HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200712 Ver 1_CoolRun_100142_MY0_2023_20230828MYO FINAL MONITORING REPORT Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, NC Lumber River Basin Cataloging Unit 03040207 DMS Project ID No. 100142 Full Delivery Contract No. 20190201-01 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2020-01428 DWR Project No. 20200712 RFP #16-20190201(issued: 7/16/2019) Data Collection: April 24-26, 2023 Submission: August 2023 Prepared for: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1652 Mrt[gOAM Services FNV IRONM E H TAi 0Mi ffF CLEARWATER MITIGATION S a L U T I o N S August 28, 2023 Mr. Jeremiah Dow NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street, Suite 3000 Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Cool Run— MYO As -Built Report— Response to Comments (DMS Project No. 100142) USACE Action ID No. SAW-2020-01428 / DWR Project No. 20200712 Dear Mr. Dow, Please find below the response to comments for the Cool Run MYO As -Built Report provided on August 11, 2023: Report Comments: 1. Table I — Stream mitigation credits were calculated from the as -built lengths. Please correct to calculate credits from mitigation plan lengths. Re: Corrected. Table 2 — The success criteria column in the first row states that you will "Document four overbank events in separate monitoring years for at least 30-consecutive days." Please separate different success criteria and re -word. As discussed briefly at the site visit, since UT1 is classified in the mit plan as intermittent, there will be a flow monitoring requirement to demonstrate a minimum of 30 days consecutive flow (see DWR comment 914 from the final mitigation plan). Re: Success criteria above differentiated and corrected. Section 1.1 states that planting was completed on April 20th , but Section 2.0 and Table 11 state April 6. Please clarify. Re: The Site planting was completed on April 6, 2023. Corrected. 4. Section 1.2 — Success Criteria table indicates that 12% of the growing season will be 36 days. Has the final growing season been established? If so, please provide the dates and how it was determined. Please note that any start date prior to 3/1 requires a discussion of bud burst of species observed (must be more than one) and supporting photo documentation, and similar for senescence to determine the end date. Re: Planting for the Site was completed on April 6, 2023. Groundwater water gauges and soil temperature probes for the Site started collecting monitoring data on April 27, 2023. Growing season for W1 is proposed to begin on April 27, 2023, the date groundwater gauges and soil probes began collecting data. The end of the W1 growing season will be determined by photo documentation of >50% leaf fall of dominant tree species and recorded in combination with soil temperature probe data to document the end of growing season, up until November 30'h with November 30'h being the latest possible date for the end of the growing season. The documented ending date of the W1 growing season will establish the end date of the growing season for the remainder of the monitoring period MY2-MY7. The start of the growing season for the Site will be established in 2024, utilizing recorded soil temperature, supplemental photographic evidence of above ground growth and development of vascular plants (i.e. emergence of herbaceous plants from the ground; appearance of new growth from vegetative crowns; CLEARWATER MITIGATION S D L 1U T 1 O N S coleoptile/cotyledon emergence from seed; bud burst on woody plants (2 or more species); emergence or elongation of leaves of woody plants; or emergence or opening of flowers). The above metrics used to identify the start of the growing season will be collected starting February 1, 2024, with the start of the growing season to begin no earlier than February 1st. Similar to the identified ending date in 2023, the identified start date of the growing season established in 2024, will be utilized as the beginning date of the growing season for the remainder of the monitoring period MY2-MY7. CCPV (Figure 1) a. Please color code all veg plots based on meeting (green) or not meeting (red) vegetative success criteria. Please do the same with wetland monitoring wells in MY I. b. Recommend differentiating stream gauges based on their intent, i.e., to monitor overbank events, or flow, or both. c. Recommend removing the old ditch labeling NS2, NS3, etc. d. It may be helpful for reviewers to label UT1 and Cool Run's different reaches on the map. Re: Corrected per recommendations. 6. Appendix C — As discussed at the site visit, please label XS1 as the riffle and XS2 as the pool. Recommend removing BHR calculation from pool cross sections here and in Table 10. Re: Corrected per recommendations. Tables 9A, B, & C — The MYO BHR numbers appear to be incorrect. They are identical to the Max Depth numbers. Re: Corrected. Record Drawings Comments: 8. In the future include all surveyed in -stream structures from the as -built survey on the record drawing. Re: Noted and will be included in the future. 9. Sheet AB-04D — recommend keeping the "Cross Vane Relocated" callout and in addition coloring the relocated cross vane red, or adding an arrow to draw attention to indicate that it is the structure that was moved. Re: Corrected per recommendations. 10. To reduce confusion, our recommendation is to change the red text for "As -Built Centerline" in the longitudinal profile black since it is not a construction deviation. Re: Corrected per recommendations. Boundary Inspection Comments: 11. Recommend that each corner is witnessed on the State held CE side. Re: Noted and will be corrected in future. 12. Recommend checking the line marking in all forested areas to ensure the marking is aligned with the surveyed CE line. In these areas, paint and signs posted on trees at intervals of 100 ft, less Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 clearwatermitigation@gmail.com CLEARWATER MITIGATION S D L 1U T 1 O N S than the required 200 ft, will be helpful in reducing encroachments and allowing for ease of future boundary inspections. Re: Our surveyor, K2 Design Group, will be further marking and correcting the CE boundary in the winter of 2024 per the recommendations. 13. Where the hunting stand was identified, the CE line should be accurately located by a surveyor and a determination regarding its proximity to the CE should be made. If it is located inside the CE, as it appeared using the Trimble R2 unit, the stand should be moved to outside of the CE area. Re: Noted. this will be verified and corrected as needed. A CE witness post and sign will be installed near this location. 14. Speak with the farmer to ensure that there will be no further damage to the CE related to the corn planted inside the easement area. Monitor to ensure the expected density and species of trees remain viable in this corn planted area. If not, these impacted areas should be replanted. Re: We have spoken with the farmer and land owner. There is to be no further damage associated with the planted corn and/or future agricultural activities adjacent to the CE. 15. Review included KML for reference and location details of action items. Re: Thank you for the .KMZ file and documentation. This is very helpful in communicating the additional boundary marking needs and scope to us and the surveyor. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions at 919-624-6901. Sincerely, Kevin Yates Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 clearwatermitigation@gmail.com MYO FINAL MONITORING REPORT Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, NC Lumber River Basin Cataloging Unit 03040207 DMS Project ID No. 100142 Full Delivery Contract No. 20190201-01 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2020-01428 DWR Project No. 20200712 RFP #16-20190201(issued: 7/16/2019) Data Collection: April 24-26, 2023 Submission: August 2023 Prepared For: Mitigation Services FNVIAONMENTALQUASITY Prepared By: 1 CLEARWATER MITIGATION 5 0 L 11 'r 1 n N 4 Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, North Carolina Contact: Kevin Yates Phone: 919-624-6901 DAVEYJ*--. Resource Group Davey Resource Group 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, North Carolina Contact: Wes Fryar Phone: 910-471-0018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY....................................................................................................1 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND, COMPONENTS, AND STRUCTURE.........................................................1 1.2 SUCCESS CRITERIA..............................................................................................................5 1.3 GROWINGSEASON......................................................................................................................5 2.0 AS -BUILT CONDITION (BASELINE)................................................................................6 3.0 PROJECT MONITORING — METHODS............................................................................6 3.1 MONITORING...................................................................................................................7 4.0 MONITORING YEAR 0 — DATA ASSESSMENT................................................................7 4.1 STREAM ASSESSMENT.........................................................................................................7 4.2 HYDROLOGY ASSESSMENT...................................................................................................9 4.3 VEGETATIVE ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................9 4.4 MONITORING YEAR 0 SUMMARY..........................................................................................9 5.0 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................10 MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Table of Contents page i Cool Run Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 APPENDICES Appendix A. Visual Assessment Data Figure 1. Current Conditions Plan View Table 4A-B. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Vegetation Plot Photographs Permanent Photo Points Appendix B. Vegetation Plot Data Table 6A. Planted Bare -Root Woody Vegetation Table 6B. Permanent Seed Mix Table 7. Vegetation Plot Counts and Densities Table 8A-D. Vegetation Plot Data Table from Vegetation Data Entry Tool Appendix C. Stream Geomorphology Data Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays Longitudinal Profile Table 9A-C. Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables Table 10A-B. Cross -Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Appendix D. Hydrologic Data Groundwater Gauge Soil Profiles Appendix E. Project Timeline and Contact Info Table 11. Project Timeline Table 12. Project Contacts Appendix F. Record Drawings (As -Built Survey) MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Table of Contents page ii Cool Run Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY Clearwater Mitigation Services has established the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) Cool Run Stream & Wetland Mitigation Site (hereafter referred to as the "Site"). The Site encompasses 25.6 acres of floodplain forest and agricultural fields along Cool Run and an Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Cool Run located within the Carolina Flatwoods of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Ecoregion (63h). The Site is located within a Targeted Local Watershed of the Upper Shallotte River 14-digit HUC (03040207020060) of the Lumber River basin. Stream and wetland mitigation areas are located along Cool Run and a UT to Cool Run within North Carolina Division of Water Resources [NCDWR] subbasin number 03-07-59. Site watersheds range from approximately 3.10 square miles (1,985 acres) along Cool Run to approximately 0.2 of a square mile (125 acres) along UT1. 1.1 Project Background, Components, and Structure The Site is located in Brunswick County, approximately 5.5-miles West of Shallotte, NC. Restoration activities within the Site included the construction of meandering, E/C-type stream channel resulting in 2,028 linear feet of Priority I stream restoration, 592 linear feet of Priority II stream restoration, 14.108 acres of riparian wetland re-establishment, 1.433 acres of riparian wetland rehabilitation, 1.201 acre of riparian wetland enhancement, and 0.492 acre of riparian wetland preservation. The Site is expected to provide 2,422.00 warm water stream credits and 15.512 riparian wetland credits by closeout (Table 1). A conservation easement was granted to the State of North Carolina and recorded at the Brunswick County Register of Deeds on February 12, 2021. Prior to Site construction, the Site was characterized by disturbed forest that has been in use for agriculture and silviculture since at least the 1950's. Based on historical aerial photography, Cool Run appears to have been relocated and channelized in the late 1950's, and UT 1 appears to have been channelized prior to 1956. The floodplain of Cool Run has been historically modified and logged over the last several decades. The site was last logged between 2016 and 2018. Site design was completed in June 2022. Construction started in December 2022, and ended with a final walkthrough on April 19, 2023. The Site was planted on April 6, 2023. Completed project activities, reporting history, completion dates, and project contacts are summarized in Tables 11- 12 (Appendix Q. MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) page 1 Cool Run Mitigation Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 ■ � � ) E E 3 " 2 EE \ § Lnomq k ] /§ m &a o Lq. u N/ o* / d d d q § m # e � Cr 0 / \ \ \ 0 \ / \ o E 0 2 k ' e Q Q Q Q Q ¥\ k \ � \ / ) 0 w & 2 � 2 m § \ ƒ / � _ } 0 E E E \ \ \ \ / / / / k d w & bb J _ = m e N co 3 2 ' o 0 IZ « e a k \& a 0LL k e e a .2m m 2 % \ 2 k \ \ \ . } W # e / Q Q a § k a ~ m { E m _ 0 bb E � ƒ 2§ 2 k 2 E e m ® CL & a e 2 §) e = 3 \ 2 $ 2 $ a / \ 0 \ LU / u M M , 3 k CL , 0 2 2 k; 2 \ 2 2 � Q EL e j G E a)/ , . a)# , , ; ; o . ' d d d q � 6 ; E � E k § m % R � & � o f - # k E E E w E 2 ) .L 2 § = 7 7 ° § a M 2 g M � 2 2 / / ro E � v a) u >• m ao v O C — C ° t i o u t E a, u ro N o o o n •> °' rn m v °' +� u v � = v o = O '^U V al V aO� al V c a) O O GO D � O > r) v) v u ° > v V)v c o V)v a) v c° N rn c rn E o O a >. rn o a a) >• rn v E °0 a O u 2 N D E O U N v C N Uu O u c o O Uu N �' ' - n E •o r' .2 n E a) > > a) 2 v) o m v) > o > a) ,E c N ° C = O m c E c Oa/ c c O m E a ;,E uiac, O a) ao � ° Co O LU+d+ O 'ZI a) C Ca) bDa)� u a/ Oa) O ha a p > '6 p v i > M E E 'F f CC / 'F W u F u w O m ON m m ON EA O O + O + — Oy O Q Q V V> m V Q Q Q V> Q Q V U 7 'O -O O Q 2 o E aa)) o o c E m -O v-LAt f0 N a) m v E v C C u + L N 'O p vO i O O rn � ++ =s O O rn rn C C C C O n rO 1O O Oc > O m 4 > s a) 1, U E a) i a)VOI C' C' O v -C U f0 U v a)N U 7 U C C •f0 E m Q ti0 - E . N C: C C f0 m -O O +O+ Q U ++ f0 +O+ E ++ f0 C m O a+ U U a) m O — 29 Q u m — 0 Q Q 6 N p a) i N Q N 0 p O r0 N N p -p O a) a) C C) Q Q .O ° Q •� O a) O v 3 Q i ,U a) a)Q Q 3 N m n n 3 N o c N 0-O � o N m 0 t t n o `M bD ,� o 3 �� 2 3 uE � �a 3= v i 3 3 v c c o v D i D c a + c ^ v ^ o4 % c s ° bD c v c f0 f�0 O i f0 7 f0 ++ .� u .� .� Y O O C a+ U .� •� U t -, a) N " N n c �o o o p- a) E n n c a) ao m m a, n" u E v o u ro u O '� o u° •3 v a>) aa) o o > v > > t a) o' O n o Cu io C +Z -p C 30 c p> n p c- n a)++ VI (� U .1 O I— ° -O f0 U VI O U -O ++ a/ O O a/ N Q O C O O U .1 a/ VI O a/ C t i C , i 0 3 c� i a) N 3 i i i p\ N 12 a) 3 ao i C , i _ i 3 ro CL > •Q o O� � a`i � c c tia a a) c C c C c a`) +° O> T° O 0- V a a V° o c w +t o ;° ro V° V V) V a a) T a) ° p a) O w wZ_— o T o>° a) m V d V d w G1 w O v) O v) 1 O a) 'O 'O O O tip m m 0 * n i O 'N 3 v a) a) c o E E n M - a) D c E v a)N o c ° � ao - '4 v ° co n aa)) 3 Eta " v+ o 3 v +� O E m a)) a-� O J '6 Q 0 N O a) .E N x � � >y c a) a, c a) � > fo Q 0 E E N ro ON pC V O ++ U c Q OL 0 v °) H -0o aEi m a v -a tibD o E Table 3. Project Attribute Table Project Attribute Table Project Name Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site County Brunswick County, North Carolina Project Area (acres) 25.6 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude decimal degrees) 33.970904,-78.472509 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain River Basin Lumber USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040207020060 DWR Sub -basin 03-07-59 Project Drainage Area (acres) 1,074 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <2% Land Use Classification 87% forested; 11% agricultural; <2% residential Reach Summary Information Parameters Cool Run Upstream of UT1 confluence Cool Run Downstream of UT1 confluence UT 1 Pre -project length (feet) 1158 776 335 Post -project (feet) 1009 1008 610 Valley confinement (Confined, Unconfined) A, UC A, UC A, UC Drainage area (acres) 911 1074 125 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Per Per Int NCDWR Water Quality Classification C, SW C, SW C, SW Dominant Stream Classification (existing) E/G 5 Eg 5 Eg 5 Dominant Stream Classification (proposed) C 5 C 5 C 5 Dominant Evolutionary class (Simon) if applicable II II II Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetlands Pre -project (acres) 3.33 acres Post -project (acres) 17.2 acres Wetland Type (non -riparian, riparian) Riparian riverine Mapped Soil Series Muckalee, Lynchburg, Baymeade, Goldsboro, Rains, Lumbee Soil Hydric Status Non-hydric and Hydric Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Docs? Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes Section 404 Permit Water of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes Section 401 Permit Endangered Species Act Yes Yes CE Document Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes CE Document Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) No N/A N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A WO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina page 4 Clearwater Mitigation Solutions August 2023 1.2 Success Criteria Monitoring and success criteria for stream restoration should relate to project goals and objectives identified from on -site NC SAM and NC WAM data collection in addition to guidelines set forth in the 2016 Mitigation Rule. From a mitigation perspective, several of the goals and objectives are assumed to be functionally elevated by restoration activities without direct measurement. Other goals and objectives will be considered successful upon achieving success criteria. The following summarizes the Site success criteria developed for the project. Success Criteria Streams • All streams must maintain an Ordinary High -Water Mark (OHWM), per RGL 05-05. • Continuous surface flow must be documented each year for at least 30 consecutive days. • Bank height ratio (BHR) cannot exceed 1.2 at any measured cross-section. • BHR at any measure riffle cross-section should not change by more than 10% from baseline condition during any given monitoring period. • The stream project shall remain stable and all other performance standards shall be met through four separate bankfull events, occurring in separate years, during the monitoring years 1-7. Wetland Hydrology • Saturation or inundation within the upper 12 inches of the soil surface for, at a minimum, 12 percent of the growing season, during normal climatic conditions.* Vegetation • Within planted portions of the site, a minimum of 320 stems per acre must be present at year 3; a minimum of 260 stems per acre must be present at year 5; and a minimum of 210 stems per acre must be present at year 7. • Trees must average 7 feet in height at year 5, and 10 feet in height at year 7 in each plot. • Planted and volunteer stems are counted, provided they are included in the approved planting list for the site; natural recruits not on the planting list may be considered by the IRT on a case -by -case basis. • Any volunteer species on the approved planting list must be established for at least 2 years to count towards success and will be subject to the average height standard. *See Section 1.3, below, for proposed MY1 growing season dates and establishment of MY2-MY7 growing season dates. 1.3 Growing Season Planting for the Site was completed on April 6, 2023. Groundwater water gauges and soil temperature probes for the Site started collecting monitoring data on April 27, 2023. Growing season for MY1 is proposed to begin on April 27, 2023, the date groundwater gauges and soil probes began collecting data. The end of the MY1 growing season will be determined by photo documentation of >50% leaf fall of dominant tree species and recorded in combination with soil temperature probe data to document the end of growing season, up until November 30t" with November 30t" being the latest possible date for the end of the growing season. The documented ending date of the MY1 growing season will establish the end date of the growing season for the remainder of the monitoring period MY2-MY7. The start of the growing season for the Site will be established in 2024, utilizing recorded soil temperature, supplemental photographic evidence of above ground growth and development of vascular plants (i.e. emergence of herbaceous plants from the ground; MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) page S Cool Run Mitigation Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 appearance of new growth from vegetative crowns; coleoptile/cotyledon emergence from seed; bud burst on woody plants (2 or more species); emergence or elongation of leaves of woody plants; or emergence or opening of flowers). The above metrics used to identify the start of the growing season will be collected starting February 1, 2024, with the start of the growing season to begin no earlier than February 1st. Similar to the identified ending date in 2023, the identified start date of the growing season established in 2024, will be utilized as the beginning date of the growing season for the remainder of the monitoring period MY2-MY7. 2.0 AS -BUILT CONDITION (BASELINE) Construction started in December 2022 and ended with a final walkthrough on April 19, 2023. The Site was planted on April 6, 2023. As -built and MYO data collection occurred between April and May 2023. In general, no significant issues arose during the construction of the Site. A sealed half-size set of record drawings are provided in Appendix F, which includes the post -construction survey, alignments, structures, and monitoring features. These include redlines for any significant field adjustments made during construction that differ from the design plans. Upon completion of the as -built it was noted that a cross -vane was installed in a slightly different location than proposed in the construction plans. However, in consultation with the project engineer, it is unlikely that the installed location will affect the stability and success of the project. The proposed location of the structure and as -built location are currently stable. This location will be continued to be monitored and will be addressed in subsequent monitoring reports. 3.0 PROJECT MONITORING -METHODS Monitoring will be conducted in accordance with 2016 NCIRT Guidelines. Monitoring will be conducted by Davey Resource Group, Inc based on the schedule below. A summary of monitoring is outlined in Section 3.1. Annual monitoring reports will be submitted to the NCDMS by Clearwater Mitigation Solutions no later than December 31 of each monitoring year data is collected. Table 4 - Monitoring Schedule Resource Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Streams x x x x x Wetlands x x x x x x x Vegetation x x x x x Visual Assessment x x x x x x x Report Submittal x x x x x x x MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) page 6 Cool Run Mitigation Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 3.1 Monitoring The monitoring parameters are summarized in Table 5. 4.0 MONITORING YEAR 0 —DATA ASSESSMENT Site visits were conducted between April and May 2023 to collect as -built and annual monitoring data forthe project. Stream, wetland, and vegetation monitoring forthe Site follow the approved success criteria presented in the Mitigation Plan and summarized in Section 1.3; monitoring methods are detailed in Section 3.0. 4.1 Stream Assessment Geomorphology surveys for MYO were conducted on April 30, 2023. All streams within the Site are stable and functioning as designed. Refer to Appendix A for the Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table. Refer to Appendix C for Stream Geomorphology Data. No stream areas of concern were identified during MYO. MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) page 7 Cool Run Mitigation Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 v � 0 0 p o O t a, O V 0 0 o O a) O U 'r 0 0 0 v 3 s o o O +° o o s N a u— O a o '6 a > ao 'v +1 al oC t v = N v N o w oC c n w �1 v s V N ao v 0 0 0 — 0 0 aco c O 3 so .� o a`i n n E N V w ao p p ro p a o° w ai v N O v v ai -0 O O s^ u U t t C a) N 7 t a) C C U °/ O U GO m +�m n n o .v a-fO a, m m E m v N — 0 (7 mu C7 0 (7 a3i a>i 0 c 0 m m o O 4-, m L Q O a > N t a c v v v o O v N a/ o a) C C p O n U O -in , u .__ o bD D c � o + vi y c) c O O C � al O GO m S- \ v N N U o i) N p E N M a, \ y N �n C v a, \ a) ++ O C ao T n o T co O E v o 0 v c E > £ £ v CL 3 — +�+ '� p0 a) 3 �n a) v 3 Q 0 to Z o o v ° c E v� z un 3 O z N tiu c c o D M a, v a) o hA •L —_ p —_ p GO p CL �^ i a i 0 m na v s R i N O m 3 ^ 0 m a o o ro a c v o= o a 'a c o '3 O c �n �n 41 o N 3 s + m tia _ c v p v O N 3 O O N 3 m cri c is y O > > 6 Q +� O R y M o N +, m y N N N > al -E u N m c al i i t (n +� C C 'a 'a y., O p } } fo fu V 7 7 E p E V i b0 GO V +� a..� N Vf N } V N ro D o Vf •� •� 0 O O Q } V *' Q Q 41 a1 N o qT v A N O V c O O L 3 �0 4 +� oo 0 � ' � V > c u a, u O N rm o p v — i ++ ° i E � a) a) - " j oN 0 +°' O (6 o C a) a) m N U -> GO 7 O Q �� fo a) fo E b.0 41 .� (o O V > w i vbD + v 0 C O c v v�i � p ++ f0 0 a) 0 ,0 4; ++ N O a) i a D N V o = w m w fO E v v > s tiu 1 1 ro 'pp Q N t '36 GO N O O>- a-+ p V 7 0 E N 7 > d' '6 0 'ZIN� o o — s - a > � ao N o ,o v v = n a D M > m0 0_ m O Q N i 0 V a W ° Q O O W O L +� o ro m C 1 — y o c a) v w 0 w + 0 � O O +� t n ++ N d E o N > w — ++ w £ N +0+ N £ p d i `� i a'' O O N i N t bD N> (n a m ° C m a v a a, � 41 v 0 O 4 v fO ro � � � — N t V m N * Z N al 0 (6 c l� O N C ro ro c N D V O O 4.1 N N t 4.2 Hydrology Assessment Seventeen groundwater monitoring gauges were installed throughout the Site's wetlands. Hydrologic data will be collected and reported during MY1 (2023). 4.3 Vegetative Assessment The MYO vegetative survey was completed on April 26, 2023. Vegetation monitoring resulted in a sitewide stem density average of 712 planted stems per acre, above the interim requirement of 320 stems per acre required at MY3. All 14 fixed vegetation plots and 3 random plots met the interim success criteria. Please refer to Appendix A for Vegetation Plot Photographs and the Vegetation Condition Assessment Table, and Appendix B for Vegetation Plot Data. No vegetation areas of concern were identified during MYO. 4.4 Monitoring Year 0 Summary In summary, the site streams are stable and performing as intended and vegetation establishment across the site appears to be on target to meet success criteria for permanent and random plots. Periodic monitoring will continue to be conducted to identify any areas of concern in the future. MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Brunswick County, North Carolina page 9 Clearwater Mitigation Solutions August 2023 5.0 REFERENCES Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.2. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Stream Functional Assessment Team. (NC SFAT 2015). N.C. Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) User Manual. Version 2.1. North Carolina Wetland Functional Assessment Team. (NC WFAT 2010). N.C. Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual. Version 4.1. WO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) page 10 Cool Run Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Brunswick County, North Carolina August 2023 APPENDIXA Visual Assessment Data Figure 1. Current Conditions Plan View Tables 4A-13. Stream Visual Stability Assessment Table 5. Visual Vegetation Assessment Vegetation Plot Photographs Permanent Photo Points MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 { ) to \ \ \ \ 0 \ \ ;ƒf ` /k0 )) CL ) j\ — E 2 \) ( { - - ® 2 ! \ \� \ \ \0 — —72 7700 _ —%^ 2 2 \( ) j\ \/\ } \) \§) \ \ \ } uto w | 2 ] ! ! 3 ! ] | � k ai to a a v O £ o o o o o o o o o o o o V1 `O N ti ti ti ti ti ti o � c a o v o to m10 o 0 0 0 0 o o ' a N a J J a m � m � Z O '- H N y^ C N J v - a ai o a s � a 3 ° `0 m o u a O c m _ tq = S O m u m m N � s o - - J s s °u s ai m u an v i v ew m o c v a s a c o o^ U 'J" u C N O n O N o m o v m e m O o ? ryo = uu m m m ZI a l7 m -Oo v ho O N N J u O N O w O U v c w u c O v LL c U y m a c c L U v� m H m l7 m O .c� C � s m J �C VI k 2 k )tw f f f f f {) c c 0 c c a / / / / / / ] Etw k / \ ri c _ ) ) § - k u ( \ » ! § { . : \ \bn \ \ \ 0 \ \ \ \ bn \ ( $ 0) \ | k \ / ) 0 < \ - 2 u / | ® e @ / a \ f ) _ /§ t Etw f 0 ) c a E r- twl C) u o0 k) ]/ / � r\ CL \� ) \\ CL \ \ \ o L / / \ 0 >/ g / 5 e $ e y = \ a _ 2\£ �u. \ \ \ \ \ \ ) E[{ 220 /$\® _ $/7\ y; \-0u \�\ / / 2 ) 0 ®0 { [§ _CL }7\ = t / - }! CL um 5 (� \ - f( )` \\/\ \\u e=: Be70 °% ) -_ /tu k /)\/ j!> e / ! ) u f | » \ m ( f / j APPENDIX A. VEG PLOT PHOTOS (MYO 2023) (1) Plot I (2) Plot 2 -7- 4.'t ILL (6) Plot 6 Coot Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site — Appendix A I I P a g e DMS Project No. 100142 APPENDIX A. VEG PLOT PHOTOS (MYO 2023) (9) Plot 9 r (11) Plot 11 v- (8) Plot 8 (10) Plot 10 (12) Plot 12 Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site — Appendix A 2 1 P a g e DMS Project No. 100142 APPENDIX A. VEG PLOT PHOTOS (MYO 2023) e (13) Plot 13 (14) Plot 14 Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site — Appendix A 3 1 P a g e DMS Project No. 100142 APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS — EXISTING CONDITIONS (MYO — 2023) ..�._ 7q (1) PSI (looking southwest - downstream) (3) PS2 (looking northeast along Cool Run ) (5) PS3 (looking east along UT1) (2) PSI (looking northeast towards CE boundary) .�14 C. (4) PS2 (looking west along Cool Run) 6� (6) PS3 (looking west towards CE Boundary) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site — Appendix A 1 DMS Project No. 100142 APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOS - EXISTING CONDITIONS (MYO - 2023) (7) PS4 (looking south at confluence Of Cool Run and UT1) (9) PS5 (looking south) (11) PS6 (looking north) (8) PS4 (looking northwest) (10) PS5 (looking northwest ) (12) PS6 (looking south towards CE Boundary) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site — Appendix A 2 1 P a g e DMS Project No. 100142 Appendix B Vegetation Data Table 6A. Planted Bare -Root Woody Vegetation Table 6B. Permanent Seed Mix Table 7. Vegetation Plot Counts and Densities Table 8A-D. Vegetation Plot Data Table from Vegetation Data Entry Tool MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 Table 6A. Planted Bare Root Woody Vegetation Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Coastal Plain Coastal Plain Small Stream Small Stream Wetland Swamp* Swamp* Stream -side Vegetation Association Indicator Status (Zone 1) (Zone 2) Assemblage** TOTAL Area (acres) 15.48 5.10 2.13 22.71 # % of # % of # % of # Species planted* total planted* total planted** total planted Tag alder (Alnus serrulata) FACW -- -- 515 20 515 Black willow (Salix nigra)*** OBL -- -- 515 20 515 Ironwood (Carpinus FAC caroliniana) 526 5 260 10 786 River birch (Betula nigra) FACW -- 350 10 260 10 610 Silky dogwood (Cornus FACW -- amomum)*** -- 515 20 515 Atlantic white cedar FACW 350 10 (Chamaecyparis thyoides) 350 Sycamore (Platanus FACW 695 20 occidentalis) 695 Bald cypress (Taxodium OBL distichum) 2,632 25 515 20 3,147 Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus FACW 695 20 michauxii) 1,580 15 2,275 Swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora) OBL 2,105 20 -- -- 2,105 Laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia) FACW 2,105 20 695 20 -- 2,800 Overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) OBL 1,055 10 -- -- 1,055 American elm (Ulmus FAC 350 10 americana) 350 Water oak (Quercus nigra) I FACW 526 5 350 10 -- 876 TOTAL 10,529 100 1 3,485 100 2,580 100 16,594 * Planted at a density of 680 stems/acre. ** Planted at a density of 1210 stems/acre. *** Live Stake MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 Table 613. Permanent Seed Mix Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site March 1 — October 31 Species Common Name Wetland Indicator Status Unit Type Stratum o � of Total Ibs per Acre Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge FACW S Herb 15 35 Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem FAC S Herb 15 35 Elymus virgatum Virginia wildrye FAC S Herb 15 35 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass FAC S Herb 15 35 Juncus effusus Soft rush OBL S Herb 20 35 Dichanthelium clandestinum Deertongue FACW S Herb 20 35 Total 100 MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 Table 7. Planted Vegetation Totals Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Plot # Planted Stems/Acre Success Criteria Met? 1 607 Yes 2 769 Yes 3 607 Yes 4 769 Yes 5 729 Yes 6 1012 Yes 7 688 Yes 8 850 Yes 9 729 Yes 10 688 Yes 11 607 Yes 12 688 Yes 13 648 Yes 14 810 Yes Random Plot (R1) 810 Yes Random Plot (R2) 486 Yes Random Plot (R3) 607 Yes Average Planted Stems/Acre 712 Yes MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 - 6 n V lD N V m1 O N m N 0 0 F n n on > -O v n v io w w - 0 m N OJ N m m w n wO m w n w o v 0 F on v > a v I] NI, w n rim °1 N m N m m m m n O V w N O n O N m 0 on v � m N m m m o m m m m O1 °1 °1 m io n in ^� N o mio m n in ^� N o N O F OD >I'l ° Ul m m n rim °1 M. m m V ifl 1° n O V m N o �° n O w V m N 0 0 F on v > a v `o Y 3 3 m 3 m 3 3 m 3 m m 3 N a a a LL o a o a a o a o o � o v `O Y o v w 1 O y z I p; ° �- o c O v o O w v i 3 -°a n v '- o m v o .w �' = 3 .v - > O n E m m o 0 V E a = s E a o 0 0 V C O ° v Y V C O & v Y jn Q V V= jn a V V= vi U1 W O > U1 U1 O > v E Z ?O m e o r f O O - v `° ° ._ m T - r m- oD -o me N c ° Oi m v V c w > a v V m c > a _ m - E- a v '� m E E - Ul - m c fl- Ul c T ° v ` m E I c E a o w O_ o 0 V Z v v C ° O a O o r V - v v w - O - U O w m o e� 0 oio F ^^ .-� ^ ^ W � in m ry o ^ W � in m ry o 0 on > - e v H I IT lD ^ T ^ M. o W ifl ifl W O N m N 0 W O N m N 0 Ol F ^ ^ O � OD Ul � -Q v - _ W ifl ifl W W $� S o .-I O N V .-I O E F W O b v � � W m m ^ N N q i 6 V V O W ti W W m N o W m M N o ^ O � O v o ^ ^ OD o - v m � a 'E O N N N O^ N N O N O^ N N O m F O OD C > v tD vt V V V N N C E = 3 O Y 3 3 m 3 m 3 3 m 3 m m 3 yyc y N a a a LL o a o a a o a o o ¢ a v v v v v v v v v v v v v v E m O O n Y Y o O 3 o i E, z o Iv° m a r Y o E v v > 3 a E v y > V m E 3 Ar a s a O O V E v _ c O E °° w V E jn Q V V= jn Q V V= v i- W Ul 0 C W Ul C c v pD .O O E O m V c > a ` V c > a" °- Z O T r oD N Oi E Emu '� Ul m c Ul c T O_ E V r — CI F v g' V v S n — O — Ul O .Y Ul a o o E D n E o f -o Y° m — o o a S M. ® ) : : e e e } _ F. \ _/ „ m%:; „ } ) \ / HM. ) e : : \ }} _ }{ \/ :_ ; ;§,R „ ;§®R`° \\ )\ \\ \\\\�)\)\\)\00 \ }/} ~ &=eeee3eeeeeee w /}\ E )30}: o ESA/3: §\k ®-- 0 %\ / (/-\/:K§;PZ\Q `«f;:`®K-2 0m ° § °°E -:. E 2 E {!jE \}} \\**0> \\**)® {{] ) E£ 2f0§\\\\E\) r - _}) : ) ) -\: j[§�,-y:e� - y` 0 y` 0{){ : ~ : \E!®))�\° ` : \ \ �)\ \) *\7\ , r r s©' ``\ - \3° _ !z\ Ell T > 0 '1 TITINIOI 'I I I \\\\�)\)\\)\00 \ E ` 7o)�A\!: ® g \ } } 9 § } \ ƒ {77= ()--#2\))(/j\ ( §}s:E °; EE00w> wEj\\§ wEw j\*if/ )r ) 4[999�y:=� - ©` ©` ` 22 ]];:\/ a \E!®\)cf\° \} - _ f»r of f:§) ,— \ r | ! \ } {} }\} Appendix C Stream Geomorphology Data Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays Table 9A-C. Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables Table 10A-B. Cross -Section Morphology Monitoring Summary MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 ( < 2 � wa±-; t O M 1 1 , ` O N �r U o Ra d `� N y � O x O 0 U 0 k000 O O O M O � � O � C4 N > .%C cn d^ d^ d^ GO O O M M N O M CO) U� w c w MM---- - -—NN -N �Ooo0000 0000�00� \.�``�P..........yd�� Q OG W =U'•� 0 3 r^ d F" Fy u a H O C c0 M 00 c0 O O O 00 00 .--i O CO c0 M N L� O C O •--i N M C c0 L� � 00 O O J co i O / ` � ,• � O M � c0 � 00 N N N °O o ' Fri O 7 A U Lu I I I ly 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •Z� 1 I I I I I I I I m � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f;• Y' { 5 x N U 0 0 a M m X o CL a d c O 0 U O O O M O � � O � C4 � M cn O > >C cn M C\� oF.� pF. (�aa� uoz�aaa�g M U U w c w \\��I11111� N N c�i ,� ,� ,� O O o ,� ,� ,� ,� c�i c�i N : �\ .... � • ....� w •. �' I CY) 9 a —U:u) W +, d v��>GwAw C Fri O 7 A I /I111111k\`` O M m I I I I I I is I I _ I I I I I I I I O � I N U I I I I I I I w Ey X I a v� o I o I U I O I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I N o I o M � O w m d L x M U�U(xcw \\��I11111� ` O O O y, � O o c id d 0 7 A U o o I I ly I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I wa±-; O iL iL \=mzs=w=z- -z==wm=== 2§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ 2 � =Q i//2%/2 3 � oon,g@0 id d 0 7 A �x3aaa i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o Z O •� .--i O O O M 00 L� A W N � O M C .M-i fC O N C E c0 T W O •--i N M C u"J L� O i C Fri O 7 A �x3aaa 0 0 0 C Fri O 7 A �x3aaa I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O N I I IT I r yy h y I � I 'L U y w j al c o m � o .00 E� I � I a I I o I o I U I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I o I o M I O I cn M � w o ti M U 1��4cw 7 -co corn 00 - --—cco c C1 . / >M M M M M N N N N M M M M M OvO�P OJ y ccccc c cccccc c c _��:� wW Ui U) I J c. ro oc�i��oo 00 oioi^, � d. o id d 0 A �x3aaa Table 9A. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cool Run - Cool Run (Upstream) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline (MYO) Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 6.1 7 7.8 13.4 14.8 13.8 19.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 11 12 12 50 150 100 100 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.4 1.6 1.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.8 1.9 1 2 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ftZ) 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.4 16.1 Width/Depth Ratio 3.6 4.6 5.6 12 16 18.3 24.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.5 1.7 1.8 3.7 10.1 5.0 7.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.8 1.8 1.9 1 1 1.1 1.0 1.0 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Rosgen Classification E/G 5 C5 C5 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 9.9 9.9 9.9 Sinuosity (ft) 1.04 1.3 1.3 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0025 0.002 0.002 Other Table 9B. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cool Run - Cool Run (Downstream) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline (MYO) Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 9.5 10.2 10.8 14.2 15.8 16.0 19.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 18 24 30 50 150 100 100 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.1 3.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ftZ) 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 16.1 24.0 Width/Depth Ratio 7.3 8.9 9.8 17 21 10.7 24.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.7 2.4 3.2 3.5 9.5 6.2 7.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.8 2.2 2.6 1 1 1.3 1.0 1.0 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Rosgen Classification Eg 5 C5 C5 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 11.2 11.2 11.2 Sinuosity (ft) 1.02 1.3 1.3 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.003 0.0024 0.0024 Other Table 9C. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cool Run - UT 1 Parameter Pre -Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Bankfull Width (ft) 3.1 3.2 3.9 5.4 6.2 6.3 6.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 5 6 9 25 75 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.8 1.1 1.2 0.5 0.7 1 0.8 0.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ftZ) 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.8 3.9 Width/Depth Ratio 3.9 4.3 6.5 12 16 10.3 16.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 1.9 2.7 4.7 12.1 7.4 7.9 Bank Height Ratio 2.9 3.9 4.3 1 1.3 1.0 1.0 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Rosgen Classification Eg 5 C5 C5 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 2.2 2.2 2.2 Sinuosity (ft) 1.02 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0101 0.0086 0.0086 Other Appendix D Project Timeline and Contact Info Table 11. Project Timeline Table 12. Project Contacts MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 Table 11. Project Timeline Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Task Completion or Deliverable Submission Project Instituted NA Jul-20 Mitigation Plan Approved NA 12-July-22 Construction (Grading) Completed NA 06-Apr-23 Planting Completed NA 06-Apr-23 As -built Survey Completed May-23 Jun-23 MY-0 Baseline Report June-23 Jun-23 MY1+ Monitoring Reports Remediation Items (e.g. beaver removal, supplements, repairs etc.) Encroachment Table 12. Project Contacts Cool Run 5ite/100142 Provider Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon PL Raleigh, NC 27609 Mitigation Provider POC Kevin Yates 919-524-5901 Stream Designer Axiom Environmental, Inc. 218 Snow Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 Primary projectdesign POC Grant Lewis 919-215-1693 Wetland Designer Davey Resource Group 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 2W3 Primary project design POC Wes Fryar 1310-471-0019 Davey Resource Group Monitoring Performers 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 Davey Resource Group Stream Monitoring POC 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 Wes Fryar (910) 471-0018 Davey Resource Group 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Vegetation Monitoring POC Wilmington, NC 28403 Wes Fryar (910) 471-0018 Appendix F Record Drawings (As -Built Survey) MYO Monitoring Report (Project No. 100142) Cool Run Stream and Riparian Wetland Mitigation Site Brunswick County, North Carolina Appendices Clearwater Mitigation Solutions June 2023 \ P „L o's LU a e and Pu.n.a.d)'% d LL %dO' A ' a a � ow Ea �"aoCD tad 72 u CD � cn w 3z } U = z z M.1 oat �, y W p d✓o el LL 0 ow � o J 0��0 U h � _ 0 V pp w c� z � a o °Lj p�a4sti w GO § pSH4F A Ago , Ra 860-E, V HSd PS 04D p 9°� Jg0 z Seo9n E o HSd h + AYO� y Cl 0 z 10 a F z o H to Cm OQC 7Z �I� y N u. w �� cn Q �- oua�cp A^ Z p > �� � P+ y ❑ # u� L' 3 x �yMuj — titi o P aT �.! a` aU NNE~ O 'n Qntninaj~z C7 o800Im59 -7.LIS NfI Y 7009 --J9 b'?I LNO9 —20/bm ,Ca of u6p°IO-9V-4sd-Rpa-una loo12 ZOZ/IZ/8 A0010SWAS ON'AlNnoo NOIMSNnHe .. 'd'd'dna9 N91S34 KVONns Nnu 1000 o w Q 0 • o o ®g ao 0o rn m N o 12 O o o a = 75 - U - - J v m a o o Q c o - u� 2 v o p o o clu a s O v � v v Q c � `v o � u o o E m .N o LL g % % 2, i, i, °' ti a° o °C > U E v o ° E E E v v ° v v LLJ w m °' m .61 j o'- o in 7 7 7 7 7 7 a UQ w u� N — Q w in N U' O U V Q Z ❑ 0 0 �o m w N- y v j> j>> L' Ld LLi3 U `a m U o x m u o 'x L a W m r o a m u o ° o W m e o v x E c c _ u O o a o vi > y y N a o 'a a rn o c N o E o o o t°> LL LL aZw oaN� ao�°�°aaCL �=333�3333a �u<NN�a�� O D B a LU O U a u a w >y v v m Y m N °c °c °c 2` E x E J J .c : v a ¢ j° a o o= `o E a- m° `o a E_ o 0 0> >= q_ °°` o 3 O m E o 0 3 3 3 0 o f o o a 2 v m d r° n n a ° v° o E It, �' w 0 0 `o o v o v o o y `° `o cc o ° a Q rn N uv v t9 a u° N vm rn� o V U o "' o E i i i E m w u -° V a h s h 3 c o o u o m u rn U ti Q q rn„ rn N rn ,v, c IN rn N -a v .. 3 U 3 u3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ._ - o 0 0- W o= ° v rn rn a o m -O Z °v w z >" w w z z z" z" w z" w z z z" z" z" z z w w a w a w a w a a x" 3 0` o� El'o o� o= x p O • a �I Qri o a Z W V ai 0.' v ` y o o v a m m O a V E o � o �' � � .o U ? q > o m ? o 3 E F Q a o a ti c ac J u -� a V V H ° .T N u o > v m° o a N J Q x`o N 3 - J ° LL a a 3 w w= c_ _= Z. 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