HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05272_Well Construction - GW1_20230814 WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD �� Ratlt�crnstuseONLY:. Tl(s-ferment.]be used Far-silt,le at rmiltipk was' 'i D.Well.Conti:tcturhtforntatian:- \ fJ:MATE R LONbS Chris Ruffer FROM. " TO OFSCRWEION Well Corer Blot Name • ft. ft, 4223 A • ft. ft: • NC Well Contractor Certification Nuither AS.OUTER CASING(forittillt-Cisallidts(OR LINERIttitti likable)+: .. . FROM ' To I DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL S EDAcco rt. ft. Company Natue- -t6.INNER CASING OR=TUBING igi'ailerms1 doiedaoi p} -' _ ' • FROM TO . DIAMETER TTtICKNESS - MATERIAL �..WWcli ConstrUctirin Pen it#: • 0 ft, 52 ft. 2 :bk.: SCH-40, PVC Litt rt1l r}pilicatrla well pcnxih(cc:C'eiunrv,Starr,•V riata r,frj O'--cfc.) - - . ft. ft. m. 3 Well Use(Check well use):. =t 7:SCREEN Water Supply Well:• : FROM TO• DIAMETER •st.otSIM Tit ICI(NESS MATERrAI, DAgticultumdl. . lihltinicipaUiaitbhc 52 ft: 67 ft. 2 in O10 SCH-90 PVC • CiGeothcat(Tieatrngtooling Supply} DRes'identiat�Witer Supply(stogie) R. Ft. in. nn ©Dndustrialtotiuuercial ©RcsidentiaiWater:Supply-(sin ted) tut GsRT , .: - . FROMOU TO. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT MEiIIOD&AMOUr'T 0krigntion• . . . . 0 :ft. 45 ft, -Portland Cen@.nemie N(rtt-Water Supply Well: . . 6dMc nittiring I:R DA-cry II, ft. __•_ , Injection Welt:. ft, ft. -, I;1A_quifer Recharge. • OG6oundwalcrRcnicdialiiou. t9:SANtr;GItAVELL'ACK:tifal1lI1 bttr - .:- --- - FROSt -to n+ATERCSL PAIPLACEMENT sr�-tnou DAgtdfcr S(origc and Reeo�'cis' ❑Salittirir l3airicr 49 R. 68 ft. Gravel Pack #2 El Aquifer Test ❑Stornin tcrlraiitagc ft.. tt. DEcperimcutal Tcehuoto ' 'i75ithsidcncc.Catiinel :In.DRILLING LOG(attach sddllioital sheets if-ncccssan•1' OGeodtemrnl(Closed Limp) • CDTrecer • FROM TO • DESCRIPTION(cvbr.ttartlncn.palEntatypr:p•aunwe.dr.1 [7Cr,otlemtal(FTeacin2i'Cuoliue Return). DOtltei(e;plaitt under#21 Remains) •et. f t. • ft- ft. 4.Date Well(s)COuglleted: 7719-23 'Well iDIWMW-8 . .ft. ft. • 54;Well LAicattun: .ft. fL • Pinehurst Plaza fL ft + =7- s c' 'L.i t Z::, • Factlity,'OlvncrName • Facility IIl,4(icappliiable),. • ft. ft. t 1680 NC HWY- 5, Aberdeen, NC, 28315 ft. ft. . AUG 1 f- 2023 Pk-Skill Address.City,aitd Zip •' .::21:RENIARIC5. taA-,_.-r...- ;r't•")r .1,: '. i !. Moore •Bentonite seal 45-49' '-_aa:1 , ; County Parcel Id iitifterttton No,(PIN) • SIi.I:;ititudeanil Longitcedeia degrees/minuteslseeendsordccimaklcgrccs: y2:eearification: (iruetl(acid,rats:latan,,;is-si llicle d) • W Chris Ruffer 7/23/2023 . Sigtuturr•of Certified Well Ca ntracta r Dale 6.is(are)lire\\'CII(S): X1Pl'rllldltent or L]Teugiorittl' }h•signing tar faint;.1 lrerrby t.rrefy relit:hr 7re11(s)poa f14m!)ckmsrnircrrra 1!7 rsescorrtcnr- ii.irh'154 NCeIC 02C,010?or I SA NCrtC NC.0200,Welt C'e,atrtrrrioir St ir'dards,ptd rlurr a • 7.Ls thLs a'ertrair to an exnntingji Well:. 9Yt. tir RiNo -rnpl of;ilkT rrtor,I burr Sr-u prol'nrltd rei lh•well frir ,ier, If tbls:it n,'shire,fill ono alocIej ucll:• e+arui,uc lma iftPflATIMIt errul t.$i4r therhrrare oldie - • repairraalerN21"remarks siwita a ar nut tine!nick of thin fornr. . _ .23.Site diagram or adtiitiotral well detatts: You nta}',use the back of this page to pto‘ide"additional well site:details:or Well 8.Nenuherof Wells coristrueted: 1 construction details. You inac aLse attach additional pages if niceSsary. Forrnahipk iglecrhnn'or rrrut-nt:trer ripply tic/Is ONLY with rhr.satr,e coarser arrfou,}scat Harr s:riiuihnne.farm. - - SUBMITTAL INSTF.TCTIONS ' 9.Total Welt depth below land stiti'ace: - 68 (ft.) 24a. For Alt Wells: Submit this fors within 30 days of completion of'well Fornratiriplt tells-list all dt'prhs if different te.vamp16-30200'evRl 2 J IVO) -constntetion to the rationing-. i().Static water level below top of easing: Bt.) Division of Water Revoutrces,Information Processing Unit,, - if nearer letIel Is dove Casing,usc."+" - 1017 Mail Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 IL Borelmtc diameter.6" (in.) 24b.For t iJc tgon Wells ONLY: in addition to-sending the fomi to the address in: 24aabove also submit a-copy of this limit within 30 days of completion of will 12.Well canstrttction.ntetbod: Sonic •cotrsiniction to-the folloteine'- Ile.auger,rotary,cable.direct push.ctc:) - -. - DIs9sioit of Water Resources,Underground frijetedion Control Progtani, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a,'b idd WO -- �lcdrod of te9t: - 24e,For Water Supply,eft injection:Wens: Also submit One'copy of this form Within 10,days of conipletioit of 13h.Disinfection type: Amount:- .wcil'constmction to the caunty health department of the county whale• • constructed. Form GW-1 Non1i Carolina Dcpanmcnt.of Envirotttnetn and Natural Resources-Diviiloo of Water RWILCOM Revised August 1013