HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210750 Ver 2_Wicomico_100188_MY0_2023_20230907BASELINE MONITORING REPORT WICOMICO BUFFER MITIGATION SITE EDGECOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DMS PROJECT NO.100188 NCDEQ CONTRACT NO. 200209-01 DWR PROJECT NO. 2021-0750 VERSION 2 Tar Pamlico River Basin Cataloging Unit 03020103 RFP#:16-20200209 Data Collection: March 2023 Submission: May 2023 Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 531 N. Liberty St. + Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 + 336-790-6744 + FAX 817-735-7491 August 31, 2023 Emily Dunnigan Project Manager – Eastern Region Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones St Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Response to NC DMS Comments on Draft MY0 Report Submittal Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Edgecombe County, NC Tar Pamlico River Basin DMS Project No. 100188 Dear Ms. Dunnigan: Freese and Nichols received comments from you on June 7, 2023 on the Wicomico Draft MY0 report submitted on May 19, 2023. This letter provides our response to those comments (in blue below). 1. Please update the second page with the correct DWR project number version to match the first page.  DWR project number on second page was updated as requested. 2. Please include a discussion/summary of the baseline monitoring results within the narrative.  Discussion and summary of the baseline monitoring results have been added as Section 5. 3. Figure 3: Label UT1  UT1 label has been added. 4. Table 1: Correct initial planting date to be March 2022.  Initial planting date updated to March 2022. 5. On the survey, the stream is depicted as a ditch. Suggest revising callouts and an alternative line type to better distinguish a ditch from stream UT1.  An additional callout and differentiating line type was added to the survey plat to better distinguish UT1 from adjacent ditches. We hope that these responses adequately address the NC DMS comments, and we look forward to working with NC DMS during the next phases of this important project. Sincerely, Ian Jewell Project Manager Ian.Jewell@freese.com www.freese.com Baseline Monitoring Report Wicomico Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Edgecombe County, NC DMS Project No. 100188 DMS Contract No. 200209-01 DWR Project No. 2021-0750 version 2 Tar Pamlico Watershed HUC 03020103 Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared by: Freese and Nichols, Inc. 531 N Liberty St Winston-Salem, NC 27101 This mitigation plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following: • 15A NCAC 02B .0295 Mitigation Program Requirements for Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers. • 15A NCAC 02B .0703, Nutrient Offset Trading Rule, amended effective September 1, 2010 • NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services In-Lieu Fee Instrument signed and dated July 28, 2010. These documents govern NCDMS operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory mitigation. Contributing Staff: Bryan Dick, PhD, PE, PH Lead Technical Professional/ Lead Quality Assurance Ian Jewell, JD Project Manager Emily Brown, PE, ENV SP, CFM Monitoring Lead Liam Hales Field Monitoring Team Annamarie Eustice, EIT Field Monitoring Team Jason Steele, PhD, PWS Baseline Monitoring Report Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 iii May 2023 Contents Page List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ iv 1.0 MITIGATION PROJECT SUMMARY .......................................................................................... 5 1.1 PROJECT SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 5 1.2 PROJECT GOALS .......................................................................................................... 5 1.3 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ........................................................................................ 6 2.0 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS ................................................................................................. 6 3.0 BASELINE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 7 3.1 SITE PREPARATION ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2 RIPARIAN AREA RESTORATION ACTIVITIES ................................................................. 7 4.0 ANNUAL MONITORING AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ......................................................... 8 4.1 VISUAL ASSESSMENTS ................................................................................................ 8 4.2 VEGETATION .............................................................................................................. 8 4.3 PHOTO REFERENCE STATIONS .................................................................................... 8 4.4 ANNUAL REPORTING PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ......................................................... 9 4.5 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS ............................................................... 9 5.0 MONITORING YEAR 0 – DATA ASSESSMENT ........................................................................... 9 5.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT SUMMARY ...................................................................... 9 6.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 9 Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 iv May 2023 Appendices: Appendix A Figures Appendix B NC DWR Correspondence Appendix C As-Built Survey Appendix D Vegetation Plot Data Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Credit Service Area Map Figure 3 Buffer Mitigation Concept Map & Plot Locations Tables Description Location Table 1 Project Attributes Appendix A Table 2 Planted Tree Species Appendix A Table 3 Project Areas and Assets Appendix A Table 4 Monitoring Components Appendix A Table 5 Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D Table 6 Vegetation Performance Standards Table Appendix D Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 5 May 2023 1.0 MITIGATION PROJECT SUMMARY 1.1 PROJECT SUMMARY The Wicomico Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site (the Site, Project, or Project Site) is a buffer restoration project located approximately 4.5 miles south of Speed and 5 miles east of Tarboro in Edgecombe County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The site is accessed from NC-111 and the Site centroid coordinates are 35.90712,-77.44034. The Site is expected to generate 160,000 riparian buffer credits in the Tar-Pamlico 03020103 hydrologic unit code (HUC) (Figure 2). The Site is within a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) and is discussed in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin RBRP. The Site area is encompassed by catchments associated with targeted resource areas (TRAs). The catchments (IDs 3348463, 3348487, 3348547, 3348593, 3348597, 3348595, and 3348605) are associated with water quality, habitat, and hydrology TRAs. The Site involves riparian restoration of 3.67 acres along an unnamed tributary of the Tar River (UT1) that flows adjacent to the site and eventually flows into the Tar River approximately 4.1 river miles downstream. The project will reduce nutrient and sediment inputs to UT1 and ultimately the Tar River downstream. The restored floodplain area will filter sediment during rainfall events, create shading to minimize thermal pollution, and provide a wildlife corridor to connect nearby forested areas. The surrounding area is primarily agricultural fields. The Project restored forested riparian buffers and adjacent riparian areas to a maximum of approximately 100 feet from the top of bank of UT1 and removed rotating crops a nd fertilizer inputs. The restored buffer will filter runoff from the surrounding agricultural field and improve stream temperatures and habitat by shading UT1. Invasive vegetation will be treated as needed within the Site to promote native vegetation. The Site was characterized by row crop agriculture prior to construction. The final mitigation plan was approved on August 9, 2022. Planting was initiated on March 17, 2022, and site planting was completed on March 18, 2022 with a subsequent herbaceous seeding installed in spring of 2023. Planting was undertaken “at-risk” in order to facilitate landowner land management goals for the property. Site boundary markers were installed on March 28, 2023. 1.2 PROJECT GOALS The major goals of the riparian restoration project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Tar-Pamlico River Basin by creating a functional riparian corridor and restoring the riparian area. This buffer restoration project will reduce sediment and nutrient loading, provide and improve terrestrial and in stream habitats, and improve stream and bank stability. The area surrounding the streams was previously agricultural fields, typically used to grow hay, soybeans, and cotton. Restoring up to 100 feet of vegetative buffer along the channels has removed the crops and fertilizer inputs within the project area. The restored floodplain areas will assist in filtering sediment during high rainfall even ts. The Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 6 May 2023 establishment of riparian areas will create shading to minimize thermal heating. Finally, invasive vegetation will be treated as needed within the Site and the newly planted native vegetation will provide cover and food for wildlife. Specific enhancements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below. ❖ Decrease nutrient inputs from on and off-site by filtering runoff from agricultural fields through restored native buffer zones. ❖ Sediment from on and off-site sources will be deposited on restored floodplain areas where native vegetation will slow overland flow velocities. ❖ Remove areas of flow concentration and allow overland flow velocities to further slow by entering native vegetation buffer. ❖ Permanently protect the Site by establishing a conservation easement on the Site that will protect the riparian area in perpetuity. 1.3 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Prior to construction ,the Site was primarily agricultural production fields located on one parcel. The project included the restoration of the riparian area along UT1 (Figure 3 in Appendix A). The property adjacent to the Site is currently managed for agricultural production (corn and soybeans) and lacks existing forested buffer along the streams and drainage ways bisecting and surrounding the Site. Site drainage and hydrology were altered with channelized streams and cleared agricultural lands prevalent on historic aerial photographs dating back to the 1905s. The riparian area was dominated by row crop agriculture with a single row of trees along UT1. On April 21, 2021, staff with the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an on-site determination of site channels for the applicability of the Tar Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0259). It was determined that the reach of UT1 bordering the site is subject to Tar Pamlico Buffer Rules. A copy of the DWR Stream Determination letter (dated April 28, 2021) is provided in Appendix B. 2.0 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS Riparian buffer and adjacent riparian area restoration was accomplished in accordance with the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295). All areas within 100+ linear feet of the top of bank of subject streams as measured from the top of bank landward were planted and devoted to generating riparian buffer mitigation credits. Mitigation credits generated are found in Table 3 and Figure 3 in Appendix A and are based upon the as-built survey (Appendix C) and DWR Buffer Mitigation Calculation Tool v3 (updated August 2020) (Appendix A). Slight deviations from the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Plan occurred as a result of improved accuracy that the as-built survey provides in comparison Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 7 May 2023 to estimates obtained using GIS data. Total riparian buffer credits changed from 160,000.000 square feet to 162,804.000 square feet. 3.0 BASELINE SUMMARY A high quality riparian area was restored along UT1. The project design ensured that no adverse impacts to existing riparian buffers occurred. Figure 3 illustrates the credit zones for the Site. Detailed descriptions of the restoration activities follow in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. 3.1 SITE PREPARATION Prior to planting, the buffer restoration area was mainly used to produce cotton and soybeans. The mitigation plan stated that subsoiling would be performed prior to planting. The Site was subsoiled and disked by the landowner during preparation of the adjacent parcel for row crop planting on March 17, 2022. The riparian buffer restoration area was assessed prior to planting and additional subsoiling and tilling was determined to no longer be necessary. A broadleaf herbicide was applied to the Site as a component of planting the small grain crop that was in-place prior to planting the easement proper. Volunteer vegetation, which was comprised of primarily of the native herbaceous species broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus) and autumn millet (Panicum dichotomiflorum), began to appear prior to planting of the buffer restoration area further indicating that soil compaction was not an issue. Herbaceous cover (riparian seed mix) was seeded partially on March 17, 2022 and again in March 2023 with a mix of warm season cover crops and permanent native herbaceous species seed mix. The first seeding was to provide a seed bank, but it was anticipated that the broadleaf herbicide used for the previous small grain row crop would be detrimental to the 2022 seeding. Thus, 1/3 of the seed mix was held till 2023 seeding date to improve survivability. The drainage culvert that was located in the southern portion of the Site was removed during site preparation activities and any associated drainage swales were graded and disked to remove concentrated flow areas within the riparian buffer area. 3.2 RIPARIAN AREA RESTORATION ACTIVITIES Riparian area restoration involved the planting of native tree and shrub species along the riparian corridor. The species composition planted was selected based on the community type, observed species in riparian areas adjacent to the Site, wildlife habitat goals, best professional judgement on species establishment and anticipated successional vegetation changes resulting from changes in Site conditions following project implementation. Woody species were planted at a density sufficient to meet the performance standards outlined in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 of 260 trees per acre at the end of five years. No one tree species was greater than 50% of the established stems. Planting was completed on March 18, 2022. The planting date was selected at the request of the landowner, which was prior to the approval of the final mitigation plan. Even though planting was conducted in the spring of 2022, monitoring activities for Monitoring Year 1 (MY1) will be conducted in September 2023. Vegetation management and herbicide Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 8 May 2023 applications will be implemented as needed during the tree establishment to prevent the establishment of invasive species that could compete with planted native species. 4.0 ANNUAL MONITORING AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The performance criteria for the Site follows approved performance criteria presented in the guidance documents outlined in RFP 16-20200209 and the Consolidated Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295). Annual monitoring and semi-annual Site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of the finished project. 4.1 VISUAL ASSESSMENTS Visual assessments should support the specific performance standards for each metric as described above. Visual assessments will be performed within the Site on a semi-annual basis during the five-year monitoring period. Problem areas with vegetative health will be noted (e.g., low stem density, vegetation mortality, invasive species, or encroachment). Areas of concern will be mapped and photographed and accompanied by a written description in the annual report. Problem areas will be re-evaluated during each subsequent visual assessment. 4.2 VEGETATION The buffer restoration project has been assigned specific performance criteria components for vegetation. Performance criteria will be evaluated throughout the five-year postconstruction monitoring. An outline of the performance criteria and monitoring components follows and are depicted in Figure 3 and included in Table 4, located in Appendix A. The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 260 planted stems per acre in the riparian corridor at the end of the required five-year monitoring period. The extent of invasive species coverage will also be monitored and treated as necessary throughout the required monitoring period. Five vegetation monitoring plots were installed across the Site to measure the survival of the planted stems (Figure 3). Vegetation monitoring will follow the CVS-EEP Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation (2008). Reference photographs of the vegetation plots and Site will be taken during the annual vegetation assessments, planted stems will be flagged annually to discern in the provided photos. Appendix D includes the baseline (MY0) vegetation plot photographs and the planted and total stem counts. 4.3 PHOTO REFERENCE STATIONS Individual plot photos taken at the approximate southwest corner (origin) of each plot are included in this baseline monitoring report. All photo points were located by survey and georeferenced for map production to provide a consistent means for photo replication annually and in the event a plot or photo location must be reestablished during the monitoring period. Photo orientation (direction and bearing) were recorded for consistency in photo documentation. Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Report DMS Project No. 100188 9 May 2023 4.4 ANNUAL REPORTING PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Using the DMS Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Buffer Baseline and Annual Monitoring Report Template version 2.0 (May 2017), monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each monitoring year and submitted to DMS. Annual monitoring reports will be based on the above referenced DMS Template (May 2017). The monitoring period will extend five years beyond completion of construction or until performance criteria have been met. 4.5 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS The Site boundary was properly marked with NCDMS placards approximately every 100 feet. Adaptive management will be performed during the monitoring years to address issues, as necessary. If, during annual monitoring it is determined the Site’s ability to achieve Site performance standards are jeopardized, DMS will be notified, and contingency plans and remedial actions will be developed collaboratively. Any actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria specified previously and will include a work schedule and updated monitoring criteria (if applicable). 5.0 MONITORING YEAR 0 – DATA ASSESSMENT 5.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT SUMMARY The MY0 vegetation assessment was completed on March 28, 2023. Vegetation monitoring resulted in a sitewide stem density average of 600 planted stems per acre, above the requirement of 260 trees per acre by MY5. All five permanent vegetation plots met the MY5 success criteria. Appendix D includes vegetation plot photographs and vegetation plot data. No vegetation areas of concern were identified during MY0. Vegetation establishment across the site appears to be on target to meet success criteria. 6.0 REFERENCES Lee, Michael T. Peet, Robert K., Steven D. Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Web Soil Survey of Edgecombe County. North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) 2011. Surface Water Classifications. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), 2017. Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Buffer Baseline and Annual Monitoring Report Template version 2.0 Freese and Nichols, Inc. (2022). Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site – Mitigation Plan. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), Raleigh, NC. Appendix A Figures and Tables Tarboro-Edgecombe Airport Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Edgecombe County, NC VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 531 N. Liberty St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-790-6744 0 42 Miles ¥ 13 Greenville Rocky Mount UV903 UV903 UV125 UV43 UV42UV33UV124 UV11 UV308 UV222 UV97 UV122 UV43 UV903 UV91 UV142 UV42UV48 UV1114 UV44 UV44 UV43 UV111 UV30 £¤301 £¤258 £¤64£¤64 £¤301 £¤64 £¤64 £¤258 £¤13 £¤17 §¨¦95 5 Mile Radius Project Location Airports Commercial Service General Aviation 03020103 Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Edgecombe County, NC RIPARIAN BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET CREDIT SERVICE AREA MAP FIGURE 2 531 N. Liberty St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-790-6744 0 105 Miles ¥ Conservation Easement Boundary Project Watershed Buffer and Nutrient Credit Service Area (HUC 03020103) Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Edgecombe County, NC BUFFER MITIGATION MAP AND PLOT LOCATIONS FIGURE 3 531 N. Liberty St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-790-6744 0 500250 US Feet ¥ Conservation Easement Boundary Perennial Stream Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credits (3.67 AC = 160,000.0 BMU) Monitoring Plots VP-05 VP-04 VP-03 VP-02 VP-01 Table 1. Project attributes for the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Baseline Monitoring (MY0), 2023. Project Name Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site River Basin Tar Pamlico USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit/Credit Service Area 03020103 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03020103010010 NCDWR River Sub-basin Lower Tar Geographic Location (Lat/ Long DD) 35.90712,-77.44034 Site Protection Instrument (DB, PG) To be recorded Total Credits (BMU) 162,804.000 Type of Credits Riparian Buffer with flexibility to convert into nutrient offsets Mitigation Plan Date February 2022 Initial Planting Date March 2022 Baseline Report Date May 2023 MY1 Report Date November 2023 MY2 Report Date November 2024 MY 3 Report Date November 2025 MY 4 Report Date November 2026 MY 5 Report Date November 2027 Table 2. Planted tree species for the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Baseline Monitoring (MY0), 2023. Scientific Name Common Name Tree/ Shrub Quantity % Composition Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 325 16% Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Shrub 152 7% Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub 110 5% Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub 175 9% Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 194 9% Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak Tree 330 16% Quercus nigra Water oak Tree 220 11% Sambucus canadensis Elderberry Shrub 109 5% Castanea pumila Allegheny Chinkapin Shrub 110 6% Diospyros virginiana American persimmon Tree 330 16% Table 3. Project areas and assets for the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Baseline Monitoring (MY0), 2023. Tar-Pamlico 03020103 Project Area 19.16394 N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) 297.54099 P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) Credit Type Location Subject? (enter NO if ephemeral or ditch 1) Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min-Max Buffer Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area (ft2) Total (Creditable) Area of Buffer Mitigation (ft2) Initial Credit Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Convertible to Riparian Buffer? Riparian Buffer Credits Convertible to Nutrient Offset? Delivered Nutrient Offset: N (lbs) Delivered Nutrient Offset: P (lbs) Buffer Rural Yes I / P Restoration 0-100 Stream A 162,804 162,804 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 162,804 Yes 8,495.330 547.165 Totals (ft2): 162,804 162,804 162,804.000 8,495.330 547.165 Total Buffer (ft2): 162,804 162,804 Total Nutrient Offset (ft2): 0 N/A Total Ephemeral Area (ft2) for Credit: 0 0 Total Eligible Ephemeral Area (ft2): 40,701 0.0% Ephemeral Reaches as % TABM Enter Preservation Credits Below Total Eligible for Preservation (ft2): 54,268 0.0% Preservation as % TABM Credit Type Location Subject? Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min-Max Buffer Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area (sf) Total (Creditable) Area for Buffer Mitigation (ft2) Initial Credit Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Riparian Buffer Credits Buffer — Preservation Area Subtotals (ft2): 0 0 TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Restoration: 162,804 162,804.000 Enhancement: 0 0.000 Preservation: 0 0.000 Total Riparian Buffer: 162,804 162,804.000 TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Nutrient Offset: Nitrogen: 0 0.000 Phosphorus: 0.000 Table 4. Monitoring components for the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Baseline Monitoring (MY0), 2023. Parameter Monitoring Feature Quantity Frequency Vegetation CVS Level 2 Quadrant 5 Annual Visual Assessment Yes Annual Exotic and Nuisance Vegetation Annual Project Boundary Annual Appendix B NC DWR Correspondence June 10, 2021 Jason Steele Freese and Nichols, Inc. (via electronic mail: jason.steele@freese.com ) Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset – Wicomico Site 6199 NC 111, Tarboro, NC (near 35.90712, -77.44034) Tar-Pamlico 03020103 Edgecombe County Dear Mr. Steele, On February 22, 2021, Katie Merritt, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), received a request from you on behalf of Freese and Nichols, Inc. (F&N) for a site visit near the above- referenced site in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin within the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03020103. The site visit was to determine the potential for riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient offset within a proposed conservation easement boundar y, which is more accurately depicted in the attached map labeled “Figure 1” prepared by F&N. The proposed easement boundary in Figure 1, includes all riparian areas intended to be proposed as part of a mitigation site. On April 15, 2021, Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment of the subject site. Staff with F&N were also present. Ms. Merritt’s evaluation of the features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top of Bank (TOB) and landward 200’ from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015) and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703. DocuSign Envelope ID: 68CFF297-7CBE-4E96-BD9C-3C63BA733519 Wicomico Site Freese and Nichols , Inc. June 10, 2021 Page 2 of 3 1Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondence dated April 28, 2021 (DWR# 2021-0750) using the 1:24,000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment 4 Determinations made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even if no credit is viable within that riparian area. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas shown in Figure 1. The map representing the proposal for the site is attached to this letter and initialed by Ms. Merritt on June 10, 2021. Substantial changes to the proposed easement boundary could affect the Site’s potential to generate buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load-reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. Feature Classification onsite 1Subject to Buffer Rule 7Riparian Land uses adjacent to Feature (0-200’) Buffer Credit Viable 3Nutrient Offset Viable 4,5Mitigation Type Determination w/in riparian areas A Stream Yes Non-forested agricultural fields with a single line of trees along the top of bank. Invasive understory is present. Yes Yes (non- forested areas only) Non-forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) B Ditch >3’ depth No Right Bank - Non-forested agricultural fields Left Bank – mature forest along the main upper segment with non-forested agricultural fields along the downstream segment. No Yes (non- forested areas only) Non-forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) DocuSign Envelope ID: 68CFF297-7CBE-4E96-BD9C-3C63BA733519 Wicomico Site Freese and Nichols, Inc. June 10, 2021 Page 3 of 3 This viability assessment will expire on June 8, 2023 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch PW/kym Attachments : Figure 1. cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) DocuSign Envelope ID: 68CFF297-7CBE-4E96-BD9C-3C63BA733519 Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site Edgecombe County, NC PROJECT AREA AND BUFFER FEATURES FIGURE 1 531 N. Liberty St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-790-6744 0 600300 Feet ¥ Ditches Edge of Stream NC DMS Easement Area Potential Easement Area DocuSign Envelope ID: 68CFF297-7CBE-4E96-BD9C-3C63BA733519 Appendix C As-Built Survey Appendix D Vegetation Plot Data Table 5. Vegetation Plot Data for the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Baseline Monitoring (MY0), 2023. Planted Acreage 3.74 Date of Initial Planting 3/18/2022 Date of Current Vegetation Survey 3/28/2023 Plot Size (Acres) 0.02 Plot Data (MY0, 2023) Annual Summary Scientific Name Common Name Species Type VP-01 VP-02 VP-03 VP-04 VP-05 MY0 (2023) Species Included in Approved Mitigation Plan Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Shrub 1 1 Castanea pumila Allegheny Chinkapin Shrub 0 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub 4 1 1 6 Diospyros virginiana American persimmon Tree 4 1 1 5 11 Lindera benzoin Spicebush Shrub 1 6 5 12 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 4 2 6 Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak Tree 3 3 1 7 Quercus nigra Water oak Tree 1 2 3 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 5 2 1 10 Sambucus canadensis Elderberry Shrub 4 4 Stem Count 14 7 16 11 12 60 Species Count 5 5 4 6 4 10 Dominant Species Composition (%) 28.6% 42.9% 37.5% 36.4% 41.7% 20.0% Average Tree Height (ft) 2 2 2 2 2 2 Stems/Acre 567 284 648 445.5 486 600 % Invasives 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Exceeds requirements by more than 10% Exceeds requirements by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Table 6. Vegetation Performance Standards Table for the Wicomico Buffer Mitigation Site, Baseline Monitoring (MY0), 2023. VP-1 Stems/Ac Avg Tree Height (ft) # Species % Dominant Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 0 567 2 5 28.6 0 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 VP-2 Stems/Ac Avg Tree Height (ft) # Species % Dominant Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 0 284 2 5 42.9 0 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 VP-3 Stems/Ac Avg Tree Height (ft) # Species % Dominant Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 0 648 2 4 37.5 0 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 VP-4 Stems/Ac Avg Tree Height (ft) # Species % Dominant Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 0 446 2 6 36.4 0 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 VP-5 Stems/Ac Avg Tree Height (ft) # Species % Dominant Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 0 486 2 4 41.7 0 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Exceeds requirements by more than 10% Exceeds requirements by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Monitoring Plots Wicomico Buffer Mi�ga�on Site Baseline (MY0) 2023 VP-01. From southwest corner looking northeast. VP-02. From southwest corner looking northeast. VP-03. From southwest corner looking northeast Monitoring Plots Wicomico Buffer Mi�ga�on Site Baseline (MY0) 2023 VP-04. From southwest corner looking northeast. VP-05. From southwest corner looking northeast Representa�ve photograph of easement signage.