HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05489_Well Construction - GW1_20230825 1 V6- "'l x-.yy a _____________:...:__-__I--...._________ it Ii C- T t criON RECORD(GW-11 For Internal Use Only: L Wen Contractor Information: Cameron Bazin 14.WATER ZONES Mom To DESCIUMION Welt CaapaetarNene ,) ft. n.i t�:'y2 I 4518-A a. rt. H I NC Well Contactor Cee<36n1ioallombcr IS.OUTER CASING(for multi-a red We11!)ORL)NSR(if ii..noble) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL Aqua Drill,Inc. ft �o it In DIAMETER CompanyName fr IVNERCa•IG lotedl , warty 7 FitOM11 TO ASINGORTUB1 DIAMETER unelel IF.S r. 2.WOUConshactiaaP(smit ���G Z.- ft. IIIIIINIIM EA/all applicable xeflcmrtraaion:emrfes am WC,auto:Sta[a Vadmm4 etc.) IIIIIIIINII In.ft. 3.Well Use(check well nu}: 17.SCREEN y0 MA TERIAL Water Supply Wen: FROM TO DIAMETER SUITS ii�; M___A` jAgiicultoad DMunicipallPablic ft. g. 1n. il riGeothermal(Beating/Cooling Supply)/ Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft. In. � DIndustrMI/Cammercial Residential Water Supply(shared) IL GROUT Eft. EMP AceMsxrrd�coD� •uNT ILLK�on FROM TO MATERIAL CitrAe Nouon--W"ater Supply Wen: QMonitoring ORecovery Injection Well: ft. ft. DAquifCTRseheuge C3GrtovadwaterReffiediatietn 19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK(if aPWi'eable) 1 e and R ; DAgnifcr Storagecovery Es t Barrier FROM TO 1 MATERIAL EMILACEMrxTME[aOD ©IAquiferTest 10to mwaterDrainage R' r QExpcei nlnl Technology QSnbsidemce Control ft ft. t me 1 + DR ;LINLOG(attach . nalstmemdaecesrar 0Gwthennal{CloedImp) Mincer 'DGeatbermal(Beating/CoolingRemm) riOthr(explainUndet#21Remarks) n ft y o ft. 44Y1, oFROM TO DICCRIF4ON( rI,hudem.rhak4lFe PF>��� ) 4.DateWen(s)Completed: g2. Well Ma /y� s �/) Ix Well Location: it. I R.Name FaciitylD(I(ifapplicab11(2171°2le) / �' Phystealane:es,City,=drp �U`i �, 51 Zue� 1Q (:., • z1.REtNAltl{S i >fa;ic� •�,�';;,^ �a t.;i County • ParcelIdeafifleationNo.(PiN) I R,�i QV•ii,.3vt 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreentminnter'Jaewnds or deamal degrees: - (ifwcllSold,OHS latllang is sufficient) 22.Certification. 1 . 15 " N tem. 5 74n, W I l c//2 Tam nary Signature of Well Contractor I Dan 6.Is(ere)the waifs) Permanent or By signing this form I hereby cere that the:veti(s)tins(were)constructed in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a 7.1s this'trefoil'to an existing well: Eilres or o a fhIr record dad to the wellawne r. Iflhittsanwdr,Jllloatlbwwarvdleaatb aninformatlon oglaiatlrenauaaojthe PY I P+ rrpa'under 021 remark section oren the backeftlrlrfo 23.Site diagram or additional well details: . S.For Geoprobs/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide addiNonel well site details or wdl cmtshuction,only 1 GW=l is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details.You away also attach additional pages ifnecesy�try. ,- drilled: SUBMITIALJNSTRUCTIONS 9 Total wall depth below tend surface: c.,5 (R) 24a.For All Wells: Submit,iris form within 30 days of completion of well - AormuWpleuclklist all depths Plifferent(esonple.Warm!2(a)100) comshuctlonto the following: %a (ft) Division of Water Resourc Ytufarmation Processi 10.StaBc water level below top of mdng: . 8s, �Unit, Venter level is drove eating.use+" 16171Ulall Service Crater Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 IL Borehole diametea: ') 24b.For Wells: la addition to sending the form to the addrzzss is 24a ntr above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well constradtlon method: 1 construction to the following: II (Le.mum rotary,cable,dbatpusb,etc.) Division of Water Resources,'Underground Injection Conird Program_ FORWATER SUPPLY WELLSONLY: I636Mail Service CeateevRmleip�t,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) •:l D�Ietltod of test: 71 d^ 24c.Foy-Water 6nnDIV 1¢�iretd.w., �e�. n addition tosentl' : . s(as) above, also submit one copy of this form,with 30: to lab.Disinfection e• Amoaak 1 a ration of well caaa c8on to the county health depatgttehtK �h IlaY5 of where constructed. r GW.1 m ,,, , North Coolies Department ofEuvinonmental Quality-Divisiona terRrxoein.,.