HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130918 Ver 6_Approved Borrow Pit - Hines Chapel_20150812PnT McCaoav GOVERNOR Contract: WBS: T.I.P Coui�ty: Description: a0� �`rr ��� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR'1'MENT OF "I IZANSPORTAT`ION NICIiOLAS J. "fF,NNYSON SECRETAFtY August I 1, 2015 C203399 348213.S6 U-2525 B Guilford Greensboro Eastern Loop From North of US-70 to US 29 North of Greeusboro Mr. Andy Downs Flatuon Coustn�ctors, Iua — Biythe Development Co. Joint Venhire 7614 Busiuess Park Drive, Suite G GXeeusboro, NC 27409 Subject Approval of Hines Chapel Bon•ow Pit De�r Mr. Downs, Please fmd e��closed a copy of tlie submitted plans for the proposed borro�v pit at 3280 Hiues Chapel Road adjacei�t to the referenced project These plans have been reviewed ai�d are "Approved" for use. Please ensure that alI erosion items are maintaiued aud that all conditions of the plans are adhered to. Any proposed changes to the approved plan should be submitted for review prior to impleme��t��g the proposed changes. All recouuveudatiais listed in NCDOT's Roadside Enviromneutal Uuit Reclamatiou Plan Report shall be followed at the subject site. [f you have any questions, please coi�tact me �t 375-1774. Respeetfully Yours, j� i�rs+.,��yrs B. V. Smith Resident Engineer Allnclunen�s cc: Borro�vAVaste Pil file Kevin Woodard Joe Lowe Kenny O�vens ec. 1.M. Mills, P.C. V.G. Davis, P.E. llave Wanucha, NCDEIJR David Bailey, USACE 6arry Harrington 1erry� ParAcr P. O. Box 14996 Greensboro, NC 27415-4996 Telephone No. (336) 375-1774 Faac No. (336) 375-1571 North Carolina Department of Transportation Roadside Environmental Unit Reclamation Plan Report Proiect Information Project Number: 34821.3.S6 TIP Number: U-2525B Division #: 7 County: Guilford Project Type: Contract River Basin: Cape Fear Project Location Description: Greensboro Eastern Loop from N. of US 70 to US 29 N. of Greensboro. Site Information Reclamation Type: Evaluator: Waste Evaluatlon Date: 08/05/15 Barry Harrington Site Name: Hines Chapel Rd. Borrow site Acreage: 5.2 Lat-Long: Title of Topo Maps Reviewed: Yes Reclamation Location Description: Located at 3280 Hines Chapel Rd. on NCDOT property(Parcels 39 & 41). Main Checklist �✓ Reclamation Form Completed ❑✓ Vicinity Map Included �✓ Topo Map Included QQ Soil Survey Map Included ❑✓ Erosion Control (EC) Plan Included o<<,o.,� , "�: , < 99 Fry)OIMHSVOt`P C �Seeding Specifications Included ❑✓ Calculations Provided Is the Mandatory Environmental Assessment included? (include T&E �species, wetland, and stream impacts) Preliminarv Plan Yes No NIA ❑ �✓ ❑ Is the site commercial? (If so, include permit number mine sites cannot receive waste material without written permission from the Regional LQ Engineer) � ❑ ❑ Is the E&SC / SW Level III Certification Number Given? ❑ ❑ �✓ Are the GPS coordinates of lhe upstream and downstream sampling locations given? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ Does the site fall within the 100 year floodplain? w}w�.ncnoodmaps.com , —. u �� � i If so, havc thev submtlfec� docu[ �� �atic�7 °�o��, � u� ?o ,a� c{.»eCni �,3 � uF zae i�„ it '.g !he activily? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Is the pit located within 400' of jurisdictional wetlands and streams? ❑ � � Will excavation e�end below water table? � �� ���' iP �tl I13,,!'il8 � S I1!Rty.'t;�lrr)S i7'� ( Kfii�d,elS IIV( .I_) i7P,C',Il IlO�ifiE?(� � �.�i _ 'ij I(5� avu al nr+%��j w�t a� cu �n�d stienri ��vitl, -� �c 4�,7 �� .ffer been rlelir�eated"i 0✓ ❑ ❑ Is the SHPO letter included for Historical Properties? ❑ ❑ �✓ Are Riparian Buffer Rules applicable? 8l05/2015 4:17 PM Page 1 of 3 Yes No NIA ❑ ❑ ❑✓ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0✓ O � O ❑ Is site located within a High Quality Water (HQV� Zone? Is it clear that slopes are to be conslructed so that temp or permanent seeding can be accomplished during the borrow/waste activity? (ie. no vertical slope) Was the Reclamation Plan reviewed onsite? Is the Property owner statemenUsignature included? Erosion Control Plan Yes No NIA ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Is the Symbol sheet or legend included? �✓ ❑ ❑ Are perimeter measures indicated (TSD, TD, Type B Sediment Dams, etc.)? ❑ ❑ 0✓ Are basins designed for 3,600 cubic feet of storage per disturbed area (1,800 cubic feet per acre for skimmer basins) or RUSLE2 analysis? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Have basins been designed using the surface area equation? (A=435Q�p or 325Q�p for skimmer basins) �✓ ❑ ❑ Do basins have at least a 2:1 length to width ratio? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Does a cross sectional view clearly indicate 2:1 slopes (3:1 coastal plain criteria)? QQ ❑ ❑ Have proper buffer zones been indicated? (50' undisturbed for streams, 25' undisturbed for wetlands, 10' from property lines for borrow sites, and 10' buffer belween disposal areas and property lines, residential dwellings, commercial or public building and wells.) 'Local ordinances may require additional setback. ❑ 0 ❑ Are stockpiles indicated and protected? (Language should also mention temp seeding of stockpiles.) ❑ ❑ �✓ Are construction entrances identified? ❑ ❑ � Does plan indicate that construction entrance pads are stabi�ized appropriately? ❑ ❑ 0✓ Are haul roads shown? ❑ ❑ � Are E&SC devices adequate along haul road? Pit Dewaterinn Yes No NlA ❑ ❑ 0✓ Is the site located within one of the 15 CCPCUA sites? If so, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑✓ �✓ 0 0 �✓ 0✓ �✓ �✓ ❑ ❑ 0✓ 0 ❑ O 8/05/2015 4:17 PM J , '= e��c �vel', uer ��ea` . , [;� .r � e ,;i[ i,., narj> , I .... ���iE P t�7 r, �nsc`�a� 3e .:apaci i���en? !! � ,_, Are the i at�iude an:[ f r,ny:hid� a��rdinates ;` purr�n ��.a�ion g:�,�en . ❑ '� ,r� I{as the t'Eir�iit r>ea� ut, �ikiad ,em Wate� F2es�, �rces? Is the site currently under a mining permit? If so, is permit number given? Are 3:1 slopes being indicated on a cross sectional view? Is the stilling basin designed for appropriate storage volume needed? Is the stilling basin designed for at �east a 2:1 length to width ratio? Is the pump intake floating in the rim ditch? Is the pump discharge in the stilling basin dissipated? Are baffles shown in lhe stilling basin? Is water being drawn irom the top of the water column prior to being discharged? (ie, f�ashboard riser, non-perforated riser pipe, armored spillway, etc.) If Riparian Buffer Ruies apply, does the discharge from the stilling basin meet the requirements of diffuse flow? If water is to remain in the pit upon completion, will there be a minimum depth of 4'? Page 2 af 3 Comments: Recommend the following: 1) Erosion control pian is adequate. Skimmer basin calculations are good, except for ID.- 412. My calculations indicate a skimmer size of 58X29X3 with 1.5" skimmer wl1.125" or(ice and 7' weir. Please review and revise, as needed. 2) Ensure perimeter e. c. measures and skimmer basins are constructed and stabilized before removing any material. 3) Ensure orange fencing is delieated along 25' buffer at wetland. 4) Need to indicate location of topsoil pile on plans. 5) Please be reminded that the coniractor is responsible for the site until stabilized with permanent vegetation, including removal of e. c. measures. S/05/2015 4:17 PM Page 3 of 3 PAT McCRORY GOVEftNOR �� ��o� ��� °Yww.�' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 1 RANSPORTATION August 4, 2015 Memorandum To: Brian Smith, P� Resident Engineer, Division 7 Frwn: Jeriy A. Parker Division Environmental Officer, Division ANTHONYJ.TATA. Secuernkv Subject: Review of tlte Information Provided by The Catena Group, regarding the PresenceJAbseuce of waters and/or weUands of the US and Pederally Listed Species on the Proposed Borrow/Waste Site located at 3269 and 3280 Hines Chapel Rd Related to Project TIP U-2525B in Guilford Cowit��. I conducted a review of information provided by The Catena Group regarduig the presence/absence of waters and/or wetlands of the US and federally listed species on the proposed borrow site related to TIP U-2S25B in Guilford County. The site consists of two proposed borrow sites that tota12.5 +/- acres located at 3269 aud 3280 Hines Chapel Rd near MeCleansville in Guilford Counry. The proposed project area contained wetlands and streams. However, accord'uig to the figures and plans submitted, when scaled, wetlauds and streams appeared to be greater than 50 ft from the proposed borrow site (See Figure 3 and Topview Plans). Specific�lly, tlie wetland and stream located between the two proposed sites adjacent to Hines Chapel Rd were scaled to be greater thau 50 n from the proposed borrow site. There is also a slream located 1t tlie northernmost tip tliat was measured to be greater tl�an 50 ft fran tlie Uorrow site basect on the attached scale. The applicaut has proposed to mauitain a minimum 50 ft setback froui all streams and wetlands witlun the project area. It is highly recommended that the applicaut flags the 50 ft boundaiy fi•om tlie streams and wet(and areas to ensure that all wock occurs outside of Uie setback area. Iu addition, any borrowing activity within 400 fr of surface waters or wetlauds sl�all not exceed elevation depths below stream banks, wetlands, or other surface waters so as not to disturb the water table or grouudwater existiug ca�ditions. The existiug water table is not to be impacted by tlie proposed project. Alsq it is reconunended that all practicable uieasures be taken to avoid adverse impacts to a�uatic species, uicluding implementuig sh�ingerrt sediment and erosion control measures. All work shoLald be performed according to tlie subuiitted plans aud drawings with proper sediuientation and erosion control uieasures. Best Management Practices, including the construction of catch basins and Uie use of erosion control fencing should be used to prevent sediment frorn impactiug any veacby down-��adient surface waters. A nahiral vegetated buffer on all streams and creeks adjaceut to Uie project site is to be maivtained. If you have auy �uestions or co�muents, I can be reached at (336) 256-2063 or jparker�ncdot.gov. CC: Patty E�son, Division Constrliction Engineer NCDOT Bariy Harrington, Roadside Environrnental Engineer P.O. Box 14996 Greensboro, NC 27415-4996 Telephone No. (336) 334-3192 Fax No. (336) 334-3637 12/11/08 Pcoject #/WBS Element: Responsible Peison: Address: Property Owner: NCDOT Reclamation Plan for Operations Borrow Pit Date: �1s[� 15 8/5/15 U-2525B County: GUILFORD FLATIRON CONSTRUCTION - ANDY DOWNS 7614 BUSINESS PARK Pcoperty Otvuer Address: Po BOX GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Phoue Number: RALEIGH NC 27611 Boi-��ow Pit Property 3280 HINES CHAPEL RD., GREENSBORO, NC Address: 3269 HINES CHAPEL RD., GREENSBORO, NC Total acreage of proposed pit: 5.2 ACRES Expected depth of excavation: 2o FEET Presentuse ofland: VACANT Proposed use after reclamation: VACANT Proposed seque�ice of excavation (iuclude amouut of clearing & proposed slope rates): INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL STRIP TOPSOIL, REMOVE BORROW, SPREAD TOPSOIL, STABILIZE Did the Envu•otunental Evahiatiou iudicate the presence of any wetlands or endangered species?(If yes, Uriefly list findings aud indicate physical means Uy wl�icli buffer zone will be delineated): SEE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT Is auy portiou of the pit or access & haul iroads witUin a watershed witi� ripariau buffer zone requirements? (If yes, uidicate physical means by which buffer will be deliveated and liow diffuse flow into tlie buffer zone will be ruaiutaiued): SEE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT Reclamation Procedures for Bonow/Waste/Staging Areas for Operations 12/ll/08 12/11/08 Is the sife adjaceut to High Quality Waters as defiued Uy the Department of Euvn•ouuieut and Natural Resources? (If yes, note I�ow the devices have Ueen designed to meet DENR requirements): NO Are tl�ere any couditions identified ou the State Historic Preservatiou Ofilce Review Form for boiro�v activities? Explain: NO Describe the intevded plan for tlie reclawation aud subsequent use of all affected lauds, aud indicate the geueral methods to be used iu reclaimiug this land, iucluding any stockpile areas, haul roads and ditches. Describe the sequence for reclannivg the pit. Attach a map wluch illustrates this plan, showing tl�e location aud desigu of all temporaty and permaueut erosion contr•ol devices. All features must comply witli tlie appropriate specifications, standards and reflect Best Management Practices (BMP). The plan must iudicate setUacks to adjaceut properties, buffer zones and if de-wateriug is required aud the pit is Iocated witl�iu the 15 couuty region of the CCPCUA, tlie GPS coordinate location of any well located witliin 1500 ft. of the pit. SEE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT Will excavation extend below the water taUle7 (If yes, see a, U, & c, Uelow): No a) Specify how de-wateivig will be accomplished. Include pro�osed method of reducing efflueut hu-bidity so that it meets the requu•ements of the Division of Water Quality. Show auy pit dewatering basins, conshuction details aud calculations ou t(�e plav: b) If Nie pit is witl�in tUe Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area, list the person responsible for completing The Division of Water Resources CCPCUA spread slieet and method of submission to Hie Engineer: c) If water is to remain iv the pit after completion, state tAe estiwated depth of the water. (At least a depth = 4'). Ivdicate tl�e water table depth prior to Ueginning excavation and the method used to obtaiu tl�is infoi7nation. Reclamation Procedures for Bou'ow/W�ste/Staging Areas for Operations 12/I1/08 10 12/11/08 Describe the proposed schedule of penuanent seeding aud mulclting. Detail the frequeucy of permanent seedivg and mulclung. Note that a pennaneut stlnd of vegetation is requn�ed prior to a fmal inspection. SEEDING WILL OCCUR IMMEDIATELY AFTER BORROW ACTIVITES ARE FINALIZED. SEEDING AND MULCHING WILL BE INSPECTED AND ADJUSTED ON A BI-WEEKLY BASIS. Reclamation Procedw'es for Bon'ow/�Vaste/Staging Arens for Operatious 12/11/08 11 � �' e� . / e, � a �a I� E � � R' n �, �z 1 � zl� _ 's °+'� n � J- � � °�A i- i � T'• ' ° ° � m,< 4. � �1 .r� �� { �\` I _ g `!�S I� �T`"i� / ')" l � fJ .. I / n� �jl.. _ — r{ � uq � �\i t o� ' �� 3 � � —, �,� /'r_ �_�— ' �,,� i� �' — � '' �} . . . . /` /���_, III E&SC /Storemwater Cert N: 3192 �.ofPropertyOwner: NCDOT(Parcels39,41) � rl-�k�. ��� �! f� .,, � � � � 1 If.. � \.. ; Plan - Erosion Control nPanV,A1V a°'a'r�v ;3°=�0 qe('�.3x g R� � ���i i � r d�4pY j « �/�}4^ � 'I r a u e�l'^3 '-. gq� � i r _�I ��5 . m � ectNum6er. U-25258 IractNumber. C203399 rty: Guilfard � Prepared: 8/5/2015 — ,� � �. �. , �,� � , ,, , ,_ ,� � ���% ;�_ f,� �, � �:, / % `� L � �' �\ / i/ �, �� j 1 f � // �yy/ 1 � ' � �� /�\�C % � / �'X � / �� l:i /� / � �C �/j e i��� i:�l i / �- / �, ,/ / / c� f�/ - �i E i/ � i � n � ��h� — �` � � _ /� (��� �i . .Y �! i . � V��i ,/" t.,l i' �L %. jti"rdr \ — _ �>_.ti � , `; . �,- � � � - 77.r / I - l /�� � .i ` �!/ � n �� "fi/ �� _". ( i � � � 9� � �� `.�. � u C - � y A�'I�' 1 �� . \' ��. � . T� �..�\ ��, \ ° .� a `\ _ .� � � � , l � �� �� �D � � � I z ��`\ ; I� 9 0 l� S �`' \� � +�D s I�`3 1 ,. �; � .°�m � �� � t � o�o �9`- � � �% T`; F m � t � �� e}� `�� \� s t /�;' � �O� .. \1.���/////'. . -� -`��II�� z �/� � �!I�l u� � iT ° � � 11 i 'n o� � \ m _ � `�\ ! �o. i ! / � �I i -. �� \� � � � , . i 3 \ � \� � �c �� / 9 a P � � � � � � i � J� i'i'a��� ��� ��.� � , � �� �J� �s ' � �� � �� i + ; 1. �. 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NO � � m � .�� . _ .��� � i t '" i Calculailons Basfn ID:39-1 Droinage Area DBturhed Area Time of Concentration Sedlment Storage Volume Peak F�ow for Oesign Storm Su(ace Area Dlsturbed Area = Elevation Orop = Flow Length = Slope = H/L(ilow) _ Jarrett Maz Area = 460' S= If watershed Drolnage Area is less than larrett Max area, ther tc = S min if skimmer outlets are used,1800 cf/d(sturbed acre Q=C•I`A C=Rat(onal Method Runoff meffldent, Assume Sandy loam,100%Cultivated, 5-10%Slope = 1= roinfall Intensity for a given retum period , For Greens6oro, SO year Rainfall intensity = A = watershed dralnage area = Q= With Surface Outlets, A= 325 * Q= 0.9 acres 0.9 acres 21 ft. 387 ft 0.05 h/k 24.96 acres Tt=S min 1620 cu. Ft 0.4 6.8 in/hr 0.9 Acces 2A cfs 796 sP 8asin Dimensions AreaofBasln 40X20x3 � WetrLength=Q/.S= 4k Sklinmer Size 4,k;m = �:a�✓Td:„are� V,k;m Valumeoftop2ft.= Ta�,��e, _ �S¢u� _ from Table 5.1, use Skimmer Olameter = Orifice Size D,,,�e sqrt( Q,k;,,,/2310*sqrt(Hz�m)� From tahle 51, H,�;m for selected sklmmer= Da;rue= Round to nearest 1/S inch, Do,;n,e Page 1 of 4 1600 cu.(t. 3 days 533 cu. Ft. / Day 1.S Inch 0.125 (t 0.81 In. 0.750 fn. Calculatlons Basln ID: 342 Dralnage Area Dlsturbed Area Time of Concen[ratlon Sediment Storage Volume Peak Flotv for Deslgn Storm Suface Area Basin Dlmenslons Skimmer size oriHce s(:e Distarbed Area = Elevatton Drop = Flow Length = Slope = HJL(flotv) _ Jarrett Max Area = 4fi0 * 5= If watershed Drainage Area is less than Jarrett Max area, ther tc = 5 m(n If watershed Drainage Area Is greater [han Jarrett Max area, ther Use NRCS Segmen[al Method for unpaved areas, tc=.00i (L-flow)/5^0.53 If skimmer outle[s are used,1800 cf/disturbed acre Q=C•i'A C=Ratlonal Method Runoff coeffident, Assume Sandy Loam,100%CUltivated, 5-SO% Slope = f= �ainfall Inrensity for a given retum period, For Greensboro,l0 year Ralnfall Intens{ty = A = tvatershed dralnage area = Q= With Surface Outlets, A= 325 * Q= Basin Ofinensions Welr Lenath = �/.8 = 4a�m = �,um1T'e��«.�e, V,wm Volume af tap 2 ft. _ Taz�aru = �t�m = From Table 5.1, use Skfmmer �tame[er = �o�r e sarc( 4�m/z3io*sqrt(H�amll fwm [a61e 51, H,�m for selected skimmer = Donrke= Round to nearest 1/S inch, Da��,p Page 2 of 4 13 acres 13 acre5 20 ft. 266 ft 0.08 k/k 34.59 acres Tc=S min 2340 cu. ft 0.4 G.8 in/hr 13 Aaes 3.5 cfs 1149 sf SOx25x3 sft 2500 cu,k. 3 days 833 cu. Ft. / Day 2.O Inch 0167 (t 0.94 in. 1.000 in. Calalations Basln ID: 41-1 Orainage Area Disturhed Area Time of Concentration Sediment Storage Volume Peak Flow for Oeslgn Storm Suface Area eas(n olmensions Skimmer Size Oriflce Slze Dislur6ed Area = Elevation Drop = ilow Length = Slape = H/L(flolv) _ larreit MaX Area = A60 * 5= If Wa[ershed Drainage Area Is less [han larrett Max area, ther tc = 5 min If watershed Orainage Area fs greater than larrett Max area, ther Use NRCS Segmentai Method far unpaved areas, tc=.001(L-flow)/5^o.53 If sklmmer autlets are used,1800 cfJdfstur6ed acre Q=C'i'A C=Ratlonal Method Runoff coefflcient, Assume Sandy Loam,100%Cultivated, 5-SO'/o Slope = i= rainfall (ntensity for a given retum period , For creens6oro, 30 year Rainfall (ntenslry = A=wa[ershed drainage area = 4= With Surface Outlets, A= 325 � q= Area of Basln nvfh=n/B= 4,um = V,um/Tae�«a�« V,i;m Volume of tap 2 h. _ Ta<�„a�E. _ 4�m = From Table 5,1, use Skfmmer Dfameter = Do,;�= sqrt( Q,k;,,/2310*sqrt�H,k�m)) from table 51, H,�;m for selected skimmer = �oerme= Round to nearest 1/S inch, D„�fl�„= Page 3 of 4 1.2 acres 1.2 acres 24 ft. 387 tt 0.06 f[/ft 28.53 acfes Tc=S min 2160 cu. Ft 0.4 6.8 inJhr 1,2 Acres 33 cfs 1061 sf SOX25x3 Sft 2500 cu1t. 3 days 833 cu. Ft. / Day 2,O Inch 0.167 ft 0.94 In. 1.000 in. Calcula[lons Basin ID:41-2 Drainage Area �Istur6ed Area Time of Conrentratlon Sediment Storage Vo�ume Peak Flow for �estgn Storm Suface Area Basin Dlmenslons Sklmmer Size Oriflce Size Dlstur6ed Area = Elevatlon Drop = Flow Length = Slope = H/L(flow) _ Jarrett Max Area = 460 * S= If wa[ershed Dralnage Area Is less [han larrett Max area, [her tc=5 min If tvatershed �ralnage Area is greater than Jarrett Max area, ther Use NACS Segmen[al Me[hod for unpaved areas, tc=.001(L-flotv)/5^0.53 If skimmer outlets are used,1800 cf/disiurbed acre Q=C'i*A C=Rational Method Runoff coefflcient, Assume Sandy Loam,100%CUltivated, 5-SO%Slope = 1= ralnfall intensity for a given re[urn perfod , For Green56oro,10 year Ralnfall Intensity = A = watershed dralnage area = 4= With Surface Outlets, A= 325 ' Q= Basin olmensions r 1 anofh = (f/B e Qs1un' Usbm✓rdr'ater V,�;m-Volume of top 2 ft. _ Tdewaru = �Z¢cm = From Table 5.1, use Skfmmer Dfameter = �mr e s9rt� 4u�✓2310*59rt�H:u��) From ta61e 51, H,�m for selected skimmef = �ornce= Round to neares[ I/8 inch, D,,,;fi„= Page 4 of 4 S.E acres I.s acres 24 k. 375 (t o.a6 ft/ft 29.44 acres Tc=S min 3240 cu. ft 0.4 6.8 in/hr 1.8 Acres 4.9 cfs 1591 sf 60x30x3 7ft 3600 ca(t. 3 days 1200 cu. Ft. / Day 1.S Inch 0.208 k 1.07 In. 1.125 In. U-2525B ��� Guilford County Project Special Provisions - Erosion Control STABILIZATION RE�iJIREMENT5: Stabilization £or this project shall comply with the time frame guidelines as specified by the NCG-010000 general conshuction pernut effective August 3, 201 I issued by the North Cazolina Department o£ Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality. Temporazy or permanent ground cover stabilizatiori shall occur within 7 calendar days from the last land- disturbing acrivity, with the following exceptions iu which temporary or permanent ground cover shall be provided in 14 calendaz days from the last land-disturbing activity: . Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1, with a slope length of 10 ft. or less • Slopes 3:1 or flatter, with a slope of length o£ 50 ft. or less : Slopes 4:1 or flatter The stabilization timeframe for High Quality Water (HQV� Zones shall be 7 calendar days with no exceptions for slope grades or lengths. High Quality Water Zones (HQVI� Zones aze defined by North Cazoliria Admivistrative Code 15A NCAC 04A.0105 (25). Temporary and permanent ground cover stabilization shall be achieved in accordance with the provisions in this.contract and as d'uected. S��DING AND MiJI.CHING: ' (East) The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates o£ application o£ seed,. fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds pez acre. All Roadway Areas March 1- August 31 September 1- Fetiruary 28 50# Tall Fescue 50# Tall Fescue 10# Centipede 10# Centipede 25# Bermudagrass (hulled) 35# Bermudagrass (unhulled) 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone 4000# Limestone Waste and Borrow Locations March 1— August 31 September 1- February 28 75# Tall Fescue 75# Tall Fescue 2S# Bermudagrass (hulled) 35# Bermudagrass (unhulled) 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone 4000# Limestone 1 of 49 4/4/2014 U-2525B �r;o Guilford County Note: 50# of Bahiagrass may be substituted for either Centipede or Bermudagrass only upon Engineer's request. Approved Tall Fescue Cultivars 2°d Millennium Duster Avenger Endeavor Barlexas Bazlexas II Bazrera Barrington Bilhnore Bingo Bravo Cayenne Chapel Hill Chesapeake Constilution Clvpper Coronailo Coyote Davinci Dynasty Dominion Espalade Falcon II, III, IV & V Fidelity Pinesse II Firebird Focus Crrande II Greenkeeper Greystone Infemo Justice Jaguar 3 Kalahazi Kentucky 31 Kitty Hawk Kiriy �Iawk 2000 Lexington Magellan Masterpiece Matador Matador GT Millenniwn Montauk Mustang 3 Olympic Gold Padre Pazaiso P'tcasso Piedinont Pure Gold Prospect Quest Rebel Exeda Rebel Sentry Regiment II Rembrandt Rendidon Scorpion Shelby Signia Silverstar Southern Choice II Stetson Tarheel Titan Ltd Titanium Tomahawk Tacer Trooper Turbo Ultimate Watchdog Wolfpack On cut and fill slopes 2:1 or steeper Centipede shall be applied at the rate of 5 pounds per acre and add 20# of Sericea Lespedeza from January 1- December 31. . Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided tlie 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed: Native Grass Seeding And Mulching (W�t) Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be performed on the disturbed areas.of weUands and riparian areas, and adjacent to Stream Relocation and/or trout stream conshuction within a 50 foot zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. The stream bank of the stream relocation shall be seeded by a method that does not alter the typical cross section of the stream bank. Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall also be performed in the permanent soil reinforcenient mat section of preformed scour holes, and in other areas as directed. The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be detemuned. All rates aze in pounds per acre. 2 of 49 4/4/2014 U-2525B Guilford County �.53. August 1- June 1 18# Cteeping Red Fescue 8# Big Bluestem 6# Indiangrass 4# Switchgrass 35# Rye Grain 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone May 1— September 1 18# Creeping Red Fescue 8# Big Bluestem 6# Indiangrass 4# Switchgrass 25# German or Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone Approved Creeping Red Fescue Cultivars: Aberdeen Boreal Epic Cindy Lou Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A difFerent analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. Narive Grass Seeding and Mulching shall.be performed in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establislunent. Measurement and.Payment Native Grass Seediizg and Mulching will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1660-8 of the Standard Specificatiotrs. ' TEMPORARY SEEDING: Ferfilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for Seedrng and Mulching and applied at"the rate of 400 pounds and seeded at the rate of SO pounds per acre. Sweet Sudan Grass, German Millet or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and Rye Grain during fhe remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. FERTIT,IZER TOPDRESSING: Fertilizer usecl for topdressing on all roadway areas except slopes 2:1. and sieeper. shall be 10-20- 20 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the. same ainount of plant food as 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. Fertilizer used for topdressing on slopes 2:1 and steeper and waste and borrow azeas shall be 16- 8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may.be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8-8 analysis and as directed. 3 of 49 4/4/2014 NCI)OT Parcels 39 and 41 along I�ines Chapel 12oad Borrow Site Jurisdiciional Feature I)elineaiion and Federally Threatened and Endangered Species Investigatiou Guilfm�d County, Norfh Carolina Prepared foi: Mr. Andy Downs I�`Iltiroit 7614 Busiuess Park Drive, Suite G GreevsUoro, NC 27409 Prepared Uy: The Catena Group 1000 Corporate Drive Hillsbo►•ough, NC 27278 Tel (919) 732-1300 Jime 12, 2015 1. PURPOSE Flatiron is considering usnig NCDOT Parcels 39 and 41 along Huies Cl�apel Road as Uorrow sites to provide ivaterial for TIP U-2525B. The Uorrow sites are located approximately 0.6 inile wesi of Raukiu Mill Rd on the uorth (Parcel 41) aud sonth (Parce139) side of Hiues Chapel Rd in GreensUoro, Guilford County, NC (Parce139 PIN#: 7896050779; Parcel 41 PIN#: 7886966391). As part of the Evvu•onmental Evahiatiou requn�ed uuder tlie NCDOT Reclamatiou Procedures for Borrow/GVastelStaging Areas for Coutracted Projects, Three Oaks Euguieeriug � The Cateua Group, Ina (Catena) has been retanied to couduct jurisdictional del'uieatious aud tlu•eateued aud endaugered species surveys. 2. PRO,IECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Uorrow site cousists of parce139 wluch is appro�uately 1.5-acres and p�rcel 41 whicl� is approacuuately 2-acre (Appendix A, Figuce 1). The study area consists of the proposed access road, Uorrow site, aud a 400-ft wide peruneter Uuffer extending Ueyond the linuts of the proposed borrow sites. 3. METI30DOLOGI�S Cateua was provided with maps depieting the study area. Additional mapping resources used iu tlus iuvestigatiou iuclude t(ie most recent United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 7.5- ininute topographic quadraugle map (name of quad map), National Wetland I�iventoiy (NWI) Mapping, �ud the Guilford Cotmty Soil Survey. These resource maps were aids in detemiiuing the po[eutial for the preseuce of jurisdictional wetlauds aud/or str'eams. The USFWS lists only oue endaugered species for Guilford Couuty, the small-�vhorled pogouia (Isobia n�edeoloicles). Altliough uo longer listed aud protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1971, as is the case for the eudangered pogottia, the Uald eagle (Hnlineetus lea�cocel�halus) is knowu to occur iu Guilford County. This iu�portant raptor is stil( protected Uy the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. A search �vas conducfed witliin the sttidy area, including t(ie access road, for suitable I�aUitat for all species. 4. QUALIFICATION OF INVESTIGATORS The iuvestigafion was performed Uy Randy Turner and Sarah Burtou. ibfi�. Tumer is a seuior biologist with over 25 years of experieuce witli nahual resource iuvestigatious including wetlaud aud sh�eaui delitieation, tlu•eateued aud eudangered species suiveys, uahiral systems assessmeuts, stream classifications, and GIS mapping. Ms. Burton's l�as multiple years' expeiience couductiug biological field investigations iu several ecological regions of tlie U.S. Her primaty duties included compiling and analyzing data, creatiug figtues, �nd assembling the report. 5. RESULTS The study areas of Uoth proposed bon•ow parcels (39 and 41) were closely examined duiing a walking survey ou June 15, 2015 by the Catena investigators. NeitUer jurisdictional streatns nor wetlauds occur witliin the paz•cels designated for excavatiou for Uorrow purposes. 51. JurisdicHoual Wetlands One jurisdictional wetland, identified by tlie couh•actor that was deliueaYed as part of tiie U- 2525B project (Permit Site 13), is outside the limits of the proposed Uorrow activities aud Uetweeu tlie two proposed sites (Figure 2). No other jurisdictioual wetlands occur witl�in the proposed Uorrow sites. 5.2. Jurisdictional Sh�eams Two small streains, identified Uy t�e contractor tl�at were delineated as pact of the U- 2525B project (Permit Site 13 and Permit Site 14), are outside the liuiits of the proposed Uorrow site (Pigure 2). No other jurisdictioual str�eams occur withiu the proposed Uorrow site parcels. 5.3. Ripariau Buffeis The project is located withiu the Cape Fear River Basiu; however the proposed Uoirow site parcels do not coutain a stream chanuel, uor is there a sh�eam cl�auuel iu close proxinuty to the proposed Uorrow sites. 5.4. �udangered Species Surveys 5.41. Baid eagle (Haliaeetus leircocep7ralus) HaUitat for the Uald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proxuuity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large douuuaut hees are utilized for uestiug sites, typically wittiin oue inile of opeu water. A desktop-GIS assessmeut of tUe study area, as well as the area witluu a 1 inile pius 660 ft radius of tlie project limits, was perfo�n�ed on Juue 10, 2015, usiug 2010 color aerials. No water Uodies laige enough or sufficieutly opeu to be considered poteutial foragiu sottrces were ideutified. The closest water body considered to be suitable foraging I�abitat for tlie bald eagle is L�ke Townsend, more thau 3 miles away. Duc to the lack of habitat, known occurreuces, aud minimal i�upact anticipated for tlus project, it has Ueeu deteruuued tl�at this project will I�ave No Effect on tlus species. 5.4.2. Sm111 whor(ed pogonil(IsoG•ia nredeoloides) Small whorled pogonia occurs in young �s well as maturiug (secoud to tliird successional growth) inixed-deciduous or mixed-deciduouslconiferous forests. It does not appear to e�ibit stroug affuuties for a partieular aspect, soll rype, or uuderlyiug geologic substrate. Iu Nortli Caroliva, the peremual orclud is typically fouud iu open, diy deciduous woods aud is often associated with white piue and rhododendrou. The species may also be found ou dry, rocky, wooded slopes; moist slopes, raviues lacking strearn channels; or slope b�ses near braided chauuels of vemal strelms. The orclud, ofteu limited by shade, requu�es small liglit gaps or cauopy Ureaks, aud typically grows under canopies tl�at arc relatively open or uear features like logging roads or streams that create long-persisting Ureaks in tUe forest cauopy. Suitable I�aUitat does uot occur within tUe proposed limits of tlie Uoiro�v site. Marginal habitat was noted in tl�e northeiYi extent of the study area and cousists primarily of older deciduous and a few couiferous trees. A review of the Januaty 2015 NCNHP recocds on 7une 10, 2015, ivdicates no lu�owu occurreuce witUin one u�ile of tl�e study area. Walking surveys of tl�e entire surface areas of tl�e rivo parcels confii7n tliat the listed small-wliorled pogouia does uot occur withiu the Uoundaries of the hvo proposed Uon•ow sites. Tl�e project will have No Effect on stnall wliorled pogouia. 6. SUMMARY This report addresses iu part the Euvu�omueutal Evaluation requued uuder tl�e NCDOT Recllmation Procedures for Borrow/ Waste! Staging Areas for Couh�acted Projects. Development of tlie site is expected to l�ave no effect on federally listed species. No jurisdictional features were ideutified 'ui the proposed Uorrow site. There are hvo jurisdictional streams aud one jurisdictioual wetlands within the shidy area. These features are uot expected to Ue unpacted for the following reasons: • A uunuuuui 109�Uuffer will Ue ivaintained from these feahues See aitached memo date July 17, 2015 e Excavation will not occur Uelow the elevation of the jurisdictional feahires • Tlie drlinage �re1 to these features will uot Ue altered It is auticipated that these sites will Ue accessed directly from the U-2525B roadway corridor. As such, access uupacts are auticiplted. REFERENCES Envuomnental LaUoratory. 1987. "Corps of Engiueers Wetlauds Delaieatiou Mauual," Technical Report Y-87-1. US Anny Engineer Waterways Experuuent Statiou. Vicksbuig, MS. HPOWEB: NCHPO GIS Seivice. (iJpdaied daily.) www.ucdcr.�ov/h op web. Accessed FeUiltaiy 10, 2015. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 2001. Guide to Federally Listed Eudangered and T}u•eatened Species of North Carolina. Raleigh, NC. 134 pp. North Caroliva Online Soil Survey Manuscripts: Guildford County. http://soils.usda.gov/suivey/onliue smveysJnorth carolinal. Accessed February 3, 2015. USDA, NRCS, 2010 Field I�idicators of Hydric Soils iu the Uuited Stafes, Version 7.0. L.M. Vasilas, G.W Hurt, and C.V. Noble (eds.) USDA, �IRCS in cooperation with the National Teclmical Covunittee for Hydric Soils. U.S. Ai�uiy Coips of Eugineers. 2010. Regioual Suppleluent to the Coips of Eugineers Wetlaud Delineation Matmal: Eastern Mountains and Piedmout Regiou Version 2.0), ed. J.F. Berkowitz, J.S. Wakeley, R. W. Lichvar, C.V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR- 12-9. VicksUurg, MS:U.S. Army Eugineer Research and Developuieut Ceuter. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Setvice. 1992. Small Whorled Pogonia (Isoh•ia medeoloides) Recoveiy Plan, First Revision. Newton Coruer, Massachuesetts. 75 pp. Appendix A Figures The Catena Group Hines Chapel Road Borrow Sifes for U-25258 SOIIS (11��p GuiE€ord Counly, North Carollna June 2015 o ta5 zto �,._. _,.�� lob No.: 2t89 �Egure The Hines Chapel Road Catena Borrow Sites for U-2525B Topography Map "� Fi ure June 2015 g �aie 0 105 210Feet bNo.: ' zfss � �GINEER/y�� y e � � � `�y�H33N�`�a�' ��� _ r t -� � - • �'; . • � � '° '-,, _ _- u u�:; � u • FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE Three Oaks Engineering, Inc. � The Catena Group 1000 Corporate Drive, Suite 101 Hills6orough, NC 27278 (919)732-1300 luly 17, 2015 Mr. Andy Downs, PE Flatiron Michael G. Wood Three Oaks Engineering/The Catena Group Wetland Buffer Setback Reassessment - Parcels 39 and 41, Hines Chapel Road Borrow Sites NCDOT Parcels 39 and 41 along Hines Chapel Road Borrow Site - Jurisdictional Feature Delineation and Federally Threatened and Endangered Species Investigation Three Oaks Engineering/The Catena Group (Catena) completed a jurisdictional feature delineation within two parcels proposed to be utilized as borrow site for TIP U-25256, as required be NCDOT. The results of this evaluation are listed in the Jurisdictional Feature Delineation and Federally Threatened and Endangered Species Investigation report dated luly 17, 2015. Based on general topographic data and an approximate grading plan, Catena requested a 100-ft buffer be maintained around all jurisdictional features. The final proposed design for the borrow pit proposes a 50-ft setback be maintained from jurisdictional features with an excavation depth that will not exceed that of the jurisdictional features. As such, Catena reassessed possible impacts to jurisdictional features based on the most recent design plan and concluded jurisdictional features would not be impacted with the reduced setback. Sincerely, �r-�( 6 . L�� Michael G. Wood, LSS Principal i' �: BOk�tROW PIT/WASTE AREA INrORMATIOPi r022M FO�t � S'TATE I-IISTORIC PRESERVATION Ok'k'ICE R�'VdEW ;!"' I j I'trase Prinl or T}�r. �: cauntv GUILFORD ,• 3280 NINES ChIAPL'l. RQ ' InName..._. . ._._.__Arrcag,. 2�2 �. 1ligh���a�� PrqjcccNo. and Dcsr�ipliunU-2525B GREENSBORQ BASTERP! LOOP Cupu:ictor F�TIRON CONSI'HUCTORS _ --- - _— Company and Conlacl N;�mc 7614-G BUSINGSS PARI< DR. —._ — _-- S�rcat ilddress or P.Q. (iox GflECNSBOHQ, NC 27405 __ _ - 'Poten, Slatc, %ip Codc �J 19•460•53�J3/ 919-4G0-570f3 � _—_. 'felrphnnejFeix N11m6r.1�s 7-14-15 I)a(e SubmiUed ACtCHITECTURAL RLSOURCE3 ��>)I1� �Nu ���� � ���' illi . �� ,i;�>; '� CR �� E i , (i �,��•� �� � � �l"��,�(I��IS r^ iL�""'1 , �`'��,,�; �� 1. rlro tl�ere any Iniildings or suurn�res on ihe projrot site? (Include ubandoned bm�ns, I'armhousrs, tob.icco shcds, bridgcs, i•tc.� . NO 2. l�ycs, submit onc scl nl photuGraphs oi any slruclums �vhich appc.u' �u h.�e�� I�r��n built 6ulure t1'orld lVar II (Pol<u'oicl-t�'pi� snnpshuix nrr ukayj. Photus shuidd shott� lhc lronl :�nd onc sidc• of strucltu�r and area I�rhind st�ucui rc. ARCAAEOLOGICAL T2�SpURCE3 1. Present ��nd preriuus I.an4 uses nf ihe pi-oposed 6on�u�v a�ren. VACANT LOT - PREVIOUSLY A HOl1S[ TI-IAT HAS E3E�N DEMOLISHE� 13Y NCDOT 2. Wh;�l I<ind ul site preparruion, i( any, has takcn pinc�- on ti�e pr��ject sire7 NoNr-_ 3�. liavc anY arfil:�r,ts (nrrowheads, puur�y, elc�� becn loUnd i�n Ihr site? NO �. Are anY rnniiced or unmerked ecmcterirs Incalryi wilhin the proposed pi� aren7 NO� 6. I lus Ih�� area 4r,en si�rr�yed by an ;archarolnt;itii7 II yc�s, giec �he nume ol'the :urhar-ologis� and tlte date�ol tha sumc�', it Icno�v- NO . �:iiLC�����•a �<<�-il irti " C���!�fC- Plense attach n copy of a mnp showt��g the exact location of tho proposud bwrow pIt/aasta nrea. A portfon of an identitled USGS quaQ sheot la preCerred antl wlll ensure timely revlew of your proJech. Submit tlte completed form nnd map fo: Renee Qledlilll�Cpdey, Environmental Rnviow Coordinqtor, Stnfe Historlc Preservution Oftico, 4G17 T1nil3ervic"e Center, Rnleigh� NC 29699-4617 (talepl�one 919/807-6584�. _ __ �*AIioW nt Icast thirty dnys for our revtetv aud comment`" _� R�e ha�•e nu cninmant on �he pruject i3s pmposeti. AddiCior�.il inl'urmatiun is ncrdzd in complela uUr raviow. _An�archncalogic:ii sw�t•i�y is rei•ommendcd. ( � ` (� n (' n st�;�,�>d: __I�o_�-�? . _ �`LC(,�`� 11e��-- Renir CilcdhiU Cmicy �, , C��.��%� � -' m %C_ " � 1fllC: __ .. �?`_. - . /1� FCbruac�' J.p03 JUL 1 5 2015 � B012720W PIT/WAST� Al2EA INF0121VIATIOIV F012N1 5�012 S'�`ATE kIISTORIC PRESERVATIOIV OFI�'ICE RE'VIEW j, t a i� ;15 � � PI�•ase Print w�'t\�pe . j ' . � Cnunt�, CU�LFORD Pii Ynmc 3269 HINE5 CHAPEL flD A��reage_ 3.0 � , .._ _._._ , k ,�l Hlgh.vny Prnjcct No. and Ucscriplion U-��?aQ GREENSBORO EAS7ERN LOOP �.'<� . ..._— .--. ___.---._ F,R I'i Con�ractor FLATIflON CONSI'RUCTORS — —._. _ _—__ Compmi}• ond Contact Y,amc 7fit�1-G BUSINESS PAHI< DR. __ —.. _—...__.— ... ...—_. Sireut Addrcss qr RO. 13os GR[ENSBORO, NC 27405 — — -- To�vr2, Statc, 7,ip Cadc ..- �J19-4�0-5393/919•460-57DII — — .— —_ _-- _ Telcphohc/�a� Nutnl�crs 7-1 �t-15 Ucuc.Submiued ARCHITGCTIJRAL RESOURC�S _��il-_�' 9�V. K (_�i� ������f� ; �. n �,�- ; i3�r• -t�����5 .� ,-��� ��t.;r,� , _ �(�i ,< <>�t G � L A�zt �ht°re nnY buildintis or structures on iB�� project siir? (Inrlude a6�ndnncd b.�rns. tarmhousa�s, Inbacco sh��ds, 6ridges, etr.l NO ?. If �t:s, submit nne srt ol phomgrnphs of riny svuciures ���idt•h .ippevr �o he�ve b�rcn buil� 6eiorc lVorW \Var 11 .�(Poleroid-tVP�• S���pshuts ivc oki91')- Pliolos should show Ihc li-on� and onc sidc of siruc�urc and area bchind strUChtre. - ARCfTA�OLOGICA4 RESOTJRCGS l. Prescnl anii previaus land uscs of U�c proposcd burrow arcn. VACANT LOT • PR[VIOUSLY Fl HOUSE THAT HAS 6CEN D6MOLISH[D BY NCDOT 2. Nhrxt I:iiid ol site prepiir;viUn, i(.mv, h.ts taken plar.e on �he project site7 NONC �. Hnvc any er�ifncis jFinnwhends, puttery, etc_I bcan iowid on tlie site'l NO 4. Arr:mv marked nr unmorl:cd ccmctcrirs bca�ed tvilhl�� Ihe proposed pft arca? NO 5. li,�s �hr, :�rca liecn survrycd by nn ;�rchaeologist? II'yes, giec the nnnte ol' Ihc archacologist and lhc.• Jitic� of thc survc�5'� i(I<nnu�. NO Please attach a coyy of a map shorving tl�e e�ct location of tho proposed horrow ptE/waete aren, A portion of an�idontified U$GS quld sheet ls prefcrred nnd wlll ensurp t(moly review of your pmJect.'3ubmlt tho completed form and mup to; Renee Gledhlll-Car(ey; F.nvironmental Review daorrlinator� Stuto Hiskorlc PreservnHon Oftice, 4617 Mnil Servlce Conter, Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 (telepl�one 919/807-6584), __ `•Nlow nt Icnst thlrty days for our [ev(ew nnd commanN' ..—l� _ lVc h,icc no cnmmGnl on ih�. projcct as proposrd. ---_._ Addiliunal inlurm��lion is nccded ia rnmplete nur revic�e. Ai� nrchaeuingienl sun�ey is reconunended. $iynr,d: �--. 1 l�r!�.�L l�d�'-4�.bL-CX " L.-J,+ciJL . t)nli•: —.._�—l�,i ' l$ ..�_ —_ ( Rc.ncr (i1ed11111 L'.n�lcY ..—� - ��� �� —..—... I�ebrt�t�n� 2068 iui_ t � 2at5