HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0011313_NOV-2023-LV-0586_20230907F rtin Contract ervfee ' P.O. Box 4354 Emerald Isfx NC 28594 C Department ofE, n vir onmental Quality September 07, 2023 Wilmington Regional Office 127 cardinal Drive Extension l}mfnglon, JVC 28405 iVOTICE OF VIOLA TION & FN TENT TO A SSESS DTI VIL FENA L T Y Tracking Number., O 2023-L 0585 Permit No. WQ0011313 Peppertree Resort WWrP , Ccirleret County BOD monthly Average exceeded 0613 01'2 0Limit value = 10 Reported Value = 12.08 To whom it may concern, The BOD monlhly limit for Pepperfree Resort WWTP in June 2023 exeeded the lona value. On the NDMR reportfor June 2023, 1 made an honest mistake in not making a commentfor this exeeedenee failing to recognize Me overage. We been having to run blower in hand 2417 and alternating the only ) blowers at Peppertree operational at this lime_ A proposal has be -en sett to Peppertree for ) additional blowers for the plant. The blowers delivery time is 6 months out. We will continue to monitor and make any adjustments to maintain the parameters in the limits o 'tbepermit reo irernents. Any questions, please give me a call at -39.E-87 0 or my cell 5 - 4}-5460 a iYx r- %r, .1&Sf""r ", krsi%r Fortin Conlract Service i.ri1.E Peppertree Resort aocuSign Er�w�lp alb: AFE}A�F �I-AF3�-t7 aFBD1 ROY COOPER Gor&jlue EEIZABETH S. BIZ ER 5eGWpry RICHARD L RU(_F_R , JR. mortar "ORTH -CA ROLINA fewi a"Mhm? QeroW Certified Mail # 7021 2720 0002 3808 2S67 Rttu rat Receipt Rieg u eS#e d September 1+ 2023 H Ca Lh er i ne Cla U ssen r President Festiva Real Estate Holdings LLC One Vance Cap Rd Asheville, NC 2880 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF- VIOLATION & INTENT TO ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY Tracking Number, NOV-20 3-LV-0585 Permit No. WQ0011313 ire p pert ree Resort W1 +TP Carteret County Dear Perrnittee; A review of the June 2023 Non -Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) for the, subjQrt facility reveaIed the Viol atlo n(5) indica t-ed below. Limit Exce dance Violation(q). Sample Limit R-epofted Location Parameter Date Value Value Type of Violation -- 001 BO D, 5-Day (2 B Deg, Q 613 0/20 23 10 12.08 Monthly Average Exceeded (0a310) A Notice of Violation/Intent to Issue Civil Penalty i5 being Issued for the noted violatlon of North Carolina General Statute (G,S.) 143-215.1 and the faciliWs Non -discharge Permit. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215,6Ar a civil penalty of not more than tvven ty-f ve thousand dollars ($ 2 5, 0 0 0.00) rrI ay be assessed against any parson who violates or fai I s +to a in a ccordanc with th a to rms+ co ndltla ris, or requ i rem a nts of a ray pQ rmit issued p u rsuant to G. S. 1 i3-i}y15i1•Y tTrJKhLWAU OnW-0W—F+-WR) ftnp"L"mm4iw r ` �Q1�li fiilfq{07 ii SW �i01 tYiJFL phi{ i Dacu!Bi9n Eriwolopa 113_ AFa963136-66CF-4:55GAf 3-113FUD$5129 if you vvish to provide additiunal information regarding the noted violation, request technical assistance, or discuss overall compliance please fespQnd in writing �Jthln tan �1��.b��in��s da�� after receipt of this Notice. A revievy of your response will be con s I d e red along with any information provided on the submitted Monitoring Report(s). You will then be notified of any clvll penalties that may he assessed regarding the vlolatlans. If n-o response is received in this Office within the ID -day peej od f a civil penalty assessment may be -pre pa re d, Reined I a I actions should have already been taken to co rre t this p ra b I e r n and prevent further occ.0 rrerl ces in the future, The Division of Water r Resources may purse enforcement action for this and any additional vlolati arts u i State law, If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or mainterra nce problems, and you a nti:dpate rernedia I construction adi vities f then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent. If you have any questions concerning this matter or to apply for are $CC, please contact Helen Perez of the Wili-ninglon Regional Office at 910-796-7215, Sincerely, Doeu a Ig ned by: 7F1JiM173456_.. for Ma rel l a Sanchez -,Gang, Regional Supery i 5o r Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, N CD E Cc; WQ5 Wilmington Regional Office - Enforcement File Dan Fortin — elect ro n lc copy Upload to Lase rFic he .w-rt Cr,U.a bkysl nil sl t,-A,.-o :1 - 10— - L:r-0 ee�-n� %E6zr*LaAWg mod34FSP I IL"crrimtDwhc 4Ya.� : W* brLIft LhChA*0&O� sr�1. i:�. iM}ak F, L i.i {r# F� hl h7 M1} h] i4i 1�} 1tii h7 FtiF r s 1 �d C.-M 4,144 F# Day � .0 i Q 1 1 -S 0 a gig 0 CD U Ec 0 r- r c � � � � SiteET rt ' /m� ��y /�� rtia � Pi �n�ay n� r��ys c� r-�1 �r.sy rM�r` t o � � [� � �s na na � � 5 4� �Q na %,3 _rs, _W 1 0 C;1 1 V YF y�y +�' '.i+ W i �1 Yr W 3 i �L} C1 hI ,�+a+. �y 1� {.A 1.31 CD go 0 L.La P -13 CD NJ CD fa in i CDmil rt RP f3 i= COO Cl — Total 1` CD s �„ il� cn In {4 � RaILI�I �fn CO fD vF cr rr, e�tx,{� o�CDhloGinE� 0 CD 2 CD Focal -Q h h oI CIITI fA E C3� 1 1 r L � Tz o L/ y � W :' G 9 Total KjcW a hi o Nitrogen Pj rU3 L cp w 0littat� M co Ln � � �s � r o � Tod � 5 C Nitr�n C Gh o a r o 4s• 93 oa oa °° °° � o,r i9 � PI'k rt a i u .> 4n � Iota I 0 3 U + LD � Phos ph4 rus � � ' Total 3 0 0 0 D issolvod a 0 C 9 Solids r T-9tal � i 40 r� w as Suspended w a � cn � , '' rF Solids L- N itrlto + n CD w r Nitrate w 0 0 o s3 Nitrite t C , r M ti raj ?1 0 L M 0 m 0 M Q .10 SD