HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5100602_Soils Report (SHWT)_20181002FRED D. SMITH SOIL CONSULTING, INC. May 4, 2010 Mr. Steven Buie 1667 Woodruff Rd Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Subject: Report of a Soil Evaluation for Stormwater Treatment Ponds ABB Power T & D COMPANY, Inc. Pinetops, NC Dear Mr. Buie, JUL 7 7 ?Pin ' yOEi_R.L J. NICE" This letter concerns the soil evaluation I performed at the above mentioned site. I was authorized by you to perform a soil.evaluation of the native soils on the site. Specifically, you wanted to know the depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT). My work consisted of hand auger borings at three locations to observe and describe physical properties such as texture, color, structure, consistency, depth to seasonal (or perched) groundwater, parent material, and restrictive horizons. The stormwater pond is presently under construction and the bottom appears to be about 10 to 12 feet beneath grades. The side slopes were being graded during my visit. I found an area that appeared to be undisturbed directly behind the stormwater pond. Trees in this area had been harvested, but the stumps were still in place in the soil. Other small vegetation was also present in this area. I advanced hand auger borings in this area to determine seasonal groundwater depth in the native soil. The relative locations are shown on the attached drawing. At my request, Mac Gay Associates provided to me an overlay of the county soil mapping at the site onto the site plan of the project. This map shows NoA and GoA soils in the vicinity of the stormwater pond and the undisturbed study area. Soil Descriptions NoA Soil Boring (HAI ): The soil has 12 inches of loamy sand topsoil (A Horizon) with crumb structure and very friable consistency. Below the surface layer is the E horizon from 12 to 20 inches beneath the surface. This layer is brown 7.5YR 5/8 loamy sand with friable consistency and weak crumb structure. The B2t horizon is found from 20 to 42 inches beneath the surface. It is sandy clay loam and has reddish yellow (7.5YR 5/8) color, friable consistency, and weak subangular blocky structure. The B22t extends from 42 to 42 to 58 inches below the surface. This layer has reddish yellow matrix colors with few to common light yellowish brown (1 OYR 6/4) mottles, is friable, and has weak subangular blocky and angular blocky structure. From 58 to 72 inches is a reddish yellow, gray, and dark red (7.5YR 5/8, 7.5YR 7/1, and 2.5YR 4/8) sandy clay loam, with firm consistency and massive structure. Beneath the B horizon is a firm sandy loam C horizon that extends to at least 100 inches (8.3 feet) beneath the surface. This layer has 10YR 5/8 and 7.5Yr 7/1 colors. Water is entering the boring in this layer. Offtce/Mohile (252) 908-4369—Ftix (252) 459-7798 Post Office Box 1175 —Nashville, North Carolina 27856 GoA Soil Boring (HA 2 and 3): This soil has 8 inches of dark brown sandy loam A horizon. Beneath the topsoil is an E horizon to a depth of 24 inches. It is a brown (7.5YR 5/8) sandy loam with crumb structure and very friable consistency. From 24 to 45 inches is reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) sandy clay loam with subangular blocky structure and friable to very friable consistency. From 45 inches below the surface to at least 70 inches I found brown (7.5YR 5/8) and gray (7.5YR 7/1) sandy clay loam with friable consistency. Results and Conclusions Free water was found in HA 1 below 72 inches from the surface. The seasonal high groundwater table was found at 58 inches in the NoA soil and at 45 inches in the GoA soil. The SHWT is determined by soil colors which show depletions and concentrations of iron which have accumulated after periods of saturation. The results of my soil evaluation of the adjacent soils correlated closely with the county soil mapping and classification of the soils. I found a Norfolk -like soil in the NoA area and a Goldsboro -like soil in the GoA area. The depth to SHWT correlates closely to published soil information about these two soils. Based on the topographic mapping shown on Mac Gay Associates drawing, I expect these two soils probably extended into the existing pond areas prior to disturbance during construction. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Cor ally, Fr�d D. Smith Licensed Soil Scientist