HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004618_more information received_20230831verdantas PEOPLE FOCUSED FUTURE August 31, 2023 NCDEQ / DWR NPDES Industrial Permitting Unit Attn: Douglas Dowden 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Response to Additional Request for Information for Permit Application NC0004618 Phoenix Lumberton LLC [Lumberton Energy Holdings LLC / Active Energy Lumberton (Alamac American Knits)] for the facility located at 1885 Alamac Road in Lumberton, North Carolina. 15104.0025. Dear Mr. Dowden: Thank you for your letter dated June 12, 2023, requesting additional information in regard to Permit Application NC0004618 Phoenix Lumberton LLC [Lumberton Energy Holdings LLC / Active Energy Lumberton (Alamac American Knits)] for the referenced facility located at 1885 Alamac Road in Lumberton, North Carolina (Facility). This letter includes Verdantas' responses, on behalf of Phoenix, to NCDEQ / DWR's comments dated June 12, 2023, on the Permit Application. Please note that the original text of NCDEQ/DWR's comments from the letter dated June 12, 2023, is included below in bold typeface, followed by Verdantas' response on behalf of Phoenix to the comments. Request 1 Status Update Ouffall 002: Based upon information available (e.g., prior permit) the site originally included two (2) Outfalls: Ouffall 001 and Ouffall 002. The recent permit application does not include any information concerning Ouffall 002, thus please provide an update to the status of Ouffall 002; such as, has the Ouffall been permanently closed off and/or update the permit to reflect that the outfall is still viable and its current usage. Current data available indicates that positive flows persist at this Ouffall (e.g., eDMR reports from January 2018 to January 30, 2021) and with this documented positive flow the Ouffall must be permitted or permanently closed off. Response 1 Historically Ouffall 002 discharged filter backwash water and stormwater from the ditches associated with the parking areas. Currently there is no backwash discharge through Outfall 002. Ouffall 002 only handles stormwater from the ditches adjacent to the parking areas and the stormwater is not associated with industrial activities. Therefore Ouffall 002 was not included in the permit application. 4 Hemisphere Way, Bedford, OH, 44146 1 verdantas.com August 31, 2023 Document Number: 15104.0025 Request 2 verdantas Discharge to Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Based upon information supplied use of the site only includes general warehousing and distribution purposes with no generation of wastewater, thus how is biological waste being managed and disposed of at the site? Is the facility connected to a locally owned treatment works (e.g., POTW), if so which facility and for what discharge and what volume of discharge? Response 2 The Facility is used for general warehousing and distribution purposes, but does have generation of domestic wastewater (toilets, sinks, etc.). This wastewater source is being discharged to the City of Lumberton POTW. The volume of the discharge is estimated at 104 GPD. Request 3 Groundwater Remediation: At this juncture, based upon internal discussions groundwater remediation concerns may be addressed by the Division of Waste Management work with the site owner. Response 3 The request in noted and no response required. Request 4 Forever Chemical Contamination and Treatment: Based upon information supplied wastewater on- site (e.g., Section 11.1 and 11.2 and page 148 of the application) and discharges include high levels of various Forever Chemicals (e.g., PFAS, per- and polytluoroalkyl substances), thus what plans does the facility have to sample, monitor, potentially contain and treat Forever Chemicals at the site? Please provide all details necessary to facilitate a complete review. Please complete Attachment 1 A herein and return within 60 days of the date of this letter. Response 4 Process water is not currently being discharged to the treatment system, and only water from the groundwater remediation system is processed through the treatment system as contemplated by the Brownfields Agreement. Accordingly, groundwater has been identified as the Facility source of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) detected in treatment system sampling. Discussions by the Applicant are underway with the Division of Waste Management's Brownfields Program and Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch to identify alternatives to the current groundwater remediation system at the Facility, which if successful would eliminate the need for ongoing processing of groundwater through the treatment system. However, if use of the treatment 4 Hemisphere Way, Bedford, OH, 44146 1 verdantas.com 2 August 31, 2023 verdantas Document Number: 15104.0025 system remains necessary, Phoenix will work with DWR to evaluate and implement appropriate treatment technology, if required. Attachment 1 A is attached. Request 5 Flood Zone and Flood Water Infiltration into Treatment Systems: What measures if any has the facility implemented to prevent flood waters from infiltrating facility treatment systems and becoming contaminated with site materials? Based upon a review of available information during the rainy season infiltration into facility treatment systems can result in a discharge up to 1 MGD. Is this water being treated and if so, how before discharge? Section 4 of the application does not reflect any intermittent flows that typically are associated with heavy rains and/or flood waters as required pursuant to 40 CFR 122.21(g)(4). Please explain the source(s) of all flow into onsite treatment systems and source(s) of all discharges accounting for seasonal and/or intermittent fluctuations. Response 5 The treatment system is currently operated to handle flows from groundwater pumping activities at the Facility. As noted, the Applicant and the Division of Waste Management's Brownfields Program and Inactive Hazardous Waste Branch are discussing the potential for alternatives to the current groundwater system, which, if successful, would eliminate the need for ongoing processing of groundwater in the treatment system. In the meantime, stormwater discharge locations at the Facility do not discharge directly to the wastewater treatment system. The existing stormwater system is designed to address stormwater separate from Facility wastewater. To the extent that stormwater infiltrates the treatment system through other means, it is handled in the system together with flow from the groundwater system. The potential for floodwater and flood water to the treatment system exists and will be addressed as the Facility considers the use, design and potential decommissioning of the wastewater treatment system once the appropriate approach to groundwater at the Facility is determined. Request 6 Section 8 - Used or Manufactured Toxics: Based upon available information the facility no longer manufactures (e.g., general warehousing and distribution), however analytical data reflects discharges include various toxicants listed in Table B, thus the discharge of treated groundwater is a byproduct requiring the completion of Table B of the application. Response 6 We would ask that you clarify your question. You are correct that Phoenix does not conduct any manufacturing operations at the Facility and does not discharge and has not discharged process wastewater from manufacturing operations. The only flow placed in the treatment system relate to handling groundwater that was impacted by past operations prior to Phoenix's ownership, as contemplated by the Brownfields Agreement. It is not clear to us that the groundwater by itself is a byproduct that was 4 Hemisphere Way, Bedford, OH, 44146 1 verdantas.com 3 August 31, 2023 vel-dantas Document Number: 15104.0025 used or manufactured at the Facility as contemplated by Section 8 of Form 2C. With respect to the Table B constituents in groundwater, Phoenix does not have information on the use or origin of those materials, other than their presence, which we have listed in that Table. Nevertheless, we are happy to work with DWR to provide you the information you need to review the application properly and look forward to discussing what you need for that purpose as it relates to Section 8. Request 7 Section 9 Biological Toxicity Test: The application did not include an affirmative response to question 9.1, yet at page 71 reflects that Ceriodaphnia Dubia survival and reproduction test have been conducted, thus please complete section 9.1 of the application and resubmit and/or explain why question 9.1 is not applicable. Response 7 The response to question 9.1 has been revised and is attached. Request 8 Delegation of Authority for Reports to be Filed - Section 11.2 Signatory Authority: Section 11.2 for clarification is signed by David M. Marks who is denoted as a Manager for the facility. Under 40 CFR § 122.22 Signatories to permit applications and reports (applicable to State programs, see § 123.25) states as follows. (a) Applications. All permit applications shall be signed as follows: (1) For a corporation. By a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this section, a responsible corporate officer means: (1) A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy- or decision -making functions for the corporation, or (11) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. 4 Hemisphere Way, Bedford, OH, 44146 verdantas.com 4 August 31, 2023 verdantas Document Number: 15104.0025 Please ensure that Mr. Marks meets the requirements of 40 CFR § 122.22 - Signatories to permit applications and reports (applicable to State programs, see § 123.25). Please adjust and update the application accordingly. Response 8 We have confirmed with Phoenix that Mr. Marks has the required signatory authority. Request 9 For Table A: For conventional pollutants the application reflects no data for TOC, please adjust and resubmit accordingly. Response 9 TOC monitoring is not required by the current permit. Process water is not generated and placed within the system and thus TOC is not anticipated to be a byproduct of the groundwater passed through the system. Phoenix will collect TOC data during the next regularly scheduled sampling event for Outfall 001 and will provide the data in a timely manner. Request 10 For Attachment 2 - Discharge Monitoring data please resubmit in excel format. This request is made for various reasons, one of which being that as submitted the data is not completely legible. Response 10 Discharge monitoring data is being provided in excel format with the electronic submission of this response. Additional Request Key Contact(s) for Communications: To ensure continuity, Division requests that Phoenix Lumberton LLC designate a key contact with one backup for all communications. With that said Sergei Chernikov, PhD at: sergei.chernikov@ncdenr.gov is the primary contact for NCDEQ with Doug Dowden at: doug.dowden@ncdenr.gov serving as the backup. All primary communications should include these contacts. Additional Response The primary contact for Phoenix Lumberton LLC is Marsha McNeil (marsha@phoenixinvestors.com). The backup contact is Heather Niski (hniski@phoenixinvestors.com). 4 Hemisphere Way, Bedford, OH, 44146 1 verdantas.com 5 August 31, 2023 Document Number: 15104.0025 verdantas If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Heather Niski, Real Estate Counsel of Phoenix Investors at 414-310-5686, or Brian Lyncha, the undersigned, at 302-489-2352. Sincerely, VERDANTAS LLC Brian Lyncha, P.E. Enclosures 4 Hemisphere Way, Bedford, OH, 44146 1 verdantas.com