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SW8080135_Approved Plans_20080108 (2)
'- '" ('..if 1(# il , , 1....ii, •• 1 ' -----.-,...,______ .-:--.-,--''-,',''N--l„,'''-'','"-..*'''',„.,"'•:,:';t*_'4''._':.lr'c,-RLN-"'.i"1'.,"..',--1-,"';'7'ik'I.A,-„i:C-I-k):I.-N-(-..,e,.2-413-rs'„f.,,;i...iw ,,:;:A7,.C-.?A„/,.4 7.l,L-'7iI k:,.V>,L•:„:I:7:,,/&:.e." , / 1 t' ,1 , \ l ,\ ,,. .\,----- \/y i \\\ ‘7 ...../.. i /. , 1 L10<c>-u6 4 T - - 1q ( 1 , i i;I11I,!1i 46..k.,• dila \ / -,..1 "../.• A44 an ,,,'"\-.Vn"-i,',."1-f 1-.:••••' 14 \- '1 .: 1 Nr.''' i / 1 cl• ,.,,,,4,74 a N C 0 n . t ion . i 0. 4: cp 1 1 1 H iff i \ .! , ief iiL =e e, - -i, „.e--- ...,44-i ::,,,fi. ,.,..,,, s.., ,,,...--•.,„ i i \ i 4, .-, •• ,‘,..i, . E '" 7 0.-- ..''''''''..',±-,..,-ii • ,- \ ntra ., t/ . i 1, -,/- / 4$9 'S.,1 . . X A i.Z r,i c?• t!N , --) / l'''T , . _ , ,......„ r,if..r..! ti 1‘ ,,- . . , I f ‘•:, .. \ --------..--) o04/ It" \ - / C Ell . .•a , t„---- ' ,,, . i kii., i, - , \ .,. . ' ( i IN, ------3 \ i . CL: N- nit ,.....__: I I TEMPORA.RY PLYWOOD 0 0 1111# r--- „, ,N) c..4 (2124911 'Is, 1 , I ....--, ;* -,-,.. -\ s 0, , I ,,,--- , 1 +, "---------,., 5/ ,, .„ :' , s, t --‘,.. mx \ i , , firs . , \ •-,., / 0 :/:,,,,:k:/,. t„,:: .,:"., 1,..t- ., i eli 4.2„,„cl f ) `, \ V/ ,.-„vc,..t..,:,, ..,;„-o,ii , „ \ 1" ' .' -----; ifil ,/ i %, — -0, '2 S.if, .4 \ i. ••.. \ \ \ (--• s-, n ..1, --/i A .t_..,' Af,) _!" ', \. , \ .- MOM -t, '*. \ ...„ )- ==',.,,,... tra..ff ,. A. ,,,„ tf l'''''' -.1 v \1 1--- ipR,..:NI li . ,„ai — \ .4.11\ .„ , ,,,) 4N- • : '.1- i P2- \ti,,, ''''''s \ , '..--\:::"....„„‘1/-,t k., itlIE ' -- v 1 i ,,-;:- ---------1 '‘, ,-.. P,Ei,'75.- 'N,,,%, . " "/ -;-,.-• ;1!1,1 ,-,, :, - .7) b i 'VI ie, '9,, .., \ limm t.-- . „ ... // 4„,,,. • % \ -,:-.1 ,,..., - . . -•„\„ • _ ,„ ; 4"N")'"-,., I ..4;,; ,. ----s _'-t\ ""'" \ n),._, — l- - , .,.. 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PER IMO Sr, 4 E 1 1,..,__ (....) Non I. .. i N...„. i 4,..., UlOcIA ta4,F1,6LVERIZED, FIRM. 1,,NIFORM BED ,.:.:,.... -,. .. Is ..... / ----------..--------- , ---, • e. soa vaTa HYORIO BERMUDAORASS ON A MEDIU PREPARED RED / e / VIITNN 15 DAYS Of STRIPPING - -1 _...1 ,..,_ / t„............,, sk -,,,, Nisik:-,,,, 7' ,, / i „.. , i . . 7. iNopE.CT MI SODDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIT OR RESOD • , 2, ii‘- ---''' \ .'"-- Orcg.\ %.1)\ „, .,„_., i I / f 1 nre 3..H E.R.Aler icHpeREN40 tow uSLAEI:i0FEWULD E / / --. ,„,,,.,. I " I i , AND SODDING iNSTRuclaNs. a. MNSULT caaiszavAros INSPECTOR ON MAANTDIANCE.TREATMDIT.AND CO 1 •• /1----") /I i FERTILIZATION AFTER FERNANDO MYER IS ESTABLISHED. C , •. , / -...-.; i... CO , 0 .... --STEEL POST I I ,,,‘...,___,__.,, 1 t t ,,‘ ‘\ 3.4 - 4,:, .Asemisto \UK atairiallaamos pvit illvaRSIM :? I —STANDIRD OR EXTRA STF6M114 :.... : ,.. - Ain MM Ali MMMMM III WV 71111 U. "64; ii \ . '''''--. •-, ''''',3, 1 - "t" Cs(L-fsl F,'''Cb•64<:*13i.‘1',,ti:W:68g44:*-t''.'''', .- iiiiiV: ;• :.,11.11111111- ,m""*/1— MPFH'Illit Di # .... ; __ „.„,„,...,,,,..,,,r'"'" w /ioL 'nn Lyp , lc e(t------0- , i. , : , ..„-- „. :. , • ...,.. -N.„1 . , 1 I :,g / a I`•-•-.-: I 1 \--M17 PalcisVmtfauE. \ \- tr- ,— ; % ,,,;?:,,,,.,:?w;!,,,,;.; ,.:•:,-. -!,-;?, Pr o L e ___D , , , , . .. : ' • .:, i / ' ,,,, L...) 0 *-- 0 „.„,.: „.s.,,,,,,.:...„,.„.,:.:3"'I" A"'x' ' 'l.' 1 r'zdf,:??..?::3'?"-'1.3:: .'-•-7' , ? / g ,4::. 2 ,--• E ..-- , i. ; ;, _,/ fi ,,--,"'-- •=, cp •- (\I =ct) `.- I , /STONE 1*-r-•-•--.4 1* "- r Nom: 1.. riariErE FABRIC HA 8E,Glazi ari p WIFH WTTH 1 t \ ,\., I' 1 / 1 / '.: ,- i i / i. sesiziek WW1401.05SIONE AND 513 LB/94 FOR EXTRA STREWTH. , `•,.‘k,) „,_ ; / / / ) I r."-‘1 tr'\ \ S \ \ 2. FABRIC SHALL DE oommuous LENGTH. IF 461Ts rx 1 rti --1., CD V \ ‘ \ \ i ,,,,,,- , i SECTI0t4 A-A 2. WIRE MESH SHALL RE HARDWAITE CLOTH 19 GA .I•, ARE NECESSARY, LAP FABRIC POST TO POST, ..;. i 1 , if / / / ha. AND SHAM HAVE 1/4- i '*C,11.71-DIRE.CTIONAL FLOW mESt-i °POEMS. 3 STEEL KAt.c SMALL BE MIN 4' IN 1.4301-1T AND RE OF Tic I \ i 1 \ . i sar-FAsTrwa SAM.AWE:TYPE \ `,....,-- \ f . /i I r- s-, t I .," .1 ' - , I 't-......e 1,17§1TIWIT-P-Kili , I t 4,...&J % =-?---N, 1 / \ 1 K.Tr5 TEMPORARY SLT FENCE i \ CO 11, ,\--- u i f i &.....ro / ! \ I , - = 1 I i f trs f 1 1 \ \ \i'' . k,s/ 9 / • f 1 ', 1 , ,...., , / / /-‘ / / i ) / ., i ----\\-' Q.:/ =,. 1 \ i ‘N I\ / ,/, 0// / -***•..-I 1 \ V/ :,9 "als, ". 1_If.,,T_1„,„.., ,,: / '''/ /7/ / / lb I 1 1 W `... „, . k 1 EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND MAINTENANCE PLAN k ‘ 7 \ .. t, i s , i , . ,,-- .." 1. All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and , = , ‘ i -------- orCe, / i r i, i ...„..- „-:. ---k. ..----- 0 _----- „, i e .,0 / -- • operation following every runoff-producing rainfall, but in no case, less than ,---,, \ ; ,------ / .,.,:,.., once every week and within 24 hours of every half-inch rainfall. i ....\\ \ \ ,_ ., - ,-- t't)C:, _ i / , ,=•• • ,, , ci: / / , lil / e \ •--e'' ..„. - '''-'`.-3--. -- D # 3 ,., / -----/ /I/7 \ , , ,/ fs 2. All points of egress will have construction entrances that will be periodically -, e 2,i)../ - I // \ _.--- / I ; ef ''. top-dressed with an additional 2 inches of #4 stone to maintain proper depth. __- . -,,,,__ _ / / vI/ They will be maintained in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from \ -",,.. .._. ....----' „,„,,,,,_...,--rn _..,,---'-'' .1 ' / ii k ' leaving the site. Immediately remove objectionable material spilled washed or tracked onto the construction entrance or roadways. „„,..-- e„ „- e_ ‘ , 't \ re, . . d '"--2. \_,,,,- ;1 ',------ - .. ____. _-- . • / _ _ ---- . i .-'' / / ,,!:e,e:Y , ( (--7-1. / "` I .- iii / i \ , , ./.. , 1 I / ----- i j / 3„ Sediment will be removed from hardware cloth and gravel inlet protection, ...,- - 7 i . i ; \ e block and grovel inlet protection, rock doughnut inlet protection and rock pipe e ..--- o \ e„ \ i / Qe / / 1 • 6 / / 0 o -- .../ , ------ --> , inlet protection when the designed storage capacity has been half filled with oe -,„.. --- ...--/ .„---- f j // ei / / f . f 1 ,,- 7 fy i i ,.c „.... ,,- sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer ,...---. ee „....., ,----- e ---- 1 / =xi 7 fel / / 1 ' / i drains as designed. Debris will be removed from the rock and hardware cloth ,.. \--• Ne-e________._--•--• ; / _, e ee'-- or / / / i / „.,,\ lea9 ,- - I i 0 Nee to allow proper drainage. Silt sacks will be emptied once a week and after .." o „ ,„ if / ./ ,,,----, / / / . / e . ,r) i every rain event. Sediment will be removed from around beaver dams, dandy 7-- „ ...--- / / / .7, 1 sacks and socks once a week and after every rain event. ( i =- /e ..v / / / / .:;! --N„,...„.k = ..: ] i . : .....„---- / -' ."'"' / CI it' 7 -, / .. .• .' . ,.. :; . . I / ..,-/ 4. Diversion ditches will be cleaned out immediately to remove sediment or .. ---- ..o / ,..., _ I ,, ee ; (L) ,. , obstructions from the flow area. The diversion ridges will also be repaired. „e " „e - ‘ \v e(/' --/"' ; / / / _--- -,, ,e 1 I Swales must be temporarily stabilized within 21 calendar days of cease of any oa- -- e / / . o I Cti phase of activity associated with a swale. --- oer. //- •,.. \ / ,,,, .„-e• I I f7 /' D 7 , i # 4 \ '.- ' l //// i / I k 1 \ E I 1 / Q./ ___„,__.„..e. i 1,1 14 // / / / 5. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes ---,,,, \ \ if 1 .. o. half-filled. The sediment' fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a y Le ; ce -dr ---76- \ 4 ) ) i ./,:;,; / 1 ., 1 ) ._ i i DO barrier. Stakes must be steel. Stakes spacing will be 6 feet max. with the DI _, --5/ 0 I i I i .??3. . . , 3 '''t --- 1 • use of extra strength fabric, without wire backing. Stake spacing will be 8 ; 1 \ g • (NI 't -§ ., '.. -'`, ..-----. I / / I! i feet max. when standard strength fabric and wire backing are used. If rock --, ---" ••00... " / I 1 / s 1 f i 74 <i) z() -2 filters are designed at low points in the sediment fence, the rock will be - ... # 6 0 -.00-00 ____ ...,.._____ ,...,---- ., ___ ......- .. :,(,, ! ‘ , c) 0 repaired or replaced if it become half-full of sediment, no longer drains as -- 1 i i 140 1 s 1 to 0 to = designed or is damaged. 00,00,„,,,,..,.- „.„..„...-------- ,__----1 / I oseate's • ,/ e ., . --- e,—. - ; 1 10000110100 I ,i I I \ PCIUD:E.,sz... S(1)(1::AL:B1-m.cr5°1 o 000°. _------- 1-6-:-. ..--- ------- ---- I // I \ ..... ---.2 "wools . 6. Sediment will be removed from sediment traps when the designed storage „„.---- ,,e ---- ,, / i (-- e ; : capacity has been half filled with sediment. The rock will be cleaned or - -_,----- -..e_ ...--- i f I lit I \=, replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains or when the rock is ./_, ,.....__ _.._,. _.......„, __ ,...„. ,..._ ,_,---, ...,, __„... --- , , , it', , .., ,..„ / , / dislodged. Baffles will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, ee." / / i 1 i s ' ' / , / .,,--• .--- __----- - ---- „„. f ; --__. _ ee , decompose or become ineffective. They will be replaced promptly. Sediment ...- -- „..;;;0•00....„.„-- ,,,, , i e -- ---- ---- ,---- I I / I i will be removed when deposits reach half the height of the 1st baffle. wos/. 1 .e. .' or__,„•--- ....- ,, / I / _,------- ,--"---*- / 11 1 I Floating skimmers will be inspected and kept clean weekly. wir----..' - \ lk ------- - — 2" \., ‘,. i 7. Sediment will be removed from the sediment basin when the design storage ; - .. , DRWN, PB 1 i capacity has been half filled with sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced \\ ____, ------,,, , \ I 111 f 1 i' f' I \ i \ when the sediment pool no longer drains or if the rock is dislodged. Baffles o_ .„. ‘ i V , , \ ' DATE 01/08/08 ...„ / will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, decompose or become \ ..----- ' ineffective. They will be replaced promptly. Sediment will be removed from '.‘ e-'-r- \ 1 baffles when deposits reach half the height of the 1st baffle. Floating \ -,'-'\ s , \ . ----._„_,_ -e' "i, ,ozOk CARo, skimmers will be inspected weekly and will be kept clean. „ • 1 , 4‘'oos*ESSid...`oft f % i , 1 .„,,, . 4A2. 4 r •.-Ir 8. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary and mulched Ft) i \\ \ \ , t e , ,,.. , according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense . ,_ „ 111 \11 ) 11 , , ',' ,,, vegetative cover. All slopes will be stabilized within 21 calendar days. All others areas will be stabilized within 15 working days. 9. Flocculants will be used to address turbidity issues. The pumps, tanks hoses ei4 i I if I .? , I i ‘ 1 t I .': • \ \ii ; , \ , „ ,,., --, -al ..,........ •‘i ; 0. and inject systems will be checked for problems or turbid discharges daily. i i i 1 1 1 I \ ,,. ,„ ........ . 1 i , f 1 \ . • i 1 i .. f I / SCALE: 1 " = 40' , , , r 1 f > , f t I . 1 1, ..., --, ---, { . 431 kF, :l :?' M 01.1111111001111.1111111,WM4gaftnftrgl iLii RO 1 20 ,0. !,n • I 'mot '''e,�., t' 1 .,;, .,� ?-# „•-_, i - ›" v. )`�, - ::. ....;:.^mot. s f* ,.,w[ ,g R i , i • illi 1. il LLi w ' `�<`!f i f s..+ ,•l'�^'i V L , jr`1J }. -,,,,,,i ji \ eL r. ` if •15 ' F' I -i Jfe `_�•ir -, jJsfr gkF J � 4 , , eity AMR PP 1 ,ti/f4re , ,. , v , ., 41111 °:i Lk 3' • Ft \ E t f,I I S, -' ,Is c3 '',` 3' V 1 'i -.. i °l j S SKr+b ;f l i > '' 1 E!t! 3 e \:!ft7: P ! rary 1 d a I. ill .),/ 4rAff44alliiiiim amen 44-1 6i1.,,,L4-.,,,,,!..k. „..4-,- 4 , ,.- -, ;iv , \ , i o n , , _•„,„_, .5. ci.) • . f 46 410an all' v �i it i'v f ~°' S j y {{F "‘, •• ..............,,,r410, - \ Entra • :S. f fr� Sf'�m ' a/'V411.111?"„: , / ''' ''' ,44/;'s> i F) *-Z .N litW J'' \ _.,.,,,,,,---...' '.',0' ,. ,, 'i 10 . , , f1 r IIII ir, f Ott r 1` .- = ' >��4�i1r1 0j EliTRAMCE NO 1 \''.:‘ (-„., ''''‘ ....,3 4,. \ „, „ . •„ / ati. (---- e < r. C i all iy tem„lb, EC 'tire `�i ;'W Y r' \ ,,N, 't l ' ,. i ... i.,. 4•w, ; a L . \ 1'1', \ \ '",„,_ \ • ii " �i 4 3 it vl { f� t• - .� ♦ i 13 C E yF! f ° pY ' �t " i "w,:.,,-�' 17, t . ,N I 4 k_ P^ �OQ y'N , .." )s_ t fY_i' r•-'\ .............._,f r,.-�"» ci -_.✓ .a..."..+ :, i i ++�I�f Iwr �.nN.)"INS � I Vicinity i f 1 el - sF t c18 o.compAcre)AREAS AND SAG T R' T\ i ` l ` ``� ., it i Z RIP THEE PRE AREA TO A to PL14 Vtt'IN, • ? ,L1 r f F J / 7 3 3' REMOVE ALL SkOCST�{Jt!(S3 TM FtlRG1015 ANt (aft C3NSTRUCISOa*iS IFiLY SUFFICES £! I e F r / / :'" ' , 4, APPLY AGRICULTURALLIVE AND F1?T� L R#LY A E) NIX MTH } "�`� JV r f � i PFJ2 1E S.F. e ar'_ \ # �✓ �i �<' FERTILIZEW 1T L9S PER 10010 S.F. ay j 5. Mel A Wp�7,L.PULVERaED. FIR/A, iPld€fDTSA 9E.O `. c5 E € _,./".6 —' �'_, / f / ., SOO tltfH HYDRO ON A fP,£ HLY P4tf'A p BED e_.. ) 1YTrmisi 15 DAYS OF STRIPPING -» f FS#N11NCf {p 1 , '' b r i f<: a. r 11 NECESSARY AREAS AND MAKE tigX LHBE PrArLD BE ,1 .j`` �c SiJ1G OAkiAGED, °�s-= '" 18:8 `�'.. AND WOOING a7Rl 1 KNLS. ` :� I v / �� a a.; ` CONSULT CONSERVATION €HSPECTtit ON NAINiERANCE, 3k ENT, ANp to S. FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT MYEH , • • A ¢ I N+.4, \--,.‘71A- L N\-- t,. , , i li y{ , STEEL.POST f A N ,--, - / 7(../Z r'' Inw.umw C tt7 % t/48 Yf ' ': YN*#�illrit Tr— WIRE MESH FOR STANDARD FABRIC '�F .` .�.:,.': ...m.s.An a .�"...STANDARD Er �j y^ ^.mod _f/g - 1 ; ., - .�.ay, *�AloolA...w. MM' Rio:I�I�M4�R f�i RuralF ,4 _..-r.°" 1 y ..-. ^^ ems' I } .-vNN / o y l.R��1� 7l.AE Y D _ '' `tJY i C3 CLI Alit 7M//1f \ y"�~J r' ; '�. ' x{ r z�"• ALA*. - ..iiiis i s ii .'"" XTr. N.,r \ i „3„. �,- C €�3 In � ., '..,�T'.F4.- :u:,a:4- ,rytr:��w��f'"�� �� '"ti',itki;Irgll OF WATER FLOW ..�,• f t" -" -`�•., '�F.al R\.� < f s �_ 1Sf•EEL A ( A.3"Fis'Y�, r"A$RfC .",'#,la,' ..1_. --tE•- %_ ./� '} .,.._.....p:-.^'"'.s^" } 4 - I MK \>, I , ::::, „ o 0 0 Lo 1RIx j �_ C- fin "•,+`•e,. a _ _ +3 I. . . •r. `( L y p 1-11' r 9 ' D '` `si I '" ,`'� :ref: - - ,µ.2 -: -'z t1 rL5 1 j ~ If ai ••— LV = a'j ii rr i ° fit "a 0 LV r . STONE I`-R`• +�� Lw.2. Nam; 1. SYN. FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE MIN. OF 36r RA NIILsTN WITH I 30 WIN TENSILE STREWTH FOR STANDARDFAR s t E i ` r'� j , -' f =~ 4\ i i I. SEOSENT STONE AND '50 WIN FOR EXTRA STRENGTH. i il - I SFIAi.t. �57. ti I .l t +/ /f I 2. 1gIRE!E SNAIL 2 FARM SNAIL. BE CONTINUOUS LENGTH. €F K>RllS 1 ----VI j ,r' I S'., 'INN A-A CLC)TH 1& ARE NECESSARY, LAP FABRIC POST 10 POST, S / ff } ARN. AND%Etl RAVE 1 4 3, to PCbT 5FIAil. BE YIIV 4' IN F�CFFT AND >� 4F'€}� � •E I te n :-M1F i '`. 1 � / " � /11',"' f t«t6.t "€?iREC71€)�IA L FLoE3 'l is SW-FASTENER STEEL ANGLE TYPE. ws• TEMPOP_RY ELT FB E 1 s r' i - r. — ,, 1 ! i""` ;; :' # / `� l WS ; V t jff / ~, / i �/ I ' F i i j pf { ` { j • j 0 \‘ • 1 EROSION CONTROLNOTES AND MAINTENANCE `" '' �., �_ 1 jr.r �t tf �- .-� •� _ ` 1 4 1. All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and ! - r�.:_ r. "... // '� �3 lT �' I �'; �_._ w ' ' operation following every runoff-producing rainfall, but in no case, less than ; �" � �- _�:. --�" ? / / once every week and within 24 hours of every half-inch rainfall. ,.. , . ,_, ,, `' j' f =�ii , €' -- D I # 3 , ,., / j.,.. 1 -,•.„ ____ 2. All points of egress will have construction entrances that will be periodically „i 4 _-•.-_._ -� /f 1 1 / t top-dressed with an additional 2 inches of #4 stone to maintain proper depth. t - „--- �` f `- ! r ` They will be maintained in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from i � E/ ri' `. leaving the site. Immediately remove objectionable material spilled washed or i - f j' 62 . tracked onto the construction entrance or roadways. ', l ":` /fix ` i meµ' _.r -{`l �` / i 3. Sediment will be removed from hardware cloth and gravel inlet protection, �..--�'`� h _ {t. ' €P i f block and gravel inlet protection, rock doughnut inlet protection and rock pipe -�� / .�.° ~J�`�- ? Q.,/ '� x' inlet protection when the designed storage capacity has been half filled with ;='` r-�-" r r.-�'" 't �`' j `:„ '_( / sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer ., �' - .' r' r`/ ^/ / / , drains as designed. Debris will be removed from the rock and hardware cloth 4 ' i / ` �T f / f ' g / r - / )� 0 to allow proper drainage. Silt sacks will be emptied once a week and after ,r` . -.,- ,� /`_:, ,--1-,, f F every rain event. Sediment will be removed from around beaver dams, dandy �-"" t ' __'' 1 I` �;' a' sacks and socks once a week and after every rain event. _,_-a---- j / / if ' '� f 4. Diversion ditches will be cleaned out immediately to remove sediment or µ �y 1 . � °�' J 1' } obstructions from the flow area. The diversion ridges will also be repaired. ., am .-.- l _ /' �" i QAd i �( E� ! Swales must be temporarily stabilized within 21 calendar days of cease of any i / ; phase of activity associated with a swale. -'F _ '` r ' e. = /- -/ D I # 4 \ , a / /„/ /5. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes �/ { _ 1 r;., Q-1 t. / , t + l to half-filled. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a #....5 A i t.,j t f t U I barrier. Stakes must be steel. Stakes spacing will be 6 feet max. with the =, T r` 1 f �j ,/ _; E use of extra strength fabric, without wire backing. Stake spacing will be 8 i _ l :' , se N feet max. when standard strength fabric and wire backingare used. if rock '' �"6 ~-- _�-�`"` f ;f /f I x / i � OS ck filters are designed at low points in the sediment fence, the rock will be f T 0 ..r,,,,- ��---. I " z c, repaired or replaced if it become half-full of sediment, no longer drains as U s--�'--T--- "' „, , f i _�' f i / (40 } I a, 1 .1,-; Lo 0 I.0 z designed or is damaged. ..."'r. :�-- �.:�.:,: -"" r / 1 ~ �. ._. c �, 6. Sediment will be removed from sediment traps when the designed storage �..- ~`" - .r, "` { '" " �' capacity has been half filled with sediment, The rock will be cleaned or .- " Y � --� `�� `` �� e, r' -'' y / / / ''N,,N �C:C+, replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains or when the rock is ,. ,______- ,,c� ' T. ,/ � I ! ' `"'�' dislodged. Baffles will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, -�' � r''r f° / v. ,- decompose or become ineffective. Theywill be replaced promptly. Sediment r -� ` ; / f p p p p Y i r ...°- �,_ w•m_"004. r j, ,.- s` I 3 -.„, will be removed when deposits reach half the height of the 1st baffle. * / ,t r'"- ' � J -�,- . _�,.�--"" t ' I 1 :- -- ter-'" � 1 Floating skimmers will be inspected and kept clean weekly ,� {• I .1.1 �"7-- "" `- -- '"wm ,. / tF i ;' ,� psi PB ex h- 7. Sediment will be removed from the sediment basin when the design storage _� . - � y F' /'; t I . ( ` _. , i l txtx�, PB capacity has been half filled with sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced \ ;f t Pf p ; t when the sediment pool no longer drains or if the rock is dislodged. Baffles "- ;_ �/ \ will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, decompose or become t - -''"`_ 1 i °,s °A' t1/a8/t8 ineffective. Theywill be replacedpromptly. Sediment will be removed from t :,.r` 1Q 1 ' P } ; r i baffles when deposits reach half the height of the 1st baffle. Floating >\ I , 1 I E `• I skimmers will be inspected weekly and will be kept clean. �- ' j ,F 4', ii ' ‘ Q�ItA C�t;4©� . B. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary and mulched ; I �_ ik,''• SEAL+ f "' % Ott ''>,..,4 - �•` pr I according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense cr E _; i • vegetative cover. All slopes will be stabilized within 21 calendar days. All r 1 ' `� �� i'.\, \ ' ''''' / i) eV :Lcc: - 1 others areas will be stabilized within 15 working days. / '; 9. Flocculants will be used to address turbidity issues. The pumps, tanks hoses a€ 1 1 J` 1 % " •`��4�� i and inject systems will be checked for problems or turbid discharges coil "` f ` Ail / ' '- 1 iY f I `j i I \ ,i r J i T / i i 3 t 1 -,,.h. SCA!. ., 40 ‘ \ I 1 1 I .