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Mecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20230828 (8)
WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For lmcnwlUseONLY;, This fo na chn be used.4'oi single or multiple}sells i 1.Well.Contr,actor htfotinution: UVFLL.ABANDONMENT DETAILS Brian Ewing 7a,Ntmdter of ivOls being alrimddutd; 1 SVclfCouractarhauei(ortrclloutiLri�cemially=ab5nldtdtrgticElanlr�tlt rpropcny) For rmJnpie tnrerNar or m,rr-v¢uer suppj, urlls ONLY wrtb N.r same. . roaxmrctiauirh�rrri�7rirvr*raf,1+'irr clvr sralvmt ar�frrrvn 4240-B NC W4 CwtlydgarG9nIficttiouNtin bcr 7b,Appro%nnate►iiinme r(f IVAtCr iri;lining in F SAEDACCO FOR 1$';kTE-RSUPPt,YNVF.E.SONI,V:. Com�i�tl.Nanic 7e Type of disinfectant used: 2.RVell Censttvction Permit ll:50000087,_,__ Id3t id1 rr iQ�tr rGlt r�rll Earmhr tl r•Ccwrily,Srair:l iJ'rl i mre.L;rfiitir;rlc/if kmuwJ� X Amount of&Infectaut used: 3.Well um (checkweti use): Water Supply Yell: 7a Scalingmatch:ils usctl.(checl;allthat apply): ❑Agricultural OManicip;tlrl'uhlic 12 Nwt Ceoiclit,GnJot El 13emonitc`Chips or Pellets ❑Cicothcrm;tl(HcatirtclCoollug Supply} f]ItcSidcntilil l4ater$nppl}(Sinalq) Sarti)Cetrteotl Gtiint ❑Dry•CL•ty ❑InttiistriallCOmnicrcial 1311midemial Water Supply.(sbarrd) ❑Concrete Giout ? ❑ Drill Cutiinp ❑itri tiou d Specialty Gaut ❑ Gravel Nog-Water Suppty Welf- Cl Bentouite Slurry 0 Other(explain under 7g) lzMonitorine ❑Rccotrn' injection Well.. 7f For eaelr material selected above,pimide amount of.ulatedals used: ❑Aquifer Rccbarge ❑Graiundn iter Rcnteduttion Neat Cem.•471b ,Wtr:3gal. ', Sand Cem.•lb ,Wtr•gal ❑Aquifer Storage aixl Rmbven; ❑$alii►ity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑S lontnt'ir[cr Druirtrge -- ❑E�cperirneulbl litihiiolo t+ ❑Sibsidew!Cprtttdl 7;.,.Provide a Uriif&%criptian of ibc aliaiidnomcnt prr►cidun: t7Gmfierinal(Closed.Loop). riTracer TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO SURFACE 06mtkriml(Acatin;'Coo6P,Return) ❑Othcr.(es lain.mder7tt) --- -- - -- �'' d�''�' 1 �•,+-..try, 4.Datencl[(s).;ib;mdnncd; 7-18-23 r 5a.Well lucutiitn: Motiva rlit3ftl.t►Nc tt Pr.^..-c&&Q ,g 11R:4 Pacilit lOwtu:r Neim Ta ility IDa'(-10pp5;610 .$•Certificaiioiv D1 QIP_.OG 6851 Freedom Dr. Charlotte, NC 28214 _Brian.Ewi n 7/28/2023 Physical Addres.City.and Zip Si�;luie of.'060HOe Vdl C6,rurr.kir:)r•r:;tl Ownx Dale Mecklenburg flp:siglatng this foray, 1 frelrhy eerdA,,-tliat the teall(s) inns(irere)abandaied.in l aursq Pared Idznli[igtlnnNo:(PRv) .'(icixrrtfarcc Willi 1.M riVAC 02C''0100 or 2C.6200 firrll G•ohvoiclium Sianikrr(ls and that a copjr afthis record hasbecrr,proi iy'ed to llre.ii'e11 owner.- Sb.E.:•ttihide and longitude fit rtcgrccsfntinuics/seconds or dechnal degrees: (if,tV11 Ctld,girc latllnn iz,itlic6ci>i} 9.Sito diagram or addidonat hell details: You nmy tk�e t1N back of dus page top rovide additional tciell site'.details or well D' W 'ttbandonuieut&tails. You way also allech a'IdiGoual paves if riecessaay. CONSTRUMION DETAILS OF WELLS)BEING:ABANDONED 9tJ8 itTTAT.INSTRUCTIONS .titrxh�iirQ[na,rt+icritln mcvnt(sr lf'�iialli�lilr. ;f�4r mulorrr�a it jrctiair nr rsrn•uuter.firppij - - u,elk O:VLY i0ih Am s,rin�crrn+renrrtorr<'ri4nrml@rrr r�ru•i�a cma srilmir ore krmm 10a. For.All W&Ls- Submit this farm �itlun 30 &aVs of eouipletion of Ivell 6u WenQl#•sr-18 abandotnticm to'thc following: Dkvisian.of Water Resourrm information Promsing Unit, 6b.Total tscll depth: 25 1617 Stail Scivice Center'ILrleir�ti >tC 27699-1617 (ft. - '° ' 10b.Tor miectlon Wells: In addition to sending the fRrnt to the address in [OaCie.8o;eholc dL�nteter:1 (in.) abiive;also subutil one copy or This fortrr ivilhih 30 drays of completion of%ell ubaddonrrtent to dte,follti,tiing; i 6d.�llater level below gmand surface (ft.) DivisIou of tiS'nter Resources,Uuder7_round.in jecilou Contra!Prxigram, -106 Mail Scivicc Ccnict.k4lcigh,IBC 276994636 i 6c.Outer caiing length(if linown): (f{} 1(1e.i nr.tiV;rrer Srrnnly&iniggL2n Welts:. Lt addition la sending the fomt.(o the addresses) aboye. also submit one 'copy of this.form within 30 days of completion of mmil abandormi-ant to thelcounty bsilth dcp:artnicrd of the cotmty dL ln=easinWtnbing length(if latmm): (ft) �i'ltero abaru oncd, fig.Screen length(if known): Faint G111-30 Nanli Camlim Depannr_m of En iroanicnl and Narwat Res4u.•ccs-Division of WatcrRoawas ttcvucd Augrsa 2013 I I WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This f0n canine used for single or multiple Wells" } 1.Welt.Cnntracier ltllfornintion: W V LL ARANDONNIENT DI TAIG.S' Brian Ewing 7a,Numiter of 1vells being abirudaiL', 1 5l'c9tCortca�tortr`amc{ortl�lowttrjictSoriilly:ltUs idt tseltnnlig -r.prapcnyl Feu, w1dople U,1crJiar cv rv,rl-rrtrt`cr, "srrilv1, weds ONLY with 116L wire . .cmtYfPrfOtJixu( rarl�rJJirutRlf,•lYlrJ Lyur T-AyJtlf atefirm 4240-B N6 Wc11 CanitactarCcniGatliou Niiutrct 7b.Appmx3inate volume ut`itat�•�mttining in tivrll(s} {gal} sAEDAcco FOR NVATF,-RSUPPLY�YI?LLS ONLY:. - 1. Contlrany.Name 7e.Ty lie tit disinfectant dyed: 2.�Vell-Constivctiou Penult 11:50.060087, _ 6L+1 i11!ti)Jpltrnbla aeNtarmitr(1.e_CwuJh',Sl4le.J'urthrce.Lrfertiat ctc:t fdslllWrJ 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: I Well use(Oe-di.well use): Water SupplycWell; 7e,Sealing iitatcriais timt(dtccl:all that apply): ❑Agricalttml 11Nluni6p,•t1Muhlic �Nqi l cnieut.Gluttt la 13 monitc Clitps of pelicti QClca}thsrtnal(HcaSin�rJCaalino Supply) ❑Residential Water Slt}rlt1�'(Singlg) m Saud CeinctU Grant . ❑Dxy Clay ❑hutuslrW1Comntcrcial ❑ esidential Witter Sappl},(shared) ❑Concrt:(dGrout ❑Drill Cnttings ❑Itti tiou d]specialty Grout .❑Grave] Non-Water Supply�VcIE: ©Beotonite Slutzy J Gthpr(explain under 7g) �Mmillndne t7Rt'r:ot�ty injec-tion well: 7f Foi,.each material selected abase;provide amount of.m:rtr-rials used: ❑AquifcrRccharge ❑Gr►iundnaterRetncdiatibti Neat C"em.:471b ,Wtr:3gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. OAyuffer Storage al'A Rccovml 139alihit)v13anicr ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stortnvvatcr Drahuigc. ❑Expetimetdtil T whunlogv ❑SuhsittetLe,CyiHml 7*I*mvidc a brief discription of the!'ibandunment prr►ci•tlutr: ❑Gcoihennal(Clascd.Loop) OTiacer TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO SURFACE ®Geoihem>at(HrwtiinwCooliuit Return) ®Otlter.des lain under 7s) i.°Datencll(s}.ahandtinctl; 7-18-23 F= 90 5a.Nell loeniiim AUG-IT., n 2023 Motiva O 8.Certllicatloit: Paclit�/thv'rn:rNwnc � ra.ilitylDp(ritpplic�Ililci � � lrllriNN",&al`�;1 ref,^•t'�ta�i'�t;tti .n r 6851 Freedom Dr. Charlotte, NC 28214 Han 1 1 E_VY I ngr Physical Addtc4•City;and Zip Fiiniriiest!Cciitliivf tiV'11 Cmanrtei,��WAI Oivwi Dale Mecklenburg Hy si•SJJing.thu figrm,.1 hernhy cerhfy�,lltnt the trelifs) tins prare)ahandastrui in County Pmecl ldctnifik i0mNo.(PIN) ticivtrlunCv wille 11A IMIC blC.D100.or 2C,0200 DWI Coiislnlraws Shinikrrds mrdllral6espyoflhls.recur•rllrasbeatproviewdto the.Well otrllrr;• 5b.1„ttitude and longitude in.dcgr'cestininutes/scio.nds or decinW.tlC'grscs: (if,vell fix'[Q;ctta 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You ma}'.use 11k.bacic 0,flits page to provide additionai%vel]siti.detgils or will A' NV ttbaudotmtetn derails. Yoo 100),also:ulan:lt nddi6onaf pages if D'ecemn,_ COWrR11C TION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BPI NV.ABANDONED 4CIRATi7'1 AL INSTR[Tf TTCIVN uruh 91r17 reared velielrJ"recordlo J)',uvW1&rile. ,Fein mnlrilik injerdent or rnm-uxdw;wpplj- uellzONLYvliJrt!wavnr�•rrixtUrxtinnrt5arieham:lrrtl.�.sncansrilumldtre�Jnrr Vim For All Wells: Submit thEs form>,iithiti 30 dtWs of completion of.trell 6s.Nell ID#•SP-22 abandouuii nt to'thc-following: i Diy-10an of`Vaterllesnurcea,Informption Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Smnicc Center;Raleigh.NC 27G99-1619 6b:Total well depth: 25 (ft. Tplt.J,or in lc'rtfon Wells: In addition io sending lire fnfan to the address in.10a above,also subudi one copy or this forin vYltbin 30 days of compleliou of%mll Cie.Boechalc di entetet;l (iu.) abandonment to the following � 6"d.Wutcr tevel.hclnty ground surface (try Division of AYnter Resourcts,iiutI ground LiJection�Couitu lPrdgrtuu, 163e.Diail Scivicc Ccntcr,I$lciwh,NC 2769)1636 i t Gc,Qutcr casing length(if known); (ft.) lac.T'nr MjS.r Surmlv..tr Toicctinn Wells; In addition to Sending the form to the address(es) above. also submit one:edgy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandotunenl io tlic'rnunty lwalth depurintent of the county' 6L Inner caiinWtubin twigth(if lmuvvn): (ft.) �vherc abandotycd, � 6 .Scravrt length(if tmovvn):. Font W-10 WfilfCarollm Dep;ttt ird dfEmironment aai N:uttml Resomucs-Division of WaterRmumcs Rcvfsed Atup o 20l_c l � WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For lmcrml Us*ONLY; 71tis fotnt can be used for s"tngle or multiple Ssells 1,Welt.Cantractor Inrormation: WELL ABANDONNI[EN'TDETAILS Brian Ewing 7a,,Iumlrcr of Melia bring all Urdu ied: 1 %%,ejr6LIIrcforranrc(ortti61lo%vwj' $mull}; nnitisArLrttrupcny). FN• w1dople. 61[evilat or' nwimarferi sryjf�. idells ONLY will) Noe same '' cxrraxmrcre�r�rharr�ruirnr�+l,,l4lrt LyYr4AlRJl+f dVt6�JNl1, 4240—B � NC1ve11ConlraaarG.n iT aiUou Nit utG cr 7b.Apprnsituate,9rlumeof*aterremaininginrecll(s)i (�i►L) 4 SAEDACCO FOR.WA•1.1~R SUPPLY tiYFWS ONLY, Ca+atpanl•Nanc lc.T)ytc of disinfectant uied:- I l , 2:Well Construction Permit 9:50000087, , l+3t till t+lapl c�+blc a v1PEtrmitr fir. oLrJY,Stair:I urlrarxe.Lr cdtui�Ntr.l If knur�i+ 7d.Amount of&Infeaant used: 3.Well untie(check Well nse): Water Supply Well: 7c.Sealing materials used(clt&all That apply): I.I ,gTiCulgv tt ❑MutaicipaljAublic. R NGti Ccnicirt Grgttt Cl Rcwonitc'chips or Pcilcts ❑frcothcrmal(HcatinNC4olin,Supply) ❑R;.WcntW toter�iapply(s inglc) I]Saud Comeau Gront ❑ Dry Clay 176afustrialli'ommcrcial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) ❑Cnucrete'Grout ❑Drill Cl_iltinp ❑irri tiou ❑ Sp�clalt}`Gruul ❑ Grs�*el Nun-Water Supply Wclh ❑Bentonite Slurtp ri Otber(explain tinder 7g) �Monitodiaa ❑Recot�en ' injq-tion Well. 7f For,each material Selected ahovcC prioside amount'of-matei ials used: ❑Aquifer.RCCharge ❑G7trtlladt}:1(cr Itcntcdiatiori Neat Cem,•471b ,Wtr•3gal. Sand Cem. lb ,Wtr:gal. Ej Aquifer.Suintge and Recoven, ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Annifer3est• 13Slormwaterl1rainagc ❑Experimt nlai 1`cthito[ogy ❑Stihsidet>re Coitd. ?*Prn-,idc a brief d6cription of the abandonment procedure: 63codiennal(Chiscd Loop) OTmCff TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO SURFACE ®Geathennal ffltltiosXoo ling Return) 00(lier.(ex lain tinder 7g) 75 d.Altcncllts)abundrinal; 7-18-23 :.� � : ' Sa Well Eucutii►n: AUG 2 R 2073 Motiva ramft/rhvwrNmrc FatilitylAb(Thppli_iblc) 8•CcrtiiT alioii: Ifftr,Y'Aicrt?rCt�}X,3nwg Ur 4 • D(Pr't3l OG 6851 Freedom Dr. Charlotte, NC 28214 Brian E.in. 7/28/2023 Physical Address.City.and tip 5ti mIitic f(;eaiilita 1beII 0<w1rnIdi:rr;11 Qnwr Mug Mecklenburg Ry signigq this farm, I hemby Certify llwt the trell(.SJ mwv tirere)abtuadaned in Cauet} P4rceildcruifikjlanNo.(PIN) ric�'utdrb+cent!lrl:iil.t.LrlCO?C;(li¢lltir7C.0�00IVellCaits7ralGtiurt5tciniktrrls and Aram o eop),oflhis record Aasbee+a,prmilrad(o fire a+-ell otr++ca.- Sb,Is:diode and longitude,1"t[a necslntintttes/seconds ar.dtxint:il tlet rocs: (ift�@tl fm 41,1�uc l irllaug:ic nllic cry) '9.Site.dingram or additional well delaui. You Inky.use tlie:hac&'of"dais page to pio�ide..additional well Ate.&tiils or ttrll N W :;tbundonnteiu details. Yoti tua)'also vtaclt ailiiitioiml page s if txc�ssan'_ CONS• IA.•7'ION DrrAIL.S OF WFLL(Sl BRING ABANDONED SUBArrr rAt,tNSTgu4c. Toyi5 :tfLxh tirll cwrxrcruciiun rvcwrcltq+lj'u+4a11rstiFe ,F'rm+mrlti�rlr•ity',rttiuie uraxrra•a4nrr supple - urllr O:VIY n 1r6 r'k•same*rmnbvrriun rahnralpra acK�L trra cyan suLmit Dire jWrrrc No. For All Wells• Subunit tIM fami tiithin 30 d;kVs of completion of well fti«'ell map. Se-21 abondotilucnl to the following; Division of Waiter Resaurec�,Information Prirceari0g.Unit. 66:Total well depth: 25 (,ft.) 1 171►iail Senice Center,Ii:aleigh.NC 27699-1617 hell.Gor in 1ecllon In additii3lte to sending tli form to the address.lit.10a fie.Rorclmle diantMcr.1 (o.) abo%v;aLw subauil one eopy of this form,tvilliin 30'days of caurpletiou of well abondonn+eW in'11100llowin]: .Division_of tiYntcrRcsaurces,[iuder•);ronnd Lija�cl[uu Conitvl Ptngrtenl, (oll.Watcrlcvcl-bclrjq trrntlaid starfacc: (fG) 1636 Mail Scrvicc Ccntcr;Italcigh,INC 276994636 6j 6c.{tutor casing Icngth:(if lmown): (ff:) IOc.i nr Rater 51,- ..l•-.iuicrtlan Wel In addition to sending the fotnt to the•address(es) above: also.sttbutit one copy of this.form tvilhin 30 days of Completion of aril abarulontnent to the county hecalth departntent of the county 6f.Inner eming'ftubing length(if Iwown): (ft.) ti•ltero abaaatioatctl, } 6g.Screen length(if luiown): A) Fam GW-30 Naniitarotlm Deparinacat afEnvironmew and Natumt Rcsow•ccs—DhIslon of WatcrRcsotaca Revised Angu,4 20t_t I •