HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230797 Ver 1_More Info Received_20230901Board of Commissioners Jimmy Farrington, Chair Mark Mansfield, Vice -Chair Bob Cavanaugh Chris Chadwick David Quinn Chuck Shinn Ed Wheatly September 1, 2023 N.C. Division of Water Resources c/o Holley Snider 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 (via email at holley.snider@deq.nc.gov) Dear Ms. Snider: County Manager Tommy R. Burns, III Clerk to the Board Lori R. Turner SUBJECT: Carteret County Western Boat Ramp Project —Additional Information Request This letter is in response to your August 3, 2023, request for additional information on the application submitted by Carteret County for the proposed Western Carteret Boat Ramp Project. Your "additional information" letter requested a written response to the additional informational items within 30 days of receipt of the letter. Please accept this letter as our response to these items within the requested 30-day timeframe, which we believe to be sufficient to prevent the Division of Water Resources (DWR) from retiring the application package. Additional responses or clarifications will be provided to your agency as necessary. Before delving into the requested supplementary details outlined in your letter, I want to provide a contextual backdrop for this project, with the hope that you will factor these elements into your evaluation of its potential impacts. Firstly, I would like to emphasize that this initiative constitutes a public endeavor aimed at granting access to publicly entrusted water bodies for individuals who do not possess waterfront lots with docks that are routinely approved by your agency. Secondly, it is worth noting that the entire project site was originally approved for a housing subdivision, with streets and over a dozen waterfront lots and dozens of interior lots. Under this initial plan, each of these waterfront lots would have accommodated docks with up to four boat slips. Additionally, the remaining acreage landward of the approved subdivision was slated for future development that would have included additional housing and commercial establishments along Highway 24. The resultant ramifications stemming from these proposed land uses would have far exceeded the potential impacts of the current boat ramp project, given its carefully devised design and comprehensive mitigation features. It is of utmost significance to highlight that a substantial portion —specifically one -third —of the county's property has already been placed under conservation easements. These protective measures are in place to safeguard the inherent natural features of the area, including a two -acre waterfront stretch. Notably, these conservation designations combined with restrictions placed on the entire property by the U.S. Navy and the N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, strictly prohibit any form of residential or commercial development, reserving the land exclusively for public recreational uses. Finally, the county has allowed the North Carolina Coastal Federation to install nearly 400 feet of living shoreline to protect the waterfront conservation easement area from continued erosions due to existing boat wakes. Thus, even preceding the pursuit of permits forthe boat ramp, the county has proactively taken measures that have yielded significant environmental advantages by acquiring and safeguarding this property. Evidencing the genuine need for this project, multiple federal and state public entities have made substantial investments, totaling more than $11 million, toward land acquisition and facility development. Noteworthy contributors include the N.C. General Assembly, the N.C. Land and Water Fund, the N.C. Parks and Recreational Trust Fund, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, and the Navy. Recognizing the necessity to counterbalance environmental effects arising from the proposed project, the county enlisted the expertise of Dr. Jud Kenworthy, a distinguished authority in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) and a former NOAA expert. Dr. Kenworthy, who currently holds a pivotal role with the Albemarle -Pamlico National Estuary Program, has provided invaluable guidance in comprehending SAV status and trends. It's important to note that Dr. Kenworthy's credentials are appended to this communication. Collaborating with the county and the North Carolina Coastal Federation, his efforts have expanded the county's mitigation strategy into an ambitious Bogue Sound restoration initiative. The proposed mitigation plan stands as a constituent element within a more expansive strategy that the county is actively fostering. This comprehensive approach aims to advance a suite of projects, unrelated to the present permit application, which collectively address the diverse threats faced by SAV in the sound. Lastly, a close examination of the proposed ramp's location is warranted. The area in question, formerly agricultural fields, comprises predominantly sandy terrain, facilitating rapid water infiltration. The majority of water runoff is directed northwards, away from Bogue Sound, via the conservation zones and wooded regions that serve as buffers for the headwaters of Sikes Branch. Stormwater generated by the parking area is intended to be absorbed by the soil, and any residual flow is expected to proceed laterally through groundwater, directed northward towards the creek. The groundwater that ultimately reaches the creek will then follow an eastern trajectory, culminating in its entry into Bogue Sound, approximately a mile away from the property, behind the Cannonsgate Subdivision. Through careful consideration of the property's attributes and the ramp's design, it can be confidently asserted that this project will not contribute any significant amount to stormwater pollution, even during instances of significant rainfall. For ease of response, each additional informational item has been separated and are being presented individually as follows: Provide additional information on the TOPEX/POSEIDON global tidal model utilized in the Flushing Analysis for the Western Carteret County Boat Launch Project. Branch staff are unfamiliar with the MIKE21 model. Models must be publicly available for replication by DWR staff, and all data used to populate models must be included. Please submit a modeling plan to DWR for approval. Response: A revised Flushing Analysis — Modeling Plan is attached as to this letter (see Attachment A). Once we receive confirmation that the proposed modeling plan meets with DWR's approval, the model will be run, and the results provided to DWR. Environmental Assessment • Address the inconsistencies in wetland and aquatic resource impact calculations between the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) application, narrative, and mitigation plan. Review and correct inconsistent calculations for wetland and aquatic resource impacts within the application materials. and • Revise the narrative and application materials to match the DCM application's descriptions of development impacts and shoreline stabilization plans. Response: The following items were revised as follows: - the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) impact area in the mitigation plan has been updated to .078AC (from 0.77AC) to match what was in the application narrative, drawings, and portal forms. This value matches what is shown in the DCM Bio-Report and application portal forms. - Changed the length of each boat ramp from 253.5' in the application narrative to 152.5' to correctly reflect the length of each ramp, and to be consistent with the length (152.5') indicated in the application portal forms. Please note that the DCM Bio-Report will need to be updated to reflect this correct length. - Added the dimensions of riprap to be placed along the shoreline of the upland basin to the DCM application portal forms. • Clearly define the mitigation area for seagrass growth and specify the post -construction evaluation and monitoring area. Response: Please refer to the Exhibits that were included in the originally submitted Conceptual Compensatory Mitigation Plan, dated March 30, 2023. Exhibit A is an overall vicinity map that identifies the primary Mitigation Site for seagrass restoration (Method A) as well as the boat ramp site and our secondary in -kind mitigation area (Method B). Coordinates of the primary Mitigation Site are included in Appendix I of that document. New Exhibit C includes the baseline seagrass survey transects for the restoration area and adjacent reference areas. New Exhibit E (attached) includes proposed mitigation area monitoring transects. • Address concerns about the proposed location of the QuickReef revetment and its potential impacts on existing SAV and shoreline stability. Response: The QuickReef sill and revetments are intended to assist with erosion that is severely damaging the naturalized spoil island system that protects thriving seagrass beds and other shallow water aquatic habitats. The manufacturer of the system (Native Shorelines) has successfully completed numerous similar projects as an important component to living shorelines to foster salt marsh protection and shallow water habitat enhancement. Along upland areas, products like QuickReef accompanied by nature -based solutions are a viable alternative to traditional bulkheads. Additionally, recent conversations with resource and regulatory agencies have focused on the potential impacts of living shorelines on SAV and SAV habitats. Coastal scientists are interested in this topic and are working to shine light on the relationship between marshes and SAV, erosion and SAV, and living shorelines and SAV. Notably, Sanford and Goa (2018) found that when marshes erode or are drowned by rising sea levels, they become a source of sediment that can negatively impact SAV'. As such, stopping marsh erosion and loss could be of benefit to SAV populations. To quantify long-term impacts of living shorelines on SAV and SAV habitat, Palinkas et al. (2023) studied eight living shorelines in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay ranging in age from 9 to 13 years old (installed between 2004 and 2008, studied in 2017 and 2018)1. They chose "four living shorelines with persistent SAV beds adjacent to the shoreline before installation and four living shorelines without SAV before installation... along with observations at nearby reference (unaltered) shorelines." Their results showed the following: "In general, shoreline erosion continued at or above historical rates at reference shorelines, but living shoreline installation builds shorelines seaward and results in net shoreline accretion." "Living shoreline installation does not cause systematic changes to the subtidal habitat in adjacent waters, with post -installation sediment characteristics being closely linked to pre -installation conditions." "Living shoreline installation does not cause systematic changes to SAV distributions. Rather, SAV distributions at individual sites followed regional trends likely driven by water quality." "Sediment and nutrient burial in the coastal zone, which includes both intertidal marsh and subtidal SAV habitats, was highest for living shorelines due to the addition of marsh habitat... While this study did not consider direct replacement of SAV with living shorelines, these results suggest that discouraging living shoreline installation in areas with SAV may miss an opportunity to enhance nutrient burial in the coastal zone." M "This study identified many areas ripe for future research such as changes as living shorelines mature, impacts on downstream intertidal and subtidal environments, and studies in areas with denser and more persistent SAV, though the latter is limited by current regulations that discourage living shorelines near SAV." In addition to the information provided above, the North Carolina Coastal Federation has installed approximately 1,352 linear feet of QuickReef living shorelines at sites with known proximal SAV populations noted on the General Permits (DCM permits 88988C, 88712C, 84691C, 88673C, 80663C, 84673C, and 87389C). The oldest of these sites was constructed in August 2021 and the newest April 2023. This does not include QuickReef revetments or other sites where SAV was present proximal to the site but not noted on the permit. There have been no impacts to SAV populations observed at any of these sites. Sanford, L. P., & Gao, J. (2018). Influences of Wave Climate and sea Level on Shoreline Erosion Rates in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(1), 19- 37. https://doi.org/10.1007/Sl2237-017-0257-7 Palinkas, C. M., Balton, M. C., & Staver, L. W. (2023). Long-term performance and impacts of living shorelines in mesohaline Chesapeake Bay. Ecological Engineering, 190, 106944. https://doi.org/10.1016/).ecoleng.2023.106944 • Evaluate potential consequences of the QuickReef revetment on both landward and waterward sides and address any potential losses of SAV. Response: As stated above, the QuickReef system is being proposed to protect shorelines from erosion, including areas of seagrass. Along the mainland living shoreline areas proposed at the ramp site, QuickReef sills may allow SAV to grow closer to shore where there are high levels of turbidity due to peat and clay bank erosion. This may also be the case with the breach area (primary mitigation- Method 1) as well as Method 2. The QuickReef and other similar sill systems absorb wave energy and reduce wave refraction. The North Carolina Coastal Federation has installed over 10,000 linear feet of QuickReef living shorelines at a variety of sites in coastal North Carolina over the last three years. No significant scour landward or waterward of the structure has been evidenced at these sites. Pictures below show that QuickReef sills and revetments protect marsh very well, and that marsh will grow right up to the edge of the sill with no issues. As can be evidenced by the pictures below, QuickReef living shorelines also do an excellentjob of protecting salt marsh plantings. Pictures 1, 2, 3, & 4. Hammocks Beach State Park, Swansboro, NC. QuickReef installed December 2022, photos taken August 2023. Photo 5. Quiet Cove Rd, Gloucester, NC. QuickReef installed November 2022, photos taken August 2023. Photo 6. Waterway Dr, Cedar Point, NC. Oyster shell bags installed January 2021, QuickReef installed June 2022, photo taken January 2023. Photos 7, 8, 9 & 10. N Beach Rd, Wilmington NC (Figure Eight Island). QuickReef installed December 2021. Photo 7, taken December 2021, low tide. Photo 8 taken April 2022, low tide, following marsh planting Photo 9 and 10 taken June 2023, High Tide Design • Provide justification for the proposed project depth of -7.2 feet considering boat registration information and potential vessel draft limitations. Response: The proposed depth of dredging of -7.2' NAVD88 (-6.2' target depth plus 1.0' foot of allowable overdredge allowance) was chosen to allow for all potential boats users of the ramp to have adequate water depths to reach the AIWW. While it is acknowledged that many boats using the ramp will not need the entire -7.2' water depth, it is anticipated that some boats will require water depths close to the design. The chosen depth may also help to lengthen the time between future maintenance dredging events. • Conduct further investigation into infilling rates for channels aligned perpendicular to the AIWW and their potential impact on maintenance needs and habitat loss. Response: Cannonsgate Channel, which is located approximately 2,500' to the east of the proposed channel, was constructed generally perpendicular to the AIWW around 2005. The County is not aware of any maintenance excavation events for this channel since construction, indicating that infilling rates have been minimal for this channel. Old Ferry Channel, located approximately 20,000' to the west of the proposed channel, was constructed around 1960. Portions of this channel most recently underwent maintenance dredging in 2021. This most recent dredging project received all required State and Federal environmental permits, and the authorized dredging took place without any significant environmental impacts or concerns. • Consider implementing additional stormwater control measures to prevent sediment and pollutant run-off into the upland basin waters. Response: The current parking lot design incorporates pervious parking stalls, grassy infiltration swales, and one larger grassy infiltration basin just upland of the ramp and basin. These existing stormwater control measures capture all of the stormwater from the parking lot except for the area of actual ramp into the water. Much of the area of the parking lot drains to the north and not directly into Bogue Sound. That drainage will infiltrate, and eventually make its way to Sikes Branch that flows to the east for more than a mile towards Cannonsgate. There is no mechanism to treat the minimal amount of stormwater produced by the ramp itself. With the continual flushing of water from trailers being pulled in and out of the water, there will be much less accumulation of pollutants of concern on this section of the site that might be treated by any additional measure. • Address concerns about potential secondary impacts to shorelines adjacent to the ramp, considering residents' claims and the Town of Emerald Isle's investigations. Response: Residents adjacent to portions of the existing access channel to the Emerald Isle public boat ramp facility have expressed concern that use of the access channel is causing erosion of their shorelines. These concerns are especially pronounced in the area where the access channel comes towards shore from the AIWW and the turns east to run parallel to the shoreline (see Figure 1) Figure 1. Emerlad Isle Boat Ramp channel Additionally, the North Carolina Coastal Federation (NCCF), using available shoreline photography, performed an analysis of shoreline change adjacent to the Emerald Isle Access Channel. The NCCF compared shoreline positions from 2004 (before the construction if the Emerald Isle Boat Ramp), 2013 (shortly after the Emerald Isle Boat Ramp was constructed), and 2021 (See Attachment B). In general, at this particular location, it does not appear that perceivable shoreline 10 erosion has resulted from the use of the access channel over large portions of the area in question, although some isolated erosional pockets are evident. Shorelines throughout coastal North Carolina are exhibiting shoreline loss regardless of their proximity to navigation channels. Additionally, the existing AIWW channel adjacent to the County's proposed ramp location is currently heavily utilized by vessels of all sizes, some of which cause large wakes. Therefore, the County does not believe that the addition of extra boat traffic along this section of the Bogue Sound will lead to significant additional erosional problems to adjacent properties. Lastly, the SAV mapping conducted by Albemarle -Pamlico National Estuarine Program shows that this area of Bogue Sound near the Emerald Isla Boat Ramp has actually had a significant increase in SAV coverage since the ramp was opened. It is the only area of Bogue Sound with an increase in SAV coverage. Mitigation Plan • Address the contradiction between the proposed boat launch facility increasing boating and its potential negative impact on SAV growth. Response: The mitigation plan, in conjunction with the broader SAV strategy advocated by the Coastal Federation and County, aims to yield a net positive impact on the growth of SAV within Bogue Sound. The implementation of the boat ramp project acts as a catalyst, directing attention to existing threats faced by SAV in the region. These threats stem from shoreline erosion attributed to the consistent passage of large boats through the federal navigation channel, generating substantial wakes. Additionally, the numerous waterfront lots and docks further contribute to the heightened boat activity in the area. It's important to note that the boat ramp will facilitate access for smaller, trailer sized boats. Even on its busiest days when it will provide the capacity to launch several hundred boats, this number of boats is significantly lower than the existing daily peak usage of the federal channel, which has grown substantially over the past couple of decades with all the permitted waterfront developments. Addressing the future trajectory, it's evident that without a policy shift from regulatory agencies preventing new private docks with boat slips, boating activities will persist in their growth, regardless of the presence of the public boat ramp. In comparison to routinely approved individual private boat docks, this public facility, combined with its mitigation measures, offers more comprehensive safeguards for the preservation of SAV resources. This underscores the significance of a well -managed approach to public boating access as opposed to the continuous sanctioning of numerous separate boat docks. 11 PenderCo Based on coordination with the DCM, issues were raised associated with a Pender County Ramp and possible SAV impacts associated with boats. Noted SAV research scientist Dr. Jud Kenworthy (Vitae attached in Attachment C) identified this boat ramp and provided the following: "Based off of an inspection of chronological sequence of photos from Google Earth that are available forthis location, it appears that the ramp was installed in late 2011 or early 2012. There are good aerial photos on Google Earth for 2012, 2014, and 2015 where one can visually see the seagrass bed in proximity to the ramp. Looking closely at the seagrass bed to the northeast of the ramp, there is visible evidence of scarring, and there also appears that there was a vessel hull grounding on the southwest perimeter of the grass bed. There appears to be a reasonable explanation for these prop scarring impacts. Please see the Slides 1 & 2 in the attached PowerPoint (see Attachment D) to visualize what may have happened at this ramp facility. First of all, there is not a direct, marked, or deep channel exiting from the ramp out to the AIWW. For relatively largervessels using that ramp, the nearest, deepest, and marked channel originates offshore of the Yacht Basin just north of the ramp, approximately 0.1 miles. The channel markers are identified in the first slide. When a vessel operator navigates from the ramp to the markers (blue solid arrows) at the start of this channel (NW end), the grass bed being impacted isjust to the starboard, so any slight deviation of the vessel track will put it on top of the shallow grass bed. It is suspected that vessels are frequently deviating from this track and/or -cutting the turn into this channel (the most direct route to and from the ramp; blue dashed arrows) and frequently ending up on top of the grass bed. Vessels are likely doing the same thing returning to the ramp, coming into the marked channel from the AIWW and taking the most direct route back to the ramp and through the grass bed. Smaller shallow draft boats are likely to run southwest directly in and out of the ramp; however, the larger and deeper draft vessels are more likely using the marked channel to get out to the AIWW and these are the ones most likely impacting the grass bed. The second slide is zoomed in to the grass bed and shows the scarring. The problem with this secondary impact isn't the ramp, or even where the ramp is placed, or how many vessels use the ramp. The issue is guiding or controlling the traffic pattern coming and going to and from the ramp to navigable waters. A solution to this issue is a well -marked channel and a large sign with accompanying visuals (a map or photo) located at the ramp instructing operators to stay in the marked channel until they reach the AIWW, and explaining why this navigation route is important. Such informational signage and marked channel are proposed at the proposed project site (see original 12 permit application package), as is a proposal for a large "no -wake zone" (shown elsewhere in this response)." Harkers Island Dr. Kenworthy also examined historical Google Earth photos for the Harkers Island Boat Ramp, as well as aerial photos from the APNEP archive for 1992, 2006 and 2021 (See PowerPoint slides 3-13). It appears that the ramp was installed sometime between 1998 and 2003. The marked channel for vessels desiring to access deeper navigable waters directs them along a channel that bisects a shallow shoal that runs north -south parallel to the causeway, with patchy grass beds to the west and a larger continuous meadow to the east behind the causeway (PowerPoint slides 3). Based off of this examination, two points became evident; 1) that channel was present in older photography before the ramp was constructed and 2) the first good grass bed image is 1992, but older images reveal evidence the bed has been there at least since the early 90s. Anecdotal evidence from Dr. Kenworthy indicated that this SAV meadow has been there back to at least the early 80s. PowerPoint Slides 4-13 show a series of aerial photos with the dates noted in the upper left. There does not appear to be compelling evidence of damage or other impacts to the seagrass beds. In fact, it appears that the continuous meadow adjacent to the causeway has expanded. Despite the ramp and all of the vessel traffic it generates, the seagrass beds have persisted for three decades without obvious impacts to adjacent seagrass beds. Most of the changes you see are due to the different times of the year when the photos were acquired, depicting normal seasonal fluctuations in seagrass abundance that are observed coastwide. Again, the informational signage, well -marked channel, and large no -wake zone proposed for this project will avoid and minimize secondary impacts to SAV. In addition to the above points, we draw your attention to the recently published Army Corps of Engineers Technical Note (ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 August 2023, see Attachment E) attached to this response letter. On page three of this document there is a section discussing the HISTORICAL DREDGING IMPACTS ON SAV. The Technical Note points out that most of the documented impacts resulted from using outdated and discontinued practices, and argues that since the early 2000s "in the United States, more recent dredging actions (since the early 2000s) implement environmental -management techniques, including sediment -plume modeling to help forecast dredge -induced turbidity and water - quality monitoring to help track in situ conditions during dredging activities, which have resulted in dredging practices with minimal or no impacts to seagrass beds". In the next paragraph the Technical Note states "Although few published studies have tracked SAV habitat recovery following dredging, SAV habitats showed significant recovery within two to three years following an initial decline". 13 Secondary dredging impacts from turbidity at the proposed project location would be minimized by adhering to all in -water work moratoria required by permit conditions. This is the period of time when water clarity naturally begins to improve, therefore offsetting any additional impacts from dredging induced turbidity. This is also the period of time during the life cycle of the seagrass meadow with the lowest growth and abundance; dredging during this time period would minimize and/or avoid secondary impacts from turbidity. Finally, this period of time is prior to the emergence of eelgrass seedlings. This seagrass meadow is primarily a seasonally ephemeral eelgrass meadow which relies on the annual replenishment of seeds for re -growth each year. There are thousands of acres of shallow subtidal and intertidal seagrass habitat like this in North Carolina. The seedlings emerge from the sediment in mid to late December and January; coinciding with a period of time in the Sound when water clarity is at its best. The plants grow and flower throughout spring and in early summer when turbidity increases and water temperatures reach thermally stressful levels, the eelgrass plants senesce and most die. In addition to the points made above on this item, the County would like to reiterate some of the avoidance and minimization items that have already been proposed to limit impacts to SAV habitat. Channel markers will be utilized to delineate the boundaries of the new channel, which will help ensure that boats utilizing the facility will not stray into adjacent areas of. In order to limit impacts to adjacent shorelines, coastal wetlands, and SAV habitat, Carteret County will request that a large "No -Wake Zone" be designated and enforced by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. This proposed No -Wake Zone, which is depicted in Figure 2, would cover all waters adjacent to the project site from the shoreline to the nearshore edge of the AIWW channel. 14 Figure 2 Proposed No -Wake Zone Carteret County, in coordination with the N.C. Coastal Federation, will install informational kiosks and signage on high ground educating the public to the importance of limited traffic to the marked access channel in an effort to avoid SAV impacts. • Develop a comprehensive mitigation plan with measurable goals, long-term implementation and monitoring strategies, and potential remedial actions if success criteria aren't met. Response: The proposed mitigation plan prepared for this project has been provided and specifies measurable goals with a five-year monitoring plan. Since the monitoring plan is designed to evaluate success metrics over time for five years, a fixed point systematic transect design is preferred as opposed to a random design. The fixed systematic transect design as proposed assures sample point coverage over the entire mitigation and reference sites (complete spatial coverage). Measurements of the success metrics over five years can be quantitatively analyzed with repeated measures statistical procedures that have a higher degree of explanatory power than random sampling. The higher degree of statistical power increases the efficiency, decreases the necessary sample size, and therefore reduces the cost. Whereas a random stratified design has a probability of incomplete spatial coverage of the sites, has lower statistical power and requires a greater number of samples, thus higher cost. 15 • Provide detailed information on implementation monitoring protocols, including as -built surveys, transect placement sampling procedures, and success criteria metrics. Response: Details of our mitigation monitoring plan are provided in the attached Conceptual Mitigation plan (see Attachment F). In response to this request, a new exhibit (see Attachment G) was developed which depicts our proposed sampling transect locations. See also earlier responses on the same subject. • Clearly identify the financially responsible party for post -construction monitoring, mitigation success, and restoration/remediation. Response: As the permit applicant and project proponent, Carteret County will be the responsible entity for ensuring that all post -construction monitoring, mitigation success, restoration and remediation actions are fully implemented. Regulatory Compliance • Ensure that the proposed project aligns with the regulations set out in 1SA NCAC 02H .0506(b)(1) regarding impacts on existing aquatic resources and downstream waters. Response: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(1) states that projects must show that they have "avoided and minimized impacts to surface waters and wetlands to ensure any remaining surface waters or wetlands, and any surface waters or wetlands downstream, continue to support existing uses during and after project completion". This regulation deals specifically with impact avoidance and minimization to surface waters and wetlands. For the proposed project, impact avoidance and minimization measures include the following: The project location was originally chosen for purchase by the County based on lack of SAV (per existing NCDEQ data layers) adjacent to at least a portion of the project. As supporting documentation for this decision, the County would like to point out that the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), in their July 28, 2023 comment letter on the proposed permit application, provided composite SAV coverage maps from 1981, 2006/08, and 2013 (see Figures 3, 4, and 5). While all of these maps do show historic SAV coverage along portions of the property's shoreline, none of these maps showed SAV coverage extending in front of the eastern portion of the property. Based upon the County's due diligence in regard to this resource, it was reasonable to expect at the time of purchase that an SAV-free access channel alignment could be designed and constructed. kill p t � t a s ire 3. • SAV Mapping.. provided .7/28/2023 comment letter) Al . � Figure 5. NCDEQ SAV Mapping layer from 2013 (Originally provided in NCDMF 7/28/2023 comment letter) Based upon an analysis of flushing models for various basin designs, a modified and shortened basin was design was chosen to ensure proper flushing of the basin. The proposed access channel base width was reduced from a desired 75' base width down to 50' base width to lessen impacts to shallow bottom and SAV habitat. This 50' base width is the absolute minimum necessary to allow for travel into and out of the basin at the same time. The basin location was chosen in a way that provided for excavation through the narrowest coastal wetland fringe along the County's property. Shellfish surveys conducted at the same time as preliminary SAV surveys indicate no significant accumulation of shellfish within the area of the proposed new channel. However, Carteret County does propose to implement a shellfish relocation effort (following coordination with the DMF) within the area of the new access channel prior to the initiation of dredging activities. The design of the facility was done following communications with the DMF —Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section to ensure that should lead to no shellfish closures in waters outside of the basin. It should also be noted that the Shellfish Sanitation Section provided "no comment" on the permit application package during the CAMA application review process. Channel markers will be utilized to delineate the boundaries of the new channel, which will help ensure that boats utilizing the facility will not stray into adjacent areas of. In order to limit impacts to adjacent shorelines, coastal wetlands, and SAV habitat, Carteret County will request that a large "No -Wake Zone" be designated and enforced by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. This proposed No -Wake Zone, which is depicted in Figure 2, would cover all waters adjacent to the project site from the shoreline to the nearshore edge of the AIWW channel. Carteret County, in coordination with the North Carolina Coastal Federation, will install informational kiosks and signage on high ground educating the public to the importance of limited traffic to the marked access channel in an effort to avoid SAV impacts. The upland basin will be excavated "in the dry" by leaving an earthen plug between the area to be excavated and the waters of Bogue Sound. A 24- hour period (minimum) after completion of excavation of the basin will elapse prior to plug removal to prevent unnecessary siltation into the adjacent waters. With regards to coastal wetlands (also classified as SWL be DWR), 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(5) appears to allow for activities that are "water dependent and requires access to water as a central element of its basic function", as is the case with this project. Therefore, the County believes that we are in compliance with this standard. In addition to the avoidance and minimization measures listed herein, the County has developed a comprehensive mitigation and monitoring plan that provides for functional replacement to SAV and wetland habitats impacted by project construction. When considered in total, the combination of all of these measures, along with the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring plan, will ensure that remaining surface waters or wetlands, as well as surface waters or wetlands downstream from the project location, will continue to support existing water quality uses during and after project completion, while also allowing the project to be found consistent with 15A NCAC 02B .0201 (Antidegradation Policy). In closing, the County would like to reiterate the importance of the proposed project to the boating public. The need for a large public boat launch facility on the mainland side of Bogue Sound has long been recognized. It is therefore the strong belief of the county that this project will have a significant positive benefit to the citizens of eastern North Carolina. Additionally, as outlined elsewhere in the original permit application narrative, as well as this letter, there is no reasonable alternative site available that would meet the purpose and need of this project along the western Shoreline of Bogue Sound within Carteret County. The avoidance, minimization and mitigation measures proposed for implementation associated with this project should address potential concerns with adherence to North 19 Carolina Water Quality Standards, thereby allowing for a positive regulatory decision to be rendered in this situation. The County would also like to point out that this project has strong support of the North Carolina Legislature, as evidenced by the appropriation of $3,300,000 to go towards the development of the ramp facility. It should be noted that the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has also pledged $1,000,000 towards the project. Thank you for your consideration of the information provided in this letter. Should you have any additional questions, or if we can provide any additional information that will aid your agency is It's timely review of this project, please contact Mr. Doug Huggett of Moffatt and Nichol at dhuggett@moffattnichol.com. cc: Sincerely, Eugene Foxworth Assistant County Manager Ryan Davenport, Carteret County Shore Protection Office Todd Miller, N.C. Coastal Federation Dr. Jud Kenworthy Brian Rubino, Quible Curt Weychert, NCDCM Doug Huggett, Moffatt and Nichol Mark Pirrello, Moffatt and Nichol 20 Attachments: Attachment A. Attachment B. Attachment C. Attachment D. Attachment E. Attachment F. Attachment G. Carteret County Western Boat Ramp - Flushing Analysis— Modeling Plan Carteret County Western Boat Ramp — Emerald Isle Shoreline Change Analysis Carteret County Western Boat Ramp - Dr. Jud Kenworthy Vitae Carteret County Western Boat Ramp— PowerPoint Showing Pender Co. and Harkers Island Boat Ramps Carteret County Western Boat Ramp —Army Corps of Engineers Technical Note Carteret County Western Boat Ramp - Conceptual Mitigation Plan Carteret County Western Boat Ramp - Proposed Sampling Transect Locations 21 Attachment A 4700 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 300 ,I„q Raleigh, NC 27609 Moffatt & n l c h o l (919) 781-4626 Fax: (919) 781.4626 www.rnoffattnichol.com MEMORANDUM To: Eugene Foxworth, Assistant County Manager, Carteret County Cc: Douglas Huggett, Moffatt & Nichol From: Mark Pirrello Date: August 24, 2023 Subject: Flushing Analysis — Modeling Plan The purpose of this flushing analysis is to analyze the flushing within the proposed launch basin, and this memorandum summarizes the hydrodynamic modeling plan that will be developed by Moffatt & Nichol (M&N) to evaluate flushing characteristics of the project site. Hydrodynamic and Flushing Modeling Plan The Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) MIKE21 Hydrodynamic (HD) model will be used to assess hydrodynamics and flushing in the Bogue Sound. MIKE21 is a comprehensive numerical modeling software package designed for (LID) and flushing analysis in coastal environments. Developed by DHI Group, a leading provider of software solutions for water and environment management, MIKE21 is widely used by researchers, engineers, and environmental consultants to simulate and analyze various aspects of water flow and water quality. MIKE21 HD model has been successfully applied by M&N to several projects in North Carolina including bridge replacement projects across the Outer Banks area by NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT), oyster habitat mitigation project in Pamlico Sound by NC Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), and a shoreline protection project in Ocracoke by NCDOT, Ferry Division. The Mike21 model is particularly renowned for its capabilities in hydrodynamic modeling, which involves the simulation of water movements, including tides, currents, waves, and water levels, within coastal and inland waters. It provides a detailed understanding of how water flows and interacts with its surroundings, aiding in the assessment of factors such as pollutant dispersion, and circulation patterns. The software's flushing analysis module (MIKE21 Advection-Diffusion (AD) module) simulates the transport and dispersion of the conservative pollutant in water and helps in quantifying the rate of water renewal in a given area, aiding in the design of effective strategies for pollution management and ecosystem protection. The model will be utilized to simulate tidal flows at the project site, with water levels and depth -averaged flow velocities extracted at locations of interest. The hydrodynamic model will be then coupled to the AD module to evaluate the transport and mixing of the conservative pollutant in the basin. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. M&N #10845 Error! Reference source not found. June 7, 2022 Memorandum Model Setup The model will include all of Bogue Sound, Bogue Inlet and nearshore Atlantic Ocean area and the White Oak River (Figure 1). The model will be composed of triangulated mesh which have varying resolutions with coarser grid cells within the offshore -most areas of the Atlantic Ocean to finer grid cells within Bogue Sound and finest gird cells inside the upland basin. The shoreline in the vicinity of the project site will be the Mean High -Water Line (MHWL) extracted from local bathymetry. The model bathymetry in the offshore areas and the Bogue Sound will be derived from the USACE, C-MAP by Jeppesen and NAVIONICS. The model bathymetry at the proposed upland basin and the entrance channel will be derived from the design files. N ALegend * Profect8ite 4 2 0 4 Miles Mosel Domain Figure is Model Domain moffatt & nichol Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. M&N #10845 Error! Reference source not found. June 7, 2022 Alemorandum Model Input Parameters Table 0.1 fists the primary parameters will be used in the HD model, and their initial values. Final value of those parameters will be determined through calibration efforts, as opposed to direct measurement, and following the guidelines provided by the DHI User Manual (DHI 2017a). Manning number M (M = 1 /n) quantifies bed resistance and accounts for energy loss due to bottom friction. Eddy viscosity quantifies turbulence and determines the rate at which momentum and constituents spread. The Smagorinsky coefficient of horizontal eddy viscosity ranges typically between 0 and 1, with 0 meaning no eddy viscosity. Coriolis forcing varying in the model domain will be included, which means the Coriolis force will be calculated based on the geografical information given in the mesh file. Table 0.1: InputPammetnrfor Hydrodynamlctbfodel Parameter Manning Number Horizontal Eddy Viscosity Coriolis forcing Moffatt & nlchol Initial Value A constant of 55 ru"Ns Smagorinsky coefficient with a constant of 0.28 Varying in domain based on the geographical information Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. M&N #10845 Error! Reference source not found. June 7, 2022 Memorandum Boundary Conditions and Initial Conditions A summary of boundary conditions that will be used in the HD model is presented below. The offshore boundary conditions, both water levels and currents, will be extracted from the Oregon State University (OSU) Tidal Data Inversion, specifically the TPXO8 global tidal solution with a resolution of 1 /6' (Egbert & Erofeeva 2002). The OSU global model of astronomical tides was developed assimilating the TOPEX/Poseidon global altimeter data (satellite -measured ocean surface). The TPXO models are updated periodically to incorporate new data and improve accuracy. TPXO8 is the eighth iteration of the TpXO series, which will be a more advanced version at the time of the HD model development. The TPXO8 model provides predictions of tidal amplitudes and phases for various tidal constituents (individual components of the tidal signal) across the global oceans. These predictions are used by scientists, researchers, and industries involved in oceanography, marine navigation, and coastal management. In this study, we will extract the tidal predictions from the TPXO8 model and apply them along the boundaries of the MIKE21 model. For calibration analysis, only tidal variations in water levels will be applied in the model. Wind, waves, and other freshwater inflows will not be considered to evaluate the flushing characteristics of the project site under a more conservative condition. For the flushing analysis, an average tide will be considered for the hydrodynamic analysis as it is reflective of current velocities through the neap and spring ranges and, therefore, yields a representative assessment of flushing performance of the basin. The AD module will specify an initial condition of a non -dimensional non -decaying conservative pollutant concentration of 100 released over a period of 20 minutes in the basin. The 20-minute period will be representative of a fuel tank spill as vessels are launched or hauled out of the basin. This tracer concentration is a value that is relative to the remainder of the model domain. At all other locations within the model, and at the boundaries, the initial concentration will be specified to be Zero. moffatl & nlchol Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. M&N #10845 Error! Reference source not found. June 7, 2022 Memorandum Reference Danish Hydraulic Institute PHI). 2017a. MIKE3 Flow Model FM - Hydrodynamic Module User Guide. Egbert, G.D. and Erofeeva, S.Y. 2002. Efficient Inverse Modeling of Barotropic Ocean Tides. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 19. mo!!att & nichol Attachment B Emerald Isle Shoreline �/y E Shoreline location in 2004, 2013 and 2021 North Carolina o 0.13 U5 os Miles Coastal Federation S _� i 1 f 0) Wahl s Topther fora kmhay Coos Date prepared Aug 30.2023 Shcct I of 4 IN Emerald Isle Shoreline r, A E Shoreline location in 2004, 2013 and 2021 Z'JJ_ North Carolina 0 0,03 0.07 0.13 Mils Coastal Federation s i xenwa rw+rx..fdox.amrcoou Date prepared Aug 30, 2023 Shed 2 of4 Emerald Isle Shoreline Shoreline location in 2004, 2013 and 2021 North Carolina 0 0.03 0.07 0.13 Mile,. � Coastal Federation s i vmuq,wahcx«uM coax Dmc payed Aug 30. 2023 Shcet 3 ef4 4 x�dir 5. 4 - •t� < �`' ,' �*fie' 1 Attachment C W. JUDSON KENWORTHY, PhD ADDRESS: 109 Holly Ln Beaufort, NC 28516, U.S.A. PHONE: 252-646-9174 (mobile) BORN: May 22, 1950, New Haven, Conn., USA MARITAL STATUS: Married, two children EDUCATION: PhD zoology, North Carolina State University, 1992 MSc Environmental Science, University of Virginia, 1981 BS Resource Development, University of Rhode Island, 1976 AFFILIATION Adjunct Faculty Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington EMPLOYMENT: 2023 - Present; Consulting contract with Ocean Wind, LLC to serve as a scientific technical advisor on successful implementation of SAV monitoring and restoration efforts in Barnegat Bay, NJ associated with the installation of transmission cables from an offshore wind farm in NJ. 2021-- Present; Consulting contract with North Carolina Coastal Federation and the Pew Charitable Trusts Conserving Marine Life in the U.S. Program to provide coastal wetland expertise in support of the North Carolina Natural and Working Lands Coastal Habitat Greenhouse Gas subcommittee, with a particular focus on helping advance the development of a Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) GHG inventory. August 2019-December 2019; Consulting contract with the Florida Wildlife Federation and the Pew Charitable Trust to conduct research and provide strategy advice to inform the development of a plan to protect submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat in North Carolina. July 2016 — 2021; Sub -contractor (CSS) to the Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, NCCOS, NOS NOAA, 101 Pivers Island Rd, Beaufort, NC 28516. Assist in the preparation of a national environmental assessment of the potential interactions between shellfish aquaculture and submerged aquatic vegetation. April 2015 — Present; Scientific advisor and external peer reviewer for the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP), University of New Hampshire, Nesmith Hall Rm. 305, 131 Main St., Durham, NH 03824 October 2011 -February 2017; Sub -contractor for Industrial Economics, Incorporated, Cambridge, MA, USA. Served as an expert scientific consultant supporting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the Federal and State Trustee Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Technical Working Group (SAVTWG) assessing the impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on submerged aquatic vegetation and restoration of ecological communities injured by exposure to oil. September 2013-December 2014; Fixed price contract with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the Cities of Dover, Portsmouth and Rochester, NH (USA) serving on an expert scientific peer review panel evaluating the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services proposal for establishing numeric nutrient criteria in the Great Bay Estuary, NH, USA. September 2012-February 2013; Fixed price contract with Photo Science, hie. 2955 Professional Place, Suite 320 Colorado Springs, CO, USA. Designed a sentinel site monitoring program for assessing the status of seagrass resources in Massachusetts (USA) coastal waters. September 2011-December 2011; Fixed price contract with the Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative, Barnstable County, MA, USA. Served as an expert member of a scientific peer review panel evaluating the Massachusetts Estuary Project's (MEP) Linked Watershed Embayment Model. I reviewed the MEP's efforts to develop and implement a program to apply Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) of nitrogen to protect seagrasses and other living marine resources in coastal Massachusetts estuaries. 1979-2011(NOAA retired); Research Fisheries Biologist, Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 101 Pivers Island Road, Beaufort, North Carolina, 28516. Served as a research project leader for experimental laboratory and field ecology research programs located throughout the United States, Caribbean basin, and other regions of the world directing basic and applied research on the structure, function, dynamics and restoration of coastal and estuarine ecosystems with special emphasis on marine seagrasses, coral reefs, benthic habitat utilization by marine organisms, and the environmental factors controlling the distribution, abundance and population dynamics of these communities. Prepared competitive research proposals and implemented field and laboratory research programs covering a wide range of ecological studies in the coastal zone and at sea on board small vessels and research ships. This research also directly addressed critical management issues in the coastal zone of the United States and globally. Daily, I worked on scientific teams dealing with the conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems providing expert consultation and scientific research results in support of local, state, federal and international resource management agencies conserving and restoring marine resources. My work also involved preparing reports and providing expert testimony for litigation involving natural resource damage assessment for NOAA, U.S. Department of the Interior and State Trustees. RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Nov. 1999 — present; Adjunct Faculty Appointment, Department of Biological Sciences and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, N.C. Mentor graduate students, serve on graduate student committees and prepare and implement research grant proposals. 2006 — present; Member of the Scientific Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) for the Albemarle -Pamlico National Estuary Partnership (APNEP). Currently serving as the co-chair of the STAC providing scientific and technical guidance to the Albemarle -Pamlico National Estuary Program on conservation, management and restoration of natural resources in the Albemarle -Pamlico region of North Carolina. Also serving as co -team leader for the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping and Monitoring Team. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2011 -2016; Expert seagrass restoration consultant for Al Iamali Environmental Consultancy, Doha, Qatar. 2011— 20 t5; Research Associate with the Sirenia Project, USGS, US Department of the Interior assisting in the planning and implementation of manatee captures, manatee radio tagging and tracking and benthic habitat mapping in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 2005 — 2019; Assisted the Bermuda Department of Conservation Services in designing and implementing a benthic habitat monitoring program in Bermuda and conducting research on the use of seagrass habitats by the green turtle Chelonia mydas December 2010; By invitation of the Qatar Ministry of Environment and Shell Oil Company I planned and implemented a five day workshop on seagrass restoration in Doha, Qatar. 1995; One year temporary assignment to conduct collaborative research in Spain, Thailand and the Philippines with Spanish, European, Philippine and Thai scientists in the Centre D'Estudis Avancats De Blanes, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Blanes, Spain. The objective of the assignment was to develop technical and applied scientific expertise in seagrass population ecology in order to develop models of seagrass population dynamics for use in management of living marine resources under the stewardship of NOAA and its international collaborators. 1991-1993; Co -PI of an interdisciplinary study of the effects of the Gulf War oil spill on coastal marine communities in the Persian Gulf. This work involved planning and implementing a six month research cruise on the NOAA ship Mt. Mitchell in the Persian Gulf, coordinating all phases of the cruise plan and collaborating with a multinational research team from the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran. The cruise resulted in a comprehensive assessment of the oil spill impacts that were summarized in an international meeting held in Kuwait and published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin. OTHER SELECTED ASSIGNMENTS AND EXPERIENCE; 2010 — 2016; Served as scientific technical lead for NOAA, State and Federal Trustees on the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Workgroup for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment of the Deepwater Horizons oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 1993 - 2011; Assist NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary Program, NOAA Damage Assessment Center, NOAA General Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice and other State and Federal Agencies in development and implementation of scientifically valid procedures for assessing injuries to seagrass ecosystems, modeling the recovery dynamics of these ecosystems and the development of restoration plans for these ecological communities Provide scientific expertise for NOAA, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers efforts to litigate for injuries to natural resources in coastal regions of the United States. This includes the preparation of expert reports on the ecological value of seagrass communities, field review of injury sites and proposed restoration areas, and pre-trial and trial depositions and expert testimony at trials. 1990 - 2011; Assist NOAA's Marine Protected Resources Program in the development and implementation of the Recovery and Implementation Plans for a threatened seagrass, Halophilajohnsonii. Conduct biological status reviews and prepare plans for conservation of Halophilajohnsonii. Halophilajohnsonii is the first marine plant ever to be listed under the United States Endangered Species Act and required specialized expertise and attention to research and management issues previously not encountered by the National Marine Fisheries Service and other Federal and State resource agencies. July 1998 - October 1999; Acted as co-editor with Dr. Michelle Waycott in organizing, implementing and supervising the scientific and editorial review for a special session on seagrass conservation at the Society for Conservation Biology meeting in Sydney Australia, July 1998. This meeting lead to the publication of a special issue of Pacific Conservation Biology dedicated to papers presented at this session. 1997— 1998; Assist National Marine Fisheries Service staff and the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council in development and preparation of essential fish habitat requirements for fishery management plans of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council. This assignment was in response to newly developed legislation that required fishery management councils to consider essential fish habitat in fishery management plans. 1995 — 2000; Planned and organized a national workshop sponsored by NOAA to evaluate the methods for determining the value of ecological services provided by seagrasses, seagrass injury assessment, and seagrass restoration. 1992; Acted as a scientific advisor on the steering committee to the National Biological Survey and U.S. EPA in development of the agenda and planning for a national workshop on Seagrass monitoring and Research in the Gulf of Mexico. This resulted in a published proceedings and continued research on the development of monitoring protocols for seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico. November 1990; Planned, organized and implemented a national workshop to examine the capability of water quality criteria, standards and monitoring programs to protect seagrasses. This resulted in published proceedings which lead directly to development of a number of research and management programs intended for the protection of seagrasses throughout the United States. 1989; Served on the Scientific Advisory Committee to the management team preparing the program plan and request for proposals for the habitat component of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program. PROFESSIONAL AWARDS: 1981; U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Unit Citation Award in recognition of outstanding individual and collective contributions in furthering NOAA's mission. 1982; United States Department of Commerce, NOAA Certificate of Recognition of outstanding performance during 1982. 1987; United States Department of Commerce, NOAA Certificate of Recognition of outstanding performance during 1987. 1991; United States Department of Commerce, NOAA Certificate of Recognition of outstanding performance during 1990 and 1991. 1992; United States Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award for outstanding service to NOAA, the Gulf Program Office and the Interagency Assessment Team in Support of Operation Desert Storm. 1994; United States Department of Commerce, NOAA Certificate of Recognition of outstanding performance during 1993 and 1994. 1996; United States Department of Commerce, NOAA Certificate of Recognition of outstanding performance during 1995 and 1996. 1998; NOAA Administrators Award for significant research achievements and contributions in obtaining settlements on claims pertaining to environmental impact to seagrass habitat. 1999; NOAA General Counsel Award for significant contribution to NOAA's mission to protect and conserve trustee resources in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 2007; NOAA Distinguished Career Service Award for sustained career excellence. 2008; NOAA General Counsel's Award for exceptional performance and significant contributions to the Office of the General Counsel. PUBLICATIONS: Megan M. Coffer, David D. Graybill, Peter J. Whitman, Blake A. Schaeffer, Wilson B. Sails, Richard C. Zimmerman, Victoria Hill, Marie Cindy Lebrasse, Jiang Li, Darryl J. Keith, James Kaldy, Phil Colarusso, Gary Raulerson, David Ward, W. Judson Kenworthy. 2023. Providing a framework for seagrass mapping in United States coastal ecosystems using high spatial resolution satellite imagery. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 337. https:Hdoi.ore/10.1016/0.ienvman.2023.117669 Bartenfelder, A., W. J. Kenworthy, B. Puckett, C. Dealer, and J. C. Jarvis. 2022. The abundance and persistence of temperate and tropical seagrasses at their edge -of -range in the western Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9. Doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnars.2022.917237 Combs, A.R., Jarvis, J.C., Kenworthy, W.J. 2020. Quantifying variation in Zostera marina seed size and composition at the species' southern limit in the western Atlantic; Implications for eelgrass population resilience. Estuaries and Coasts, https://doi.org/10.1007/sl2237-020-00839-5. Fourqurean, J.W., Manuel, S.A., Coates, K, Massey, S.C., Kenworthy, W.J. 2019, Decadal Monitoring in Bermuda Shows a Widespread Loss of Seagrasses Attributable to Overgrazing by the Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas. Estuaries and Coasts, doi; 10.1007/sl2237-019-00587-1 Furman, B.T., Merello, M., Shea, C.P., Kenworthy, W.J., Hall, M.O.2018. Monitoring of physically restored seagrass meadows reveals a slow rate of recovery for Thalassia lestudinum. Restoration Ecology, doi: 10.111 I/rec.12877 Kenworthy, W. Judson, Hall, M.O., Hammerstrom, K.K., Merello, M. & Schwartzschild, A. 2018. Restoration of tropical seagrass beds using wild bird fertilization and sediment regrading. Ecological Engineering 112, 72-81. Hall, N.S., Litaker, R.W., Kenworthy, W. Judson, Vandersea, M.W., Sunda, W.G., Reid, J.P., Slone, D.H., & Butler, S. 2018. Consortial brown tide — picocyarobacteria blooms in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Harmful Algae 73, 30-43. Burgett, C.M, Burkholder, D.A, Coates, K.A., Fourqurean, V.L, Kenworthy, W.J., Manuel, S.A., Outerbridge, M.E. & Fourqurean, J.W. 2018. Ontogenetic diet shifts of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) in a mid -ocean developmental habitat. Marine Biology 33, 1-12. Kenworthy, W.J., Cosentino -Manning, N., Handley, L., Wild, M., & Rouhani, S. 2017. Seagrass response following exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil in the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (USA). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 76:146-161. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps 1983 Lefebvre, L. W., Provancha, J. A., Slone, D. H, & Kenworthy, W. J. (2017). Manatee grazing impacts on a mixed species seagrass bed. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 564, 29-45. https://doi.org/10.3354/mepsl1986 Bourque, A.S., W. Judson Kenworthy and J.W. Fourqurean. 2015. Impacts of physical disturbance on ecosystem structure in subtropical seagrass meadows. Marine Ecology Progress Series 540:27-41. Fourqurean, J.W., S.A. Manuel, K.A. Coates, W.J. Kenworthy and J.N. Boyer. 2015. Water quality, isoscapes and stoichioscapes of seagrasses indicate general P limitation and unique N cycling in shallow water benthos of Bermuda. Biogeosciences 12:6235-6249. Heithaus, M.R., T. Alcoverro, R. Arthur, D.A. Burkholder, K.A. Coates, M.J.A. Christianen, N. Kelkar, S A. Manuel, A. J. Wirsing, W. J. Kenworthy, and J. W. Fourqurean. 2014. Seagrasses in the age of sea turtle Conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science doi:10.3389/fmars.201400028. Jarvis, J.C., Moore, K.A, and W.J. Kenworthy. 2014. Persistence of Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) seeds in the sediment seed bank. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 459:126-136. Kenworthy, W.J., C.L. Gallegos, C. Costello, D. Field and G. Di Carlo. 2014. Dependence of eelgrass (Zostera marina) light requirements on sediment organic matter in Massachusetts coastal bays: Implications for remediation and restoration. Mar. Pollution Bulletin 459:126-136. Manuel, S.A., K.A. Coates, W. Judson Kenworthy and J. Fourqurean. 2013. Tropical species at the northern limit of their range: Composition and distribution in Bermuda's benthic habitats in relation to depth and light availability, Marine Environmental Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.05.003. Slone, D.H., J.P. Reid and W. Judson Kenworthy. 2013. Mapping spatial resources with GPS animal telemetry: foraging manatees locate seagrass beds in the Ten Thousand Islands, Florida, USA Marine Ecology Progress Series 476:285-299. Coates, K.A., J.W. Fourqurean, W. Judson Kenworthy, A. Logan, S.A. Manuel and S.R. Smith. 2013. Introduction to Bermuda: Geology, Oceanography and Climate. In: C.R.C. Sheppard led) Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories, Coral Reefs of the World 4. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, pp 115-134. Jarvis, Jessie C., Moore, K.A. and W. Judson Kenworthy. 2012. Characterization and ecological implication of eelgrass life history strategies near the species' southern limit in the western North Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 44:43-56. Burke, John S, W. Judson Kenworthy, T. Shay Viehman, Vanessa L. McDonough, and Brian Degan. 2011. Biodiversity and Ecosystem function of Shallow Bank Systems within Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-12-03. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. 45 pp. Uhrin, A.V., Kenworthy, W.J, and M.S. Fonseca, M.S. 2011. Understanding uncertainty in seagrass injury recovery: an information -theoretic approach. Ecological Applications 21(4):1365-1379. Costello, C., Kenworthy, W.J. 2011. Twelve-year mapping and change analysis of eelgrass (Zostera marina) areal abundance in Massachusetts (USA) identifies statewide declines. Estuaries and Coasts 34:232-242. Frederick T. Short, Beth Polidoro, Suzanne R. Livingstone, Kent E. Carpenter, Salomao Bandeira , Japar Sidik Bujang, Hilconida P. Calumpong, Tim J.B. Carruthers, Robert G. Coles, William C. Dennison, Paul L.A. Erftemeijer, Miguel D. Fortes, Amen S. Freeman, T.G. Jagtap, Abu Hena, M. Kamal, Gary A. Kendrick, W. Judson Kenworthy, Yayu A. La Nafie, Ichwan M. Nasution, Robert J. Orth, Anchana Prathep, Jonnell C. Sanciangco, Brigitta van Tussenbroek, Sheila G. Vergara, Michelle Waycott, Joseph C. Zieman. 201 L Extinction risk assessment of the world's seagrass species. Biological Conservation 14: 1961-1971. Kenworthy, W.J., Manuel, S, Fourqurean, J., Coates, K., and M. Outerbridge. 2011. Bermuda triangle; seagrass, green turtles & conservation. Pp. 16-18; In L.J. Mckenzie, R.L. Yoshida & R. Unsworth (eds.) Seagrass Watch News Issue 44, November 2011. Seagrass-Watch HQ, 32pp. Fourqurean, J.W., Manuel S., Coates, K.A., Kenworthy, W.J., Smith, S.R. 2010. Effects of excluding sea turtle herbivores from a seagrass bed: overgrazing may have led to loss of seagrass meadows in Bermuda. Marine Ecology Progress Series 419: 223-232. Gallegos, C.L., W. J. Kenworthy, P.D. Biber, and B.S. Wolfe. 2009. Underwater spectral energy distribution and seagrass depth limits. Pp. 359-368; In M.L. Lange, I.G. Macintyre, and K. Rutzler (eds.) Proceedings of the Smithsonian Marine Science Symposium, Scholarly Press, Washington, DC. Waycott, M., C.M. Duarte, T.J.B. Carruthers, R.G. Orth, W.C. Dennison, S. Olyarnik, A. Calladine, J.W. Fourqurean, K.A. Heck, Jr., A.R. Hughes, G.A. Kendrick, W. J. Kenworthy, F.T. Short, and S.L. Williams. 2009. Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:12377-12381. Burke, J.S., W.J. Kenworthy, L. Wood. 2009. Ontogenetic patterns of concentration indicate lagoon nurseries are essential to common grunts stocks in a Puerto Rican bay. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 81: 533-543. Biber, Patrick D, W. Judson Kenworthy, Hans W. Paerl. 2009. Experimental analysis of the response and recovery of Zostera marina (L.) and Halodule wrightii (Ascher.) to repeated light -limitation stress. 2009. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 369:110-117. Di Carlo, G and W.J. Kenworthy. 2008. Evaluation of belowground biomass recovery in physically disturbed seagrass meadows. Oecologia 158:285-298. Schwarzschild, A.C., W.J. Kenworthy, and J.C. Zieman. 2008. Leaf growth of the seagrass Syringodium filiforme in outer Florida Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 83:571-585. Fonseca, M.S., Kenworthy, W.S., Griffith, E., Hall, M.O., Finkbeiner, M., Bell, S.S. 2007. Factors influencing landscape pattern of the seagrass Halophila decipiens in an oceanic setting. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 76: 163-174. Bell, S.S., Fonseca, M.S. and Kenworthy, W.J. 2008. Dynamics of a subtropical seagrass landscape: links between disturbance and mobile seed banks. Landscape Ecology 23: 67-74. Biber, P., Gallegos, C, Kenworthy, W. J. 2008. Calibration of a bio-optical model in the North River, North Carolina (Albemarle -Pamlico Sound): A tool to evaluate water quality impact on seagrasses. Estuaries and Coasts 31:177-191. York, R., Durako, M., Kenworthy, W.J., and Freshwater, W. 2008. Megagametogenesis in Halophila johnsonii, a threatened seagrass with no known seeds, and the seed producing Halophila decipiens. Aquatic Botany 88:277-282 Hammerstrom, KK, W.J. Kenworthy, P.E. Whitfield, M. Merello. 2007. Response and recovery dynamics of seagrasses Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme and macroalgae in experimental motor vessel disturbances. Marine Ecology Progress Series 345:83-92. Orth, Robert J., Tim J.B. Carruthers, William C. Dennison, Carlos M. Duarte, James W. Fourqurean, Kenneth L. Heck, Jr., A Randall Hughes, Gary A. Kendrick, W. Judson Kenworthy, Suzanne Olyarnik, Fred T. Short, Michelle Waycott, and Susan L. Williams. 2006. A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems. Bioscience 56:987-996. Kenworthy, W.J., S. Wyllie-Echeverria, R.G. Coles, G. Pergent and C. Pergent-Martini. 2006. Seagrass conservation biology: An interdisciplinary science for protection of the seagrass biome. Chapter 25 in A.W. Larkum, C.M. Duarte and R. Orth (eds.) Seagrass Biology, pp. 595-623. Springer, Netherlands. Hammerstrom, K.K., W. Judson Kenworthy, M.S. Fonseca, and P.E. Whitfield. 2006. Seed bank, biomass and productivity of Halophila decipiens, a deep water seagrass on the west Florida continental shelf. Aquatic Botany 84:110-120. Piniak, G.A., M.S. Fonseca, W.J. Kenworthy, P.E. Whitfield, G. Fisher and B. Julius. 2006. Applied modeling of coral reef ecosystem function and recovery. Chapter 6 in: Precht, W.F. led.). 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Marine Ecology Progress Series 51: 277-290. Powell, G.V.N., W.J. Kenworthy, and J.W. Fourqurean. 1989. Experimental evidence for nutrient limitation of seagrass growth in a tropical estuary with restricted circulation. Bulletin of Marine Science 44:324-340. Kenworthy, W. J., G. W. Thayer, and M. S. Fonseca. 1988. The utilization of seagrass meadows by fishery organisms. In D. D. Hook, W. H. McKee, Jr., H. K. Smith, G. Gregory, V. G. Burrell, Jr., M. R. Devoe, R. E. Sojka, S. Gilbert, R. Banks, L. H. Stolzy, C. Brooks, T. D. Matthews, and T. H. Shear (eds.). The ecology and management of wetlands. Vol. I, Ecology of wetlands. Timber press, Oregon, pp. 548-560. Thayer, G.W., Mark S. Fonseca, and W. Judson Kenworthy. 1988. Critical and sensitive coastal and estuarine habitats. Sea Winds 2:7-13. Kenworthy, W.J., C. Curtin, G. Smith, and G.W. Thayer. 1987. The abundance, biomass, and acetylene reduction activity of bacteria associated with decomposing rhizomes of two seagrasses, Zostera marina and Thalassia testudinum. Aquatic Botany 27:97-119. Fonseca, M.S., G. W. Thayer and W.J. Kenworthy. 1987. The use of ecological data in the implementation and management of seagrass restorations. Florida Marine Research Publications 42:175-188. Fonseca, Mark S., W. Judson Kenworthy and Gordon W. Thayer. 1987. Transplanting of the seagrasses Halodule wrightii, Syringodiumfiliforme, and Thalassia testudinum for sediment stabilization and habitat development in the southeast region of the U. S. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, Final Report, Technical Report EL-87-8.47 pp. Fonseca, Mark S., W. Judson Kenworthy, Keith A. Rittmaster and Gordon W. Thayer. 1987. The use of fertilizer to enhance transplants of the seagrasses, Zostera marina and Halodule wrightii. Environmental Impact Research Program, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Technical Report EL-87-12.45 pp. Fonseca, M.S. and W.J. Kenworthy. 1987. Effects of current on photosynthesis and distribution of seagrasses. Aquatic Botany 27:59-78. Thayer, G. W., M. S. Fonseca and W. J. Kenworthy. 1986. Wetland mitigation and restoration in the southeast United States and two lessons from seagrass mitigation, p. 95-117. In: Estuarine Management Practices Symposium, November 12-13, 1985, Baton Rouge, La. Fonseca, M. S., W. J. Kenworthy, G. W. Thayer, D. Y. Heller and K. M. Cheap. 1985. Transplanting of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Halodule wrightii for sediment stabilization and habitat development on the east coast of the United States. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Technical Report EL-85-9, 49 PP 11 Thayer, Gordon W., Mark S. Fonseca and W. Judson Kenworthy. 1985. 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Thayer, G.W., H. Hoffman Stuart, W. Judson Kenworthy, J.F. Ustach, and A.B. Hall. 1979. Habitat values of salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses for aquatic organisms. p. 235-24. 7In: P.E. Greeson, J.R. Clark and J.E. Clark (eds.). Wetland functions and values: the state of our understanding. American Water Resources Association, Washington, D.C. Kenworthy, W.J. and M.S. Fonseca. 1977. Reciprocal transplant of the seagrass, Zostera marina L. effect of substrate on growth. Aquaculture 12:197-213. 12 U �- 05/1992 rzri 05/2006 C`� —,_ice_ Earth a- yo T t � �l ryf C ' 1A ' i. � f r ra \\ GoeUe k & 06/2021 Attachment E Engineering With Nature® ERDCITN EVVN-23-1 August 2023 Dredged Material Can Benefit Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Habitats By Emily R. Russ, Amy H. Yarnall, Safra Altman PURPOSE: This technical note (TN) was developed by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center —Environmental Laboratory (ERDC-EL) to provide an overview of the ecosystem services delivered by submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) to estuarine and coastal ecosystems and to describe potential methods for the beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) to aid in SAV restoration. Although dredging tends to have a negative association with SAV habitats, BUDM may provide an opportunity to expand suitable SAV habitat to areas where depth is the primary limiting factor. Recent in situ observations have shown that SAV has opportunistically colonized several dredged -material placement sites. This TN provides context on BUDM for SAV habitat restoration to encourage increased strategic placement. BACKGROUND AND PROBLEM: SAV are rooted and flowering plants found in shallow marine, estuarine, and freshwater habitats that provide a variety of critical ecosystem services (Table 1). Ecologically, SAV habitats are important sources of food, foraging grounds, and shelter from predators for a variety of species (Bostrom et al. 2006; Orth et al. 1984). SAV also provides chemical and physical services by cycling nutrients, sequestering carbon (Romero et al. 2006; Fourqurean et al. 2012), and preventing erosion through sediment stabilization and the attenuation of wave and current energy (Ward et al. 1984; Fonseca and Cahalan 1992). Quantitative analyses of these and other ecosystem services have demonstrated that seagrass (marine and estuarine SAV subset) habitats render services valued at US dollar (USD) 37,500 ha r y r (Costanza et al. 2014; adjusted to 2021 USD), t which rank SAV among the top three most economically valuable marine habitats and within the top five if terrestrial habitats are included (Costanza et al. 1997; Costanza et al. 2014). Because some benefits are poorly, if at all, quantified (Barbier 2015; Dewsbury et al. 2016), SAV ecosystems are likely undervalued. Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, SAV habitats and their associated ecosystem services have declined globally because of increasing sea surface temperatures; rising water - column turbidity, which reduces light availability; declining water quality due to coastal development; and direct disturbance of SAV beds from humans, animals, wind and wave energy, and increasingly frequent and more severe storm events (Orth, Carruthers, et al. 2006; Waycott et al. 2009). SAV habitat decline can also cause further water -quality decline and sediment erosion, which creates a feedback loop that reinforces habitat loss (Maxwell et al. 2017; van der Heide et al. 2007) and reduces blue carbon storage potential (Fourqurean et al. 2011). 1. For a full list of the spelled -out forms of the units of measure used in this document, please refer to US Government Publishing Office Style Manual, 31st ed. (Washington, DC: US Government Publishing Office, 2016), 248-52, https:llwww. ovinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016/pdf/GPO-STYLENMNUAL-2016 dpdf. Engineering With Nature is the intentional alignment of natural and &MRILE R LAC engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, ......... US Army Corps environmental and social benefits through collaborative processes. of Engineers© Distribution Statement A, Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited. ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 Table 1. Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) functions and associated ecosystem services. Citations of studies exemplifying these relationships are provided. Table adapted from Short et al. (2000) and Altman et al. (2023). Function Performed Services Provided Supporting Citations Epiphyte and epifauna substratum Duffy and Harvilicz 2001; Moore and Hovel 2010; Pettit et al. 2016 Support fish and invertebrate (that is, Bertelli and Unsworth 2014; Addition of benthic structural complexity secondary) production through the provision Bostr6m et al. 2006; of habitat Orth et al. 1984 Wave attenuation and current reduction, Fonseca and Cahalan 1992; sediment resuspension reduction Fonseca and Fisher 1986; Hansen and Reidenbach 2013 Oxygen production Findlay et al. 2006; Y. Wang et al. 2021 Carbon sequestration Bao et al. 2022; Duarte at al. 2010; Fourqurean et al. 2012; Howard et al. 2018; Primary production Romero et al. 2006 Food production for herbivores, directly Heck and Valentine 2006; supporting estuarine and coastal food webs Santos et al. 2022 and fisheries Organic matter production and export, Heck et al. 2008; indirectly supporting offshore food webs and Nelson et al. 2013; fisheries Thresher et al. 1992 Improve water quality Desmet at al. 2011; Nutrient filtration Piehler and Smyth 2011; and cycling Thomas and Cornelisen 2003 Support primary production and food webs Jimenez -Ramos et al. 2017; Daudi et al. 2012 Contamination Improve water and sediment quality Fry and Chumchal 2012 filtration Indicator of nutrient pollution Lee et al. 2004 Reduce erosion and sediment resuspension Fonseca and Fisher 1986; James et al. 2004; C. Wang et al. 2015 Sediment and organic matter accumulation, Asaeda et al. 2010; Sediment filtration, trapping, and counter sea -level rise (SLR) Dumbauld et al. 2022; stabilization Silva at al. 2009; Potouroglou et al. 2017 Improve water quality and reduce turbidity Findlay at al. 2006; C. Wang et al. 2015; Ward et al. 1984 US Army Corps of Engineers &00 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 Increasing rates of climate change and anthropogenic pressures will also likely affect future SAV growth, distribution, and resilience. Short and Neckles (1999) reviewed the potential effects climate change may have on seagrasses, ranging from enhanced growth to habitat loss, because of increased temperature, sea levels, CO2 concentrations,' and UVB radiation. The overall impact of climate change on SAV is expected to be negative when paired with rapid human population growth in coastal areas (Duarte 2002; Freeman et al. 2008; Holon et al. 2015). Although much uncertainty surrounding the possible outcomes remains, numerical models have proven essential tools to better capture potential impacts of climate change on SAV habitats (for example, DeMarco et al. 2018; Dumbauld et al. 2022; Pearson et al. 2021). Many models predict that seagrass beds will migrate shoreward into shallower waters because of decreased light penetration at the deeper habitat limits under rising sea level scenarios (Saunders et al. 2013). However, shoreward migration may be restricted by coastal development, causing an overall loss of SAV habitat (Scalpone et al. 2020) (Figure 1). This process describes coastal squeeze, a term initially coined to describe saltmarsh transgression and decline due to the combination of sea -level rise (SLR) and coastal development (Doody 2004) but which also applies to numerous coastal marine habitats, including SAV (Silva et al. 2020). SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION (SAV) LOSS AND MITIGATION THROUGH RESTORATION EFFORTS: Multiple restoration efforts have been implemented to mitigate SAV habitat loss, usually at a high cost (Bayraktarov et al. 2016). Overall, restoration -project success rates have been relatively low, with the greatest survival rates occurring in large-scale planting projects (for example, Orth, Luckenbach, et al. 2006; 2010). In these cases, exposure to greater degrees of environmental variability and higher planting densities promote SAV self- sustaining feedbacks (Katwijk et al. 2015). However, restoration science and applications in SAV systems are still in an early stage as compared to terrestrial and freshwater systems. Continued investment in this research will likely enhance rates of future project success. HISTORICAL DREDGING IMPACTS ON SAV: Open -water placement of dredged material in denuded areas, which, apart from inappropriate depths, are otherwise suitable for SAV habitat, is a BUDM restoration opportunity that has not been widely pursued, largely because of regulatory restrictions in place to ensure minimal water -quality and habitat degradation. Dredging and dredged material placement have historically had a negative association near SAV habitats because of the removal of plants (direct impact), if located within the dredging footprint, and temporary water -quality degradation (indirect impact). Most of the approximately 21,000 ha seagrass loss that has been attributed to dredging since the 1950s resulted from direct impacts from using outdated and discontinued practices (Erftemeijer and Lewis 2006). 2. For a full list of the spelled -out forms of the chemical elements used in this document, please refer to US Government Publishing Office Style Manual, 31st ed. (Washington, DC: US Government Publishing Office, 2016), 265, hhtt s•//www govinfo gov/contenUpka/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016/ndf/GPO-STYLEMAN-UAL-2016 pddf. 09) 3 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 Ideal conditions s w s v � L df CD Sea level rise only I B n Sea level rise -' Coastal development only 0 4 m � C L J J AaVAA14r. —: Sea level rise and Coastal development 9 b P a0 4 Sea level rise No SAV Figure 1. Four scenarios illustrating how submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat may thrive in (A) ideal conditions or how SAV habitat may decline because of (B) sea -level rise (SLR) only; (C) coastal development only; and (D) SLR paired with coastal development, termed coastal squeeze. 4 A 00 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST2023 Because SAV habitats have high light irradiance requirements relative to other macrophytes, they are highly sensitive to decreased light availability (Duarte 1991). Therefore, the elevated turbidity, increased light attenuation, and enhanced sedimentation that occurs during dredging and placement activities are major concerns in these habitats (Sabot et al. 2005; Shafer et al. 2016). However, dredge -induced turbidity plumes are generally short lived and often within the range of natural turbidity fluctuations in coastal areas (Shafer et al. 2016; Fall et al. 2021). Although dredging has been associated with seagrass loss because of persistent increased turbidity, this association is likely because of the placement of fine-grained material, which is highly prone to resuspension within a dynamic environment (Onuf 1994). In the United States, more recent dredging actions (since the early 2000s) implement environmental -management techniques, including sediment -plume modeling to help forecast dredge -induced turbidity and water -quality monitoring to help track in situ conditions during dredging activities, which have resulted in dredging practices with minimal or no impacts to seagrass beds (Erftemeijer and Lewis 2006; CWA Section 404).' Dredging activity impacts on SAV depend on (i) dredged -material -specific factors such as volume, duration, frequency, and material -placement methods; (ii) environmental factors such as sediment grain size, water depth, and hydrodynamics; and (iii) plant -specific factors such as their tolerance to suboptimal light conditions and sedimentation rates, which vary considerably by species (Erftemeijer and Lewis 2006, Fraser et al. 2017). Although few published studies have tracked SAV habitat recovery following dredging, SAV habitats showed significant recovery within two to three years following an initial decline (Sheridan 2004b; Sabol et al. 2005). However, these habitats are naturally dynamic, and dredging may not be the only factor that affects their coverage (Sabol et al. 2005; Long et al. 1996). There have also been a few attempts to vegetate dredged deposits through seagrass transplantation, but these have been unsuccessful because of lower light levels caused by wind -driven sediment resuspension and elevated ammonium concentrations relative to the native environment (Kaldy et al. 2004). BENEFICIAL USE OF DREDGED MATERIAL (BUDM) IN SAV RESTORATION: SAV habitats continue to face a variety of natural and anthropogenic threats that are expected to be exacerbated by climate change and increasing human population growth. Despite efforts to protect and conserve existing beds, additional restoration of these habitats is imperative to slow or reverse the current trajectory and reclaim valuable ecosystem services. Using clean dredged material to elevate barren areas (as described through guidance from USACE 2015) to depths that can support SAV is a restoration technique that can both expand suitable SAV habitat to recently or historically unvegetated areas and keep sediment in the littoral system and out of navigation channels. These BUDM opportunities will provide both environmental and economic benefits. Using open -water placement to create and expand SAV habitats (and support their various ecosystem services) will allow SAV beds to keep pace with SLR while also lowering material transport costs by not having to place sediment offshore or in upland confined disposal facilities. And open -water placement will help maximize BUDM (currently 40%; Esri et al. 2022) in accordance with the Water 3. Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 § 404.2021. 33 U.S.C. § 1344 (as amended in 2016 by Pub. L. No. 114-322). https://www.govinfo.eov/contenUnke/USCODE-2021-title33/ndf/USCODE-2021-title33-chap26 -subehaVIV-see1344.pdf. 0® 5 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® - -=-- ->--- 3---��as----=-m-•- US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 Resources Development Act of 20224 and LTG5 Spellmon's 70/30 Goal to increase BUDM to 70% by 2030 (Coleman 2022; see also Brutsche 2022 for more information on the 70/30 Goal). SAV has proven to be resilient to short-term dredging impacts, especially with improvements in modeling and monitoring techniques to help minimize impacts to sensitive habitats (Sheridan et at. 2004a; Shafer et al. 2016). However, there is a dearth of information regarding long-term outcomes of dredging near SAV habitats because there are few examples of postdredging SAV monitoring, which severely limits our understanding of potential benefits and caveats (Erftemeijer and Lewis 2006, Sabot et al. 2005; Sheridan 2004b). Many of the regulatory restrictions (that is, CWA Section 4046) that preclude innovative dredging and placement activities surrounding SAV habitats may be unnecessarily prohibitive because the focus has been skewed towards the temporary, potentially negative impacts rather than the longer - term results. Therefore, field -based demonstrations need to be developed and monitored to showcase both positive and negative dredging effects on SAV habitats over both short and long timescales. A robust, long-term monitoring program is imperative to maximize our understanding of how BUDM can promote and enhance SAV sustainability. Proof -of -concept studies like the examples presented in this technical note will further help determine the future of similar BUDM opportunities by documenting best practices to optimize favorable results. EFFECTIVE USES OF DREDGED MATERIAL FOR SAV RESTORATION: Numerous previous studies that examine the short-term negative influences of active dredging on SAV provide insight into nonideal conditions for SAV growth and survival. However, less is known about possible long-term positive influences dredged -material placement has on SAV restoration, expansion, or novel colonization. Therefore, combining previously published work and more recent in situ observations, we suggest several conditions and scenarios that merit further exploration to determine whether dredged material can be strategically placed to promote SAV coverage expansion. According to conditions in which SAV most often thrives and systems in which navigation - channel dredging regularly occurs, BUDM in SAV restoration efforts should be pursued in shallow coastal and estuarine systems that are experiencing benthic elevation loss because of SLR but are otherwise mostly optimal for SAV growth and survival. Systems experiencing SLR without heavy coastal development represent the potential for shoreward expansion of benthos available to SAV. Areas that were previously fully or partially aerially exposed during the tidal cycle may become ideal for SAV colonization through SLR -related water -depth increases (Dumbauld et al. 2022; Figure 1B). The BUDM may supplement these systems to maintain or expand SAV in deeper areas, farther from shore, where SLR would otherwise outpace SAV depth and light irradiance requirements. Furthermore, areas that historically had SAV but are now barren, or historically 4. Water Resources Development Act of 2022, Pub. L. No. 117-263, 136 Star. 3691-3857. https://www.govinfo . eov/content/pkg/PLA W-117publ263/pdf/PLA W-117publ263.1)df. 5. For a full list of the spelled -out forms of the title abbreviations used in this document, please refer to US Government Publishing Office Style Manual, 31st ed. (Washington, DC: US Government Publishing Office, 2016), 227-30, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016/pdf/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016 6.33 U.S.C. § 1344. 6 ENGINEERING WITH NATUREiD US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 unvegetated areas down current of existing SAV beds that are otherwise suited to SAV aside from depth conditions, are ideal BUDM sites. In cases where SAV habitat exists but will soon be outpaced because of SLR, thin -layer placement (TLP) of dredged material may be considered to assist SAV sediment -accretion rates and maintain optimal benthic depth. Although widely used in marsh -restoration projects (Ray 2007), TLP applications in SAV habitats will likely face many regulatory challenges since they involve intentionally adding sediment to SAV beds. However, TLP may be justifiable if the SAV habitat would likely disappear without intervention because of SLR. Future research and field -based case studies are needed to help constrain TLP timing and volumes to achieve optimal SAV benefits. There are likely many novel opportunities to create natural and nature -based features (NNBF), which often use BUDM (see, for example, Bridges et al. 2015), to restore and expand SAV habitats. For example, BUDM can be used in part to build longshore bars that act as breakwaters and encourage SAV development in the more quiescent region behind the built structure (Greening et al. 2011). However, this type of structure is more likely to be included as part of a large-scale restoration project rather than be considered as a cost-effective material -placement alternative, relative to the federal standard, because of planning and constructions costs. Systems with heavy coastal development or persistent water -quality issues such as high input of nutrient runoff from agriculture or point sources (Li et al. 2019), or high water -column turbidity due to wave energy or bioturbation (Stevens and Lacy 2012; Townsend and Fonseca 1998; Kaldy et al. 2004) should not be chosen as BUDM-SAV restoration sites. Therefore, these factors need to be analyzed prior to site selection to maximize project success. In addition, dredged sediments should be allowed to settle (that is, become compact and stable) potentially for several years prior to the initiation of SAV restoration efforts (see Kaldy et al. 2004). Otherwise, the system chosen should have low wind, wave, and current energy. This low -energy system will help prevent seeds or transplanted plants from being buried to suboptimal sprouting depths or scoured from the site prior to root establishment. Habitat -restoration protocols emphasize that site selection is one of the most important steps in restoration efforts (Short et al. 2002; Katwijk et al. 2009), and the BUDM for SAV restoration is no exception. If initial SAV colonization of dredged placement sites is successful, several positive feedback loops may be initiated and lead to further growth and restoration success. Established SAV populations can improve water clarity and quality, stabilize sediments, and form the foundation for coastal ecosystems, all of which can positively affect the further expansion of SAV beds and prevent shoaling of sediments back into navigation channels (Maxwell et al. 2017; van der Heide et al. 2007). Further, established SAV habitats may have the ability to keep pace with SLR, self -maintain, and expand in coverage (Dumbauld et al. 2022), therefore reducing the need for repeat placements in the future. CASE STUDIES: The accumulation and examination of case studies where (1) SAV has naturally recovered from dredging activity and (2) dredged -material placement sites have been opportunistically colonized by SAV are paramount to improving dredging regulations and BUDM protocols. Through the synthesis of such case studies, we can better understand the dredging activity and placement specifications, timing, locations, hydrodynamics, water -quality parameters, and material compositions that are most ideal for SAV recovery and opportunistic colonization. ® 7 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® - - US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 Furthermore, we can use findings from natural opportunistic colonization events to (i) devise thresholds and benchmarks for water -quality and sediment -composition parameters, (ii) determine ideal system hydrodynamics and sedimentation conditions, and (iii) identify SAV species most suited for dredged -material colonization, all of which will inform the design of protocols for purposeful BUDM in SAV recovery and restoration efforts. Several recorded instances exist where dredging within or nearby SAV has imposed short-term negative impacts on SAV coverage, yet over longer timescales SAV has recovered within the footprint of the initial dredging's direct and indirect impacts. Case studies also show opportunistic SAV colonization of dredged -material placement sites. Recovery and opportunistic colonization cases are described in brief below. 1. Wood Island Harbor, Maine —In 1990 the US Army Corps of Engineers —New England District (NAE) dredged the Biddeford federal navigation channel through a 610 X 30 m section of eelgrass (Zostera marina) (Figure 2). Surveys of the channel in 2016 indicated eelgrass recovery in several portions of the channel, with full recovery apparent in some areas. The channel was dredged again during the winter of 2020, directly affecting (via vegetation removal) an estimated 1.2 ha of eelgrass. By the summer of 2021, preliminary surveys again showed eelgrass recovery along the slope of the newly dredged channel (Altman et at. 2023, 14; USACE-NAE 2020; Sabot et al. 2005).' 2. Scituate Harbor, Massachusetts —During the winter of 2002, NAE dredged the harbor at ship anchorage and navigation channel locations. During this dredging event, direct impacts to SAV included removal of eelgrass within the anchorage dredging area footprint. In addition, indirect impacts on SAV, due to silt -screen failure, resulted in siltation of eelgrass outside the footprints of both the anchorage and channel -dredging areas. Overall, eelgrass in the Scituate Harbor experienced a 34% decline in coverage from immediately pre- to postdredging, followed by an 8% relative increase in coverage from 1 to 2 years postdredging, all within the indirectly affected zones. Notably, nearby undisturbed sites showed normal interannual variation in seagrass coverage similar to those areas indirectly affected by dredging (Sabot et al. 2005; Sabot and Shafer 2005). Additional SAV recovery beyond two years postdredging was not assessed. 3. Laguna Madre, Texas —Between 1994 and 1995, 6 out of 13 dredged -material placement sites chosen along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway resulted in benthos within the depth range suitable for seagrass, and each site had existing fringing seagrass partially or completely surrounding the placement locations. After dredged -material placement completion, within 3 years 75% of nonvegetated areas were either colonized by seagrass or lost sediments at rapid rates because of wind and wave action. Areas within 5 in of existing seagrass exhibited rapid seagrass colonization and had full seagrass coverage within 1.5 years. Placement area centers exhibited slower colonization yet reached 48% coverage within 3 years and near full coverage in 3-5 years (Sheridan 2004a, 2004b). 7. See also USACE-NAE (US Army Corps of Engineers —New England District), Island Harbor and the Pool at Biddeford Federal Navigation Maintenance Project, Biddeford, Maine: Eelgrass Damage Assessment and Mitigation Plan (DAMP), Working Draft —Not for Further Release (Concord, MA: US Army Corps of Engineers — New England District, 2020), https://www.biddefordmaine.ore/DocumentCenterNiew/7481/USACE-Eelgrass -Damage-Assessment-and-Management-Plan. & 08 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST2023 4. Barnegat Bay, New Jersey —A dredged -material placement site, 26B, used 16 times from 1981 to 2017 in the lower Barnegat Bay, west of Island Beach State Park, resulted in an emergent island and a decrease in benthic depth in the surrounding area. Although initially unvegetated when open -water placement began, SAV, primarily composed of eelgrass, opportunistically colonized the area surrounding the island, first documented in aerial imagery in 1995. In the following decades the SAV bed continued to expand, with minimal retraction in some areas, forming a contiguous meadow surrounding the island by 2015 (Figure 3). This new seagrass bed will continue to be monitored through aerial imagery and field surveys to compare with seagrass colonization on a new, adjacent open -water placement site. This relatively low number of case studies exemplifying dredging -related SAV recovery and colonization is likely due to the lack of long-term, postdredging SAV monitoring. Further, the SAV recovery examples show that monitoring-timescale length can produce different results. Although Wood Island Harbor showed more extensive SAV recovery after the 1990 dredging event than the modest recovery following the 2002 dredging activity in Scituate Harbor, Scituate Harbor was only monitored for 2 years after dredging, while Wood Island monitoring captured the cumulative results over a 30-year period. Current and future efforts should consider monitoring SAV around dredging activity for much longer time periods to capture SAV recovery over numerous growing seasons. Figure 2. Wood Island federal navigation channel (black hashed area) and eelgrass coverage (pink area) according to a 2002 survey sourced from www.northeastoceandata.org. Figure reprinted from Altman et al. (2023), 15. Public domain. !#rl, ENGINEEHING WITH NATURE® US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 1995 SAV 2015 SAV zmsavas sav compaasnn Figure 3. Areal coverage of SAV determined using supervised classification of high - resolution (1 m) National Agriculture Imagery Program data at dredged -material placement site 26B in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, in 1995 (left) and 2015 (middle). A comparison of the SAV coverage from 1995 to 2015 (right) revealed an overall gain (green, G) in SAV coverage, with a large portion of the area remaining the same (purple, S) in SAV coverage and a small proportion exhibiting loss (orange, L). The dearth of examples of SAV colonization following dredged -material placement is also related to lack of monitoring, which may be because SAV monitoring is not considered for unvegetated open -water placement sites. Therefore, future efforts should monitor SAV if the altered placement - site characteristics are conducive to SAV colonization —especially if placement occurs near existing beds. SAV recovery and opportunistic colonization are currently being monitored in recently completed and ongoing BUDM projects, which include (i) a second open -water placement site in Barnegat Bay (site 6), approximately 1 km west of 26B; (ii) the restoration of an eroding island in the Chesapeake Bay (Swan Island, Maryland), which is fringed by discontinuous SAV beds; and (iii) the restoration of a barrier island in Mississippi Sound (Ship Island, Mississippi) that was split into two segments following Hurricane Camille (1969), which supports patchy and reduced (relative to prebreach conditions) seagrass habitats in more -protected areas. These ongoing projects may present future case studies for analysis of seagrass colonization in real time. By further examining instances where dredged -material placement sites have naturally and successfully been colonized by SAV, we can strategically choose new placement locations where these ideal conditions are recreated to either encourage further natural SAV colonization events or more purposefully pair BUDM efforts with large-scale SAV habitat -restoration projects. BUDM and SAV restoration can be paired to cobenefit coastal ecosystems and economies through improved secondary production of fishery species, shoreline stabilization, and wave attenuation. Further, strategic sediment placement to augment SAV beds will reduce long-term channel backfilling by minimizing sediment resuspension and erosion over time. This reduction will diminish the need for frequent and costly channel -dredging projects, leaving shipping channels and ports unhindered for extended periods. Finally, using dredged material as a component of SAV restoration practice has the potential to create and perpetuate positive feedback loops between sediment accretion and improved water clarity, which will facilitate continued SAV growth to help keep pace with SLR. SUMMARY: SAV and its provided ecosystem services have experienced marked declines during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Efforts to restore these foundational coastal marine habitats are often highly expensive and have relatively low success rates. Navigation -channel 10 00 aENGINEERING WITH NATURE® US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center ERDC/TN EWN-23-1 AUGUST 2023 dredging formerly had negative impacts on SAV habitat, by direct impacts (that is, SAY removal or burial) and indirect impacts (that is, increased water -column turbidity, reducing light availability). Since the early 2000s, dredge designs and protocols have been improved such that negative impacts on SAV are minimized. Further, recent observations of SAV recovery and colonization of dredged -material placement sites suggest burgeoning opportunities to leverage BUDM in SAV restoration efforts. This technical note provides background on SAV decline and former dredging impacts then further proposes several site -selection criteria for BUDM in SAV restoration efforts. This technical note also describes case studies of SAV that has recovered following dredging impacts or opportunistically colonized dredged -material placement sites, which provides context for future BUDM opportunities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Funding for these analyses was provided by the EWN program. The authors wish to thank Dr. Matt Balazik of ERDC-EL and Ms. Taylor Cagle of ERDC-CHL for internal reviews of this document. POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact Dr. Emily Russ (202-761-0204, Emily.R.Russkusace.army.mil) or Dr. Safra Altman (601-634-3435, Safra.Altman@usace.army.mil). 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NOTE: The contents ofthis technical note are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such products. 4*8 17 ENGINEERING WITH NATURE® US Army Corps of Engineers • Engineer Research and Development Center Attachment F SINCE 1959 WESTERN CARTERET BOAT RAMP CONCEPTUAL COMPENSATORY MITIGATION PLAN FOR SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION IMPACTS Prepared For: State and Federal Resource/Permitting Agencies (A Component of the Carteret County CAMA Major Permit Submission by Moffatt and Nichol) Prepared By, Quible & Associates, P.C. Dr. Judson Kenworthy NC Coastal Federation Carteret County Project Number P21130 March 30, 2023 Updated August 28, 2023 RE: Western Carteret Boat Ramp Conceptual Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Mitigation Plan- Updated TO: State and Federal Resource/Permitting Agencies FROM: Brian Rubino, Quible & Associates, P.C. DATE: 8/28/2023 Dear Resources Agency Representatives, This Conceptual Compensatory Mitigation Plan has been developed by a team of environmental scientists that includes North Carolina Coastal Federation (NCCF), Dr. Judson Kenworthy, Don Field and Quible & Associates, P.C. (Quible), with support from Moffat and Nichol (M&N) on behalf of Carteret County. The Mitigation Plan is intended to compensate for impacts to submerged aquatic vegetation ("SAV"), SAV habitat, and shallow water habitat associated with proposed dredging of a single boat channel to accommodate needs for a public [Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC)] boat ramp. The Mitigation Plan primarily includes "in -kind" mitigation to specifically offset SAV impacts. The in -kind proposal is also intended to be part of a concentrated effort of NCCF and Carteret County to enhance and restore SAV resources to waterways within the region that are being lost at alarming rates due to sea level rise, storm -based erosion and boating (wake and prop scar) impacts. We introduced our mitigation plan components to State and Federal Resource Agencies during a November 10, 2022 scoping meeting that was held via Webex, starting at 2:00 pm. The purpose of that meeting was to discuss our baseline SAV surveying results, our proposed mitigation measures and to gain feedback from the various resource agency representatives. It was understood from the meeting that NC Division of Coastal Management would take the lead in coordinating permit application review and that a description of proposed mitigation would be included in the submission. Based on recent feedback from NCDWR (8/7/2023 letter) and NCDMF (8/3/2023 letter), we have made minor edits and updates to the plan. We have not changed the mitigation plan scope, only items for clarification and additional detail based on resource agency feedback. Proposed in -Kind Mitigation includes Method 1 (Primary Mitigation Concept); See Appendix I and Exhibits A-E for a full description. Method 2- Living Shoreline protection for a 1,062 linear foot (If) section of sand bar barrier island directly across from the Project Area. See Exhibit F. This is considered an in -kind mitigation measure since this is a very sensitive barrier island location that supports SAV beds on the south side. Living shoreline measures are intended to protect the island, enhance coastal wetlands, and in doing so, will protect important SAV meadows on the south side. While this is not our primary mitigation method, the importance of this protection should not be minimized. Without protection, this functioning barrier island area will undoubtedly become fragmented and then lost in the near future, which will impact robust SAV resources that would otherwise be lost. Method 3- Establishing a permanent water quality monitoring station and multiple SAV monitoring stations in selected Bogue Sound locations that would allow all to better understand SAV trends, growth patterns, and associated water quality. We will select monitoring station locations based on consultation with resource agencies and others (NCDMF, NMFS, APNEP, etc.) that may already be involved with SAV mapping programs. The intent is to expand the database of SAV and water quality conditions and to make this readily available. We propose to coordinate with the on -going coastwide seagrass mapping monitoring program lead by APNEP. We would adopt their Tier 2 monitoring protocols which are the same protocols we used to assess the ramp channel seagrass cover and abundance as well as the reference sites for the proposed mitigation. The goal of this would be two -fold; 1) fill in notable gaps in APNEPs station coverage on the northern shoreline of Bogue Sound by adding 10 stations, and 2) monitor a subset of established APNEP stations (10 stations of approximately 70) twice annually to fill in temporal gaps in the APNEP monitoring plan. The notable gaps in coverage on the northern shoreline result from the spatially balanced stratified random sampling design adopted by APNEP. Due to the relatively lower coverage of seagrass along the northern shoreline, there are fewer sampling stations selected by the random process. Additionally, we can propose to supplement APNEPs temporal gap in the return frequency of monitoring Bogue Sound. Under the currently approved APNEP spatially rotating monitoring plan, Bogue Sound was last mapped and monitored twice in spring and fall, 2021 and will only be monitored every four years into the future. To fill this temporal gap, we can co-ordinate with APNEP to select 10 of the fixed, randomly selected monitoring stations to monitor in the intervals between scheduled surveys. Method 4- Living Shoreline Protection of the shoreline of the Project Area on either side of the future boat channel entrance (the entire balance of shoreline). See Exhibit A and B and CAMA Major Plans by M&N. After further review of the permit application package and our Conceptual Compensatory Mitigation Plan by all State and Federal reviewers, we look forward to finalizing and implementing this Plan. TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX I: PRIMARY MITIGATION (METHOD 1) PROPOSAL DETAILS EXHIBIT A: VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT B: SAV REVIEW AREA 1 (BOAT RAMP AND CHANNEL SITE) EXHIBIT C: SAV REVIEW AREA 2 (MITIGATION SITE) EXHIBIT D: PROPOSED SAV ENHANCEMENT AND ISLAND PROTECTION SYSTEM EXHIBIT E: FUTURE SAV MONITORING STATIONS EXHIBIT F: PROPOSED LIVING SHORELINE AND ISLAND PROTECTION (METHOD 2) APPENDIX I Primary Seagrass Mitigation Proposal for the Western Carteret Bogue Sound Boat Ramp Summary To mitigate for the loss of an estimated 0.78 acres of seagrass habitat in Bogue Sound, we are proposing a nature -based solution to establish suitable environmental conditions for seagrass growth over approximately 3.34 acres of subtidal area in the Sound. The area we are proposing for the primary mitigation method is located on the south side of a series of dredge spoil islands in Bogue Sound, Carteret County, approximately centered at 34.700459°N and-76.975774°W (Exhibit A). The spoil islands in this region of Bogue Sound were originally constructed as part of the expansion and maintenance of the Intracoastal Waterway (IC W). Inspection of a time series of aerial photography dating back to 1981 shows how effective these spoil islands have been in creating and sustaining healthy seagrass habitat (Figure 1). Figure]. Historical time series of aerial photos from May 1992 (left panel), May 2006 (center panel) and May 2020 (right panel) showing the development of a breach (yellow arrow) in one of the spoil islands. The islands attenuate boat wake wave waves and tidal energy and function like our larger NC barrier islands to establish ideal conditions for seagrass growth, especially on their south side (Figure 1). In Figure 1, the darker subtidal areas parallel to the south side of the islands are meadows of primarily two species of seagrass, Zostera marina and Halodule wrightii which have persisted in these locations for at least four decades. For the past several decades, some of the islands have been experiencing significant deterioration in size and elevation due to boat wake waves from vessel traffic on the ICW, wind, and severe storms. Some of the islands have been breached (Figure 1), creating channels with strong tidal flow and boat wake wave exposure resulting in the loss of seagrasses on the south side of the islands. The island site we are proposing was breached sometime between 1992 and 2006 and the impacts of the breach and the loss of seagrasses have continued to expand since (Figure 1). To prevent further expansion, we propose to build a barrier in one of the breaches to baffle waves and currents and promote sediment stability to recreate the conditions suitable for seagrass growth. Once the hydrodynamic conditions are modified by the barrier, seagrasses in the adjacent meadows will naturally recruit into the mitigation site by seed (Zostera marina), clonal growth (Halodule wrightii & Zostera marina) and vegetative fragments (Zostera marina & Halodule wrightii). We expect that within five years the rate of natural seagrass recovery will exceed the seagrass lost at the channel dredge site; the seagrass meadow at the mitigation site will have higher density, significantly greater coverage, and more diversity than the channel dredge site. Supporting Data and Site Surveys Channel Dredging Site To determine the potential impacts of the dredging activity we surveyed the distribution and abundance of seagrasses and the bathymetry in the vicinity of the proposed dredged channel footprint. The presence and abundance of seagrasses was surveyed along three shore normal transects on May 27, 2022. The transects were approximately 135m long spaced 30 in apart aligned parallel to the proposed boat ramp channel out to a depth of 1.4 m (Figure 2 and Exhibit B; full-sized scaled drawing). Figure 2. Illustration of the benthic survey transects at the dredge channel site (left panel) and the mitigation site (right panel); See Exhibits B and C for scaled drawings with legend. For each transect we surveyed the presence/absence and cover of seagrass in each of three 0.25 1112 quadrats placed at 5 in intervals along the transect using the Braun-Blanquet visual assessment method; the same method used by the Albemarle Pamlico Estuary partnership to monitor the abundance of seagrasses coastwide in NC. At each point we also determined the water depth using Carlson and Topcon RTK GPS. We sampled a total of 79 points on the three transects. On May 26, 2022, prior to seagrass surveying, we performed a complete bathymetric survey of both the proposed channel site and primary mitigation area. This was done on foot (using RTK GPS) in shallow nearshore waters and on boat with the use of a Seafloor Systems© single beam echosounder connected to RTK GPS. Mitigation Site We selected the mitigation site from an inspection of a series of aerial photographs dating back to May 1992 (Figure 1). We identified a breach in one of the spoil islands 1.35 km east of the proposed boat ramp channel created sometime between 1992 and 2006 which has persisted until the most recent aerial photography in May 2021 (34.700459°N and-76.975774°W). Using ARC GIS and geo-rectified images from May 1992 and May 2021 we delineated the area of seagrass present on the south side of the island prior to the breach (May 1992) and seagrass absence in the same area after the breach (May 2021) (Figure 3; yellow rectangle). Based on these images and the surveyed water depths known to be suitable for seagrass growth in Bogue Sound (< 1.5 m), we estimate an area of potential seagrass mitigation habitat to be 3.34 acres in the polygon. Figure 3. May 1992 aerial photograph of the mitigation site prior to the breach in the spoil island (left panel) and May 2021 photo (right panel). Geo-rectied yellow polygon delineates seagrass present in 1992 and mostly absent in 2021. Using the same approach and methodology as described for the channel dredge site, we surveyed the presence and abundance of seagrasses on 10 transects around the proposed mitigation site on May 27 and June 22, 2022 (Figure 2; right panel and Exhibit C; full-sized scaled drawing). Four of the transects were positioned along a north south axis in the breach and six were positioned along an axis perpendicular to the islands to survey conditions in the existing seagrass habitat (Reference Site). Using the same techniques described for the channel dredging site we also recorded the water depth at each sampling station and mapped the bathymetry of the site (Figure 2; right panel and Exhibit C; full-sized scaled drawing). Seagrass Distribution and Abundance at the Channel Dredge Site Seagrasses were present in 76% of the quadrats sampled (Table 1). Most of the seagrasses at this site were small individual clones (patches) of Zostera marina seedlings that recruited the previous winter. Only six percent of the samples had H. wrightii and most of it was in a few small patches in shallow water adjacent to the shoreline. The average total seagrass Braun Blanquet value was 0.96 indicating <5.0% seagrass cover where the seagrass occurred (Table 1). Seagrass Distribution and Abundance in the Mitigation Site (Spoil Island Breech) Seagrasses were present in 51% of the quadrats sampled (Table 1). Like the channel dredge site, most of the seagrasses at this site were small individual clones (patches) of Zostera marina seedlings that recruited the previous winter (Table 1). Only eleven percent of the samples had H. wrightii. The average total seagrass Braun Blanquet value was 0.21 indicating <l .0% seagrass cover where seagrass occurred (Table 1). Seagrass Distribution and Abundance in the Reference Seagrass Meadows Adjacent to Mitigation Site In the adjacent reference meadows seagrasses were present in 73% of the samples (Table 1). The average total seagrass Braun Blanquet value was 1.76 indicating 5-25% seagrass cover where the seagrasses occurred. Unlike the channel dredge site and the breach, H. wrightii was more abundant in the reference meadow; occurring in 47% of the samples with an average Braun Blanquet score of 1.38. Table 1. Results of field surveys of seagrass presence and Braun Blanquet cover at the proposed marina channel dredge site, the footprint of the proposed rock sill (attenuator) and the reference sites adjacent to the mitigation site. The acres shown in the Reference Site Column are the estimated acres of the mitigation site. Calculations for the mitigation metrics are; 1 Total seagrass abundance metric = percent seagrass present * total seagrass cover, 2 Seagrass loss or gain = acres * total seagrass abundance metric, and 'seagrass mitigation ratio = 4.27 _ 0.60 = acreage of the proposed mitigation site. ACQUIRE SEAGRASS ME ACRES 0.78 0.24 1.02 3.34a PERCENT TOTAL '= 76 51 SEAGRASS PRESEN (PCP) 73 TOTAL SEAGR 0.96 0.27 1.76 COVER (TSGC) ZOSTERA MARINA74.4 / 0.95 PERCENT PRESENT COVER IL4LODULE WRIGHlqq 0.8 / 0.008 PERCENT PRESENT / COVER j9MM&W - DERIVED METRICS TOTAL SEAGRASS 0.73 0.14 ABUNDANCE METRIC (TSGAM)' 1.28 SEAGRASS LOSS/ 0.57 0.03 0.60 4.27 SEAGRASS GAIN' SEAGRASS ll MITIGATION " .. Discussion of Survey Results 7.1 Based on our survey results, the seagrass habitat in the vicinity of the channel dredge site can be characterized as a sparsely covered, seasonally ephemeral eelgrass meadow maintained annually by the recruitment of seedlings and an abbreviated period of clonal growth in spring and early summer. These eelgrass meadow characteristics are common throughout the NC estuarine system. We refer to these as mixed semi-annual eelgrass meadows (Jarvis et al. 2012). In March 2022, prior to our surveys, visual observations during low tide detected newly recruited seedlings across the site. In NC, Zostera seeds begin germinating in December during cooler temperatures and relatively clear water (Combs et al. 2020). The seedlings reproduce clonally and produce both vegetative shoots and flowers through the spring. Seeds are released from the flowers and settle into the sediment seed bank during April and May. In June and early July as water temperatures exceed the thermal stress threshold of eelgrass (> 250 C) and water turbidity limits the availability of light, most of the living plants senesce and die. At this location adjacent to the ICW and with the exposure to extremely frequent and large vessel traffic and boat wake waves, sediments are continuously resuspended. The turbidity generated by these resuspended sediments severely limits the amount of light needed for growth of eelgrass and the formation of large perennial meadows in shallow water. At the mitigation site the seagrass growth in the channel breaching the spoil islands is very similar to the proposed channel dredge site; mainly consisting of relatively sparse eelgrass patches derived from seed. In March 2022, prior to our surveys, we also visually observed seedlings recruiting at this site. In contrast, the seagrass meadows located to the south of the remaining spoil islands, on both sides of the breach, have almost twice the cover than either the proposed dredge channel site or in the breach (Table 1). These meadows not only have a substantially higher cover, but they are also more diverse. Zostera and Halodule are nearly equally abundant and the cover of Halodule is relatively higher (Table 1). This demonstrates that the physical conditions established by the presence of the islands, largely the attenuation of boat wake waves and tidal currents, favors the development of seagrass meadows with greater abundance and diversity. Based on our inspection of the historical aerial photography, these meadows have persisted for at least four to five decades. Proposed Seagrass Mitigation To mitigate for the loss of seagrass at the channel dredge site (primarily Zostera marina), we propose to install a wave and current attenuation system (consisting of a granitic rock sill) in the breach between the spoil islands (Exhibit D). By attenuating waves and water currents this system will mimic the effects of the islands and promote the recruitment and growth of seagrasses that once occurred in this location before the island was breached (Figures 1 & 3). This method does not propose to import sand fill to the washout area, but would allow longshore transport of existing sand on the south side of the island area to naturally migrate as the north side erosional forces are reduced. We will propose to gauge the amount of siltation on the south side of the sill to understand future accretion and/or erosion on the south side. Based on our fundamental understanding of the growth and population dynamics of seagrasses in NC and supported by the observations and data from our surveys, we predict with high confidence that once waves and water currents are reduced in the breach, seagrasses will recruit naturally into the mitigation site without the need for transplanting. Eelgrass will begin to naturally recruit by seed into the mitigation site after the first flowering season and continue to recruit and establish during subsequent flowering seasons. At the same time, conditions will become more favorable for the recruitment of both Zostera and Halodule with vegetative fragments, as well as clonal growth from the existing reference seagrass meadows on the eastern and western boundaries of the mitigation site. Halodule rarely flowers in NC but spreads rapidly by horizontal rhizome growth. In favorable conditions, rhizomes can grow as much as 1-3 in year-1. This mitigation measure would be implemented after all State and Federal permits are issued for the ramp project and the overall site construction is underway. In addition to the rock sill a Quickreef© or similar shoreline protection system will be installed along a broad area of the remaining island system on the east and west sides (this is intended to protect other portions of the island from washing out which will be inevitable if nothing is done to address this). Island protection and enhancement is primarily to restore and protect SAV resources, and secondary environmental benefits include other habitat restoration. The rock protection will provide a viable oyster substrate and the associated native herbaceous plantings will help stabilize the island and will provide cover, habitat and food source for birds and marine organisms. The County proposes erecting reflective navigation hazard signs along the length of the rockwork. For this proposal we are estimating a potential seagrass mitigation ratio of 7.1 using commonly measured metrics of seagrass abundance acquired in our surveys and the expectation that the mitigation site will achieve the same seagrass frequency and abundance as the reference sites (Table 1). For each site (marina channel impact site, rock sill footprint, and reference site) we computed; 1) the frequency seagrasses occurred (percent seagrasses present), 2) the total seagrass percent cover where they occurred (total seagrass cover), and 3) the area (acres). From these primary metrics we derived a total seagrass abundance metric to account for both how frequently seagrass occurred over the entire site and the cover where it occurred. We then multiplied this derived metric by the acres at each site to calculate loss (marina channel + rock sill footprints) and gain (mitigation site). After accounting for the differences in the seagrass acreage, we divide the gain in seagrass (mitigation site = 4.27) by the loss (boat ramp channel & rock sill footprint = 0.60) to obtain the mitigation ratio (7.1). Assuming there are no catastrophic environmental disturbances (e.g., tropical cyclones) that interrupt seagrass colonization of the mitigation site, the mitigation ratio presented in table 1 (7.1) is a plausible but ambitious long- term target. Based on other mitigation projects that we have worked on, it is typically more common for a mitigation to impact ratio to be significantly less (i.e. 3:1). We expect there will be a succession of seagrass colonization of the mitigation site beginning with relatively rapid and sustained annual seed recruitment of Zostera. Within two years (two flowering seasons) we expect that the distribution and abundance of eelgrass at the mitigation site will equal or exceed the impacted sites. In the meantime, there will be a slower rate of clonal recruitment from the adjacent seagrass meadows by both Halodule and Zostera. We predict that within five years the loss of a sparse and patchy semi-annual Zostera meadow at the channel dredge site will be mitigated with a more dense and resilient mixed species seagrass meadow. Meadow resilience is an important co -benefit of our mitigation proposal. North Carolina lies at the interface of the temperate (Zostera) and tropical (Halodule) seagrass bioregions in the western Atlantic Ocean (Bartenfelder et al. 2021). The extremely warm temperatures limit Zostera growth and abundance in summer, while favoring Halodule. On an annual basis, a mixed species meadow sustains more productivity, persistent seagrass cover, and provides habitat and ecological services over longer periods of time than meadows with only one species. Monitoring and Success Criteria The mitigation site will be monitored twice annually for five years following installation of the rock sill. Seagrass monitoring will occur in April and September in order to assess the presence and cover of both the temperature species Z. marina and the tropical species H. wrightii. We will establish 13 equally spaced permanent transects oriented along the north -south axis of the 3.34- acre site and sample three 0.25 m2 quadrats spaced approximately 5 m apart along each transect. In each quadrat we will survey the presence/absence and cover of seagrass using the Braun- Blanquet visual assessment method; the same method used by the Albemarle Pamlico Estuary partnership to monitor the abundance of seagrasses coastwide in NC. At each point on the transects we will also determine the water depth using Carlson and Topcon RTK GPS. We will also determine the density of eelgrass flowering shoots in a subset of a least 25 quadrats in April of each of the five years to assess the reproductive effort during colonization of the mitigation site. In addition to the seagrass monitoring at the mitigation site, we will also monitor permanent transects in the reference areas behind the islands east and west of the mitigation site to assess whether environmental conditions in the general area of the mitigation continue to supportthe growth and abundance of the established seagrass meadows. The same sampling protocols described earlier will be used in the reference site including a subset of quadrats to assess eelgrass reproductive effort in April of each year. In addition to the seagrass monitoring, we will also record water temperature, tidally corrected water depths at each sampling station, and the bathymetry of the mitigation site once each year for the duration of the monitoring period. Success will be assessed at the end of the five-year monitoring period using the total seagrass abundance metric (Table 1). Assuming the mitigation goal is to replace the seagrass lost in the dredge channel we calculated the cumulative loss of seagrass over the five year period. Based on the data in Table 1, the annual total seagrass abundance loss at the boat ramp channel and the footprint of the rock sill is estimated to be 0.87 (0.73 + 0.14) and therefore, over five years the total loss in seagrass abundance is 4.35 (5 * 0.87). For each year following the initiation of the mitigation we will calculate the total seagrass abundance metric at the mitigation site and calculate the cumulative gain of seagrass abundance each year. Given these data metrics, we propose three success criteria. First, at the end of five years the abundance of seagrasses at the mitigation site should at least equal the impacted site and therefore the total seagrass abundance metric must> 0.87. Second, the mitigation should at a minimum replace the seagrass lost over the five-year period, therefore at the end of five years, the cumulative gain must be > the cumulative loss (4.35). The third criterion addresses the challenging issue of perpetual loss at the impact site for each year beyond the five year monitoring period. For this, we propose to use the slope of the regression line calculated from the rate of gain at the mitigation site over the five- year monitoring period to project future gains (or no change if the slope = 0) in abundance at the mitigation site. The cumulative annual total seagrass abundance predicted from the slope of the regression must equal the cumulative loss at the dredge site. Progress toward achieving the mitigation goals will be reported to the responsible agencies annually during the five-year monitoring period. Human Access and Notice The restoration area described above will allow people paddling/operating small craft and on foot access to the SAV Mitigation Area and will not interfere with public trust rights. The County does not plan to propose restrictions of access, but there is County and NCCF support for creating a no -wake zone and they will commit to talking to USACE Navigation Branch and US Coast Guard (USCG) about the ability to do so. To minimize human impact to the Mitigation Area and the two Reference Areas, the County and NCCF will install signs on the land at the eastern and western extremes of the island restoration area that make three statements (in descending type size, provided that the third statement will not be smaller than one inch in height), "Seagrass enhancement area, [over the statement] Please do not disturb emergent or submerged plants, [over the statement] See NCCF for additional information." References Bartenfelder A, Kenwortby WJ, Puckett B, Denton C and Jarvis JC (2022) The Abundance and Persistence of Temperate and Tropical Seagrasses at Their Edge -of -Range in the Western Atlantic Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:917237, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.917237 Combs, A.R., Jarvis, J.C., Kenworthy, W.J. 2020. Quantifying variation in Zostera marina seed size and composition at the species' southern limit in the western Atlantic; Implications for eelgrass population resilience. Estuaries and Coasts, https:Hdoi.org/10.1007/sl2237-020-00839- 5. Jarvis, J.C.,Moore, K.A., Kenworthy,W.J., 2012. Characterization and ecological implication of eelgrass life history strategies near the species' southern limit in the western North Atlantic. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser, 444, 43-56. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B D 11lSCA �lR C Y NYat N NOwN� � � W g��R = bP6RMENiJ�B D. , ' IUBL J FUD 1s T i l.LL N(ORMA bk SYO THIS DOCIIM J S SUB r:R 0 'JJY ENI lU roi; iL4uRr nc r. 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