HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000488_MS4 Annual Report (2022-23 FY)_20230831 (2) NCS000488_VALDESE 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Reporting Line Year BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments No. (July 1- Ref. June 30) Did Valdese submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to August 2 2 1 31 each year? YES Did Valdese develop and distribute new educational fliers about illicit 11 2 3.B.2. discharges? YES If so, how many educational fliers about illicit discharges were 12 2 3.B.2. distributed? 35 Did Valdese attend the annual Waldensian Festival to disperse stormwater outreach materials/awareness through the use of interactive 21 2 4.B.1. educational games and activities? NO If so, how many Waldensian Festival attendees were engaged in 22 2 4.6.1. stormwater outreach/received stormwater information? 0 Did Valdese provide additional outreach supplement or alternative 31 2 4.6.2. outreach opportunities if the annual Waldensian Festival was canceled? YES If so, how many attendees were engaged in additional/supplemental 32 2 4.B.2. stormwater outreach? 300 Hickory Stem Trek Did Valdese have WPCOG provide instruction and stormwater 42 2 5.6.1. educational activities to youth? YES If so, how many WPCOG youth education activities/events were 43 2 5.6.1. provided? 1 44 2 5.6.1. If so, how many WPCOG youth event participants were reached? 130 Did Valdese create a presentation covering stormwater topics to be 57 2 5.6.2. presented in digital classrooms and/or provided to teachers? NO If so, how many classroom presentations were provided by teachers or 58 2 5.6.2. staff? 0 59 2 5.6.2. If so, how many students were reached by classroom presentations? 0 Did Valdese provide one presentation about one of the six NPDES Minimum Control Measures at each annual WPCOG Water Quality 72 2 7.B.1. Conference? YES If so, how many attendees were reached during the annual WPCOG 73 2 7.6.1. Water Quality Conference stormwater presentation? 95 Did Valdese evaluate the target pollutants and audiences to identify 83 2 8.6.1. where outreach can be improved? YES 84 2 8.6.1. If so, were any revisions made to target pollutants? YES 85 2 8.6.2. If so, were any revisions made to target audiences? YES 99 2 10.6.2. Was the annual selfI ssessment uploaded to stormwater website? PARTIAL WPCOG's website Did any links, contact information, or documents on the stormwater web 100 2 10.B.2. page need to be updated? YES Did Valdese post the current SWMP, stormwater ordinance and annual 101 2 10.6.3. assessment on the stormwater web page? YES WPCOG's website Did Valdese provide citizen education as part of the enforcement process 113 2 11.6.3. for illicit discharges, illegal dumping and improper disposl of waste? YES If so, how many educational citizen interactions were completed as part 114 2 11.B.3. of the illicit discharge and illegal dumping enforcement process? 3 Did Valdese maintain a hotline for stormwater complaints and 124 2 12.B.2. information? YES 125 2 12.6.3. How many stormwater hotline calls were received? 3 Did Valdese stormwater hotline staff receive training in general stormwater awareness, complaint call protocols, appropriate contacts for 133 2 12.6.4. referral, and typical stormwater issues? YES Did Valdese publicize contact information on the municipal Facebook 138 2 12.6.5. page, and the stormwater program and WPCOG webpages? YES How many messages were received via the web based complaint/ 143 2 15.6.2. reporting/input form? 0 phone call or email mainly Was the web based complaint/reporting/input form maintained / Updated to Microsoft form on WPCOG 147 2 15.6.3. updated? YES website Change of staff for outreach, increase in outreach &social media is a priority 153 2 16.6.1. Did Valdese maintain a Facebook page for stormwater messaging? NO to increase in the next permit year If so, how many posts were made on the Facebook page related to the 154 2 16.6.1. stormwater program? 0 Did Valdese participate in quarterly Water Resource Committee 164 2 17.B.1. meetings? YES If so, how many quarterly Water Resource Committee meetings did 165 2 17.B.1. Valdese participate in? 2 2 of 2 Page 1 of 4 NCS000488_VALDESE 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT If so, how many attendees (total of all meetings)were at quarterly Water 166 2 17.B.1. Resource Committee meetings that Valdese participated in? 32 Did Valdese provide a survey to engage the public and gauge public 178 2 18.B.1. interest in stormwater issues and the stormwater program? YES 179 2 18.B.1. If so, how many surveys were completed? 0 190 2 19.B.1. Did Valdese provide and promote volunteer stream cleanup activities? YES 191 2 19.B.1. If so, how many stream cleanup events were held? 1 192 2 19.B.1. If so, how many stream cleanup participants were there? 2 193 2 19.B.1. If so, how many trash bags were filled during stream cleanup events? 8 Did Valdese provide materials for volunteer stream cleanup activities 207 2 19.B.2. hosted by Valdese and WPCOG? YES Did Valdese will publicize stream cleanup events to the public on the 212 2 19.B.3. WPCOG website,The Town website, and flyers distributed at Town Hall? YES Did Valdese update the existing MS4 map to include new infrastructure 218 2 20.B.1. and outfalls? PARTIAL In Progress 219 2 20.B.1. If so, how many new outfalls were mapped? 0 227 2 21.B.1. Did Valdese review the IDDE ordinance and update if needed? YES Did Valdese review/update priority areas likely to have high pollution 234 2 23.B.2. potential? YES Did Valdese perform dry weather inspections in accordance with the 239 2 24.B.2. IDDE Plan and schedule? YES Inspections in Progress 240 2 24.B.2. If so, how many dry weather inspections were performed? 0 241 2 24.B.2. If so, how many potential illicit/dry weather discharges were identified? 0 254 2 26.B.1. Did Valdese screen priority areas likely to have illicit discharges? YES 255 2 26.B.1. If so, how many illicit discharges were identified in priority areas? 0 Did Valdese evaluate and assess the IDDE plan/program and revise if 263 2 26.B.3. necessary? YES 269 2 27.B.2. How many verified IDDE issues were identified? 0 276 2 27.B.3. Did Valdese enforce illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations? YES How many illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations/enforcement 277 2 27.B.3. actions were issued? 4 How many illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations/enforcement 278 2 27.B.3. actions were resolved? 4 290 2 27.B.4. Did Valdese establish and maintain a list of chronic violators? YES 291 2 27.B.4. If so, how many chronic violators were identified? 0 Did Valdese evaluate and assess the IDDE Program documentation to 298 2 27.B.5. identify areas for improvement? YES 299 2 27.B.5. If so, were revisions made to the IDDE tracking tool? _YES Did Valdese train new staff and contractors to identify and report illicit 309 2 28.B.2. discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills? YES Staff were trained in the previous year How many new staff and contractors were trained to identify and report 310 2 28.B.2. illicit discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills? 0 Did Valdese utilize social media and the stormwater webpage(s)to WPCOG's website &Town of Valdese's 318 2 29.B.2. publicize contact information for IDDE reporting? YES Website 324 2 32.B.2. Did Valdese evaluate the IDDE complaint response time? YES 325 2 32.B.2. If so, what was the average response time for IDDE complaints/reports? 12-24 hours Did Valdese train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site 335 2 33.B.1. complaints? YES How many staff were trained on proper handling of construction site No new staff, staff were trained in the 336 2 33.B.1. complaints? 0 previous year How many construction site complaints were received from municipal 337 2 33.B.2. staff? 0 Did Valdese administer a public survey to receive perspective on 349 2 34.B.1. construction site runoff? YES Did Valdese publicize the ability to report concerns about construction runoff issues via the online form on the Valdese and WPCOG websites 350 2 34.B.4. and social media? YES Did Valdese maintain/update the adopted construction site waste 359 2 35.B.4. ordinance? YES Did Valdese train municipal staff on identifying and reporting 365 2 35.B.3. construction site waste violations? YES How many staff were trained on identifying and reporting construction No new staff, staff were trained in the 366 2 35.B.3. site waste violations? 0 previous year 373 2 35.B.5. Did Valdese enforce construction site waste violations? YES 374 2 35.B.5. How many construction site waste enforcement actions were issued? 2 375 2 35.B.5. How many construction sitewaste violations were remedied? 2 Did Valdese track the number of low-density and high-density plan 390 2 36 reviews performed? YES Page 2 of 4 NCS000488_VALDESE 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 391 2 36 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 0 392 2 36 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 0 393 2 36 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 0 394 2 36 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 0 Did Valdese maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, 411 2 36 last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? YES How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were 416 2 36 performed? 0 421 2 36 How many low-density inspections were performed? 0 426 2 36 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 0 Did Valdese train field and office staff in Stormwater Ordinance 432 2 38.B.1. procedures and enforcement actions? YES How many staff were trained in Stormwater Ordinance procedures and 433 2 38.B.1. enforcement actions? 0 443 2 38.B.2. How many post-construction notices of violation were issued? 0 444 2 38.B.2. How many post-construction Civil Citations were issued? 0 445 2 38.B.2. How many post-construction violations are still in process of abatement? 0 Did Valdese review post-construction procedures and documents and 456 2 39.B.1. update as needed? YES 470 2 42.B.1. How many pre-CO SCM inspections were completed? 0 471 2 42.B.1. How many repeat pre-CO SCM inspections were completed? 0 472 2 40.B.1. How many permitted projects with O&M Plans received their CO? 0 473 2 42.B.2. How many SCM inspections were completed by municipal staff? 0 474 2 42.B.2. How many SCM inspections performed by municipal staff were failed? 0 How many qualified licensed professional SCM inspections completed 475 2 42.B.3. with documentation received? 0 476 2 42.B.3. How many SCMs are under annual inspection enforcement? 1 477 2 42.B.4. Did Valdese conduct inspections of 20%of low-density projects this year? YES There are no low density projects 478 2 42.B.4. How many low density violators were found? 0 479 2 42.B.4. How many low density violations were enforced? 0 Did Valdese provide educational materials about low density developments during the issuance of zoning permits, distributed through 512 2 43.B.3. mailings, posted on social media, and handed out at events? PARTIAL There are no low density projects 513 2 43.B.3. How many low density educational materials were distributed? 0 Did Valdese provide educational materials to developers about high density development during the issuance of zoning permits, distributed 522 2 44.B.2. through mailings, posted on social media, and handed out at events? PARTIAL There are no high density projects 523 2 44.B.2. How many high density educational materials were distributed? 0 Did Valdese establish/maintain links to all post-construction ordinances, manuals, policies, checklists, design standards, and/or other materials on 531 2 44.B.3. the website? YES WPCOG's website 537 2 45.B.1. Did Valdese maintain a Pet Waste Ordinance? YES 538 2 45.B.1. Did Valdese implement and enforce the Pet Waste Ordinance? YES How many educational awareness materials on fecal coliform pollution 547 2 45.B.2. associated with maintenance of septic systems were distributed? 35 How many high potential municipal facilities recevied annual inspections 556 2 47.B.3. for good housekeeping/polution prevention? 2 Public Works,WTP How many low potential municipal facilities were inspected for good 557 2 47.B.3. housekeeping/pollution prevention (once per permit term required)? 0 How many municipal facilities implemented corrective action(s)following 565 2 47.B.3. inspection? 2 571 2 48.B.3. Did Valdese review/maintain written spill response plans? PARTIAL 572 2 48.B.3. How many spill response procedure plans were revised? 0 In Progress How many non-reportable spills were documented according to the spill 581 2 48.B.5. response SOP? 0 How many reportable spills were documented according to the spill 582 2 48.B.5. response SOP? 0 591 2 49.B.3. Did Valdese implement the MS4 O&M Plan? YES 595 2 49.B.4. How many MS4 inspections were completed? 4 How many comprehensive stormwater training sessions for new staff 602 2 50.B.2. were held? 0 How many new municipal and contractor staff received comprehensive 603 2 50.B.2. stormwater training? 0 615 2 51.B.1. Did Valdese inspect the MS4 infrastructure? YES 616 2 51.B.1. How many MS4 catch basins were inspected? 4 617 2 51.B.1. How many MS4 conveyances were inspected? 4 618 2 51.B.1. How many MS4 issues were documented? 0 Page 3 of 4 NCS000488_VALDESE 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 619 2 51.B.1. How many miles of roadside/ROW conveyances were inspected? 0 636 2 52.B.2. How many MS4 cleanings/maintenance actions were performed? 0 Did Valdese maintain an inventory of municipally-owned SCMs with information including type,year built, date of last inspection and 643 2 53.B.1. maintenance actions? NO No municipally-owned SCMs 644 2 53.B.1. How many municipally-owned SCMs are in the inventory? 0 Did Valdese develop/maintain a SCM Operation and Maintenance Plan 645 2 53.B.2. for each muncipally-owned SCM? NO 656 2 54.B.3. How many municipally-owned SCM inspections were performed? 0 How many municipally-owned SCMs had documented 662 2 54.B.4. deficiencies/required maintenance? 0 How many municipally-owned SCM corrective actions/repairs were 663 2 54.B.4. performed? 0 Did Valdese ensure that only certified landscapers/applicators are 672 2 56.B.1. applying pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers? YES How many certified landscapers/applicators are applying pesticides, 673 2 56.B.1. herbicides and fertilizers? 2 Did Valdese implement standard operating procedures for vehicle and 682 2 57.B.3. equipment washing? YES 690 2 59.B.1. Did Valdese perform municipal street/curb and gutter sweeping? YES 691 2 59.B.1. How many lane miles were swept? 8 Did Valdese distribute educational flyers regarding street runoff 700 2 59.B.2. pollution? YES How many educational flyers regarding street ruoff pollution were 701 2 59.B.2. distributed? _ 75_ 710 2 60.B.1. Did Valdese service public waste receptacles? YES 711 2 60.B.1. How many trash bags were used/collected? 200_ Did Valdese collect litter from public right-of-way outside of Downtown 720 2 60.B.2. on an as-needed basis? YES 721 2 60.B.2. How much trash was collected (pounds)? 1,200 730 2 61.B.1. Did Valdese collect leaves? YES 731 2 61.B.1. How many cubic yards of leaves were collected? 440 Did Valdese train first responders on minimizing, collecting and disposing 740 2 62.B.1. of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an accident? NO How many first responders were trained on minimizing, collecting and 741 2 62.B.1. disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an accident? 0 750 2 62.B.2. Did Valdese equip and maintain spill kits in first responder vehicles? YES 751 2 62.B.2. How many first responder spill kits were maintained/refilled? 5 401b bags stay dry How many public education materials about vehicle leaks/pollution 759 2 62.B.3. potential were distributed? Did Valdese enforce significant vehicle leaks from parked cars under the 765 2 62.B.4. IDDE ordinance? NO No leaks were found/reported How many enforcement actions were issued for significant vehicle leaks 766 2 62.B.4. from parked cars? 0 Page 4 of 4