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GW1--05029_Well Construction - GW1_20230804
s' • W L CQNSTRUCTION RECQRR ' Per aa'f.l vac ONLY. Thai Las au le mast Sralgta re Mitts war —1 1.war Costras:i:r afusa;:oc. r\ P�. ` ' I' Z� _ �_Je r ri f3� ZL L.. i.,t+ -1,7-_4 . . -- •. --•.-..-- . .—---� Via'ee•a+eor A•... II. 2 4,ll. I G .61-1/1A — 5e 7 6 AUG 0 4 2023 • IL /X6 ittl/6 , n't ,. 1ri ;3r, . + �, r' ali.r.rt rlt:• • :krh H x, tvrllCoaC.c b.ti4aetiw,:,.wl.r �1. + ,^.il .^v.j;r�:? .l,r�fi`�s .Lo+r. r. S C'.. 3itiL. U � f Y;j.._r�aL.0 �)eZ_C c' :j 4`i,.y j ^ 7 r"F 'r� 66A2/1 c�•L •f C.apuy llama J / r Is.W'',**CAIMQ 01 1 —1 3.Well a.«rooloe reel l r: W r "�4-- - a.r '� 4ft. MINI saA,>sue. _t or oil e*ptkesir rdi arwrsenew Arr.rr A.r C..wy.S..k ionwn v,enrj .\ 3.Wdl Use(clashes.l cr,,a;. '77.]ltallK Wa1KEapply Will: •••-.-.....-...- ';f•--.5-_.-... WMera tW ,u rtssi 1'113CNT li UM ___10Avisulw :: ca) •?"4' ._:..W\,y,l; a• 1 ft. ! is _ ! nip(lQV%l onrdl(HaUr4Coclmep',apply) teRds,dor'tial'F(atcr 9cuQ1y(sic ia) ' W. h' I 1m► I I 04+Ju4odirce+awm:mal J(cosldcnUsl Wan.:,Supply(shame) I ijeeray ilsfl: It U OAsttilivReeharge OOrou:ciwater Rom.dulic.+ • • ` YLL•tACS(Na - 111AlftJl`JAt]Y4QJi• I j OAquda Storms aud F-•emery u3aliniry Darner h. R. OAquib:rTrot Z • ':.;:oIvcmwat•et1),anna ( to a i l7L'xpar:,cedd Tul►.ritxy 0Si-10'44K*Control ! +� 34, • •rY L (st1 sa-iig..al lW if.ao.Q:r)• ' I OCkothermsl(Claod lsx,p) U'raca r?414 i r0 .ra...r,,..us.*trek tert.,ie.rq-' • . ,00eothermal tarins/Cuttlus;Aouan COaicr(c.p(sum tauter 121 ltimulu) ft. ft J)sa W.IIf.)c�rut.�: r7-,25"'�3w-t)!u r _ 1 K 1 c 6 " 0 2 L. __-._.—_ Sa IYtU T ouNer: S^9r R. }e0 k S tip ij 11.e now'cetn.0 Vic'r _ __—_ et. rr. a raeUiyiOurn.Nw // Y.oility 1Da:trAm000,le) A. h. Q '� A physi.t Aw .Cvy...d zip [.! Mu T Co..." Yuae::.L6a.G..ei..W. (Pr' - . Sb.Lalit.d.add Liagilvde is dairecs1.eiasta✓weo.d.,or tkeiawl dogma: i ar(oo. _'�� (if rill k.14 col Whoa is sufiei.r) C.r..d.d ..I(:.ne actor Deli e.L(w)the+slL(r):/ttreaa.r.I or OTrmracery 'yr., /An'a�cMrrf'!air sae avrhll:any;a.reJ was/mi a to ficoO ern,r AC d}^.o/oo w ISA AIC:4C 6X.'02007 troll CnlInrrka.laoesJonmb uoll.i.v'o 7,Is Ibis a repair to as ezisliag well: ("Yea or 0No ropy of dm x.wd tar earn perms/w me rob err. VIOW all/ywr,fill reo Iwo,,,well ooWr..Voe iglbrnwian x.d crylot.ma,,air,.Q/As 'v./oh vn le 11/'ware,els4.4.r..w a.ri w,imbibe.. Z .Site Jl.grus er additional well desalts: You:uay use the boots of this page as provide additional well site deceits or secu I.Number of welb cosatrscud: c xstn,ct.on 4eta,ls Yd.may also utsoh additional papas if or.Maery Ir.r..daN..ryrce,,.n.wee...W.wjy+well,OM_Y riA this Saar gnaarv+aw..you w,t mni,oi'o../4.. I1101C1"l"AL IMSY11(TIONS f.Total wall lapel bellow lead MUM /'© tftj 11a. rer Ail Wells: Submit th:a tom wttiw6t SC days vI cunpl.tian of ..•...' forwrld/ie war aft NI&o►s((Nrt'rrwt(emetsde 6200'end 2(rl/Po') coast:'. lion to the following I I.Sack water level below top of caries: /_7 i(t.t Dmisioa of Water Quality,!nlorwalioa Primulas Vats, 1yewow.mewls,Okra~lug kit-•.- 1617 Mail Sera c.Ceuter.le,Wgb.NC 274,4.1417 11.Dore►ois Ramon: `r_.. ia.) -.sb r Lairs , c11: In sddit.on to sending lie Arm to Iha ildisia u1 14e /J •o.'t a. m Hi Ai' a col. of ..c vs. N V sw.o .• days of Completion of well l _ __ ll 1.We0 toiletry:Aso eo.. _ S" IA j r�-— c n, ,c:, •r .r. falowlrt, (i..iarr,raart facia.dir•t goal V. ) - _ mrvu w k o! .. . ..auty, '•..gat... _1<clio.Coalr.lPrograma. i FOR WATY* JPTLY WILLS O'fi:Y: / 1634 Mail Service Costar,Raleigh,NC 3749f-Mild I3e.Yield(sprat) /S M..:..d al u :a.L ar. coW tl/ W h Ras,Lr W aiy dmt v, to sscN.r.W ni In ad union to so iu t,maim Coma ono r tru addrau(a) above: also submit one sopy of that forts wuh(n 30 days of . 136,%a ikidos types:C It L O r(I,P Amooup / d e completion of well construction to Ow cotaoy hcsla+ dcpai n ont c f'le count, Moire cwstrucW. n rj\7.! ►:rhCy..:,.. Dr.a n•.::•f:s.Nonc.•..'.w.)Nd.81 Lommo...• r: '• • r .