HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_Geosyntec Duke_HFLEE LOLA_20150805Geosyntec consultants Mr. Dale Smith, P.E. Ash Basin Strategic Action Team (ABSAT) Duke Energy Corporation 526 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28201 Historic Textile Supply Building 1300 South Mint Street, Suite 410 Charlotte, NC 28203 704 227 0840 26 August 2014 Subject: Letter Report — Stage I Work Response to Third Party Recommendations for Ash Pond Dikes (HFLEE 9) H.F. Lee Station, Goldsboro, NC Duke Energy Corporation Dear Mr. Smith: Duke Energy Corporation (DEC) contracted with Geosyntec Consultants of North Carolina, P.C. (Geosyntec) to evaluate the recommendations provided by a third party engineering firm for the ash pond dikes at the H.F. Lee (Lee) station in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Geosyntec has been working on evaluating conceptual closure options for the ash ponds at Lee since May 2013 as part of a separate project for DEC. During the conceptual closure options evaluations, Geosyntec reviewed existing subsurface investigation data and historical dam inspection reports, as well as conducted a preliminary field geotechnical investigation program. The area referred to in the comment by the third party engineering firm was not evaluated by Geosyntec as part of the conceptual closure evaluation work. Messrs. Kula Kulasingam, Ph.D., P.E., Beau Hodge, P.G. and Lauren Wellborn, P.E. from Geosyntec conducted a site visit to Lee on 12 June 2014 to inspect the locations that are relevant to the third party comments assigned by DEC for evaluation by Geosyntec. They were escorted by Mr. Eugene Smith of DEC to assist in identifying the relevant locations. Subsequently, Ms. Wellborn visited the site on 15 July 2014 to inspect the dike areas not covered during the 12 June 2014 site visit. Messrs. Chris Keenan, P.E. and Cedric Fairbanks, Ph.D., P.E. of DEC accompanied her during the dike inspection. This letter report (Report) is prepared based on: (i) information gathered by Geosyntec during the above mentioned site visits; and (ii) limited field investigation performed by Geosyntec from 7 July through 9 July 2014. The remainder of this Report presents the overall project approach and response for comment HFLEE-9. GK5637/GA 140490_Duke_HFLEE_ABSAT Comments (9) Letter Report.doc engineers I scientists I innovators Mr. Dale Smith 26 August 2014 Page 2 PROJECT APPROACH The dikes of the active ash pond at Lee are regulated under the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Dam Safety regulatory program, while the inactive pond dikes and the Lay of Land Area (LOLA) addressed in this Report are not. The term active pond is used herein to be consistent with historical reports for the ponds, even though no discharges are being routed to the active pond since late 2012. It is our understanding that DEC's overall project approach consists of the following: • Evaluate the third party recommendations, perform analyses (if needed), and develop responses to the recommendations (Stage 1). • Perform detailed design (if needed), evaluate constructability, and develop permit and construction documents (Stage I1). • Perform field implementation and monitoring of construction (if needed) and develop as - built documentation for regulatory submittal (Stage III). The previous closure option evaluations identified the preferred closure option to include removal of ash from the inactive ponds and placement within the footprint of the active pond, which will then be closed in place with an engineered cover. This option was selected based on the Kepner-Tregoe (K-T) analysis performed by DEC and Geosyntec's conceptual closure evaluation work. This option was selected in consideration of the inactive pond dike crests being below the 100-year flood elevation. While the LOLA was not considered as part of the closure evaluation previously, it is noted that the LOLA and its dikes are also located below the 100-year flood elevation. To the extent possible, Geosyntec has considered the effect of the selected closure option as it relates to the implementation of the third party comments. GK5637/GA 140490_Duke_HFLEE_ABSAT Comments (9) Letter Report.doc engineers I scientists I innovators Mr. Dale Smith 26 August 2014 Page 3 COMMENT AND RESPONSE FOR HFLEE - 9 HFLEE-9 "There is potential risk of loss of CCB materials from the Lay -of -Land Storage Area during heavy rainfall events or flooding from the Neuse River." Recommended Action: "Investigations should be performed to characterize the extents of ash materials in the Lay -of -Land Storage Area. In addition, the area should be included in routine monitoring activities at the site. Monitoring should include observations for erosion and/or runoff of materials from this area into the surrounding floodplain." Response: To characterize the lateral and vertical extents of coal combustion residuals (CCRs) in the LOLA, Geosyntec reviewed previous efforts conducted by AMEC in May 2013, and conducted a limited field investigation in July 2014, which employed the use of hand auger and direct push technology (DPT) soil borings for visual characterization of CCRs. AMEC completed five hand auger borings (HA-1 through HA-5) in May 2013, to depths ranging from 2.0 to 9.0 feet (ft) below ground surface (BGS). Based on Geosyntec's conversation with Mr. Scott Auger (AMEC), we understand that the depth of each boring indicates the base of CCRs which were visually observed by an AMEC field representative at each location. The depth from land surface to the top of CCRs was reportedly not recorded by AMEC during this field investigation. Based on observations from these five borings, AMEC estimated that an area of approximately 430,967 square feet (sf) (9.9-acres) was impacted with CCRs at the LOLA. Using an average depth of observed CCRs, AMEC estimated that the CCR impacted volume was approximately 83,000 cubic yards (cy). The results of AMEC's May 2013 characterization efforts are provided in Attachment HFLEE-9-A. In order to further refine and delineate the lateral and vertical extent of CCRs at the LOLA, Geosyntec conducted a limited field investigation from 7 July through 9 July 2014. This limited field investigation consisted of the advancement of 18 DPT soil borings (DPT-1 through DPT-3, DPT-3A, DPT-3B, DPT-3C, DPT-4 through DPT-10, and DPT-24 through DPT-28) and 16 hand auger borings (11 LOLT HA through 23 LOLT HA, and 29 LOTL HA through 31 LOTL HA). Generally, DPT collection was utilized to characterize areas where access with a drill rig was GK5637/GA 140490_Duke_HFLEE_ABSAT Comments (9) Letter Report.doc engineers I scientists I innovators Mr. Dale Smith 26 August 2014 Page 4 feasible. The remaining areas were sampled with hand augers. Borings were typically advanced to a total depth of at least 1 foot below the observed bottom of CCR impacts. If no CCR impacts were found, borings were advanced to a total depth of 10 ft BGS (DPT) or 6 ft BGS (hand auger). The spatial location of each boring was recorded in the field using a hand-held GPS device. The maximum depth of CCRs identified by Geosyntec was 8 ft BGS (DPT-3A) and the maximum CCR thickness observed by Geosyntec was 7.25 ft (DPT-9). Boring logs which present Geosyntec's field observations and lithologic descriptions at each DPT and hand auger boring location are presented in Attachment HFLEE-9-B. Selected photographs representative of Site conditions from selected soil borings are presented in Attachment HFLEE-9-C. Figures depicting Geosyntec's analysis and interpretation of field observations and AMEC- provided information are presented in Attachment HFLEE-9-D. Herein, Geosyntec presents: • The location of each of AMEC's May 2013 and Geosyntec's July 2014 soil boring locations (Figures 1A and 1B). • Surface topography in the LOLA based on Geosyntec's review of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) LIDAR topographic map for the area (Figures 1A and l B). • An estimate of the lateral extent of CCRs in the LOLA based on Geosyntec's field observations and interpolated using kriging calculations (Figure 2). Geosyntec estimates this area to be 393,246 sf (9.0-acres). Please note that, in some areas, the extent of ash was interpreted outside of the area where CCRs were observed. • An estimated surface contour of the "top of ash" based on Geosyntec's field observations (Figure 2). • An estimated surface contour of the "bottom of ash" based on Geosyntec's and AMEC's field observations (Figure 3). The upper and lower vertical bounds of CCR materials was estimated based on observations from Geosyntec's DPT and hand auger borings. The respective elevations noted in the borings were used to generate top and bottom surfaces encapsulating the CCR materials. The elevations were utilized in ACAD Civil 3D to triangulate and generate a triangulated irregular network (TIN) surface. GK5637/GA 140490_Duke_HFLEE_ABSAT Comments (9) Letter Report.doc engineers I scientists I innovators Mr. Dale Smith 26 August 2014 Page 5 • An estimate of ash volume based on the top of ash and bottom of ash surface contours, and volume isopach contours (Figure 4). Geosyntec estimates that 53,650 cy of ash is present in the LOLA. • An estimate of an excavation volume based on the surface topography and bottom of ash contour, and volume isopach contours (Figure 5). Geosyntec estimates this volume to be 72,151 cy. This estimate has assumed that the soil overburden covering the ash material is included in the excavation volume. Excavation sidewall sloping has not been estimated and/or included in this volume estimation. • Two cross sections depicting the estimated extent of ash in the LOLA (Figure 6). As noted earlier, the dikes and interior of the LOLA are located below the 100-year flood elevation. Boring logs indicate that zero to a few feet thick organic soil with leaf litter cover the CCR materials in the LOLA. The dikes along the Neuse River side are one to three feet higher than the interior area, while dikes are not visible along the access road around the cooling pond. The above mentioned dikes are not visible in the NCDOT LIDAR topographic map. Selected photographs taken during the site visit on 15 July 2014 are provided in Attachment HFLEE-9-E. Dikes have vegetation growing on them. Dikes appear to be in reasonably good condition, while there are certain locations with signs of erosion, slumping, and development of low points. Attachment HFLEE-9-F summarizes the specific observations and recommendations by the third party engineering firm, and discusses Geosyntec's observations based on site visits and field work. Based on the information discussed in Attachment HFLEE-9-F, including the challenges associated with accessing the area for inspection, monitoring, and maintenance, it is recommended that DEC considers the preparation of plans for excavation and disposal of the CCR, either in the active pond (permanently or temporarily, if allowed by NCDENR) or hauling off -site for disposal in a landfill. While a permanent solution is being prepared, Geosyntec recommends doing the repairs of the low spots along the Neuse River as a short term risk mitigation measure against high frequency storm events. The low spots should be filled in with clayey material to the top of the surrounding dike. The existing pipe should be decommissioned and animal burrows should be evaluated to see if they are active; inactive burrows should be filled to prevent preferential flow paths from GK5637/GA 140490_Duke_HFLEE_ABSAT Comments (9) Letter Report.doc engineers I scientists I innovators Mr. Dale Smith 26 August 2014 Page 6 forming. An access path should be cleared and maintained to facilitate future inspections of the area. CLOSING Geosyntec appreciates the opportunity to submit this Report to DEC. Please contact Kula Kulasingam at (704) 227-0843 if you have any questions. .• ppH C.QRa 'r ..{{........ ,} tf, i { lSS�Q j _ a SEAL''''' 09 of frill IIt% Sincerely, Waff,�— Lauren Wellborn, P.E. Engineer Jeffrey M. Ahrens, P.E. Senior Engineer R. Kula Kulasingam, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Attachments: Attachment A — AMEC Investigation Data Attachment B — Boring Logs Attachment C — Photographic Record — Field Investigation Attachment D — Analysis Interpretation & Figure E.1 — Lay of the Land Dike Investigation Attachment E Photographic Record — Field Inspection Attachment F — Mitigation Options Evaluation GK5637/GA140490_Duke_HFLEE—ABSAT Comments (9) Letter Report.doe engineers I scien[isis I innovators ATTACHMENT A AMEC Investigation Data Duke Energy Lee Ash Pond Information Request Project No. 6468131052 Prepared By: Scott Auger Date: 5/2/2013 Lee LAY OF LAND ASH STORAGE AREA Hand Auger No. Hand Auger Depth (ft) 1 2.7 2 2.0 3 9.0 4 9.0 51 8.5 Avg Depth = 1 5.2 Lay of Land Survey Area = 430,967 sq ft = 9.9 Acres Volume Est = Area x Avg Depth = 2,241,028 cu ft = 83,001 cu yds Site Plan MMSM.-G. Legend for Soil Classification Symbols Pattern Description Ash SP — poorly graded sands SW — well graded -- sands GP — poorly graded gravels :- GW — well graded gravels SM — silty sands MH — elastic silts ML— inorganic silts with slight plasticity SC — clayey sands CL — lean clays l CH — fat clays Unconsolidated Weathered Rock Consolidated Weathered Rock Roadbed Material Bentonite Grout Well Screen PVC GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-1 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919242 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765054 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) co Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), light brown/gray, 3.5' dry to moist, scattered leaves SILT (ML) (ash), gray, moist to wet poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), orange, wet, occasional wood chips -5 -5 5' SILT (ML) (ash) gray, wet poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), orange, wet fat CLAY with trace sand (CH) (soil), orange to red, wet, occasional wood chips End of Boring at 10 ft - 13:15 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-2 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710712014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919189 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765102 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) -5 -10 -5 -10 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), light brown, dry to moist, occasional roots and pebbles SILT (ML) (ash), gray, moist to wet SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray/black, wet fat CLAY with silt (CH) (soil), light brown, wet fat CLAY with silt (CH) (soil), light brown to gray, wet poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), brown, wet 5' End of Boring at 15 ft - 14:20 5' 5' All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 15ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-3 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710712014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 391974 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765181 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) 0- -5 -5 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), light brown, moist, occasional pebbles and roots SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray/black, moist to wet fat CLAY with fine sand (CH) (soil), light brown/gray, wet 3' End of Boring at 10 ft - 14:30 — — 5' Fz// All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-3A GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710712014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919168 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765180 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) C Of -5 -5 lean CLAY (CL) (topsoil), brown, moist, occasional pebbles fat CLAY (CH) (soil), brown to gray, moist lean CLAY (CL) (soil) brown, moist to wet SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray to tan, wet fat CLAY (CH) (soil), brown, wet 4.5' End of Boring at 10 ft - 15:00 4' All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-3B GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710712014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919159 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765176 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) 0- ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, moist, 4' occasional roots SAND with silt (SP-SM) (soil), brown to gray, ti1ti moist to wet lean CLAY with fine sand (CL) (soil), gray to tan, wet -5 -5 3.25' fat CLAY (CH) (soil), brown to tan, wet poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), brown, wet End of Boring at 10 ft - 14:50 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-3C GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710712014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919151 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765174 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) 0 sandy ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, — 4' moist, trace roots — poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), brown to gray, wet -5 -5 3' End of Boring at 10 ft - 14:40 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 1Oft er1ginem 1 scientists I illl ovators GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-4 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919062 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765677 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil) light brown, dry to 4' moist, scattered roots poorly graded fine to medium silty SAND (SM) (soil), orange to brown, moist to wet -5+-5 poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), 4' Sample Collected J brown to tan, moist to wet End of Boring at 10 ft - 11:05 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-5 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919086 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765582 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), light brown, dry to moist, scattered roots 5' fat CLAY with trace fine sand (CH) (soil), tan to brown to orange, moist to wet, occasional black organic matter -5 -5 Sample Collected 3.5' SAND with silt (SP-SM) (soil), brown/orange, wet S 1%t! ti 'ititi llll titititi Ill! titititi llll titititi Ill! titititi llll titititi Ill! titititi llll ti ti?.ti 1l1! r End of Boringat 10 ft - 10:50 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-6 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919105 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765507 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, dry to moist to wet, scattered roots 3.5' Sample Collected fat CLAY with fine sand (CH) (soil), brown to gray, wet Sample Collected -5 -5 5' End of Boring at 10 ft - 10:30 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft GeosyntecL' 130South Mint Street Sui! ]]O Consultants Charlotte, NC28 03 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: oRTZ GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAMEL erne m Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO: GKS JZ RIG TYPE Ge p o e7 2 DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsbr Nod Carolina BOREHOLE DI :»2 - BORING DATE 0707214 SAMPLING METHOD:Du&Tb GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Pa§n@n NORTHING: 3919119 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: S EDACCO EAST NG: 765429 DRILLER NAME WIaZ u e Elev. Depth Lmdm6 Description E a ( G Comments q q } } ORGANIC SOE &Q «R&tbrown, mast 2 * _taker _% \/ poorly graded qm to medium SAND with silt 3m \\ Sq(so« light bm_bmwet g/ a a \\ e g\ End of mW atS R- »:m All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1a1 Total Depth: 1# GeosyntecL' 130South Mint Street Sui! ]]O Consultants Charlotte, NC28 03 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: OPTS GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAMEL erne m Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO: GKS JZ RIG TYPE Ge p o e7 2 DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsbr Nod Carolina BOREHOLE DI :»2 - BORING DATE 0707214 SAMPLING METHOD:Du&Tb GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Pa§n@n NORTHING: 3919129 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: S EDACCO EAST NG: 765346 DRILLER NAME WIaZ u e Elev. Depth Lmdm6 Description E a ( G Comments q q } } ORGANIC SOIL &Q«R6tbrown/gray, moist * to wet poorly graded fim to medium SAND with silt mm / sq(so6 light bm_bmwet \\ a a \\ e @\ End of Boring at S R- »:S All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1a1 Total Depth: 1# e/6ma�«:<«.;0111«4w GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-9 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710712014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919152 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765265 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, moist, 2' trace roots SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray (occasionally black), moist to wet -5 -5 5' SILT (ML) (ash), gray/tan, wet fat CLAY with fine sand (CH) (soil), light VX brown/gray, wet End of Boring at 10 ft - 15:40 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-10 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919225 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 764995 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), light brown, dry to 3.5' moist, occasional roots poorly graded silty fine to medium SAND (SM) (soil), brown, moist SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray/black, moist to wet, scattered pebbles and organic material Sample Collected -5 -5 SILT with organic soil (ML) (ash), gray/black/tan, Sample Collected 3.5' wet poorly graded medium to coarse SAND (SP) (soil), orange/brown/black, wet fat CLAY with fine sand (CH) (soil), gray/black/tan, wet End of Boring at 10 ft - 12:45 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 11 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919250 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765121 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments ft (� � ft � o 0 Of All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I ilinovators Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 12 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919230 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765204 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), moist SILT (ML) (ash), gray, moist fine SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, moist -5 -5 fine SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, wet End of Boring at 6 ft - 11:15 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I illl ovators Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 13 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919225 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765252 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) co 0- o Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), moist poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, moist fine SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, moist -5 -5 End of Boring at 6 ft - 12:00 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I illil ovators GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 14 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919225 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765326 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) CL o a) Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), moist SILT (ML) (ash), dark gray, moist fine SAND (SP) (soil), dark brown, moist fine SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, moist -5 -5 fine SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, wet End of Boring at 6 ft - 13:15 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 15 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919214 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765379 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) CL o a) Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), moist SILT (ML) (ash), dark gray, moist fine SAND (SP) (soil), tan/brown, wet Sample Collected -5 -5 sandy CLAY (CL) (soil), tan/brown, wet End of Boring at 6 ft - 15:30 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6ft Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 16 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919192 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765440 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), wet SAND (SP) (soil), brown to tan, wet SAND with clay (SP-SC) (soil), tan to brown, wet i 005/1- -5 -5 K. End of Boring at 6 ft - 16:00 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I illl ovators GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 17 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919164 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765508 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), wet fine SAND (SP) (soil), brown SILT (ML) (ash), gray, wet, at 1 ft bgs fine SAND with clay (SP-SC) (soil), tan, wet -5 -5 K. End of Boring at 6 ft - 16:45 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I illl ovators Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 18 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919140 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765562 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments ft () � ft ) o 0 Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), dark brown/brown, wet, scattered roots and leaves poorly graded fine SAND (SP) (soil), gray, wet, occasional roots -5 -5 End of Boring at 6 ft - 09:15 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I illl ovators GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 19 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919106 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765624 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments ft () ( ft ) o 0 Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, wet, scattered leaves and roots poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), tan/gray, wet, occasional leaves poorly graded fine to coarse SAND (SP) (soil), 5 5 tan/gray, wet, trace leaves lean CLAY with trace fine sand (CL) (soil), gray, End of Boring at 6 ft - 09:40 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 20 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919217 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765178 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, moist, scattered roots SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray, moist to wet, occasional pebbles SILT (ML) (soil), gray/tan, wet poorly graded medium to coarse SAND (SP) (soil), orange, wet -5 -5 End of Boring at 6 ft - 14:30 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 21 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919208 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765254 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown/gray, dry to moist, scattered roots and leaves SILT (ML) (ash), gray, moist Sample Collected SILT with fine sand (ML) (ash), gray/black, moist SILT (ML) (ash and soil mixture), gray/black/tan, Sample Collected wet -5 -5 poorly graded medium to coarse SAND (SP) soil, orange, wet End of Boring at 6 ft - 14:05 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 22 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71812014 NORTHING: 3919185 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765324 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments (ft) (ft) co Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), moist SILT (ML) (ash), gray, moist Sample Collected SILT (ML) (ash), gray, wet -5 -5 lean CLAY (CL) (soil), tan/gray, wet End of Boring at 8 ft - 14:30 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 8ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 23 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919172 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765403 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments ft (� ft (� co COf ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, wet, scattered roots SILT (ML) (ash), gray, wet Sample Collected -5 -5 fat CLAY (CH) (soil), gray, wet F'/z End of Boring at 9 ft - 12:15 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 9ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-24 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919232 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 764936 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, dry to 4.5' moist, occasional roots poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), black/brown/orange, moist, occasional pebbles -5 -5 5' poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), black /brown/orange, moist, occasional leaves silty SAND (SM) (soil), tan, wet fat CLAY with sand (CH) (soil), tan, wet 00 N I End of Boring at 10 ft - 13:45 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10 ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-25 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919229 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 764964 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), dark brown, moist sandy lean CLAY (CL) (soil), brown/orange, moist, occasional pebbles sandy SILT (ML) (ash), gray/black, moist to wet 4' Sample Collected -5 -5 1.5' poorly graded fine to medium SAND with silt (SP- SM) (soil), black to brown, wet 4A t End of Boring at 10 ft - 14:05 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL' 1300 South Mint Street Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-26 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO: GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube DRILLER NAME: WifilAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > 0 Comments Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown, moist, 4.5' scattered roots lean sandy CLAY (CL) (soil), brown to tan, moist to wet, occasional pebbles silty SAND (SM) (soil), tan, wet poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), All depths referenced mground surface. Page 1ov1 GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-27 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919196 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 764989 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) CL o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), light brown, moist, 5' trace roots sandy lean CLAY (CL) (soil), orange to tan, moist, scattered pebbles clayey fine SAND (SC) (soil), tan to brown, moist -5 -5 clayey fine SAND (SC) (soil), tan to brown, moist ` 3' to wet lean CLAY with fine sand (CL) (soil), orange, wet End of Boring at 10 ft - 15:00 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: DPT-28 GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Direct Push PROJECT NO:GK5637 RIG TYPE: Geoprobe 7822DT SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina BOREHOLE DIA: 2.25" BORING DATE: 0710812014 SAMPLING METHOD: Dual -Tube GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin NORTHING: 3919252 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: SAEDACCO EASTING: 765027 DRILLER NAME: WilUAuner Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments (ft) (ft) 0- o a) Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown/gray, moist, 3.5' scattered roots and leaves poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) (soil), orange, moist to wet -5 -5 3' ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (soil), brown/gray, moist, — scattered roots and leaves — poorly graded fine to medium SAND with silt (SP- SM) (soil), orange, moist to wet 4A T -, " XX X. .. End of Bon ng at 10 ft - 15:10 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 10ft ti Geosyntec"1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 29 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919083 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765645 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments ft (� ( ft � o 0 Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL OL) (topsoil), brown, wet, scattered leaves and roots poorly graded fine to medium SAND with trace silt (SP) (soil), gray, wet, trace roots -5 -5 End of Boring at 6 ft - 10:05 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6 ft engineers I scientists I ilinovators GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 30 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919096 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765593 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > Comments ft () ( ft ) o 0 Of ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown/gray, wet, scattered roots and leaves CLAYEY SAND (SC) (soil), brown/tan, wet, trace leaves fat CLAY with trace fine sand (CH) (soil), brown, wet CLAYEY SAND (SC) (soil), tan, wet End of Boring at 4 ft - 10:45 k- All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 4ft GeosyntecL'1300 South Mint Street Suite 110 Consultants Charlotte, NC 28203 BORING LOG BOREHOLE ID: 31 LOTL HA GENERAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME:Lee Steam Plant DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger PROJECT NO:GK5637 BOREHOLE DIA: 2.75" SITE LOCATION: Goldsboro, North Carolina SAMPLING METHOD: Grab BORING DATE: 71912014 NORTHING: 3919123 GEOSYNTEC REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Patinkin EASTING: 765427 Elev. Depth Lithologic Description > o Comments ft �) ft �) Of 0 ORGANIC SOIL (OL) (topsoil), brown/gray, wet, scattered roots and leaves fine SAND (SP) (soil). gray, wet -5 -5 CLAYEY SAND (SC) (soil), tan, wet End of Boring at 6 ft - 11:40 All depths referenced to ground surface. Page 1 of 1 Total Depth: 6ft ATTACHMENT C Photographic Record — Field Investigation GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 1 { F T ` � Date: 07/08/2014 �1 Comments: DPT-1 0 — 5 ft ` top third Photograph 2 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-1 0 — 5 ft - middle third �y a engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 3 T 1 Date: 07/08/2014 ( Comments: DPT-1 0 — 5 ft J bottom third Photograph 4 `"� • - Date: 07/08/2014 r Comments: DPT-1 5 — 10 ft .� Y top third v-. 9 engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record `omul`a"" Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 5 Date: 07/08/2014 Apr-! Comments: DPT-1 5 — 10 ft middle third IM�MM &W Photograph 6 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-1 5 10 ft — bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntecp Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 7 r Date: 07/07/2014 - -- 1 v-1.11�t� Comments: DPT-2 0 — 5 ft ►�'� 7 top third '' L+ 11i1'ham. Photograph 8 Date: 07/07/2014lfY° 5. Comments:,/ DPT-2 0 — 5 ft middle third` y� 11 1 engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 9 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-2 0 — 5 ft bottom third � f e,,ll y Photograph 10 ,�` ,� 'I, *��i 1 w�"y a� Dater=�Y 07/07/2014 - •�= �c.w�" _ `i�1 Comments: DPT-2 5 — 10 ft 7T „r top third % r. engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 11� Date: 07/07/2014 ,, � b+r Q4 �' a Comments: DPT-2 5 — 10 ft` middle third �x Photograph 12� 99, � Date: 07/07/2014 l Comments: DPT-2 5 — 10 ft bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 13 Date: 07/07/2014 RV - Comments: DPT-2 10 — 15 ft top thirds+ m y� 1�� . � .-a.7 { � ,. ="�I,� .•sue y . /!-w 01 Photograph 14 s � Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-2 10 — 15 ft middle third°•.� gg 4. engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record L011bLIJRLI I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 15 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-2 10 — 15 ft bottom third . 4 4 Ip`A�'yT,'Y '7CCK� �A��CC f Photograph 16A� Date: 07/07/2014 1T�.- 7 Comments: DPT-3A 0 — 5 ft top third 'M kT ►AL, " It71, engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 17�„� , v ; I �. ✓! n^�f Date: 07/07/2014 �w ��,, -Alll Comments: DPT-3A 0 — 5 ft � middle third u ' t :c d, ice=^• Photograph 18 r.• ��`� ., . �/ ; Date: 07/07/2014 Comments:f DPT-3A 0 — 5 ft - - bottom third �14 i a t u engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° 11 Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULI I Client: Duke Energy Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Photograph 19 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-3A 5 — 10 ft top third Photograph 20 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-3A 5 — 10 ft middle third engineers I scientists I innovators Project Number: GK5637 Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 21 Date:' 07/07/2014�� ` Comments: DPT-3A5-10ft41, y i bottom third r` ` Photograph 22" �- p o `,�►�1' Date: 07/07/2014 r �. Comments: DPT-3130 — 5 ft •. �, . -`� QA1OMNI top third 46 IT y �1 e+ engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntecp Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 23 IA Date:- 07/07/2014 3n� Comments: DPT-3130 — 5 ft middle third ° . \ f r -r Photograph 24 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-313 0 — 5 ft bottom third��,. 'A, sal, kA engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 25 NO Date: `s' n` •.•. - �►,J 07/07/2014 "- W. .� rr �: � ,""r4 i.:� *x� Comments: DPT-313 5 10 ft ti - : top third �s �, '� - gym- f. '. ,Qrr ! � �E ®'#,Jlc>•' r ,\ V Photograph 26 t T: / Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-313 5 — 10 ft lli middle third i engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 27 _ F � Y W�It�.� t - toil � s +��` :31, 'd � �• Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-313 5 — loft bottom thirdlop _ AMt ' Y AA 4 Photograph 28 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-4 0 — 5 ft L+ 0 top third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 29 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-4 0- 5 ft P PT- If middle third 0-5 5 . Photograph 30 Date: 07/08/2014 Pi Comments: DPT-4 0 - 5 ft bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 31 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-4 5 — 10 ft V PI--- `+ } } top third .--may:•-� - - Photograph 32 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-4 5 — 10 ft UPi - L middle third 5-10 -16 engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 33 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-4 5 - 10 ft bottom third ~- Photograph 34 :4 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-6 0 - 5 ft top third o engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 35 Date: 07/08/2014 0-5 Comments: DPT-6 0 — 5 ft middle third ° . . Photograph 36 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-6 0 — 5 ft — bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 37 t Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-6 5 — 10 ft P PI top third Photograph 38 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-6 5 — 10 ft P P1 C } middle third - ti engineers I scientists I innovators II GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° II Photographic Record `omwl nts Client: Duke Energy Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Photograph 39 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-6 5 — 10 ft bottom third Photograph 40 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-8 0 — 5 ft top third engineers I scientists I innovators Project Number: GK5637 Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Record Client: Duke EnergyPhotographic Project 1GK5637 Project Plant Site Location:• • •• • North Carolina 11g1 Photograph \ AA ' \ • . l �, • 1 ,.- zb } 'M Date: 6 �9 • �f 07/07/2014 �' Comments: bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators II GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° II Photographic Record comul nt, Client: Duke Energy Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Photograph 43 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-8 5 — 10 ft top third Photograph 44 Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-8 5 — 10 ft middle third engineers I scientists I innovators Project Number: GK5637 Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntecp Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 45 1- Date:y 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-8 5 — 10 ft bottom third r+ Photograph 46 " vN�' Date: - _. 07/07/2014 mv r Comments: DPT-9 0 5 ft bottom third (only. recovery)'" ` l* _ �i►�i� engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 47 ¢;i`� �•.:�;, ti �, '` f� J ra,;a ti.�s� ?4a *,,R Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-9 5 — 10 ft top third ,"`' �,��►`S;';:. Photograph 48 � ' a! Date: 07/07/2014 Comments: DPT-9 5 — 10 ft middle third d.�.�" f YMW X 1 , engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 49 L Date: 07/07/2014 v; - Comments: DPT-9 5 — 10 ft bottom third:F� '� 4 b n� ' I 'A � •1 Photograph 50 ear Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-10 0 — 5 ft top third t ,y engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 51 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-100-5ft middle third 4 Photograph 52 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-100-5ft OF -/0 bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 53 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-10 5 — 10 ft � � F -IC) top third J Photograph 54 sf Date: 07/08/2014 - Comments: DPT-105-10ft F)P J0 middle third (� engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 55 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-105-10ft _ DP 1 --10 bottom third Photograph 56 _mow Date: 07/08/2014 A U7 fr �•P a.a NAi' „san« S-J AA Comments: HA LOTL 15 0 1 ft f 57§0 92M 10 o ° engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 57 �.�• ` � � p Date: 71. _ I 07/08/2014 - '� ' ► E Comments: HA LOTL 15 l 5 ft HA LOTS ,s so nd (5p)1 W4 K Photograph 58 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments:�- HA LOTL 15 5 6 ft i LOT engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 59 . ., . Date: 07/08/2014 - Comments: HA LOTL 16 0 1 ft �" � as anr a - o.Y—I' II�.,r•�^sad 07i 12014 15:42 Photograph 60 s ti. , Date: *-' t .,' 07/08/2014 - Comments: HA LOTL 16 1 6 ft -------------- /,,,4 -grow sad rt engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 61 . 6 Date: 07/08/2014� Comments: HA LOTL 17 0 0.5 ft UwO.�'' orq�nPc rlov�r� ao+r ALI- 1: 20 e e s Photograph 62 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 17 0.5 1.1 ft I -I LG-jL �4 • ;sae Sod `sP� engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 63 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 17 1.1 — 6 ft LOTL VzA y �Sp) I'm; }qn Photograph 64 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 19 0 0.5 ft HA LOTL ck is SoI / We COMM og,.Ra engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntecp Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 65 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 19 0.5 — 4 ft J�WTL 1 `Ck 05 -- �;vq' C� tom 5Ui�� J WO'N o MUM 09: 22 Photograph 66 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 19 4 5.5 ft HA � a k y s ©�o ors a �o, 5q(4 - WiA d 1 engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 67 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: - - HA LOTL 19 5.5 — 6 ft r 0-T r r Photograph 68 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 20 0 0.2 ftL07k,' o JLAa p �ap '4%o i engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 69 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 20 0.2 — 2.5 ft L Ma 64 Photograph 70 - c Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 20 2.5 — 3 ft_ - r 5 '- r W? engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 71 Ay Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 20 3 6 ft �i Cdatse Spa°o o , Photograph 72 �4 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 21 0 0.3 ft 1 f Of 5d � K01 engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 73 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 21 0.3 — 2.5 ft "mom, :A& O7� o ° MM 9 WD S Photograph 74 6� ter'._:; '�.` Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 21 2.5 —3 ft a 12'M r� engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 75 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 21 3 5 ft Photograph 76 ,- Date: 07/09/2014 Y� Comments: HA LOTL 21 5 6 ft" .r •S n 1 B Lu_ r cOuSsm #0161,, o \A/P engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 77``. Date:`'`" 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 23 0 - 0.3 ft - - L 0-T Lo it A Photograph 78` Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 23 0.3 1.5 ft L ®`T L �`ne "OUMM . os engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 79 Date: 07/09/2014 Comments: HA LOTL 23 1.5 — 7 ft HN LO-TL QW009M Ile Photograph 80_ '. Date: 07/09/2014 Comments:`' HA LOTL 23 7 9 ft L wok engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 81 Date: 07/08/2014 _ Comments: DPT-24 0 — 5 ft top third p f T ~ ( I 0-5 mislabeled as DPT-11 w v - a Photograph 82` Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-24 0 — 5 ft D f Ti - 1 middle third (mislabeled as DPT-11) engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 83 Date: 07/08/2014 f T _ ( I Comments: DPT-24 0 — 5 ft bottom third (mislabeled as DPT-11) tk+ Photograph 84 � Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-24 5 — 10 ft top third i ^'k (mislabeled as DPT-11) engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 85�'' Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-24 5 — 10 ft P f T i 1 1 middle third rr (mislabeled as DPT-11) Photograph 86 Date: 0707/08/2014 Comments: DPT-245-10ft Ofj—f J bottom third -- 1 '✓ (mislabeled as DPT-11) i engineers I scientists I innovators 11 GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° �� Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Photograph 87 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-25 0 — 5 ft top third (mislabeled as DPT-12) Photograph 88 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-25 0 — 5 ft middle third (mislabeled as DPT-12) engineers I scientists I innovators Project Number: GK5637 Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record consultants Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 89 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-25 0— 5 ft f T- Z bottom third — (mislabeled as DPT-12) vd Photograph 90 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-25 5— 10 ft P i T- l bottom third (only Y recovery) (mislabeled as DPT-12) ._ engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 91 , Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-27 0— 5 ft top third - r - Photograph 92 Date: 07/08/2014. Comments: DPT-27 0 — 5 ft DST -- � middle third �} engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 93 �. a Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-27 0 — 5 ft P T bottom third r Photograph 94 T� Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-27 5 — 10 ft DST -1y top third .1p a IF. q . P engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 95 i WIM" M Date:, Comments: ~ ' DPT-27 5 — 10 ft middle third t ' -IV I r } Photograph 96 Date: 07/08/2014r Comments: "--' DPT-27 5 — 10 ft bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 97 f ' Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-28 0 — 5 ft top third ' s C 4 q, 21 U46 Photograph 98 E ,4 y!• Date: 07/08/2014 t Comments: DPT-28 0 — 5 ft v 2'� middle third =i e engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 99 Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-28 0 - 5 ft f T — I(t bottom third Photograph 100 s. 4�-s Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-28 5 - 10 ft top third engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record C0I1bLIJULl I Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 101 n; Date: 07/08/2014 2 Comments: DPT-28 5 — 10 ft middle third J. Photograph 102 1 * � Date: 07/08/2014 Comments: DPT-28 5 — 10 ft bottom third engineers I scientists I innovators ATTACHMENT D Analysis and Interpretation J �1 �' N �`q-', a ExTENTO�FQO ACTIVE CCRPOND ASH POND t LIMITOF\�\ - �.�O� 2013 SURVEY ♦_---------� \\\ \\ 0 NEUSE RIVER PROPERTY 6- BOUNDARY DPT 28 74.66 � � (NOTE 4) \,\ )( HA 11 _ DPT 24 X XOPT 78.00 DPT1 77.10 XHA1 75.00 ___ __"\• T 10 XHA-2 +HAl2 744,90 '\ ,•� 75.81 75.85 HA 14 74.01 \'•\, 78.00 X HA 15 \ DPT26 X 78, HA 20 HA-3 75.56 7533 DPT 77,97 jgDPT 2 HA 21 XHA-4 3.98 " 7T55 74.02* #HA 16 DPT3� T 3 A ]4.02 DPT 3 HA 22 x 74.02 rY # .�.HA 23 77.12 1 X DPT3B XDPT9 HA-5 NOTES: 1. TOPOGRAPHY INSIDE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY WAS COMPILED BY WSP SELLS, INC., CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FLOWN IN JULY 2013, A BATHYMETRIC SURVEY CONDUCTED IN AUGUST 2013, AND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. CONTOURS INSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 5-FT INTERVALS. CONTOURS OUTSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 2-FT INTERVALS. 2. TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY IS PROVIDED BY A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. 3. ELEVATIONS OF BORINGS SHOWN ARE ESTIMATED FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. 4. PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS COMPILED FROM PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA FROM WAYNE COUNTY AND ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 5. THE GRID AND ANY NORTHINGS AND EASTINGS SHOWN ARE IN NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY GRID COORDINATES, REFERRING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 WITH THE DATUM ADJUSTED BY THE CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS OF 1996 (NAD83(CORS96)). 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM (NOTE: "MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM' REFERS TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88)). 7. A SHALLOW DIKE OBSERVED IN THE FIELD AT THE SOUTH SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER IS NOT DEPICTED IN THIS DRAWING. DIKE " ACCESS ROAD COOLING POND 77.32 )KDPT 8 ym� Amdk jdhL LEGEND DIKE ACCESS ROAD 70 EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION (FEET) EXTENT OF CCR POND 70.08 HA 31 76,46 DPT 7 PROPERTY BOUNDARY ACTIVE ASH POND LOLA IN -ACTIVE ASH PONDS �00 KEY MAP SCALE IN FEET `\• WATER \• HA28 \ LOGGED AREA 71.20 \• *HA 18 \ 71 B5 \•.\ HA 19 075.59 \•• OPT 73 HA HA2 \ �74 26 X HA 30 HA 29 ` 76.97 DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING (NOTE 3) XDPT 1 74.66 HAND AUGER BORING (NOTE 3) *HA 11 - - - - - - LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY (NOTE 1) 77.16 HAND AUGER BORING BY AMEC (NOTE 3) X HA-1 ------------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOTE 4) TREE LINE WATER LOGGED AREA BOUNDARY 0 GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD WATER DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS -FOR REVIEW ONLY LAY OF LAND AREA ASH INVESTIGATION EXISTING CONDITIONS H.F. LEE PLANT �0 SCALE IN FEET Io N 595000 EXTENT OF r) ACTIVE c,;AIN ,yv �r" ` O CCR POND ASH POND 2013 SURVEY NEUSE RIVER PROPERTY DPI 28 7466 x I -IA 11 --_ X 7697 za XDPT DPT 1 7716 XHA_1 75.70 T 10 XHA-2 8.00 DPT 26 HA 20 DC lo( DPT 77.97 BDPT 2 `?4= 77.81 XB0 NOTES: 1. TOPOGRAPHY INSIDE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY WAS COMPILED BY WSP SELLS, INC., CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FLOWN IN JULY 2013, A BATHYMETRIC SURVEY CONDUCTED IN AUGUST 2013, AND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. CONTOURS INSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 5-FT INTERVALS. CONTOURS OUTSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 2-FT INTERVALS. 2. TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY IS PROVIDED BY A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. 3. ELEVATIONS OF BORINGS SHOWN ARE ESTIMATED FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. 4. PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS COMPILED FROM PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA FROM WAYNE COUNTY AND ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 5, THE GRID AND ANY NORTHINGS AND EASTINGS SHOWN ARE IN NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY GRID COORDINATES, REFERRING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 WITH THE DATUM ADJUSTED BY THE CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS OF 1996 (NAD83(CORS96)). 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM (NOTE: "MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM" REFERS TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88)). 7. A SHALLOW DIKE OBSERVED IN THE FIELD AT THE SOUTH SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER IS NOT DEPICTED IN THIS DRAWING. BOUNDARY (NOTE 4) 75.00 HA72 74.90 *HA73 74.01 75.85 HA 14 -Z5,58+ 75.33 HA 21� XHA-4 77.55 j DPT 3 m B. 77 2 PTDP DIKE N 594500 ACCESS ROAD PROPERTY BOUNDARY 74.02 4.0 HA 27 HA 723 \ 7228 -BHA 17 — 1A %fi.. 77.32 _ )$DPT6 HA 31 7646-... Psi. DPT7 075.59 COOLING POND LEGEND DIKE ACCESS ROAD 70 EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION (FEET) EXTENT OF CCR POND ACTIVE ASH POND LOLA IN -ACTIVE ASH PONDS �oo KEY MAP SCALE IN FEET WATER \•.\ \ \ {\ LOGGED AREA \. •\ plc 71.20 *HA 18 >�•� 76.97 DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING (NOTE 3) x DPT 1 74.66 HAND AUGER BORING (NOTE 3) #HA 11 — — — — — — — LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY (NOTE 1) 77.16 HAND AUGER BORING BY AMEC (NOTE 3) XHA-1 ------------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOTE 4) TREE LINE WATER LOGGED AREA BOUNDARY 0 GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD WATER DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS - FOR REVIEW ONLY X HA30 LAY OF LAND AREA ASH INVESTIGATION EXISTING CONDITIONS H.F. LEE PLANT �o SCALE IN FEET a 0 0 0 a 0 J M 0 0 o o v o 0 0 WAT .R o 0CLo) 0 ;\ ; - a�0 \ PIP -" irT �. -c�' 10 L N ` JN �d` N \N N N N _ J N ( � N N N LLI �. ` J r 1 � J ` W 9 t'j W ®� W 98 9S W ` �( �r - CHAINL�IK�"r�ss LIMIT M1T of � � �_;-- __- _ _ � � Q Ex ASH POND 2013 SURVEY �� — CCR PO _ NOTES: TOPOGRAPHY INSIDE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY WAS COMPILED BY WSP SELLS, INC., CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FLOWN IN JULY 2013, A BATHYMETRIC SURVEY CONDUCTED IN AUGUST 2013, AND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. CONTOURS INSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 5-FT INTERVALS. CONTOURS OUTSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 2-FT INTERVALS. vin" ACCESS ROAD ROAD COOLING POND TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY IS PROVIDED BY LEGEND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF DIKE ACCESS ROAD GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. LAY OF LAND AREA 3. AMEC BORINGS WERE ONLY USED TO ESTIMATE THE BOTTOM OF 75 ESTIMATED TOP OF ASH MAJOR CONTOUR WATER ASH INVESTIGATION ASH SURFACE. 4. PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS COMPILED FROM PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA FROM WAYNE COUNTY AND ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 5. THE GRID AND ANY NORTHINGS AND EASTINGS SHOWN ARE IN NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY GRID COORDINATES, REFERRING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 WITH THE DATUM ADJUSTED BY THE CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS OF 1996 (NAD83(CORS96)). 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM (NOTE: "MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM" REFERS TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88)). ESTIMATED LIMIT OF LOLA ASH BORING DATA 7647 ESTIMATED TOP OF ASH XDPT 1 DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION (FEET) H.F. LEE PLANT 73.71 EXTENT OF CCR POND +HA 14 HAND AUGER BORING 0 200' — — — — — — — LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY (NOTE 1) SCALE IN FEET ------------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOTE 4) _ TREE LINE DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS - FOR REVIEW ONLY o ' J_ WAT R o 0 0 ^� o t a o PIP 10 LO BRI � T N W �10 W9S W I V N 595500 E- �� _�1 s�,1 00 71(1--71 10 CHAINLK dE ` - 6 s ACTIVE LIMIT OF ` EX - 9 ASH POND 2013 SURVEY — CCR PO o 8 CCESS ROAD 0\ 1� �---------- �-7Q'� �--�'64_---' '-64-- 70 PROPERTY ` �j BOUNDARY NEUSE RIVER 8 (NOTE 4) B ESTIMATED LIMIT OF LOLA ASH BORING DATA i N 595000 / 1��r-28 -- 6 (393,246 SF) �A 9 - — , a f � 74.00 6 DPT 24 D X 74.46 73.70 12 -----_ 64 XHA-2 .31 #HA13 � HA 70. \� DPT 26 )s(DPT 2 A 1 3 7p_6g 64Nii \t D 2 2 72 a 69.81 0.55 D T 3 ♦\> 71. 74 DPT 3 B 6 H � X T 9 7 A + 6A\ NOTES: 78 6�— +HA 18 1. TOPOGRAPHY INSIDE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY WAS COMPILED BY DIKE _ )S(DPT 8 WSP SELLS, INC., CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, USING ACCESS ROAD FN 594�w B 78 T ��6 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FLOWN IN JULY 2013, A BATHYMETRIC SURVEY CONDUCTED IN 6 \ HA 1 AUGUST 2013, AND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA )e(DPT 5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 29 2007. CONTOURS INSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 5-FT COOLING POND `\ INTERVALS. CONTOURS OUTSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 2-FT INTERVALS. 2. TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY IS PROVIDED BY LEGEND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF DIKE ACCESS ROAD GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. LAY OF LAND AREA 3. AMEC BORINGS WERE ONLY USED TO ESTIMATE THE BOTTOM OF 70 ESTIMATED TOP OF ASH MAJOR CONTOUR WATER ASH INVESTIGATION ASH SURFACE. 4. PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS COMPILED FROM PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ESTIMATED LIMIT OF LOLA ASH BORING DATA 75.97 DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING �EDPT 1 ESTIMATED BOTTOM OF ASH DATA FROM WAYNE COUNTY AND ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION (FEET) H.F. LEE PLANT SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 73.51 EXTENT OF CCR POND 5. THE GRID AND ANY NORTHINGS AND EASTINGS SHOWN ARE IN +HA HA 14 HAND AUGER BORING 0 200' NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY GRID COORDINATES, REFERRING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 WITH THE — — — — — — — LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY (NOTE 1) 74.46 SCALE IN FEET DATUM ADJUSTED BY THE CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE X HA-1 HAND AUGER BORING BY AMEC (NOTE 3) STATIONS OF 1996 (NAD83(CORS96)).------------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOTE 3) 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM TREE LINE Geosyntec FIGURE (NOTE: "MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM" REFERS TO THE NORTH consultants AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88)). DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS — FOR REVIEW ONLY 1-77771zaa07 I 1111. On,A 3 w 0 Q 0 a cn w d) o Ll V O O \ (04 N rJ , � � ,- � N 595500 w � CHAINLMKco LIMIT 5; �lr� /� 2013 SOURVEY ❑* I ' \�, � �'�. ♦ � ��+ram r / 70 �0 G ��, 68 J ^f F�c R!)All PROPERTY BOUNDARY NEUSE RIVER ESTIMATED LIMIT I (NOTE 3) OF ASH VOLUME ----64------------------_-(393,246 SF) N 595000 �� /4 I � NOTES: 1. TOPOGRAPHY INSIDE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY WAS COMPILED BY WSP SELLS, INC., CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FLOWN IN JULY 2013, A BATHYMETRIC SURVEY CONDUCTED IN AUGUST 2013, AND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. CONTOURS INSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 5-FT INTERVALS. CONTOURS OUTSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 2-FT INTERVALS. 2. TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY IS PROVIDED BY A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. 3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS COMPILED FROM PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA FROM WAYNE COUNTY AND ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 4. THE GRID AND ANY NORTHINGS AND EASTINGS SHOWN ARE IN NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY GRID COORDINATES, REFERRING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 WITH THE DATUM ADJUSTED BY THE CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS OF 1996 (NAD83(CORS96)). 5. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM (NOTE: "MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM" REFERS TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88)). N 594500 DIKE - r ACCESS ROAD COOLING POND DIKE ACCESS ROAD 07, EX \ \_ CCR ` Q 70 ` LEGEND WO V` — — — — — — — LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY (NOTE 1) — — — — ESTIMATED ASH ISOPACH MAJOR CONTOUR — ESTIMATED LIMIT OF ASH VOLUME EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION (FEET) EXTENT OF CCR POND ASH VOLUME BASE SURFACE LOLA ASH BOTTOM COMPARISON SURFACE LOLA ASH TOP CUT VOLUME 0 CU. YD. FILL VOLUME 53,650 CU. YD. NET VOLUME 53,650 CU. YD.<FILL> ---- PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOTE 3) TREE LINE GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD WATER DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS — FOR REVIEW ONLY ,CTIVE H POND ;'4 �O sue\ LAY OF LAND AREA ASH INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED ASH VOLUME ISOPACH H.F. LEE PLANT 0 200' SCALE IN FEET o o C) o �o N 595500 f_l CHAINLMKco I LIMIT O 2013 SURVEY `\ N 595000 rAfftj_ NOTES: ':o` : 1 BOUNDARY NEUSE RIVER ESTIMATED LIMIT (NOTE 3) OF EXCAVATION VOLUME --.64r----------------_��— (393,246 SF) 74 �- > --��-\\� III L----1 ����-_-_� 70Z QI \ I _ _ ,2 L -®_ TOPOGRAPHY INSIDE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY WAS COMPILED BY WSP SELLS, INC., CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FLOWN IN JULY 2013, A BATHYMETRIC SURVEY CONDUCTED IN AUGUST 2013, AND A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. CONTOURS INSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 5-FT INTERVALS. CONTOURS OUTSIDE TREE LINES ARE SHOWN AT 2-FT INTERVALS. 2. TOPOGRAPHY OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY IS PROVIDED BY A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIDAR SURVEY DATED MAY 2007. 3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS COMPILED FROM PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA FROM WAYNE COUNTY AND ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE SHORELINE OF THE NEUSE RIVER. 4. THE GRID AND ANY NORTHINGS AND EASTINGS SHOWN ARE IN NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY GRID COORDINATES, REFERRING TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 WITH THE DATUM ADJUSTED BY THE CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS OF 1996 (NAD83(CORS96)). 5. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM (NOTE: "MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM" REFERS TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88)). DIKE ACCESS ROAD COOLING POND LIMIT OF 2013 SURVEY (NOTE 1) N. 6�\ — — — — ESTIMATED ASH ISOPACH MAJOR CONTOUR ------------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY (NOTE 3) LAY OF LAND AREA ESTIMATED LIMIT OF ASH VOLUME EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION (FEET) EXTENT OF CCR POND EXCAVATION VOLUME BASE SURFACE LOLA ASH BOTTOM COMPARISON SURFACE LEE -EXIST TOPO (3D-LYDAR) CUT VOLUME 1,339 CU. YD. FILL VOLUME 72,151 CU. YD. NET VOLUME 70,813 CU. YD.<FILL> TREE LINE GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD WATER DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS - FOR REVIEW ONLY ASH INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED EXCAVATION VOLUME ISOPACH H.F. LEE PLANT 0 200' SCALE IN FEET H W W LL z O Q W J W 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0+00 1+00 100 90 80 70 \ \ 60 50 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 DISTANCE (FEET) PROFILE ESTIMATED ASH SECTION SCALE: 1 "=200' (HORIZONTAL); 1 "=40' (VERTICAL) XREF: 5385XO14 ASH SECTIONS .-. 100 100 .-. L j 90 ESTIMATED EXISTING 90 W W TOP OF ASH _ GRADE W LLL 80 80 LL z O 70 _ _ - 70 z O Q 60 / 60 Q ESTIMATED W W 50 50 J BOTTOM OF ASH J W W 40 40 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 DISTANCE (FEET) B PROFILE 2 ESTIMATED ASH SECTION SCALE: 1 "=200' (HORIZONTAL); 1 "=40' (VERTICAL) XREF: 5385XO14 ASH SECTIONS LEGEND H W W LL z O Q W J W EXISTING PROFILE GRADE ESTIMATED ASH TOP AND ASH BOTTOM PROFILE LAY OF LAND AREA ASH INVESTIGATION ASH SECTIONS H.F. LEE PLANT 0 200' HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 0 40' VERTICAL SCALE IN FEET 0-1 DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS - FOR REVIEW ONLY ATTACHMENT E Photographic Record — Field Inspection & Figure E.1 - Lay of the Land Dike Investigation � } i `s` ! k t M I fir•_ ..._ _ .. _-:�: -.. __. ... _ __ I!y L ( a �u 'I Legend iil�! Photo Areas v Q Property Boundary Pond Location Notes: 1. Photos were taken on 15 July 2014. 3 2. Ash pond boundaries determined from figures provided in MacTec 2009 Report of - Inactive Pond Evaluation and SynTerra Figures for 2013 Water Level Sampling. - 2. Horizontal coordinate system US State Plane 1983 North Carolina, US survey feet. e 3.2011 World Imagery - Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, L Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community. I f i 700 350 0 700 Feet Lay of the Land Dike Investigation Duke H.F. Lee Steam Electric Plant Goldsboro, North Carolina Geosyntec° Figure Consultants of NC, PC NC License No.: C-3500 E.1 Raleigh, NC July 2014 GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 1 Date: 07/15/2014 Comments: Area 1 concerns: - Depression in dike which appears to overtop during rain events. ate. - Submerged pipes in dike with outlet to river bank. Pipe was not draining during visit. - Active seep present along toe of river bank.- - Steep slopes on toe of river bank (not visible in photo). engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 2 L G Date: 07/15/2014 Comments: Area 2 concerns: - Depression in dike which overtops during rain events. - - Steep slopes on toe of river bank. engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Record Client: Duke Energy ProjectPhotographic iGK5637 ' Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 3 �. L • ' \ a Date: Area 3 concerns:- _ '_ x - Depression dike which overtops during rain events. Erosion visib • ti- i � • p� engineers I scientists I innovators engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 5 Date: 07/15/2014 Comments: Area 5 concerns: - Erosion around roots on riverbank slope - Seep at toe of riverbank - F a4 - engineers I scientists I innovators engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° Photographic Record Client: Duke Energy Project Number: GK5637 Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Photograph 6B r, Date: 07/15/2014 Comments: Area 6 concerns: - Steep slope on riverbank; erosion around roots; slope creep. - Potential animal nesting in river bank. 04 f *" r engineers I scientists I innovators GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Geosyntec° 11 Photographic Record 11 Client: Duke Energy Project Name: H.F. Lee Steam Plant Photograph 7 Project Number: GK5637 Site Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina Date: �z 07/15/2014 t Comments: Area 7 concerns: Steep slope on riverbank; erosion around roots; slope creep engineers I scientists I innovators ATTACHMENT F Mitigation Options Evaluation Comment by Third Party Engineering Firm There is potential risk of movement/washout of materials from the lay of land disposal area during heavy rainfall events or flooding from the Neuse River. The lay of land disposal area should be included in routine monitoring activities at the site. Monitoring should include observations of erosion and/or runoff of materials from this area and to surrounding flood plain. Downstream berm areas should be a focus of monitoring. This area is heavily wooded so pathways to perform inspection/monitoring will need to be cut in while limiting the disturbance that could allow material to move out of the lay of land area. Response and mitigation procedures for this area should be included in the facility's emergency response plans. ATTACHMENT F MITIGATION OPTIONS EVALUATION Comment by Geosyntec The LOLA is located below the 100-yr flood plain, and therefore, wash out potential is present. Low spots in certain dike locations along the Neuse River present limited washout potential. Dike was not observed along the cooling pond. Limited organic soil and leaf litter provides some cover and erosion protection. Agreed. It is relatively easier to monitor the LOLA boundary along the access road around the cooling pond. However, monitoring the downstream dike along the Neuse River poses access and safety challenges. The soil along the river bank is slippery and may not be accessible based on river levels. The LOLA area also has an adjacent area with ponded water. Agreed. Proposed Solution Repair the low spots on the dikes along the Neuse River as a short term risk reduction measure against high frequency storm events.. Consider relocating the ash to the active ash basin or offsite disposal as a long term risk elimination measure. Monitoring is recommended as long as the CCR materials remain in the LOLA. Small walking access paths (with gravel as needed) are recommended to be maintained to facilitate access and monitoring. Inspection and monitoring frequency shall not be less than the frequency used at present for the inactive ponds at Lee. Additional monitoring after severe storm events is recommended. It is noted the use of heavy riprap amour or buttressing the dike slopes along the Neuse river will involve floodway permitting challenging. It is recommended that all low spots on the dikes be filled in and compacted. Walking the dikes with a contractor and addressing the issues is recommended due to the difficulty in conducting field survey in this heavily wooded and difficult access area at this time. It is recommended that material supplies (e.g. sand bags) and other items required in the emergency action plan for the site be maintained onsite to address any potential release of CCR from the LOLA as well.