HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05569_Well Construction - GW1_20230825 I' • W '__LI MilL____u(�'_'}I®I (C_,In l� IForInternal Up Only; .• :<���+flP'w®P�t ' L Well Contractor lfaformatiom: Ceri,.Thompson 14.WA eRztmras :. ,. . t. ;. . ViaU CommctorName • , ;OM TO: • aEScaUFittttu i , 4418--A • • daft: %it 0, c......4-brI Gyt•v-' . ;+tCWauCantmeme weat�ta `�-`t � -•z4 G � Free.k"i . I Q1rft3R•CAS@Ita'(6hir f �i A 3 Y` • Aqua Drill, Inc. �sI :.01ROST ID R OR, air IIeohfe: .. ER , MAMMA Company Nonni• hart a ft. s rs' $ I (,zs� la' IS b 1... w V e... L Well Construction Permitd: — �� •• �✓ riC) IG GORIOUBING igmmnrmat Osseo Iaup1:':..A L• - FROM TO irommarmt. rintisilss list ail applicable veiloan treeYmrpermitsgm U/GCmmy,SeafGVariance eta) % M. ps, S.Well Use(cheeltwell user ft. ft. 4V atci•Supply Welk • 1Z•SCt;t3EIN. .. �• , 'a AgnctdtwGeothermal ® ,,,'GPaUPublie Feonlin st TO u ,6pmaeiza "TRIMNESS _srn eutr. - . in. (HeatingiCoo1fngSoPWy) 0 -,denial Water Supply(single) fr. ft. ta. industrial/Commercial DRestdeatial Water Supply(shared) ,ltriiatiaa '-H9{GRdI11T.. > ••• _ Won-Water Supply Well: mom xd �ynramouw aiav/a►��rrainnaonnwniwn:a`. jii � 0 fL V .t• UeNVbw.Monitoring ti._t�Recovery fr. ft.' `Ps anAc� �`� . agfcctton.Wellt 1 *AguiferReeharge it GmuadtvaterRemediation " • - f° AquiferStetagetrydRecovery �5e1'urityBatrier ao nrottAdeLti'ACtmennrmtta • . - - uiferT�t �IStotmwatef Dtaimege ft. ft.TO 1 - • 1 etual Technology DSubsidemee Control re fa ill Geothermal(Closed Loop) EjTracer 1 '20 DRILIA NDLCG(and&adman]stuntsif ) Geothermal(FIeatinglCoolingReturn) 110ther(explain underR2lRemarks) FROM TO DESciuntaufaster.htshoortmilisothttatairdotho.esal . • ft; 4.Cato 11re11(s)Completed: Co-1 WeEP IU f� s- (A r i §a1VeltLaeaftom 11 rc spa �S tovet�r st, I �J('Rhy It) 9 $ ��3 tau 4 rr cmcr_ 9S n " 'ara Gala,•,.% 4. Faet7lylOaau•Non 'Futility 1DP(ifapplieablo) ft. n _ Pbyt[eol Address.Cityandtip ;.K+ram-1..u"2... (4 ft 5 21.REMAR cs 'tc�,s Lt,. . �. rfG2 ur= 3. Caaety Pared ideaafeation No.(PtN) Sb.Latitudeandioagiivdeio.degrecsfminuteslsecoadsordecimaldegrees: iv rite n r,CiSOG Vr 6frrdl fold.one taUfongissufficient) yyCerttt;enef„n• ti -Nu./tea' (3 o► i, cr g tS e f 1 .a((, oq?1-. Tv '1 6.is(are)the wel(s) ermsuseat or Temporary Si a of A tiv Cbnuaamr � �'v Z . Date 7.1s this a tonn misting Belt: �P �3,� ayetnIngr(clam.ikrceby care,that tka ralf(sJ rat Cum)consoaaredlaaccoutre= repair g es or o with LfANOW=.0100orISANCACRC.020D•Well CanrtrurrIrmandar*affd thai o i trainParAult'laramn+rollcvnantraMkrrp(auanorrdaptafridoaamaeethie coPyofeGKeadharhenprmldedtoextrdlmvttni mpahrcarder021 reaarn s:eat=aroat&ebar&ajthisjarm. 2M.Site diagram oraddidonal well details: I' . 8.For Gcoprobc(DI'd'or Closed-Loop Geothermai Wells having theme You may use the back alibis paw to provIde additional well site details or well coas4uetion,only LOW-1 is needed.Indicate TOTALNUMt3ER°Neils• construedon details.You may also nitwit additional pages ifnee Milled: essaty, j SUBN1PITAL INSTRUCTIONS 9 Total well depth belaw land surface 3 2-5 IoraodtlpletrellslhualldapthtsyrDBerrattewmphe-3Q200•axd:(a)100ry (�) um For Ail�PJeltm Submit this form!within 30 days of completion of well b consstrtitdianto the following: 1RStade water level below top of casing: i. Ijtouerkrel a abareearhn�era�; (ft) Division of Water ltesoure s,Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mil Service Center,Raleigh,NC27699-1617 • 11.Borehole diameter: a (in.) 241r For Iniectiom Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a • 17.Well construction method: !b ill cy A;/ abovesubmit one copy of this form within 90 days of completion of well fie.augtrratsy,eocltorreatpash.eaa cottstmctioatothe'fbllotvhtg FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Wafer Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC27699,1636 • 13uY3iti.YDlsinfeeield(gpmtioa) 0 T(� •7 t% Method of test: tz a6'iz6.• •�02Ac.For Water Sunniv&Iniection Wells InIaddition to sending the fort to e• the eddress(es)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of type: Ataounf: 1 1-a,.� completion of twit constauclion to the county health department of the county where constructed. FomrGW I North iarolicaDepa t°fEacia:mum:1 r Chary i Bavizc82r22r2016 1