HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05465_Well Construction - GW1_20230821 WELL CQ S L KUL I um It -utw tt,,I Ai 1.'AA Cletltette►hhrrM6r. ••,•••••,.••.•• ,,•.. -. Landon PhollipS 1 ;tit WM Ire ay__ ' eeea 4e1 A �irrw "'`f• 1 «')67 IT � 3aa 11 1 ..„-`..,C.warwrr Ce.:eRrosom/Maio t?s5 MIER Gump Av aetalisare tnt6c LIMA fig el�r Fie NW Poole Well and RamComparry ' k I f 65 a f im^ t- .t(? i -k, V a ratrw r Vent tttt* DTO R iWt7�1 TUI[ i MATOUL :.....r..q+..rl+4.rtF.,wm.r.r...en.w*e.MC.Cra t% Nola ntira! -- It e lifter3.Wet Oa(drat.•111Ift c IL 4 r Sapiiy OA& smatter mot �I nuc ammo. 0aornnalral allimnptd4NtWt L `� CClecdnealaiiiimet)CodartStr,piy) %kwSWAYIIrCrl S. n. ` I t G4atattlatd4iCereocd ORaidnitat WSW Sgplyrtialall ttGtyn airneretaa OWdi>kW.11*WD 6oTM ij an ` `_ aaf1ww,,'' IIRI�e a7ddrowr ri,—, _ V I h. f ft. blit [�M A. JIL fr."Zniat CGruundwter Iternteltuu un 1 19.SAt N D::RAVEL PACK ri/apri0akigh CnnlafterSfteast ay Rearresy (3Salmny Darner FROM 1 ro 1 turcptaL f emmaceserorserrosa CApe>«RaTeo CStumwarerI)ramagc n. ft, i CSubstdcncc Control ft. ft. 1 lamed Leap) M.DRILLING LOG Iattaai ar/�titrpi cuts Ir ewe e.wr'.1 j arr�tir FROM To aaSC1WR10erk u fed.. .,i. ..radtnraW lrts.waP 1 ClOtTilittlfOri(Halting Cooling Return) COther(explain under N'_I RcmarLs) A. L. D. Coo Sal 1.DalitWComPleted: )- 1'2-i Well los ft. C.N. ft. c { �.�+{�����.t S.Well w Liara � �t� ft. ft Q/.v r.etltty ID:I(If.1prttea41e1r` ft. rr I AUG 2 1 2023 - `" 6.1 r. \ ` vv1ttc. i I Vtl'SI) ft. rt. ' �j��i ' r J n. .a:r44,ary..anl Zip 21_REMARKS l k‘1*I Used hardened steel Cr fm shce Patccl Idtnulic uon Na(MN) . Mt.Latitude and longitude in dsgrecs/minuteJseconds or decimal degrees: - Ytltittelll flc.;,ci":.,clut1s a roi(ci,t ( 22.Certifieutl • ?l�_ 5�'��r! ` l 24 I Ltt W 5.-5.-23 It.!Matti slit I/4K* O tr m4eent nr O'i'et.Porury StanalwuofCctnftedWellCrttunaer Dot apyrldrs.krrur.I hervhv ctrtsfririr tt wo eetgortcris mdanrs>::. -.is aria•near le art akin aril: ❑Ycs ur f!INu LTA most;cc O duo w-1i1 Mc.tc CC.KM NW CarrlancolowSad.eb aril Am.....- ..1,di wort, ralttentaetriaav++t drou 44n0wu00 wrd a.giktut;be uurttr:ul lb, .(tinnarri4..arvnpr n•wLv!n,rWr wtlwntr •,C.ve atltltt?f r.ur.urir tvraru uowu rpu tr,u k of rlwrfirn" fl.Sat tbatgrauu or additional well dealt: UPf ur Closed l.nup GcaWcrm:tl Wells haeutg tIt t unc Yen may use the bola ca<dot pay to ram*-' --ei yea CONSUi lion mar:: pitC (add'See Cher'in Ranae4s Bost).You tray As such ad fermi pies dam tommaim,••11 l 6W-1 is nccdcd. hidmate-rOTAL NUMBER or wells Wdlt. _ _ 24_sunmaTAL INSTRUCTIONS tiqS- R.Tail yea deepen below laird mimeo: (ft.) Submit this 1;W-1 witltut30 dew ei*ell curnpletioa per etatitwit- rft ttlainftnie Wtd140001•0000,00 anti 01t. lil100) 21a. far .MI Wells: Uelptd tom NoDeeewme of Warr Resources(OW,- 10 5aeaieataterltee00tiar�aliravinp: �� (rt) inlinmanml Preces)llg IVO,14171/SC,tahgji.NC23699-1647 PiroarTooliOrtionseratingt me'it' :4h.Far lttiectitn Weft Cap/a DIM Ustilaveand batman Camel eV. e II Ilnial ____ulu:6 ---(in.) Progrtm.Iola MSC,Ra6d�NJNC27109-163f IL Wee__ra[ie sualbre Rotary 2Jc.For Watt*Sunni!mil Geothermal Ramo Was Cepymz 1.e ate- odte. patitue.l courtly cm/Inman:A.111min die atrg'oboe tmtaslid • 0•icat Waif=SUMMIT Myt ONLY: :1d.Fur Water Neils produtiv.osier 1111 i*f Calk Copy no DWI,CCPCI BLOW Penns I4ugtam,lnl I MSC.ti.tkastt,NC 27b49 161 1 Ilan Wahl YID Metro!itf test:_ Hill Aomori. , lb.1.1R Oidritttien roe —_ Lauri.Csrobnatq¢(ptwtrttrae rn.u.u.m•u.cd 01.1try llr.,awn as Wailer tsiareoea Rnvrm.i S-c-- i