HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05584_Well Construction - GW1_20230825 LL(CO ��T 1F N nasal-in mm41 For Internal Use Only: WtItIF k®Flit: • 1.Well Contractor Information: 1 - •eary.T�iOrltlps®iB 1d.t►lA9BRZOAl65 ::. .•. i. .. NcllCotumctarNamo MOD( To•: • DlstStmaolm , 44 18-A - �1 SD (S .2- fa, c-0-Ali ii" q tsp vt"' 1 MC Well CcahaetarCcedfieotianNi I. - I, ' 1^5•O➢ ER-CASIIVt�ffbr�aniticasQdseells)OR LINER•(ftni.limbic):•-•.:-.••.: ,:- Aqua Drill, Inc. .- - •FROST T® DIAMETER 1 •• MAT£Bmr. ComperName• f� $ G.2 to-1'Sl3iZ�t C�v` a6 INNER CASING OR-211BDIG( to tramielaseit:➢awl) 2.Well Constrnetion Permit �I-G-4.-l. to 3 mozan TO DIAMETER Trot twATrteral. Litt ail oppifcabfesrell consnacaonpe,mics(ie.WC Coma% State.Varione�ate) f, ft. in. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): f ft. in: - I Water SupplyWell •• &nom To DmisTER •1.10.eisraz Tines:miss— BrATERiAL . Agiiculttltel DMtmicipel/Public •- fu Lti ta. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) residential WaterSupPly(single) ft'. t� ""(adusttiallCommerciat �Restdential WaterSupply(shated) EO:TRODY'.- :.. hri lion FROM TO nIATERItu.' aitpaAiDEssreretoD�A►erotmlr� Non-Water Supply Well: t� � qt, t Monitoring �ua�.Ae,'. �C..r L`1,�[� . �ry fu fa' cc.:Fs I Injection Well: l AgiaiferIiecharge GronadwaterRemgdiatior ' • ft, I quell:St s ageond Recovery Sa' ' Barrier i9e g�tuorcit�v�b paCufaarattiratitc) FROM TO MATtmrax• HnipLLAACFSit g4t98ttD • uiferTest DStormwaterLongtime ft. rm ' Technology �SubsideaceConttol fi: frmal(Closed Loop) Tracer 20.DLEPIOEOG(aemd. dditiooalsheeesifmxe�an )rmal(HeadnglCoslingReturn) lOther(e,rplainunder'21 Remarks) FROM To nest rtorroxse;r emsmsv.ouctvee. simu_� 0• ft' �� ft' CliaE' 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 7'�-3 Well IDS l a ft' &IS fa / =r So.Well Location: co. fr: ft. gb:�cD y( � c�a G -o:8' c- .� l ,l 5ht fv234c- G.- 11 SAS ft: G ra...:E e-- Facility/0wnerNamo •FacilityMO(ifepplbable) ft. •ft. - •S2-i.b f(iet-$ lkeQ,. W"-5 in)(— fa tl a -:s. 1., w. - Physical Address,Citp.and Zip fft. ft. �' f Z--: a ... I' Cot- +�-- 21.REMARKS --. ; •- Lrt(t _e:•N•:rul3 ' . - County Y Pared Identification No.0%0 ' ' Sb.Latitude and longitude is tlegreeshninutesiseconds or decimal degrees: ""C r'P� P Una Cfwelt field.one boron is sufficient) 22.Certification: • Z�L Ca.,J:> • 16A(btys, d541)'N `(1OIZr zb, 1Gl,r w , G.Is(are)thewell(s)rPermaueat or DTemporary SigneNteof er�Well' neraetot Dine By agog thee form,1 hereby me tam de licks)war(errs)constructed fa accordance 7.31s ibis a repair to an ernstinglve& DYes or DC with 15A NOW OZC.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C10200 MI°mention&aedan&and tiara . • pit 1setrepairfill out larotrn+reiieonstractloninfomualonandetplain nature elk? min'o�dr�+ tdhasbeorpnm�ldedtotleeu�ellorrmr. matt wrder#2l tratarkssectlon croft the baelteftblsfottn 23.Site dtvgrern or additional well details - 8.For GeoprobclDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Weis having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only l.GVI/1 is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBIIt oftvells conswotiOn details.Yon may alsoattach'additional pages ifeecessary.- drilled: I r SUBMITTAL DISTRUCTIONS , • 2.5 Tom!well depth below load station: ' Poraudepiewells&stalldepthsifd8errnt(example-3@200'and2@IQfl ( ) con.Far Wells:Allthe following Submit this fotml 9tivithiu 30 days of completion of well construstctiontothefallowittg • 10.Static water level below top of casing: ')--a (ft:) Division of Water Resources,information Processing Unit, lfanreriers!Isaboreeasinl&tat' " 1617 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC27699 I617 • 11.Borehole diameter. (' (eo.) 241).For inieetion Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a • Lib Well construction method: +rbL truabove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well at. ,�e, p�etc) consctioa to the followin I j Division of Wafer Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail ServiceCentcr,!Raleigh,NC27699-1636 •13a.Yield(gpm) L( Method of test: OrkiN•l• iVim zr - 24n.For Water Sutmly&Infection Welts: In addition to sending the form to l�� a`e ®� the address(a)above,also submit one loopy of this form within 30 days of 136.Disinfection type: '1 Amount: Ti.6 'L. completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. I FormGW 1 North Cantina DepatementofEnvimmnealal Quality-Division°MinterResources Revised 2-22 211E6