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GW1--05463_Well Construction - GW1_20230821
\\'LLI.CONS L U.1 VON ktt.t..URU it "•ti •�. . I-N ekt gltrfnrlw h tanoopMe _ Landon PMips et.WATtR holes . M`<R+`neneeer.0 4denc 75 «- t� it3�I�t A '', .MIGI 5- t ..t,t Catitowtor Cettakanies Pheeirr s.own • - Ones OR _il,- � T u, L NW Poole WeN and Pump Company =:��az- V i.VC**Cuustrattt(ra Flit 1k .__ v✓ will- SkT°441. R tit. `� .f: t .:: •iuYaeraarett+p seas ftt.Vie Gnaw Stott latttrat.del �� I A.Weill*t moilwar)` IT.WW2! J s� _ ,. »eruutt . WART;Supply Milk 1 i._^ �; -i — li oG,.. te.a9(tlaae (Woolly) WO«sibtam IIIIEMIIMEIIIIIIIIIII .7)troloseratEarstaasesal DResillecomallWattSypl►tt ) er.Geent;r :::tertertrao OW. 1001gOGpp111=1.11111 narraur. ,_ mmoAseest+N-_ •W+Ner Sys Noe! • n a. ! r r-1..°10, k. i1Katiu+cty i u._r --- Ntealaa h. ft. Oaksya Retilorple Depossitoosu RemrJlatlnn t7,S NDK:RA1.1.1.PACK torn acattkt t *Wm ro stATre!AW —7€stac +m+'r xtCTRN3r. .. le Test 2 h. QCtwm sWtt Orauouge _t g , QSubstah^tMtQlnlrul ft. ft- I u , rwigatt*adLaetgr) Cj1'raccr Iu.DRILLING LOG attach aduirinna(+heet,ifnxee.+aret lataS DEiCRIPTION Irvine,I.,wa.w.marmot t-re,repo.`et, -_ DG attti(lttaeylOuMas Rls:tm) ©ptL•er(explunt wider H21 Remarks) It. R. A.Dar WHO : ).-S Welt ID/I I t` 2 S h- I ,.a ' 7, '� "es SiL Weil Letetiwe C h. PIMII (74..1 r e tiLC _i YEi f La ft. h aDd 2 1 2023 y/�� AlFacriuy Ma III aPPh'ble) qc ////0,641 L/"" � / // /Ce-3 5) fr. ft. invorvratitlo Prr,csolgra E.N. e. ft. ['ft1}y`OISOG 1'ttraeal Atrietaz.01Raa1bi► — ,,_,r Ii.REMARKS - _ •FtYeCl.'d Used hardened steel drr.e slice Cestalgr Parcel ldentdieonon No(PIN) -• .51u.11-aolloriciail levaelsode leJegreea/o.nutes/seconJsor decimal degrees: ..»e.tfts .yir{yrRr tar") 22.Cortifecati F 1' 1;., Zlk'lit" w s--s-23 Sttturmu of Ccrofcd WWII Cummctrtr Mgt , a.Ircl Ow vocil(a): °Permanent of atempnrnry qu.ngw.ng tins Awn.i katergyanee4ithative radii&mom oreareiviillrolladaiittimigmerse- /SI KGC 02C u7@6rr lSI HOC IOC AMKWCareaear Shia ad Ors r- .is this+repair to an existing,cu,,,welt: Ines or QNu of rrrrr ncurJ hut berrprw.4rJS Ekeutr .a.a a rgef.a e..y.,.a,.au eaatave a a.0.1,1uunnn wu!a:ph,01 fore root.,of the , ,r ,x n3i?.eareir awcnuu unm lint fuser,r/MI5 f.rr.. 23.Site diagram or additional welt detail& You may use the buck of tilts pose to provide additiami yell cosouwCten r:=- I.rut Coup t ota WT or Cluxd-Loup Geuthermat Wells Irurutg Ills same (add'See Over us Rem:s4s Ma)tee etr3al�aEatlatli'fisenl pestsdesess:• ;--,p,:r-.;:ic l GW-1 is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofaells dr a r 24.SUI1ME1TAL INfCRUCTIQNS tIotdeteltdtpa Utters load surface; tt�R` C (ft) Submit this Gss'-1 within 3JJay+ntwest completion re,the ltlaOias rv....la 't wax 1.1ai!.''a)-6c,f✓f,nnr icrwnr•la-Jam'wure:Voir) 21a. Fur All Wells: lkrgtnal rum eu Divs.**n Of Wooer Resources tow1l Slade woos-freest looks/tor of coat*: 20 _—(FL) Informanun Processing Unto 1617 MSC.It t(ut#,NC 27699-16111 T r;yec{;,r;ywuccsmeg,eerr"•" 211).For Injection Wells:Copy to owit,lladlveundfern Ceding{lip.. 11,RarelaletrOrKent 6 00 Progrun,I636 MSC.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 ROM 24e.1;or Water Sault*oad Oven-Lem Seselhernoul Rears Welk:Copy too:: t3_wedloamatrlit+rrcewtk county antmnmentalhrait atm ens mow wirrettr•lkd t«.c mtgs.NMet:���lecct Prai,,.trtc) FUR WATER SLPPL wxus wax: lid.For Water WYoldb war li alk Copy is mit,coy:: p { f 7 � SOW I'cmut Pmt;ram,I6Et ,.11�,T�'27�91-16i11 4 ii.S..TWO trot 1! AatrOar: I wt. ... t3h n 6:raw itte,HTH _ eur0v611 .4.1111(a0-11w6lberreuntradt,....n,rtarn.,IakWht\ I4...lid*it WOW ttcaaeota it" a-a 111. t'