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GW1--05568_Well Construction - GW1_20230825
• For Internal Use Only; 1.Well conteaaetor Information: •Oary.Thompsoo , NallCootatetorNeme • - r+aoat ru: unssiots J NC Well CommistarOoddiuinnNi®Ler Aqua ®l7II, Inc. . . I onaitltCasiw tbr�alriae�tasveus oRL1NER , ;',; `a+OW TO DIABOTEW :, fl1ATenbto:-•.•. .... Company Name• ft `'/i,"' aQ i((V7��AIFAU►L G S e• Gr AS ' .�r'ar a t pot I6:MISRct1s11yG OR•T9uBiwG :_,2.Well Construction Permits i- FROM 70 > dosed:inn: :, ;.. ... .• NESS L Land1 applrcablou+el1 oonsrrocacurpermits(i.e.WC Cmmgs waft Verrone%ate) fr. ft. in. in. ttTAT ra 3.Well Use(cheeitweU use): fe 1 I_Water Supply Weil: • lz'SCiN;. ... ;• • AgiicWttual M ei MOM To minim BLOT ffi 1pei/Pablie f6 it. in. 3Geothennel(Heating/Cooling Supply) it' 'dentin!Water Supply(single) Itdustriol/Commerclal DResidential Waters l (shared) ►u. - Supply 89 GROUT.. Non-Water Supply Wen: mom 'nre�auy :rartc�tgxrr Irrigation b fit. "2a & metuoDaAatatuvr. • - Monitoring Recovery ' �� n F•1I Znjeetion Well: f6 • CA,'ps I..9quiferRecharge OGmundwaterAemediatian ' • fa r�Aquifer Storage end Recovery �5alinity Beerier • '•is:•§Anutit vt PACK,f imble ; - Aquifer'Test ertonr TO n aretunr, wrtc©i�iacaseo3tan 5totmtvaterDrainsge fh Experimental Teehnology5ubsidenctsControl f� Geothermal(Closed Loop) Tim • 2U DRD;L[NGIGOG tt,iebaddttiobntsbeemtf Geothermal(HeadnglCooling Reaun) Other(euplain under#21 Rcmarla) nr zo __.._ TrOBrwtor ro� � • 4.Date Well s C fa l b ft us ete� ()Completed: 7f—.�`a 2 Well ID# 6a f6 �aWeICLocatioa: 1 °4"r . Sri �d' s Gr1�w i G C.(,Ay-Ea N (do le. �-0mm-5 GS . 3�1 Faci6ly/0tdnerName d" :�� .� FaetlttyIDO(ifappGcobto) fQ ft.-L C 31 Rot,/ 1�.('(•e. &P. 1e wru ft( le w� fe q®� d q�A� mrAddress. ty. d Cizjp tt ft 1 - - - Physical �5 2l:REMARKS . County 1 _f�",la�ll Parcel identification No.GPM) ' Sb.Latitude and longitudein•degreesliuinutestsecondsordecimald Ittfcrwr.�ddn r°r s • l:a:� Orwell Said.one rat/1m b sufficient) �' �1'� *� v '� 22.Certification: 6.IS(are}the wel(s) 11'er Dram'mameat or DTeou.ry S%mum ofceetiSc4 W l doa�o, r I �`/�—� Date )'war Orem)consouctat In accordance 7.Is this a repair toancudddlingwell: Dates or o withI CA signing CO2C.01000rma orISANCACO2C.0at die 200IYe(1Catauuplan Standouts=Idm:a . Ile&Erarepalrfillomknartn well canrmtglenInjormationm,detplola'rkenantrrgrill: ropyofdrisnzmrribat been proddedmdetedlounon repair wider 621 tram&rseerian orals the back ofthtsfoma. 23.Site diagram or additional well:Walla: . 8.For Geoprobe/DFrd•or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction.only LOW-1 is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwells• construction details.You may aisoattacit additional pages ifneeessory.. drilled: u r SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS . 9 Total well depth below land surface: • 51154 1 (ft.) 248.For Ail Weiler Submit this fort within 30 Fornuthplewellslistalideptltslftgrerrnr(erange-4200'4nd2@„100) days of completion of well 4� constnictionto the follawim� 10.Static water level below top of easing: (ft:) Division of Water Resources.Info on Prot Jfewerlew.I isoilm�een:us are'``4- 1617 Matti Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991617 IL Borehole diameter: Co L (iD j 24b.For.iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.• Weil construction method: l''6 as r• to.,: /. above also submit one copy of This farm within 30 days of completion of well r,•e mom�y,�,� y� consauctioato the follotving FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Undergroun d Injection Control Program, 1636 Matt Service Center,Raleigh,NC2769?d636 13a. field(gpm) 111 Method of test: Ci't-`'e.`1�'6"t`c.• 24e.For Water Samar&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to 13b.Dtsutfectioa type: lZ� ?pv the address(as)above,also submit one copy of this than within 30 days of X Amount I i.0 completion of hell construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. • FotmGW i North Carolina Department ofEaviaoameatal Quality-DnfsioaontrsterResomres 1 Reaited2.ZL.21116 1