HomeMy WebLinkAboutUSACE Responses 8-15-2023.pdfSmith Site Consultants, PLLC. NC FIRM # P-2144 August 15, 2023 To: Ms. Katherine Elks Regulatory Specialist US ARMY Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: SAW-2005-01133 Forest Ridge Commercial — Review Comments TithSite COLTANTS, PLLC Ms. Elks, in response to your initial review comments from July 20t", 2023. Your comments are bulleted below in black as formatted in your email to Debbie Shirley of S&EC, on the review of SAW-2005-01133. The responses for the reasoning (listed in red). We have had several recent updates that were brought to our attention by all stakeholders involved with this project such as Harnett County Planning, the Fire Marshall's office and applicable State Fire Codes, NC Department of Transportation's input on egress, Harnett Regional Water's minimum design criteria for the water main and sanitary sewer extensions as well as a few others. Below is a summary of various aspects that affect this site's layout in conjunction with your review comments — the majority of these criteria are also spelled out on the two site plans that were a part of this resubmission — see WLM-2 and WLM-2.1. Furthermore, this document lays out why the interconnectivity and proposed grading of these lots is an imperative safety and accessibility concern, given the recent input from all reviewing agency stakeholders, while still keeping all proposed wetland impacts for this project under the 0.5 acre wetlands' disturbance limit for a nationwide permit. For the proposed construction on the southern side of Melody (Phase 1); / see in the plan notes that interconnectivity is required. Why isn't it required on the northern side. / see it's a matter of zoning but the county website shows it all as Commercial RA-20R. The requirement for additional interconnectivity on the north side's site plan has since been flagged by reviewers for their requirements to have lots interconnected, due to it being treated as a Major Subdivision, rather than a Minor Subdivision as we originally were hoping. The interconnectivity also has been raised as a fire safety requirement on the northern side, whereas the various reviewers feel that the interconnected layouts of the southern site plan's lots' abides by the fire safety access & traffic interconnectivity safety requirements of NC Fire Code and NCDOT. As such, the northern area's lots' and parking have now been updated with additional interconnectivity, which is mandated per North Carolina Fire Prevention Code requirements (a part of 2018 North Carolina Building State Building Code). When lots C1, C2 & C3 layouts were drawn initially, our hopes were that those three lots to the north would be exempt from interconnectivity since there were only three commercial lots (technically a minor subdivision in nature but with full utilities & a paved street) and that they could be permitted to just have egress/fire access to the main road shown. The other thought process was that with the original layout of lots' C1- C3, with their proximity to the public right of way for NC24/87 just to the northeast, that this aspect aloe would be sufficient for fire safety purposes. But we have since been informed to revise the lots per the interconnectivity requirements for a major subdivision and to address the requirements of Appendix D — Fire Apparatus Access Roads of NC's Fire Prevention Code, which requires paved fire access roads (or in this case the paved aisles of the parking lots) to accommodate the increased interconnectivity and fire apparatus/EMS vehicles circulation requirements on the northern lots as well. To address this, northern lots' parking lots have been interconnected with paved access roads that are capable of supporting fire apparatus (fire trucks). These fire access roads must surround the various commercial buildings on multiple sides and will be built with flatter grade/slope constraints (10% max). Fire access roads are required to be a minimum of 20' wide and in some instances 26' depending upon building construction (parking lots help to accommodate this plus the parking requirements). Furthermore, commercial buildings are also required to have fire access roads spaced as equally between them where possible. The code further requires the fire access road to have a proximity to the various commercial buildings of 30' max and be parallel to the building's face. These buildings' orientation on the lots are driven by both NC Building Code as well as County Unified Development Ordinance's setback requirements from property lines, which also affects the layout of the parking lots and subsequently the fire safety aspects such as fire apparatus access roads (staying compliant with NC Fire Prevention Code). The way the parking lots and aisles are laid out meets the intent of the fire code access requirements. Image below is Smith Site Consultants, PLLC. NC FIRM # P-2144 TithSite COLTANTS. PLLC per Harnett's Unified Development Ordinance and corresponds with what is required by Appendix D — Fire Apparatus Access Roads of NC's Fire Prevention Code for fire apparatus access between buildings (parking lots & aisles need to be 20' width minimum & have acceptable maneuvering): Fire Apparatus Access Minimum Specifications 12W Hammerhead 104' diameter Cul-de-sac 2E' I— Rad,- Acceptable Alternative to 120' Hammerhem Thus, the parking lots, interconnected accesses between each lot and the street extension all serve to meet this minimum fire apparatus access criteria for the site's lots and the proposed uses. • Please show the stormwater pond outfall locations on the plans The outfall/outlet locations have been added to the site plans per the reviewer's request. Related to the first bullet, 1 would like to see further avoidance for the areas proposed for lot fill. One possibility is to reduce the number of outparcels in that area or utilize the high ground by the road frontage all the way up to the highway setback and utility easement or do some other creative re -arranging. Please look into further avoidance and minimization or offer why that would not be practicable. Further avoidance and minimization would not be practicable because: 1. Fire Safety — NC Fire Prevention Code- NC's Fire Prevention Code's Appendix D - Fire Apparatus Access Roads requires the fire access roads (or in this case the aisles of the parking lots on the lots) to accommodate the interconnectivity between lots and around buildings as shown. This allows the fire apparatus (fire trucks) their necessary circulation requirements on the southern lots due to the overall depths of these lots being 300+ feet deep typically. To address this, these southern lots' parking lots have been interconnected with paved access roads that are capable of supporting fire apparatus (fire trucks) and typically furthest from the main access road for the subdivision. As such, these fire access roads surround the various commercial buildings on multiple sides (as required by fire code) and are to be built with flatter grade/slope constraints (10% max) — the site's current grading can not support this slope/grade constraint. Fire access roads are required to be a minimum of 20' wide and in some instances 26' depending upon building construction (parking lots help to accommodate this plus the parking requirements). The fire code further requires the fire access road to have a proximity to the various commercial buildings of 30' max and to be parallel to the building's face. These buildings' orientation on the lots are driven by both NC Building Code as well as Harnett County's Unified Development Ordinance's building setback requirements from property lines, which also affects the layout of the parking lots and subsequently the fire safety aspects such as fire apparatus access roads. The way the parking lots and aisles are laid out meets the intent of the fire code access requirements. Image below is per Harnett's Unified Development Ordinance and corresponds with what is required by Appendix D — Fire Apparatus Access Roads of NC's Fire Prevention Code for fire apparatus access between buildings (parking lots & aisles need to be 20' width minimum & have acceptable maneuvering): TithSite Smith Site Consultants, PLLC. LTANTS. PLLC NC FIRM # P-2144 Fire Apparatus Access Minimum Specifications 2. Traffic Safety with Driveway Entrance Access & Lot Interconnectivity - NCDOT's Driveway Access Manual - stipulates that driveways to access developments such as this should be kept to a minimum and spaced at least 600' apart along highways that generate higher traffic volumes. Therefore, the lots are required to tie into the access street as shown and have their own interconnectivity between parcels per Harnett's Unified Development ordinance. See the notes below. 3. Setbacks & Easements- Harnett UDO - Harnett County will not permit the buildings to be any closer than 50' from the right of way due to setback requirements. And Harnett Regional Water does not permit placement of any permanent structures (other than parking) within their water and sewer easements. This means that any buildings must be placed outside of the utility easements shown as well as 50' from the right of way of NC24/87. 4. Lot Fill/Gradin_g Gravity Utilities & Access Requirements- These lots must be backfilled in order to facilitate gravity related site infrastructure such as the sanitary sewer utilities as well as the storm drainage inlets required to pick up and treat the anticipated runoff from impervious surfaces on the lots. Furthermore, the lots must be filled and graded such that they offer ADA compliance (American Disabilities Act — Handicap accessibility) which is regulated at a max threshold slope of 1:20. Current topography on these two lots varies greatly as reflected by the existing topo contours and thus the lots must be regraded such that they are accessible from both a serviceability standpoint with the gravity utilities (sewer & storm drainage) and the American Disabilities Act's accessibility perspective. 5. Economic Feasibility due to Number of Parcels — This development's financial viability is predicated on providing the number of lots just as they are shown. The parties committed to the purchase of these lots have stated that they want lots that are 1.0-1.5 acres in size and that these lots must be graded or backfilled to meet their intended needs. Lots C7 and C8 have been specifically tailored at the purchasers' requests to accommodate the intended uses while still abiding by all regulatory criteria (including those set forth by USACE). A quick conceptual estimate has been provided to detail out the costs of the project and the necessary return on investment — losing two lots or recombining them negates the financial feasibility of this project. Furthermore, a document entitled "conservation/preservation notes" has been included to note just how much area will be conserved by showing the remaining areas that will not be developed and the wetlands that won't be disturbed due to honoring the existing wetlands boundaries. Whereas, additional concept maps labeled "Alternate Full Build Out Site Plans" (WLM-2A & WLM-2.1A) for both the northern and southern areas reflect what the developer's desired build out would be if the nationwide permit threshold were greater than 0.5 acres or if an individual permit were to be pursued. If the 0.5 acre wetlands disturbance threshold was not the limiting factor for development, this project could foreseeably increase the number of commercial lots considerably by expanding into those areas that will not be developed per our proposed layout. The site layout as depicted shows just how much area will be conserved. Smith Site Consultants, PLLC. NC FIRM # P-2144 TithSite LTANTS, PLLC The small area surrounded by retaining walls east of the access road doesn't make a lot of sense to me how it stands now. It looks like it's only purpose is to keep the development below the Nationwide threshold. That is correct, the retaining wall just east of the main access road and split amongst lots C7 & C8 has been shown in order to keep the proposed site disturbances to the wetlands below the Nationwide threshold of 0.5 acres. Again, the backfill on lots C7 & C8 are to accommodate the minimum safety requirements of NC Fire Prevention Code, NCDOT Driveway Access Manual's requirements and Harnett County LIDO. The attached documentation shows just how much acreage is being preserved due to remoteness issues due to being isolated by wetlands. • Please look into further avoidance and minimization or offer why that would not be practicable. — All items above have addressed why this would not be practical and the site's design as submitted remains below the 0.5 acre limit of disturbance for wetlands through the NWP process. In summary, this site's design as it has been submitted, abides by the 0.5 acre limit of disturbance NWP threshold required by USACE, while still meeting the public safety requirements of NC Fire Code, those set forth by NCDOT for the development's traffic safety/egress interconnectivity, the American Disability Act's minimum regulations on accessible routes, as well as those set forth by the local planning authority's requirements of all lots having interconnectivity from both a planning standpoint as well as what is required for the access of the local fire department's Fire Apparatus and EMS vehicles. I would ask you to please consider all points made above, which was done so in an effort for the site meet the requirements of all approving agencies, while still abiding by the regulatory criteria for permanent wetlands impacts. This engineer and the developer have gone through extensive measures to try to ensure that all reviewing agencies' concerns are adequately addressed while still offering a commercial development that can suit the parties that will be building these businesses. We feel that with this new information affecting the development's layout, that we can find a way to move forward with USACE and the other agencies involved. Thank you for your time and consideration. Ken Smith Jr., PE PLS Smith Site Consultants, PLLC. NC FIRM # P-2144 ���►►►r r r rrrr►►►� � 4 CARP •o�, ,....., .C,� `aoFESSlp,�9 SEAL 045277 �•, ry w ► 4