HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000376_MS4 Annual Report (2022-23 FY)_20230825 QUESTION NUMBER WEt,.PE bel SW100020 Name of Public2.;,4�mgPelrml coverarc CambnaState ttnrve.xv o.;mHSeasonal available) S'g,eamFORM...x label SW100120 Storm Sewer Service Area(square rnMs1 SW100150 Estimated percentage el,uawlmional arm e..:e:ing the rolloMnsfou,land use aelmB Open Sp;ra 40 SW100220 Po you know how many outralls your orty discharges to and where they are located, Yes SW100260 EXISTING mmgn..nu.WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS . Bold dlabel SW100280 River Basin Label gl,,,,a00.9. program Underline lab. SW100290 Receiving Stream Name Rocky Branch SW < neon nn an I<nakbm or radio button) ...my program 2 Underline Ish. SW100333 Stream Segment 27.33.11 SW100335 Use Support AMMOon �nlmeck bin or radio buvnnl wyram3 Underline label SW100538 Walnut Creek SW100333 Stream ooelpn..wBoeon a ab SW100336 Use Support BrInB OptIonlrneckbm or radio buttenl StV1,304110 Your river Mule teble should Mt the primary sbemne that rare slormwater runoff from WWI SW100336 Receiving Stream Name Lake Raleigh SW10033F Stream Segment SW10333G Water Quality SW SW1003311 Use Support Mtn.Classification 1l<bak box or radio button) InfoYes SW100350 No SW100360 No SW100370 No rmrm=o �osrbos m.H,braLabel Label 511,100160 label Label SW100490 CO-PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS :OI0 ams,haor mrrn=ordim�rB a anapo ml nwe.nw...nnl nmrm=o ��.imrwoow INFORMATION,Complete mbsection only acupamlxIn Bola label rva nam.orm.negv. ient�n. N/A N/A SW100500 Nave legal agreements boeu finalized between the co-permit-lees, No SVP100670 RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENIITYTOS0115r1 ONE OR MOPE OF TOUR PERNIROOLIMIONS Bold label SW100590 Byes,Identify each entity andth element they will e Implement. v.s wIll implement Construction SIM Runoff Controls.xam0000.xense Buffers .100630 Contact Address 3800 Barrett Dr.,Raleigh NC SW100650 Me legal a8reements In place to estaMIsh responsibilities? Yes-G.S.113A-56,15A NCAC 28.0235 and SW100.0 PERMITS AND CONSIMIleriON APPROVALS Bald label SW100700 State or NPOES Ste,mwater Permit Humber)s)Issued NOUN permit« NO300376,NCGNE0675.xccamBxg ION abel SW100930 Provide the auowingInformationvm �thepers Inn w o Mal a.m for Lobel SW100950 Title Starmwater Program Manager a Village Way SW100970 PO Box 03 c�tv ENIOgQ= SW100390 stet, NC SW101030 6-Mall mms.rienan uedwnome.,.ae.Inroiemmnmentti.rcal,,storm.walMmanaBememr .101050 BMPs Bold label No SW101080 please provide a P description.measurablegoal.nd Implementation schedule w Label SW10.0 Permitting Information SW101490 Does the Storm..., am provide an chart at ws Management SW101630 Does the Stormvialer Management rWammalh•<omraanx.amm r.,Bmnxo mmbanr Yes nauedau.wa Bell 9W101690 public Edueeidee and Outreach Mid and underlined label emm me rawhat g.tabest alencemanagement Bkelvtpractices am,nr.s me . identify wn merml Yes re. SW101750 Has.perminee develop gene. mwater etiocMional materlal appropr.target gre Yes SW1017,0 Household liwarclaus Waste NA 5W101780 Pet Waste Septic Systems NA SW101810 Vehicle Washing Ye' 5W101830 Stream Buffers Yes SW101840 Flooding SW101850 Utter Yes NA SW1018,0 Does the permItee outreach program Include: Label moan ogmtvm.11aMa m special even.(ses,Inform vea �M..pim mua.ntrrrua SW101310 Presentations to local mup,a,enrl community ps o,mlael.annaa< NA SW101330 local,or ratlle rdsiamaesr rvewsInne.B Yes Yes nmemol eanraawn pmgraman.e.,oairc.eagenpsw neabmomnv SW1019.80 Yes swlwaso yes Label NA SW102080 The numher of schools that parate in munIcipal-sponsore0 storm water workshops or act NA SW102100 ibe number of worNshoeld for teachers. NA storm water ecluotlan as a The number Pres.,wins.welcam.p.w.,and Bampnl�ma.part onl.school<n SW102150 The number ofstarrnwater relatea.splays at special events or pain Label tings,ooklm. SW102170 Number of new homeowner welcome packets contalnIng stormleaterrelated InbrmatIon, NA SW102190 The number of storrnwater related presentations at special events or meetings, SW102210 number of educational materials that were dIstributed to business owners and operators NA NA 5.102310 Pet Waste Management label designated rensnosrm mp.nw.na.wlgnboa.oas. roocbu s areas parks. vaa.s. NA SW102350 The number of educational materials even out to pet owners. NA UNK min lroe�..00<e.mn. SW102390 'me number of partnerships for promotions Indio,IV,Businesses). Label SW102410 ibe number al household hazardous waste curbside pl.ckup days. NA rua SW102430 The number of partnerships established wItM1 businesses. NA SW102410 Outreach Programs to Minorivi and Disadvantaged Label SW102050 The number of bra.ures/pasterscreated In non-Bnell.e languages. NA BW102460 The numberol-aumeonai materialsaist,bmea non-English languages, NO QUESTION NUMBER ANSWER_TYPE J n:�bnr„ ammMmmnelam mre enrmmn e�bernn SW102560 The number of storrnwaMr related press releases/advertising. SW102500 Water Conservation for Home Owners label NA SW102600 The number of water conservaton of starrnwater related utIllty Inserts that are distributed w NA SW102620 public Involvement and participation Bold and underlined label SW102600 Does the Stormwater Management Program Identify to target audiences «;o.mltce nuYes a all va.nnalN.re SW102660 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe bow the permlnee Involw the publ Yes SW102660 Public Beadngs,stakeholder meetings,ar other meetings., Yes SW102700 Stream events, Yes aeopNstre mpaaopneaain,aaopnaM1igmrryornaopN+mil pogmmxNA SW102720 Reforestation programs or wetland planting programs? rva SW102700 Volunteer n108168009 programs? NA Reg uraewommoPnima coordinators m became ealse In the program? NA SW102780 Telepbane/Web/Mall surveys', NA SW102790 Wor,with citizen volunteers educate others about the program, NA Label armAdop udnln,atlprcu-„ig„N+'ay«atlapaa-n o SW108850 The quantity of trash and debris removed by Ama-AStream,Adopt-a-dram,Adopt-a-M1lpwa0 sw3.08870 The number of81118ens sollcIled to complete surreys. SW102690 Hotlines Label SW102900 '08e number of calls elal em received In .102920 Reforestation Programs Label SW102980 The number of trees planted. SVP102960 Public Nearing,stakeholder meetings,or 0tIle•meetings label SW102360 The number of attendees. SW103000 Slam Main Stenciling label SW10.3010 The percent of drains stericiled. UNIC SW1030.0 Stream CManup label 15 laems remeiiea asa resultolnodine rally. up participant. n Itaa. P rnlmtonsl SW103060 "Me number el stream miles cleaned. Label SW103110 The frequer, ....rig in the nee I0 0h'.w weeny,R-R1mmIM1 ly,manomOly,I d SW103120 "Me number olvolunteer monitoring stations established In the watershed. SW103100 The number of actions that were taken as a result ofthe monitoring data-collected by volu.0 , Label SW103160 The acres of Ana planted. SW103170 The number of volunteers that participated in.6806. SW103180 ibe number of planting events held. 5188103190 Illscberse Detection end EMnInatIon OW label SW103200 Does the Stomvaler Management Program summarize what best rnariagement prattIces 86.1 Yes SW103260 Does...6888.8er mapping Include drainage areas, Ye8 SW103270 Does...ter mapping include receiving streams, SW103280 Does stommater Infrastructure mapping Include outfalls? SW103300 Does stommater Infrastructure mapping Include sewer naorcPesue,aaamion ponasana aver.v.s SW103380 Does the Stommater Management Program describe the mechanism(xelnarce°rat„er rep Yes e empmgmm e'a plan SW103360 Dces the Stormwater Management Program describe the s plan to detect and adir Yes SW103380 Praedures for Iota..00.4 ere.- Labe SWI03.0 Labe SW103020 Does Me Stormwater Management M1ymm address the following categories a too norm Yes SWI03.0 Labe SW103040 water line flushIns: Labe SW103450 Labe SW103470 Labe SW103880 air ion,.condensate IcommentaVresldemlaIE Labe Labe SW103510 Labe SW103500 Labe a.rs laovs na'mnuae renalmea water as aesnibea in 15A rvuc xx Rxmt; SW103570 Labe SW103980 Labe Labe w a Im¢ana walanas, expectedlbesLabe SW103620 The pennittee'nay also develop a list°rather similar occasionaL incidental non-storm water Labe SW103630 These nonetorm water ellscbarges mug ONION reasonably d an Informal.a,Labe SW103650 In addition to conclu.gtrainIng for selected staff an detecting and repon1881111cit dbdarr Yes SW103710 Does the Stommater Management 980graill establish an dn..discharge management trackln Yes SW103730 Dees the Stommater Management Program pnavide(wan discharge brochure.easter Yes SW103750 Dces the Stommater Management Program prey.greet sweeping,e m Inspecting and lean,Yes apy se Yes Identifying R.Connections ame Program esmausM1axousenou wane Reryrlagpdi�emi rva label SW103370 Me number of connections reported bydtbms. SW103890 The number of connections rea/replaced. IIYpI Wtrymgliutmnnaaon reMnls. label SW103300 The number apenalties enforced upon the participa.a!Illegal dumps. SW103970 Inclustial or Badness Connections Label tugs/Iru eaia lake. 119 SW104000 The number of illicit connections reporte e.PloYee,or b0.^emes. SW100010 The number of connections round. SW108020 Tbe number.illicit nnecoons epatlea/replacetl. SW100030 Recreational Sewage Label SW108080 ibe number of citizen complaInts made reporting Illegal aalan. SW100090 Sanitary Sewer OverflaimISSOI Label SW100100 1)e number of overflows reported. Ain System Label SW104100 ibe number of rerouted connections. SW100160 The number of unwarranted connections reported. SW100160 The number of unwarranted connections rea/rcplarcd. m Sw1OG]W Does the permlaee rely on the xcugxRoivtslan of Lana Resources LDLR)greLon and Sealm es label QUESTION NUMBER QUESTION piglf,a,innanag.aimem" 5W1.04220 Does the perrnIttee rely on rely on a locally delegated program to meet Ile minimum meesur Yes SW104250 If the permlnee relies on a local government to comply with this minIrnum measure,does the Yes SW104270 'Me permIrtee relies on a local government to comply with 011s mlnInxim measure,does the Yes SW104510 Dees the stommater Management Prograrn summed..what best management managementSW104550 permlnee needs to develop this rnechanIsm,the permlitees plan sbou.escrIbe the plan Label ae for how,Label SW104370 'Me stormweter management Program must describe the perrnMee's praedures br when tl Label SW10.1.430 Does the searnmater Management Program require construction slte operators to Impleinen Yes adrymezppwpnawan Yes SW10.190 "Me number oftralned stall Inspectors. onby cenmime. Label SW104890 Post.Consbvetlan storm Water Management in New IMvelopment and Redevelopment Boldlebel 5W1.04940 Options to help ensure that future 081v1 responsib..t,es ere,ea,lf.en0fied aere,es 5W105010 Do new development and redevelopment codes allow for the tollowlne: SW105040 Ye' SW10..60 Yes SW105070 AlternatIvesto curb end gutter? Yes SW105090 Grassed filter strips? Yes SW105110 In-lIne storage systems? yes SW105150 Developments and redevelopments..use narrow greets, Yes SW1051,0 open space desleni Yes SW105190 Porous pavement-, Yes mums NUXM1 oreenn rva ManagementSW105230 Does the slornmater Program pro,.talning for staff and developers/builder Yes uepeotlon and maintenance Label SW105270 ,e annual inspection reports required d/n of permitted structural 0,49s performed by a qualfflec Yes BEM Label Label SW105550 NA 5W105590 Label SW105600 Label 5W1056.30 All structural gel'rnwater treatment systems are c1.9ned to achieve 8596 average annual ren Label and/o,protective cove ants nyue,ea by the golly Issued perNXand X Nam SW105670 Watershed ProtectIon Plans:Has the PerrnIttee developed,adopted.and Implemented a am yes reeaw emm may develop Its own mmprebensrewawrehed plan,use the mmodel o,ema bail em�mmm,.mpma,.na imps Additional M wtM Requirements tor Lars nce�wsimilar repulam,y�b` mn lfertu ae,a nd«eama name yea sfinosno Pollution Prevention/Good NMdeicee. Bold a mmm�:e on na:aopm�reaarvutnems.n label SWIOS770 Does the Slormwater Management Program the pemalltees munIcIpal operatIons that an Yes SW105790 Municipal Operallals Include: Label SW1.500 Transfer station SW10551.0 fleet Maintenance Yes SW105530 Animal shelters 5W105540 Waste Water Treatment Plan rue SW105550 Water Plants No 5W105580 Publm Works Operations Yes 5W105900 Emerge,serAce Facilities No SW105910 Pre Stations No 5W105920 Landfills No SWIOS930 Schools No Waste Pecycling Centers Yes .105.960 Vehicle Maintenance Operations Yes SW105970 vehicle Wash Operations yes SW106010 Does the Stormwater Irlanagemerrt Program describe env aiding,available treirling materiel,Yes SWID6050 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe rnalraenance actIvItles.malraenance sc Yes SW10611.0 Industrial PaNItles label SW106130 Old the permIttee review the stormwater Pollublon Prevention Plan...timeliness&any mo Yes SW105170 oats the perm.e have a greet sweep..Program? No eslicIde use resi Yes ay pxilmes Inspemonsepiu label emionppiensncirynear SW105230 Does the permlnee Inspect material storage areas(Le.,swra9e arexror sand,salt,fertilizers,Yes swelWartmsr SW1.06270 Does the permlnee Inspect catch basins,lain,.emigrates? Yes SW106290 Does the permItee inspect solid and hazardous waste management facIlltles end recycling ce YeS SW1D5310 Does the pernIttee inspect parking lots, Yes SW106320 Yes 10500 Label SW1064/0 'rho emPloYees Provo..Poll... smofiaso !cautious Materials Storage Label Illegal umping mp ve sremeamaee,eoos marenalswregeaM malmenana. Label SWID5520 ibe number of reports of illegal /ordumping palgreal..ONMup. g SW105540 Tlw number of sltes Improved to eliminate es target durnOnesP.s. Lan...an Lawn are,and Pes1Control Label illrylaumpmg mre e mNA swpasm The number of residents trained by the permit.In safe landsaping.lawn care,and pen ma Na NUMBERQUESTION .Eti,.eE ommilSW106620 Padiog Lot and Skeet Cleaning label ..,rem .anyth ,� nrere. SW105690 Road Salt Applleatlon and Storage label 5W106710 The number of namedmnresm� gmana,emem .gem m.�m.n.nree s employees application l.awm.awevsl nsore:l. 5W106730 The a products used(In banal. spn m.s pensesand Vreeentlen5W106830 The number of 5W106810 The number of leak detection devIces Installed.municipal facilities. 119 personnel train reanspl.ss.toe. 65 5W106850 The number aleduntlanal materials distributed w mumdyal empMees. 99 5W1.95890 ibe amount of sediment.and other pollutants removed dunnsdeanins pn tons, 2.5 S.V106900 Used Oil seMthn 5W10591.0 The number of llons al used.collected from municipal operations. 9077 ofr6 label ecycling facilities.collect oil from municipel opuetions. 29 5W105990 The number canon i materials dmnbuced w munln pal employees. 29 SW106940 Vehicle Washke, Label 5W1.05950 T.number of educational materiels distrIbuted to munIcIpal employees. 5W106960 Ile number emn m washing end Capita Projects Sold l 1. ni,l. 5W1.05990 The number.new slorrnweer n a'nls)created or stared mrtne reporting.0 projeaa for the Nebbsawimwater man 5250.000 are Pwiega.m.ea. 5W107040 Total annual budget for Capital Improvement Projects..the reparn ns year. 3500.000 swiaroso ons.nea,Le.at ma ma SW107090 Reviewed omelopmentordmanae NC QUESTION NUMBER QUESTION AN.wEI,EME ommil J QUESTION NUMBER QUESTION AN.wEI,EME ommil J QUESTION MUSSES QUESTION AN.wEtinPE ■ ■