023 8 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | Single Stage – Dimensions All units are in millimeters Model No. A B C D E F G H J K L M N O S OP OR AB-71 200 213 72 165 183 200 95 112 99 80 100 49 50 37 2.5 1" 12 AB-81 200 213 72 165 183 200 95 112 99 80 100 49 50 37 2.5 1" 12 AB-91 200 213 72 165 183 200 95 112 99 80 100 49 50 37 2.5 1" 12 AB-70 200 213 72 165 183 200 95 112 99 80 100 49 50 37 2.5 1" 12 AB-80 200 213 72 165 183 200 95 112 99 80 100 49 50 37 2.5 1" 12 AB-90 200 213 72 165 183 200 95 112 99 80 100 49 50 37 2.5 1" 12 AB-100 248 245 90 205 230 248 100 128 112 83 108 71 72 40 2.5 1.25" 10 AB-101 248 245 90 205 230 248 100 128 112 83 108 71 72 40 2.5 1.25" 10 AB-200 285 302 115 225 255 260 106 154 124 95 130 67 78 45 3 1.5" 12 AB-201 285 302 115 225 255 260 106 154 124 95 130 67 78 45 3 1.5" 12 AB-300 333 338 120 260 296 315 130 172 133 115 155 96 87 48 4 2" 14 AB-301 333 338 120 260 296 315 130 172 133 115 155 96 87 48 4 2" 14 AB-400 333 338 120 260 296 315 130 172 133 115 155 96 87 48 4 2" 14 AB-401 333 338 120 260 296 315 130 172 133 115 155 96 87 48 4 2" 14 AB-500 381 415 125 290 330 367 125 205 160 140 180 83 110 55 4 2" 15 AB-600 381 415 125 290 330 367 125 205 160 140 180 83 110 55 4 2" 15 AB-700 381 415 125 290 330 367 125 205 160 140 180 83 110 55 4 2" 15 AB-800 460 550 155 365 425 435 126 275 185 280 318 155 20 91 31 2.5" 16 AB-850 460 550 155 365 425 435 126 275 185 280 318 155 20 91 31 2.5" 16 AB-900 460 550 155 365 425 435 126 275 185 280 318 155 20 91 31 2.5" 16 AB-1000 460 550 155 365 425 435 126 275 185 280 318 155 20 91 31 2.5" 16 AB-1100 557 630 210 360 412 620 312 305 211 600 630 N/A 95 95 28 4" 16 AB-1200 557 630 210 360 412 620 312 305 211 600 630 N/A 95 95 28 4" 16 AB-1300 557 630 210 360 412 620 312 305 211 600 630 N/A 95 95 28 4" 16 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2023 9 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m Dual Stage – Dimensions Model No. A B C D E F G H J K L M N O S OP OR A' AB-102 293 272 45 205 230 310 100 128 112 83 108 56 136.5 40 2.5 1.25" 12 305 AB-102/1 293 272 45 205 230 310 100 128 112 83 108 56 136.5 40 2.5 1.25" 12 305 AB-202 293 272 45 205 230 310 100 128 112 83 108 56 136.5 40 2.5 1.25" 12 305 AB-202/1 293 272 45 205 230 310 100 128 112 83 108 56 136.5 40 2.5 1.25" 12 305 AB-302 321 315 57.5 225 255 389 133 154 133 95 130 54 152 45 3 1.5" 12 315 AB-302/1 321 315 57.5 225 255 389 133 154 133 95 130 54 152 45 3 1.5" 12 315 AB-402 321 315 57.5 225 255 389 133 154 133 95 130 54 152 45 3 1.5" 12 315 AB-402/1 321 315 57.5 225 255 389 133 154 133 95 130 54 152 45 3 1.5" 12 315 AB-502 376 340 60 260 296 450 120 175 159 115 155 102 172 48 4 2" 14 423 AB-602 376 340 60 260 296 450 120 175 159 115 155 102 172 48 4 2" 14 423 AB-702 376 340 60 260 296 450 120 175 159 115 155 102 172 48 4 2" 14 423 AB-802 426 420 114 290 330 562 333 198 185 140 180 173 200 85 4.5 2" 15 455 AB-902 426 420 114 290 330 562 333 198 185 140 180 173 200 85 4.5 2" 15 455 AB-1002 426 420 114 290 330 562 333 198 185 140 180 173 200 85 4.5 2" 15 455 All units are in millimeters SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 12 SEPTEMBER 2023 10 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | Double Stage – Dimensions Model No. A' B C C1 C2 D F H J K M N O S OP OR H' AB-1102 615 503 144 307 243 365 747 275 211 280 262 155 112 31 2.5" 16 190 AB-1202 615 503 144 307 243 365 747 275 211 280 262 155 112 31 2.5" 16 190 Model No. a b c d e f h j k m n o s op or AB-1302 484 503 288 365 425 747 275 211 280 262 155 112 31 2.5" 16 AB-1402 484 503 288 365 425 747 275 211 280 262 155 112 31 2.5" 16 AB-1502 484 503 288 365 425 747 275 211 280 262 155 112 31 2.5" 16 AB-1602 484 503 288 365 425 747 275 211 280 262 155 112 31 2.5" 16 All units are in millimeters All units are in millimeters SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 11 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m Double Stage – Dimensions Model  No.  a  b  c  d  f  g  h  j  k  m  n  o  or  op   AB-­‐1702  410  510  590  105  750  305  94  304  600  843  230  150  16  4"   AB-­‐1802  410  510  590  105  750  305  94  304  600  843  230  150  16  4"   AB-­‐1902  410  510  590  105  750  305  94  304  600  843  230  150  16  4"   Model  No.  a  b  c  d  e  f  h  j  m  n  op   AB-­‐2002  578  754  305  55  1200  600  307  210  490  252  5"   AB-­‐2102  578  754  305  55  1200  600  307  210  490  252  5"   AB-­‐2202  578  754  305  55  1200  600  307  210  490  252  5"   All units are in millimeters All units are in millimeters SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 14 SEPTEMBER 2023 12 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | We also have complete Kits! -Pre-Assembled Pressure Packages -Pre-Assembled Vacuum Packages -Maintenance Kits Do you have a Filter Monitor Gauge? -For Letting you know Automatically when to change your Dirty Filter, without the need to disassemble. Let us know if you have any special requests such as: -Anodizing- Protect the blower from oxidization internally -Mechanical Seals- will deter ingress of gases and particles -Sealed Bearings- run clean without the possibility of contamination -Thermal Protectors- protect blower from overheating -Tropicalization- protect the blower from oxidization externally -50/60 Hz- all blower motors come with dual frequency motors -Retro-fit Kits - for bases and flanges are available -575 V- is available -Vibration Isolators- are available - Short lead times on all products. 001  Impeller  008  Silencer  housing  Single  Stage  only   002  Blower  cover  008-­‐01  Silencer  gasket  007-­‐10  Capacitor  mounting  bracket   003  Blower  housing  009  Mounting  baseplate  007-­‐11  Capacitor   004  Rotor  011  Inlet  /  Outlet  flange  007-­‐12  Steel  clamp   005  Fan  011-­‐01  Inlet  /  Outlet  gasket  Water  Proof  only   006  Silencer  mesh  pipe  013  Rotor  pin  010  Middle  motor  cover   006-­‐02  Silencer  sponge  014  Bearing  washer  014-­‐01  Bearing  washer   007  Motor  015  Washer  021-­‐02  Front  bearing   007-­‐01  Motor  Cover  016  Wear  washer  023-­‐01  VA-­‐Seal   007-­‐02  Fan  cover  017  Seal  Double  Stage  only   007-­‐03  Terminal  Box  (J-­‐Box)  018  Washer  025  Muffler  mounting  bracket   007-­‐04  Wire  Mounting  block  020  Bronze  hoist  ring/lifting  ring  026  Muffler  mounting  bracket  gasket  with  screws   007-­‐05  Wire  connection  jumper/bridge  021  Front  bearing  026-­‐01  Muffler  mounting  bracket  gasket  with  screws   007-­‐06  Fixed  terminal  021-­‐01  Rear  bearing  027  Lateral  pipe   007-­‐07  Terminal  box  cover  023  Front  oil  seal  027-­‐01  Middle  motor  cover   007-­‐08  Terminal  box  gasket  024  Real  oil  seal  028  90  degree  elbow   007-­‐09  Terminal  box  cover  gasket           SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 15 SEPTEMBER 2023 13 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m The purpose of the Relief Valve is to release the excess pressure build up, better known as "back-pressure." It is the back pressure that will cause the blower motor to overheat, and either burn out, or significantly reduce the life of the motor. A check valve is a vital item, installed in support of automatic shutdown valves and safety devices. Its purpose is to prevent and protect against the consequences of unintended reverse flow (either a pressure or vacuum application). The Check Valve provides high integrity first-line defense in the event of unwanted reverse flow and operates in advance of, or in conjunction with safety devices. It is immediately responsive and fast acting in its closure, thereby maximizing protection to prevent or minimize the adverse effect of any back-flow. The pressure and vacuum filter canisters keep clean, dry air going into your blower. It also keeps any air particles, water vapor, oil based contaminants, and other liquids from entering the blower which can cause damage to the blower and impeller. This can also be harmful to the motor and may cause overheating. NEMA 4X, prewired START/STOP 3 wire control with through-the-cover overload RESET. Single phase or 3 phase models available. It includes an adjustable trip current and selectable manual or automatic reset. This is basically an on/off switch for your blower. Relief Valve: (Highly Recommended) Check Valve: (Highly Recommended) Pressure I Vacuum Filter Canisters: (Highly Recommended) Enclosed Motor Starter: (Highly Recommended) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 16 SEPTEMBER 2023 14 ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m | A variable-frequency drive (VFD) is a system for controlling the rotational speed of an alternating current (AC) electric motor by controlling the frequency of the electrical power supplied to the motor. Their purpose is to reduce the decibels (DB's) or noise reduction generated by incoming/exhaust air. The Silencer can reduce noise by up to 30 decibels, depending on your application, and are great for indoor or outdoor noise reduction. Pressure gauges are among the most used instruments in a customer’s application. They easily show the pressure or vacuum in the line so you know that your system is at optimum performance. The gauge indicates the pressure (or pressure drop) in the process. This gauge shows the amount of filter element restriction, and indicates when you need to change your filter to maximize the performance of your equipment, without ever having to remove the filter canister. Variable Frequency Drives: (Highly Recommended) External Silencer: (Optional) Pressure Gauge: (Optional) Filter Monitor Gauge: (Optional) SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 17 SEPTEMBER 2023 15 | ww w . a t l a n t i c b l o w e r s . c o m Atlantic Blowers’ products are engineered to perform, combining quality manufacturing with innovative engineering in order to ensure reliability and cost-effective operation. Specializing in the innovation and distribution of Regenerative Blowers, Centrifugal Blowers, Air bubble Diffusers, and Air Knife Drying systems, Atlantic Blowers’ high quality manufacturing is top priority. Atlantic Blowers’ products meet the criteria of the many unique and specific applications of our highly valued customers. Through research and development we are continuously moving forward, searching for new ways to improve our products and fill our customers specific needs. With customer satisfaction being of upmost importance, we stand by our integrity as one of our most valuable assets. Atlantic Blowers’ Sales Engineers are friendly and helpful in order to better satisfy our clientele, y se habla español. Atlantic Blowers’ compact and lightweight designs provide impressive levels of pressure, vacuum, and flow with low running costs. At Atlantic Blowers, we have the expertise necessary to match our clients with the appropriate product for their application at an economic price. You have tried the rest, now experience the best. About Us SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 18 SEPTEMBER 2023 1225 Capital Dr., Suite 100, Carrollton, Texas 75006, USA Phone: (214) 233-0280 Fax:(214) 233-0281 Email: sales@atlanticblowers.com SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2023 OWNER’S MANUAL SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 20 SEPTEMBER 2023 General Use Criteria x Use only clean, dry air. If moisture is present please use a liquid separator. x Do not use flammable, explosive gases or atmosphere that contains such gases with standard motors/blowers. It is required that you consult Atlantic Blowers for explosion proof motors/blowers. x Ambient temperatures must be between 0°C –40°C (32° F –104°F). For higher temperatures please consult factory. x Protect unit from contaminants and moisture. x Protect all surrounding items from exhausted air, as it can be very hot. It is strongly recommended that the first 5’-8’ of piping be metal. x Air particles, water vapor, oil based contaminants or other liquids, can be harmful to the blower and may cause over -heating. The use of an air-filter, relief valve, and pressure gauge are highly recommended in conjunction with our blowers. x When using the blower at a high altitude or high temperatures, please consult with Atlantic Blowers prior to use. Safety Notice To ensure safe operation, we have provided many important safety guidelines in this manual for the Atlantic Regenerative Blower. Please read this instruction manual carefully, and pay particular attention to instructions with the following signs: DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. 1-1 Installation Install the blower on a level, stable operating surface and use vibration isolation pads to reduce noise and vibration. 1.Correct installation is the customer’s responsibility. 2.Recommended piping should be,at minimum,the same size as the inlet and outlet ports. 3.Elbows increase friction. Minimizing the amount of elbows in the piping run will decrease friction loss. 4.Pressure or relief valves should be installed in a “T”that is at least one (1) pipe size larger than the port diameter. 5.Exhaust air temperature increases significantly above 65” of water column. Discharged air is typically too hot for most plastic piping. Therefore, metal piping is recommended for at least the first five (5´) to eight (8´) feet from the blower on the discharge side. In addition, this piping MUST be guarded and marked “DANGER-HOT-DO NOT TOUCH.” 6.Install the blower in a location protected from the elements, or use an enclosure to protect the unit. 1-2 Rotation From the motor side of the blower, verify the blower is rotating in the direction indicated by the arrow on the motor. (The motor side is marked with an arrow on most models.) Proper rotation can also be checked by the air flow at the inlet and outlet por ts. On blowers powered by a 3-phase motor, change the connection of any two (2) wires to reverse blower rotation. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 1-3 Plumbing Remove any foreign material (burrs, chips, welding drops, slag, pipe cuttings, excess sealant, sand, lime, etc.) from plumbing. Verify the motor is securely mounted and has proper impeller rotation before connecting to plumbing. The inlet and outlet ports are not designed to support the plumbing without proper structural reinforcement. Remove plastic safety plugs from the inlet and outlet ports and connect the plumbing with properly sized fittings. Use a relief valve to discharge excess air beyond the preset level on pressure applications. Use a vacuum relief valve to drawin excess air when preset vacuum level is achieved. This will greatly reduce the possibility of over-heating. Install an intake filter to prevent foreign material from entering the blower. In applications where there is high humidity o r liquids being used in the process, install a moisture separator with a drain valve. 1-4Accessories Install a filter monitor gauge to monitor the pressure/vacuum differential through the filter element. As filters become clog ged, performance and efficiency will be reduced. Filters should be checked periodically and replaced when necessary. The recommended check valves provide minimal pressure drop, positive sealing, and are resistant to the high discharge temperatures of the blowers. (Refer to Atlantic Regenerative Blower Check Valves List) 1-5 Motor Control It is your responsibility to contact a qualified electrician and ensure that the electrical installation is adequate and in compliance with all national and local electrical codes. Select fuses, motor protective switches, or thermal protective switches to provide desired protection. Fuses act as short circuit protectors for the motor, not as protection against overloading. Incoming line fuses must be able to withstand the motor´s starting current. Motor starters with thermal magnetic overload or circuit breakers protect motor from overload or reduced voltage conditions. Motors without automatic restart require thermal protection, magnetic or over-current cutout to prevent motor overloading from single phasing in a 3-phase circuit, high starting frequency, or locked blower. 1-6ElectricalConnection x Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire or electrical shock. x Do not modify the plug provided. If it will not fit the outlet, have the proper outlet installed by a qualified/certified electrician. x If repairing the cord or plug, do not connect the ground wire (green or green with yellow stripes) to either terminal. x Check the condition of the power supply wires. x Do not permanently connect this product to wiring that is in poor condition or that is inadequatelysizedfortherequirement of this blower. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 22 SEPTEMBER 2023 x This product must be properly grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit,groundingreducestheriskofelectric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current. x If the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if you are not sure whether the product is properly grounded, check with a qualified electrician or serviceman. 2 Operation Injury Hazard x Failure to follow these instructions can result in burns, eye injury or other serious injury. x Install proper safety guards as needed to prevent any close contact with blower suction area. x Keep fingers and objects away from openings and rotating parts. x Blower surfaces become very hot during operation. Allow these surfaces to cool before handling. x Wear proper eye protection. Air stream from product may contain solid or liquid material t hat can result in eye or skin damage. x Wear hearing protection. Sound level from some models may exceed 81 dBA. x It is your responsibility to operate this product at recommended pressures or vacuum duties and room ambient temperatures. Do not throttle discharge or suction pipe to reducer capacity. Throttle will increase differential pressure causing increasing power absorption and working temperatures. Start Up Operate blower for an hour and then check: 1.Ambient temperature –Increased room temperatures may require stronger ventilation especially for larger blowers. Room temperature should not exceed 100ºF. 2.Pressure and vacuum valves –Adjust relief valve pressure or vacuum setting, if needed. 3.Motor current –Check that supply current matches recommended current rating on blower nameplate. 4.Electrical overload cutout –Check that current matches rating on blower nameplate. If motor fails to start or slows down significantly under load, shut off and disconnect from power supply immediately. Check that the voltage is correct for the motor and that the motor is turning in the proper direction. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 23 SEPTEMBER 2023 Standard Installation Layout –Pressure Application Standard Installation Layout –Vacuum Application SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 24 SEPTEMBER 2023 3Maintenance x Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire or electrical shock. x Disconnect electrical power supply cord before performing maintenance on the blower. x If product is hard wired into system, disconnect electrical power at the circuit breaker or fuse box before performing maintenance on the blower. Injury Hazard x Failure to follow these instructions can result in burns, eye injury or other serious injury. x Blower surfaces become very hot during operation. Allow blower surfaces to cool before handling. x Wear proper eye protection. Air stream from product may contain solid or liquid material that can result in eye or skin damage. x It is the customer’s responsibility to regularly inspect and make necessary repairs to the blower in order to maintain proper operation. Make sure that the pressure and vacuum are released from the product before beginning any maintenance work. PreventiveMaintenance x After the first 500 hours of operation, the following items need to be checked:> Filter elements>Noise absorbing foam used in muffler>Clean motor and blower x Replace filter elements as needed. Mufflers should be checked on a monthly basis. Bearing Maintenance To lubricate the bearings, the roller contact bearings and the adjacent bearing housing should have the used grease removed and replaced with fresh grease. About 50% of the roller balls should be filled. No more than 65% of the adjacent bearing housing should be filled. Sealed bearings should be replaced within the listed conditions below with new bearings or as conditions warrant. Hours of Service Per Year Relubrication Intervals 5,000 3years Continual Normal Services 1year Seasonal Service (motor idle for 6+ months) 1 year at beginning of season Continuous-high ambient, dirty or moist applications 6months SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 25 SEPTEMBER 2023 Bearing Types A variety of bearings and lubricants are used in all Atlantic Regenerative Blowers. A summary of data is included in the Bearing Specification Table. Greasable bearings are supplied with a sufficient amount of lubricant from our factory to permit initial operation. The frequency of replacing the grease depends upon the conditions, application and amount of use. Grease Types Atlantic Regenerative Blowers utilize proprietary lubricants. These lubricants are available from Esso or Exxon. You can check with your local supplier for a recommended equivalent. (High temperature resistance and high speed: NLGI N3 Grade). Lubricants of different manufacturers should not be inter-mixed. If changing lubricant types, the bearing and housing should be thoroughly cleaned to remove all previous lubricants before adding grease from a new supplier. Bearing Specification (Recommendable Bearing:NSK C3 Grade) Single Stage Double Stage Item Front Rear Item Front Rear AB-70/AB-71 6202zz 6201zz AB102/AB-102/1 6203zz 6202zzAB-80/AB-81 AB-202/AB-202/1 AB-90/AB-91 AB-302/AB-302/1 6204zz 6204zzAB-100/101 6203zz 6202zz AB-402/AB-402/1 AB-200/201 6204zz 6203zz AB-502 AB-300/301 6205zz 6204zz AB-602 6205zz 6205zzAB-400/401 AB-702 AB-500 6206zz 6205zz AB-802 6206zz 6205zz AB-600 AB-902 6207zzAB-700 AB-1002 AB-800 6207zz 6207zz AB-1102 6207z 6209z AB-900 AB-1202 AB-1000 AB-1302 AB-1200 6308z 6209z AB-1402 AB-1300 AB-1502 AB-1602 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2023 Troubleshooting Chart Problem Reason Remedy Increased Sound Noise absorbing foam is damaged Impeller may be rubbing casing inside the blower Replace foam Replace bearings Send unit to an authorized Atlantic Repair Facility Excessive Vibration Damaged impeller Impeller is dirty Improper mounting Replace impeller Clean impeller Add vibration isolators Ambient and Exhaust Temperature Increases Filters are dirty or clogged Back pressure Piping restriction Replace filter elements Add / check relief valve Piping must be = or > than blower flanges Decreased Inlet Air Pressure Inlet air filter is clogged Clean inlet filter and replace element Unit is Very Hot Wrong wiring Phase unbalance Voltage variation Inlet air filter is clogged Blower is dirty Operating pressure or vacuum is too high Operating at no flow Single Phase Operation Check Wiring Must be within ± 5% Supply proper voltage Replace filter element Clean blower Install a relief valve and pressure or vacuum gauge Remove any restrictions Send unit to an authorized Atlantic Repair Facility Unusual Sound Impeller is damaged or jammed Bearing failure One phase broken Bearing failure Clean or replace impeller Send unit to an Authorized Atlantic Repair Facility Motor Overload Phase unbalance Voltage variation Must be within ± 5% Supply proper voltage Check wire size and wire connections Unit Does Not Start Incorrect electrical connection or power source Impeller is damaged or jammed Bearings damaged / defective Check wiring diagram, fuse capacity and short circuit Clean or replace impeller Replace bearings SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 27 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 28 SEPTEMBER 2023 ITEM PARTS NAME ITEM PARTS NAME ITEM PARTS NAME ITEM PARTS NAME 001 Impeller 007-04 Wire mounting block 013 Rotor pin Single Stage Only 002 Blower cover/ back plate 007-05 Wire connection jumper/bridge 014 Bearing washer 007-10 Capacitor mounting bracket 003 Blower housing 007-06 Fixed terminal 015 Washer 007-11 Capacitor 004 Rotor 007-07 Terminal box cover 016 Wear washer 007-12 Steel clamp 005 Fan 007-08 Terminal box gasket 017 Seal Waterproof Only 006 Silencer mesh pipe 007-09 Terminal cover gasket 018 Washer 010 Middle motor cover 006-02 Silencer sponge 008 Silencer housing 020 Bronze hoist ring/ lifting ring 014-01 Bearing washer 007 Motor 008-01 Silencer gasket 021 Front bearing 02 1-02 Front bearing 007-01 Motor cover 009 Mounting baseplate 021-01 Rear bearing 023-01 VA-seal 007-02 Fan cover 011 Inlet/outlet flange 023 Front oil seal 007-03 Terminal box (J-Box)011-01 Inlet/outlet gasket 024 Rear oil seal ITEM PARTS NAME Double Stage Only 025 Muffler mounting bracket 026 Muffler mounting bracket gasket w/ screws 026-01 Muffler mounting bracket gasket w/ screws 027 Lateral pipe 027-01 Middle motor cover 028 90 degree elbow SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2023 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) 1)Q -What maintenance does my blower require? A-Virtually none, there is no need to grease/oil the bearings as they are sealed and already lubedwhen youreceiveyour newblower.Bearings aredesignedtolastata minimum, 20,000 hours. 2)Q –How do I know what a normal running temperature is for my blower motor? A –All of our motors are tested to 285F and should NEVER exceed 300F. Bigger blowers will have a higher running temperature due to the higher pressure and stress on the motor. But the same rules still apply, NEVER exceed 300F. 3)Q –How do I wire my blower? A –There is a wiring diagram located on the underside of the junction box lid. If you are having any issues, contact customer support –(214)233-0280. 4)Q –Why does my blower keep tripping the breaker? A –On start up, the blower can spike as much as 5x the running amps of the blower, make sure this is taken in to consideration; running amps are displayed on your motor tag. Setups vary widely between customers, so if you’re still having issues please contact customer support (214)233-0280. 5)Q –Why is my blower getting so hot? A –If you’re not already using a relief valve, get one, we very highly recommend this for all applications. If you are using one, loosen the adjustable nut and lower the spring tension in order to allow air to travel through the relief valve . The cooler you keep the motor, the longer your blower will last. 6)Q –Why is my blower making a humming/whining noise? A –This is the first indication that your bearings are at the end of their life, shut the blower off IMMEDIATELY and do not run until the bearings have been replaced. 7)Q –How do I know when to replace the bearings? A –If there is no abnormal noise (mentioned above) we recommend that the bearings are replaced after 2 years of continuous use. If the aforementioned happens before the 2 year service mark, follow the answer to question number 6. 8)Q –My blower will not turn on, why? A –Call customer support immediately, the motor may be burnt out. We will give you a few options of what to do next to try and get you back up and running –(214)233-0280. 12 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 31 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 32 SEPTEMBER 2023 Pressure ConversionTable PSI In. H20 In. Hg mmH20 ATM kPa mBar 1 27.73 2.036 703.069 0.06804 6.8947 68.947 0.03605 1 0.0735 25.41 0.00245 0.24908 2.489 0.49116 13.595 1 345.315 0.03342 3.3863 33.863 0.00142 0.03937 0.00289 1 0.0000967 0.009806 0.09806 14.696 406.782 29.921 10332.27 1 101.325 1013.25 0.14503 4.014 0.29529 101.971 0.009869 1 10 0.0145 0.40146 0.02952 10.19716 0.0009869 0.1 1 Flow Conversion Table CFM M3/hr.M3/min. 1 1.69901 0.02831 0.58857 1 0.016666 35.3146 60 1 VelocityConversionTable Ft/Sec.Ft/Min.CM/Sec.Meter/Sec.Meter/Min. 1 60 3048 0.3048 18.29 0.01667 1 10.5080 0.0005080 0.3048 0.03281 1.9685 1 0.01 0.600 3.281 196.85 100 1 60 0.0547 3.281 1.667 0.01667 1 14 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 33 SEPTEMBER 2023 Warranty LIMITED PRODUCTWARRANTY ATLANTIC BLOWERS(“Atlantic Blowers”)warrants this Product against defects in material or workmanship, as follows:A. Labor For a period of twelve (12) months from the date of purchase, Atlantic Blowers will, at no charge, repair this Product if determined by Atlantic Blowers to be defective. After the warranty period, thePurchasermustpayalllaborcharges. B.Parts For a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase Atlantic Blowers will, at no charge, supply new orrebuilt replacements for parts determined by Atlantic Blowers to be defective. After the warranty period, the Purchaser must pay all parts charges. C.Territory Warranty coverage is worldwide. During the labor warranty period, to repair the Product, Purchaser will either return the defective Product; freight prepaid,or deliver it to an Atlantic Blowers Service Center or to a service facility authorized by Atlantic Blowers. The Product to be repaired is to be returned in either its original carton or a similar package affording an equal degree of protection. Atlantic Blowers will return the repaired Product freight prepaid to Purchaser. All freight costs associated with replacement of warranty parts after expiration of the original labor warranty period are the responsibility of the Purchaser. Atlantic Blowers is not obligated to provide Purchaser with a substitute unit during the warranty period or at any time. For an additional fee, Atlantic Blowers field service and support at the Purchaser’s location is available to Purchaser at Atlantic Blower’s prevailing per incident billable rates for such service subject to availability. The limited warrantystatedon this card is subject to all of the fol lowingterms andconditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.NOTIFICATION OF CLAIMS: WARRANTY SERVICE:If Purchaser believes that the Product is defective in material or workmanship, then written notice with an explanation of the claim shall be given promptly by Purchaser to Atlantic Blowers but all claims for warranty service must be made within the warranty period.If after investigation Atlantic Blowers determines that the reported problem was not covered by the warranty,Purchaser shall pay AtlanticBlowersfor thecost ofinvestigating theproblem at it sthen prevailing per incident billable rate.No repair or replacement of any Product or part thereof shall extend the warranty period as to the entire Product. The specific warranty on the repaired part only shall be in effect for a period of ninety (90) days following the repair or replacement of that part or the remaining period of the Product parts warranty, whichever is greater. 2.EXCLUSIVE REMEDY: ACCEPTANCE:Purchaser’sexclusive remedy and Atlantic Blower’ssole obligation isto supply (or pay for) all labor necessary to repair any Product found to be defective within the warranty period and to supply, at no extra charge, new or rebuilt replacements for defective parts. If repair or replacement fails to remedy the defect, then, and only in such event,shall Atlantic Blowers refund to Purchaser the purchase price for such Product. Purchaser’s failure to make a claim as provided in paragraph 1 above or continued use of the Product shall constitute an unqualified acceptance of such Product and a waiver by Purchaser of all claims thereto. 3.EXCEPTIONS TO LIMITED WARRANTY:Atlantic Blowers shall have no liability or obligationto Purchaser with respect to any Product requiring service during the warranty period which is subjected to any of the following: abuse, improper use: negligence, accident, modification, failure of the end-user to follow the operating procedures outlined in the user’s manual, failure of the end-user to follow the maintenance procedures in the service manual for the Product where a schedule is specified for regular replacement or maintenance or cleaning of certain parts (based on usage) and the end-user has failed to follow such schedule; attempted repair by non-qualified personnel; operation of the Product outside of the published environmental and electrical parameters, or if such Product’s original identification (trademark, serial number) markings have been defaced, altered, or removed. Atlantic Blowers excludes from warranty coverage Products sold AS IS and/or WITH ALL FAULTS and excludes used Products which have not been sold by Atlantic Blowers to the Purchaser. Atlantic Blowers also excludes from warranty coverage consumable items such as filters and valves. All material and accompanying documentation furnished with, or as part of the Product is furnished “AS IS”(i.e., without any warranty of any kind), except where expressly provided otherwise in any documentation or license agreement furnished with the Product. Blower(s), coverage will be denied if a filter and relief valve were not used during normal operation. This warranty does not apply to electrical controls and gasoline engines not supplied by Atlantic and does not extend to any goods or parts which have been subjected to misuse, lack of maintenance, neglect, damage by accident or transit damage. Decomposition by chemical reaction and chemical precipitate, or wear caused by the presence of abrasive materials shall not constitute defects. 15SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 34 SEPTEMBER 2023 4.Liability:Atlantic isnot responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damagesof any kind however, including but not limited to those for use of any products, loss of time, inconvenience, lost profit, labor charges, or other incidental or consequential damages with respect to persons, business, or property, whether as a result of breach of warranty, negligence or otherwise. 5.PROOFOFPURCHASE:ThePurchaser’sdatedinvoicemustberetainedasevidenceofthedateofpurchaseandtoestablish warranty eligibility. 6.PRODUCT REGISTRATION:Registration of any Product or of thislimited warranty is voluntary; failure to register will not diminish any rights available under this warranty. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY EXCEPTFOR THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES,ATLANTICBLOWERS HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANDEXCLUDES ALLOTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING,BUT NOTLIMITED TO ANY AND/ORALLIMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/ORANY WARRANTY WITH REGARD TO ANY CLAIM OFINFRINGEMENT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED IN SECTION 2-312(3) OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODEAND/ORIN ANY OTHER COMPARABLESTATESTATUTE.ATLANTIC BLOWERS HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY R EPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY COMBINATION OFNON-ATLANTIC BLOWERS PRODUCTS PURCHASERMAY CHOOSETOCONNECTTO THEPRODUCT. LIMITATION OFLIABILITY THE LIABILITY OF ATLANTIC BLOWERS, IF ANY, AND PURCHASER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR DAMAGES FOR ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, REGARDLESS OF THELEGAL THEORY AND WHETHERARISING IN TORT OR CONTRACT,SHALLNOT BE GREATER THAN THE ACTUAL PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH SUCH CLAIM IS MAD E. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATLANTICBLOWERS BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KINDINCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITEDTO,COMPENSATION,REIMBURSEMENT OR DAMAGES ON ACCOUNTOFTHELOSS OF PRESENTOR PROSPECTIVE PROFITS OR FORANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER. For further information and the name of the nearest authorized Atlantic Blowers service facility contact: United States of America Atlantic Blowers Customer Services 1225 Capital Dr., Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 (214) 233-0280 www.atlanticblowers.com sales@atlanticblowers.com 16 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 35 SEPTEMBER 2023 Blower Maintenance Procedure Schedule The following is a guideline for the maintenance of a blower. Your company may need to adjust the process based on the application the blower will be operating under. D​ate Service Time-Line Recommendation Process Before & After Installation Read "Owner's Manual" thoroughly for proper guidelines, and to familiarize yourself with your blower 6 months Clean Filters Check for bearings noise, change if needed. 1 Year Clean Filters and wipe down blower. Possibly change bearings, if noisy. Change Inlet and Outlet Silencer Sponge Change Silencer Wire Mesh Change any Gaskets that may leak or are torn. 3 Years Full Maintenance on blower: Replace bearings Change Inlet and Outlet Silencer Sponge Change Silencer Wire Mesh Change any Gaskets that may leak or are torn. Order your "Maintenance Kit" specifically designed for your blower which includes: ▪Bearings ▪Inlet/Outlet Silencer Sponge ▪I/O Wire Mesh ▪Gaskets ▪Shaft Seal ▪Filter Element (214) 233-0280 Email: sales@atlanticblowers.com 1225 Capital Drive. Suite 100, Carrollton, TX 75006 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 00961-0051 43 25 10 - 36 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 1 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 SECTION 46 66 00 – ULTRAVIOLET (UV) DISINFECTION EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and appurtenances required to provide an open channel, gravity flow, low pressure high intensity ultraviolet lamp (UV) disinfection system complete with an automatic mechanical/chemical cleaning system and variable output electronic ballasts. The UV system to be complete and operational with all controls, equipment and accessories as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein. This system will be capable of disinfecting effluent to meet the water quality standards listed in this Section at the operating conditions outlined. B. Related Work specified elsewhere: 1. Division 01 – GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. Division 03 – CONCRETE 3. Division 05 – MISCELLANEOUS METALS 4. Section 09 90 00 – PROTECTIVE COATINGS 5. Division 26 – ELECTRICAL 6. Division 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS 7. Section 40 05 59 – SLUICE GATES, WEIR GATES, CHANNEL GATES AND STOP GATES 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualification Requirements: The equipment outlined within this Section is the product of Trojan Technologies (London, Ontario). This equipment has been pre- approved for sole sourcing by the Owner as part of the County’s existing procurement requirements. No alternate manufacturer shall be accepted for equipment packaged under this Section. Equipment as outline within this Section has been pre-negotiated by the Owner with pricing for equipment scope outlined within the Contract Documents and represented in the Bid Form. B. Design Criteria: 1. Provide equipment that will disinfect effluent with the following characteristics: a. Peak Flow: 1.0 MGD b. Total Suspended Solids: 5 mg/l (Maximum, grab SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 2 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 sample) c. Effluent Temperature Range: 33 to 85 oF (1 to 30 °C) d. Ultraviolet Transmittance @ 253.7 nm: 65 %, minimum e. Maximum Mean Particle Size: 30 microns f. Effluent standards to be achieved: 14 /100 mL fecal coliform based on a 30 day Average of daily samples for the effluent standard as specified in a) through e). Effluent standards will be guaranteed regardless of influent count to UV system. 2. The UV system is to be installed in two (2) parallel open channels (1 in Phase 1, 1 in Phase 2 each with a duty and standby bank of disinfection equipment) having the following dimensions: a. Length: As indicated on the Contract Drawings b. Width: As indicated on the Contract Drawings c. Depth: As indicated on the Contract Drawings 3. The effluent depth in the channel will be as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 4. System configuration: a. Any modifications to the channel dimensions must be reported by the Contractor at the time of equipment submittal. b. The UV system configuration will be as follows: 1) Number of Channels: 2 2) Number of Banks per Channel: 2 (1 duty, 1 standby) 3) Number of UV Modules per Bank: 4 4) Number of Lamps per UV Module: 4 5) Total Number of Lamps in the UV System: 64 (including redundancy and including both phases) 6) Maximum UV Modules Power Draw: 3.9 kW 7) Number of System Controllers: 1 8) Number of UV Detection Systems: 4 9) Number of Power Distribution Centers: 4 SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 3 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 10) Number of Level Controller Weirs: 2 11) Automatic Chemical/Mechanical Cleaning: Trojan AntiClean-WWTM 12) UV Module Lifting Device: Monorail and Hoist C. Performance Requirements: 1. Provide a UV disinfection system complete with UV Banks, System Control Center, Power Distribution Center(s), Support Racks(s), Level Control Weirs, Automatic Chemical/Mechanical Cleaning System and Lifting Device as shown on the Contract Drawings and as herein specified. 2. The UV system will be designed to deliver a minimum UV dose of 60 mJ/cm2 at peak flow, in effluent with a UV Transmission of 65% at end of lamp life (EOLL) after reductions for quartz sleeve fouling. The basis for evaluating the UV dose delivered by the UV system will be the independent third party bioassay, without exception. Bioassay validation methodology to follow protocols described in NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (May 2003) using MS2 bacteriophage as the surrogate test organism. 3. The UV Dose will be adjusted using an end of lamp life factor of 0.5 to compensate for lamp output reduction over the time period corresponding to the manufacturer’s lamp warranty. The use of a higher lamp aging factor will be considered only upon review and approval of independent third party verified data that has been collected and analyzed in accordance with protocols described in NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (May 2003). 4. The UV Dose will be adjusted using a quartz sleeve fouling factor of 0.8 when sizing the UV system in order to compensate for attenuation of the minimum dose due to sleeve fouling during operation. The use of a higher quartz sleeve fouling factor will be considered only upon review and approval of independently verified data that has been collected and analyzed in accordance with protocols described in NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (May 2003). 5. Independent Validation for use of higher factors (lamp aging and sleeve fouling) must be submitted to the Engineer within 15 days of award of contract. In the event the Engineer deems the data to not be conclusive or acceptable, the equipment manufacturer shall be required to provide adjustments in proposed equipment at no additional cost to the Owner. The Engineer shall be the sole authority in determining the acceptability of the supporting data submitted. 6. The system will be able to continue providing disinfection while replacing UV lamps, quartz sleeves, ballasts and while cleaning the UV lamp sleeves. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 4 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 7. The system will be designed for complete outdoor installation. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Complete submittal drawings and information shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES. B. Submittal package shall include a complete copy of this Specification section. Contractor shall review submittal and indicate all items within the submittal as compliant with the specifications by indicating a check mark by each paragraph of this Specification. For any items which do not meet the requirements of this Specification, the Contractor shall indicate by marking the corresponding paragraph with an “X”. For each item which is not in compliance with this Specification, a written clarification shall be provided by the Contractor detailing how the submitted equipment differs from the requirements outlined in this Specification section and detail why it is not possible to meet the requirements of this Specification. All exceptions shall be listed on a separate document which is included at the front of the submittal provided for review. Any submittal package received without a marked up Specification section, description of exceptions or a Contractor’s review stamp shall be rejected and returned by the Engineer without further review. C. Submittal shall contain the following at a minimum 1. Complete description in sufficient detail to permit an item comparison with the specification 2. Dimensions and installation requirements 3. Descriptive information including catalogue cuts and manufacturers' specifications for major components 4. Electrical schematics and layouts 5. Hydraulic calculations demonstrating compliance with the required hydraulic characteristics 6. Independent bioassay validation and dosage calculations demonstrating compliance with the specified dose requirements 7. Disinfection performance guarantee 8. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual 9. Performance Testing Results 1.4 LAYOUT COORDINATION AND REVIEW A. The Contractor shall review design and layout drawings to ensure that installation arrangements are suitable for the specified equipment. Any potential conflicts or SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 5 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 recommended modifications shall be coordinated with the Engineer and noted on the shop drawings or by a pre-submittal request for information, if appropriate. 1.5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. The Manufacturer shall furnish operation and maintenance manuals consistent with the requirements of Section 01 78 23 – OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA. The manuals shall be prepared specifically for this installation and shall include all required catalog cuts, drawings, equipment lists, descriptions and other information that is required to instruct operation and maintenance personnel unfamiliar with such equipment. 1.6 PRODUCT STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall be responsible for protection and storage in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations of all items shipped to the site from the time of delivery until installation is completed and the units and equipment are ready for operation. 1.7 WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall warrant the system installation, equipment, and all materials to be free of construction and installation defect for a period of one (1) year. The warranty period shall include the 12 – month period beginning upon the date of issuance of Substantial Completion by the Owner. Substantial completion is defined as operational and functional use of all facilities by the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. The physical layout of the system shown on the Contract Drawings and the equipment specified herein is based upon the UV3000PlusTM System, as manufactured by Trojan Technologies, London, Ontario, Canada. 2.2 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS A. General: 1. All module welded metal components in contact with effluent will be Type 316 stainless steel. 2. All metal components above the effluent will be Type 304 stainless steel with the exception of the ballast enclosure, which is constructed of anodized aluminum. 3. All wiring exposed to UV light will be TeflonTM coated. 4. All wires connecting the lamps to the ballasts will be enclosed inside the frame of the UV Module and not exposed to the effluent. To be considered as an alternate, wires that are exposed to the effluent will be warranted for SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 6 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 15 years and will be TeflonTM coated to prevent degradation under constant exposure to UV light. B. Lamp Array Configuration: 1. The lamp array configuration will be the uniform array type with all lamps parallel to each other and to the flow. 2. The system will be designed for complete immersion of the UV lamps including both electrodes and the full length of the lamp tube in the effluent. C. UV Module: 1. Each UV module will consist of UV lamps with an electronic ballast enclosure mounted on a Type 316 stainless steel frame. To be considered as an alternate, ballasts housed in a separate enclosure located external to the channel will be equipped with a suitable air conditioning system, supplied by the UV manufacturer, to maintain internal enclosure temperatures below 80oF (26°C). No forced air ventilation will be allowed. 2. Each lamp will be enclosed in its individual quartz sleeve, one end of which will be closed and the other end sealed by a lamp end seal. To be considered as an alternate, lamp quartz sleeves that are open at both ends will be supplied with twice the amount of specified spare seals and lamps. 3. The closed end of the quartz sleeve will be held in place by means of a retaining O-ring. The quartz sleeve will not come in contact with any steel in the frame. 4. The ends of the lamp sleeve will not protrude beyond the stainless steel frame of the UV Module. 5. Lamp wires will terminate in the electronic ballast enclosure located at the top of the UV Module. 6. All lamp to ballast connections will be made by and tested by the UV Manufacturer. 7. The electronic ballast enclosure will contain the electronic ballasts and addressable lamp status monitoring systems. 8. Each UV Module will be connected to a receptacle on the Power Distribution Center. 9. At the point of exit from the UV Module frame the multi conductor cable will pass through a waterproof strain relief. 10. Each UV module will have a rating of Type 6P. D. UV Lamps: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 7 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. Lamps will be high intensity low pressure amalgam design. The lamp will be preheated to promote longevity. Lamps that are not amalgam or that are based on driving a low pressure lamp at amperages greater than 500 milliamps will not be allowed. 2. The filament will be of the clamped design, significantly rugged to withstand shock and vibration. 3. Electrical connections will be at one end of the lamp and have four pins, dielectrically tested for 2,000 Vrms. Lamps that do not have 4 pins will be considered instant start. To be considered as an alternate, instant start lamp systems will supply replacement spare lamps equal to 50% of the total number of lamps in the system. 4. Lamps will be operated by electronic ballasts with variable output settings. E. Lamp End Seal and Lamp Holder: 1. The open end of the lamp sleeve will be sealed by means of a sleeve nut which threads onto a sleeve cup and compresses the sleeve O-ring. 2. The sleeve nut will have a knurled surface to allow a handgrip for tightening. The sleeve nut will not require any tools for removal. 3. The lamp will be held in place by means of a molded lamp holder that will incorporate two seals. The lamp holder will incorporate a double seal against the inside of the quartz sleeve to act in series with the external O- ring seal. 4. The second seal on the lamp holder will isolate and seal the lamp from the module frame and all other lamps in the module. 5. In the event of a quartz sleeve fracture the two seals of the lamp holder will prevent moisture from entering the lamp module frame and the electrical connections to the other lamps in the module. 6. The lamp holder will also incorporate a UV resistant PVC molded stop that will prevent the lamp sleeve from touching the steel sleeve cup. F. UV Lamp Quartz Sleeves: 1. Type 214 clear fused quartz circular tubing as manufactured by General Electric or equal. 2. Lamp sleeves will be domed at one end. 3. The nominal wall thickness will be 1.5 mm. G. UV Module Support Rack: SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 8 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 1. The UV module support rack will be minimum Type 304 stainless steel and be mounted above the effluent in the channel allowing adjustment to the precise height of the channel. H. Effluent Level Controller: 1. Level Control Weir a. Located at the discharge end of the UV channel. b. Designed to maintain a minimum channel effluent level as required to keep lamps submerged. c. Constructed of Type 304 stainless steel. I. Low Water Level Sensor: 1. One low water level sensor shall be provided by the UV Manufacturer for each UV channel. 2. During manual, automatic and remote modes of system operation, the water level sensor will ensure that lamps extinguish automatically if the water level in the channel drops below an acceptable level. 3. The low water level sensor will be powered by the Power Distribution Center. J. Electrical: 1. Shall meet the requirements of Division 26 – ELECTRICAL. 2. Each UV module within a bank will be powered from the bank’s dedicated Power Distribution Center. 3. UV manufacturer to supply all cabling and conduit between lamps and ballasts. 4. UV manufacturer to perform all terminations between lamps and ballasts. 5. Each electronic ballast within a UV module will operate two lamps. 6. Power factor will not be less than 98% leading or lagging. 7. Electrical supply to each Power Distribution Center will be 460-480V / 60Hz, 12.3kVA. 8. Electrical supply to the Hydraulic System Center will be 460-480V / 60Hz, 2.5 kVA. 9. Electrical supply for the water level sensor will be provided by the PDC and be 12 Volt DC. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 9 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 10. Electrical supply to the System Control Center will be 120V 1 Ph, 2 Wire + Gnd, 60 Hz, 1.8 kVA. K. Power Distribution Center: 1. Shall meet the requirements of Division 26 – ELECTRICAL and Division 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS. 2. Power distribution will be through environmentally sealed receptacles on the PDC(s) to allow for local connection of UV modules. 3. Data concentration will be through integrated circuit boards located inside the Power Distribution Center. 4. PDC enclosure material will be Type 304 Stainless Steel - Type 4X (IP66). 5. All internal components will be sealed from the environment. 6. All Power Distribution Centers to be UL listed with a rating of Type 4X. 7. One separate sealed Power Distribution Center will be provided per bank of lamps. 8. To be considered as an alternative, systems that have ballasts mounted in cabinets, the UV manufacturer will provide one (1) complete cabinet for each bank of lamps, to ensure that each bank is electrically isolated for safety during maintenance and to provide redundancy under average flow conditions. L. Control and Instrumentation: 1. System Control Center (SCC): a. Shall meet the requirements of Division 26 – ELECTRICAL and Division 40 – PROCESS INTERCONNECTIONS. b. The operation of the UV3000PlusTM is managed at the SCC by a PLC based controller which continuously monitors and controls the system functions. As specified in Division 40. c. The operator interface display screen will be menu driven with automatic fault message windows appearing upon alarm conditions. Operator Interface will be 10” minimum size and as specified in Division 40. d. Alarms will be provided to indicate to plant operators that maintenance attention is required or to indicate an extreme alarm condition in which the disinfection performance may be jeopardized. The alarms will include but not be limited to: 1) Lamp Failure SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 10 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 2) Multiple Lamp Failure 3) Low UV Intensity 4) Module Communication Alarm e. The 100 most recent alarms will be recorded in an alarm history register and displayed when prompted. f. Bank status will be capable of being placed either in Manual, Off or Auto mode. g. Elapsed time of each bank will be recorded and displayed on the display screen when prompted. h. Digital I/O modules will be provided to remotely indicate status and alarms such as: 1) Alarm conditions (major, critical) 2) Bank Status (one for each UV bank supplied). M. UV Detection System: 1. A submersible UV sensor will continuously monitor the UV intensity produced in each bank of UV lamps. 2. The sensor will measure only the germicidal portion of the light emitted by the UV lamps. The detection system will be factory calibrated. Detection systems that are field calibrated will not be permitted. N. Dose-Pacing: 1. A dose-pacing system will be supplied to modulate the lamp UV output in relationship to a 4-20 mA DC signal from an effluent flow meter. 2. The system to be dose-paced such that as the flow and effluent quality change, the design UV dose is delivered while conserving power. 3. The dose-pacing system will allow the operator to vary the design dose setting. Logic and time delays will be provided to regulate UV bank ON/OFF cycling. O. Hydraulic System Center (HSC): 1. One (1) HSC will be supplied to house all components required to operate the automatic mechanical/chemical cleaning system. 2. Enclosure material of construction will be Type 304 Stainless Steel - Type 4X (IP66). SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 11 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3. The HSC will contain a hydraulic pump complete with integral 4-way valve and fluid. P. Cleaning System: 1. An automatic cleaning system will be provided to clean the quartz sleeves using both mechanical and chemical methods. Wiping sequence will be automatically initiated with capability for manual override. 2. The cleaning system will be fully operational while UV lamps and modules are submerged in the effluent channel and energized. 3. Cleaning cycle intervals to be field adjustable. 4. Remote Manual and Remote Auto cleaning control options will be provided. 5. The cleaning system will be provided with the required solutions necessary for initial equipment testing and for equipment start-up. 6. To be considered as an alternate, systems that use only mechanical wiping must have the ability to periodically be cleaned out of channel using a chemical bath. Out of channel cleaning will include lifting slings, removable banks, cleaning tanks, agitation system and air compressors, as required. The UV manufacturer will be responsible for supplying all equipment including any equipment not specifically listed required to perform out of channel chemical cleaning. Q. Module Lifting Device: 1. One base and lifting sling will be supplied to assist in removing individual modules from the effluent channel. 2. Lifting device will be an overhead monorail and hoist to ensure adequate reach and height. 3. Lifting device to include a swivel handle for rotation and positioning. R. Anchor Bolts 1. All anchor bolts and hardware shall be 316 stainless steel construction. 2. Manufacturer shall provide one (1) set of anchor bolts in sufficient size and quantity for the UV system installation as indicated on the Contract Drawings. S. Spare Parts: 1. The following spare parts and safety equipment to be supplied. a. 8 UV Lamps b. 8 Quartz Sleeves SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 12 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 c. 8 Lamp Holder Seals d. 1 Operators kit including face shield, gloves and cleaning solution. e. To be considered as an alternate, systems that require more lamps than specified, the UV manufacturer will provide spares in the amount equal to the quantities listed plus an additional quantity equal to the percentage of lamps required over and above the number of lamps specified rounded up. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Prior to assembly, all stainless steel bolts and nut threads shall be coated with a non – seizing compound. B. The mounting points of the channel shall be level and parallel and of proper size. C. Align all equipment and motors in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions. Lubricate equipment and motors in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions. D. Provide all oil and grease of initial equipment startup. E. The equipment shall be handled and installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction and recommendations and in the locations shown on the Contract Drawings. F. The Contractor shall touch – up all shipping damage to the paint and stainless steel as soon as the equipment arrives on the job site. G. All surfaces (including shop primed) shall be cleaned and painted as specified in Section 09 90 00 – PROTECTIVE COATINGS of these Specifications and as indicated by manufacturer. H. Equipment shall be supplied complete with supports suitable for mounting as shown on the Contract Drawings. Supports shall be shop fabricated from 304 stainless steel shapes and plates. Supports shall be assembled and fitted to prior to shipment. I. Prior to acceptance of the work of this Section, thoroughly clean all installed materials, equipment and related areas as required in Section 01 77 00 – CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 13 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 3.2 FIELD TESTS, ADJUSTMENT AND STARTUP A. In addition to specific startup and testing requirements specified herein, equipment shall be started up and tested in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 01 10 00 – SUMMARY. B. After the Contractor has installed the UV disinfection system and the unit is capable of being operated, the equipment manufacturer shall furnish a qualified representative for a minimum of two (2) mandatory trip (up to 8 hours each) to inspect the equipment and to supervise field testing and start – up for the Contractor. Time allocated does not include travel. In the event the installed equipment is determined to not meet installation requirements and additional inspection/trips are required, the Contractor shall be responsible for all additional costs for additional inspection trips. C. After the equipment has been placed into operation, the manufacturer’s representative shall make all final adjustments for proper operation and issue a complete written report to the Engineer specifying all deficiencies noted and corrective measures required. D. After completion of the installation, the equipment shall be inspected and certified by an authorized representative of the manufacturer as being in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements. At such time as the manufacturer has deemed the installation to be acceptable, the manufacturer’s authorized service representative shall make any required adjustments and shall start the equipment to assure proper operation. E. Sufficient checks shall be conducted to demonstrate that all system components are fully operational, that control and instrumentation components have been calibrated and properly adjusted and that the entire filter system is ready for continuous safe operation. The purpose of the checkout shall be to ensure that each individual system component has been correctly installed, shall operate fully in the manner intended, and is ready to perform its function as part of an integrated system when placed in continuous operation. F. Start-up shall include furnishing the required chemical cleaning fluids for initial operation. The cleaning fluids shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. G. Should the system fail the manufacturer’s requirements or performance requirements, the manufacturer shall at its own expenses make all necessary modifications to the equipment until such tests can be passed. 3.3 PERFORMANCE TESTING A. In addition to specific startup and testing requirements specified herein, equipment shall be started up and tested in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 01 10 00 – SUMMARY. SUMMERHOUSE WWTP INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS 46 66 00- 14 00961-0051 SEPTEMBER 2023 B. Prior to Start-Up of the UV System equipment, the Contractor shall provide a Performance Testing plan which has been prepared by the Manufacturer for review to document satisfactory performance of the installed system. The plan shall include a complete sampling plan for system influent and effluent flows documenting system loading conditions and disinfection performance. C. All sampling and testing shall be performed by the Contractor utilizing a state certified lab for running of tests. Test results shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineer for review as part of the equipment startup report. D. System performance shall be performed for each UV channel independently and consist of the following criteria: 1. Provide constant influent flow rate to demonstrate continuous operation of the UV system for a period of minimum 5 days of stable operation through each UV channel independently. 2. Provided treated and filtered secondary effluent to the UV system. E. Influent Testing Parameter: TSS and UVT(%) at a minimum F. Effluent Testing Parameters: Fecal Coliform at a minimum G. In the event, stable disinfection results are not achieved for a minimum of 5 days of operation, the Contractor shall coordinate efforts to make necessary improvements to achieve stable UV operation and restart testing until stable operation for a minimum 5 day period is achieved. As part of this process any additional sampling required at the recommendation of the equipment manufacturer shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. 3.4 OPERATOR TRAINING A. The equipment supplier shall provide operator training for Owner’s personnel after system is operational. Training will take place while manufacturer’s representative is at the job site for inspection and shall include one (1) additional trip of at least two (2) 8 – hour days or whatever time is necessary to make the operator’s staff thoroughly familiar with the system operation. END OF SECTION 46 66 00 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality January 23, 2020 DAVID M. MOHR — ENGINEERING DIRECTOR ONSLOW WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY 228 GEORGETOWN ROAD JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28540 Subject: Permit No. WQ0029945 Summerhouse Wastewater Reclamation WWTP High -Rate Infiltration System Onslow County Dear Mr. Mohr: In accordance with your permit renewal request received November 4, 2019, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0029945 dated January 23, 2020, to Onslow Water and Sewer Authority for the operation of the subject wastewater treatment and high -rate infiltration facilities. Please note that this renewed permit shall become effective on May 1, 2020 (i.e., the day after the expiration date of the existing permit). The following modifications to the subject permit are as follows: The permitted monthly average flow for this facility has been reduced to 100,142 gallons per day (GPD). This number was calculated based on the disposal capacity of infiltration basin #2. After infiltration basin #1 is certified by a North Carolina Professional Engineer, and is in operation, the permitted flow may increase to 341,409 GPD. This number was calculated based on the disposal capacity of both basins together. This permit shall be effective from May 1, 2020 through December 31, 2025, shall void Permit No. WQ0029945 issued April 6, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations therein. The Permittee shall submit a renewal application no later than July 4, 2025. Please pay attention to the monitoring requirements listed Attachments A and B for they may differ from the previous permit issuance. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information shall result in future compliance problems. The Division has removed the following permit condition since the last permit issuance dated April 6, 2015: Old Condition VI.2. — This condition has been removed because this permit is not voidable. The following permit conditions are new since the last permit issuance dated April 6, 2015: Condition III.4. — Requires infiltration equipment to be tested and calibrated once per permit cycle. Condition HI.13. — Requires metering equipment to be tested and calibrated annually. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 N CAi+oU W.M .e a ewwxwnw owca 919.707.9000 Mr. David M. Mohr January 23, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Condition IV.5.d. — Requires the length of time a site is infiltrated to be recorded in the Permittee's records. Condition IV.10.b. —Requires the date of infiltration equipment calibration to be recorded in the maintenance log. Condition VI.10. —Prevents this permit from being renewed if the Permittee or any affiliation has not paid the required annual fee. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, the Permittee has the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Otherwise, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Ashley Kabat at (919) 707-3658 or ashle .kaba ncdenn ov. Sincerely, t1Dinda Culpepper, Director ivision of Water Resources cc: Onslow County Health Department (Electronic Copy) Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Laserfiche File (Electronic Copy) Digital Permit Archive (Electronic Copy) Central Files NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RALEIGH HIGH -RATE INFILTRATION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Onslow County FOR THE operation of a 100,142 gallon per day (GPD) (341,409 GPD at build -out) wastewater treatment and high - rate infiltration facility consisting of the: construction and operation of a 241,267 GPD high -rate infiltration system consisting of: a 10.71 MG infiltration basin (Basin #1) with a 219,533 square foot (W) footprint; and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances; the continued operation of a wastewater treatment headworks system consisting o£ two mechanically -cleaned fine screens with 5 millimeter (min) openings; an auxiliary manually -cleaned bar screen with one -inch spacings; a 2.4 million -gallon per day (MGD) grit removal and dewatering system consisting of a Eutek HeadCell®, GritCupTM and SpiraSnailTM; two 211-gallon hydro -pneumatic tanks; a 26 gallon -per -minute GPM) non -potable water pump located in the effluent pump station to serve the headworks system; and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances; the continued operation of a wastewater treatment system consisting o£ an influent flowmeter that measures flow from the Jenkins Street Pump Station; a 184,373 gallon flow equalization basin with three 347 GPM variable -frequency drive pumps, two 315 cubic feet per minute (CFM) 20 horsepower (hp) blowers, a 6-hp submersible mixer, and a coarse bubble diffuser system; a flow splitter box; four 2-mm drum screens; four 44,000 gallon Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) basins each consisting of a 13,000 gallon anoxic basin with a 486 GPM anoxic recirculation pump, a mixer, and a flowmeter, a 27,000 gallon fine -bubble aeration basin, a 4,000 gallon membrane tank with a 576 GPM membrane mixed -liquor recirculation/biosolids- wasting pump, a 151 GPM permeate pump and flowmeter, and four racks of ten 15 gallon per day per square foot (GPD/ftz) microfiltration modules, a Membrane Operating System 313 CFM 10-hp blower, and a 268 CFM 10-hp blower serving biological process aeration; a chemical clean -in -place system consisting of a sodium hypochlorite feed system and a citric acid feed system located in the chemical building onsite; two 129,400 gallon aerobic sludge digesters with two telescoping decant valves, a 300 GPM sludge pump, one vacuum truck pump connections, two submersible 6-hp mixers, three 460 CFM 20-hp blowers and a coarse -bubble diffuser system; four ultraviolet (UV) disinfection chambers each with two lamps; a back- up sodium hypochlorite feed and storage system for maintaining a chlorine residual and a total residual chlorine analyzer for monitoring and controlling residual chlorine concentrations; a standby generator; an odor control facility; a turbidimeter; an effluent flow meter; and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances; and the WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 1 of 10 continued operation of a 100,142 GPD high -rate infiltration system consisting of. a 9,547 gallon effluent pump station with two 400 GPM pumps with audible and visual high-water alarms; an onsite non -potable water hydropneumatic pressure maintenance system and distribution pipe network; an operator control building with an analytical laboratory; a 2.54 million gallon (MG) synthetically -lined upset basin; a 4.74 MG infiltration basin (Basin #2) with a 91,121 ftz footprint; a groundwater control pump station with two 600 GPM pumps, audible and visual high-water alarms, and a flowmeter; a groundwater control pump station with two 300 GPM pumps, audible and visual high-water alarms, and a flowmeter; a 36-acre constructed groundwater lowering effluent discharge pond (Spicer Lake); and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances to serve the Summerhouse Wastewater Reclamation WWTP, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the application received November 4, 2019, and in conformity with the Division -approved plans and specifications considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from May 1, 2020 through December 31, 2025, shall void Permit No. WQ0029945 issued April 6, 2015, and shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: I. SCHEDULES Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of the 10.71 MG infiltration basin (Basin #1), the Permittee shall submit an engineering certification from a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been constructed in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1, Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 02T, this permit, and the Division -approved plans and specifications. For phased and partially certified facilities, the Permittee shall retain the responsibility to track further construction approved under this permit, and shall provide a final engineering certification upon project completion. Mail the Engineering Certification to the Division of Water Resources, Non -Discharge Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617, or Non- Dischar e.Re ortsQncdenr. ov. [15A NCAC 02T .0116(a)] 2. The Permittee shall notify the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215, at least two business days in advance of initial operation of the constructed facilities so that the Division can conduct a startup inspection. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(B)] 3. The Permittee shall request renewal of this permit on Division -approved forms no later than July 4, 2025. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(b), 02T .0109] II. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Permittee shall maintain and operate the subject non -discharge facilities so there is no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions due to improper operation and maintenance, or failure of the infiltration areas to assimilate the effluent, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including Division required actions, such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or disposal facilities. [15A NCAC 02T 0108(b)(1)(A)] 2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of their responsibility for damages to groundwater or surface water resulting from the operation of this facility. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A)] 3. Effluent quality shall not exceed the limitations specified in Attachment A. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0705(b)] 4. Application rates, whether hydraulic, nutrient, or other pollutant, shall not exceed those specified in Attachment B. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 2 of 10 Reclaimed water systems permitted prior to September 1, 2006 have compliance and review boundaries established at the property boundary. Any exceedance of groundwater standards at or beyond the compliance boundary shall require corrective action. Division -approved relocation of the compliance boundary shall be noted in Attachment B. Multiple contiguous properties under common ownership and permitted for use as a disposal system shall be treated as a single property with regard to determination of a compliance boundary. [15A NCAC 02L .0106, 02T .0105(h), 02H 0219(k)(1)(C)(i)(IH), G.S. 143-215.1(i), G.S. 143-215.1(k)] 6. The Permittee shall apply for a permit modification to establish a new compliance boundary prior to any sale or transfer of property affecting a compliance boundary (i.e., parcel subdivision). [ 15A NCAC 02L .0107(c)] 7. No wells, excluding Division -approved monitoring wells, shall be constructed within the compliance boundary except as provided for in 15A NCAC 02L .0107(g). [ 15A NCAC 02L .0107] 8. Except as provided for in 15A NCAC 02L .0107(g), the Permittee shall ensure any landowner who is not the Permittee and owns land within the compliance boundary shall execute and file with the Onslow County Register of Deeds an easement running with the land containing the following items: a. A notice of the permit and number or other description as allowed in 15A NCAC 02L .0107(f)(1); b. Prohibits construction and operation of water supply wells within the compliance boundary; and c. Reserves the right of the Permittee or the State to enter the property within the compliance boundary for purposes related to the permit. The Director may terminate the easement when its purpose has been fulfilled or is no longer needed. 15A NCAC 02L .0107(f)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 3 of 10 9. The facilities herein were permitted per the following setbacks: a. The infiltration sites were originally permitted May 23, 2006. The setbacks for infiltration sites originally permitted or modified as a reclaimed water s• stem from June 1, 1996 to September 1, 2006 are as follows (all distances in feet): i. Surface waters classified SA: 100 ii. Surface waters classified non -SA: 25 iii. Each water supply well: 100 iv. Each non -potable well: 10 15A NCAC 02H .0219(k)] b. The storage and treatment units were originally permitted May 23, 2006. The setbacks for storage and treatment units originally permitted or modified from February 1, 1993 to September 1, 2006 are as follows (all distances in feet): i. Each private or public water supply source: 100 ii. Surface waters: 50 iii. Each well with exception of monitoring wells: 100 iv. Each property line: 501 v. Nitrification field: 20 Setbacks to property lines are not applicable when the Permittee, or the entity from which the Permittee is leasing, owns both parcels separated by the property line. 15A NCAC 02H .02190)(5)] c. The influent headworks system was modified February 28, 2014. The setbacks for storage and treatment units originally permitted or modified from September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2018 are as follows (all distances in feet): i. Each habitable residence or place of assembly under separate ownership: 100, ii. Each private or public water supply source: 100 iii. Surface waters: 50 iv. Each well with exception of monitoring wells: 100 v. Each property line: 50 z 1 Habitable residences or places of assembly under separate ownership constructed after the facilities herein were originally permitted or subsequently modified are exempt from this setback. Z Setbacks to property lines are not applicable when the Permittee, or the entity from which the Permittee is leasing, owns both parcels separated by the property line. 15A NCAC 02T .0706(d), 02T .0706(f), 02T .0706(g)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 4 of 10 M. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The Permittee shall operate and maintain the subject facilities as a non -discharge system. [15A NCAC 02T .0700] 2. The Permittee shall maintain an Operation and Maintenance Plan, which shall include operational functions, maintenance schedules, safety measures, and a spill response plan. [15A NCAC 02T 0707(a)] 3. Upon the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission's (WPCSOCC) classification of the subject non -discharge facilities, the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator in responsible charge (ORC), and one or more certified operators as back-up ORCs. The ORC or their back-up shall operate and visit the facilities as required by the WPCSOCC. [15A NCAC 02T 0117] 4. Infiltration equipment shall be tested and calibrated once per permit cycle. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0707(d)] 5. Only treated effluent from the Summerhouse Wastewater Reclamation WWTP shall be infiltrated on the sites listed in Attachment B. [15A NCAC 02T .0701] 6. The Permittee shall not allow vehicles or heavy machinery on the infiltration area, except during equipment installation or maintenance activities. [15A NCAC 02T .0707(e)] 7. The Permittee shall prohibit public access to the wastewater treatment, storage, and infiltration facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0705(p)] 8. The Permittee shall dispose or utilize generated residuals in a Division -approved manner. [15A NCAC 02T .0708, 02T .1100]. 9. The Permittee shall not divert or bypass untreated or partially treated wastewater from the subject facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0705(i)] 10. Freeboard in the two high -rate infiltration basins and the five-day upset pond shall not be less than two feet at any time. [15A NCAC 02T .0705(c)] 11. Gauges to monitor waste levels in the two high -rate infiltration basins and the five-day upset pond shall be provided. These gauges shall have readily visible permanent markings, at inch or tenth of a foot increments, indicating the following elevations: maximum liquid level at the top ofthe temporary liquid storage volume; minimum liquid level at the bottom of the temporary liquid storage volume; and the lowest point on top of the dam. [15A NCAC 02T .0707(f)] 12. A protective vegetative cover shall be established and maintained on all berms, pipe runs, erosion control areas, surface water diversions, and earthen embankments (i.e., outside toe of embankment to maximum allowable temporary storage elevation on the inside of the embankment). Trees, shrubs, and other woody vegetation shall not be allowed to grow on the earthen dikes or embankments. Earthen embankments shall be kept mowed or otherwise controlled and accessible. [15A NCAC 02T .0707(g)] 13. Metering equipment shall be tested and calibrated annually. [15A NCAC 02T .0707(d)] 14. All effluent shall be routed to the five day upset pond should the limit for fecal coliform (e.g., daily maximum concentration of 25 colonies per 100 mQ or turbidity (e.g., instantaneous maximum of 10 NTU) be exceeded, until the problems associated with the wastewater treatment plant have been corrected. The wastewater in the five day upset pond shall be pumped back to the treatment plant headworks for re -treatment or treated in the five day upset pond prior to infiltration. [15A NCAC 02T 0108(b)(1)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 5 of 10 15. The infiltration areas shall be cleaned at least once per permit cycle to remove deposited materials that may impede the infiltration process. Cleaning records shall be maintained at the facility for five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. The Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215, shall be notified prior to each cleaning. [15A NCAC 02T .0707(h)] IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING RE UIREMENTS 1. The Permittee shall conduct and report any Division required monitoring necessary to evaluate this facility's impact on groundwater and surface water. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)] 2. A Division -certified laboratory shall conduct all analyses for the required effluent, groundwater, and surface water parameters. [15A NCAC 02H .0800] 3. Flow through the treatment facility shall be continuously monitored, and daily flow values shall be reported on Form NDMR. Facilities with a permitted flow less than 10,000 GPD may estimate their flow from water usage records provided the water source is metered. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(k), 02T 0108(c)] 4. The Permittee shall monitor the treated effluent at the frequencies and locations for the parameters specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)] 5. The Permittee shall maintain records tracking the amount of effluent infiltrated. These records shall include the following information for each infiltration site listed in Attachment B: a. Date of infiltration; b. Volume of effluent infiltrated; c. Site infiltrated; d. Length of time site is infiltrated; e. Loading rates to each infiltration site listed in Attachment B; and f. Weather conditions. 15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)] 6. Freeboard (i.e., waste level to the lowest embankment elevation) in the two high -rate infiltration basins and the five-day upset pond shall be measured to the nearest inch or tenth of a foot, and recorded weekly. Weekly freeboard records shall be maintained for five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0108(c)] 7. Three copies of all monitoring data (as specified in Conditions IV.3. and IVA.) on Form NDMR for each PPI and three copies of all operation and disposal records (as specified in Conditions IV.5. and IV.6.) on Form NDAR-2 for every site in Attachment B shall be submitted on or before the last day of the following month. If no activities occurred during the monitoring month, monitoring reports are still required documenting the absence of the activity. All information shall be submitted to the following address: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 15A NCAC 02T .0105(1)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 6 of 10 8. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1C(a), the Permittee shall provide to its users and the Division of Water Resources an annual report summarizing the performance of the wastewater treatment and high -rate infiltration facility and the extent to which the facility has violated this permit, or federal or State laws, regulations, or rules related to the protection of water quality. This report shall be prepared on either a calendar or fiscal year basis and shall be provided no later than 60 days after the end of the calendar or fiscal year. Two copies of the annual report provided to the Permittee's users shall be submitted to: Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 G. S. 143-215.1 C(a)] 9. The Permittee shall maintain a record of all residuals removed from this facility. This record shall be maintained for five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. This record shall include: a. Name of the residuals hauler; b. Non -Discharge permit number authorizing the residuals disposal, or a letter from a municipality agreeing to accept the residuals; c. Date the residuals were hauled; and d. Volume of residuals removed. 15A NCAC 02T .0708(b)] 10. A maintenance log shall be kept at this facility. This log shall be maintained for five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. This log shall include: a. Date of flow measurement device calibration; b. Date of infiltration equipment calibration; c. Date of turbidimeter calibration; d. Visual observations of the plant and plant site; and e. Record of preventative maintenance (e.g., changing of equipment, adjustments, testing, inspections and cleanings, etc.). 15A NCAC 0.2T .0707(i)] 11. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report to the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215, within 24 hours of first knowledge of the following: a. Treatment of wastes abnormal in quantity or characteristic, including the known passage of a hazardous substance. b. Any process unit failure (e.g., mechanical, electrical, etc.) rendering the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment. c. Any facility failure resulting in a discharge to surface waters. d. Any time self -monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit limitations. e. Effluent breakout from the infiltration sites. Emergencies requiring reporting outside normal business hours shall call the Division's Emergency Response personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368, or (919) 733-3300. All noncompliance notifications shall file a written report to the Wilmington Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the occurrence, and this report shall outline the actions proposed or taken to ensure the problem does not recur. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 7 of 10 V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the wastewater treatment and infiltration facilities. [ 15A NCAC 02T .07070)] 2. The Permittee shall inspect the wastewater treatment and infiltration facilities to prevent malfunctions, facility deterioration, and operator errors that may result in discharges of wastes to the environment, threats to human health, or public nuisances. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log that includes the date and time of inspection, observations made, and maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken. The Permittee shall maintain this inspection log for a period of five years from the date of the inspection, and this log shall be made available to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T 0707(i), 02T .07070)] 3. Division authorized representatives may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place related to the wastewater treatment and infiltration facilities permitted herein at any reasonable time for determining compliance with this permit. Division authorized representatives may inspect or copy records maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may collect groundwater, surface water, or leachate samples. [G.S. 143-215.3(a)(2)] VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to comply with the conditions and limitations contained herein may subject the Permittee to a Division enforcement action. [G.S. 143-215.6A, 143-215.6B, 143-215.6C] 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the permit application, and Division -approved plans and specifications. [G.S. 143-215.1(d)] 3. Unless specifically requested and approved in this permit, there are no variances to administrative codes or general statutes governing the construction or operation of the facilities permitted herein. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(n)] 4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that other jurisdictional government agencies (e.g., local, state, and federal) may require. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(6)] 5. If the permitted facilities change ownership, or the Permittee changes their name, the Permittee shall submit a permit modification request on Division -approved forms. The Permittee shall comply with all terms and conditions of this permit until the permit is transferred to the successor -owner. [G.S. 143- 215.1(d3)] 6. The Permittee shall retain a set of Division -approved plans and specifications for the life of the facilities permitted herein. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(o)] 7. The Permittee shall maintain this permit until the proper closure of all facilities permitted herein, or until the facilities permitted herein are permitted by another authority. [15A NCAC 02T .01050)] WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 8 of 10 8. This permit is subject to revocation or modification upon 60-day notice from the Division Director, in whole or part for: a. violation of any terms or conditions of this permit or Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 02T; b. obtaining a permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose all relevant facts; c. the Penmittee's refusal to allow authorized Department employees upon presentation of credentials: i. to enter the Permittee's premises where a system is located or where any records are required to be kept; ii. to have access to any permit required documents and records; iii. to inspect any monitoring equipment or method as required in this permit; or iv. to sample any pollutants; d. the Permittee's failure to pay the annual fee for administering and compliance monitoring; or e. a Division determination that the conditions of this permit are in conflict with North Carolina Administrative Code or General Statutes. 15ANCAC 02T .0110] 9. Unless the Division Director grants a variance, expansion of the facilities permitted herein shall not occur if any of the following apply: a. The Permittee or any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the Permittee has been convicted of environmental crimes under G.S. 143-215.6B, or under Federal law that would otherwise be prosecuted under G.S. 143-215.6B, and all appeals of this conviction have been abandoned or exhausted. b. The Permittee or any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the Permittee has previously abandoned a wastewater treatment facility without properly closing the facility. c. The Permittee or any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the Permittee has not paid a civil penalty, and all appeals of this penalty have been abandoned or exhausted. d. The Permittee or any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the Permittee is currently not compliant with any compliance schedule in a permit, settlement agreement, or order. e. The Permittee or any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the Permittee has not paid an annual fee. 15A NCAC 02T .0120(b), 02T .0120(d)] 10. This permit shall not be renewed if the Permittee or any affiliation has not paid the required annual fee. 15A NCAC 02T .0120(c)] Permit issued this the 231 day of January 2020 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION da Culpepper, Director Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0029945 WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 9 of 10 Permit No. WQ0029945 High -Rate Infiltration System Onslow Water and Sewer Authority January 23, 2020 Summerhouse Wastewater Reclamation WWTP Onslow County ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION Partial Final I, , as a duly licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer, having periodically / fully observed the construction of the permitted facilities, do hereby state to the best of my abilities that the facility was constructed in compliance with G.S. 143-215.1, Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 02T, this permit, and the Division -approved plans and specifications. Documentation of any variation to this permit, and the Division -approved plans and specifications, is in the attached as -built drawings. Description of variations: Professional Engineer's Name Firm Name Firm No. Address City State Zip Code Telephone Email Seal, Signature, and .Date THE COMPLETED ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION, SHALL BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NON -DISCHARGE BRANCH By U.S. Postal Service By Courier/Special Deliver 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N. SALISBURY ST. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 WQ0029945 Version 3.0 Shell Version 180901 Page 10 of 10 O M r F 4 Y Y Y Y f+ nYi 4 U v, m U CL Q O O O d O 5 o O'0"mO o O F L CD. 0. 0 m F W e£a E GO O O o C7 C7 o o O o C7 O D O C4 U U U U U U U U U U r-i 7 a N x x x o x x x x x x x cw, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Z y k X k X X y C X X k k X x X k G pW N M M N U N N N N N M N Cd tn N C i+ Qn AE-4 F W a E f W N y 0 N V'1 d crn GM 0 Con a Y Cd CR a wzocvE U o 0 0 b bwQoooo u U u c a H' W u w Z z Z Z CA Un di o_ o 0 0 o O cov) o 0 0 n 0 0 o 00 eh o v) N N CD O O O M l- ap M D ON O D O O D 1D D Nt oM kn CD U o0 00 o kA en on COo 00 O0 o0 00 0 0 0 0o 00 4 rV ri M Cd Q 0 WA z d E C7 c7 C7W a w a Fy 7W7 M M M 7 A 3 0 F A ad C w o W C7 ao O di i i' LO ea p G a a o H w z w w H WW a O O OVMo0 z d F C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 Ur C7W a w a Z X k k k k X X M M M V M M M fn 7 k 2 1 A rr d z w o W C7 L. L O Qi W 6 Q t El G C F ECT. 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Caring about your MBR system BIOSTRAINER® THE SIDE-STREAM FILTRATION Biostrainer®2 The Separator-Thickener BIOSTRAINER® is a machine that ensures long-term functionality and reliability of the MBR ultrafiltration systems. Biostrainer®, thanks to the Dynamic-Tangential Filtration technology, definitively solves the problem of fibrous and filamentous materials (such as hair) present in the biological sludge. Fibrous and filamentous materials cannot be screened by filters with perforated plates, wedge wires and, more in general, static filtering meshes. Fibers, hair and filamentous materials deposit on the MBR systems membranes, making their operating difficult and causing the ultrafiltration system to rapidly become soiled. The Separator-Thickener BIOSTRAINER® is installed as a biological sludge recirculating system and it can almost completely remove all the fibrous and filamentous solids, allowing a remarkable time extension between the MBR cleaning processes. Il Separatore-Ispessitore BIOSTRAINER® è una macchina che VPaP]cXbRT[PUd]iX^]P[XcÇT[{PU SPQX[XcÇ]T[cT\_^STXbXbcT\X SXd[caP [caPiX^]T<1A Biostrainer®, grazie alla Filtrazione Dinamico-Tangenziale, risolve in dXe`\iX[\Ôe`k`mX`cgifYc\dX[\`dXk\i`Xc`ÔYifj`\ÔcXd\ekfj`g\c` \ZXg\cc` gi\j\ek`e\c]Xe^fY`fcf^`Zf% @dXk\i`Xc`ÔYifj`\ÔcXd\ekfj`efem\e^fef\]ÔZXZ\d\ek\ kiXkk\elk`[X`Ôcki`Z_\lk`c`qqXefcXd`\i\]fiXk\#gifÔc`kiXg\qf`[Xc`\# g`“`e^\e\iXc\#i\k`ÔckiXek`ljXk\jkXk`ZXd\ek\% =`cXZZ`#ZXg\cc`\dXk\i`Xc`ÔcXd\ekfj`j`[\gfj`kXefjlcc\d\dYiXe\ [\`j`jk\d`D9I#i\e[\e[fe\[`]ÔZfckfjf`c]leq`feXd\ekf\X^\e[f [X`ee\jZfg\i`ciXg`[fjgfiZXd\ekf[\cj`jk\dX[`lckiXÔckiXq`fe\% @cJ\gXiXkfi\$@jg\jj`kfi\9`fjkiX`e\ižm`\e\`ejkXccXkfZfd\j`jk\dX [`i`Z`iZfcf[\c]Xe^fY`fcf^`Zf\i`\jZ\X[\c`d`eXi\gi\jjfZ_„ kfkXcd\ek\klkk``jfc`[`ÔYifj`\ÔcXd\ekfj`#Zfej\ek\e[fle [iXjk`ZfXccle^Xd\ekf[\^c``ek\imXcc`[`glc`q`X[\`j`jk\d`D9I% 3 DYNAMIC-TANGENTIAL FILTRATION: THE BEST TECHNOLOGY POSSIBLE. ;PR^]RTiX^]TSX1X^bcaPX]Ta•ÏbT\_[XRT\P TbcaT\P\T]cTTU RPRT)caPccXT]TX\PcTaXP[X Qa^bX [P\T]c^bXRWTV[XP[caX[PbRXP]^_PbbPaT CXZXiXkk\i`jk`ZXgi`eZ`gXc\\cËle`Z`k~[`9`fjkiX`e\iž_Xeefle efd\jg\Z`ÔZf1=`ckiXq`fe\;`eXd`Zf$KXe^\eq`Xc\%@ej`ek\j`#`c]Xe^f Y`fcf^`ZfXkkiXm\ijXcXjlg\iÔZ`\ÔckiXek\ifkXek\kXe^\eq`Xcd\ek\ Xeq`Z_„fikf^feXcd\ek\#Zfd\Xmm`\e\e\^c`Xcki`Ôcki`%Hl\jkf ^XiXek`jZ\^iXe[`mXekX^^`%CËXe^fcf[``eZ`[\eqXkiX`cc`hl`[f[X ÔckiXi\\`cd\[`XÔckiXek\#le`kXd\ek\XccXifkXq`fe\Zfek`elX[\` [`jZ_`#Zfej\ek\cXj\gXiXq`fe\[\`dXk\i`Xc`ÔYifj`&ÔcXd\ekfj` Zfek\elk`e\c]Xe^fY`fcf^`Zf% Biostrainer®’s conception is simple, but extremely efficient: it stops the fibrous materials that the others would let through. The main feature and the uniqueness of Biostrainer® have a specific name: Dynamic-Tangential Filtration. Basically, the biological sludge crosses the rotating filtration surface tangentially instead of orthogonally, as it does in the other filters. This guarantees great advantages. The angle of incidence between the influent and the filtering media, combined with the continuous disks rotation, allows to separate the materials contained in the biological sludge. Static orthogonal fi ltration Wedge Wire Dynamic-Tangential Filtration Biostrainer® Perforated Plate 4 Biostrainer® All it takes is to look at our plus to understand the uniqueness of Biostrainer® and see the deep difference between us and our competitors. 100% Stainless steel The machine is entirely built in stainless steel, to keep the resistance unchanged over the years. Total fibrous material separation Biostrainer® is designed and manufactured for the complete separation of the fibers. Dynamic-Tangential Filtration The inclination to the influent crossing surface guarantees the excellence of the filtration. Exceptional mechanisms All the internal mechanisms are designed to guarantee extraordinary performances. Simple to use The machine has an intuitive and totally autonomous working principle. 1PbcPVdPaSPaTX]^bcaX_[db_Ta R^V[XTaT[{d]XRXcÇSX1X^bcaPX]Ta•T RP_XaT[P_a^U^]SPSXUUTaT]iPcaP ]^XTX]^bcaXR^\_TcXc^a 100% Acciaio inox CXdXZZ_`eX…`ek\iXd\ek\Zfjkil`kX`e XZZ`X`f`efjj`[XY`c\#g\idXek\e\i\cX i\j`jk\eqX`eXck\iXkXe\ck\dgf% BT_PaPiX^]Tc^cP[TSTX\PcTaXP[X Qa^bX 9`fjkiX`e\iž…gif^\kkXkf\Zfjkil`kf g\icXZfdgc\kXj\gXiXq`fe\[\cc\ÔYi\% Filtrazione Dinamico-Tangenziale C`eZc`eXq`fe\[\cc`hl`[f[XÔckiXi\ Z_\Zfcg`jZ\cXjlg\iÔZ`\^XiXek`jZ\ c\ZZ\cc\eqX[\ccXÔckiXq`fe\% <TRRP]Xb\XTRRTiX^]P[X Klkk``d\ZZXe`jd``ek\ie`jfefgif^\kkXk` g\i^XiXek`i\g\i]fidXeZ\jkiXfi[`eXi`\% 5PRX[TSPdbPaT CXdXZZ_`eX_Xlegi`eZ`g`f[` ]leq`feXd\ekf`ekl`k`mf\kfkXcd\ek\ Xlkfefdf% 5 WHAT IS SIDE-STREAM FILTRATION. In case of low effi ciency of the primary treatments, the use of Biostrainer®, with a fi ltration grade from 0,5 to 0,7 mm, ensures the fi ne screening of the biomass. @eZXjf[`jZXijX\]ÔZ`\eqX[\`kiXkkXd\ek` gi`dXi`#cËlk`c`qqf[`9`fjkiX`e\iž#Zfele ^iX[f[`ÔckiXq`fe\[X'#,X'#.dd# ^XiXek`jZ\cX^i`^c`XkliXÔe\[\ccXY`fdXjjX%Biostrainer® Side-Stream Filtration MBR Recirculation Ricircolo MBR MBR Recirculation Ricircolo MBR Biological Treatment :fdgXikf9`fcf^`Zf Main Fine Screening >i`^c`XkliX=`e\Gi`eZ`gXc\UF SYSTEM 6 Biostrainer® BIOSTRAINER® VS OTHERS. Filtering Media <TSXP5X[caP]cT SS square fi ltering meshes I\k`ÔckiXek``eXZZ`X`f`efoXdX^c`XhlX[iX Perforated plate - Wedge wire Lam`\iX]fiXkX$N\[^\n`i\ Working Principle PrinRX_X^SX5d]iX^]P\T]c^ Dynamic-Tangential Filtration Filtrazione Dinamico-Tangenziale Static fi ltration Filtrazione statica Filtration Effi ciency 4U RXT]iPSX5X[caPiX^]T 0,5 ÷ 0,7 mm 1 ÷ 2 mm Backwash Controlavaggio Not required Non necessario Highly required Fortemente necessario Screened Material <PcTaXale Raccolto Thickened sludge with presence of fi bers Fang_``jg\jj`k`Zfegi\j\eqX [`ÔYi\ Standard screened material without presence of fi bers Materiale raccolto standard j\eqXgi\j\eqX[`ÔYi\ The Side-Stream Filtration 5X[caPiX^]TBXSTBcaTP\ Maximum effi ciency <]ÔZ\eqXdXjj`dX Severe clogging Ostruzioni gravi Biostrainer® Others 7 BIOSTRAINER®: ALWAYS THAT EXTRA BIT. Overfl ow fl anged pipe KifeZ_\kkf[`kifggfg`\efÕXe^`Xkf Inlet fl anged pipe KifeZ_\kkf[`Xc`d\ekXq`fe\ÕXe^`Xkf Level probes for automation Jfe[\[`c`m\ccfg\iXlkfdXq`fe\ Easily replaceable gaskets >lXie`q`fe`]XZ`cd\ek\jfjk`kl`Y`c` Washing Ramp IXdgX[`cXmX^^`f 8 Biostrainer® Openable covers :fg\iZ_`Xgi`Y`c` Electric panel installed on board HlX[if\c\kki`ZfXYfi[fdXZZ_`eX SS square fi ltering meshes I\k`ÔckiXek``eXZZ`X`f`efoXdX^c`XhlX[iX Discharge hopper Tramoggia di scarico SEW Movimot shaft drive Dfkfi\J<NDfm`dfk Outlet fl anged pipe KifeZ_\kkf[`jZXi`ZfÕXe^`Xkf Flanged drain pipe JZXi`Zf[`]fe[fZlccXÕXe^`Xkf 9 CASE HISTORY. Biostrainer® modello BR 1001 installato presso l’impianto gestito da SERVIZI AMBIENTALI di Borghetto Santo Spirito. 0__[XRPiX^]T)Filtrazione Side-Stream su n. 1 linea comparto biologico prima di ultrafiltrazione tramite MBR 4U RXT]iPSX [caPiX^]T) 0,5 mm ?^acPcPcaPccPcP)20 m3/h E^[d\TST[[PePbRPST[R^\_Pac^QX^[^VXR^caPccPcP)2250 m3 CT\_^SXVaXV[XPcdaPX]cTaPePbRP)96 ore E^[d\TSX\PcTaXP[TVaXV[XPc^) da 0,3 a 0,5 m3/d CX_^[^VXPSX\PcTaXP[TVaXV[XPc^) materiali fibrosi e filamentosi (peli, capelli) AXbd[cPc^^ccT]dc^)frequenza di pulizia delle membrane e relativi costi di gestione ridotti del 50-70% Biostrainer® model BR 1001 installed at SERVIZI AMBIENTALI WWTP, in Borghetto Santo Spirito. Application: Side-Stream Filtration on n. 1 line biological section, before MBR ultrafiltration Filtration efficiency: 0,5 mm Treated flow rate: 20 m3/h Volume of treated biological section tank: 2250 m3 Full tank total screening time: 96 hours Volume of screened material: from 0,3 to 0,5 m3/d Type of screened material: fibrous and filamentous material (hair) Obtained result: 50-70% reduction of cleaning operations frequency and connected costs 10 Biostrainer® MBR WITH AND WITHOUT BIOSTRAINER®. MBR without Biostrainer® MBR with Biostrainer® High presence of fibrous material, with consequent distortion and clogging of the membranes. <c\mXkXgi\j\eqX[`dXk\i`Xc\ÔYifjf&ÔcXd\ekfjf# ZfeZfej\^l\ek\[\]fidXq`fe\\`ekXjXd\ekf [\cc\d\dYiXe\% Almost total removal of fibrous material, with consequent cleaning and restoration of the proper membrane structure. I`dfq`fe\gi\jjfZ_„kfkXc\[\cdXk\i`Xc\ ÔYifjf&ÔcXd\ekfjf#ZfeZfej\^l\ek\glc`q`X\ i`gi`jk`ef[\ccXZfii\kkX^\fd\ki`X[\cc\d\dYiXe\% 11 Nuove Energie srl Via della Meccanica 23/25 36100 Vicenza Italy Tel +39 0444 963453 Fax +39 0444 960959 info@nuoveenergie.it www.nuoveenergie.com fa b i o m a f f i o n e . c o m