HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlamance_Well Abandonment_20230825 1 . . l,Y,t'i1��: 3AD0 'CpD I' uur yy . . , . " . . 77tia form ern bo uard fora mile em mti1Upl•v tulle ���9lCl[(la�U . , �c0'IUl' A.Well gott nclur Inror-mn(lun: • i i • • r • Number or abandoned'Injectionnnte r /y trrlr ONLY udt the aomrVell CunlrarlorIAJa n(or well owner tenvul(y ebendotdng iieolilUherpropeny4 Conrtrvttrnn/nbondonmnt,you Con rubmn one form. 1iC WeII Coonxr,ar Cerdnudon Nurvber • 7b.Approximate Tolnme of l Ceder remaining In nell(a): y® sl. N.W. Poole Woll 8� Pump Co, l ! �lg ) FOR WATER EIZ S UPPLY 3YLL9 ONLY Contpan}'nam 1.W'et'Construction Perml(H: 7�Typo of disinfectant tied: / l,Lr!oil applicable well perndls(i.e.Cmm j(S1e$.Y,,,-hr r,/r/eedon,ere]I,'knatrn s ff 7d,Amoun(of dlslnfeclanl»sod: 3,Weil use(dhech well use): i 15'nlct'Supply Well: OAgticulhtrnl 7e.Sealing materials used(chec(all that apply): dMunlolprd/f'ublly ❑Neal Cement Grout I UGcoUtcrmnl(I•lcoling/Cooling Supply) esIdenlal Water supply(single) 0 Sand Cewenl Grout 0 I3vtdvnhe Chips or['edicts 10lfdusuinl/Conunerclnl ORtraldcntal Wrier Supply(shared) 0 Concrete Grout 0 �y Clayo l.dlni anon pP y( � • ❑ Drill Collings Nun-Water Supply` cal.-��`�' ie9pxlally Grout d Gtnvei dlsiuniloring � i,/ � l7 Jenlottha Sltury 0 Other(explain under 7g) I In)eetIon Won: 't�Aquh'er Recharge AUG 1�2� 7L For each maierial selected aborq provide amount bf nixlcrlals used: Uroundwmerltein,dhavrt • JdpW _&-�� t 0AyuIfcr 8 tong c iv Prcc f✓ �o I iJAquifcr'1'esl PWQ/ 0G S Ranier O ssi' tCLxperinteninl'fcolt»ology Islalmti3xlrxDralnago . 1 DOeo41tcmtnl(Closed Loop) DDSrn I1datco Control 7g. 'rondo a brief description of the abandonment procedure: • I_1geothermal I•Icalln• Coolln" Return . ❑Olhcr lain Undvr7 • • ::•Dole sreil(s)abandoned: 14 • �14'='�- • S 3s.Well local on; .c6 �/' • Ycillty/Utener Nnmc . PaallltyIU�(IfeppUeeble) g,Certl !'hysh:nl Addrese,•Chy,and ill: e r 14.!ci flisneluro of Cettilltd Ws oio iiotor or Well Qirner Ual: • 4; rr °,ury •By signing(bh.forny I?te cerf(/y(drat(lie well(()war(were)abandoned in PaledIderdllleadod lin.(PIN) dccordmlcr With 13ANC.4d 01C:0100 or1C.0100 Well Cwulnid(on Standards Lt,Lalllutib and:IongltuU ih e In degreenlnu(ei/seconds or decimal degrees; ° Om!a r c°p)obit's reconf her been prodded(a the well onvrer. (if mil feld,'dnti laUlo'rtp'li iiilrcleiA) • `� • se II _��a -•� 9.Site disgram or additional trell details:" You may iib lffo back of Vila pogo to pruvido additional well site delails or well N abandonment'drtullo; You may also nllaclt oddllional pages i-necessary, 4fie e'illil 1 , 1. clla()!ti' 1(1d Ilr"l)t}`J�iifi cirrl} olive brkldhnr`rr.15'tik ( I iRldfr Or.aim-hour n r l it•:r.,•.:ti:... �1, Spy O t) nbtr r'ubtill!Brit jvhn, • %''Weil IllN: Ida'Iror`AlI W Uat •Subtitit tins faun wiOdn 30 days of completion of well abandoninent 16( Tvllbwfng: ' b,Total hell depth: • Division ofWaferliesoureu,Information Prucessiug Unit, (ft.) 1617 Mill Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 • r v. e•.11t»Fholc diameter:. (In.) • IOb, lloig Ist Irt•addillon iv sending tic furnt to tic address in 10a „above,(dsv'sillfiifll'ofib copy of Oils form wllli(tt 30 days of completion of well . nbandorunenl 7d.Oid following: I t•Wafer level bclo'ri•grotlriif tiirrfaee;._ _7_ .: • Division a!<lYtiler lies oureea,Underground InlecUun Control I'rugrnin,163f MJ 1111ervlce Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-153G :'•Outer eniing leuglll((rufrn); _____3(2_([t) ior. • . r In addition to sending the form tv the.addraiKti',..i'dyq'also auks-Ill wnc copy of Lids form within 30 days of inner ensltig/hibing lenglb(lac Boles-c a on of tvoh nbnitdnnincnl to!tile county health department of tic county �_(fl.) where abandoned. • • ucicell`.Idn(lli'(Il Iiilpivki)Iti. ;,�CtW.3u - • Florth taltiiIna 15epittrneut Of Carlront.,.nt e.,r v,,.__r.: